1% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand 2% Please edit documentation in R/utils-conversion.R 3\name{knit2pandoc} 4\alias{knit2pandoc} 5\title{Convert various input files to various output files using \code{knit()} and 6Pandoc} 7\usage{ 8knit2pandoc( 9 input, 10 output = NULL, 11 tangle = FALSE, 12 text = NULL, 13 quiet = FALSE, 14 envir = parent.frame(), 15 to = "html", 16 pandoc_wrapper = NULL, 17 ..., 18 encoding = "UTF-8" 19) 20} 21\arguments{ 22\item{input}{Path to the input file.} 23 24\item{output}{Path to the output file for \code{knit()}. If \code{NULL}, this 25function will try to guess a default, which will be under the current 26working directory.} 27 28\item{tangle}{Boolean; whether to tangle the R code from the input file (like 29\code{utils::\link{Stangle}}).} 30 31\item{text}{A character vector. This is an alternative way to provide the 32input file.} 33 34\item{quiet}{Boolean; suppress the progress bar and messages?} 35 36\item{envir}{Environment in which code chunks are to be evaluated, for 37example, \code{\link{parent.frame}()}, \code{\link{new.env}()}, or 38\code{\link{globalenv}()}).} 39 40\item{to}{Character string giving the Pandoc output format to use.} 41 42\item{pandoc_wrapper}{An R function used to call Pandoc. If \code{NULL} (the 43default), \code{rmarkdown::\link[rmarkdown]{pandoc_convert}()} will be used 44if \pkg{rmarkdown} is installed, otherwise \code{\link{pandoc}()}.} 45 46\item{...}{Options to be passed to the \code{pandoc_wrapper} function.} 47 48\item{encoding}{Ignored (always assumes UTF-8).} 49} 50\value{ 51Returns the output of the \code{pandoc_wrapper} function. 52} 53\description{ 54Knits the input file and compiles to an output format using Pandoc. 55} 56\author{ 57Trevor L. Davis 58} 59