1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
7 /***************************************************************************
8                           scribusview.h  -  description
9                              -------------------
10     begin                : Fre Apr  6 21:47:55 CEST 2001
11     copyright            : (C) 2001 by Franz Schmid
12     email                : Franz.Schmid@altmuehlnet.de
13  ***************************************************************************/
15 /***************************************************************************
16  *                                                                         *
17  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
18  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
19  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
20  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
21  *                                                                         *
22  ***************************************************************************/
24 #ifndef SCRIBUSVIEW_H
25 #define SCRIBUSVIEW_H
27 #include <vector>
28 // include files for QT
29 #include <QDragLeaveEvent>
30 #include <QDragEnterEvent>
31 #include <QDragMoveEvent>
32 #include <QDropEvent>
33 #include <QElapsedTimer>
34 #include <QLabel>
35 #include <QLineEdit>
36 #include <QMap>
37 #include <QMouseEvent>
38 #include <QNativeGestureEvent>
39 #include <QPaintEvent>
40 #include <QPoint>
41 #include <QPushButton>
42 #include <QRect>
43 #include <QRectF>
44 #include <QSize>
45 #include <QStack>
46 #include <QTimer>
47 #include <QScrollArea>
48 #include <QScrollBar>
49 #include <QWheelEvent>
51 class QEvent;
52 class QMenu;
53 class QMimeData;
55 // application specific includes
56 #include "fpoint.h"
57 #include "observable.h"
58 #include "scribusapi.h"
59 #include "scribusdoc.h"
60 #include "selectionrubberband.h"
61 #include "ui/clockwidget.h"
62 #include "undotransaction.h"
64 class Canvas;
65 class CanvasMode;
66 class CanvasGesture;
67 class Hruler;
68 class Vruler;
69 class ScPage;
70 class RulerMover;
71 class PageItem;
72 class PageSelector;
73 class ScribusDoc;
74 class ScribusWin;
75 class ScribusMainWindow;
76 class ScrSpinBox;
77 class Selection;
78 class UndoManager;
79 class TransactionSettings;
81 /**
82  * This class provides an incomplete base for your application view.
83  */
85 class SCRIBUS_API ScribusView : public QScrollArea, public Observer<QRectF>
86 {
89 public:
90     ScribusView(QWidget* win=0, ScribusMainWindow* mw=0, ScribusDoc* doc=0);
91     ~ScribusView();
93 	friend class CanvasMode_CopyProperties;
94 	friend class CanvasMode_Edit;
95 	friend class CanvasMode_EditGradient;
96 	friend class CanvasMode_EditMeshGradient;
97 	friend class CanvasMode_EditMeshPatch;
98 	friend class CanvasMode_EditTable;
99 	friend class CanvasMode_EditWeldPoint;
100 	friend class CanvasMode_EditPolygon;
101 	friend class CanvasMode_EditArc;
102 	friend class CanvasMode_EditSpiral;
103 	friend class CanvasMode_FrameLinks;
104 	friend class CanvasMode_ImageImport;
105 	friend class CanvasMode_Magnifier;
106 	friend class CanvasMode_NodeEdit;
107 	friend class CanvasMode_Normal;
108 	friend class CanvasMode_ObjImport;
109 	friend class CanvasMode_Rotate;
111 	struct ViewState
112 	{
113 		int currentPage { 0 };
114 		int contentX { 0 };
115 		int contentY { 0 };
116 		double canvasScale { 1.0 };
117 		FPoint minCanvasCoordinate;
118 		FPoint maxCanvasCoordinate;
119 	};
121 	void requestMode(int appMode);
122 //	void setCursorBasedOnAppMode(int appMode);
123 	void startGesture(CanvasGesture*);
124 	void stopGesture();
126   /** Vergroesserungseingabefeld */
127 	RulerMover *rulerMover; //Widget between the two rulers for dragging the ruler origin
128 	Hruler *horizRuler;
129 	Vruler *vertRuler;
130 	ClockWidget *clockLabel;
131 	QPushButton *endEditButton;
132   /** Dokument zu dem die Seite gehoert */
133 	ScribusDoc * const m_doc;
134 	Canvas * const m_canvas;
135 	CanvasMode* m_canvasMode; // might be a CanvasGesture FIXME make private
136 	CanvasMode* canvasMode();
137 	QMap<int, CanvasMode*> modeInstances;
138 	ApplicationPrefs * const Prefs;
139 	UndoManager * const undoManager;
140 	ScribusMainWindow* m_ScMW;
141 	double OldScale {0.0};
142 	double dragX {0.0};
143 	double dragY {0.0};
144 	double dragW {0.0};
145 	double dragH {0.0};
146 	double oldW {-1.0};
147 	int RotMode {0};
148 	bool HaveSelRect {false};
149 	bool DraggedGroup {false};
150 	bool MidButt {false};
151 	bool updateOn {true};
152 	bool Magnify {false};
153 	bool storedFramesShown;
154 	bool storedShowControls;
155 	int editStrokeGradient;
156 	bool m_AnnotChanged;
157 	bool m_EditModeWasOn;
158 	bool m_ChangedState;
159 	SelectionRubberBand *redrawMarker;
160 	FPoint RCenter;
161 	FPoint m_mousePointDoc;
162 	void updatesOn(bool on);
163 	//CB This MUST now be called AFTER a call to doc->addPage or doc->addMasterPage as it
164 	//does NOT create a page anymore.
165 	ScPage* addPage(int nr, bool mov = true);
167 	void reformPages(bool moveObjects = true);
168 	void reformPagesView();
169 	void showMasterPage(int nr);
170 	void hideMasterPage();
171 	void showSymbolPage(const QString& symbolName);
172 	void hideSymbolPage();
173 	void showInlinePage(int id);
174 	void hideInlinePage();
176 	QImage PageToPixmap(int Nr, int maxGr, PageToPixmapFlags flags = Pixmap_DrawFrame | Pixmap_DrawBackground);
177 	QImage MPageToPixmap(const QString& name, int maxGr, bool drawFrame = true);
179 	/**
180 	 * Called when the ruler origin is dragged
181 	 * @param m mouse event
182 	 */
183 	void setNewRulerOrigin(QMouseEvent *m);
184 	void getDragRectScreen(double *x, double *y, double *w, double *h);
185 	void getGroupRectScreen(double *x, double *y, double *w, double *h);
186 	bool PointOnLine(QPoint Start, QPoint Ende, QRect MArea);
187 	void TransformPoly(int mode, int rot = 1, double scaling = 1.0);
188 	bool slotSetCurs(int x, int y);
189 	// \brief return a resize cursor if the mouse is on a handle.
190 	Qt::CursorShape getResizeCursor(PageItem *currItem, QRect mpo, Qt::CursorShape cursorShape = Qt::ArrowCursor);
191 	void deselectItems(bool prop = true);
192 	void selectItemByNumber(int nr, bool draw = true, bool single = false);
193 	void selectItem(PageItem *pi, bool draw = true, bool single = false);
194 	void rememberOldZoomLocation(int mx=0, int my=0);
groupTransactionStarted()195 	bool groupTransactionStarted() { return m_groupTransactions > 0; }
196 	void startGroupTransaction(const QString &actionName = "",
197 							   const QString &description = "",
198 							   QPixmap *actionPixmap = 0,
199 							   Selection* customSelection = 0);
200 	void endGroupTransaction();
201 	void cancelGroupTransaction();
202 	void setScale(const double newScale);
203 	double scale() const;
205 	void changed(QRectF re, bool) override;
207 	void updateCanvas(QRectF box = QRectF());
updateCanvas(double x,double y,double width,double height)208 	void updateCanvas(double x, double y, double width, double height) { updateCanvas(QRectF(x, y, width, height)); }
209 	void setCanvasOrigin(double x, double y);
210 	void setCanvasCenter(double x, double y);
211 	FPoint canvasOrigin() const;
212 	QRectF visibleCanvasRect() const;
213 	void setRedrawMarkerShown(bool shown);
215 private:
216 	// legacy:
217 	void updateContents(QRect box = QRect());
218 	void updateContents(int x, int y, int w, int h);
219 	void repaintContents(QRect box);
220 	void resizeContents(int w, int h);
221 	QPoint contentsToViewport(QPoint p);
222 	QPoint viewportToContents(QPoint p);
224 public: // for now
225 	int contentsX();
226 	int contentsY();
227 	int contentsWidth();
228 	int contentsHeight();
visibleWidth()229 	int visibleWidth() { return viewport()->size().width(); };
visibleHeight()230 	int visibleHeight() { return viewport()->size().height(); };
232 	void setCanvasPos(double x, double y);
233 	void setCanvasCenterPos(double x, double y);
234 	void setContentsPos(int x, int y);
236 	void scrollBy(int x, int y);
237 	void scrollCanvasBy(double deltaX, double deltaY);
238 	void scrollContentsBy(int dx, int dy) override;
240 	void zoom(double scale = 0.0);
241 	void zoom(int canvasX, int canvasY, double scale, bool preservePoint);
243 	void saveViewState();
244 	void restoreViewState();
topViewState()245 	const ViewState& topViewState() const { return m_viewStates.top(); }
247 public slots: // Public slots
248 	void iconSetChange();
249 	void languageChange();
250 	void toggleCMS(bool cmsOn);
251 	void switchPreviewVisual(int vis);
252 	void togglePreviewEdit(bool edit);
253 	void togglePreview(bool inPreview);
254 	void unitChange();
255 	void setRulersShown(bool isShown);
256   /** Zooms in or out */
257 	void slotZoom100();
258   /** Zooms in */
259 	void slotZoomIn(int mx = 0, int my = 0, bool preservePoint = false);
260 	void slotZoomOut(int mx = 0, int my = 0, bool preservePoint = false);
261   /** Redraws everything */
262 	void DrawNew();
263 	void GotoPa(int pageNumber);
264 	void GotoLayer(int l);
265 	void GotoPage(int pageIndex);
266 	void ChgUnit(int art);
268 	void editExtendedImageProperties();
269 	void RefreshGradient(PageItem *currItem, double dx = 8, double dy = 8);
270 	void ToPicFrame();
271 	void ToPolyFrame();
272 	void ToTextFrame();
273 	void ToBezierFrame();
274 	void ToPathText();
275 	void FromPathText();
276 	void Bezier2Poly();
277 	void PasteToPage();
278 	void TextToPath();
280 	//for linking frame after draw new frame
281 private:
282 	PageItem * firstFrame;
284 private: // Private attributes
285 	int m_previousMode;
286 	QMenu *pmen3;
287 	QMenu *pmenResolution;
288 	QPoint m_pressLocation;
289 	QElapsedTimer m_moveTimer;
290 	QTimer *m_dragTimer;
291 	bool m_dragTimerFired;
292 	bool m_ready {false};
293 	int m_oldZoomX {0};
294 	int m_oldZoomY {0};
295 	QSize m_oldCanvasSize;
296 	int m_groupTransactions {0};
297 	UndoTransaction m_groupTransaction;
298 	bool _isGlobalMode {true};
299 	bool linkAfterDraw {false};
300 	bool ImageAfterDraw {false};
301 	QStack<ViewState> m_viewStates;
303 private slots:
304 	void setZoom();
305 	/**
306 	 * Called to update the GUI when the canvas(view) scrollbars are moved
307 	 * @param x
308 	 * @param y
309 	 */
310 	void setRulerPos(int x, int y);
311 	void setObjectUndoMode();
312 	void setGlobalUndoMode();
313 	void dragTimerTimeOut();
315 public:
316 	void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *ev) override;
317 	void changeEvent(QEvent *e) override;
318 	void nativeGestureEvent(QNativeGestureEvent *e);
319 	void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *k) override;
320 	void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *k) override;
321 	void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent * event) override;
322 	QVariant inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery query) const override;
324 	inline void registerMousePress(QPoint p);
325 	bool mousePressed();
326 	void resetMousePressed();
327 	inline QPoint mousePressLocation();
328 	inline bool moveTimerElapsed();
329 	inline void resetMoveTimer();
331 	inline void startDragTimer();
332 	inline void stopDragTimer();
333 	inline void resetDragTimer();
334 	inline bool dragTimerElapsed();
335 	void stopAllDrags();
337 	bool handleObjectImport(QMimeData* mimeData, TransactionSettings* trSettings = nullptr);
339 protected: // Protected methods
340 	void enterEvent(QEvent *) override;
341 	void leaveEvent(QEvent *) override;
342 	void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
343 	bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) override;
345 	// those appear to be gone from QScrollArea:
346 	virtual void contentsDragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e);
347 	virtual void contentsDragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e);
348 	virtual void contentsDragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *e);
349 	virtual void contentsDropEvent(QDropEvent *e);
350 	virtual void setHBarGeometry(QScrollBar &bar, int x, int y, int w, int h);
351 	virtual void setVBarGeometry(QScrollBar &bar, int x, int y, int w, int h);
353 	//The width of vertical ruler/height of horizontal ruler, set to 17 in scribusview.cpp
354 	int m_vhRulerHW;
356 signals:
357 	void unitChanged(int);
358 	void layerChanged(int);
359 	void HaveSel();
360 	void DocChanged();
361 	void ItemGeom();
362 	void PolyOpen();
363 	void ItemCharStyle(const CharStyle&);
364 	void ItemTextAlign(int);
365 	void ItemTextEffects(int);
366 	void AddBM(PageItem *);
367 	void DelBM(PageItem *);
368 	void ChBMText(PageItem *);
369 	void LoadElem(QString, double, double, bool, bool, ScribusDoc *, ScribusView *);
370 	void HavePoint(bool, bool);
371 	void ClipPo(double, double);
372 	void PolyStatus(int, uint);
373 	void MousePos(double, double);
374 };
registerMousePress(QPoint p)379 inline void ScribusView::registerMousePress(QPoint p)
380 {
381 	m_pressLocation = p;
382 	m_moveTimer.start();
383 	m_dragTimerFired = false;
384 }
mousePressLocation()387 inline QPoint ScribusView::mousePressLocation()
388 {
389 	return m_pressLocation;
390 }
moveTimerElapsed()393 inline bool ScribusView::moveTimerElapsed()
394 {
395 	return (m_moveTimer.elapsed() > Prefs->uiPrefs.mouseMoveTimeout);
396 }
resetMoveTimer()399 inline void ScribusView::resetMoveTimer()
400 {
401 	m_moveTimer.start();
402 }
startDragTimer()405 inline void ScribusView::startDragTimer()
406 {
407 	m_dragTimerFired = false;
408 	m_dragTimer->setSingleShot(true);
409 	m_dragTimer->start(1000);			// set Timeout for starting a Drag operation to 1 sec.
410 }
stopDragTimer()412 inline void ScribusView::stopDragTimer()
413 {
414 	m_dragTimer->stop();
415 }
resetDragTimer()418 inline void ScribusView::resetDragTimer()
419 {
420 	m_dragTimerFired = false;
421 }
dragTimerElapsed()424 inline bool ScribusView::dragTimerElapsed()
425 {
426 	return m_dragTimerFired;
427 }
canvasMode()429 inline CanvasMode* ScribusView::canvasMode()
430 {
431 	return m_canvasMode;
432 }
434 #endif