1 /*****************************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /*                 (C) Copyright 1992-1997  Alberto Pasquale                 */
4 /*                 Portions (C) Copyright 1999 Per Lundberg                  */
5 /*                                                                           */
6 /*                   A L L   R I G H T S   R E S E R V E D                   */
7 /*                                                                           */
8 /*****************************************************************************/
9 /*                                                                           */
10 /* How to contact the author:  Alberto Pasquale of 2:332/504@fidonet         */
11 /*                             Viale Verdi 106                               */
12 /*                             41100 Modena                                  */
13 /*                             Italy                                         */
14 /*                                                                           */
15 /*****************************************************************************/
17 #ifndef V7_HPP
18 #define V7_HPP
20 extern "C" {
21 typedef struct {
22     word Zone;
23     word Net;
24     word Node;
25     word HubNode;
26     word CallCost;         /* phone company's charge */
27     word MsgFee;           /* Amount charged to user for a message */
28     word NodeFlags;        /* set of flags (see below) */
29     byte ModemType;        /* RESERVED for modem type */
30     byte Phone_len;
31     byte Password_len;
32     byte Bname_len;
33     byte Sname_len;
34     byte Cname_len;
35     byte pack_len;
36     byte BaudRate;         /* baud rate divided by 300 */
37 } _vers7 __attribute__ ((packed));
39 /* defines for NodeFlags word */
41 #define B_hub      0x0001  /* node is a net hub       0000 0000 0000 0001 */
42 #define B_host     0x0002  /* node is a net host      0000 0000 0000 0010 */
43 #define B_region   0x0004  /* node is region coord    0000 0000 0000 0100 */
44 #define B_zone     0x0008  /* node is a zone coord    0000 0000 0000 1000 */
45 #define B_CM       0x0010  /* runs continuous mail    0000 0000 0001 0000 */
46 #define B_ores1    0x0020  /* reserved for Opus       0000 0000 0010 0000 */
47 #define B_ores2    0x0040  /* reserved for Opus       0000 0000 0100 0000 */
48 #define B_ores3    0x0080  /* reserved for Opus       0000 0000 1000 0000 */
49 #define B_ores4    0x0100  /* reserved for Opus       0000 0001 0000 0000 */
50 #define B_ores5    0x0200  /* reserved for Opus       0000 0010 0000 0000 */
51 #define B_res1     0x0400  /* reserved for non-Opus   0000 0100 0000 0000 */
52 #define B_res2     0x0800  /* reserved for non-Opus   0000 1000 0000 0000 */
53 #define B_point    0x1000  /* node is a point         0001 0000 0000 0000 */
54 #define B_res3     0x2000  /* reserved for non-Opus   0010 0000 0000 0000 */
55 #define B_res4     0x4000  /* reserved for non-Opus   0100 0000 0000 0000 */
56 #define B_res5     0x8000  /* reserved for non-Opus   1000 0000 0000 0000 */
59 #define B_admin    (B_hub|B_host|B_region|B_zone|B_point)
62 #define ndx7recsz 512       // for mkndx7 functions
64 typedef struct {   /* structure for temporary NODEXNDX.$$$ */
65     ADR adr;
66     dword datofs;
67 } _ndx7s;
69 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
70 /* nodex.ndx                                                                */
71 /*                                                                          */
72 /* Version 7 Nodelist Index structure.  This is a 512-byte record, which    */
73 /* is defined by three structures:  Record 0 is the Control Record, then    */
74 /* some number of Leaf Node (LNode) Records, then the Index Node (INode)    */
75 /* Records.  This defines an unbalanced binary tree.                        */
76 /*                                                                          */
77 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
79 typedef struct {
80     word    CtlBlkSize; /* Blocksize of Index Blocks   */
81     long    CtlRoot;    /* Block number of Root        */
82     long    CtlHiBlk;   /* Block number of last block  */
83     long    CtlLoLeaf;  /* Block number of first leaf  */
84     long    CtlHiLeaf;  /* Block number of last leaf   */
85     long    CtlFree;    /* Head of freelist            */
86     word    CtlLvls;    /* Number of index levels      */
87     word    CtlParity;  /* XOR of above fields         */
88 } __attribute__ ((packed)) _CtlBlk;
90 typedef struct {     /* IndxFirst is -1 in LNodes   */
91     long    IndxFirst;  /* Pointer to next lower level */
92     long    IndxBLink;  /* Pointer to previous link    */
93     long    IndxFLink;  /* Pointer to next link        */
94     short   IndxCnt;    /* Count of Items in block     */
95     word    IndxStr;    /* Offset in block of 1st str  */
96     struct _LeafRef {
97         word   KeyOfs;  /* Offset of string into block */
98         word   KeyLen;  /* Length of string            */
99         long   KeyVal;  /* Pointer to data block       */
100     } LeafRef[62];
101 } __attribute__ ((packed)) _LNodeBlk;
103 typedef struct {
104     long    IndxFirst;  /* Pointer to next lower level */
105     long    IndxBLink;  /* Pointer to previous link    */
106     long    IndxFLink;  /* Pointer to next link        */
107     short   IndxCnt;    /* Count of Items in block     */
108     word    IndxStr;    /* Offset in block of 1st str  */
109     /* If IndxFirst is NOT -1, this is INode:          */
110     struct _IndxRef {
111     word   IndxOfs; /* Offset of string into block */
112     word   IndxLen; /* Length of string            */
113     long   IndxData;/* Record number of string     */
114     long   IndxPtr; /* Block number of lower index */
115     } IndxRef[41];
116 } __attribute__ ((packed)) _INodeBlk;
119 #define OfsNoLink 0xffffffff
121                     // this is common for all systems
122 struct _DTPAllLnk {
123     word  Region;
124     word  Hub;
125     dword SOfs;     // DAT offset of next Same SysOp entry
126     dword POfs;     // DAT offset of next Same Phone entry
127     dword FeOfs;    // DAT offset of next "Equal Fido Level"
128     byte  Sn;       // Number (base 0) of SysOp entry (ADR order)
129     byte  Pn;       // Number (base 0) of Phone entry (ADR order)
130 } __attribute__ ((packed));
132                     // nodes only (no points)
133 struct _DTPNodeLnk {
134     word  ndowns;   // number of systems in lower level
135     dword FlOfs;    // DAT offset of "Lower Fido Level"
136 } __attribute__ ((packed));
139 struct _DTPLnk {
140     _DTPAllLnk A;
141     _DTPNodeLnk N;
142 } __attribute__ ((packed));
144                     // first record of DTP file
145 struct _DTPCtl {
146     word size;          // Size of this control record
147     byte Version;       // Version of DTP file
148     byte AllFixSize;    // sizeof (_DTPAllLnk)
149     byte AddFixSize;    // sizeof (_DTPNodeLnk)
150 } __attribute__ ((packed));
153 struct _DTPHead {
154     _DTPCtl ctl;
155     _DTPNodeLnk lnk;
156 } __attribute__ ((packed));
157 };
159 #endif