1 /* Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Artifex Software, Inc.
2    All Rights Reserved.
4    This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
5    implied.
7    This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
8    modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
9    of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
11    Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact
12    Artifex Software, Inc.,  7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134, San Rafael,
13    CA  94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
14 */
17 /* Definitions for DDAs */
18 /* Requires gxfixed.h */
20 #ifndef gxdda_INCLUDED
21 #  define gxdda_INCLUDED
23 /* We use the familiar Bresenham DDA algorithm for several purposes:
24  *      - tracking the edges when filling trapezoids;
25  *      - tracking the current pixel corner coordinates when rasterizing
26  *      skewed or rotated images;
27  *      - converting curves to sequences of lines (this is a 3rd-order
28  *      DDA, the others are 1st-order);
29  *      - perhaps someday for drawing single-pixel lines.
30  * In the case of trapezoids, lines, and curves, we need to use
31  * the DDA to find the integer X values at integer+0.5 values of Y;
32  * in the case of images, we use DDAs to compute the (fixed)
33  * X and Y values at (integer) source pixel corners.
34  *
35  * The purpose of the DDA is to compute the exact values Q(i) = floor(i*D/N)
36  * for increasing integers i, 0 <= i <= N.  D is considered to be an
37  * integer, although it may actually be a fixed.
38  *
39  * In the original formulation of the algorithm, we maintained i*D/N as
40  * Q + (N-R)/N where Q and R are integers, where 0 < R <= N, with the
41  * following auxiliary values:
42  *      dQ = floor(D/N)
43  *      dR = D mod N (0 <= dR < N)
44  *      NdR = N - dR
45  * And at each iteration the code did:
46  *      Q += dQ;
47  *      if ( R > dR ) R -= dR; else ++Q, R += NdR;
48  *
49  * In the new formulation here, we hold i*D/N as Q + (N-1-R)/N where Q and R
50  * are integers, 0 <= R < N.
51  *      Q += dQ;
52  *      R -= dR
53  *      if ( R < 0) R += N, ++Q;
54  * These formulas work regardless of the sign of D, and never let R go
55  * out of range.
56  *
57  * Why is the new formulation better? Well, it's simpler for one thing - the
58  * values stored in the structure are the obvious ones, without the strange
59  * NdR one. Also, in the original we test R > dR, which takes as long as
60  * doing R-=dR in the first place; in the new code we test R against 0, which
61  * we get for free on most architectures.
62  *
63  * In architectures that use branches for alternation, the first (should)
64  * compiles to something like (excuse the pseudo code):
65  *
66  *   Q += dQ
67  *   if (R > dR)
68  *      goto A
69  *   R -= dR
70  *   goto B
71  * A:
72  *   Q += 1
73  *   R += NdR
74  * B:
75  *
76  * So 7 'instructions', 5 on each possible route through the code, including
77  * 1 branch regardless of the values.
78  *
79  * In the new form, it compiles to:
80  *
81  *   R -= dR
82  *   if (R >= 0)     <- this instruction for free due to preceeding one
83  *       goto A:
84  *   R += N
85  *   Q++
86  * A:
87  *   Q += dQ
88  *
89  * So 5 'instructions', 3 on the no step case, 5 on the step case, including
90  * 1 branch on the no-step case.
91  *
92  * If the compiler is smart enough to use the carry flag, it becomes:
93  *
94  *   R -= dR
95  *   if (R >= 0)     <- this instruction for free due to preceeding one
96  *       goto A:
97  *   R += N
98  * A:
99  *   Q += dQ + C     <- Add with carry
100  *
101  * 4 instructions total, 3 on the no step case, 4 on the step case, including
102  * 1 branch on the no-step case.
103  *
104  * This is an even better win on architectures (like ARM) where alternation
105  * can be done without branches:
106  *
107  *   ADD   Q, Q, dQ
108  *   CMP   R, dR
109  *   SUBGT R, R, dR
110  *   ADDLE Q, Q, #1
111  *   ADDLE R, R, nDR
112  *
113  * in the original (assuming all values in registers) becomes:
114  *
115  *   SUBS  R, R, dR
116  *   ADDLT R, R, N
117  *   ADDLT Q, Q, #1
118  *   ADD   Q, Q, dQ
119  *
120  * If the compiler is smart enough to use the carry flag, we can do even
121  * better:
122  *
123  *   SUBS  R, R, dR
124  *   ADDLT R, R, N
125  *   ADC   Q, Q, dQ
126  *
127  * (Actually looking at the compilation given by MSVC 2005 confirms a 1
128  * instruction (and once branch) win for the above results. Sadly compilers
129  * don't look to be smart enough to exploit carry flag tricks.)
130  */
133 /* In the following structure definitions, ntype must be an unsigned type. */
134 #define dda_state_struct(sname, dtype, ntype)\
135   struct sname { dtype Q; ntype R; }
136 #define dda_step_struct(sname, dtype, ntype)\
137   struct sname { dtype dQ; ntype dR, NdR; }
139 /* DDA with int Q and uint N */
140 typedef struct gx_dda_int_s {
141     dda_state_struct(ia_, int, uint) state;
142     dda_step_struct(ie_, int, uint) step;
143 } gx_dda_int_t;
145 /* DDA with fixed Q and (unsigned) integer N */
146 typedef
147 dda_state_struct(_a, fixed, uint) gx_dda_state_fixed;
148      typedef dda_step_struct(_e, fixed, uint) gx_dda_step_fixed;
149      typedef struct gx_dda_fixed_s {
150          gx_dda_state_fixed state;
151          gx_dda_step_fixed step;
152      } gx_dda_fixed;
153 /*
154  * Define a pair of DDAs for iterating along an arbitrary line.
155  */
156      typedef struct gx_dda_fixed_point_s {
157          gx_dda_fixed x, y;
158      } gx_dda_fixed_point;
159 /*
160  * Initialize a DDA.  The sign test is needed only because C doesn't
161  * provide reliable definitions of / and % for integers (!!!).
162  */
163 #define dda_init_state(dstate, init, N)\
164   (dstate).Q = (init), (dstate).R = (N)
165 #define dda_init_step(dstep, D, N)\
166   if ( (N) == 0 )\
167     (dstep).dQ = 0, (dstep).dR = 0;\
168   else if ( (D) < 0 )\
169    { (dstep).dQ = -(int)((uint)-(D) / (N));\
170      if ( ((dstep).dR = -(D) % (N)) != 0 )\
171        --(dstep).dQ, (dstep).dR = (N) - (dstep).dR;\
172    }\
173   else\
174    { (dstep).dQ = (D) / (N); (dstep).dR = (D) % (N); }\
175   (dstep).NdR = (N) - (dstep).dR
176 #define dda_init(dda, init, D, N)\
177   dda_init_state((dda).state, init, N);\
178   dda_init_step((dda).step, D, N)
179 /*
180  * Compute the sum of two DDA steps with the same D and N.
181  * Note that since dR + NdR = N, this quantity must be the same in both
182  * fromstep and tostep.
183  */
184 #define dda_step_add(tostep, fromstep)\
185   (tostep).dQ +=\
186     ((tostep).dR < (fromstep).NdR ?\
187      ((tostep).dR += (fromstep).dR, (tostep).NdR -= (fromstep).dR,\
188       (fromstep).dQ) :\
189      ((tostep).dR -= (fromstep).NdR, (tostep).NdR += (fromstep).NdR,\
190       (fromstep).dQ + 1))
191 /*
192  * Return the current value in a DDA.
193  */
194 #define dda_state_current(dstate) (dstate).Q
195 #define dda_current(dda) dda_state_current((dda).state)
196 #define dda_current_fixed2int(dda)\
197   fixed2int_var(dda_state_current((dda).state))
198 /*
199  * Increment a DDA to the next point.
200  * Returns the updated current value.
201  */
202 #define dda_state_next(dstate, dstep)\
203   (dstate).Q +=\
204     ((dstate).R > (dstep).dR ?\
205      ((dstate).R -= (dstep).dR, (dstep).dQ) :\
206      ((dstate).R += (dstep).NdR, (dstep).dQ + 1))
207 #define dda_next(dda) dda_state_next((dda).state, (dda).step)
208 #define dda_next_assign(dda,v) \
209                             do { dda_next(dda);(v)=(dda).state.Q; } while (0)
210 /*
211  * Back up a DDA to the previous point.
212  * Returns the updated current value.
213  */
214 #define dda_state_previous(dstate, dstep)\
215   (dstate).Q -=\
216     ((dstate).R <= (dstep).NdR ?\
217      ((dstate).R += (dstep).dR, (dstep).dQ) :\
218      ((dstate).R -= (dstep).NdR, (dstep).dQ + 1))
219 #define dda_previous(dda) dda_state_previous((dda).state, (dda).step)
220 #define dda_previous_assign(dda,v) \
221                          do { dda_previous(dda);v =(dda).state.Q; } while (0)
222 /*
223  * Advance a DDA by an arbitrary number of steps.
224  * This implementation is very inefficient; we'll improve it if needed.
225  */
226 #define dda_state_advance(dstate, dstep, nsteps)\
227   BEGIN\
228     uint n_ = (nsteps);\
229     (dstate).Q += (dstep).dQ * (nsteps);\
230     while ( n_-- )\
231       if ( (dstate).R > (dstep).dR ) (dstate).R -= (dstep).dR;\
232       else (dstate).R += (dstep).NdR, (dstate).Q++;\
233   END
234 #define dda_advance(dda, nsteps)\
235   dda_state_advance((dda).state, (dda).step, nsteps)
236 /*
237  * Translate the position of a DDA by a given amount.
238  */
239 #define dda_state_translate(dstate, delta)\
240   ((dstate).Q += (delta))
241 #define dda_translate(dda, delta)\
242   dda_state_translate((dda).state, delta)
244 #else /* New Version! */
246 /* In the following structure definitions, ntype must be an unsigned type. */
247 #define dda_state_struct(sname, dtype, ntype)\
248   struct sname { dtype Q; ntype R; }
249 #define dda_step_struct(sname, dtype, ntype)\
250   struct sname { dtype dQ; ntype dR, N; }
252 /* DDA with int Q and uint N */
253 typedef struct gx_dda_int_s {
254     dda_state_struct(ia_, int, uint) state;
255     dda_step_struct(ie_, int, uint) step;
256 } gx_dda_int_t;
258 /* DDA with fixed Q and (unsigned) integer N */
259 typedef
260 dda_state_struct(_a, fixed, uint) gx_dda_state_fixed;
261      typedef dda_step_struct(_e, fixed, uint) gx_dda_step_fixed;
262      typedef struct gx_dda_fixed_s {
263          gx_dda_state_fixed state;
264          gx_dda_step_fixed step;
265      } gx_dda_fixed;
266 /*
267  * Define a pair of DDAs for iterating along an arbitrary line.
268  */
269      typedef struct gx_dda_fixed_point_s {
270          gx_dda_fixed x, y;
271      } gx_dda_fixed_point;
272 /*
273  * Initialize a DDA.  The sign test is needed only because C doesn't
274  * provide reliable definitions of / and % for integers (!!!).
275  */
276 #define dda_init_state(dstate, init, N_)\
277   (dstate).Q = (init), (dstate).R = ((N_)-1)
278 #define dda_init_step(dstep, D, N_)\
279   do {\
280     if ( (N_) == 0 )\
281       (dstep).dQ = 0, (dstep).dR = 0;\
282     else if ( (D) < 0 )\
283      { (dstep).dQ = -(int)((uint)-(D) / (N_));\
284        if ( ((dstep).dR = -(D) % (N_)) != 0 )\
285          --(dstep).dQ, (dstep).dR = (N_) - (dstep).dR;\
286      }\
287     else\
288      { (dstep).dQ = (D) / (N_); (dstep).dR = (D) % (N_); }\
289     (dstep).N = (N_);\
290   } while (0)
291 #define dda_init(dda, init, D, N)\
292   dda_init_state((dda).state, init, N);\
293   dda_init_step((dda).step, D, N)
294 /*
295  * Compute the sum of two DDA steps with the same D and N.
296  * Note that since dR + NdR = N, this quantity must be the same in both
297  * fromstep and tostep.
298  */
299 #define dda_step_add(tostep, fromstep)\
300     BEGIN\
301         (tostep).dR += (fromstep).dR;\
302         if ((tostep).dR >= (tostep).N) {\
303             (tostep).dQ ++;\
304             (tostep).dR -= (tostep).N;\
305         }\
306         (tostep).dQ += (fromstep).dQ;\
307     END
308 /*
309  * Return the current value in a DDA.
310  */
311 #define dda_state_current(dstate) (dstate).Q
312 #define dda_current(dda) dda_state_current((dda).state)
313 #define dda_current_fixed2int(dda)\
314   fixed2int_var(dda_state_current((dda).state))
315 /*
316  * Increment a DDA to the next point.
317  * Returns the updated current value.
318  */
319 #define dda_state_next(dstate, dstep)\
320     do {\
321         (dstate).R -= (dstep).dR;\
322         if ((signed)(dstate).R < 0) {\
323             (dstate).Q++;\
324             (dstate).R += (dstep).N;\
325         };\
326         (dstate).Q += (dstep).dQ;\
327     } while (0)
328 #define dda_next(dda) dda_state_next((dda).state, (dda).step)
329 #define dda_next_assign(dda,v) BEGIN dda_next(dda);(v)=(dda).state.Q; END
331 /*
332  * Back up a DDA to the previous point.
333  * Returns the updated current value.
334  */
335 #define dda_state_previous(dstate, dstep)\
336     BEGIN\
337         (dstate).R += (dstep).dR;\
338         if ((dstate).R >= (dstep).N) {\
339             (dstate).Q--;\
340             (dstate).R -= (dstep).N;\
341         }\
342         (dstate).Q -= (dstep).dQ;\
343     END
344 #define dda_previous(dda) dda_state_previous((dda).state, (dda).step)
345 #define dda_previous_assign(dda,v) BEGIN dda_previous(dda);(v)=(dda).state.Q;END
346 /*
347  * Advance a DDA by an arbitrary number of steps.
348  * This implementation is very inefficient; we'll improve it if needed.
349  */
350 #define dda_state_advance(dstate, dstep, nsteps)\
351   BEGIN\
352       uint n_ = (nsteps);\
353       (dstate).Q += (dstep).dQ * (nsteps);\
354       while ( n_-- ) {\
355           (dstate).R -= (dstep).dR;\
356           if ((signed int)(dstate).R < 0) {\
357               (dstate).Q ++;\
358               (dstate).R += (dstep).N;\
359           }\
360       }\
361   END
362 #define dda_advance(dda, nsteps)\
363   dda_state_advance((dda).state, (dda).step, nsteps)
364 /*
365  * Translate the position of a DDA by a given amount.
366  */
367 #define dda_state_translate(dstate, delta)\
368   ((dstate).Q += (delta))
369 #define dda_translate(dda, delta)\
370   dda_state_translate((dda).state, delta)
372 #endif
374 #endif /* gxdda_INCLUDED */