1 unit utility;  { DPL 2004-03-22 }
3 { Utilities, mainly aids to parsing }
5 interface
equalsIgnoreCasenull7 function equalsIgnoreCase(s1, s2: string): boolean;
startsWithIgnoreCasenull8 function startsWithIgnoreCase(s1, s2: string): boolean;
endsWithnull9 function endsWith(s1, s2: string): boolean;
startsWithBracedWordnull10 function startsWithBracedWord (P: string): boolean;
GetNextWordnull11 function GetNextWord (var s: string; Delim, Term: char): string;
NextWordnull12 function NextWord (s: string; Delim, Term: char): string;
wordCountnull13 function wordCount (s: string): integer;
pluralnull14 function plural (n: integer): string;
curtailnull15 function curtail (var s: string; c: char): integer;
16   { Remove last character if it equals c and return its position;
17     otherwise return 0 }
toStringnull18 function toString(n: integer): string;
19 procedure trim(var s: string);
digitnull20 function digit(c: char): integer;
matchnull21 function match(source, pattern: string): boolean;
translatenull22 function translate(source, pattern, target: string): string;
23 procedure grep(var source, pattern, target: string);
24   { See Implementation for what this currently does. }
26 implementation uses strings;
28 const blank = ' '; dummy = #0;
wordCountnull30 function wordCount (s: string): integer;
31   var i, n: integer;
32   begin  if length(s)=0 then
33     begin wordCount:=0; exit; end;
34     if s[1]=blank then n:=0 else n:=1;
35     for i:=1 to length(s)-1 do
36     if (s[i]=blank) and (s[i+1]<>blank) then inc(n);
37     wordCount:=n;
38   end;
GetNextWordnull40 function GetNextWord (var s: string; Delim, Term: char): string;
41 { A delimiter is a character that separates words, but forms no part
42    of them.  A terminator is a character that appears at the end of
43    a word. }
44   var n, start, last: integer;
45 begin  last:=length(s);  n:=1;
46   while (n<=last) and (s[n] = Delim) do inc(n);
47   start:=n;
48   while (n<=last) and not (s[n] in [Delim,Term]) do inc(n);
49   if (n<=last) and (s[n] = Term) then inc(n);
50   GetNextWord:=substr(s,start,n-start);
51   while (n<=last) and (s[n] = Delim) do inc(n);
52   predelete(s,n-1);
53 end;
NextWordnull55 function NextWord (s: string; Delim, Term: char): string;
56   begin NextWord:=GetNextWord(s,Delim,Term); end;
pluralnull58 function plural (n: integer): string;
59   begin  if n=1 then plural:='' else plural:='s'; end;
curtailnull61 function curtail (var s: string; c: char): integer;
62   var l: integer;
63   begin l:=length(s); curtail:=0;
64     if s[l]=c then begin shorten(s,l-1); curtail:=l; end;
65   end;
toStringnull67 function toString(n: integer): string;
68   var s: string;
69 begin  str(n,s); toString:=s; end;
digitnull71 function digit(c: char): integer;
72   begin digit:=ord(c)-ord('0'); end;
equalsIgnoreCasenull74 function equalsIgnoreCase(s1, s2: string): boolean;
75 begin  toUpper(s1); toUpper(s2); equalsIgnoreCase:=s1=s2;
76 end;
startsWithIgnoreCasenull78 function startsWithIgnoreCase(s1, s2: string): boolean;
79 begin  toUpper(s1); toUpper(s2); startsWithIgnoreCase:=startsWith(s1,s2);
80 end;
startsWithBracedWordnull82 function startsWithBracedWord (P: string): boolean;
83   var w: string;
84 begin w := getNextWord(P,blank,dummy);
85   startsWithBracedWord := (w[1]='{') and (w[length(w)]='}');
86 end;
88 procedure trim(var s: string);
89   var k: integer;
90   begin  k:=posnot(blank,s);
91     if k>1 then predelete(s,k-1) else if k=0 then s:='';
92   end;
endsWithnull94 function endsWith(s1, s2: string): boolean;
95   var l1, l2: integer;
96 begin  l1:=length(s1); l2:=length(s2);
97   if l1<l2 then begin endsWith:=false; exit end;
98   predelete(s1,l1-l2); endsWith:=s1=s2
99 end;
101 {--- Match/Replace package --- }
103 { Search and replace.  Stops when pattern no longer matches source.
104           Pattern wildcards:
105   ?   Any single character
106   *   Any string
107   #   An unsigned integer
108   ##  A signed integer
109   ### A signed number maybe with a decimal part
110           Pattern metacharacters:
111   \x  where x is any character, stands for that character
112           Target wildcards
113   \0 to \9  Value of corresponding source wildcard
114           Target metacharacters
115   \   When not followed by 0..9 or \, stands for itself
116   \\  Backslash
117 }
118 procedure grep(var source, pattern, target: string);
119   var p1, p2: array[0..9] of integer;
120       i, j, p, s, t, index, reg: integer;
121       product: string;
122       trigger, matching: boolean;
123   procedure remember(s1, s2: integer);
124   begin if index>9 then halt(9999);
125     p1[index] := s1; p2[index] := s2; s := s2+1; inc(index)
126   end;
127   procedure matchnum;
128     var allowsign, allowpoint, quit: boolean;
129         s0: integer;
130   begin allowsign := false; allowpoint := false; matching := false; s0 := s;
131     if p<length(pattern) then if pattern[p+1]='#' then
132     begin inc(p); allowsign := true;
133       if p<length(pattern) then if pattern[p+1]='#' then
134       begin inc(p); allowpoint := true end
135     end;
136     if allowsign and ((source[s]='-') or (source[s]='+')) then
137     begin inc(s); if s>length(source) then exit end;
138     quit := false;
139     while (not quit) and (s<=length(source)) do
140     begin if source[s]='.' then if not allowpoint then quit := true else
141       begin inc(s); allowpoint := false end;
142       if (source[i]>='0') and (source[i]<='9') then
143       begin inc(s); matching := true end
144       else quit := true
145     end;
146     if matching then remember(s0,s-1)
147   end;
148   procedure matchmeta;
149   begin if p<length(pattern) then inc(p);
150     if source[s]=pattern[p] then begin inc(s); inc(p) end
151     else matching := false
152   end;
153   procedure subgrep;
154   begin matching := true;
155     if pattern[p]='*' then begin remember(s,length(source)); inc(p) end
156     else if pattern[p]='?' then begin remember(s,s); inc(p) end
157     else if pattern[p]='#' then matchnum
158     else if pattern[p]='\' then matchmeta
159     else if source[s]=pattern[p] then begin inc(s); inc(p) end
160     else matching := false
161   end;
162 begin
163   index := 0; s := 1; p := 1;
164   for i:=0 to 9 do begin p1[i]:=1; p2[i]:=0 end;
165   while matching and (p<=length(pattern)) and (s<=length(source)) do subgrep;
166   product := ''; trigger := false;
167   for t:=1 to length(target) do if trigger then
168     begin reg := digit(target[t]); if (reg>=0) and (reg<=9) then
169       for j:=p1[reg] to p2[reg] do product := product + source[j]
170       else if target[t]='\' then product := product + '\'
171       else product := product + '\' + target[t];
172       trigger := false
173     end
174     else if (target[t]='\') and (t<length(target)) then trigger := true
175     else product := product + target[t];
176   source := substr(source,s,length(source));
177   pattern := substr(pattern,p,length(pattern));
178   target := product
179 end;
182 { "match" tests whether the source matches the pattern exactly }
matchnull183 function match(source, pattern: string): boolean;
184   const target: string = '';
185 begin grep(source, pattern, target);
186   match := (source='') and (pattern='')
187 end;
189 { "translate" replaces the pattern by the target in the source. }
translatenull190 function translate(source, pattern, target: string): string;
191 begin grep(source, pattern, target); translate := target;
192 end;
194 end.