1<?xml version="1.0"?>
2<!-- *********************************************************************
3** options.xml                                                          **
4**                                                                      **
5** This file is part of dvisvgm - the DVI to SVG converter              **
6** Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Martin Gieseking <martin.gieseking@uos.de>   **
7**                                                                      **
8** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        **
9** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as       **
10** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of       **
11** the License, or (at your option) any later version.                  **
12**                                                                      **
13** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but  **
14** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           **
16** GNU General Public License for more details.                         **
17**                                                                      **
18** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    **
19** along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **
21<!DOCTYPE cmdline SYSTEM "options.dtd">
23<cmdline class="CommandLine">
24	<program>
25		<name>dvisvgm</name>
26		<usage>[options] dvifile</usage>
27		<usage>-E [options] epsfile</usage>
28      <description>This program converts DVI files, as created by TeX/LaTeX, to\nthe XML-based scalable vector graphics format SVG.</description>
29	</program>
30	<options>
31		<section title="Input options">
32			<option long="page" short="p">
33				<arg type="string" name="ranges" default="1"/>
34				<description>choose pages to convert</description>
35			</option>
36			<option long="fontmap" short="m">
37				<arg type="string" name="filenames"/>
38				<description>evaluate (additional) font map files</description>
39			</option>
40			<option long="eps" short="E" if="!defined(DISABLE_GS)">
41				<description>convert an EPS file to SVG</description>
42			</option>
43		</section>
44		<section title="SVG output options">
45			<option long="bbox" short="b">
46				<arg type="string" name="size" default="min"/>
47				<description>set size of bounding box</description>
48			</option>
49			<option long="clipjoin" short="j" if="!defined(DISABLE_GS)">
50				<description>compute intersection of clipping paths</description>
51			</option>
52			<option long="grad-overlap" if="!defined(DISABLE_GS)">
53				<description>create operlapping color gradient segments</description>
54			</option>
55			<option long="grad-segments" if="!defined(DISABLE_GS)">
56				<arg type="int" name="number" default="20"/>
57				<description>number of color gradient segments per row</description>
58			</option>
59			<option long="grad-simplify" if="!defined(DISABLE_GS)">
60				<arg type="double" name="delta" default="0.05"/>
61				<description>reduce level of detail for small segments</description>
62			</option>
63			<option long="linkmark" short="L">
64				<arg type="string" name="style" default="box"/>
65				<description>select how to mark hyperlinked areas</description>
66			</option>
67			<option long="output" short="o">
68				<arg type="string" name="pattern"/>
69				<description>set name pattern of output files</description>
70			</option>
71			<option long="precision" short="d">
72				<arg type="int" name="number" default="0"/>
73				<description>set number of decimal points (0-6)</description>
74			</option>
75			<option long="relative" short="R">
76				<description>create relative path commands</description>
77			</option>
78			<option long="stdout" short="s">
79				<description>write SVG output to stdout</description>
80			</option>
81			<option long="no-fonts" short="n">
82				<arg type="int" name="variant" default="0" optional="yes"/>
83				<description>draw glyphs by using path elements</description>
84			</option>
85			<option long="no-merge">
86				<description>don't merge adjacent text elements</description>
87			</option>
88			<option long="no-styles">
89				<description>don't use styles to reference fonts</description>
90			</option>
91			<option long="zip" short="z">
92				<arg type="int" name="level" default="9" optional="yes"/>
93				<description>create compressed .svgz file</description>
94			</option>
95		</section>
96		<section title="SVG transformations">
97			<option long="rotate" short="r">
98				<arg type="double" name="angle"/>
99				<description>rotate page content clockwise</description>
100			</option>
101			<option long="scale" short="c">
102				<arg type="string" name="sx[,sy]"/>
103				<description>scale page content</description>
104			</option>
105			<option long="translate" short="t">
106				<arg type="string" name="tx[,ty]"/>
107				<description>shift page content</description>
108			</option>
109			<option long="transform" short="T">
110				<arg type="string" name="commands"/>
111				<description>transform page content</description>
112			</option>
113			<option long="zoom" short="Z">
114				<arg type="double" name="factor" default="1.0"/>
115				<description>zoom page content</description>
116			</option>
117		</section>
118		<section title="Processing options">
119			<option long="cache" short="C">
120				<arg type="string" name="dir" optional="yes"/>
121				<description>set/print path of cache directory</description>
122			</option>
123         <option long="exact" short="e">
124            <description>compute exact glyph boxes</description>
125         </option>
126		   <option long="keep">
127		      <description>keep temporary files</description>
128		   </option>
129		   <option long="libgs" if="!defined(HAVE_LIBGS) &amp;&amp; !defined(DISABLE_GS)">
130				<arg name="filename" type="string"/>
131				<description>set name of Ghostscript shared library</description>
132			</option>
133			<option long="mag" short="M">
134				<arg type="double" name="factor" default="4"/>
135				<description>magnification of Metafont output</description>
136			</option>
137			<option long="no-mktexmf">
138				<description>don't try to create missing fonts</description>
139			</option>
140			<option long="no-specials" short="S">
141				<arg type="string" name="prefixes" optional="yes"/>
142				<description>don't process [selected] specials</description>
143			</option>
144			<option long="trace-all" short="a">
145            <arg name="retrace" type="bool" optional="yes" default="no"/>
146				<description>trace all glyphs of bitmap fonts</description>
147			</option>
148		</section>
149		<section title="Message options">
150			<option long="color">
151				<description>colorize messages</description>
152			</option>
153			<option long="help" short="h">
154				<arg name="mode" type="int" optional="yes" default="0"/>
155				<description>print this summary of options and exit</description>
156			</option>
157			<option long="list-specials" short="l">
158				<description>print supported special sets and exit</description>
159			</option>
160			<option long="progress" short="P">
161            <arg name="delay" type="double" optional="yes" default="0.5"/>
162				<description>enable progess indicator</description>
163			</option>
164			<option long="verbosity" short="v">
165				<arg type="unsigned" name="level" default="7"/>
166				<description>set verbosity level (0-7)</description>
167			</option>
168			<option long="version" short="V">
169				<arg type="bool" name="extended" optional="yes" default="no"/>
170				<description>print version and exit</description>
171			</option>
172		</section>
173	</options>