1 program ffma;
2 {
3     FFMA FreeFidoMessageAssistant
5     Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Sven Bursch
7 	Fido:     2:2448/820
8 	Internet: sb100@uni-duisburg.de
10     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13     (at your option) any later version.
15     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18     GNU General Public License for more details.
20     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
25 }
27 {$ifdef __GPC__}
28 {$x+}
29      Uses ini,erweiter,gpcstrings,utils,fparser,memman,log,gpcsmapi,match,fconf,fidoconf2;
30 {$endif}
32 {$ifdef fpc}
33 	{$ifdef linux}
34      Uses crt,dos,ini,erweiter,strings,utils,fparser,memman,log,smapi,match,fconf,fidoconf2;
35 	{$endif}
36 {$endif}
39 const
40 	configfile:string='/etc/fido/ffma.ini';
41 	version='0.08.01';
42     compiler:string='Unknown';
44 type
45  fileuid=record msgbase:String; uid:longint; end;
46  puid=^tuid;
47  tuid=record
48        msgbase:string;
49        uid:longint;
50        next:puid;
51       end;
52 const
53  uidliste:puid=nil;
54  uidlisteout:puid=nil;
55  ffmauid:string='';
57 var
58  fc:ps_fidoconfig;
59  para:record
60         debug:boolean;
61         help:boolean;
62         scanall:boolean;
63         scannew:boolean;
64         saveuid:boolean;
65         test:boolean;
67 		save:boolean;
68       end;
uniqfilenamenull70 function uniqfilename(path:string):string;
71 const
72 	conv:string='0123456789ABCDEF';
74 var
75 	i:word;
76 	name:string;
77 begin
78 	repeat
79 		name:=path+'/';
80 		for i:=1 to 8 do name:=name+conv[random(16)+1];
81 	until not exist(name);
82 	uniqfilename:=name;
83 end;
isdirnull85 function isdir(s:string):boolean;
86 var
87 	dir:searchrec;
88 begin
89 	FindFirst(s, anyfile, Dir);
90 	isdir:=(doserror=0) and ((dir.attr and $10)=$10);
91 end;
93 procedure storeuid(var l:puid;msgbase:string;uid:longint);
94 begin
95  if l=nil then begin
96   new(l);
97   fillchar(l^,sizeof(l),0);
98   l^.msgbase:=msgbase;
99   l^.uid:=uid;
100   l^.next:=nil;
101   exit;
102  end;
103  if l^.msgbase=msgbase then begin
104    l^.uid:=uid;
105    exit;
106  end;
107  storeuid(l^.next,msgbase,uid);
108 end;
110 procedure removeuid(var l:puid;msgbase:string);
111 var
112  x:puid;
113 begin
114  if l=nil then exit;
115  if l^.msgbase=msgbase then begin
116    x:=l;
117    l:=l^.next;
118    dispose(x);
119    exit;
120  end;
121  removeuid(l^.next,msgbase);
122 end;
124 procedure writeuidtofile(l:puid);
125 var
126 	x:fileuid;
127 	f:file of fileuid;
128 	err:integer;
129 begin
130 {$i-}
131 logit(1,'Entering WriteUidToFile');
132 assign(f,ffmauid);
133 {$ifdef __GPC__}
134 rewrite(f);
135 {$else}
136 rewrite(f,1);
137 {$endif}
138 err:=ioresult;
139 if err<>0 then begin logit(9,'Error while opening '+ffmauid+': '+geterrortext(err)); halt; end;
140 while l<>nil do begin
141 	fillchar(x,sizeof(x),0);
142 	x.msgbase:=l^.msgbase;
143 	x.uid:=l^.uid;
144 	logit(1,'Saving: Msgbase: '+l^.msgbase+' UID: '+z2s(l^.uid));
145 	write(f,x);
146 	err:=ioresult;
147 	if err<>0 then begin logit(9,'Error while writing '+ffmauid+': '+geterrortext(err)); halt; end;
148 	l:=l^.next;
149 end;
150 close(f);
151 err:=ioresult;
152 if err<>0 then begin logit(9,'Error while closing '+ffmauid+': '+geterrortext(err)); halt; end;
153 logit(1,'Leaving WriteUidToFile');
154 end;
156 procedure loaduid;
157 var
158  x:fileuid;
159  f:file of fileuid;
160  io:word;
161 begin
162  assign(f,ffmauid);
163  {$ifdef __GPC__}
164  reset(f);
165  {$else}
166  reset(f,1);
167  {$endif}
168  io:=ioresult;
169  if io=2 then exit;
170  if io<>0 then begin
171   logit(9,'Can not read File `'+ffmauid+'`');
172   halt;
173  end;
174  while not eof(f) do begin
175   read(f,x);
176   storeuid(uidliste,x.msgbase,x.uid);
177  end;
178  close(f);
179 end;
getuidnull181 function getuid(msgbase:string;var uid:longint):boolean;
182 var
183  l:puid;
184 begin
185  getuid:=false;
186  l:=uidliste;
187  while l<>nil do begin
188     if l^.msgbase=msgbase then begin uid:=l^.uid; getuid:=true; exit; end;
189     l:=l^.next;
190  end;
191 end;
193 procedure doaction(p:paction;fcarea:ps_area;var area:pharea;var msg:phmsg;var xmsg:pxmsg;var num:longint;var del:boolean);forward;
195 procedure dodostatment(fcarea:ps_area;area:pharea;nr:longint;mask:pmask);
196 var
197  del:boolean;
198  msg:phmsg;
199  xmsg:pxmsg;
200 begin
201    del:=false;
202    logit(4,'Message '+z2s(nr)+' -> '+mask^.maskname);
203    msg:=area^.f^.OpenMsg(area,MOPEN_READ,nr);
204    new(xmsg);
205    area^.f^.ReadMsg(msg,xmsg,0,0,nil,0,nil);
206    doaction(mask^.action,fcarea,area,msg,xmsg,nr,del);
207    area^.f^.closemsg(msg);
208    if del then begin
209         logit(4,'Deleting Message '+z2s(nr));
210         if area^.f^.KillMsg(area,nr) <>0 then begin writeln('Could not delete Message Nr.',nr); halt; end;
211    end;
212    dispose(xmsg);
213 end;
216 procedure actionSEMAPHORE(var ziel:String);
217 var
218  f:file;
219  c:char;
220 begin
221  assign(f,ziel);
222  if not exist(ziel) then begin
223    rewrite(f);
224  end else begin
225  {$ifdef __GPC__}
226  reset(f);
227  {$else}
228  reset(f,1);
229  {$endif}
230    if not eof(f) then begin seek(f,0); blockread(f,c,1); seek(f,0); blockwrite(f,c,1); end;
231  end;
232  close(f);
233 end;
235 procedure actioncopy(farea:ps_area;var area:pharea;var msg:phmsg;var xmsg:pxmsg;num:word;p:paction);
236 var
237  destarea:pharea;
238  destmsg:phmsg;
239  destfcarea:ps_area;
241  ctrlbuf,textbuf:pchar;
242  ctrlsize,textsize:longint;
243  newnr:longint;
244 begin
245 	destfcarea:=getareaimp(fc,p^.msgbase);
246     if destfcarea=nil then begin
247       writeln('Could not open Msgbase: ',p^.msgbase); halt;
248     end;
249     destarea:=MsgOpenArea(destfcarea^.filename,MSGAREA_CRIFNEC,destfcarea^.msgbtype);
250     if destarea=nil then begin
251       writeln('Could not open Msgbase: ',p^.msgbase);  halt;
252     end;
253 	while destarea^.f^.lock(destarea)<>0 do begin writeln('MsgBase locked. Waiting!'); delay(5000); end;
255     if InvalidMh(destarea) then begin
256       writeln('Invalid handle to Msgbase');
257       halt;
258     end;
260     textsize:=area^.f^.GetTextLen(msg);
261     ctrlsize:=area^.f^.GetCtrlLen(msg);
262     textbuf:=getmemory(textsize+1);
263     ctrlbuf:=getmemory(ctrlsize+1);
264     area^.f^.ReadMsg(msg,xmsg,0,textsize,textbuf,ctrlsize,ctrlbuf);
265     destmsg:=destarea^.f^.OpenMsg(destarea,MOPEN_CREATE,0);
266     newnr:=destarea^.high_msg+1;
267     destarea^.f^.WriteMsg(destmsg,0,xmsg,textbuf,textsize,textsize,ctrlsize,ctrlbuf);
268     destarea^.f^.closemsg(destmsg);
269     freememory(textbuf,true);
270     freememory(ctrlbuf,true);
271     if p^.dostat<>nil then dodostatment(destfcarea,destarea,newnr,p^.dostat);
272 	while destarea^.f^.unlock(destarea)<>0 do begin writeln('MsgBase locked. Waiting!'); delay(5000); end;
273     destarea^.f^.closearea(destarea);
274 end;
276 procedure actionexportheader(fcarea:ps_area;var area:pharea;var msg:phmsg;var xmsg:pxmsg;num:word;ziel:string);
277 var
278  f:text;
279  s,t:string;
280  i:word;
281  filename:string;
282 begin
283     area^.f^.ReadMsg(msg,xmsg,0,0,nil,0,nil);
284     if isdir(ziel) then begin
285         filename:=uniqfilename(ziel);
286     end else begin
287         filename:=ziel;
288     end;
289     assign(f,filename);
290     if not exist(filename) then begin rewrite(f); close(f); end;
291     append(f);
292     if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln('Could not open ',ziel); halt; end;
293     writeln(f,asc(80,'='));
294     if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln('Could not writeto ',ziel); halt; end;
295     s:='';
296     for i:=1 to 36 do if xmsg^.fromname[i-1]=#0 then break else s:=s+xmsg^.fromname[i-1];
297     t:='From: '+s+' ('+showaddr(xmsg^.orig)+')';
298     writeln(f,t+asc(80-length(t)-20,' ')+showdatetime(xmsg^.date_written.date,xmsg^.date_written.time));
299     s:='';
300     for i:=1 to 36 do if xmsg^.toname[i-1]=#0 then break else s:=s+xmsg^.toname[i-1];
301     t:='To:   '+s+' ('+showaddr(xmsg^.dest)+')';
302     writeln(f,t+asc(80-length(t)-20,' ')+showdatetime(xmsg^.date_arrived.date,xmsg^.date_arrived.time));
303     s:='';
304     for i:=1 to 72 do if xmsg^.subj[i-1]=#0 then break else s:=s+xmsg^.subj[i-1];
305     writeln(f,'Subj: ',s);
306     close(f);
307 end;
309 procedure actionexportmsg(fcarea:ps_area;var area:pharea;var msg:phmsg;var xmsg:pxmsg;num:word;ziel:string);
310 var
311  textbuf:pchar;
312  textsize,i:longint;
313  f:text;
314  s,t:string;
315  filename:string;
316 begin
317     textsize:=area^.f^.GetTextLen(msg);
318     textbuf:=getmemory(textsize+1);
319     area^.f^.ReadMsg(msg,xmsg,0,textsize,textbuf,0,nil);
320 	if isdir(ziel) then begin
321 		filename:=uniqfilename(ziel);
322 	end else begin
323 		filename:=ziel;
324 	end;
325     assign(f,filename);
326     if not exist(filename) then begin rewrite(f); close(f); end;
327     append(f);
328     if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln('Could not open ',ziel); halt; end;
329     writeln(f,asc(80,'='));
330     if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln('Could not writeto ',ziel); halt; end;
331     s:='';
332     for i:=1 to 36 do if xmsg^.fromname[i-1]=#0 then break else s:=s+xmsg^.fromname[i-1];
333     t:='From: '+s+' ('+showaddr(xmsg^.orig)+')';
334     writeln(f,t+asc(80-length(t)-20,' ')+showdatetime(xmsg^.date_written.date,xmsg^.date_written.time));
335     s:='';
336     for i:=1 to 36 do if xmsg^.toname[i-1]=#0 then break else s:=s+xmsg^.toname[i-1];
337     t:='To:   '+s+' ('+showaddr(xmsg^.dest)+')';
338     writeln(f,t+asc(80-length(t)-20,' ')+showdatetime(xmsg^.date_arrived.date,xmsg^.date_arrived.time));
339     s:='';
340     for i:=1 to 72 do if xmsg^.subj[i-1]=#0 then break else s:=s+xmsg^.subj[i-1];
341     writeln(f,'Subj: ',s);
342     writeln(f,asc(80,'-'));
343     s:='';
344     t:='';
345     for i:=0 to textsize-1 do begin
346       if (textbuf[i]=#13) or (textbuf[i]=#1) then begin
347          if not ((length(s)>0) and (s[1]=#1)) then writeln(f,s+t);
348          s:=''; T:='';
349          if textbuf[i]=#1 then s:=#1;
350          continue;
351       end;
352       if textbuf[i]=#0 then break;
353       if textbuf[i]=' ' then begin
354        t:=t+textbuf[i];
355        if (length(s)+length(t))>80 then begin writeln(f,s); S:=''; end;
356        s:=s+t;
357        t:='';
358        continue;
359       end;
360       t:=t+textbuf[i];
361     end;
362     if not ((length(s)>0) and (s[1]=#1)) then writeln(f,s+t);
363     close(f);
364     freememory(textbuf,true);
365 end;
368 procedure actionechocopy(fcarea:ps_area;var area:pharea;var msg:phmsg;var xmsg:pxmsg;num:word;a:paction);
369 const
370  deforigin=#$0d+'---'+#$0d+' * Origin: Default ';
371 var
372  destarea:pharea;
373  destmsg:phmsg;
374  destfcarea:ps_area;
375  ctrlbuf,textbuf:pchar;
376  ctrlsize,textsize:longint;
377  pp,ppp:pchar;
378  kludge,enter:pchar;
379  ORIGIN:pchar;
380  s:string;
381  I:longint;
382  newnr:longint;
383 begin
384     destfcarea:=getareaimp(fc,a^.msgbase);
385     if destfcarea=nil then begin
386       writeln('Could not open Msgbase via fidoconfig: ',a^.msgbase);
387       halt;
388     end;
389     destarea:=MsgOpenArea(destfcarea^.filename,MSGAREA_CRIFNEC,destfcarea^.msgbtype);
390     if destarea=nil then begin
391       writeln('Could not open Msgbase: ',a^.msgbase);
392       halt;
393     end;
394     if InvalidMh(destarea) then begin
395       writeln('Invalid handle to Msgbase');
396       halt;
397     end;
398     newnr:=destarea^.high_msg+1;
399     textsize:=area^.f^.GetTextLen(msg);
400     textbuf:=getmemory(textsize+10000);
401     ctrlbuf:=nil; ctrlsize:=0;
402     area^.f^.ReadMsg(msg,xmsg,0,textsize,textbuf,0,nil);
403 	textbuf[textsize]:=#0;
404     xmsg^.orig:=a^.addr;
405     xmsg^.attr:=msglocal;
406     pp:=psearch(textbuf,#$0d+'--- ');
407     while pp<>nil do begin pp[2]:='+'; pp:=psearch(textbuf,#$0d+'--- '); end;
409     pp:=psearchI(textbuf,#$0d+' * Origin: ');
410     while pp<>nil do begin pp[2]:='+'; pp:=psearchI(textbuf,#$0d+' * Origin: '); end;
412 	{Entfernung alle Kludges am Ende der Nachricht}
413     repeat
414       enter:=strrscan(textbuf,#$0d);
415       if enter=nil then break;
416       kludge:=strrscan(textbuf,#1);
417       if kludge=nil then break;
418       ppp:=strscan(kludge,#$0d);
419       if ppp=nil then break;
420       if ppp=enter then begin
421         kludge[0]:=#0;
422       end else break;
423     until false;
425     textsize:=strlen(textbuf)+1;
426 	s:=deforigin+'('+showaddr(xmsg^.orig)+')'#13'SEEN-BY: '+a^.seenby+#13#0;
427 	origin:=getmemory(length(s)+1);
428 	strpcopy(origin,s);
430 	strcat(textbuf,origin);
432     destmsg:=destarea^.f^.OpenMsg(destarea,MOPEN_CREATE,0);
433     destarea^.f^.WriteMsg(destmsg,0,xmsg,textbuf,strlen(textbuf),strlen(textbuf),0,ctrlbuf);
434     destarea^.f^.closemsg(destmsg);
435     freememory(textbuf,true);
436 	freememory(origin,true);
437     if a^.dostat<>nil then dodostatment(destfcarea,destarea,newnr,a^.dostat);
438     destarea^.f^.closearea(destarea);
439 end;
createkludgesnull441 function createkludges(orig,dest:netaddr;createmsgid:boolean):pchar;
442 var
443  s:string;
444  p:pchar;
445 begin
446  s:='';
447  if createmsgid then s:=#1+'MSGID: '+z2s(orig.zone)+':'+z2s(orig.net)+'/'+z2s(orig.node)+'.'+z2s(orig.point)+' '+longint2hex(msgid);
448  s:=s+#1+'INTL '+z2s(dest.zone)+':'+z2s(dest.net)+'/'+z2s(dest.node)+' '+
449     z2s(orig.zone)+':'+z2s(orig.net)+'/'+z2s(orig.node);
450  if dest.point<>0 then begin
451   s:=s+#1+'TOPT '+z2s(dest.point);
452  end;
453  if orig.point<>0 then begin
454   s:=s+#1+'FMPT '+z2s(orig.point);
455  end;
456  p:=getmemory(length(s)+1);
457  strpcopy(p,s);
458  createkludges:=p;
459 end;
461 procedure eval(xmsg:pxmsg;var textsize:longint;var textbuf:pchar);
462 const
463  syb:array[1..7] of string=('TO','FR','OR','DE','SU','TI','DA');
foundnull464  function found(s:string):byte;
465  var
466   k:byte;
467  begin
468   found:=0;
469   for k:=1 to 9 do if '%'+syb[k]=s then begin found:=k; break; end;
470  end;
472 var
473  i,j,x:longint;
474  l:boolean;
475  s:string;
476  p,org:pchar;
477 begin
478  p:=getmemory(textsize+10000);
479  org:=textbuf;
480  x:=0;
481  l:=false;
482  S:='';
483  for i:=0 to textsize-1 do begin
484      if l then begin
485         s:=s+textbuf[i];
486         if length(s)=3 then begin
487           case found(up(s)) of
488           0: begin s:=''; end;
489           1: s:=array2string(xmsg^.toname,36);
490           2: s:=array2string(xmsg^.fromname,36);
491           3: s:=showaddr(xmsg^.orig);
492           4: s:=showaddr(xmsg^.dest);
493           5: s:=array2string(xmsg^.subj,72);
494           6: s:=showtime(xmsg^.date_written.time);
495           7: s:=showdate(xmsg^.date_written.date);
496           end;
497           for j:=1 to length(s) do begin p[x]:=s[j]; inc(x); end;
498           s:='';
499           l:=false;
500         end;
501         continue;
502      end;
503      if textbuf[i]<>'%' then begin
504         p[x]:=textbuf[i]; inc(x);
505      end else begin
506         l:=true;
507         s:='%';
508      end;
509  end;
510  if p[x]<>#0 then begin
511   p[x]:=#0; inc(x);
512  end;
513  textbuf:=p;
514  textsize:=x;
515  freememory(org,true);
516 end;
519 procedure actionbounce(fcarea:ps_area;var area:pharea;var msg:phmsg;var xmsg:pxmsg;num:word;p:paction);
520 var
521  f:file;
522  destarea:pharea;
523  destfcarea:ps_area;
524  xmsgnew:pxmsg;
525  msgnew:phmsg;
526  textsize:longint;
527  ctrlbuf,textbuf,msgbuf:pchar;
528  destmsg:phmsg;
529  msgsize,buffersize:longint;
530  newnr:longint;
531  del:boolean;
532 begin
533   assign(f,p^.filename);
534  if not exist(P^.filename) then begin
535  	logit(9,'File '+p^.filename+' not found!'); halt;
536  end;
537  {$ifdef __GPC__}
538  reset(f);
539  {$else}
540  reset(f,1);
541  {$endif}
542   textsize:=filesize(f);
543   textbuf:=getmemory(textsize+10000);
544   {Reading File}
545   blockread(f,textbuf^,filesize(f));
546   textbuf[textsize]:=#0; inc(textsize);
547   {Reading Msg-Header, creating new Header}
548   area^.f^.ReadMsg(msg,xmsg,0,0,nil,0,nil);
549   new(xmsgnew);
550   fillchar(xmsgnew^,sizeof(xmsgnew^),0);
551   xmsgnew^.fromname:=xmsg^.toname;
552   xmsgnew^.attr:=msglocal;
553   xmsgnew^.toname:=xmsg^.fromname;
554   xmsgnew^.subj:=xmsg^.subj;
555   xmsgnew^.orig:=p^.addr;
556   xmsgnew^.dest:=xmsg^.orig;
557   xmsgnew^.utc_ofs:=0;
558   datetime2ftsdate(xmsgnew^.date_written.date,xmsgnew^.date_written.time,xmsgnew^.__ftsc_date);
559   xmsgnew^.date_arrived.date:=xmsgnew^.date_written.date;
560   xmsgnew^.date_arrived.time:=xmsgnew^.date_written.time;
561 {Ersetze %?? durch Headerdaten}
562   eval(xmsg,textsize,textbuf);
563   ctrlbuf:=createkludges(xmsgnew^.orig,xmsgnew^.dest,true);
564   if (p^.msgbase=nil) or (strpas(p^.msgbase)='') then begin
565      newnr:=area^.high_msg+1;
566      destmsg:=area^.f^.OpenMsg(area,MOPEN_CREATE,0);
567      destarea:=area;
568   end else begin
569 	destfcarea:=getareaimp(fc,p^.msgbase);
570     if destfcarea=nil then begin
571       writeln('Could not open Msgbase via fidoconfig: ',p^.msgbase);
572       halt;
573     end;
574     destarea:=MsgOpenArea(destfcarea^.filename,MSGAREA_CRIFNEC,destfcarea^.msgbtype);
575     if destarea=nil then begin
576       writeln('Could not open Msgbase via fidoconfig: ',p^.msgbase);
577       halt;
578     end;
579     newnr:=destarea^.high_msg+1;
580     if destarea=nil then begin
581       writeln('Could not open Msgbase: ',p^.msgbase);
582       halt;
583     end;
584     if InvalidMh(destarea) then begin
585       writeln('Invalid handle to Msgbase');
586       halt;
587     end;
588     destmsg:=destarea^.f^.OpenMsg(destarea,MOPEN_CREATE,0);
589   end;
590   if (p^.spe and actionbouncefullmessage)<>0 then begin
591     msgsize:=area^.f^.GetTextLen(msg);
592     msgbuf:=getmemory(msgsize+1);
593     area^.f^.ReadMsg(msg,nil,0,msgsize,msgbuf,0,nil);
594     destarea^.f^.WriteMsg(destmsg,0,xmsgnew,textbuf,textsize-1,textsize+msgsize,strlen(ctrlbuf),ctrlbuf);
595     destarea^.f^.WriteMsg(destmsg,1,xmsgnew,msgbuf,msgsize,textsize+msgsize,0,nil);
596     freememory(msgbuf,true);
597   end else begin
598     destarea^.f^.WriteMsg(destmsg,0,xmsgnew,textbuf,textsize,textsize,strlen(ctrlbuf),ctrlbuf);
599   end;
600   freememory(textbuf,true);
601   freememory(ctrlbuf,true);
602   destarea^.f^.closemsg(destmsg);
603   dispose(xmsgnew);
604   if p^.dostat<>nil then dodostatment(destfcarea,destarea,newnr,p^.dostat);
605   if p^.msgbase<>nil then
606   if strpas(p^.msgbase)<>'' then begin
607      destarea^.f^.closearea(area);
608   end;
609 end;
611 procedure actionrewrite(var fcara:ps_area;var area:pharea;var msg:phmsg;var xmsg:pxmsg;num:word;p:paction);
612 var
613  s:string;
614  i:word;
615  ppp,pp:pchar;
616  ctrlbuf,textbuf:pchar;
617  ctrlsize,textsize:longint;
618  o,d:netaddr;
619 begin
620  logit(1,'ACTION REWRITE: Subaction '+z2s(p^.spe)+' '+p^.str);
621  if p^.str[1]='"' then delete(p^.str,1,1);
622  if p^.str[length(p^.str)]='"' then delete(p^.str,length(p^.str),1);
623  logit(1,'ACTION REWRITE: Subaction '+z2s(p^.spe)+' '+p^.str);
624  case p^.spe of
625  actionrewriteFromName:begin
626                          s:=copy(p^.str,1,32); while length(s)<32 do s:=S+#0;
627                          for i:=1 to 32 do xmsg^.fromname[i-1]:=s[i];
628                          area^.f^.WriteMsg(msg,0,xmsg,nil,0,0,0,nil);
629                        end;
630  actionrewriteToName:begin
631                          s:=copy(p^.str,1,32); while length(s)<32 do s:=S+#0;
632                          for i:=1 to 32 do xmsg^.toname[i-1]:=s[i];
633                          area^.f^.WriteMsg(msg,0,xmsg,nil,0,0,0,nil);
634                        end;
635  actionrewriteFromAddr,actionrewriteToaddr:begin
636                          textsize:=area^.f^.GetTextLen(msg);
637                          ctrlsize:=area^.f^.GetCtrlLen(msg);
638                          textbuf:=getmemory(textsize+1);
639                          ctrlbuf:=getmemory(ctrlsize+1000);
640                          area^.f^.ReadMsg(msg,xmsg,0,textsize,textbuf,ctrlsize,ctrlbuf);
641                          area^.f^.closemsg(msg);
642                          {Current Orig, Dest}
643                          o:=xmsg^.orig; d:=xmsg^.dest;
644                          getfulladdr(ctrlbuf,ctrlsize,o,d);
645                          {Change Orig, create new Kludges (intl, fmpt, topt}
646                          if p^.spe=actionrewriteFromAddr then begin
647                            o:=p^.addr;
648                            xmsg^.orig:=p^.addr;
649                          end;
650                          if p^.spe=actionrewriteToaddr then begin
651                            d:=p^.addr;
652                            xmsg^.dest:=p^.addr;
653                          end;
654                          pp:=createkludges(o,d,false);
655                          ppp:=getmemory(strlen(ctrlbuf)+strlen(pp)+1);
656                          strcopy(ppp,pp);
657                          strcat(ppp,ctrlbuf);
658                          msg:=area^.f^.OpenMsg(area,MOPEN_CREATE,num);
659                          area^.f^.WriteMsg(msg,0,xmsg,textbuf,textsize,textsize,strlen(ppp),ppp);
660                          area^.f^.closemsg(msg);
661                          msg:=area^.f^.OpenMsg(area,MOPEN_READ,num);
662                          freememory(textbuf,true);
663                          freememory(ctrlbuf,true);
664                          freememory(ppp,true);
665                          freememory(pp,true);
666                        end;
667  actionrewriteSubj:begin
668                          s:=copy(p^.str,1,72); while length(s)<72 do s:=S+#0;
669                          for i:=1 to 72 do xmsg^.subj[i-1]:=s[i];
670                          area^.f^.WriteMsg(msg,0,xmsg,nil,0,0,0,nil);
671                        end;
672  else begin
673         logit(9,'ACTION REWRITE: Subaction '+z2s(p^.spe)+' not found');
674         halt;
675       end;
676  end;
677 end;
679 procedure actionwritetofile(filename,str:string);
680 var
681  f:text;
682 begin
683  assign(f,filename);
684  if not exist(filename) then begin rewrite(f); close(f); end;
685  append(f);
686  writeln(f,transstring(str));
687  close(f);
688 end;
690 procedure doaction(p:paction;fcarea:ps_area;var area:pharea;var msg:phmsg;var xmsg:pxmsg;var num:longint;var del:boolean);
691 begin
692  del:=false;
693  while p<>nil do begin
694   case p^.action of
695   actionCopy_: begin
696                actioncopy(fcarea,area,msg,xmsg,num,p);
697               end;
698   actionMOVE_: begin
699                actioncopy(fcarea,area,msg,xmsg,num,p);
700                del:=True;
701               end;
702   actionDEL_: begin
703                 del:=true;
704               end;
705   actionREWRITE_: begin
706                 actionrewrite(fcarea,area,msg,xmsg,num,p);
707               end;
708   actionechoCopy_: begin
709                actionechocopy(fcarea,area,msg,xmsg,num,p);
710               end;
711   actionechoMove_: begin
712                actionechocopy(fcarea,area,msg,xmsg,num,p);
713                del:=true;
714               end;
715   actionexportmsg_:actionexportmsg(fcarea,area,msg,xmsg,num,p^.filename);
716   actionexportheader_:actionexportheader(fcarea,area,msg,xmsg,num,p^.filename);
717   actionSEMAPHORE_:actionSEMAPHORE(p^.filename);
718   actionbounce_:actionbounce(fcarea,area,msg,xmsg,num,p);
719   actionwritetofile_:actionwritetofile(p^.filename,p^.str);
720   else begin
721    writeln('Unknown Action ',p^.action); halt;
722    end;
723   end;
724   p:=p^.next;
725  end;
726 end;
731 procedure scan(fc:ps_fidoconfig);
732 Var
733  area:pharea;
734  msg:phmsg;
735  xmsg:pxmsg;
736  l:pliste;
737  mask:pmask;
738  num:longint;
739  anz:longint;
740  del:boolean;
741  uid:longint;
742  a:ps_area;
743 begin
744  l:=liste;
745  while l<>nil do begin
746     {OPEN}
747     if strpas(l^.msgbase)='' then begin l:=l^.next; continue; end;
748     logit(4,'Open Area '+strpas(l^.msgbase));
749     a:=getareaimp(fc,l^.msgbase);
750     if a=nil then begin logit(9,'Could not open Msgbase via fidoconfig: '+strpas(l^.msgbase)); halt; end;
751     area:=MsgOpenArea(a^.filename,MSGAREA_CRIFNEC,a^.msgbtype);
752     if area=nil then begin logit(9,'Could not open Msgbase: '+strpas(l^.msgbase)); halt; end;
753 	while area^.f^.lock(area)<>0 do begin writeln('MsgBase locked. Waiting!'); delay(5000); end;
754     if InvalidMh(area) then begin logit(9,'Invalid handle to Msgbase'); halt; end;
755 {    if area^.num_msg<>area^.high_msg then begin logit(9,'NUM_MSG<>HIGH_MSG'); halt; end;}
756     writeln('Scanning '+strpas(l^.msgbase)+' ',area^.num_msg,' Mails');
757     new(xmsg);
758     num:=1;
759     anz:=area^.high_msg;
760     {UID}
761     if getuid(strpas(l^.msgbase),uid) then begin
762        num:=area^.f^.UidToMsgn(area,uid,uid_exact);
763        if num=0 then begin
764           num:=area^.f^.UidToMsgn(area,uid,uid_next);
765           logit(2,'UID ('+z2s(uid)+') matchs next to Msg '+z2s(num));
766           if num=0 then begin
767 	      		logit(4,'Ignoring all Message in this Area because the UID is 0. Use Scanall if necessary.');
768 				num:=anz+1;
769 		  end;
770        end else begin
771           inc(num);
772           logit(2,'UID ('+z2s(uid)+') matchs exact to Msg '+z2s(num));
773        end;
774     end else begin
775        logit(2,'No UID for Area '+strpas(l^.msgbase)+'. Starting at Msg 1');
776     end;
778     {Scanning}
779     if anz<num then begin writeln('No new messages to scan'); end;
780     while num<=anz do begin
781       msg:=area^.f^.OpenMsg(area,MOPEN_READ,num);
782       if msg=nil then begin
783 {        logit(1,'Message '+z2s(num)+' does not exist');}
784 		inc(num);
785 		continue;
786       end;
787       logit(1,'Processing Message '+z2s(num));
788       write(num,' ');
789       area^.f^.ReadMsg(msg,xmsg,0,0,nil,0,nil);
790       mask:=l^.mask;
791       del:=false;
792       while (mask<>nil) and (del=false) do begin
793          if mask^.search=nil then begin writeln('no search statment for ',mask^.maskname); halt; end;
794          if (mask^.search^.l^.ele = 'ANY') or match_(area,msg,xmsg,mask^.search) then begin
795 			inc(mask^.hits);
796             logit(4,'Message '+z2s(num)+'/'+z2s(anZ)+' '+array2string(xmsg^.subj,72)+' matchs to  '+mask^.maskname);
797             if not para.test then doaction(mask^.action,a,area,msg,xmsg,num,del);
798          end;
799          mask:=mask^.next;
800       end;
801       area^.f^.closemsg(msg);
802       if del then begin
803          logit(4,'Deleting Message '+z2s(num));
804          if area^.f^.KillMsg(area,num) <>0 then begin logit(9,'Could not delete Message Nr.'+z2s(num)); halt; end;
805          if (area^.type_ <> MSGTYPE_SQUISH) then inc(num);
806       end else begin
807          inc(num);
808       end;
809     end;
810     dispose(xmsg);
811     writeln; writeln;
812     if area^.num_msg>0 then begin
813         logit(4,'SCAN: MB:'+strpas(l^.msgbase)+' Anz:'+z2s(area^.num_msg)+' Anz2:'+z2s(area^.num_msg)+' UID:'+z2s(area^.f^.msgntouid(area,area^.num_msg)));
814 		storeuid(uidlisteout,strpas(l^.msgbase),area^.f^.msgntouid(area,area^.num_msg))
815 	end else begin
816         logit(4,'SCAN: MB:'+strpas(l^.msgbase)+'No UID');
817 		removeuid(uidlisteout,strpas(l^.msgbase));
818     end;
819 	while area^.f^.unlock(area)<>0 do begin writeln('MsgBase locked. Waiting!'); delay(5000); end;
820     area^.f^.closearea(area);
821     l:=l^.next;
822  end;
823 end;
825 procedure Statistic;
826 Var
827  no:boolean;
828  l:pliste;
829  mask:pmask;
830  s:string;
831  loglevel:byte;
832 begin
833  logit(4,'Statistics:');
834  l:=liste;
835  no:=true;
836  while l<>nil do begin
837       mask:=l^.mask;
838       while (mask<>nil) do begin
839 		if mask^.hits=0 then begin
840 			loglevel:=2;
841 		end else begin
842 			loglevel:=4; no:=false;
843 		end;
844 		logit(loglevel,'   '+mask^.maskname+' ('+l^.msgbase+') : '+z2s(mask^.hits));
845     	mask:=mask^.next;
846       end;
847 	  l:=l^.next;
848  end;
849  if no then logit(4,'   none');
850 end;
852 procedure help;
853 begin
854  writeln;
855  writeln('Commands:');
856  writeln('ScanAll       Scan all Messages and execute actions.');
857  writeln('ScanNew       Scan only new Messages and execute actions.');
858  writeln('Saveuid       Save only the UID of the last Message. Nothing else.');
859  writeln('Check         check the CFG-File. Nothing else.');
860  writeln;
861  writeln('Options:');
862  writeln('--notsave       Do not save the UID of the last Message after scanning.');
863  writeln('--save          Save the UID of the last Message after scanning. (Default)');
864  writeln;
865  writeln('--config=<file> Configfile (Default --config=/etc/fido/ffma)');
866  writeln('--uid=<file>    File where ffma should save the uid''s.');
867  writeln('--help          Help');
868 end;
870 procedure checkpara;
871 var
872  i:word;
873  s:string;
874  nrpara:word;
875 begin
876  fillchar(para,sizeof(para),0);
877  if paramcount=0 then begin
878    writeln('Nothing to do!');
879    help; halt;
880  end;
881  nrpara:=0;
882  para.save:=true;
883  for i:=1 to paramcount do begin
884     if nrpara>1 then begin
885         writeln('too much commands'); halt;
886     end;
887     s:=up(paramstr(i));
888     if (s='HELP') or (s='-HELP') or (s='--HELP') or (s='-?') or (s='/?') then begin para.help:=true; continue; end;
889     if (s='--DEBUG') then begin para.debug:=true; continue; end;
890     if (s='SAVEUID')  then begin inc(nrpara); para.saveuid:=true; continue; end;
891     if (s='SCANALL')  then begin inc(nrpara); para.scanall:=true; continue; end;
892     if (s='SCANNEW')  then begin inc(nrpara); para.scannew:=true; continue; end;
893     if (s='TEST') then begin inc(nrpara); para.test:=True; continue; end;
894     if (s='CHECK') then begin inc(nrpara); para.test:=True; continue; end;
896     if (s='--NOTSAVE') then begin para.save:=false; continue; end;
897     if (s='--SAVE') then begin para.save:=true; continue; end;
899     if (copy(s,1,3)='-C=') or (copy(s,1,9)='--CONFIG=') then begin
900       s:=paramstr(i);
901       if copy(up(s),1,3)='-C' then delete(s,1,3) else delete(s,1,9);
902       if not exist(s) then begin writeln('File not found: `',s,'`'); halt; end;
903       configfile:=s;
904       continue;
905     end;
906     if (copy(s,1,3)='-U=') or (copy(s,1,6)='--UID=') then begin
907       s:=paramstr(i);
908       if copy(up(s),1,3)='-U' then delete(s,1,3) else delete(s,1,6);
909       ffmauid:=s;
910       continue;
911     end;
912     writeln('unrecognized option/command `'+paramstr(i)+'`'); halt;
913  end;
914  if para.test then logit(9,'TESTMODE');
915  if para.help then begin help; halt; end;
916 end;
918 procedure storeuid_;
919 Var
920  area:pharea;
921  l:pliste;
922  anz:longint;
923  fcarea:ps_area;
924 begin
925  l:=liste;
926  while l<>nil do begin
927     if strpas(l^.msgbase)='' then begin l:=l^.next;  continue; end;
928     logit(4,'Open Area '+strpas(l^.msgbase));
929     fcarea:=getareaimp(fc,l^.msgbase);
930     if fcarea=nil then begin logit(9,'Could not open Msgbase: '+strpas(l^.msgbase)); halt; end;
931     area:=MsgOpenArea(fcarea^.filename,MSGAREA_CRIFNEC,fcarea^.msgbtype);
932     if area=nil then begin logit(9,'Could not open Msgbase: '+strpas(l^.msgbase)); halt; end;
933 	while area^.f^.lock(area)<>0 do begin writeln('MsgBase locked. Waiting!'); delay(5000); end;
934     if InvalidMh(area) then begin logit(9,'Invalid handle to Msgbase'); halt; end;
935 {    if area^.num_msg<>area^.high_msg then begin logit(9,'NUM_MSG<>HIGH_MSG'); halt; end;}
936     anz:=area^.high_msg;
937     logit(3,strpas(l^.msgbase)+': Msg '+z2s(area^.high_msg)+' Uid:'+z2s(area^.f^.msgntouid(area,anz)));
938     if anz>0 then storeuid(uidlisteout,strpas(l^.msgbase),area^.f^.msgntouid(area,anz));
939 	while area^.f^.unlock(area)<>0 do begin writeln('MsgBase locked. Waiting!'); delay(5000); end;
940     area^.f^.closearea(area);
941     l:=l^.next;
942  end;
943 end;
946 var
947  m:p_minf;
948  list:pliste;
949  mask:pmask;
950  ok:boolean;
951  i:longint;
952 begin
953 	ok:=false;
954 	randomize;
955     {$ifdef FPC}{$ifdef LINUX} ok:=true; compiler:='FPC/LINUX'; {$endif}{$endif}
956 	{$ifdef __GPC__}
957 		writeln('Warning!');
958 		writeln('This version of FFMA is compiled with GPC.');
959 		writeln('Maybe this version does not work correct! Be careful!');
960 		writeln;
961 		writeln('Press enter to continue');
962 		readln;
963 		compiler:='GPC';
964 		ok:=true;
965 	 {$endif}
967 	 if not ok then begin
968 	 	writeln('Please do not use FFMA under this OS!'); halt(255);
969 	 end;
971 	 fc:=readconfig(NIL);
972 	 openlogfile(strpas(fc^.logfiledir)+'ffma.log');
973 	 if getConfigFileNameForProgram('FFMA','ffma.ini')<>nil then begin
974 		configfile:=getConfigFileNameForProgram('FFMA','ffma.ini');
975 	 end;
977 	 logit(2,'FreeFidoMessageAssistant '+version+' '+compiler);
978 	 logit(2,'Copyright by Sven Bursch, Germany  1998-1999');
979 	 logit(2,'FFMA comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See COPYING');
980 	 logit(2,'');
981 	 logit(0,'Memory: '+z2s(memavail)+'  Configfile: '+configfile);
983 	 checkpara;
984 	 readini(configfile,fc);
985 	 if ffmauid='' then begin
986 		 ffmauid:=getConfigFileName;
987 		 for i:=length(ffmauid) downto 1 do begin
988 			if ffmauid[i] in ['\','/'] then break;
989 			delete(ffmauid,i,1);
990 		 end;
991 		 ffmauid:=ffmauid+'ffma.uid';
992 	end;
994  {Open Smapi}
995  new(m); m^.req_version:=0; m^.def_zone:=2;
996  if msgopenapi(m)<>0 then begin  writeln('Could not open MsgApi'); halt; end;
998  {Loading UID}
999  if para.scannew then loaduid;
1001  {Scaning}
1002  if para.scannew or para.scanall or para.test then begin
1003 	scan(fc);
1004 	statistic;
1005  end;
1006  {Storing UID}
1007  if para.saveuid then storeuid_;
1009  {Close Smapi}
1010  msgcloseapi; dispose(m);
1012  {Saving UID}
1013  if (para.save) and (not para.test) then writeuidtofile(uidlisteout);
1015  {Cleanup}
1016  shownotfree;
1017  logit(0,z2s(memavail));
1018  logit(3,'Normal exit');
1019 end.