1 /* Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Artifex Software, Inc.
2    All Rights Reserved.
4    This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
5    implied.
7    This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
8    modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
9    of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
11    Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact
12    Artifex Software, Inc.,  1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
13    CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
14 */
17 /* Rest of (client) halftone definitions */
19 #ifndef gxht_INCLUDED
20 #  define gxht_INCLUDED
22 #include "gsht1.h"
23 #include "gsrefct.h"
24 #include "gxhttype.h"
25 #include "gxtmap.h"
26 #include "gscspace.h"
28 /*
29  * Halftone types. Note that for this implementation there are only
30  * spot functions, thresholds, and multi-component halftones; the peculiar
31  * colored halftones supported by PostScript (HalftoneType's 2 and 4) are
32  * not supported.
33  *
34  * NB1: While this code supports relocation of the client data, it will not
35  *      free that data when the halftone is released. The client must handle
36  *      that task directly.
37  *
38  * NB2: The garbage collection code will deal with the user provided data as
39  *      a structure pointer allocated on the heap. The client must make
40  *      certain this is the case.
41  *
42  * There is, somewhat unfortunately, no identifier applied to these
43  * halftones. This reflects the origin of this graphics library as a set
44  * of routines for use by a PostScript interpreter.
45  *
46  * In PostScript, halftone objects do not exist in an identified form outside
47  * of the graphic state. Though Level 2 and PostScript 3 support halftone
48  * dictionaries, these are neither read-only structures nor tagged
49  * by a unique identifier. Hence, they are not suitable for use as cache keys.
50  * Caching of halftones for PostScript is confined to the graphic state,
51  * and this holds true for the graphic library as well.
52  *
53  * Note also that implementing a generalized halftone cache is not trivial,
54  * as the device-specific representation of spot halftones depends on the
55  * default transformation for the device, and more generally the device
56  * specific representation of halftones may depend on the sense of the device
57  * (additive or subtract). Hence, a halftone cache would need to be keyed
58  * by device. (This is not an issue when caching halftones in the graphic
59  * state as the device is also a component of the graphic state).
60  */
62 /*
63  * Note that the transfer_closure members will replace transfer sometime
64  * in the future.  For the moment, transfer_closure is only used if
65  * transfer = 0.
66  */
68 /* Type 1 halftone.  This is just a Level 1 halftone with */
69 /* a few extra members. */
70 typedef struct gs_spot_halftone_s {
71     gs_screen_halftone screen;
72     bool accurate_screens;
73     gs_mapping_proc transfer;	/* OBSOLETE */
74     gs_mapping_closure_t transfer_closure;
75 } gs_spot_halftone;
77 #define st_spot_halftone_max_ptrs st_screen_halftone_max_ptrs + 1
79 /* Define common elements for Type 3 and extended Type 3 halftones. */
81     int width;\
82     int height;\
83     gs_mapping_closure_t transfer_closure
84 typedef struct gs_threshold_halftone_common_s {
86 } gs_threshold_halftone_common;
88 /* Type 3 halftone. */
89 typedef struct gs_threshold_halftone_s {
90     GS_THRESHOLD_HALFTONE_COMMON; /* must be first */
91     gs_const_string thresholds;
92     gs_mapping_proc transfer;
93 } gs_threshold_halftone;
95 #define st_threshold_halftone_max_ptrs 2
97 /* Extended Type 3 halftone. */
98 typedef struct gs_threshold2_halftone_s {
99     GS_THRESHOLD_HALFTONE_COMMON; /* must be first */
100     int width2;
101     int height2;
102     int bytes_per_sample;	/* 1 or 2 */
103     gs_const_bytestring thresholds; /* nota bene */
104     gs_mapping_proc transfer;
105 } gs_threshold2_halftone;
107 /* Client-defined halftone that generates a halftone order. */
108 typedef struct gs_client_order_halftone_s gs_client_order_halftone;
110 typedef struct gx_ht_order_s gx_ht_order;
112 typedef struct gs_client_order_ht_procs_s {
114     /*
115      * Allocate and fill in the order.  gx_ht_alloc_client_order
116      * (see gzht.h) does everything but fill in the actual data.
117      */
119     int (*create_order) (gx_ht_order * porder,
120                          gs_gstate * pgs,
121                          const gs_client_order_halftone * phcop,
122                          gs_memory_t * mem);
124 } gs_client_order_ht_procs_t;
125 struct gs_client_order_halftone_s {
126     int width;
127     int height;
128     int num_levels;
129     const gs_client_order_ht_procs_t *procs;
130     const void *client_data;
131     gs_mapping_closure_t transfer_closure;
132 };
134 #define st_client_order_halftone_max_ptrs 2
136 /* Define the elements of a Type 5 halftone. */
137 typedef struct gs_halftone_component_s {
138     int comp_number;
139     int cname;
140     gs_halftone_type type;
141     union {
142         gs_spot_halftone spot;	/* Type 1 */
143         gs_threshold_halftone threshold;	/* Type 3 */
144         gs_threshold2_halftone threshold2;	/* Extended Type 3 */
145         gs_client_order_halftone client_order;	/* client order */
146     } params;
147 } gs_halftone_component;
149 extern_st(st_halftone_component);
150 #define public_st_halftone_component()	/* in gsht1.c */\
151   gs_public_st_composite(st_halftone_component, gs_halftone_component,\
152     "gs_halftone_component", halftone_component_enum_ptrs,\
153     halftone_component_reloc_ptrs)
154 extern_st(st_ht_component_element);
155 #define public_st_ht_component_element() /* in gsht1.c */\
156   gs_public_st_element(st_ht_component_element, gs_halftone_component,\
157     "gs_halftone_component[]", ht_comp_elt_enum_ptrs, ht_comp_elt_reloc_ptrs,\
158     st_halftone_component)
159 #define st_halftone_component_max_ptrs\
160   max(max(st_spot_halftone_max_ptrs, st_threshold_halftone_max_ptrs),\
161       st_client_order_halftone_max_ptrs)
163 /* Define the Type 5 halftone itself. */
164 typedef struct gs_multiple_halftone_s {
165     gs_halftone_component *components;
166     uint num_comp;
167     int (*get_colorname_string)(const gs_memory_t *mem, gs_separation_name colorname_index,
168                 unsigned char **ppstr, unsigned int *pname_size);
169 } gs_multiple_halftone;
171 #define st_multiple_halftone_max_ptrs 1
173 /*
174  * The halftone stored in the graphics state is the union of
175  * setscreen, setcolorscreen, Type 1, Type 3, and Type 5.
176  *
177  * NOTE: it is assumed that all subsidiary structures of halftones (the
178  * threshold array(s) for Type 3 halftones or halftone components, and the
179  * components array for Type 5 halftones) are allocated with the same
180  * allocator as the halftone structure itself.
181  */
182 struct gs_halftone_s {
183     gs_halftone_type type;
184     rc_header rc;
185     union {
186         gs_screen_halftone screen;	/* setscreen */
187         gs_colorscreen_halftone colorscreen;	/* setcolorscreen */
188         gs_spot_halftone spot;	/* Type 1 */
189         gs_threshold_halftone threshold;	/* Type 3 */
190         gs_threshold2_halftone threshold2;	/* Extended Type 3 */
191         gs_client_order_halftone client_order;	/* client order */
192         gs_multiple_halftone multiple;	/* Type 5 */
193     } params;
194 };
196 extern_st(st_halftone);
197 #define public_st_halftone()	/* in gsht.c */\
198   gs_public_st_composite(st_halftone, gs_halftone, "gs_halftone",\
199     halftone_enum_ptrs, halftone_reloc_ptrs)
200 #define st_halftone_max_ptrs\
201   max(max(st_screen_halftone_max_ptrs, st_colorscreen_halftone_max_ptrs),\
202       max(max(st_spot_halftone_max_ptrs, st_threshold_halftone_max_ptrs),\
203           max(st_client_order_halftone_max_ptrs,\
204               st_multiple_halftone_max_ptrs)))
206 /* Procedural interface for AccurateScreens */
208 /*
209  * Set/get the default AccurateScreens value (for set[color]screen).
210  */
211 void gs_setaccuratescreens(gs_memory_t *, bool);
212 bool gs_currentaccuratescreens(gs_memory_t *);
214 /* Initiate screen sampling with optional AccurateScreens. */
215 int gs_screen_init_memory(gs_screen_enum *, gs_gstate *,
216                           gs_screen_halftone *, bool, gs_memory_t *);
218 #define gs_screen_init_accurate(penum, pgs, phsp, accurate)\
219   gs_screen_init_memory(penum, pgs, phsp, accurate, pgs->memory)
221 /* Procedural interface for MinScreenLevels (a Ghostscript extension) */
223 /*
224  * Set/get the MinScreenLevels value.
225  */
226 void gs_setminscreenlevels(gs_memory_t *, uint);
227 uint gs_currentminscreenlevels(gs_memory_t *);
229 #endif /* gxht_INCLUDED */