.% $Id$
"hptutil" "1" "1.4" "Stas Degteff" "husky"

hptutil - a messagebase service utility for HPT. This program is part of the Husky Fidonet software project.


hptutil [-j] [-k] [-q] [-d] [-i <importlog>] link

hptutil [-j] [-k] [-q] [-d] [-i <importlog>] pack

hptutil [-j] [-k] [-q] [-d] [-i <importlog>] purge

hptutil [-j] [-k] [-q] [-d] [-i <importlog>] sort

hptutil [-j] [-k] [-q] [-d] [-i <importlog>] undel

hptutil [-q] [-d] fix (-s|-S) <msgbasepath>


importlog file with echoareas list for processing
msgbasepath Pathname of Squish messagebase without suffix .sqd

hptutil is auxiliary program for fidonet message base maintenance. First, this program used for sorting messages by date. Second, for removing old messages. Third, for linking chains of messages for discussion threads. Four, for removing messages what marked for deletion. Fifthly, for fixing messagebases errors. hptutil reads a fidoconfig (husky configuration file), checks an importlog file (from fidoconfig or from command line) and process echoaread specified in this file. If importlog file is not exist or is't empty hptutil process all aread from fidoconfig. A fidoconfig pathname should be specified in the FIDOCONFIG enviroment variable, otherwize hptutil look file "config" in current directory. hptutil supports Jam and Squish messagebases formats, and for fix command - only Squish.


fix Fix messagebase errors. New messagebase created with names like FixV1_09.sqd

link if exist importlog file, linking only areas in this file, linking all areas if importlog not exist. The deletion of importlog subscribed in fidoconfig (and no deleted at all, if you use option -k). Linking all active messages in area.

pack Packing msgbase, used function of renaming files, thats why Golded can't stay in reading areas, in this case may be problems (1st warning!). Squish packing didn't set umsgid=1 on first letter. No lastread changeing, but if umsgid = FFFFFFFF - this is will be wrong - not checked (2nd warning!). In Jam base first letter also non 1, no lastread changing, but if BaseMsgNum will be FFFFFFFF and then 0 lastread's will be damaged - not checked (3rd warning!). Reply chains not killed.

purge Checked all keywords from fidoconfig (maybe I've forgoten something, but I tryed). From fidoconfig - keepUnread, killRead, purge, max. No packing, messages only "marked" as deleted. Reply chains not killed.

sort If exist importlog file, sorting only areas in this file, sorting all areas if importlog not exist. File importlog not deleted. Sorting started from lastread, condition - date of the message. Reply chains is killed.

undel Search messages marked for deletion and remove "delete" flag from these messages. If exist importlog file, process only areas in this file.

Working as separate modules, for example: hptutil purge

hptutil pack and with several command line options: hptutil sort link if you set several command line options, work will be not in this order, but first will be purge, then pack, sort, link.


-i <importlog>

-I <importlog> Use alternate <importlog> file contains echoareas list for processing.

-j Link Jam areas by CRC. This is fast but not accuracy method of linkage.

-k Don;t remove importlog file.

-q Quiet mode (don't output information messages to screen).

-d <level>

-D <level> Set debug output level to "level".

-s <msgbasepath

-S <msgbasepath Pathname of Squish messagebase without suffix .sqd





FIDOCONFIG Full pathname of the husky fidoconfig file.


To sort and link all echoes:

hptutil -i notexistent.file sort link

To sort and link echoesi with new messages you should specifies "importlog" in the fidoconfig and call hptutil after tosser immediately:

hpt toss; hptutil sort link

To purge only one echoarea you can run several command sequence:

echo FIDOSOFT.HUSKY > /tmp/file.tmp

hptutil -i file.tmp purge

rm /tmp/file.tmp

To fix Squish messagebase:

hptutil fix -s /fido/msgb/ru.husky

mv /fido/msgb/FixV1_09.sqd /fido/msgb/ru.husky.old.sqd

mv /fido/msgb/FixV1_09.sqd /fido/msgb/ru.husky.sqd

hptutil pack may damage messagebase. Please backup the messagebase before packing.

Fedor Lizunkov 2:5020/960@fidonet

Max Levenkov <sackett@mail.ru>


hpt(1), sqpack(1)