1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
11 #include <cairo.h>
12 #include "scpainterexbase.h"
14 #include "mesh.h"
16 class ScPainterEx_Cairo : public ScPainterExBase
17 {
18 public:
19 	ScPainterEx_Cairo(cairo_t* context, QRect& rect, ScribusDoc* doc, bool gray );
20 	virtual ~ScPainterEx_Cairo();
capabilities()22 	virtual Capabilities capabilities() { return transparencies; }
supportedColorModes()24 	virtual int supportedColorModes() { return (int) rgbMode; }
preferredColorMode()25 	virtual ColorMode preferredColorMode() { return rgbMode; }
imageMode()26 	virtual ImageMode imageMode() { return rgbImages; }
28 	virtual void begin();
29 	virtual void end();
30 	virtual void clear();
31 	virtual void clear( ScColorShade & );
33 	// matrix manipulation
34 	virtual void setWorldMatrix( const QTransform & );
35 	virtual const QTransform worldMatrix();
36 	virtual void translate( double, double );
37 	virtual void translate( const QPointF& offset );
38 	virtual void rotate( double );
39 	virtual void scale( double, double );
41 	// drawing
42 	virtual void moveTo( const double &, const double & );
43 	virtual void lineTo( const double &, const double & );
44 	virtual void curveTo( FPoint p1, FPoint p2, FPoint p3 );
45 	virtual void newPath();
46 	virtual void closePath();
47 	virtual void fillPath();
48 	virtual void strokePath();
49 	virtual void setFillRule( bool fillRule );
fillRule()50 	virtual bool fillRule() { return m_fillRule; }
51 	virtual void setFillMode( int fill );
fillMode()52 	virtual int  fillMode() { return m_fillMode; }
53 	virtual void setStrokeMode( int fill );
strokeMode()54 	virtual int  strokeMode() { return m_strokeMode; }
55 	virtual void setGradient( VGradientEx::Type mode, FPoint orig, FPoint vec, FPoint foc, double scale, double skew);
56 	virtual void setPattern(ScPattern *pattern, double scaleX, double scaleY, double offsetX, double offsetY, double rotation, double skewX, double skewY, bool mirrorX, bool mirrorY);
58 	virtual void setMaskMode( int mask );
59 	virtual void setGradientMask(VGradientEx::Type mode, FPoint orig, FPoint vec, FPoint foc, double scale, double skew);
60 	virtual void setPatternMask(ScPattern *pattern, double scaleX, double scaleY, double offsetX, double offsetY, double rotation, double skewX, double skewY, bool mirrorX, bool mirrorY);
62 	virtual void set4ColorGeometry(FPoint p1, FPoint p2, FPoint p3, FPoint p4, FPoint c1, FPoint c2, FPoint c3, FPoint c4);
63 	virtual void set4ColorColors(const ScColorShade& col1, const ScColorShade& col2, const ScColorShade& col3, const ScColorShade& col4);
64 	virtual void setDiamondGeometry(FPoint p1, FPoint p2, FPoint p3, FPoint p4, FPoint c1, FPoint c2, FPoint c3, FPoint c4, FPoint c5);
65 	virtual void setMeshGradient(FPoint p1, FPoint p2, FPoint p3, FPoint p4, QList<QList<MeshPoint> > meshArray);
66 	virtual void setMeshGradient(FPoint p1, FPoint p2, FPoint p3, FPoint p4, QList<meshGradientPatch> meshPatches);
68 	virtual void setClipPath();
70 	virtual void drawImage( ScImage *image, ScPainterExBase::ImageMode mode );
71 	virtual void setupPolygon(const FPointArray *points, bool closed = true);
72 	virtual void drawPolygon();
73 	virtual void drawPolyLine();
74 	virtual void drawLine(FPoint start, FPoint end);
75 	virtual void drawLine(const QPointF& start, const QPointF& end);
76 	virtual void drawRect(double, double, double, double);
78 	// pen + brush
79 	virtual ScColorShade pen();
80 	virtual ScColorShade brush();
81 	virtual void setPen( const ScColorShade & );
82 	virtual void setPen( const ScColorShade &c, double w, Qt::PenStyle st, Qt::PenCapStyle ca, Qt::PenJoinStyle jo );
83 	virtual void setPenOpacity( double op );
84 	virtual void setLineWidth( double w);
85 	virtual void setDash(const QVector<double>& array, double ofs);
86 	virtual void setBrush( const ScColorShade & );
87 	virtual void setBrushOpacity( double op );
88 	virtual void setOpacity( double op );
89 	virtual void setFont( const QFont &f );
90 	virtual QFont font();
92 	// stack management
93 	virtual void save();
94 	virtual void restore();
96 	virtual void setRasterOp( int op );
97 	virtual void setBlendModeFill( int blendMode );
98 	virtual void setBlendModeStroke( int blendMode );
100 private:
101 	void fillPathHelper();
102 	void strokePathHelper();
104 	void drawGradient( VGradientEx& gradient );
105 	void drawLinearGradient( VGradientEx& gradient, const QRect& rect );
106 	void drawCircularGradient( VGradientEx& gradient, const QRect& rect );
107 	void drawFourColorGradient( const QRect& rect );
108 	void drawDiamondGradient( VGradientEx& gradient, const QRect& rect );
109 	void drawMeshGradient( const QRect& rect );
110 	void drawFreeMeshGradient( const QRect& rect );
112 	void strokeGradient( VGradientEx& gradient );
113 	void strokeLinearGradient( VGradientEx& gradient );
114 	void strokeCircularGradient( VGradientEx& gradient );
116 	void getClipPathDimensions( QRect& r );
118 	ScribusDoc* m_doc;
120 	unsigned int m_width;
121 	unsigned int m_height;
122 	QTransform m_matrix;
123 	QFont m_font;
124 /* Layer blend mode*/
125 	int  m_blendModeLayer;
126 	int  m_blendModeFill;
127 	int  m_blendModeStroke;
128 /* Filling */
129 	ScColorShade m_fillColor;
130 	double m_fillTrans;
131 	bool   m_fillRule;
132 	int    m_fillMode;			// 0 = none, 1 = solid, 2 = gradient
133 	int    m_gradientMode;		// 1 = linear, 2 = radial
135 	double m_patternScaleX;
136 	double m_patternScaleY;
137 	double m_patternOffsetX;
138 	double m_patternOffsetY;
139 	double m_patternRotation;
140 	double m_patternSkewX;
141 	double m_patternSkewY;
142 	bool   m_patternMirrorX;
143 	bool   m_patternMirrorY;
145 	FPoint m_gradPatchP1;
146 	FPoint m_gradPatchP2;
147 	FPoint m_gradPatchP3;
148 	FPoint m_gradPatchP4;
149 	FPoint m_gradControlP1;
150 	FPoint m_gradControlP2;
151 	FPoint m_gradControlP3;
152 	FPoint m_gradControlP4;
153 	FPoint m_gradControlP5;
154 	ScColorShade m_gradPatchColor1;
155 	ScColorShade m_gradPatchColor2;
156 	ScColorShade m_gradPatchColor3;
157 	ScColorShade m_gradPatchColor4;
158 	QList<QList<MeshPoint> > m_meshGradientArray;
159 	QList<meshGradientPatch> m_meshGradientPatches;
161 	double m_gradientScale;
162 	double m_gradientSkew;
163 /* Stroking */
164 	ScColorShade m_strokeColor;
165 	double m_strokeTrans;
166 	double m_lineWidth;
167 	int    m_strokeMode;				// 0 = none, 1 = solid, 2 = gradient 3 = pattern
168 /* Masking */
169 	int    m_maskMode;				// 0 = none, 1 = gradient 2 = pattern
170 	double m_maskPatternScaleX;
171 	double m_maskPatternScaleY;
172 	double m_maskPatternOffsetX;
173 	double m_maskPatternOffsetY;
174 	double m_maskPatternRotation;
175 	double m_maskPatternSkewX;
176 	double m_maskPatternSkewY;
177 	bool   m_maskPatternMirrorX;
178 	bool   m_maskPatternMirrorY;
179 	double m_maskGradientScale;
180 	double m_maskGradientSkew;
182 /* Grayscale conversion option */
183 	bool   m_convertToGray;
185 /* Line End Style */
186 	Qt::PenCapStyle m_lineEnd;
187 /* Line Join Style */
188 	Qt::PenJoinStyle m_lineJoin;
189 /* The Dash Array */
190 	QVector<double> m_array;
191 	double m_offset;
192 /* Transformation Stack */
193 	QStack<QTransform> m_stack;
195 /* Cairo context */
196 	cairo_t* m_cr;
198 /* Color conversion function */
199 	QColor transformColor( ScColorShade& colorShade, double trans );
200 	void   transformImage( QImage& image );
202 	QStack<int> m_gStates;
203 	double      m_positionX;
204 	double      m_positionY;
205 };
207 #endif