1 unit notes;
3 interface uses control;
5 const count64: array['0'..'9'] of integer =
6          ( 64, 4, 32, 2, 16, 0, 1, 0, 8, 128 );
8 procedure processNote(var note, xnote: string; dur1: char; var dur: char;
9   var count: integer);
durationCodenull10 function durationCode (note: string): char;
octaveCodenull11 function octaveCode (note: string): char;
12 procedure removeOctaveCode(code: char; var note: string);
13 procedure insertOctaveCode(code: char; var note: string);
14 procedure translateSolfa(var nt: char);
16 implementation uses strings, globals;
18 type
20 parsedNote = record
21   name: char;
22   duration: string[1];
23   octave: string[8];
24   accidental, whatever, dotgroup, xtuplet: string[16];
25   shortcut: string[32];
26 end;
28 procedure printNote(n: parsedNote);
29 begin with n do writeln(name,'|',duration,'|',octave,'|',accidental,'|',
30   whatever,'|',dotgroup,'|',xtuplet,'|',shortcut)
31 end;
33 { If rearrangeNote is TRUE, translate original note to the following form:
34   1. Note name.
35   2. Duration.
36   3. Octave adjustments.
37   4. Everything except the other six items.
38   5. Accidental with adjustments (rest: height adjustment)
39   6. Dot with adjustments.
40   7. Xtuplet group.
41 }
43 procedure translateSolfa(var nt: char);
44   var k: integer;
45 begin  if solfaNoteNames then
46   begin k:=pos1(nt,solfa_names);  if k>0 then nt:=has_duration[k]
47   end
48 end;
durationCodenull50 function durationCode (note: string): char;
51   var code: char;
52   begin  durationCode:=unspecified;  if length(note)>1 then
53     begin  code:=note[2]; if pos1(code,durations)>0 then durationCode:=code
54     end
55   end;
halfnull57 function half ( dur: char ) : char;
58   var k: integer;
59   begin  k:= pos1 (dur, durations );  half := dur;
60     if k=0 then error ('Invalid duration '+dur,print)
61     else if k>ndurs then error (dur+' is too short to halve',print)
62     else half := durations[k+1];
63   end;
65 procedure addDuration ( var note: string; dur: char);
66 begin if insertDuration then insertchar(dur,note,2); end;
68 { Extract procedures.  All of these remove part of "note" (sometimes
69   the part is empty) and put it somewhere else.  The part may be anywhere
70   in "note", except when otherwise specified.}
72 { Unconditionally extracts the first character. }
74 procedure extractFirst(var note: string; var first: char);
75 begin first:=note[1];  predelete(note,1)
76 end;
78 { Extracts at most one of the characters in "hits". }
80 procedure extractOneOf(var note: string; hits: string; var hit: string);
81   var i, l: integer;
82 begin  l:=length(note); hit:='';
83   for i:=1 to l do  if pos1(note[i],hits)>0 then
84   begin hit:=note[i]; delete1(note,i); exit;
85   end;
86 end;
88 { Extracts contiguous characters in "hits" until no more are found.
89   There may be more later. }
91 procedure extractContiguous(var note: string; hits: string; var hit: string);
92   var i, l, len: integer;
93 begin  l:=length(note); len:=l; hit:='';
94   for i:=1 to l do  if pos1(note[i],hits)>0 then
95   begin
96     repeat if pos1(note[i],hits)=0 then exit;
97       hit:=hit+note[i]; delete1(note,i); dec(len)
98     until len<i;
99     exit;
100   end;
101 end;
103 { Extracts the specified character and everything after it. }
105 procedure extractAfter(var note: string; delim: char; var tail: string);
106   var newlen: integer;
107 begin  newlen:=pos1(delim,note);  tail:='';  if newlen=0 then exit;
108   dec(newlen); tail:=note; predelete(tail,newlen); note[0]:=char(newlen);
109 end;
111 { Extracts the dot shortcut part of a note: comma shortcut is no problem
112   because a comma cannot be part of a number. }
114 procedure extractDotShortcut(var note: string; var tail: string);
115   var names, tail2: string;
116       l, lt: integer;
117       ch: char;
118 begin extractAfter(note,'.',tail); l:=1; lt:=length(tail);
119   if (l<lt) and (tail[2]='.') then l:=2;
120   if solfaNoteNames then names:=solfa_names else names:=has_duration;
121   if (l<lt) and (pos1(tail[l+1],names)>0) then
122     begin translateSolfa(tail[l+1]); exit end;
123   if l=2 then error('".." followed by non-note',print);
124   if l>=lt then begin note:=note+tail; tail:=''; exit end;
125   ch:=tail[1]; predelete(tail,1);
126   extractDotShortcut(tail,tail2); note:=note+ch+tail; tail:=tail2;
127 end;
129 { Extracts a signed number. }
131 procedure extractSignedNumber(var note, number: string);
132   var k: integer;
133       note0: string;
134 begin  k:=pos1('+',note); if k=0 then k:=pos1('-',note);
135   number:=''; if k=0 then exit;
136   note0:=note;
137   repeat number:=number+note[k]; delete1(note,k)
138   until (k>length(note)) or (note[k]<>'0') and (pos1(note[k],digits)=0);
139   if length(number)=1 then begin note:=note0; number:='' end
140 end;
142 { Extracts a symbol followed by optional +- or <> shift indicators }
144 procedure extractGroup(var note: string; delim: char; var group: string);
145   var gl, k, k0: integer;
146       probe, nonumber: boolean;
147       tail: string;
148   procedure tryMore;
149   begin  while (k<=gl) and (group[k]=group[1]) do inc(k) end;
150   procedure try(s: string);
151   begin  probe:=(k<gl) and (pos1(group[k],s)>0);  if probe then inc(k)
152   end;
153   procedure tryNumber;
154     var dot: boolean;
155   begin  nonumber:=true;  dot:=false;
156     while (k<=gl) and (pos1(group[k],digitsdot)>0) do
157     begin inc(k);  if group[k]='.' then
158       if dot then error('Extra dot in number',print) else dot:=true
159       else  nonumber:=false
160     end
161   end;
162 begin  extractAfter(note,delim,group); if group='' then exit;
163   gl:=length(group); k:=2;
164   if (gl>1) and (group[2]=':') then k:=3   else
165   begin  tryMore;
166     k0:=k; try('+-<>'); if probe then tryNumber;  if nonumber then k:=k0;
167     k0:=k; try('+-<>'); if probe then tryNumber;  if nonumber then k:=k0;
168   end;
169   tail:=group; dec(k); group[0]:=char(k); predelete(tail,k);
170   note:=note+tail
171 end;
173 procedure parseNote(note: string; var pnote: parsedNote);
174 var onlymidi: string;
175 begin  with pnote do
176   begin
177     shortcut:=''; xtuplet:=''; accidental:=''; dotgroup:='';
178     duration:=''; octave:=''; onlymidi:='';
179     extractFirst(note,name);
180     extractAfter(note,'x',xtuplet);
181     extractAfter(note,',',shortcut);
182     if shortcut='' then extractDotShortcut(note,shortcut);
183     if name<>rest then
184     begin extractGroup(note,'s',accidental);
185       if accidental='' then extractGroup(note,'f',accidental);
186       if accidental='' then extractGroup(note,'n',accidental);
187     end;
188 { Look for 'i' or 'c' anywhere in what is left of note.}
189     if accidental<>'' then
190     begin extractOneOf(note,'ic',onlymidi); accidental:=accidental+onlymidi
191     end;
192     extractGroup(note,'d',dotgroup);
193     if name=rest then extractSignedNumber(note,accidental);
194     extractOneOf(note,durations,duration);
195     if note<>rest then extractContiguous(note,'=+-',octave);
196     if (length(note)>0) and (note[1]>='0') and (note[1]<='9')
197       then begin octave:=note[1]+octave; delete1(note,1) end;
198     whatever := note
199   end
200 end;
202 { On input: "note" is a note word; "dur1" is the default duration.
203   On output: "note" has possibly been modified;
204     possibly been split into two parts, the second being "shortcut";
205     "dur" is the suggested new default duration;
206     "count" is the count of the total of "note" and "shortcut" }
207 procedure processNote(var note, xnote: string; dur1: char; var dur: char;
208   var count: integer);
209 var sc, origdur: string[2];
210   multiplicity, l: integer;
211   pnote: parsedNote;
212 begin xnote:=''; dur:=dur1;
213   if (note='') or not isNoteOrRest(note) or isPause(note) then exit;
214   parseNote(note, pnote);
215   if debugMode then begin write(note,' => '); printNote(pnote) end;
216   with pnote do
217   begin
218     if pos1('.',whatever)>0 then warning('Suspicious dot in word '+note,print);
219     origdur := duration;
220     if duration='' then dur:=dur1 else dur:=duration[1];
221     count:=count64[dur]; if dotgroup<>'' then
222     begin inc(count,count div 2);
223       if startswith(dotgroup,'dd') then inc(count,count div 6)
224     end;
225     duration:=dur; if shortcut<>'' then
226     begin
227       if dotgroup<>'' then
228       error('You may not explicitly dot a note with a shortcut',print);
229       sc:=shortcut[1]; predelete(shortcut,1);
230       if sc='.' then
231       begin  multiplicity:=1;
232         if shortcut[1]='.' then
233         begin inc(multiplicity); predelete(shortcut,1); sc:=sc+'.' end;
234         inc(count,count);  dur1:=duration[1];
235         for l:=1 to multiplicity do
236         begin dotgroup:=dotgroup+dotcode; dur1:=half(dur1) end;
237         addDuration(shortcut,dur1);
238       end  else
239       begin addDuration(shortcut,half(duration[1]));
240         inc(count,count div 2)
241       end
242     end;
243     if not insertDuration then duration := origdur;
244     if rearrangeNote
245        then note := name + duration + octave + whatever
246          + accidental + dotgroup + xtuplet
247        else shortcut:=' ';
248     if not insertDuration and (shortcut<>'') then shortcut:=sc+shortcut;
249     xnote:=shortcut
250   end
251 end;
octaveCodenull253 function octaveCode (note: string): char;
254   var pnote: parsedNote;
255 begin {if debugMode then write('Octave code in note "',note,'" is ');}
256   parseNote(note,pnote); with pnote do
257   begin {if debugMode then writeln('"',octave,'"');}
258     if octave='' then octaveCode:=' ' else octaveCode:=octave[1]; end
259 end;
261 procedure removeOctaveCode(code: char; var note: string);
262   var k, l: integer;
263 begin {if debugMode then writeln('remove ',code,' from ',note);} l:=length(note);
264   for k:=1 to l do if note[k]=code then
265     if (k=l) or (note[k+1]<'0') or (note[k+1]>'9') then
266     begin delete1(note,k); exit end;
267   fatalError('Code not found in note')
268 end;
270 procedure insertOctaveCode(code: char; var note: string);
271   var l: integer;
272 begin {if debugMode then writeln('insert ',code,' into ',note); }
273   l:=length(note);
274   if (l<2) or (note[2]<'0') or (note[2]>'9') then
275     fatalError('Trying to insert octave into note without duration');
276   if (l<=2) or (note[3]<'0') or (note[3]>'9') then insertChar(code,note,3)
277   else writeln('Not inserting "',code,'", note already has octave code"')
278 end;
280 end.