1ITK Release 2.6 2=============== 3 4This release covers the period December 1, 2005 through March 11, 2006. 5 6Schedule 7-------- 8 9 Release Number Start Date End Date 10 -------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ 11 Last period for adding classes January 15 2006 February 11 2006 12 Feature freeze February 12 2006 February 26 2006 13 CVS Tagging March 11, 2006 March 11, 2006 14 Testing tarballs March 11, 2006 March 13, 2006 15 Posting tarballs March 14 2006 March 14 2006 16 17New Classes in this Release 18--------------------------- 19 20 Code/Algorithms/itkBayesianClassifierInitializationImageFilter 21 22 Code/BasicFilters/itkInvertIntensityImageFilter 23 Code/BasicFilters/itkModulusImageFilter 24 Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologicalGradientImageFilter 25 26 Code/Common/itkCovariantVector 27 Code/Common/itkSumOfSquaresImageFunction 28 29 Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt 30 Code/Review/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter 31 Code/Review/README.txt 32 33New Tests in this Release 34------------------------- 35 36 Testing/Code/Common/itkMeshSourceGraftOutputTest 37 Testing/Code/Common/itkTransformsSetParametersTest 38 39 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkInvertIntensityImageFilterTest 40 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilterTest 41 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMatrixIndexSelectionImageFilterTest 42 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkModulusImageFilterTest 43 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologicalGradientImageFilterTest 44 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkNotImageFilterTest 45 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkPushPopTileImageFilterTest 46 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryMagnitudeSquaredImageFilterTest 47 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorConnectedComponentImageFilterTest 48 49 Testing/Code/IO/itkRawImageIOTest5 50 51 Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkNeuralNetworkTests3 52 53 Testing/Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt 54 Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewHeaderTest 55 Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewPrintTest 56 Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewTests 57 Testing/Code/Review/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest 58 Testing/Code/Review/README.txt 59 60New Examples in this Release 61---------------------------- 62 63 64 Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples8 65 66 Examples/IO/ImageReadExtractFilterInsertWrite 67 68 Examples/Statistics/BayesianClassifier 69 Examples/Statistics/BayesianClassifierInitializer 70 Examples/Statistics/StatisticsExamplesTests4 71 72New Utilities in this Release 73----------------------------- 74 75 Utilities/Dart/NewSince.csh.in 76 Utilities/Dart/NewSince.gawk 77 Utilities/Doxygen/cvsVersionFilter. 78 Utilities/gdcm/CMake/CTestCustom.ctest.in 79 Utilities/gdcm/CMake/FindRsync.cmake 80 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/ACUSON.d 81 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/DictGroupName.d 82 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/ELSCINT.d 83 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/gdcm.dic.in 84 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GE-EchoPAC.d 85 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-Advance.d 86 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-Advantx.d 87 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-CR.d 88 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS.d 89 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-DLX.d 90 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-Genie.d 91 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-HiSpeed.d 92 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-Infinia.d 93 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/HITACHI-MR-pronto.d 94 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/NIH.d 95 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/Papyrus.d 96 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/ParseDict.py 97 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/PHILIPS-EasyVision.d 98 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/PHILIPS-Intera.d 99 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/SIEMENS.d 100 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/SIEMENS-syngo.d 101 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/SPI.d 102 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmArgMgr 103 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirVisit 104 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDictGroupName 105 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmMpeg 106 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmValidator 107 Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader 108 Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader.hxx.in 109 Utilities/kwsys/String.hxx.in 110 Utilities/kwsys/testDynamicLoader 111 Utilities/kwsys/testDynload 112 Utilities/openjpeg/bio 113 Utilities/openjpeg/cio 114 Utilities/openjpeg/CMakeLists.txt 115 Utilities/openjpeg/dwt 116 Utilities/openjpeg/event 117 Utilities/openjpeg/fix 118 Utilities/openjpeg/image 119 Utilities/openjpeg/int 120 Utilities/openjpeg/j2k 121 Utilities/openjpeg/j2k_lib 122 Utilities/openjpeg/jp2 123 Utilities/openjpeg/jpt 124 Utilities/openjpeg/mct 125 Utilities/openjpeg/mqc 126 Utilities/openjpeg/.NoDartCoverage 127 Utilities/openjpeg/openjpeg 128 Utilities/openjpeg/opj_includes 129 Utilities/openjpeg/pi 130 Utilities/openjpeg/raw 131 Utilities/openjpeg/README.ITK.txt 132 Utilities/openjpeg/t1 133 Utilities/openjpeg/t2 134 Utilities/openjpeg/tcd 135 Utilities/openjpeg/tgt 136 137Changes in this Release 138----------------------- 139 140 141 CMakeLists.txt 142 ENH: ExceptionObject now reports method name. 143 144 itkConfigure.h.in 145 ENH: ExceptionObject now reports method name. 146 147 itkIncludeDirectories.cmake 148 BUG: expat is installed, but ITK_INCLUDE_DIRS fail to report so, therefore any external projects trying to use an installed ITK will fail as soon as a file like itkXMLFile.h is included (it requires expat.h). 149 150 CMake/CheckCPPDirective.cmake 151 152 ENH: ExceptionObject now reports method name. 153 154 CMake/CheckCPPDirectiveExists.cxx.in 155 ENH: better Borland support. 156 157 CMake/InsightValgrind.supp 158 ENH: Valgrind suppressions with libstdc++.so.6 159 160 Code/CMakeLists.txt 161 162 Code/Algorithms/itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter 163 STYLE: Add NAMIC attribution 164 COMP: Stupid error. Calling things from typedef prior to declaring 165 COMP: Borland issues. Use the GetStaticConstMacro to fetch Dimension 166 167 Code/Algorithms/itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter 168 STYLE: indentation. 169 170 Code/Algorithms/itkBayesianClassifierInitializationImageFilter 171 STYLE: Add NAMIC attribution 172 COMP: Borland issues. Use the GetStaticConstMacro to fetch Dimension 173 174 Code/Algorithms/itkBayesianClassifierInitializationImageFilter 175 COMP: cannot assign a T to a Vector< T, 1 > on VS6 apparently 176 ENH: VS typename issues. 177 ENH: Filter to initialize the bayesian classifer filter with a membership image 178 179 Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryMedialNodeMetric 180 ENH: Move include from header to implementation 181 182 Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryMedialNodeMetr 183 ENH: Move include from header to implementation 184 185 Code/Algorithms/itkBioCell 186 STYLE: Some style cleanup 187 188 Code/Algorithms/itkBioCell 189 STYLE: Some style cleanup 190 191 Code/Algorithms/itkBioCellBase 192 STYLE: Some style cleanup 193 194 Code/Algorithms/itkBioCellularAggregate 195 STYLE: Some style cleanup 196 197 Code/Algorithms/itkBioCellularAggregate 198 STYLE: Some style cleanup 199 200 Code/Algorithms/itkBioCellularAggregateBase 201 STYLE: Some style cleanup 202 203 Code/Algorithms/itkBioGenome 204 STYLE: Some style cleanup 205 206 Code/Algorithms/itkClassifierBase 207 STYLE: Some style cleanup 208 209 Code/Algorithms/itkClassifierBase 210 STYLE: Some style cleanup 211 212 Code/Algorithms/itkCurvatureRegistrationFilter 213 STYLE: Some style cleanup 214 215 Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DBalloonForceFilter 216 STYLE: Some style cleanup 217 218 Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DBalloonForceFilter 219 STYLE: Some style cleanup 220 221 Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DFilter 222 STYLE: Some style cleanup 223 224 Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DFilter 225 STYLE: Some style cleanup 226 227 Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DGradientConstraintForceFilter 228 COMP: warnings. 229 230 Code/Algorithms/itkFEMRegistrationFilter 231 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 232 233 Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingImageFilter 234 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 235 236 Code/Algorithms/itkGradientDifferenceImageToImageMetric 237 BUG: #2543. BoundaryCondotion objects are now ivars. 238 239 Code/Algorithms/itkGradientDifferenceImageToImageMetr 240 BUG: removed debugging statements. 241 242 Code/Algorithms/itkHistogramImageToImageMetr 243 BUG: throw exception before checking derivate sizes. 244 245 Code/Algorithms/itkHistogramMatchingImageFilter 246 COMP: Fixed typecasting to remove compiler warnings for all histogram image types. 247 248 Code/Algorithms/itkImageGaussianModelEstimator 249 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 250 251 Code/Algorithms/itkImageKmeansModelEstimator 252 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 253 254 Code/Algorithms/itkImageRegistrationMethod 255 COMP: some intel compilers have trouble with data allocated in the catch (apparently). 256 257 Code/Algorithms/itkIsoContourDistanceImageFilter 258 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 259 260 Code/Algorithms/itkKappaStatisticImageToImageMetric 261 262 Code/Algorithms/itkKappaStatisticImageToImageMetr 263 264 Code/Algorithms/itkMIRegistrationFunction 265 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 266 267 Code/Algorithms/itkMRFImageFilter 268 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 269 270 Code/Algorithms/itkMeanSquareRegistrationFunction 271 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 272 273 Code/Algorithms/itkMinMaxCurvatureFlowFunction 274 BUG: Fix compiler errors when non-double pixel types are used. See InsightJournal review for MATITK 275 276 Code/Algorithms/itkMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod 277 stl/Vector.html) VS8 has stricter checks and managed to catch the bug. 278 279 Code/Algorithms/itkNCCRegistrationFunction 280 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 281 282 Code/Algorithms/itkRayCastInterpolateImageFunction 283 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 284 285 Code/Algorithms/itkRegularSphereMeshSource 286 STYLE: Some style cleanup 287 288 Code/Algorithms/itkRegularSphereMeshSource 289 STYLE: Some style cleanup 290 291 Code/Algorithms/itkStructHashFunction 292 STYLE: Some style cleanup 293 294 Code/Algorithms/itkVnlFFTRealToComplexConjugateImageFilter 295 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 296 297 Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilterBase 298 BUG: compilation errors repaired. 299 300 Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilterBase 301 BUG: compilation errors repaired. 302 303 Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationRGBImageFilter 304 305 Code/BasicFilters/itkAbsImageFilter 306 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 307 ENH: added operator==and operator!= methods. 308 309 Code/BasicFilters/itkAbsoluteValueDifferenceImageFilter 310 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 311 ENH: added operator==and operator!= methods. 312 313 Code/BasicFilters/itkAccumulateImageFilter 314 STYLE: indentation. 315 316 Code/BasicFilters/itkAcosImageFilter 317 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 318 ENH: added operator==and operator!= methods. 319 320 Code/BasicFilters/itkAdaptImageFilter 321 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 322 323 Code/BasicFilters/itkAdaptiveHistogramEqualizationImageFilter 324 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 325 326 Code/BasicFilters/itkAddImageFilter 327 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 328 ENH: added operator==and operator!= methods. 329 330 Code/BasicFilters/itkAndImageFilter 331 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 332 333 Code/BasicFilters/itkAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter 334 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 335 336 Code/BasicFilters/itkAsinImageFilter 337 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 338 339 Code/BasicFilters/itkAtan2ImageFilter 340 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 341 342 Code/BasicFilters/itkAtanImageFilter 343 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 344 345 Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineCenteredL2ResampleImageFilterBase 346 ENH: better Exception description. 347 348 Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineCenteredResampleImageFilterBase 349 ENH: better Exception description. 350 351 Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineDecompositionImageFilter 352 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 353 354 Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineInterpolateImageFunction 355 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 356 357 Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineL2ResampleImageFilterBase 358 ENH: better Exception description. 359 360 Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineResampleImageFilterBase 361 ENH: better Exception description. 362 363 Code/BasicFilters/itkBilateralImageFilter 364 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 365 366 Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryErodeImageFilter 367 STYLE: removed dummy variable access. 368 369 Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryFunctorImageFilter 370 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 371 372 Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMagnitudeImageFilter 373 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 374 375 Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMedianImageFilter 376 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 377 378 Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMorphologyImageFilter 379 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 380 381 Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter 382 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 383 384 Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter 385 ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter 386 387 Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter 388 ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter 389 390 Code/BasicFilters/itkBoundedReciprocalImageFilter 391 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 392 393 Code/BasicFilters/itkCastImageFilter 394 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 395 396 Code/BasicFilters/itkChangeLabelImageFilter 397 COMP: Fix for bug 2753: itkChangeLabelImageFilter.h -- ChangeLabel::SetChangeMap not const-correct. 398 399 Code/BasicFilters/itkClosingByReconstructionImageFilter 400 ENH: added flag to preserve original intesities. 401 402 Code/BasicFilters/itkClosingByReconstructionImageFilter 403 BUG: PrintSelf defect. 404 405 Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToImaginaryImageFilter 406 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 407 408 Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToModulusImageFilter 409 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 410 411 Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToPhaseImageFilter 412 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 413 414 Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToRealImageFilter 415 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 416 417 Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose2DCovariantVectorImageFilter 418 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 419 420 Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose2DVectorImageFilter 421 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 422 423 Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose3DCovariantVectorImageFilter 424 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 425 426 Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose3DVectorImageFilter 427 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 428 429 Code/BasicFilters/itkComposeRGBImageFilter 430 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 431 432 Code/BasicFilters/itkConfidenceConnectedImageFilter 433 STYLE: Spelling 434 435 Code/BasicFilters/itkConfidenceConnectedImageFilter 436 ENH: Corrected several calculations and improved performance 437 438 Code/BasicFilters/itkConnectedComponentFunctorImageFilter 439 BUG: must use NumericTraits to compare to non-zero. 440 441 Code/BasicFilters/itkConnectedComponentFunctorImageFilter 442 BUG: bad logic introduced in last checkin. 443 444 Code/BasicFilters/itkConnectedComponentImageFilter 445 BUG: must use NumericTraits to compare to non-zero. 446 447 Code/BasicFilters/itkConnectedComponentImageFilter 448 BUG: must use NumericTraits to compare to non-zero. 449 450 Code/BasicFilters/itkConstrainedValueAdditionImageFilter 451 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 452 453 Code/BasicFilters/itkConstrainedValueDifferenceImageFilter 454 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 455 456 Code/BasicFilters/itkCosImageFilter 457 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 458 459 Code/BasicFilters/itkDeformationFieldJacobianDeterminantFilter 460 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 461 462 Code/BasicFilters/itkDerivativeImageFilter 463 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 464 465 Code/BasicFilters/itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter 466 BUG: Sorry Bill. Didn't realize that you had commited a fix. Revert to Bills fix. 467 COMP: GetBValue is defined as a macro on windows. Need to undef it if present. 468 ENH: Allow for the DW gradient images to be specified as a single multi-component image (vectorimage) or as several itk::Images. The former is a convenient input from nrrd format for DWI images 469 470 Code/BasicFilters/itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter 471 BUG: uninitialized ivar. 472 BUG: Check if container is null before printing it. (was causing print tests to segfault) 473 474 Code/BasicFilters/itkDiscreteGaussianImageFilter 475 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 476 477 Code/BasicFilters/itkDivideImageFilter 478 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 479 480 Code/BasicFilters/itkEdgePotentialImageFilter 481 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 482 483 Code/BasicFilters/itkExpImageFilter 484 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 485 486 Code/BasicFilters/itkExpNegativeImageFilter 487 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 488 489 Code/BasicFilters/itkExtractImageFilter 490 491 Code/BasicFilters/itkFastIncrementalBinaryDilateImageFilter 492 BUG: missing include file for superclass. 493 494 Code/BasicFilters/itkGetAverageSliceImageFilter 495 ENH: this class is equivalent to AccumulateImageFilter with AveragingOn and a slightly different api. It is now a subclass of AccumulateImageFilter. 496 497 Code/BasicFilters/itkGetAverageSliceImageFilter 498 ENH: this class is equivalent to AccumulateImageFilter with AveragingOn and a slightly different api. It is now a subclass of AccumulateImageFilter. 499 500 Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientImageFilter 501 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 502 503 Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientMagnitudeImageFilter 504 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 505 506 Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientToMagnitudeImageFilter 507 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 508 509 Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleGeodesicDilateImageFilter 510 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 511 512 Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleGeodesicErodeImageFilter 513 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 514 515 Code/BasicFilters/itkHoughTransform2DLinesImageFilter 516 517 Code/BasicFilters/itkIntensityWindowingImageFilter 518 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 519 520 Code/BasicFilters/itkInteriorExteriorMeshFilter 521 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 522 523 Code/BasicFilters/itkInvertIntensityImageFilter 524 ENH: new filters contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 525 526 Code/BasicFilters/itkInvertIntensityImageFilter 527 ENH: new filters contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 528 529 Code/BasicFilters/itkIterativeInverseDeformationFieldImageFilter 530 BUG: did not have progress. STYLE: did not have copyright. STYLE: indentation. 531 532 Code/BasicFilters/itkJoinImageFilter 533 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 534 535 Code/BasicFilters/itkJoinSeriesImageFilter 536 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 537 538 Code/BasicFilters/itkLaplacianImageFilter 539 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 540 541 Code/BasicFilters/itkLaplacianSharpeningImageFilter 542 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 543 544 Code/BasicFilters/Attic/itkLazyEdgeDetectionImageFilter3D 545 ENH: removed because it was a utility class for the removed class MidsagittalPlaneExtractionImageFilter. 546 547 Code/BasicFilters/Attic/itkLazyEdgeDetectionImageFilter3D 548 ENH: removed because it was a utility class for the removed class MidsagittalPlaneExtractionImageFilter. 549 550 Code/BasicFilters/itkLog10ImageFilter 551 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 552 553 Code/BasicFilters/itkLogImageFilter 554 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 555 556 Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskImageFilter 557 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 558 559 Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNegatedImageFilter 560 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 561 562 Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter 563 564 Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter 565 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 566 567 Code/BasicFilters/itkMatrixIndexSelectionImageFilter 568 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 569 570 Code/BasicFilters/itkMaximumImageFilter 571 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 572 573 Code/BasicFilters/itkMeanImageFilter 574 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 575 576 Code/BasicFilters/itkMedianImageFilter 577 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 578 579 Code/BasicFilters/itkMinimumImageFilter 580 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 581 582 Code/BasicFilters/itkModulusImageFilter 583 ENH: new filters contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 584 585 Code/BasicFilters/itkModulusImageFilter 586 ENH: new filters contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 587 588 Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologicalGradientImageFilter 589 ENH: new filters contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 590 591 Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologicalGradientImageFilter 592 ENH: new filters contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 593 594 Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologyImageFilter 595 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 596 597 Code/BasicFilters/itkMultiplyImageFilter 598 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 599 ENH: added operator==and operator!= methods. 600 601 Code/BasicFilters/itkNarrowBandImageFilterBase 602 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 603 604 Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryAddImageFilter 605 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 606 607 Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryMaximumImageFilter 608 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 609 610 Code/BasicFilters/itkNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter 611 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 612 613 Code/BasicFilters/itkNoiseImageFilter 614 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 615 616 Code/BasicFilters/itkNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter 617 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 618 619 Code/BasicFilters/itkNotImageFilter 620 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 621 622 Code/BasicFilters/itkObjectMorphologyImageFilter 623 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 624 625 Code/BasicFilters/itkOpeningByReconstructionImageFilter 626 ENH: added flag to preserve original intesities. 627 628 Code/BasicFilters/itkOpeningByReconstructionImageFilter 629 ENH: added flag to preserve original intesities. 630 631 Code/BasicFilters/itkOrImageFilter 632 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 633 634 Code/BasicFilters/itkParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter 635 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 636 637 Code/BasicFilters/itkPasteImageFilter 638 639 Code/BasicFilters/itkPasteImageFilter 640 BUG: type in type names. 641 642 Code/BasicFilters/itkPermuteAxesImageFilter 643 ENH: better Exception description. 644 645 Code/BasicFilters/itkPolylineMask2DImageFilter 646 STYLE: Beef up the documentation (Andinet) 647 648 Code/BasicFilters/itkRGBToLuminanceImageFilter 649 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 650 651 Code/BasicFilters/itkRecursiveSeparableImageFilter 652 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 653 654 Code/BasicFilters/itkRegionOfInterestImageFilter 655 BUG: output region was not being set correctly. 656 657 Code/BasicFilters/itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter 658 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 659 660 Code/BasicFilters/itkScalarConnectedComponentImageFilter 661 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 662 663 Code/BasicFilters/itkShrinkImageFilter 664 BUG: Bug # 2811 A second call of Update() causes InvalidRequesedRegion Error. 665 666 Code/BasicFilters/itkShrinkImageFilter 667 BUG: Bug # 2811 A second call of Update() function causes InvalidRequesedRegion Error. 668 669 Code/BasicFilters/itkSigmoidImageFilter 670 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 671 672 Code/BasicFilters/itkSimpleContourExtractorImageFilter 673 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 674 675 Code/BasicFilters/itkSimplexMeshAdaptTopologyFilter 676 STYLE: Some style cleanup 677 678 Code/BasicFilters/itkSimplexMeshAdaptTopologyFilter 679 STYLE: Some style cleanup 680 681 Code/BasicFilters/itkSinImageFilter 682 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 683 684 Code/BasicFilters/itkSobelEdgeDetectionImageFilter 685 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 686 687 Code/BasicFilters/itkSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter 688 BUG: Fix compiler errors when non-double pixel types are used. See InsightJournal review for MATITK 689 690 Code/BasicFilters/itkSqrtImageFilter 691 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 692 693 Code/BasicFilters/itkSquareImageFilter 694 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 695 696 Code/BasicFilters/itkSquaredDifferenceImageFilter 697 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 698 699 Code/BasicFilters/itkSubtractImageFilter 700 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 701 702 Code/BasicFilters/itkSymmetricEigenAnalysisImageFilter 703 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 704 705 Code/BasicFilters/itkTanImageFilter 706 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 707 708 Code/BasicFilters/itkTensorFractionalAnisotropyImageFilter 709 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 710 711 Code/BasicFilters/itkTensorRelativeAnisotropyImageFilter 712 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 713 714 Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryAddImageFilter 715 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 716 717 Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryFunctorImageFilter 718 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 719 720 Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryMagnitudeImageFilter 721 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 722 723 Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryMagnitudeSquaredImageFilter 724 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 725 726 Code/BasicFilters/itkThresholdLabelerImageFilter 727 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 728 729 Code/BasicFilters/itkTileImageFilter 730 BUG: Improper region calculation for output. 731 732 Code/BasicFilters/itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter 733 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 734 735 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorCastImageFilter 736 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 737 738 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorConfidenceConnectedImageFilter 739 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 740 741 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorConnectedComponentImageFilter 742 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 743 COMP: typename issues with VS6. 744 745 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorExpandImageFilter 746 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 747 748 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter 749 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 750 751 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter 752 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 753 754 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter 755 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 756 757 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorResampleImageFilter 758 ENH: Allow user to specify precision. STYLE: GetObject change to GetConstObject. 759 ENH: follows same logic as ResampleImageFilter. BUG: was not setting directions on output. 760 761 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorResampleImageFilter 762 COMP: Set threads to 1 if Borland. 763 BUG: missing typedef. BUG: warnings. 764 765 Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter 766 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 767 768 Code/BasicFilters/itkVotingBinaryImageFilter 769 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 770 771 Code/BasicFilters/itkVotingBinaryIterativeHoleFillingImageFilter 772 STYLE: spelling. 773 774 Code/BasicFilters/itkWeightedAddImageFilter 775 ENH: added operator==and operator!= methods. 776 777 Code/BasicFilters/itkXorImageFilter 778 COMP: warnings about unused parameter. 779 780 Code/BasicFilters/itkZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilter 781 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 782 783 Code/BasicFilters/itkZeroCrossingImageFilter 784 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 785 786 Code/Common/CMakeLists.txt 787 ENH: Adding CrossProduct for 3D. 788 789 Code/Common/itkAnnulusOperator 790 BUG: Incorrect define prevents Sobel include 791 792 Code/Common/itkBSplineDerivativeKernelFunction 793 STYLE: Some style cleanup 794 795 Code/Common/itkBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction 796 STYLE: Some style cleanup 797 798 Code/Common/itkBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction 799 STYLE: Some style cleanup 800 801 Code/Common/itkBSplineKernelFunction 802 STYLE: Some style cleanup 803 804 Code/Common/itkBarrier 805 806 Code/Common/itkBarrier 807 808 Code/Common/itkBinaryBallStructuringElement 809 STYLE: no need for itk:: withing itk namespace. 810 811 Code/Common/itkBinaryThresholdImageFunction 812 STYLE: Some style cleanup 813 814 Code/Common/itkBinaryThresholdImageFunction 815 STYLE: Some style cleanup 816 817 Code/Common/itkBinaryThresholdSpatialFunction 818 STYLE: Some style cleanup 819 820 Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointImage 821 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 822 823 Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileItem 824 STYLE: Some style cleanup 825 826 Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileItem 827 STYLE: Some style cleanup 828 829 Code/Common/itkBloxImage 830 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 831 832 Code/Common/itkBloxItem 833 834 Code/Common/itkBluePixelAccessor 835 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 836 837 Code/Common/itkCenteredAffineTransform 838 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() method was missing to invoke Modified(). 839 840 Code/Common/itkCenteredEuler3DTransform 841 842 Code/Common/itkCenteredRigid2DTransform 843 844 ENH: simplify modified time computation. 845 BUG: was not setting modified times. 846 847 Code/Common/itkCenteredSimilarity2DTransform 848 849 Code/Common/itkCentralDifferenceImageFunction 850 STYLE: Some style cleanup 851 852 Code/Common/itkCentralDifferenceImageFunction 853 STYLE: Some style cleanup 854 855 Code/Common/itkChainCodePath 856 STYLE: Some style cleanup 857 858 Code/Common/itkChainCodePath2D 859 STYLE: Some style cleanup 860 861 Code/Common/itkChainCodePath2D 862 STYLE: Some style cleanup 863 864 Code/Common/itkConceptChecking 865 STYLE: Some style cleanup 866 867 Code/Common/itkConditionVariable 868 STYLE: Some style cleanup 869 870 Code/Common/itkConditionVariable 871 STYLE: Some style cleanup 872 873 Code/Common/itkCovarianceImageFunction 874 STYLE: Some style cleanup 875 876 Code/Common/itkCovarianceImageFunction 877 STYLE: Some style cleanup 878 879 Code/Common/itkCovariantVector 880 ENH: Adding CrossProduct for 3D. 881 882 Code/Common/itkCovariantVector 883 COMP: warnings regarding placement of inline modifier. 884 COMP: Keep vs60 happy 885 COMP: Borland gets confused by a templated premultiply operator.. Force it to be a scalar of the same scalar type as the vector is templated over, so borland is now forced to recognize it as a scalar 886 ENH: Adding CrossProduct for 3D. 887 888 Code/Common/itkCovariantVector 889 890 Code/Common/itkDataObject 891 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 892 893 Code/Common/itkDataObject 894 COMP: warnings. 895 896 Code/Common/itkDirectory 897 COMP: Fix compilation 898 899 Code/Common/itkDirectory 900 COMP: Fix compilation 901 902 Code/Common/itkEuler3DTransform 903 COMP: Warnings 904 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() method was missing to invoke Modified(). 905 906 Code/Common/itkExceptionObject 907 COMP: __FUNCTION__ is only valid within a function. 908 909 Code/Common/itkExtrapolateImageFunction 910 STYLE: Some style cleanup 911 912 Code/Common/itkFastMutexLock 913 ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style 914 915 Code/Common/itkFiniteDifferenceImageFilter 916 STYLE: doxygen cleanups 917 918 Code/Common/itkFiniteDifferenceImageFilter 919 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 920 921 Code/Common/itkFourierSeriesPath 922 STYLE: Some style cleanup 923 924 Code/Common/itkFourierSeriesPa 925 STYLE: Some style cleanup 926 927 Code/Common/itkFunctionBase 928 STYLE: Some style cleanup 929 930 Code/Common/itkGaussianBlurImageFunction 931 STYLE: Some style cleanup 932 933 Code/Common/itkGaussianBlurImageFunction 934 STYLE: Some style cleanup 935 936 Code/Common/itkGaussianDerivativeImageFunction 937 STYLE: Some style cleanup 938 939 Code/Common/itkGaussianDerivativeImageFunction 940 STYLE: Some style cleanup 941 942 Code/Common/itkGaussianKernelFunction 943 STYLE: Some style cleanup 944 945 Code/Common/itkGaussianOperator 946 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 947 948 Code/Common/itkGreenPixelAccessor 949 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 950 951 Code/Common/itkHexahedronCell 952 ENH: Added EvaluatePosition() 953 954 Code/Common/itkHexahedronCell 955 956 ENH: Added EvaluatePosition() 957 958 Code/Common/itkImage 959 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 960 961 Code/Common/itkImage 962 COMP: warnings. 963 964 Code/Common/itkImageAdaptor 965 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 966 967 Code/Common/itkImageAdaptor 968 969 Code/Common/itkImageBase 970 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 971 972 Code/Common/itkImageBase 973 COMP: warnings. 974 975 Code/Common/itkImageConstIteratorWithIndex 976 BUG: SetBegin should set the pointer to the begin of the buffer. was setting the one that pointed to the begin of the region instead 977 978 Code/Common/itkImageFunction 979 BUG: Wrong argument type was used for a continuous index output 980 STYLE: Some style cleanup 981 982 Code/Common/itkImageFunction 983 STYLE: Some style cleanup 984 985 Code/Common/itkImageRegionConstIterator 986 COMP: Fix for bug 2781, wherein some copy constructors for imageRegion[Const]Iterator do not compile. 987 988 Code/Common/itkImageRegionIterator 989 COMP: Fix for bug 2781, wherein some copy constructors for imageRegion[Const]Iterator do not compile. 990 991 Code/Common/itkImageRegionIterator 992 COMP: Fix for bug 2781, wherein some copy constructors for imageRegion[Const]Iterator do not compile. 993 994 Code/Common/itkImageSource 995 996 Code/Common/itkImageSource 997 998 Code/Common/itkImageToImageFilter 999 BUG: un-hide methods from superclass 1000 1001 Code/Common/itkImageToImageFilter 1002 1003 Code/Common/itkImportImageContainer 1004 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 1005 1006 Code/Common/itkInterpolateImageFunction 1007 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1008 1009 Code/Common/itkIterationReporter 1010 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1011 1012 Code/Common/itkKLMSegmentationBorder 1013 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1014 1015 Code/Common/itkKLMSegmentationBorder 1016 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1017 1018 Code/Common/itkKLMSegmentationRegion 1019 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1020 1021 Code/Common/itkKLMSegmentationRegion 1022 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1023 1024 Code/Common/itkKernelFunction 1025 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1026 1027 Code/Common/itkKernelTransform 1028 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() method was missing to invoke Modified(). 1029 1030 Code/Common/itkLandmarkBasedTransformInitializer 1031 BUG: bug 2632. Else check should have set angle to 90 degrees 1032 1033 Code/Common/itkLevelSet 1034 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1035 1036 Code/Common/itkLightObject 1037 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1038 1039 Code/Common/itkLightObject 1040 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1041 1042 Code/Common/itkLinearInterpolateImageFunction 1043 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1044 1045 Code/Common/itkLinearInterpolateImageFunction 1046 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1047 1048 Code/Common/itkLogOutput 1049 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1050 1051 Code/Common/itkLogger 1052 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1053 1054 Code/Common/itkLoggerBase 1055 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1056 1057 Code/Common/itkLoggerManager 1058 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1059 1060 Code/Common/itkLoggerThreadWrapper 1061 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1062 1063 Code/Common/itkLoggerThreadWrapper 1064 BUG: Did not have blockers for includes. 1065 1066 Code/Common/itkMacro 1067 BUG: cygwin does not have __FUNCSIG__. 1068 ENH: More descriptive ExceptionMacro. 1069 1070 Code/Common/itkMahalanobisDistanceThresholdImageFunction 1071 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1072 1073 Code/Common/itkMahalanobisDistanceThresholdImageFunction 1074 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1075 1076 Code/Common/itkMapContainer 1077 1078 Code/Common/itkMapContainer 1079 1080 Code/Common/itkMatrixOffsetTransformBase 1081 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() method was missing to invoke Modified(). 1082 1083 Code/Common/itkMeanImageFunction 1084 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1085 1086 Code/Common/itkMeanImageFunction 1087 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1088 1089 Code/Common/itkMedianImageFunction 1090 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1091 1092 Code/Common/itkMedianImageFunction 1093 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1094 1095 Code/Common/itkMeshSource 1096 1097 Code/Common/itkMeshSource 1098 1099 Code/Common/itkMetaDataObject 1100 STYLE: Already within the itk namespace 1101 1102 Code/Common/itkMultipleLogOutput 1103 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1104 1105 Code/Common/itkNearestNeighborExtrapolateImageFunction 1106 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1107 1108 Code/Common/itkNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction 1109 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1110 1111 Code/Common/itkNeighborhoodBinaryThresholdImageFunction 1112 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1113 1114 Code/Common/itkNeighborhoodBinaryThresholdImageFunction 1115 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1116 1117 Code/Common/itkNeighborhoodIterator 1118 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 1119 1120 Code/Common/itkNeighborhoodOperatorImageFunction 1121 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1122 1123 Code/Common/itkNeighborhoodOperatorImageFunction 1124 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1125 1126 Code/Common/itkNumericTraitsCovariantVectorPixel 1127 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1128 1129 Code/Common/itkNumericTraitsTensorPixel 1130 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1131 1132 Code/Common/itkNumericTraitsVectorPixel 1133 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1134 1135 Code/Common/itkObject 1136 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1137 1138 Code/Common/itkOctree 1139 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1140 1141 Code/Common/itkOctree 1142 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1143 1144 Code/Common/itkOctreeNode 1145 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1146 1147 Code/Common/itkOctreeNode 1148 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1149 1150 Code/Common/itkOrientedImage 1151 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 1152 1153 Code/Common/itkPCAShapeSignedDistanceFunction 1154 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1155 1156 Code/Common/itkPCAShapeSignedDistanceFunction 1157 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1158 1159 Code/Common/itkParametricPa 1160 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1161 1162 Code/Common/itkParametricPath 1163 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1164 1165 Code/Common/itkPath 1166 ENH: Fix for bug 2918. Add PathDimension static constant to class. 1167 1168 Code/Common/itkPa 1169 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1170 1171 Code/Common/itkPathFunctions 1172 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1173 1174 Code/Common/itkPathSource 1175 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1176 1177 Code/Common/itkPathSource 1178 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1179 1180 Code/Common/itkPathToPathFilter 1181 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1182 1183 Code/Common/itkPathToPathFilter 1184 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1185 1186 Code/Common/itkPhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage 1187 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 1188 1189 Code/Common/itkPointSet 1190 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1191 1192 Code/Common/itkPolyLineParametricPath 1193 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1194 1195 Code/Common/itkPolyLineParametricPa 1196 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1197 1198 Code/Common/itkProcessObject 1199 1200 Code/Common/itkProcessObject 1201 1202 Code/Common/itkProgressReporter 1203 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1204 1205 Code/Common/itkQuaternionRigidTransform 1206 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() method was missing to invoke Modified(). 1207 1208 Code/Common/itkRealTimeClock 1209 STYLE: Already within the itk namespace 1210 1211 Code/Common/itkRedPixelAccessor 1212 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1213 1214 Code/Common/itkRigid2DTransform 1215 1216 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 1217 1218 Code/Common/itkRigid3DPerspectiveTransform 1219 1220 Code/Common/itkScalarToRGBPixelFunctor 1221 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1222 1223 Code/Common/itkScalarToRGBPixelFunctor 1224 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1225 1226 Code/Common/itkScaleLogarithmicTransform 1227 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() method was missing to invoke Modified(). 1228 1229 Code/Common/itkScaleSkewVersor3DTransform 1230 1231 Code/Common/itkScaleTransform 1232 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() method was missing to invoke Modified(). 1233 1234 Code/Common/itkScatterMatrixImageFunction 1235 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1236 1237 Code/Common/itkScatterMatrixImageFunction 1238 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1239 1240 Code/Common/itkSegmentationBorder 1241 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1242 1243 Code/Common/itkSegmentationBorder 1244 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1245 1246 Code/Common/itkSegmentationRegion 1247 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1248 1249 Code/Common/itkSegmentationRegion 1250 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1251 1252 Code/Common/itkSemaphore 1253 1254 Code/Common/itkShapeSignedDistanceFunction 1255 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1256 1257 Code/Common/itkSimilarity2DTransform 1258 1259 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 1260 1261 Code/Common/itkSimilarity3DTransform 1262 1263 Code/Common/itkSimpleFastMutexLock 1264 ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style 1265 1266 Code/Common/itkSimpleFilterWatcher 1267 ENH: Now uses TimeProbe. 1268 1269 Code/Common/itkSimpleFilterWatcher 1270 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1271 1272 Code/Common/itkSmartPointer 1273 ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style 1274 1275 Code/Common/itkSmartPointerForwardReference 1276 ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style 1277 1278 Code/Common/itkSmartPointerForwardReference 1279 ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style 1280 1281 Code/Common/itkSparseImage 1282 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 1283 1284 Code/Common/itkSpecialCoordinatesImage 1285 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 1286 1287 Code/Common/itkSphereSignedDistanceFunction 1288 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1289 1290 Code/Common/itkSphereSignedDistanceFunction 1291 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1292 1293 Code/Common/itkStdStreamLogOutput 1294 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1295 1296 Code/Common/itkSumOfSquaresImageFunction 1297 COMP: warnings, 1298 ENH: Function to calculate the sum of squares in a neighborhood 1299 1300 Code/Common/itkSumOfSquaresImageFunction 1301 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1302 1303 Code/Common/itkTestMain 1304 ENH: moved code into .h file. 1305 1306 Code/Common/itkTetrahedronCell 1307 STYLE: indentation 1308 1309 Code/Common/itkThreadLogger 1310 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1311 1312 Code/Common/itkTimeProbe 1313 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1314 1315 Code/Common/itkTranslationTransform 1316 STYLE: no need for this dereference. 1317 COMP: Type mismatch on method. 1318 1319 Code/Common/itkTreeIteratorBase 1320 ENH: more consistent use of ExceptionMacro and ExceptionObject. 1321 1322 Code/Common/itkVariableLengthVector 1323 ENH: Add GetSquaredNorm method to class 1324 ENH: premultiplication with scalars 1325 1326 Code/Common/itkVariableLengthVector 1327 ENH: Add GetSquaredNorm method to class 1328 1329 Code/Common/itkVarianceImageFunction 1330 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1331 1332 Code/Common/itkVarianceImageFunction 1333 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1334 1335 Code/Common/itkVector 1336 COMP: warnings regarding placement of inline modifier. 1337 COMP: Borland gets confused by a templated premultiply operator.. Force it to be a scalar of the same scalar type as the vector is templated over, so borland is now forced to recognize it as a scalar 1338 ENH: Premultiply operator for product of scalar and a vector, from Casey Goodlett 1339 1340 Code/Common/itkVector 1341 1342 Code/Common/itkVectorContainer 1343 1344 Code/Common/itkVectorContainer 1345 1346 Code/Common/itkVectorImage 1347 STYLE: More documentation 1348 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 1349 1350 Code/Common/itkVectorImage 1351 1352 Code/Common/itkVectorImageToImageAdaptor 1353 BUG: The vector image returns a pixel created on the stack, not a reference to a pixel 1354 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 1355 1356 Code/Common/itkVectorInterpolateImageFunction 1357 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1358 1359 Code/Common/itkVectorLinearInterpolateImageFunction 1360 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1361 1362 Code/Common/itkVectorLinearInterpolateImageFunction 1363 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1364 1365 Code/Common/itkVectorMeanImageFunction 1366 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1367 1368 Code/Common/itkVectorMeanImageFunction 1369 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1370 1371 Code/Common/itkVectorNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction 1372 ENH: moved code into .h file. 1373 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1374 1375 Code/Common/itkVectorNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction 1376 private/insight-developers/2006-February/007646.html 1377 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1378 1379 Code/Common/itkVersor 1380 1381 Code/Common/itkVersorRigid3DTransform 1382 1383 Code/Common/itkVersorTransform 1384 1385 ENH: Now invoking Modified() from SetIdentity(). 1386 1387 Code/Common/itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction 1388 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1389 1390 Code/Common/itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction 1391 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1392 1393 Code/IO/itkAnalyzeImageIO 1394 ENH: better exception reporting. 1395 1396 Code/IO/itkBMPImageIO 1397 ENH: Better exception reporting. 1398 1399 Code/IO/itkBrains2HeaderBase 1400 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1401 1402 Code/IO/itkBrains2HeaderBase 1403 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1404 1405 Code/IO/itkBrains2IPLHeaderInfo 1406 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1407 1408 Code/IO/itkBrains2IPLHeaderInfo 1409 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1410 1411 Code/IO/itkBrains2MaskHeaderInfo 1412 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1413 1414 Code/IO/itkBrains2MaskHeaderInfo 1415 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1416 1417 Code/IO/itkConvertPixelBuffer 1418 1419 Code/IO/itkConvertPixelBuffer 1420 COMP: signed unsigned comparison warnings 1421 1422 Code/IO/itkDefaultConvertPixelTraits 1423 COMP: Fix for bug 2725, which prevented compliation of IO using signed char traits on some compilers. 1424 1425 Code/IO/itkGDCMImageIO 1426 BUG: When writting 3D images, it allowed to access the 3d component of the ITK Spacing. 1427 ENH: Provide an helper function around the MetaDataDictionary. Make it more user oriented. 1428 BUG: Do not propagate group length as computation is not done 1429 ENH: better exception reporting. 1430 STYLE: more consistent use of types. 1431 1432 Code/IO/itkGDCMImageIO 1433 ENH: Provide an helper function around the MetaDataDictionary. Make it more user oriented. 1434 ENH: Bring AddRestriction from the gdcm level to the itkGDCM level. Update example to show usage, add more doc. 1435 1436 Code/IO/itkGDCMSeriesFileNames 1437 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 1438 1439 Code/IO/itkGDCMSeriesFileNames 1440 ENH: Rename AddRestriction into AddSeriesRestriction 1441 1442 Code/IO/itkGE4ImageIO 1443 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1444 1445 Code/IO/itkGEImageHeader 1446 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1447 1448 Code/IO/itkIPLCommonImageIO 1449 BUG: Report orientation in direction cosines 1450 1451 Code/IO/itkIPLFileNameList 1452 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1453 1454 Code/IO/itkImageFileReader 1455 ENH: Better exception reporting. 1456 ENH: Make DefaultConvertPixelTraits a trait of the image to make IO support of VectorImage consistent. Forward declare it so it doesn't increase parsing time. 1457 1458 Code/IO/itkImageFileReader 1459 COMP: previous fix does not work for all pixel types... defer until its made correct 1460 ENH: Better exception reporting. 1461 1462 Code/IO/itkImageFileWriter 1463 ENH: Better exception reporting. 1464 1465 Code/IO/itkImageFileWriter 1466 ENH: better exception message. 1467 1468 Code/IO/itkImageSeriesReader 1469 STYLE: minor style 1470 1471 Code/IO/itkMetaImageIO 1472 BUG: Peter Cech found typo that produced incorrect index to physical transform for origin update with direction cosines. 1473 BUG: MetaIO now supports 64bit int on platforms having 64bit ints. Thanks to help from Robert Atwood at imperial.ac.uk 1474 1475 Code/IO/itkMetaImageIO 1476 COMP: fixed member object reference 1477 1478 Code/IO/itkMvtSunf 1479 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1480 1481 Code/IO/itkNiftiImageIO 1482 BUG: suppress nifti library error messages 1483 1484 Code/IO/itkPNGImageIO 1485 COMP: VS71 issues with exception macro. 1486 ENH: better error messages 1487 1488 Code/IO/itkRawImageIO 1489 1490 Code/IO/itkTIFFImageIO 1491 BUG: Remove previous commit, while avoiding compiler warning 1492 1493 Code/IO/itkVTKImageIO 1494 ENH: Use the kwsys lib instead 1495 1496 Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkDenseFrequencyContainer 1497 BUG: Minor.. remove \#defines that were left when copied over from older txx code 1498 1499 Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkDensityFunction 1500 BUG: Base and superclass had the same method and ivar. Bug 2880 1501 1502 Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkMembershipFunctionBase 1503 BUG: Base and superclass had the same method and ivar. Bug 2880 1504 1505 Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkSample 1506 BUG: Use traits to give a default length to the samples, so the user does not need to call SetMeasurementVectorSize( .. ) if TMeasurementVector is a FixedArray, Vector etc 1507 1508 Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkSparseFrequencyContainer 1509 BUG: Minor.. remove \#defines that were left when copied over from older txx code 1510 1511 Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt 1512 ENH: CMakeLists.txt file for the classes that are in the review process. 1513 1514 Code/Review/README.txt 1515 STYLE: Notice regarding the purpose of this directory. 1516 1517 Code/Review/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter 1518 BUG: must use itkGetStaticConstMacro to access ImageDimension. 1519 COMP: "typename" keywords missing. 1520 1521 Code/Review/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter 1522 COMP: "typename" keywords missing. 1523 1524 Code/SpatialObject/itkBlobSpatialObject 1525 COMP: Warnings 1526 1527 Code/SpatialObject/itkLandmarkSpatialObject 1528 COMP: Warnings 1529 1530 Code/SpatialObject/itkMetaMeshConverter 1531 BUG: Replaced SetElement() by InsertElement() so the array is allocated when using StaticMeshTrait 1532 BUG: the ID was not set when writing the mesh 1533 1534 Code/SpatialObject/itkPolygonGroupOrientation 1535 STYLE: doxygen cleanups 1536 1537 Code/SpatialObject/itkPolygonGroupSpatialObject 1538 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1539 1540 Code/SpatialObject/itkPolygonSpatialObject 1541 STYLE: Some style cleanup 1542 1543 Code/SpatialObject/itkSceneSpatialObject 1544 STYLE: Improved comments 1545 1546 Code/SpatialObject/itkSceneSpatialObject 1547 STYLE: Improved comments 1548 1549 Code/SpatialObject/itkSpatialObject 1550 STYLE: Make TreeNode getters and setters use itk[Get|Set]ObjectMacro. Also affects compilation of wrappers, so it is a COMP issue too. 1551 1552 Code/SpatialObject/itkSpatialObject 1553 COMP: Warnings 1554 1555 Code/SpatialObject/itkSpatialObjectTreeNode 1556 ENH: Added private (unimplemented) copy constructor and = operator (reported by Zach Pincus) 1557 1558 Code/SpatialObject/itkSurfaceSpatialObject 1559 COMP: Warnings 1560 1561 Code/SpatialObject/itkTubeSpatialObject 1562 STYLE: Better documentation 1563 1564 Code/SpatialObject/itkTubeSpatialObject 1565 COMP: Warnings 1566 1567 Documentation/Doxygen/DoxygenFooter.html 1568 BUG: The link to Doxygen Home page was broken. Bad html extension. 1569 1570 Examples/Data/BayesianClassifierInitializerMemberships.mhd 1571 ENH: new example input data. 1572 1573 Examples/Data/BayesianClassifierInitializerMemberships.raw 1574 ENH: new example input data. 1575 1576 Examples/DataRepresentation/Image/CMakeLists.txt 1577 COMP: removed tests from Borland. 1578 1579 Examples/Filtering/CMakeLists.txt 1580 COMP: Borland LME linker. 1581 COMP: Avoide borland LME1518 error. 1582 ENH: Test and Example for the DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter, TensorFractionalAnisotropyImageFilter, TensorRelativeAnisotropyImageFilter 1583 COMP: removed tests to avoid Borland linker errors. 1584 1585 Examples/Filtering/DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter 1586 COMP: Unused var warnings 1587 1588 Examples/Filtering/DigitallyReconstructedRadiograph1 1589 STYLE: Improving the coding style of the example. 1590 ENH: Replacing old style #define for PI with a const double computed at run time. 1591 1592 Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples 1593 COMP: removed tests to avoid Borland linker errors. 1594 1595 Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples5 1596 ENH: Test and Example for the DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter, TensorFractionalAnisotropyImageFilter, TensorRelativeAnisotropyImageFilter 1597 1598 Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples8 1599 COMP: removed tests to avoid Borland linker errors. 1600 1601 Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter9 1602 BUG: default pixel should be of type PixelType. 1603 COMP: set threads to 1 to see if test passes on Borland. 1604 1605 Examples/Filtering/SecondDerivativeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter 1606 STYLE: Shortening the error Usage line, so it fits the margins in the Software Guide. 1607 1608 Examples/IO/CMakeLists.txt 1609 1610 Examples/IO/DicomImageReadPrintTags 1611 ENH: Provide an helper function around the MetaDataDictionary. Make it more user oriented. 1612 1613 Examples/IO/DicomSeriesReadImageWrite 1614 ENH: signed short is more general for medical images. 1615 1616 Examples/IO/DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2 1617 ENH: Rename AddRestriction into AddSeriesRestriction 1618 1619 Examples/IO/ImageReadExtractFilterInsertWrite 1620 1621 Examples/IO/ImageReadWrite 1622 ENH: signed short is more general for medical images. 1623 1624 Examples/Iterators/CMakeLists.txt 1625 COMP: Borland linker errors. 1626 COMP: removed tests to avoid Borland linker errors. 1627 1628 Examples/Registration/CMakeLists.txt 1629 COMP: Borland cannot link. 1630 1631 Examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration3 1632 STYLE: Adding Hypenation for index entries. Software Guide. 1633 1634 Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration8 1635 STYLE: Adding hypenations to index entries. Software Guide. 1636 1637 Examples/Registration/ModelToImageRegistration1 1638 STYLE: latex typesetting issues 1639 1640 Examples/Registration/MultiResImageRegistration1 1641 BUG: The Example require at least three arguments, so argc must be >= 4. 1642 1643 Examples/Registration/MultiResImageRegistration2 1644 STYLE: Latex documentation fixes 1645 1646 Examples/SpatialObjects/SpatialObjectToImageStatisticsCalculator 1647 STYLE: Adding hypenation for index entries. Software Guide. 1648 1649 Examples/Statistics/BayesianClassifier 1650 COMP: Move traits around for the sun compilers 1651 1652 Examples/Statistics/BayesianClassifierInitializer 1653 ENH: Examples and tests for the itk::BayesianClassifierInitializationImageFilter and itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter 1654 1655 Examples/Statistics/CMakeLists.txt 1656 COMP: Avoid Borland LME1518 linker errors. 1657 COMP: avoid borland linker errors. 1658 BUG: tests should never depend upon another test output. 1659 1660 Examples/Statistics/ImageEntropy1 1661 COMP: LaTeX formatting was causing a compiler warning. Table new lines need to be represented with \cr instead of \ 1662 1663 Examples/Statistics/ImageHistogram1 1664 STYLE: Adding hypenation for index entries. Software Guide. 1665 1666 Examples/Statistics/ImageHistogram2 1667 STYLE: Adding hypenation to index entries. Software Guide. 1668 1669 Examples/Statistics/ScalarImageKmeansClassifier 1670 COMP: Missing semicolon. 1671 1672 Examples/Statistics/ScalarImageMarkovRandomField1 1673 STYLE: Reformatting long lines of code that don't fit in the Software Guide margins. 1674 1675 Examples/Statistics/StatisticsExamplesTests4 1676 ENH: Examples and tests for the itk::BayesianClassifierInitializationImageFilter and itk::BayesianClassifierImageFilter 1677 1678 Testing/Code/CMakeLists.txt 1679 1680 Testing/Code/Algorithms/CMakeLists.txt 1681 1682 Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkAlgorithmsPrintTest3 1683 COMP: too much for the borland compiler to handle. 1684 1685 Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkAlgorithmsTests4 1686 1687 Testing/Code/Algorithms/Attic/itkBayesianClassifierImageFilterTest 1688 1689 Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkGradientDifferenceImageToImageMetricTest 1690 ENH: Better range for metrix overlap testing. 1691 1692 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/CMakeLists.txt 1693 ENH: new test 1694 ENH: new tests contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 1695 ENH: added test for itkMatrixIndexSelectionImageFilter 1696 BUG: Tests should not rely on other test output. 1697 ENH: added optional difference image. 1698 ENH: new regression test. 1699 ENH: new regression test. 1700 1701 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkAbsImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1702 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1703 1704 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkAbsoluteValueDifferenceImageFilterTest 1705 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1706 1707 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkAccumulateImageFilterTest 1708 ENH: better coverage. 1709 1710 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkAcosImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1711 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1712 1713 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkAdaptImageFilterTest 1714 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1715 1716 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkAddImageFilterTest 1717 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1718 1719 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkAndImageFilterTest 1720 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1721 1722 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkAsinImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1723 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1724 1725 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkAtanImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1726 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1727 1728 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersHeaderTest 1729 ENH: Added missing classes. 1730 1731 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersPrintTest 1732 ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter 1733 1734 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersTests2 1735 ENH: new test 1736 1737 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersTests4 1738 ENH: new tests contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 1739 ENH: new test. 1740 ENH: new regression test. 1741 ENH: new regression test. 1742 1743 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryDilateImageFilterTest2 1744 ENH: better coverage. 1745 1746 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMagnitudeImageFilterTest 1747 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1748 1749 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryThresholdImageFilterTest 1750 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1751 1752 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilterTest 1753 ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter 1754 1755 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkChangeLabelImageFilterTest 1756 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1757 1758 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkClosingByReconstructionImageFilterTest 1759 ENH: new regression tests. 1760 BUG: StructuringElement was uninitialized. 1761 1762 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose2DCovariantVectorImageFilterTest 1763 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1764 1765 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose3DCovariantVectorImageFilterTest 1766 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1767 1768 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkComposeRGBImageFilterTest 1769 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1770 1771 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkConstrainedValueDifferenceImageFilterTest 1772 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1773 1774 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkCosImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1775 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1776 1777 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilterTest 1778 STYLE: missing copyright. 1779 BUG: The filter normalizes the gradient directions when they are supplied now, this caused a slight precisoin issue. Although the gradient directions supplied with the test are almost of unit norm, the slight difference from 1 caused the failiure. 1780 1781 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkDivideImageFilterTest 1782 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1783 1784 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkEdgePotentialImageFilterTest 1785 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1786 1787 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkExpImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1788 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1789 1790 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkExpNegativeImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1791 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1792 1793 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkGetAverageSliceImageFilterTest 1794 ENH: new regression test. 1795 1796 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientToMagnitudeImageFilterTest 1797 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1798 1799 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleFillholeImageFilterTest 1800 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1801 1802 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkIntensityWindowingImageFilterTest 1803 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1804 1805 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkInvertIntensityImageFilterTest 1806 ENH: new tests contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 1807 1808 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkIterativeInverseDeformationFieldImageFilterTest 1809 BUG: did not exit with failure if exception occurred. 1810 1811 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkJoinImageFilterTest 1812 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1813 1814 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkJoinSeriesImageFilterTest 1815 BUG: tests should not depend on the text of the exception message. 1816 1817 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkLog10ImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1818 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1819 1820 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkLogImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1821 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1822 1823 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskConnectedComponentImageFilterTest 1824 BUG: type. 1825 1826 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskImageFilterTest 1827 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1828 1829 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNegatedImageFilterTest 1830 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1831 1832 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilterTest 1833 COMP: warnings. 1834 1835 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMatrixIndexSelectionImageFilterTest 1836 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1837 1838 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMaximumImageFilterTest 1839 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1840 1841 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMinimumImageFilterTest 1842 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1843 1844 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkModulusImageFilterTest 1845 ENH: new tests contributed by Gaetan Lehmann via the Insight Journal. 1846 1847 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologicalGradientImageFilterTest 1848 STYLE: missing copyright. 1849 1850 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMultiplyImageFilterTest 1851 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1852 1853 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryAddImageFilterTest 1854 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1855 1856 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryMaximumImageFilterTest 1857 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1858 1859 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkNotImageFilterTest 1860 ENH: new test. 1861 1862 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkOpeningByReconstructionImageFilterTest 1863 ENH: Added SimpleFilterWatcher. 1864 ENH: added optional difference image. 1865 ENH: new regression test. 1866 1867 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkOrImageFilterTest 1868 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1869 1870 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkPushPopTileImageFilterTest 1871 ENH: new test 1872 1873 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkRGBToLuminanceImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1874 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1875 1876 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkRecursiveGaussianImageFiltersOnTensorsTest 1877 STYLE: missing copyright. 1878 1879 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkRegionOfInterestImageFilterTest 1880 ENH: Added filter watcher. Now uses OrientedImage. 1881 1882 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkRescaleIntensityImageFilterTest 1883 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1884 1885 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkScalarConnectedComponentImageFilterTest 1886 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1887 1888 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSigmoidImageFilterTest 1889 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1890 1891 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSinImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1892 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1893 1894 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSqrtImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1895 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1896 1897 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSquareImageFilterTest 1898 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1899 1900 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSquaredDifferenceImageFilterTest 1901 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1902 1903 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSubtractImageFilterTest 1904 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1905 1906 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSymmetricEigenAnalysisImageFilterTest 1907 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1908 1909 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkTanImageFilterAndAdaptorTest 1910 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1911 1912 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkTensorFractionalAnisotropyImageFilterTest 1913 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1914 1915 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkTensorRelativeAnisotropyImageFilterTest 1916 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1917 1918 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryMagnitudeImageFilterTest 1919 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1920 1921 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryMagnitudeSquaredImageFilterTest 1922 ENH: new test. 1923 1924 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkThresholdLabelerImageFilterTest 1925 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1926 1927 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkTileImageFilterTest 1928 ENH: now uses OrientedImage. 1929 1930 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorConnectedComponentImageFilterTest 1931 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1932 1933 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilterTest 1934 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1935 1936 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkVotingBinaryIterativeHoleFillingImageFilterTest 1937 ENH: PrintSelf coverage. 1938 1939 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkWeightedAddImageFilterTest 1940 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1941 1942 Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkXorImageFilterTest 1943 ENH: Added operator== and operator!=. 1944 1945 Testing/Code/Common/CMakeLists.txt 1946 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() are missing invocation of Modified(). 1947 1948 Testing/Code/Common/itkCommonTests2 1949 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() are missing invocation of Modified(). 1950 1951 Testing/Code/Common/itkCovariantVectorGeometryTest 1952 COMP: must use namespace on funciton call. 1953 1954 Testing/Code/Common/itkEuler2DTransformTest 1955 1956 Testing/Code/Common/itkMeshSourceGraftOutputTest 1957 ENH: added a test for graft output method in mesh source 1958 1959 Testing/Code/Common/itkRealTimeClockTest 1960 ENH: rename GetTimestamp into GetTimeStamp 1961 1962 Testing/Code/Common/itkTransformsSetParametersTest 1963 COMP: Remove warning 1964 BUG: 2769. SetParameters() are missing invocation of Modified(). 1965 1966 Testing/Code/Common/itkVectorImageTest 1967 ENH: Make DefaultConvertPixelTraits a trait of the image to make IO support of VectorImage consistent. Forward declare it so it doesn't increase parsing time. 1968 1969 Testing/Code/Common/itkVersorTest 1970 1971 Testing/Code/IO/CMakeLists.txt 1972 1973 Testing/Code/IO/itkBMPImageIOTest 1974 ENH: better exception reporting. 1975 1976 Testing/Code/IO/itkGDCMSeriesReadImageWrite 1977 ENH: Add more example on how to use restriction operation 1978 1979 Testing/Code/IO/itkIOTests 1980 1981 Testing/Code/IO/itkMeshSpatialObjectIOTest 1982 ENH: Now testing the ID of the MeshSpatialObject 1983 1984 Testing/Code/IO/itkRawImageIOTest5 1985 ENH: Adding setup code for the RawImageIO object. 1986 1987 Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/CMakeLists.txt 1988 COMP: avoid Borland linker errors. 1989 1990 Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkNeuralNetworkTests 1991 COMP: avoid Borland linker errors. 1992 1993 Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkNeuralNetworkTests3 1994 COMP: avoid Borland linker errors. 1995 1996 Testing/Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt 1997 ENH: Adding a second test for the itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter. 1998 ENH: Adding returns FAILURE in the catch blocks of the tries. 1999 2000 Testing/Code/Review/README.txt 2001 ENH: Notice describing the purpose of this directory. 2002 2003 Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewHeaderTest 2004 ENH: Support files for testing the classes that are under the review process. 2005 2006 Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewPrintTest 2007 ENH: Support files for testing the classes that are under the review process. 2008 2009 Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewTests 2010 COMP: Fixing the connections for the test driver. 2011 2012 Testing/Code/Review/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest 2013 ENH: Fixing the configuration of the test for using the input and baseline images. 2014 COMP: Fixing the connections for the test driver. 2015 2016 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/ClosingByReconstructionImageFilterTest.png 2017 BUG: StructuringElement was uninitialized. 2018 2019 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/ClosingByReconstructionImageFilterTest2.png 2020 ENH: new regression test. 2021 2022 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/InvertIntensityImageFilterTest.png 2023 ENH: new regression test. 2024 2025 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/MaskNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilterTest.png 2026 ENH: new regression test. 2027 2028 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/MatrixIndexSelectionImageFilterTest.png 2029 ENH: added 2030 2031 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/ModulusImageFilterTest.png 2032 ENH: new regression test. 2033 2034 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/MorphologicalGradientImageFilterTest.png 2035 ENH: new regression test. 2036 2037 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/OpeningByReconstructionImageFilterTest.png 2038 BUG: StructuringElement was uninitialized. 2039 2040 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/OpeningByReconstructionImageFilterTest2.png 2041 ENH: new regression test. 2042 2043 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/PushPopTileImageFilterTest.png 2044 2045 Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/VectorConnectedComponentImageFilterTest.png 2046 ENH: new regression test. 2047 2048 Testing/Data/Baseline/Filtering/FACorpusCallosum.mhd 2049 ENH: Fractional Anisotropy baseline for DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilterTest 2050 2051 Testing/Data/Baseline/Filtering/FACorpusCallosum.raw 2052 ENH: Fractional Anisotropy baseline for DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilterTest 2053 2054 Testing/Data/Baseline/Filtering/RACorpusCallosum.mhd 2055 ENH: Relative Anisotropy baseline for DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilterTest 2056 2057 Testing/Data/Baseline/Filtering/RACorpusCallosum.raw 2058 ENH: Relative Anisotropy baseline for DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilterTest 2059 2060 Testing/Data/Baseline/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter9Test.1.png 2061 ENH: baseline for Borland. 2062 2063 Testing/Data/Baseline/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter9Test.png 2064 private/insight-developers/2006-February/007646.html 2065 2066 Testing/Data/Baseline/Registration/DeformableRegistration3Test.5.png 2067 ENH: baseline for solaris, darwin and sgi. 2068 2069 Testing/Data/Baseline/Registration/DeformableRegistration5Test.6.png 2070 ENH: baseline for ICC8.0 2071 2072 Testing/Data/Baseline/Review/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest1.png 2073 ENH: Baseline image for the itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest1. 2074 2075 Testing/Data/Baseline/Review/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest2.png 2076 ENH: Baseline for the itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest2. 2077 2078 Testing/Data/Baseline/Statistics/BayesianClassifierInitializerClass2Output.png 2079 2080 Testing/Data/Baseline/Statistics/BayesianClassifierLabelMap.png 2081 2082 Testing/Data/Input/012345.002.050.README 2083 ENH: Fix comment 2084 2085 Testing/Data/Input/CellsFluorescence1.png 2086 ENH: Input test image for the threshold maximum connected components filter test. 2087 2088 Testing/Data/Input/CellsFluorescence2.png 2089 ENH: Input image for the ThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest2. 2090 2091 Testing/Data/Input/DwiCorpusCallosum.nhdr 2092 namic/DTI/Data/dwi.nhdr ftp://public.kitware.com/pub/namic/DTI/Data/dwi.img.gz (gunzip this) 2093 2094 Testing/Data/Input/DwiCorpusCallosum.raw 2095 namic/DTI/Data/dwi.nhdr ftp://public.kitware.com/pub/namic/DTI/Data/dwi.img.gz (gunzip this) 2096 2097 Testing/Data/Input/TensorsCorpusCallosum.mhd 2098 2099 Testing/Data/Input/TensorsCorpusCallosum.raw 2100 2101 Testing/Data/Input/chondt.png 2102 ENH: new input data. 2103 2104 Testing/Data/Input/closerec1.jpg 2105 ENH: new input data. 2106 2107 Utilities/CMakeLists.txt 2108 ENH: enable kwsys command line processing. 2109 ENH: Properly handle library prefix. Also backport from openjpeg CVS to support mingw 2110 2111 Utilities/Dart/CMakeLists.txt 2112 ENH: Added a script to generate a Wiki-compatible file to show new files between two dates. 2113 2114 Utilities/Dart/NewSince.csh.in 2115 ENH: Add the range of dates covered by the release. 2116 ENH: Added a script to generate a Wiki-compatible file to show new files between two dates. 2117 2118 Utilities/Dart/NewSince.gawk 2119 ENH: Added a script to generate a Wiki-compatible file to show new files between two dates. 2120 2121 Utilities/Doxygen/cvsVersionFilter. 2122 2123 Utilities/Doxygen/doxygen.config.in 2124 BUG: Address bug 2733.. For some reason, setting UML_LOOK to ON fails to generate full class inheritence diagrams. It only shows the first level of inheritence 2125 ENH: Updating the configuration from Doxygen 1.1.4 to Doxygen 1.4.3 2126 2127 Utilities/MetaIO/metaCommand 2128 ENH: Added SetOptionComplete() function 2129 2130 Utilities/MetaIO/metaCommand 2131 ENH: Added SetOptionComplete() function 2132 2133 Utilities/MetaIO/metaEllipse 2134 ENH: Bring AddRestriction from the gdcm level to the itkGDCM level. Update example to show usage, add more doc. 2135 2136 Utilities/MetaIO/metaImage 2137 ENH: Bring AddRestriction from the gdcm level to the itkGDCM level. Update example to show usage, add more doc. 2138 2139 Utilities/MetaIO/metaMe 2140 COMP: warnings. 2141 2142 Utilities/MetaIO/metaMesh 2143 BUG: Now reading PointData and CellData correctly 2144 2145 Utilities/MetaIO/metaObject 2146 BUG: MetaIO now supports 64bit int on platforms having 64bit ints. Thanks to help from Robert Atwood at imperial.ac.uk 2147 2148 Utilities/MetaIO/metaTypes 2149 BUG: MetaIO now supports 64bit int on platforms having 64bit ints. Thanks to help from Robert Atwood at imperial.ac.uk 2150 2151 Utilities/MetaIO/metaUtils 2152 BUG: More instances of unsigned __int64 conversion problems on vs6 2153 BUG: MS-VS6 does not support writing __int64 using ostream << 2154 2155 Utilities/MetaIO/metaUtils 2156 BUG: MetaIO now supports 64bit int on platforms having 64bit ints. Thanks to help from Robert Atwood at imperial.ac.uk 2157 2158 Utilities/expat/expatConfig.h.in 2159 2160 Utilities/expat/xmlparse 2161 2162 Utilities/expat/xmlrole 2163 2164 Utilities/expat/xmltok 2165 2166 Utilities/expat/xmltok_impl 2167 2168 Utilities/gdcm/AUTHORS 2169 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2170 2171 Utilities/gdcm/CMakeLists.txt 2172 COMP: Fix compilation on win32 with static on 2173 STYLE: Typo 2174 2175 Utilities/gdcm/ChangeLog 2176 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2177 2178 Utilities/gdcm/README 2179 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2180 2181 Utilities/gdcm/gdcmConfigure.h.in 2182 COMP: Fix compilation on win32 with static on 2183 2184 Utilities/gdcm/CMake/CTestCustom.ctest.in 2185 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2186 2187 Utilities/gdcm/CMake/FindDicom3Tools.cmake 2188 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2189 2190 Utilities/gdcm/CMake/FindRsync.cmake 2191 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2192 2193 Utilities/gdcm/CMake/gdcmTestFUNCTION 2194 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2195 2196 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/ACUSON.d 2197 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2198 2199 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/CMakeLists.txt 2200 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2201 2202 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/DicomDir.d 2203 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2204 2205 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/DictGroupName.d 2206 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2207 2208 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/ELSCINT.d 2209 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2210 2211 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GE-EchoPAC.d 2212 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2213 2214 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-Advance.d 2215 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2216 2217 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-Advantx.d 2218 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2219 2220 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-CR.d 2221 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2222 2223 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-DLX.d 2224 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2225 2226 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-Genie.d 2227 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2228 2229 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-HiSpeed.d 2230 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2231 2232 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS-Infinia.d 2233 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2234 2235 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/GEMS.d 2236 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2237 2238 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/HITACHI-MR-pronto.d 2239 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2240 2241 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/NIH.d 2242 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2243 2244 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/PHILIPS-EasyVision.d 2245 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2246 2247 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/PHILIPS-Intera.d 2248 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2249 2250 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/Papyrus.d 2251 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2252 2253 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/ParseDict.py 2254 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2255 2256 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/README 2257 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2258 2259 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/SIEMENS-syngo.d 2260 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2261 2262 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/SIEMENS.d 2263 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2264 2265 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/SPI.d 2266 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2267 2268 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/dicomTS.d 2269 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2270 2271 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/dicomV3.d 2272 ENH: changed VR of some tags from US to SS to permit signed shorts. 2273 2274 Utilities/gdcm/Dicts/gdcm.dic.in 2275 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2276 2277 Utilities/gdcm/src/CMakeLists.txt 2278 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2279 2280 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcm 2281 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2282 2283 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmArgMgr 2284 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2285 2286 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmArgMgr 2287 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2288 2289 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmBase 2290 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2291 2292 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmBase 2293 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2294 2295 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmBinEntry 2296 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2297 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2298 2299 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmBinEntry 2300 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2301 2302 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmCommon 2303 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2304 2305 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmContentEntry 2306 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2307 2308 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmContentEntry 2309 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2310 2311 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDebug 2312 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2313 2314 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDebug 2315 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2316 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2317 2318 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDefaultDicts.cxx.in 2319 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2320 2321 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDir 2322 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2323 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2324 2325 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDir 2326 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2327 2328 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirElement 2329 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2330 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2331 2332 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirElement 2333 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2334 2335 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirImage 2336 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2337 2338 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirImage 2339 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2340 2341 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirMeta 2342 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2343 2344 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirMeta 2345 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2346 2347 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirObject 2348 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2349 2350 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirObject 2351 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2352 2353 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirPatient 2354 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2355 2356 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirPatient 2357 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2358 2359 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirSerie 2360 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2361 2362 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirSerie 2363 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2364 2365 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirStudy 2366 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2367 2368 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirStudy 2369 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2370 2371 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirVisit 2372 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2373 2374 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDicomDirVisit 2375 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2376 2377 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDict 2378 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2379 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2380 2381 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDict 2382 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2383 2384 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDictEntry 2385 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2386 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2387 2388 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDictEntry 2389 COMP: Fix warning 2390 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2391 2392 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDictGroupName 2393 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2394 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2395 2396 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDictGroupName 2397 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2398 2399 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDictSet 2400 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2401 2402 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDictSet 2403 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2404 2405 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDirList 2406 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2407 2408 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDirList 2409 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2410 2411 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocEntry 2412 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2413 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2414 2415 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocEntry 2416 COMP: Fix warning 2417 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2418 2419 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocEntryArchive 2420 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2421 2422 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocEntryArchive 2423 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2424 2425 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocEntrySet 2426 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2427 2428 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocEntrySet 2429 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2430 2431 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocument 2432 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2433 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2434 2435 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocument 2436 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2437 COMP: Please a vendor specific compiler to work around deprecated method and virtual overload 2438 2439 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmElementSet 2440 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2441 2442 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmElementSet 2443 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2444 2445 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmException 2446 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2447 2448 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmException 2449 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2450 2451 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmFile 2452 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2453 ENH: This should fix the LEGACY code 2454 2455 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmFile 2456 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2457 2458 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmFileHelper 2459 ENH: Properly set some default value: IOP (default to 100010), and Patient Orientation which is redundant... 2460 BUG: removed old secondary capture logic. 2461 2462 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2463 BUG: should not remove Frame Of Reference UID. 2464 2465 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmFileHelper 2466 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2467 2468 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmGlobal 2469 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2470 2471 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmGlobal 2472 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2473 2474 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJPEGFragment 2475 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2476 2477 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJPEGFragment 2478 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2479 2480 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJPEGFragmentsInfo 2481 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2482 2483 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJPEGFragmentsInfo 2484 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2485 2486 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJpeg 2487 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2488 2489 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJpeg12 2490 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2491 2492 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJpeg16 2493 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2494 2495 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJpeg2000 2496 ENH: In ITK openjpeg is outside 2497 COMP: Fix warning on bcc551 2498 2499 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJpeg8 2500 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2501 2502 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmJpegLS 2503 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2504 2505 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmMpeg 2506 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2507 2508 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmOrientation 2509 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2510 2511 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmOrientation 2512 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2513 2514 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmPixelReadConvert 2515 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2516 2517 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmPixelReadConvert 2518 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2519 2520 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmPixelWriteConvert 2521 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2522 2523 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmPixelWriteConvert 2524 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2525 2526 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmRLEFrame 2527 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2528 2529 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmRLEFrame 2530 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2531 2532 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmRLEFramesInfo 2533 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2534 2535 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmRLEFramesInfo 2536 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2537 2538 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmSQItem 2539 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2540 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2541 2542 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmSQItem 2543 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2544 2545 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmSeqEntry 2546 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2547 2548 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmSeqEntry 2549 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2550 2551 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmSerieHelper 2552 ENH: Redo implementation to use Functor instead of Function, because of brain damage VS6. See Q240871 2553 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2554 ENH: Factor code into one single function 2555 BUG: Clear was incomplete and was not deleting the coherent file list. Thanks to Patrick Cheng for bug report and patch 2556 BUG: Could not reuse gdcmSerieHelper, now can call Clear before hand 2557 2558 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmSerieHelper 2559 ENH: Redo implementation to use Functor instead of Function, because of brain damage VS6. See Q240871 2560 COMP: Fix compilation on bcc 2561 ENH: Provide backward compatibility 2562 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2563 2564 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmTS 2565 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2566 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2567 2568 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmTS 2569 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2570 2571 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmUtil 2572 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2573 BUG: wrong value for FMIV. 2574 COMP: Get Mac Address on SGI Irix 2575 2576 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmUtil 2577 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2578 2579 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmVR 2580 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2581 2582 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmVR 2583 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2584 2585 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmValEntry 2586 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2587 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2588 2589 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmValEntry 2590 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2591 2592 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmValidator 2593 COMP: Fix compilation on SunOS 2594 ENH: In order to sync with official CVS, remove as much ITKism as possible 2595 ENH: Update gdcm version to 1.2 2596 2597 Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmValidator 2598 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2599 2600 Utilities/gdcm/src/jdatadst 2601 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2602 2603 Utilities/gdcm/src/jdatas 2604 ENH: Backport gdcm1.2 to ITK-gdcm 2605 2606 Utilities/kwsys/CMakeLists.txt 2607 BUG: Fix problem with in the path 2608 BUG: Fix DynamicLoader implementation on MacOSX (using old API) 2609 COMP: Fix cygwin build 2610 ENH: Carefully turn testing of DynamicLib on 2611 ENH: Added kwsys::String class to shorten debugging symbols and error messages involving std::string. 2612 2613 Utilities/kwsys/CommandLineArguments 2614 ENH: Add a method to remove remaining arguments 2615 2616 Utilities/kwsys/CommandLineArguments.hxx.in 2617 ENH: Add a method to remove remaining arguments 2618 2619 Utilities/kwsys/Directory 2620 STYLE: Minor style 2621 COMP: Some STL implementation do not provide clear on std::string 2622 ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). 2623 2624 Utilities/kwsys/Directory.hxx.in 2625 BUG: Need to reset internal structure in case of multiple calls to Load 2626 2627 Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader 2628 BUG: Fix DynamicLoader implementation on MacOSX (using old API) 2629 ENH: Hopefully have the DynamicLoader to the proper thing. 2630 BUG: Including file within a namespace{} is dangerous(unless symbols are within an extern C). Also update documentation about special case for MacOSX 2631 ENH: Adding kwsys implementation for a DynamicLoader class. Copy from itkDynamicLoader, with patch from cmDynamicLoader 2632 2633 Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader.hxx.in 2634 ENH: Add documentation on the problem with system wide path for looking up dynamic libraries. STYLE: Fix trailing white spaces 2635 ENH: Adding kwsys implementation for a DynamicLoader class. Copy from itkDynamicLoader, with patch from cmDynamicLoader 2636 2637 Utilities/kwsys/EncodeExecutable 2638 ENH: add support for watcom wmake and wcl386 2639 2640 Utilities/kwsys/Glob 2641 STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast. 2642 ENH: add support for watcom wmake and wcl386 2643 2644 Utilities/kwsys/Glob.hxx.in 2645 COMP: Fix the exporting so that it can actually be used 2646 2647 Utilities/kwsys/ProcessUNIX 2648 ENH: Enabled process tree killing on AIX. 2649 ENH: Enabled process tree killing for FreeBSD and Sun. 2650 BUG: Do not leak ps FILE when the process starts but reading the header fails. 2651 BUG: When more than one command is given and one of them fails to start and the rest are killed, do not forget to reap the killed children. 2652 2653 Utilities/kwsys/ProcessWin32 2654 COMP: Fixed warnings for Borland 5.8. 2655 ENH: Improved robustness of sharing parent pipes with children. This ensures that the parent pipe handles are inherited by the children. If a parent pipe handle is invalid a handle to an empty pipe is given to the child to make sure all pipes are defined for the children. 2656 2657 Utilities/kwsys/Registry 2658 STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast. 2659 ENH: add missing cmake depend hacks 2660 ENH: check in new find stuff 2661 2662 Utilities/kwsys/Registry.hxx.in 2663 STYLE: Minor style 2664 2665 Utilities/kwsys/RegularExpression 2666 STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast. 2667 2668 Utilities/kwsys/String.hxx.in 2669 ENH: Added kwsys::String class to shorten debugging symbols and error messages involving std::string. 2670 2671 Utilities/kwsys/SystemTools 2672 ENH: undo last change because it broke the dashboard 2673 STYLE: Remove trailing whitespaces 2674 ENH: fix std in kwsys, has to be kwsys_stl 2675 ENH: fix for bug 28618, cmake.exe can not find itself 2676 COMP: Fix compile problem on windows and mac 2677 ENH: Move relative path to kwsys 2678 ENH: add support for watcom wmake and wcl386 2679 BUG: Return if the file is in any directory not just in first one 2680 ENH: Add another signature to FindProgram that matches more to the one from CMake 2681 2682 Utilities/kwsys/SystemTools.hxx.in 2683 ENH: Add documentation on the problem with system wide path for looking up dynamic libraries. STYLE: Fix trailing white spaces 2684 ENH: Move relative path to kwsys 2685 ENH: fix for icc 2686 ENH: Add another signature to FindProgram that matches more to the one from CMake 2687 2688 Utilities/kwsys/kwsysPlatformCxxTests 2689 ENH: add support for watcom wmake and wcl386 2690 2691 Utilities/kwsys/testCommandLineArguments 2692 STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast. 2693 2694 Utilities/kwsys/testDynamicLoader 2695 2696 BUG: Need a trailing slash 2697 BUG: Trying to get testDynamicLoader to work on Solaris and SunOS, where current directory is not lookup when doing dlopen 2698 ENH: Hopefully have the DynamicLoader to the proper thing. 2699 COMP: Add missing include 2700 ENH: Still more coverage of the DynamicLoader 2701 ENH: Adding initial test for DynamicLoader 2702 2703 Utilities/kwsys/testDynload 2704 COMP: Fix compilation on MacOSX (common symbols not allowed with MH_DYLIB output format) 2705 ENH: remove test temporarily 2706 2707 Utilities/kwsys/testProcess 2708 ENH: Added a way to quickly enable manual testing of grandchild killing. 2709 2710 Utilities/kwsys/testRegistry 2711 ENH: add support for watcom wmake and wcl386 2712 2713 Utilities/kwsys/testSystemTools 2714 STYLE: Minor style 2715 2716 Utilities/kwsys/testSystemTools.h.in 2717 BUG: Do the proper path 2718 BUG: Trying to get testDynamicLoader to work on Solaris and SunOS, where current directory is not lookup when doing dlopen 2719 2720 Utilities/nifti/Testing/niftilib/nifti_test 2721 2722 Utilities/nifti/examples/CMakeLists.txt 2723 2724 Utilities/nifti/examples/fsl_api_driver 2725 2726 Utilities/nifti/fsliolib/fslio 2727 2728 Utilities/nifti/fsliolib/fslio 2729 2730 Utilities/nifti/niftilib/nifti1_io 2731 COMP: warnings. 2732 2733 Utilities/nifti/niftilib/nifti1_io 2734 2735 Utilities/nifti/utils/CMakeLists.txt 2736 2737 Utilities/nifti/utils/nifti_stats 2738 2739 Utilities/nifti/utils/nifti_tool 2740 2741 Utilities/nifti/utils/nifti_tool 2742 2743 Utilities/openjpeg/.NoDartCoverage 2744 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2745 2746 Utilities/openjpeg/CMakeLists.txt 2747 ENH: Update openjpeg to match the one in gdcm 1.2. COMP: This should fix problem introduced yesterday 2748 ENH: Update openjpeg lib from CVS (Fixes lots of warnings) 2749 ENH: This is a C only project 2750 2751 Utilities/openjpeg/README.ITK.txt 2752 ENH: Add a note for ITK-OpenJPEG 2753 2754 Utilities/openjpeg/bio 2755 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2756 2757 Utilities/openjpeg/bio 2758 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2759 2760 Utilities/openjpeg/cio 2761 ENH: Backport from openjpeg CVS, even more warnings fixes. Change the build system from def file to declspec 2762 2763 Utilities/openjpeg/cio 2764 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2765 2766 Utilities/openjpeg/dwt 2767 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2768 2769 Utilities/openjpeg/dwt 2770 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2771 2772 Utilities/openjpeg/event 2773 ENH: Backport from openjpeg CVS, even more warnings fixes. Change the build system from def file to declspec 2774 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2775 2776 Utilities/openjpeg/event 2777 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2778 2779 Utilities/openjpeg/Attic/fix 2780 ENH: Update openjpeg to match the one in gdcm 1.2. COMP: This should fix problem introduced yesterday 2781 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2782 2783 Utilities/openjpeg/fix 2784 ENH: Update openjpeg to match the one in gdcm 1.2. COMP: This should fix problem introduced yesterday 2785 2786 Utilities/openjpeg/image 2787 ENH: Backport from openjpeg CVS, even more warnings fixes. Change the build system from def file to declspec 2788 2789 Utilities/openjpeg/image 2790 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2791 2792 Utilities/openjpeg/Attic/int 2793 ENH: Update openjpeg to match the one in gdcm 1.2. COMP: This should fix problem introduced yesterday 2794 2795 Utilities/openjpeg/int 2796 ENH: Update openjpeg to match the one in gdcm 1.2. COMP: This should fix problem introduced yesterday 2797 2798 Utilities/openjpeg/j2k 2799 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2800 2801 Utilities/openjpeg/j2k 2802 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2803 2804 Utilities/openjpeg/j2k_lib 2805 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2806 2807 Utilities/openjpeg/j2k_lib 2808 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2809 2810 Utilities/openjpeg/jp2 2811 ENH: Update openjpeg lib from CVS (Fixes lots of warnings) 2812 2813 Utilities/openjpeg/jp2 2814 ENH: Update openjpeg lib from CVS (Fixes lots of warnings) 2815 2816 Utilities/openjpeg/jpt 2817 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2818 2819 Utilities/openjpeg/jpt 2820 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2821 2822 Utilities/openjpeg/mct 2823 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2824 2825 Utilities/openjpeg/mct 2826 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2827 2828 Utilities/openjpeg/mqc 2829 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2830 2831 Utilities/openjpeg/mqc 2832 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2833 2834 Utilities/openjpeg/openjpeg 2835 ENH: Backport from openjpeg CVS, even more warnings fixes. Change the build system from def file to declspec 2836 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2837 2838 Utilities/openjpeg/Attic/openjpeg.def.in 2839 ENH: Backport from openjpeg CVS, even more warnings fixes. Change the build system from def file to declspec 2840 2841 Utilities/openjpeg/openjpeg 2842 ENH: Update openjpeg to match the one in gdcm 1.2. COMP: This should fix problem introduced yesterday 2843 ENH: Backport from openjpeg CVS, even more warnings fixes. Change the build system from def file to declspec 2844 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2845 2846 Utilities/openjpeg/opj_includes 2847 ENH: Update openjpeg to match the one in gdcm 1.2. COMP: This should fix problem introduced yesterday 2848 2849 Utilities/openjpeg/pi 2850 ENH: Update openjpeg lib from CVS (Fixes lots of warnings) 2851 2852 Utilities/openjpeg/pi 2853 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2854 2855 Utilities/openjpeg/raw 2856 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2857 2858 Utilities/openjpeg/raw 2859 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2860 2861 Utilities/openjpeg/t1 2862 ENH: Update openjpeg lib from CVS (Fixes lots of warnings) 2863 2864 Utilities/openjpeg/t1 2865 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2866 2867 Utilities/openjpeg/t2 2868 ENH: Backport from openjpeg CVS, even more warnings fixes. Change the build system from def file to declspec 2869 2870 Utilities/openjpeg/t2 2871 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2872 2873 Utilities/openjpeg/tcd 2874 ENH: Backport from openjpeg CVS, even more warnings fixes. Change the build system from def file to declspec 2875 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2876 2877 Utilities/openjpeg/tcd 2878 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2879 2880 Utilities/openjpeg/tgt 2881 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2882 2883 Utilities/openjpeg/tgt 2884 ENH: Adding a JPEG2000 implementation (OpenJPEG) from Communications and remote sensing Laboratory, Universite catholique de Louvain 2885 2886 Utilities/tiff/itk_tiff_mangle 2887 BUG: More external symbols need to be mangled. 2888 COMP: Enabling mangling 2889 2890 Utilities/tiff/tif_dir 2891 COMP: Enabling mangling 2892 2893 Utilities/tiff/tif_dirread 2894 COMP: Enabling mangling 2895 2896 Utilities/tiff/tif_dirwrite 2897 COMP: Enabling mangling 2898 2899 Utilities/tiff/tif_swab 2900 COMP: Enabling mangling 2901 2902 Utilities/tiff/tiff 2903 COMP: force to make tiff rebuild. 2904 COMP: Enabling mangling 2905 COMP: Missing include to itk_tiff_mangle.h 2906 2907 Utilities/vxl/vcl/CMakeLists.txt 2908 STYLE: Removed code with incompatible license. 2909 2910 Utilities/vxl/vcl/vcl_string 2911 STYLE: Removed code with incompatible license. 2912 2913 Utilities/vxl/vcl/vcl_string 2914 STYLE: Removed code with incompatible license. 2915 2916 Utilities/vxl/vcl/emulation/vcl_algobase 2917 STYLE: Removed code with incompatible license. 2918 2919 Utilities/vxl/vcl/emulation/Attic/vcl_straits 2920 STYLE: Removed code with incompatible license. 2921 2922 Utilities/vxl/vcl/emulation/Attic/vcl_straits 2923 STYLE: Removed code with incompatible license. 2924 2925 Utilities/vxl/vcl/emulation/Attic/vcl_string 2926 STYLE: Removed code with incompatible license. 2927 2928 Utilities/vxl/vcl/emulation/Attic/vcl_string 2929 STYLE: Removed code with incompatible license. 2930 2931 Utilities/zlib/zlib.def 2932 ENH: Fix name 2933