1 /* Copyright (C) 2001-2008 by George Williams */
2 /*
3  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
4  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
6  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
7  * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
9  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
10  * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
11  * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
13  * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
14  * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
26  */
28 #include "psfont.h"		/* for struct fddata */
30 #define MAC_DELETED_GLYPH_NAME	"<Delete>"
32 /* Some glyphs have multiple encodings ("A" might be used for Alpha and Cyrillic A) */
33 struct dup {
34     SplineChar *sc;
35     int enc;
36     int uni;
37     struct dup *prev;
38 };
40 struct ttfinfo {
41     int emsize;			/* ascent + descent? from the head table */
42     int ascent, descent;	/* from the hhea table */
43 				/* not the usWinAscent from the OS/2 table */
44     int vertical_origin;	/* if vmetrics are present */
45     int width_cnt;		/* from the hhea table, in the hmtx table */
46     int glyph_cnt;		/* from maxp table (or cff table) */
47     unsigned int index_to_loc_is_long:1;	/* in head table */
48     unsigned int is_ttc:1;			/* Is it a font collection? */
49     unsigned int is_onebyte:1;			/* Is it a one byte encoding? */
50     unsigned int twobytesymbol:1;		/* it had a symbol encoding which we converted to unicode */
51     unsigned int complainedbeyondglyfend:1;	/* Don't complain about this more than once */
52     unsigned int extensionrequested:1;		/* Only ask once for a copy of a font containing extension subtables */
53     unsigned int to_order2:1;			/* We are to leave the font as truetype (order2) splines, else convert to ps */
54     unsigned int complainedmultname:1;	/* Don't complain about this more than once */
55     unsigned int strokedfont: 1;		/* painttype==2 for otf */
56     unsigned int use_typo_metrics: 1;
57     unsigned int weight_width_slope_only: 1;
58     unsigned int optimized_for_cleartype: 1;
59     unsigned int apply_lsb: 1;
60     enum openflags openflags;
61     /* Mac fonts platform=0/1, platform specific enc id, roman=0, english is lang code 0 */
62     /* iso platform=2, platform specific enc id, latin1=0/2, no language */
63     /* microsoft platform=3, platform specific enc id, 1, english is lang code 0x??09 */
64     char *copyright;		/* from the name table, nameid=0 */
65     char *familyname;		/* nameid=1 */
66     char *fullname;		/* nameid=4 */
67     char *weight;
68     char *version;		/* nameid=5 */
69     char *fontname;		/* postscript font name, nameid=6 */
70     char *xuid;			/* Only for open type cff fonts */
71     int uniqueid;
72     real italicAngle;		/* from post table */
73     int upos, uwidth;		/* underline pos, width from post table */
74     real strokewidth;
75     int fstype;
76     struct psdict *private;	/* Only for open type cff fonts */
77     EncMap *map;
78     enum uni_interp uni_interp;
79     struct pfminfo pfminfo;
80     short os2_version;
81     short gasp_version;
82     int dupnamestate;
83     struct ttflangname *names;
84     char *fontcomments, *fontlog;
85     char **cvt_names;
86     SplineChar **chars;		/* from all over, glyf table for contours */
87     				/* 		  cmap table for encodings */
88 			        /*		  hmtx table for widths */
89 			        /*		  post table for names */
90 			        /* Or from	  CFF  table for everything in opentype */
91     LayerInfo *layers;
92     int layer_cnt;
93     BDFFont *bitmaps;
94     char *cidregistry, *ordering;
95     int supplement;
96     real cidfontversion;
97     int subfontcnt;
98     SplineFont **subfonts;
99     char *inuse;		/* What glyphs are used by this font in the ttc */
101     int numtables;
102     		/* BASE  */
103     uint32 base_start;		/* Offset from sof to start of 'BASE' table */
104     		/* CFF  */
105     uint32 cff_start;		/* Offset from sof to start of postscript compact font format */
106     uint32 cff_length;
107     		/* cmap */
108     uint32 encoding_start;	/* Offset from sof to start of encoding table */
109     uint32 vs_start;		/* Offset within 'cmap' to variant selector table */
110 		/* gasp */
111     uint32 gasp_start;
112 		/* glyf */
113     uint32 glyph_start;		/* Offset from sof to start of glyph table */
114     uint32 glyph_length;
115 		/* GDEF */
116     uint32 gdef_start;		/* Offset from sof to start of GDEF table (glyph class defn, ligature carets) */
117     uint32 gdef_length;
118 		/* GPOS */
119     uint32 gpos_start;		/* Offset from sof to start of GPOS table */
120     uint32 gpos_length;
121 		/* GSUB */
122     uint32 gsub_start;		/* Offset from sof to start of GSUB table */
123     uint32 gsub_length;
124     uint32 g_bounds;		/* Filled in with g???_start+g???_length */
125 		/* EBDT, bdat */
126     uint32 bitmapdata_start;	/* Offset to start of bitmap data */
127     uint32 bitmapdata_length;
128 		/* EBLT, bloc */
129     uint32 bitmaploc_start;	/* Offset to start of bitmap locator data */
130     uint32 bitmaploc_length;
131 		/* head */
132     uint32 head_start;
133 		/* hhea */
134     uint32 hhea_start;
135 		/* hmtx */
136     uint32 hmetrics_start;
137 		/* kern */
138     uint32 kern_start;
139 		/* loca */
140     uint32 glyphlocations_start;/* there are glyph_cnt of these, from maxp tab */
141     uint32 loca_length;		/* actually glypn_cnt is wrong. Use the table length (divided by size) instead */
142 		/* maxp */
143     uint32 maxp_start;		/* maximum number of glyphs */
144     uint32 maxp_len;
145 		/* name */
146     uint32 copyright_start;	/* copyright and fontname */
147 		/* post */
148     uint32 postscript_start;	/* names for the glyphs, italic angle, etc. */
149 		/* OS/2 */
150     uint32 os2_start;
151 		/* TYP1 */
152     uint32 typ1_start;		/* For Adobe's? Apple's? attempt to stuff a type1 font into an sfnt wrapper */
153     uint32 typ1_length;
154 		/* vhea */
155     uint32 vhea_start;
156 		/* vmtx */
157     uint32 vmetrics_start;
158 		/* VORG */
159     uint32 vorg_start;
161 		/* PfEd -- FontForge/PfaEdit specific info */
162     uint32 pfed_start;
163 		/* TeX  -- TeX table, also non-standard */
164     uint32 tex_start;
165 		/* BDF  -- BDF properties, also non-standard */
166     uint32 bdf_start;
167 		/* FFTM -- FontForge timestamps */
168     uint32 fftm_start;
170 		/* MATH Table */
171     uint32 math_start;
172     uint32 math_length;
174 		/* Info for instructions */
175     uint32 cvt_start, cvt_len;
176     uint32 prep_start, prep_len;
177     uint32 fpgm_start, fpgm_len;
179     unsigned int one_of_many: 1;	/* A TTCF file, or a opentype font with multiple fonts */
180     unsigned int obscomplain: 1;	/* We've complained about obsolete format 3 in EBDT table */
181     unsigned int cmpcomplain: 1;	/* We've complained about compressed format 4 in EBDT */
182     unsigned int unkcomplain: 1;	/* We've complained about unknown formats in EBDT */
183     unsigned int comcomplain: 1;	/* We've complained about composit formats in EBDT */
184     unsigned int onlystrikes: 1;	/* Only read in the bitmaps, not the outlines */
185     unsigned int onlyonestrike: 1;	/* Only read in one bitmap (strike) */
186     unsigned int barecff: 1;		/* pay attention to the encoding in the cff file, we won't have a cmap */
188     int platform, specific;		/* values of the encoding we chose to use */
190     int anchor_class_cnt;		/* For GPOS */
191     int anchor_merge_cnt;
192     AnchorClass *ahead, *alast;
194     KernClass *khead, *klast, *vkhead, *vklast;
196     OTLookup *gpos_lookups, *gsub_lookups, *cur_lookups;
198     struct ttf_table *tabs;
199     FPST *possub;
200     char *chosenname;
201     int macstyle;
202     int lookup_cnt;		/* Max lookup in current GPOS/GSUB table */
203     int feature_cnt;		/* Max feature in current GPOS/GSUB table */
204     struct fontdict *fd;	/* For reading in Type42 fonts. Glyph names in postscript section must be associated with glyphs in TTF section */
205     int savecnt;
206     struct savetab {
207 	uint32 tag;
208 	uint32 offset;
209 	int len;
210     } *savetab;
211     int32 last_size_pos;
212     uint16 design_size;
213     uint16 fontstyle_id;
214     struct otfname *fontstyle_name;
215     uint16 design_range_bottom, design_range_top;
216     struct texdata texdata;
217     int mark_class_cnt;
218     char **mark_classes;		/* glyph name list */
219     char **mark_class_names;		/* used within ff (utf8) */
220     SplineChar **badgids;		/* which use out of range glyph IDs as temporary flags */
221 #ifdef _HAS_LONGLONG
222     long long creationtime;		/* seconds since 1970 */
223     long long modificationtime;
224 #else
225     long creationtime;
226     long modificationtime;
227 #endif
228     int gasp_cnt;
229     struct gasp *gasp;
230     struct MATH *math;
231     /* Set of errors we found when loading the font */
232     unsigned int bad_ps_fontname: 1;
233     unsigned int bad_glyph_data: 1;
234     unsigned int bad_cff: 1;
235     unsigned int bad_metrics: 1;
236     unsigned int bad_cmap: 1;
237     unsigned int bad_embedded_bitmap: 1;
238     unsigned int bad_gx: 1;
239     unsigned int bad_ot: 1;
240     unsigned int bad_os2_version: 1;
241     unsigned int bad_sfnt_header: 1;
242     Layer guidelines;
243     struct Base *horiz_base, *vert_base;
244 };
246 enum gsub_inusetype { git_normal, git_justinuse, git_findnames };
248 #define MAX_TAB	48
249 struct tabdir {
250     int32 version;	/* 0x00010000 */
251     uint16 numtab;
252     uint16 searchRange;	/* (Max power of 2 <= numtab) *16 */
253     uint16 entrySel;	/* Log2(Max power of 2 <= numtab ) */
254     uint16 rangeShift;	/* numtab*16 - searchRange */
255     struct taboff {
256 	uint32 tag;	/* Table name */
257 	uint32 checksum;/* for table */
258 	uint32 offset;	/* to start of table in file */
259 	uint32 length;
260 	FILE *data;
261 	uint16 dup_of;
262 	uint16 orderingval;
263     } tabs[MAX_TAB];		/* room for all the above tables */
264 				/* Not in any particular order. */
265     struct taboff *ordered[MAX_TAB];	/* Ordered the way the tables should be output in file */
266     struct taboff *alpha[MAX_TAB];	/* Ordered alphabetically by tag for the ttf header */
267 };
269 struct glyphhead {
270     int16 numContours;
271     int16 xmin;
272     int16 ymin;
273     int16 xmax;
274     int16 ymax;
275 };
277 struct head {
278     int32 version;	/* 0x00010000 */
279     int32 revision;	/* 0 */
280     uint32 checksumAdj;	/* set to 0, sum entire font, store 0xb1b0afba-sum */
281     uint32 magicNum;	/* 0x5f0f3cf5 */
282     uint16 flags;	/* 1 */
283     uint16 emunits;	/* sf->ascent+sf->descent */
284     int32 createtime[2];/* number of seconds since 1904 */
285     int32 modtime[2];
286     int16 xmin;		/* min for entire font */
287     int16 ymin;
288     int16 xmax;
289     int16 ymax;
290     uint16 macstyle;	/* 1=>Bold, 2=>Italic */
291     uint16 lowestreadable;	/* size in pixels. Say about 10? */
292     int16 dirhint;	/* 0=>mixed directional characters, */
293     int16 locais32;	/* is the location table 32bits or 16, 0=>16, 1=>32 */
294     int16 glyphformat;	/* 0 */
295     uint16 mbz;		/* padding */
296 };
298 struct hhead {
299     int32 version;	/* 0x00010000 */
300     int16 ascender;	/* sf->ascender */
301     int16 descender;	/* -sf->descender */
302     int16 linegap;	/* 0 */
303     int16 maxwidth;	/* of all characters */
304     int16 minlsb;	/* How is this different from xmin above? */
305     int16 minrsb;
306     int16 maxextent;	/* How is this different from xmax above? */
307     int16 caretSlopeRise;/* Uh... let's say 1? */
308     int16 caretSlopeRun;/* Uh... let's say 0 */
309 	    /* not exactly specified, but FontValidator wants this to match italicangle */
310     int16 mbz[5];
311     int16 metricformat;	/* 0 */
312     uint16 numMetrics;	/* just set to glyph count */
313 };
315 struct hmtx {
316     uint16 width;	/* NOTE: TTF only allows positive widths!!! */
317     int16 lsb;
318 };
320 struct kern {
321     uint16 version;	/* 0 */
322     uint16 ntab;	/* 1, number of subtables */
323     /* first (and only) subtable */
324     uint16 stversion;	/* 0 */
325     uint16 length;	/* length of subtable beginning at &stversion */
326     uint16 coverage;	/* 1, (set of flags&format) */
327     uint16 nPairs;	/* number of kern pairs */
328     uint16 searchRange;	/* (Max power of 2 <= nPairs) *6 */
329     uint16 entrySel;	/* Log2(Max power of 2 <= nPairs ) */
330     uint16 rangeShift;	/* numtab*6 - searchRange */
331     struct kp {
332 	uint16 left;	/* left glyph num */
333 	uint16 right;	/* right glyph num */
334 	/* table is ordered by these two above treated as uint32 */
335 	int16 offset;	/* kern amount */
336     } *kerns;		/* Array should be nPairs big */
337 };
339 struct maxp {
340     int32 version;	/* 0x00010000 */
341     uint16 numGlyphs;
342     uint16 maxPoints;	/* max number of points in a simple glyph */
343     uint16 maxContours;	/* max number of paths in a simple glyph */
344     uint16 maxCompositPts;
345     uint16 maxCompositCtrs;
346     uint16 maxZones;	/* 1 */
347     uint16 maxTwilightPts;	/* 0 */
348     uint16 maxStorage;	/* 0 */
349     uint16 maxFDEFs;	/* 0 */
350     uint16 maxIDEFs;	/* 0 */
351     uint16 maxStack;	/* 0 */
352     uint16 maxglyphInstr;/* 0 */
353     uint16 maxnumcomponents;	/* Maximum number of refs in any composit */
354     uint16 maxcomponentdepth;
355 	/* Apple docs say: 0 (if no composits), maximum value 1 (one level of composit) */
356 	/* OpenType docs say: 1 (if no composits), any depth allowed */
357 };
359 struct nametab {
360     uint16 format;	/* 0 */
361     uint16 numrec;	/* 1 */
362     uint16 startOfStrings;	/* offset from start of table to start of strings */
363     struct namerec {
364 	uint16 platform;	/* 3 => MS */
365 	uint16 specific;	/* 1 */
366 	uint16 language;	/* 0x0409 */
367 	uint16 nameid;		/* 0=>copyright, 1=>family, 2=>weight, 4=>fullname */
368 				/*  5=>version, 6=>postscript name */
369 	uint16 strlen;
370 	uint16 stroff;
371     } nr[6];
372 };
374 struct os2 {
375     uint16 version;	/* 1 */
376     int16 avgCharWid;	/* average all chars (v3) see v2 definition below */
377     uint16 weightClass;	/* 100=>thin, 200=>extra-light, 300=>light, 400=>normal, */
378 			/* 500=>Medium, 600=>semi-bold, 700=>bold, 800=>extra-bold, */
379 			/* 900=>black */
380     uint16 widthClass;	/* 75=>condensed, 100, 125=>expanded */
381     int16 fstype;	/* 0x0008 => allow embedded editing */
382     int16 ysubXSize;	/* emsize/5 */
383     int16 ysubYSize;	/* emsize/5 */
384     int16 ysubXOff;	/* 0 */
385     int16 ysubYOff;	/* emsize/5 */
386     int16 ysupXSize;	/* emsize/5 */
387     int16 ysupYSize;	/* emsize/5 */
388     int16 ysupXOff;	/* 0 */
389     int16 ysupYOff;	/* emsize/5 */
390     int16 yStrikeoutSize;	/* 102/2048 *emsize */
391     int16 yStrikeoutPos;	/* 530/2048 *emsize */
392     int16 sFamilyClass;	/* ??? 0 */
393 	/* high order byte is the "class", low order byte the sub class */
394 	/* class = 0 => no classification */
395 	/* class = 1 => old style serifs */
396 	/*	subclass 0, no class; 1 ibm rounded; 2 garalde; 3 venetian; 4 mod venitian; 5 dutch modern; 6 dutch trad; 7 contemporary; 8 caligraphic; 15 misc */
397 	/* class = 2 => transitional serifs */
398 	/*	subclass 0, no class; 1 drect line; 2 script; 15 misc */
399 	/* class = 3 => modern serifs */
400 	/*	subclass: 1, italian; 2, script */
401 	/* class = 4 => clarendon serifs */
402 	/*	subclass: 1, clarendon; 2, modern; 3 trad; 4 newspaper; 5 stub; 6 monotone; 7 typewriter */
403 	/* class = 5 => slab serifs */
404 	/*	subclass: 1, monotone; 2, humanist; 3 geometric; 4 swiss; 5 typewriter */
405 	/* class = 7 => freeform serifs */
406 	/*	subclass: 1, modern */
407 	/* class = 8 => sans serif */
408 	/*	subclass: 1, ibm neogrotesque; 2 humanist; 3 low-x rounded; 4 high-x rounded; 5 neo-grotesque; 6 mod neo-grot; 9 typewriter; 10 matrix */
409 	/* class = 9 => ornamentals */
410 	/*	subclass: 1, engraver; 2 black letter; 3 decorative; 4 3D */
411 	/* class = 10 => scripts */
412 	/*	subclass: 1, uncial; 2 brush joined; 3 formal joined; 4 monotone joined; 5 calligraphic; 6 brush unjoined; 7 formal unjoined; 8 monotone unjoined */
413 	/* class = 12 => symbolic */
414 	/*	subclass: 3 mixed serif; 6 old style serif; 7 neo-grotesque sans; */
415     char panose[10];	/* can be set to zero */
416     uint32 unicoderange[4];
417 	/* 1<<0=>ascii, 1<<1 => latin1, 2=>100-17f, 3=>180-24f, 4=>250-2af */
418 	/* 5=> 2b0-2ff, 6=>300-36f, ... */
419     char achVendID[4];	/* can be zero */
420     uint16 fsSel;	/* 1=> italic, 32=>bold, 64 => regular */
421 			/* 2=>underscore, 4=>negative, 8->outlined, 16=>strikeout */
422 			/* version 4 of OS/2 */
423 			/* 128->don't use win_ascent/descent for line spacing */
424 			/* 256=>family varies on weight width slope only */
425 			/* 512=>oblique (as opposed to italic) */
426     uint16 firstcharindex; /* minimum unicode encoding */
427     uint16 lastcharindex;  /* maximum unicode encoding */
428     uint16 ascender;	/* font ascender height (not ascent) */
429     uint16 descender;	/* font descender height */
430     uint16 linegap;	/* 0 */
431     uint16 winascent;	/* ymax */
432     uint16 windescent;	/* ymin */
433     uint32 ulCodePage[2];
434 	/* 1<<0 => latin1, 1<<1=>latin2, cyrillic, greek, turkish, hebrew, arabic */
435 	/* 1<<30 => mac, 1<<31 => symbol */
436     /* OTF stuff (version 2 of OS/2) */
437     short xHeight;
438     short capHeight;
439     short defChar;
440     short breakChar;
441     short maxContext;
442     /* V3 of OS/2 has no additional data */
443     /* V4 of OS/2 has no additional data */
445     int v1_avgCharWid;	/* 1&2 Weighted average of the lower case letters and space */
446     int v3_avgCharWid;	/* 3&4 average over all non-zero width glyphs */
447 };
449 struct post {
450     int32 formattype;		/* 0x00020000 */
451     int32 italicAngle;		/* in fixed format */
452     int16 upos;
453     int16 uwidth;
454     uint32 isfixed;
455     uint32 minmem42;
456     uint32 maxmem42;
457     uint32 minmem1;
458     uint32 maxmem1;
459     uint16 numglyphs;
460     uint16 glyphnameindex[1];
461 };
463 struct glyphinfo {
464     struct maxp *maxp;		/* this one is given to dumpglyphs, rest blank */
465     uint32 *loca;
466     FILE *glyphs;
467     FILE *hmtx;
468     int hmtxlen;
469     FILE *vmtx;
470     int vmtxlen;
471     int next_glyph;
472     int glyph_len;
473     int xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
474     BlueData bd;
475     int strikecnt;		/* number of bitmaps to dump */
476     int lasthwidth, lastvwidth;	/* encoding of last glyph for which we generate a full metrics entry */
477     int hfullcnt, vfullcnt;
478     int flags;
479     int fixed_width;
480     int32 *bsizes;
481     unsigned int onlybitmaps: 1;
482     unsigned int has_instrs: 1;
483     unsigned int is_ttf: 1;
484     SplineFont *sf;
485     int32 *pointcounts;
486     int *bygid;			/* glyph list */
487     int gcnt;
488     int layer;
489 };
491 struct vorg {
492     uint16 majorVersion;		/* 1 */
493     uint16 minorVersion;		/* 0 */
494     short defaultVertOriginY;	/* Y coord of default vertical origin in the design coordinate system */
495     uint16 numVertOriginYMetrics;	/* exceptions to the above, elements in following array */
496 #if 0
497     struct {
498 	uint16 glyphindex;		/* ordered */
499 	short vertOrigin;
500     } origins[];
501 #endif
502 };
504 struct alltabs {
505     struct tabdir tabdir;
506     struct head head;
507     struct hhead hhead;
508     struct hhead vhead;
509     struct maxp maxp;
510     struct os2 os2;
511     struct vorg vorg;
512     FILE *loca;
513     int localen;
514     FILE *name;
515     int namelen;
516     FILE *post;
517     int postlen;
518     FILE *gpos;			/* Used instead of kern for opentype (and other glyph positioning) */
519     int gposlen;
520     FILE *gsub;			/* Used for ligatures and other substitutions */
521     int gsublen;
522     FILE *gdef;			/* If we use mark to base we need this to tell the text processor what things are marks (the opentype docs say it is optional. They are wrong) */
523     int gdeflen;
524     FILE *kern;
525     int kernlen;
526     FILE *cmap;
527     int cmaplen;
528     FILE *headf;
529     int headlen;
530     FILE *hheadf;
531     int hheadlen;
532     FILE *maxpf;
533     int maxplen;
534     FILE *os2f;
535     int os2len;
536     FILE *math;
537     int mathlen;
538     FILE *base;
539     int baselen;
540     FILE *cvtf;
541     int cvtlen;
542     FILE *fpgmf;		/* Copied from an original ttf file and dumped out. Never generated */
543     int fpgmlen;
544     FILE *prepf;		/* Copied from an original ttf file and dumped out. Never generated */
545     int preplen;
546     FILE *vheadf;
547     int vheadlen;
548     FILE *vorgf;
549     int vorglen;
550     FILE *gaspf;
551     int gasplen;
552     FILE *cfff;
553     int cfflen;
554     FILE *sidf;
555     FILE *sidh;
556     FILE *charset;
557     FILE *encoding;
558     FILE *globalsubrs;
559     FILE *private;
560     FILE *charstrings;
561     FILE *fdselect;
562     FILE *fdarray;
563     FILE *bdat;		/* might be EBDT */
564     int bdatlen;
565     FILE *bloc;		/* might be EBLC */
566     int bloclen;
567     FILE *ebsc;
568     int ebsclen;
569     FILE *pfed;
570     int pfedlen;
571     FILE *tex;
572     int texlen;
573     FILE *bdf;
574     int bdflen;
575     FILE *fftmf;
576     int fftmlen;
577     FILE *dsigf;
578     int dsiglen;
579     FILE *hdmxf;
580     int hdmxlen;
581     int defwid, nomwid;
582     int sidcnt;
583     int lenpos;
584     int privatelen;
585     unsigned int sidlongoffset: 1;
586     unsigned int cfflongoffset: 1;
587     unsigned int applemode: 1;		/* Where apple & ms differ do things apple's way (bitmaps, name table PostScript) */
588     unsigned int opentypemode: 1;	/* Where apple & ms differ do things opentype's way (bitmaps, name table PostScript) */
589 	    /* If both are set then try to generate both types of tables. Some things can't be fudged though (name table postscript) */
590     unsigned int msbitmaps: 1;
591     unsigned int applebitmaps: 1;
592     unsigned int otbbitmaps: 1;
593     unsigned int isotf: 1;
594     unsigned int error: 1;
595     struct glyphinfo gi;
596     int isfixed;
597     struct fd2data *fds;
598     int next_strid;
600     int next_lookup;	/* for doing nested lookups in contextual features */
601     short *gn_sid;
602     enum fontformat format;
603     int fontstyle_name_strid;	/* For GPOS 'size' */
604     SplineFont *sf;
605     EncMap *map;
606     struct ttf_table *oldcvt;
607     int oldcvtlen;
608 };
610 struct subhead { uint16 first, cnt, delta, rangeoff; };	/* a sub header in 8/16 cmap table */
612 enum touchflags { tf_x=1, tf_y=2, tf_d=4, tf_endcontour=0x80, tf_startcontour=0x40 };
614 struct contexttree {
615     int depth;
616     int branch_cnt;	/* count of subbranches of this node */
617     struct ct_branch {
618 	uint16 classnum;
619 	struct contexttree *branch;
620     } *branches;
621     struct fpst_rule *ends_here;
622     int rule_cnt;	/* count of rules which are active here */
623     struct ct_subs {
624 	struct fpst_rule *rule;
625 	struct contexttree *branch;/* if the rule ends here this will be null */
626 	uint16 thisclassnum;
627     } *rules;
628     int pending_pos;
629     OTLookup *applymarkedsubs;
630     OTLookup *applycursubs;
631     uint16 marked_index, cur_index;
632     uint8 markme;
633     int state, next_state;
634     struct contexttree *parent;
635 };
637 	/* TrueType Composite glyph flags */
638 #define _ARGS_ARE_WORDS	1
639 #define _ARGS_ARE_XY	2
640 #define _ROUND		4		/* round offsets so componant is on grid */
641 #define _SCALE		8
642 /* 0x10 is reserved */
643 #define _MORE		0x20
644 #define _XY_SCALE	0x40
645 #define _MATRIX		0x80
646 #define _INSTR		0x100
647 #define _USE_MY_METRICS	0x200
648 #define _OVERLAP_COMPOUND	0x400	/* Used in Apple GX fonts */
649 	    /* Means the components overlap (which? this one and what other?) */
650 /* Described in OpenType specs, not by Apple */
651 /* amusingly, Apple supports but MS does not */
652 /* MS says they support this after Win 2000 */
653 #define _SCALED_OFFSETS		0x800	/* Use Apple definition of offset interpretation */
654 #define _UNSCALED_OFFSETS	0x1000	/* Use MS definition */
656 extern int ttfFixupRef(SplineChar **chars,int i);
658     /* Open type Advanced Typography Tables */
659 extern void otf_dumpgpos(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf);
660 extern void otf_dumpgsub(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf);
661 extern void otf_dumpgdef(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf);
662 extern void otf_dumpbase(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf);
663 extern void otf_dump_dummydsig(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf);
664 extern int gdefclass(SplineChar *sc);
666 extern void ttf_dumpkerns(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf);
668     /* TrueType instructions */
669 extern struct ttf_table *SFFindTable(SplineFont *sf,uint32 tag);
670 extern int TTF__getcvtval(SplineFont *sf,int val);
671 extern int TTF_getcvtval(SplineFont *sf,int val);
672 extern void SCinitforinstrs(SplineChar *sc);
673 extern int SSAddPoints(SplineSet *ss,int ptcnt,BasePoint *bp, char *flags);
675     /* Used by both otf and apple */
676 extern int LigCaretCnt(SplineChar *sc);
677 extern uint16 *ClassesFromNames(SplineFont *sf,char **classnames,int class_cnt,
678 	int numGlyphs, SplineChar ***glyphs, int apple_kc);
679 extern SplineChar **SFGlyphsFromNames(SplineFont *sf,char *names);
682 extern void AnchorClassOrder(SplineFont *sf);
683 extern SplineChar **EntryExitDecompose(SplineFont *sf,AnchorClass *ac,
684 	struct glyphinfo *gi);
685 extern void AnchorClassDecompose(SplineFont *sf,AnchorClass *_ac, int classcnt, int *subcnts,
686 	SplineChar ***marks,SplineChar ***base,
687 	SplineChar ***lig,SplineChar ***mkmk,
688 	struct glyphinfo *gi);
690 #ifdef _HAS_LONGLONG
691 extern void cvt_unix_to_1904( long long time, int32 result[2]);
692 #else
693 extern void cvt_unix_to_1904( long time, int32 result[2]);
694 #endif
697     /* Non-standard tables */
698 	/* My PfEd table for FontForge/PfaEdit specific info */
699 extern void pfed_dump(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf);
700 extern void pfed_read(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
701 	/* The TeX table, to contain stuff the TeX people want */
702 extern void tex_dump(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf);
703 extern void tex_read(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
704 	/* The BDF table, to contain bdf properties the X people want */
705 extern int ttf_bdf_dump(SplineFont *sf,struct alltabs *at,int32 *sizes);
706 extern void ttf_bdf_read(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
707 	/* The FFTM table, to some timestamps I'd like */
708 extern int ttf_fftm_dump(SplineFont *sf,struct alltabs *at);
710     /* The MATH table */
711 extern void otf_dump_math(struct alltabs *at, SplineFont *sf);
712 extern void otf_read_math(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
713 extern void otf_read_math_used(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
714 extern void GuessNamesFromMATH(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
716     /* Parsing advanced typography */
717 extern void readttfkerns(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
718 extern void readttfgsubUsed(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
719 extern void GuessNamesFromGSUB(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
720 extern void readttfgpossub(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info,int gpos);
721 extern void readttfgdef(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
722 extern void readttfbase(FILE *ttf,struct ttfinfo *info);
724 extern struct otfname *FindAllLangEntries(FILE *ttf, struct ttfinfo *info, int id );
726 /* Known font parameters for 'TeX ' table (fontdims, spacing params, whatever you want to call them) */
727     /* Used by all fonts */
728 #define	TeX_Slant	CHR('S','l','n','t')
729 #define TeX_Space	CHR('S','p','a','c')
730 #define TeX_Stretch	CHR('S','t','r','e')
731 #define TeX_Shrink	CHR('S','h','n','k')
732 #define TeX_XHeight	CHR('X','H','g','t')
733 #define TeX_Quad	CHR('Q','u','a','d')
734     /* Used by text fonts */
735 #define TeX_ExtraSp	CHR('E','x','S','p')
736     /* Used by all math fonts */
737 #define TeX_MathSp	CHR('M','t','S','p')
738     /* Used by math fonts */
739 #define TeX_Num1	CHR('N','u','m','1')
740 #define TeX_Num2	CHR('N','u','m','2')
741 #define TeX_Num3	CHR('N','u','m','3')
742 #define TeX_Denom1	CHR('D','n','m','1')
743 #define TeX_Denom2	CHR('D','n','m','2')
744 #define TeX_Sup1	CHR('S','u','p','1')
745 #define TeX_Sup2	CHR('S','u','p','2')
746 #define TeX_Sup3	CHR('S','u','p','3')
747 #define TeX_Sub1	CHR('S','u','b','1')
748 #define TeX_Sub2	CHR('S','u','b','2')
749 #define TeX_SupDrop	CHR('S','p','D','p')
750 #define TeX_SubDrop	CHR('S','b','D','p')
751 #define TeX_Delim1	CHR('D','l','m','1')
752 #define TeX_Delim2	CHR('D','l','m','2')
753 #define TeX_AxisHeight	CHR('A','x','H','t')
754     /* Used by math extension fonts */
755 #define TeX_DefRuleThick	CHR('R','l','T','k')
756 #define TeX_BigOpSpace1		CHR('B','O','S','1')
757 #define TeX_BigOpSpace2		CHR('B','O','S','2')
758 #define TeX_BigOpSpace3		CHR('B','O','S','3')
759 #define TeX_BigOpSpace4		CHR('B','O','S','4')
760 #define TeX_BigOpSpace5		CHR('B','O','S','5')
762 extern void SFDummyUpCIDs(struct glyphinfo *gi,SplineFont *sf);