1Here's some help about how you can use AreaFix to change your echomail areas.
5 Msg  : 5 of 8                             Pvt
6 From : Your Name                          2:5020/960.1    13 Feb 99  19:51:12
7 To   : AreaFix                            2:5020/960      15 Feb 99  21:57:42
8 Subj : PASSWORD              <- Your password
10 RA_UTIL                      <- Add (link) area
11 +DFUE.GER                    <- same
12 -SYSOPS.024                  <- Remove (unlink) area
13 U.ENG.*                      <- Add all areas beginning with U.ENG.
14 -F.???.COMP.*                <- Remove all areas that match this pattern
15 *                            <- Add all areas available for you
16 -*                           <- Remove all linked areas
17 ~RU.SEX                      <- Delete this area
18 %INFO                        <- Ask for general information
19 %LIST                        <- List all available areas
20 %LIST DN.*                   <- List available areas that match pattern
21 %LIST ! DN.*                 <- List all available areas except
22                                 areas that match pattern
23 %QUERY                       <- List of areas which you are currently
24                                 linked to
25 %LINKED                      <- same as %QUERY
26 %UNLINKED                    <- List available areas which you are not
27                                 currently linked to
28 %AVAIL                       <- List all areas that are available at
29                                 this system's uplinks
30 %AVAIL DN.*                  <- List areas that are available at
31                                 this system's uplinks and match pattern
32 %AVAIL ! DN.*                <- List all areas that are available at this
33                                 system's uplinks except areas that match
34                                 pattern
35 %PAUSE                       <- If you go to holiday you can stop receiving
36                                 echomail for that time without manually
37                                 removing each area with '-AREANAME'.
38 %RESUME                      <- Switch echomail receiving ON again.
39 %HELP                        <- AreaFix will send you this help.
40 %RESCAN 541.LOCAL            <- Rescan area
41 %RESCAN OS2.*                <- same
42 %RESCAN linux.develop.ger 200      <- Rescan the last 200 mails
43 %RESCAN linux.develop.ger 30 days  <- Rescan mails for last 30 days
44 %RESCAN                      <- Turn on rescanning of following subscription
45 NSK.SYSOP /r                 <- Subscribe & rescan area
46 NSK.PARTY /r=100             <- Subscribe & rescan the last 100 mails
47 NSK.PARTY /r=30 days         <- Subscribe & rescan mails for last 30 days
48%COMPRESS                     <- Ask for list of packers
49%COMPRESS zip                 <- Switch current packer to 'zip'
50%COMPRESS none                <- Turn off packing your mail
51%PACKER <packer>              <- same as %compress
52%RSB on                       <- Turn on reduced SEEN-BY mode (FSC-0093)
53%RSB off                      <- Turn off reduced SEEN-BY mode (FSC-0093)
54%RULES on                     <- Start sending rules of any subscribed echo
55%RULES off                    <- Stop sending rules of any subscribed echo
56%PKTSIZE NNN                  <- Set max. packet (*.pkt) size to NNN kb
57%PKTSIZE 0                    <- Set max. packet (*.pkt) size to unlimited
58%ARCMAILSIZE NNN              <- Set max. bundle size to NNN kb
59%ARCMAILSIZE 0                <- Set max. bundle size to unlimited
60%AREAFIXPWD [password]        <- Set new password for areafix requests,
61                                 an empty password is allowed
62%PKTPWD [password]            <- Set new password for *.pkt, maximum 8 chars,
63                                 an empty password is allowed
65  Note: you may also specify 1/0 as the aliases for on/off.
66        Ex.: "%RSB 1" acts the same as "%RSB on".