1ITK Release 2.8
4This release covers the period March 15, 2006 through May 30, 2006.
9  Release Number                   Start Date     End Date
10  -------------------------------- -------------- --------------
11  Last period for adding classes   May 1 2006     May 12 2006
12  Feature freeze                   May 12 2006    May 26 2006
13  CVS Tagging                      May 27, 2006   May 27, 2006
14  Testing tarballs                 May 28, 2006   May 29, 2006
15  Posting tarballs                 May 29 2006    May 30 2006
17Adoption of CMake 2.2.3
20ITK 2.8 requires the use of CMake 2.2.3.
22It is recommended that when moving into CMake 2.2 from CMake 2.0, the
23developer should start with a fresh build process.
25New Features in this Release
28-   Concept Checking
29-   Explicit Instantiation
31New Classes in this Release
34    Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter
36    Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
38    Code/Common/itkXMLFilterWatcher
40    Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObject
41    Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObjectPoint
42    Code/SpatialObject/itkMetaContourConverter
44    Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt
45    Code/Review/d1ma
46    Code/Review/d1mach.f
47    Code/Review/d9gmit
48    Code/Review/d9gmit.f
49    Code/Review/d9lgic
50    Code/Review/d9lgic.f
51    Code/Review/d9lgit
52    Code/Review/d9lgit.f
53    Code/Review/d9lgmc
54    Code/Review/d9lgmc.f
55    Code/Review/dbetai
56    Code/Review/dbetai.f
57    Code/Review/dcsevl
58    Code/Review/dcsevl.f
59    Code/Review/dgami
60    Code/Review/dgami.f
61    Code/Review/dgamit
62    Code/Review/dgamit.f
63    Code/Review/dgamlm
64    Code/Review/dgamlm.f
65    Code/Review/dgamma
66    Code/Review/dgamma.f
67    Code/Review/dgamr
68    Code/Review/dgamr.f
69    Code/Review/d_int
70    Code/Review/dlbeta
71    Code/Review/dlbeta.f
72    Code/Review/dlgams
73    Code/Review/dlgams.f
74    Code/Review/dlngam
75    Code/Review/dlngam.f
76    Code/Review/dlnrel
77    Code/Review/dlnrel.f
78    Code/Review/d_mod
79    Code/Review/initds
80    Code/Review/initds.f
81    Code/Review/itkChiSquareDistribution
82    Code/Review/itkGaussianDistribution
83    Code/Review/itkProbabilityDistribution
84    Code/Review/itkTDistribution
85    Code/Review/xermsg
87New Tests in this Release
90    Testing/Code/Common/itkDifferenceImageFilterTest
91    Testing/Code/Common/itkZeroFluxBoundaryConditionTest
93    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest
94    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest
96    Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest
98    Testing/Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt
99    Testing/Code/Review/itkChiSquareDistributionTest
100    Testing/Code/Review/itkGaussianDistributionTest
101    Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewHeaderTest
102    Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewPrintTest
103    Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewTests
104    Testing/Code/Review/itkTDistributionTest
106New Examples in this Release
110    Examples/IO/ImageReadDicomSeriesWrite
112    Examples/Registration/ModelToImageRegistration2
114New Utilities in this Release
117    Utilities/Dart/BuildContinuousWithCTest.bat.in
118    Utilities/Dart/BuildContinuousWithCTest.sh.in
119    Utilities/KWStyle/ITKHeader
120    Utilities/KWStyle/ITK.kws.xml.in
121    Utilities/KWStyle/ITKOverwrite.txt
122    Utilities/kwsys/auto_ptr.hxx.in
123    Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader
124    Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader.hxx.in
125    Utilities/kwsys/Terminal
126    Utilities/kwsys/Terminal.h.in
127    Utilities/kwsys/testDynamicLoader
128    Utilities/kwsys/testDynload
129    Utilities/kwsys/testTerminal
130    Utilities/MetaIO/metaContour
131    Utilities/MetaIO/tests/testMeta10Contour
133Changes in this Release
137    CMakeLists.txt
138        ENH: Updating the MINOR VERSION Number in preparation for release of ITK 2.8.
139        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
140        ENH: Borland compiler flags must now be set to prevent too many warnings. Ths is due to a CMake change in default flags for Borland.
141        BUG: No quotes
142        ENH: Forcing Concept checking to be always disabled for the Borland compiler.
143        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
144        ENH: Moving minor number to "7" after tagging for release ITK 2.6.
146    ITKConfig.cmake.in
147        ENH: Specify ITK_GDCM_DIR and ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM in the export configuration so that projects using ITK know about it
149    UseITK.cmake.in
150        ENH: Allow ITK to be built against an installed version of GDCM with the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM option
152    itkConfigure.h.in
153        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
154        ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
156    itkGenerateITKConfig.cmake
157        ENH: Allow ITK to be built against an installed version of GDCM with the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM option
159    itkIncludeDirectories.cmake
160        ENH: Do not add GDCM to the build tree if its ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM is on
162    CMake/CheckCPPDirective.cmake
163        ENH: Allow ITK to be built against an installed version of GDCM with the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM option
165    CMake/Attic/FindGDCM.cmake
166        ENH: Remove confusing script that was written at the time where GDCM was build using autotools...
168    Code/CMakeLists.txt
170    Code/Algorithms/CMakeLists.txt
171        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
173    Code/Algorithms/itkAntiAliasBinaryImageFilter
174        ENH: adding concept checking
176    Code/Algorithms/itkBalloonForceFilter
177        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
179    Code/Algorithms/itkBayesianClassifierImageFilter
181    Code/Algorithms/itkBayesianClassifierInitializationImageFilter
183    Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryMask3DMeshSource
184        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
186    Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryMedialNodeMetr
187        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
189    Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryMinMaxCurvatureFlowImageFilter
190        ENH: adding concept-checking
192    Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryPruningImageFilter
193        STYLE: Updated filter description
194        ENH: adding concept-checking
196    Code/Algorithms/itkBinaryThinningImageFilter
197        ENH: adding concept checking
199    Code/Algorithms/itkBioCell
200        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
202    Code/Algorithms/itkBioGenome
203        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
205    Code/Algorithms/itkCannySegmentationLevelSetFunction
207    Code/Algorithms/itkCannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter
208        ENH: adding concept checking
210    Code/Algorithms/itkCollidingFrontsImageFilter
211        ENH: adding concept checking
213    Code/Algorithms/itkCorrelationCoefficientHistogramImageToImageMetr
214        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
216    Code/Algorithms/itkCurvatureFlowImageFilter
217        ENH: adding concept-checking
219    Code/Algorithms/itkCurvatureRegistrationFilter
220        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
222    Code/Algorithms/itkCurvesLevelSetImageFilter
223        ENH: adding concept checking
225    Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableMesh3DFilter
226        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
228    Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DBalloonForceFilter
229        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
231    Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DFilter
232        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
234    Code/Algorithms/itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DGradientConstraintForceFilter
235        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
237    Code/Algorithms/itkEuclideanDistancePointMetr
238        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
240    Code/Algorithms/itkExtensionVelocitiesImageFilter
241        ENH: adding concept checking
243    Code/Algorithms/itkFEMFiniteDifferenceFunctionLoad
244        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
246    Code/Algorithms/itkFEMRegistrationFilter
247        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
249    Code/Algorithms/itkFastChamferDistanceImageFilter
250        COMP: fixing a compile error
252    Code/Algorithms/itkFastChamferDistanceImageFilter
253        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
255    Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingExtensionImageFilter
256        ENH: adding concept checking
258    Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingImageFilter
259        ENH: adding concept checking
261    Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilter
262        BUG: Fixed the TargetReached modes of the algorithm
264    Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilter
265        BUG: Fixed the TargetReached modes of the algorithm
267    Code/Algorithms/itkGradientVectorFlowImageFilter
268        ENH: adding concept checking
270    Code/Algorithms/itkHistogramMatchingImageFilter
271        ENH: adding concept-checking
273    Code/Algorithms/itkImageKmeansModelEstimator
274        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
276    Code/Algorithms/itkImageToSpatialObjectMetric
278    Code/Algorithms/itkImageToSpatialObjectMetr
280    Code/Algorithms/itkImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod
282    Code/Algorithms/itkImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod
284    Code/Algorithms/itkIsoContourDistanceImageFilter
285        ENH: adding concept checking
287    Code/Algorithms/itkIsoContourDistanceImageFilter
288        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
290    Code/Algorithms/itkIsolatedWatershedImageFilter
291        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
293    Code/Algorithms/itkKLMRegionGrowImageFilter
294        ENH: adding concept checking
296    Code/Algorithms/itkKullbackLeiblerCompareHistogramImageToImageMetric
297        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
299    Code/Algorithms/itkKullbackLeiblerCompareHistogramImageToImageMetr
300        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
302    Code/Algorithms/itkLabelVotingImageFilter
303        BUG: missing InputImageDimension.
305    Code/Algorithms/itkMIRegistrationFunction
306        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
308    Code/Algorithms/itkMRFImageFilter
309        ENH: adding concept checking
311    Code/Algorithms/itkMRIBiasFieldCorrectionFilter
312        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
314    Code/Algorithms/itkMRIBiasFieldCorrectionFilter
315        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
317    Code/Algorithms/itkMattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetr
318        BUG: Stop looking for points if using an image mask if we try 10 times more than the requested number (helps with mistakes using empty mask images)
320    Code/Algorithms/itkMeanReciprocalSquareDifferencePointSetToImageMetr
321        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
323    Code/Algorithms/itkMeanSquareRegistrationFunction
324        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
326    Code/Algorithms/itkMeanSquaresImageToImageMetric
327        ENH: adding concept checking to a metric as an example
329    Code/Algorithms/itkMinMaxCurvatureFlowFunction
330        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
332    Code/Algorithms/itkMinMaxCurvatureFlowImageFilter
334    Code/Algorithms/itkMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod
335        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
337    Code/Algorithms/itkMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
338        ENH: adding concept checking
340    Code/Algorithms/itkMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
341        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
343    Code/Algorithms/itkMutualInformationHistogramImageToImageMetr
344        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
346    Code/Algorithms/itkMutualInformationImageToImageMetr
347        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
349    Code/Algorithms/itkNCCRegistrationFunction
350        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
352    Code/Algorithms/itkNarrowBandCurvesLevelSetImageFilter
353        ENH: adding concept checking
355    Code/Algorithms/itkNarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter
356        ENH: adding concept checking
358    Code/Algorithms/itkNarrowBandThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter
359        ENH: adding concept checking
361    Code/Algorithms/itkNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetr
362        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
364    Code/Algorithms/itkNormalizedCorrelationPointSetToImageMetr
365        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
367    Code/Algorithms/itkNormalizedMutualInformationHistogramImageToImageMetr
368        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
370    Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter
371        ENH: adding concept checking
373    Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter
374        BUG: 2786. Adding types for managing thresholds expressed in RealType.
376    Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuThresholdImageCalculator
377        ENH: Added Region to calculator.
379    Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuThresholdImageCalculator
380        ENH: Added Region to calculator.
382    Code/Algorithms/itkOtsuThresholdImageFilter
383        ENH: adding concept checking
385    Code/Algorithms/itkRayCastInterpolateImageFunction
386        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
388    Code/Algorithms/itkRecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter
389        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
391    Code/Algorithms/itkReinitializeLevelSetImageFilter
392        ENH: adding concept checking
394    Code/Algorithms/itkSTAPLEImageFilter
395        ENH: adding concept checking
397    Code/Algorithms/itkScalarImageKmeansImageFilter
398        ENH: adding concept checking
400    Code/Algorithms/itkSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter
401        ENH: adding concept checking
403    Code/Algorithms/itkSimplexMeshVolumeCalculator
404        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
406    Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter
407        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
409    Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter
410        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
412    Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdSegmentationLevelSetFunction
413        STYLE: Cleaned up comments
415    Code/Algorithms/itkUnaryMedialNodeMetr
416        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
418    Code/Algorithms/itkVectorThresholdSegmentationLevelSetFunction
419        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
421    Code/Algorithms/itkVnlFFTComplexConjugateToRealImageFilter
423    Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiDiagram2DGenerator
424        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
426    Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiPartitioningImageFilter
427        ENH: adding concept checking
429    Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiPartitioningImageFilter
430        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
432    Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter
433        COMP: fixing compiler warnings
435    Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter
436        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
438    Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationImageFilterBase
439        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
441    Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationRGBImageFilter
442        COMP: fixing compiler warnings
444    Code/Algorithms/itkVoronoiSegmentationRGBImageFilter
445        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
447    Code/Algorithms/itkWatershedImageFilter
449    Code/Algorithms/itkWatershedSegmenter
450        STYLE: Equations specified incorrectly
452    Code/BasicFilters/CMakeLists.txt
453        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
455    Code/BasicFilters/itkAbsImageFilter
456        BUG: Signed concept is not required for AbsImageFilter
457        ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
459    Code/BasicFilters/itkAbsoluteValueDifferenceImageFilter
460        ENH: adding concept-checking
462    Code/BasicFilters/itkAccumulateImageFilter
463        ENH: adding concept-checking
464        ENH: adding more concept checking
466    Code/BasicFilters/itkAcosImageFilter
467        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
469    Code/BasicFilters/itkAdaptImageFilter
470        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
472    Code/BasicFilters/itkAdaptiveHistogramEqualizationImageFilter
473        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
475    Code/BasicFilters/itkAddImageFilter
476        ENH: adding more concept checking
478    Code/BasicFilters/itkAndImageFilter
479        ENH: adding more concept checking
481    Code/BasicFilters/itkAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
482        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
484    Code/BasicFilters/itkApproximateSignedDistanceMapImageFilter
485        ENH: more concept-checking
487    Code/BasicFilters/itkAsinImageFilter
488        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
490    Code/BasicFilters/itkAtan2ImageFilter
491        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
493    Code/BasicFilters/itkAtanImageFilter
494        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
496    Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineCenteredResampleImageFilterBase
497        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
499    Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineDecompositionImageFilter
500        ENH: more concept-checking
502    Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineDecompositionImageFilter
503        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
505    Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineDownsampleImageFilter
506        ENH: more concept-checking
508    Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineDownsampleImageFilter
509        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
511    Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineInterpolateImageFunction
512        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
514    Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineUpsampleImageFilter
515        ENH: more concept-checking
517    Code/BasicFilters/itkBSplineUpsampleImageFilter
518        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
520    Code/BasicFilters/itkBilateralImageFilter
521        ENH: adding more concept checking
523    Code/BasicFilters/itkBilateralImageFilter
524        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
526    Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryFunctorImageFilter
527        ENH: adding concept-checking
529    Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMagnitudeImageFilter
530        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
532    Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMaskToNarrowBandPointSetFilter
533        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
535    Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMedianImageFilter
536        ENH: adding more concept checking
538    Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryMorphologyImageFilter
539        ENH: adding more concept checking
541    Code/BasicFilters/itkBinaryThresholdImageFilter
542        ENH: More verbose documentation
543        ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
545    Code/BasicFilters/itkBinomialBlurImageFilter
546        ENH: more concept-checking
548    Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryPointImageToBloxBoundaryProfileImageFilter
549        ENH: more concept-checking
551    Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryPointImageToBloxBoundaryProfileImageFilter
552        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
554    Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
555        ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
557    Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
558        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
560    Code/BasicFilters/itkBoundedReciprocalImageFilter
561        ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
563    Code/BasicFilters/itkCannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter
564        ENH: checking for SameDimension and IsFloatingPoint concepts
566    Code/BasicFilters/itkCastImageFilter
567        ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
569    Code/BasicFilters/itkChangeLabelImageFilter
570        ENH: begin introducing concept checking; introducing ITK_USE_CONCEPT_CHECKING CMake variable to determine whether concept checking is used
572    Code/BasicFilters/itkClosingByReconstructionImageFilter
573        ENH: adding concept-checking
575    Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToImaginaryImageFilter
576        ENH: adding concept checking
578    Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToModulusImageFilter
579        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
581    Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToPhaseImageFilter
582        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
584    Code/BasicFilters/itkComplexToRealImageFilter
585        ENH: adding concept checking
587    Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose2DCovariantVectorImageFilter
588        ENH: adding more concept checking
590    Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose2DVectorImageFilter
591        ENH: adding more concept checking
593    Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose3DCovariantVectorImageFilter
594        ENH: adding more concept checking
596    Code/BasicFilters/itkCompose3DVectorImageFilter
597        ENH: adding more concept checking
599    Code/BasicFilters/itkConfidenceConnectedImageFilter
600        ENH: adding more concept checking
602    Code/BasicFilters/itkConfidenceConnectedImageFilter
603        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
605    Code/BasicFilters/itkConnectedComponentFunctorImageFilter
606        ENH: adding more concept checking
608    Code/BasicFilters/itkConnectedThresholdImageFilter
609        ENH: adding more concept checking
611    Code/BasicFilters/itkConstantPadImageFilter
612        ENH: adding more concept checking
614    Code/BasicFilters/itkConstrainedValueAdditionImageFilter
615        ENH: adding more concept checking
617    Code/BasicFilters/itkConstrainedValueDifferenceImageFilter
618        ENH: adding more concept checking
620    Code/BasicFilters/itkContourDirectedMeanDistanceImageFilter
621        ENH: adding concept-checking
623    Code/BasicFilters/itkContourMeanDistanceImageFilter
624        ENH: adding concept-checking
626    Code/BasicFilters/itkCosImageFilter
627        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
629    Code/BasicFilters/itkCropImageFilter
630        ENH: adding concept-checking
632    Code/BasicFilters/itkCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
633        ENH: adding concept-checking
635    Code/BasicFilters/itkDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter
636        ENH: adding concept-checking
638    Code/BasicFilters/itkDerivativeImageFilter
639        ENH: adding concept-checking
641    Code/BasicFilters/itkDifferenceOfGaussiansGradientImageFilter
642        COMP: fixing compiler errors shown on cygwin
644    Code/BasicFilters/itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter
645        ENH: adding concept-checking
647    Code/BasicFilters/itkDilateObjectMorphologyImageFilter
648        ENH: adding concept-checking
650    Code/BasicFilters/itkDirectedHausdorffDistanceImageFilter
651        ENH: adding concept-checking
653    Code/BasicFilters/itkDiscreteGaussianImageFilter
654        ENH: adding concept-checking
656    Code/BasicFilters/itkDivideImageFilter
657        ENH: adding concept-checking
659    Code/BasicFilters/itkDoubleThresholdImageFilter
660        ENH: adding concept-checking
662    Code/BasicFilters/itkEdgePotentialImageFilter
663        ENH: adding concept-checking
665    Code/BasicFilters/itkEigenAnalysis2DImageFilter
666        ENH: adding concept-checking
668    Code/BasicFilters/itkEigenAnalysis2DImageFilter
669        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
671    Code/BasicFilters/itkErodeObjectMorphologyImageFilter
672        ENH: adding concept-checking
674    Code/BasicFilters/itkExpImageFilter
675        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
677    Code/BasicFilters/itkExpNegativeImageFilter
678        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
680    Code/BasicFilters/itkExpandImageFilter
681        ENH: adding concept-checking
683    Code/BasicFilters/itkExpandImageFilter
684        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
686    Code/BasicFilters/itkExtractImageFilter
687        ENH: adding concept-checking
689    Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
690        ENH: adding concept-checking
692    Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientImageFilter
693        ENH: adding concept-checking
695    Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientImageToBloxBoundaryPointImageFilter
696        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
698    Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientMagnitudeImageFilter
699        ENH: adding concept-checking
701    Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
702        ENH: adding concept-checking
704    Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction
705        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
707    Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
708        ENH: adding concept-checking
710    Code/BasicFilters/itkGradientToMagnitudeImageFilter
711        ENH: adding concept-checking
713    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleConnectedClosingImageFilter
714        ENH: adding concept-checking
716    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleConnectedOpeningImageFilter
717        ENH: adding concept-checking
719    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleDilateImageFilter
720        ENH: adding concept-checking
722    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleErodeImageFilter
723        ENH: adding concept-checking
725    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleFillholeImageFilter
726        ENH: adding concept-checking
728    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleFunctionDilateImageFilter
729        ENH: adding concept-checking
731    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleFunctionErodeImageFilter
732        ENH: adding concept-checking
734    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleGeodesicDilateImageFilter
735        ENH: adding concept-checking
737    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleGeodesicErodeImageFilter
738        ENH: adding concept-checking
740    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleGrindPeakImageFilter
741        ENH: adding concept-checking
743    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleMorphologicalClosingImageFilter
744        ENH: adding concept-checking
746    Code/BasicFilters/itkGrayscaleMorphologicalOpeningImageFilter
747        ENH: adding concept-checking
749    Code/BasicFilters/itkHConcaveImageFilter
750        ENH: adding concept-checking
752    Code/BasicFilters/itkHConvexImageFilter
753        ENH: adding concept-checking
755    Code/BasicFilters/itkHMaximaImageFilter
756        ENH: adding concept-checking
758    Code/BasicFilters/itkHMinimaImageFilter
759        ENH: adding concept-checking
761    Code/BasicFilters/itkHardConnectedComponentImageFilter
762        ENH: adding concept-checking
764    Code/BasicFilters/itkHausdorffDistanceImageFilter
765        ENH: adding concept-checking
767    Code/BasicFilters/itkHessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter
768        COMP: need StaticConstMacro for Borland.
770    Code/BasicFilters/itkHessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter
771        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
773    Code/BasicFilters/itkHessianRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
774        ENH: adding concept-checking
776    Code/BasicFilters/itkHoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter
777        COMP: fixing compiler errors shown on cygwin
779    Code/BasicFilters/itkHoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter
780        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
782    Code/BasicFilters/itkHoughTransform2DLinesImageFilter
783        ENH: adding more concept checking
785    Code/BasicFilters/itkHoughTransform2DLinesImageFilter
786        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
788    Code/BasicFilters/itkIntensityWindowingImageFilter
789        ENH: adding more concept checking
791    Code/BasicFilters/itkInterpolateImageFilter
792        ENH: adding more concept checking
794    Code/BasicFilters/itkInterpolateImagePointsFilter
795        ENH: adding more concept checking
797    Code/BasicFilters/itkInverseDeformationFieldImageFilter
798        ENH: adding more concept checking
800    Code/BasicFilters/itkInvertIntensityImageFilter
801        ENH: adding more concept checking
803    Code/BasicFilters/itkIsolatedConnectedImageFilter
804        ENH: adding more concept checking
806    Code/BasicFilters/itkIsolatedConnectedImageFilter
807        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
809    Code/BasicFilters/itkIterativeInverseDeformationFieldImageFilter
810        ENH: adding more concept checking
812    Code/BasicFilters/itkIterativeInverseDeformationFieldImageFilter
813        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
815    Code/BasicFilters/itkJoinImageFilter
816        COMP: missing typenames.
818    Code/BasicFilters/itkJoinSeriesImageFilter
819        ENH: adding more concept-checking
821    Code/BasicFilters/itkLabelStatisticsImageFilter
822        ENH: adding more concept checking
824    Code/BasicFilters/itkLabelStatisticsImageFilter
825        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
827    Code/BasicFilters/itkLaplacianImageFilter
828        ENH: adding more concept-checking
830    Code/BasicFilters/itkLog10ImageFilter
831        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
833    Code/BasicFilters/itkLogImageFilter
834        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
836    Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskImageFilter
837        ENH: more concept-checking
839    Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNegatedImageFilter
840        ENH: more concept-checking
842    Code/BasicFilters/itkMaskNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter
843        ENH: adding more concept checking
845    Code/BasicFilters/itkMatrixIndexSelectionImageFilter
846        ENH: adding more concept checking
848    Code/BasicFilters/itkMaximumImageFilter
849        ENH: adding more concept checking
851    Code/BasicFilters/itkMeanImageFilter
852        ENH: adding more concept checking
854    Code/BasicFilters/itkMedianImageFilter
855        ENH: adding more concept-checking
857    Code/BasicFilters/itkMinimumImageFilter
858        ENH: adding more concept checking
860    Code/BasicFilters/itkMinimumMaximumImageFilter
861        ENH: adding more concept checking
863    Code/BasicFilters/itkMirrorPadImageFilter
864        ENH: adding more concept-checking
866    Code/BasicFilters/itkModulusImageFilter
867        ENH: adding more concept checking
869    Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologicalGradientImageFilter
870        ENH: adding more concept checking
872    Code/BasicFilters/itkMultiplyImageFilter
874    Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryAddImageFilter
875        ENH: adding more concept checking
877    Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryFunctorImageFilter
878        ENH: adding more concept checking
880    Code/BasicFilters/itkNaryMaximumImageFilter
881        ENH: adding more concept checking
883    Code/BasicFilters/itkNeighborhoodConnectedImageFilter
884        ENH: more concept-checking
886    Code/BasicFilters/itkNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter
887        ENH: adding more concept-checking
889    Code/BasicFilters/itkNoiseImageFilter
890        ENH: more concept-checking
892    Code/BasicFilters/itkNonThreadedShrinkImageFilter
893        ENH: adding more concept-checking
895    Code/BasicFilters/itkNonThreadedShrinkImageFilter
896        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
898    Code/BasicFilters/itkNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter
899        COMP: fixing compilation error
901    Code/BasicFilters/itkNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter
902        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
904    Code/BasicFilters/itkNotImageFilter
905        ENH: more concept-checking
907    Code/BasicFilters/itkObjectMorphologyImageFilter
908        COMP: fixing a typo that was causing a compiler error on the dashboard
910    Code/BasicFilters/itkObjectMorphologyImageFilter
911        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
913    Code/BasicFilters/itkOpeningByReconstructionImageFilter
914        ENH: adding more concept-checking
916    Code/BasicFilters/itkOrImageFilter
917        ENH: more concept-checking
919    Code/BasicFilters/itkOrientImageFilter
920        ENH: adding more concept-checking
922    Code/BasicFilters/itkParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter
923        ENH: more concept-checking
925    Code/BasicFilters/itkPolylineMask2DImageFilter
926        ENH: adding more concept-checking
928    Code/BasicFilters/itkPolylineMaskImageFilter
929        ENH: more concept-checking
931    Code/BasicFilters/itkRGBToLuminanceImageFilter
932        ENH: more concept-checking
934    Code/BasicFilters/itkReconstructionByDilationImageFilter
935        ENH: more concept-checking
937    Code/BasicFilters/itkReconstructionByErosionImageFilter
938        ENH: adding more concept-checking
940    Code/BasicFilters/itkRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
941        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
943    Code/BasicFilters/itkReflectImageFilter
944        ENH: adding more concept-checking
946    Code/BasicFilters/itkRegionOfInterestImageFilter
947        ENH: adding more concept-checking
949    Code/BasicFilters/itkRelabelComponentImageFilter
950        ENH: adding more concept-checking
952    Code/BasicFilters/itkResampleImageFilter
953        BUG: #2672 fixed. m_OutputOrigin type was incorrect.
954        ENH: more concept-checking
956    Code/BasicFilters/itkResampleImageFilter
958    Code/BasicFilters/itkRescaleIntensityImageFilter
960    Code/BasicFilters/itkScalarConnectedComponentImageFilter
961        ENH: more concept-checking
963    Code/BasicFilters/itkScalarToArrayCastImageFilter
964        ENH: more concept-checking
966    Code/BasicFilters/itkShiftScaleImageFilter
968    Code/BasicFilters/itkShiftScaleInPlaceImageFilter
970    Code/BasicFilters/itkShrinkImageFilter
971        ENH: adding more concept-checking
973    Code/BasicFilters/itkShrinkImageFilter
974        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
976    Code/BasicFilters/itkSigmoidImageFilter
977        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
979    Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter
980        ENH: more concept-checking
982    Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
983        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
985    Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
986        BUG: renamed functor to avoid conflict.
988    Code/BasicFilters/itkSimilarityIndexImageFilter
989        ENH: more concept-checking
991    Code/BasicFilters/itkSimpleContourExtractorImageFilter
992        ENH: more concept-checking
994    Code/BasicFilters/itkSinImageFilter
995        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
997    Code/BasicFilters/itkSmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
998        ENH: more concept-checking
1000    Code/BasicFilters/itkSobelEdgeDetectionImageFilter
1001        ENH: more concept-checking
1003    Code/BasicFilters/itkSparseFieldFourthOrderLevelSetImageFilter
1004        ENH: more concept-checking
1006    Code/BasicFilters/itkSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter
1007        STYLE: Cleaned up comments
1008        ENH: adding more concept-checking
1010    Code/BasicFilters/itkSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter
1011        STYLE: Cleaned up comments
1013    Code/BasicFilters/itkSqrtImageFilter
1014        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1016    Code/BasicFilters/itkSquareImageFilter
1018    Code/BasicFilters/itkSquaredDifferenceImageFilter
1019        ENH: more concept-checking
1021    Code/BasicFilters/itkStatisticsImageFilter
1022        ENH: more concept-checking
1024    Code/BasicFilters/itkStatisticsImageFilter
1025        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1027    Code/BasicFilters/itkStreamingImageFilter
1028        ENH: adding concept-checking
1030    Code/BasicFilters/itkSubtractImageFilter
1031        ENH: adding concept checking
1033    Code/BasicFilters/itkSymmetricEigenAnalysisImageFilter
1034        ENH: adding concept checking
1036    Code/BasicFilters/itkTanImageFilter
1037        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1039    Code/BasicFilters/itkTensorFractionalAnisotropyImageFilter
1040        ENH: adding concept checking
1042    Code/BasicFilters/itkTensorRelativeAnisotropyImageFilter
1043        ENH: adding concept checking
1045    Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryFunctorImageFilter
1046        COMP: fixing a typo that was causing a compiler error on the dashboard
1048    Code/BasicFilters/itkTernaryMagnitudeImageFilter
1049        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1051    Code/BasicFilters/itkThresholdImageFilter
1052        ENH: adding concept checking
1054    Code/BasicFilters/itkThresholdLabelerImageFilter
1055        ENH: adding concept checking
1056        ENH: adding concept-checking
1057        BUG: 2786. Adding types for managing thresholds expressed in RealType.
1059    Code/BasicFilters/itkThresholdLabelerImageFilter
1060        BUG: 2786. Adding types for managing thresholds expressed in RealType.
1062    Code/BasicFilters/itkTileImageFilter
1063        ENH: adding concept checking
1065    Code/BasicFilters/itkTobogganImageFilter
1066        ENH: adding concept checking
1068    Code/BasicFilters/itkTwoOutputExampleImageFilter
1069        ENH: adding concept checking
1071    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorCastImageFilter
1072        ENH: adding concept checking
1074    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorConfidenceConnectedImageFilter
1075        ENH: adding concept checking
1077    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorConnectedComponentImageFilter
1078        ENH: adding concept checking
1080    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
1081        ENH: adding concept checking
1083    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorExpandImageFilter
1084        ENH: adding concept checking
1086    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorExpandImageFilter
1087        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1089    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter
1090        ENH: adding concept checking
1092    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter
1093        ENH: adding concept checking
1095    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter
1096        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1098    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter
1099        ENH: adding concept checking
1101    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter
1102        ENH: adding concept checking
1104    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorResampleImageFilter
1105        ENH: adding concept checking
1107    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorResampleImageFilter
1108        COMP: Set threads to 1 if Borland.
1110    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter
1111        ENH: adding concept checking
1113    Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter
1114        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1116    Code/BasicFilters/itkVotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilter
1117        ENH: adding concept-checking
1119    Code/BasicFilters/itkVotingBinaryImageFilter
1120        ENH: adding concept checking
1122    Code/BasicFilters/itkVotingBinaryIterativeHoleFillingImageFilter
1123        ENH: adding concept checking
1125    Code/BasicFilters/itkWarpImageFilter
1126        ENH: adding concept checking
1128    Code/BasicFilters/itkWarpVectorImageFilter
1129        ENH: adding concept checking
1131    Code/BasicFilters/itkWeightedAddImageFilter
1133    Code/BasicFilters/itkWhiteTopHatImageFilter
1134        ENH: adding concept checking
1136    Code/BasicFilters/itkWrapPadImageFilter
1137        ENH: adding concept-checking
1139    Code/BasicFilters/itkXorImageFilter
1140        ENH: adding concept checking
1142    Code/BasicFilters/itkZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilter
1143        ENH: adding concept checking
1145    Code/BasicFilters/itkZeroCrossingImageFilter
1146        ENH: adding concept checking
1148    Code/Common/CMakeLists.txt
1149        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
1150        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1151        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1153    Code/Common/itkAbsImageAdaptor
1154        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1155        STYLE: fixed style
1157    Code/Common/itkAcosImageAdaptor
1158        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1160    Code/Common/itkAddImageAdaptor
1161        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1163    Code/Common/itkAddPixelAccessor
1164        STYLE: fixed style
1166    Code/Common/itkAffineTransform
1167        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1168        STYLE: Fixed style
1169        STYLE: fixed style
1171    Code/Common/itkAffineTransform
1172        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1174    Code/Common/itkAnnulusOperator
1175        STYLE: Fixed style
1177    Code/Common/itkAnnulusOperator
1178        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1180    Code/Common/itkArray
1181        STYLE: fixed style
1183    Code/Common/itkArray
1184        STYLE: fixed style
1186    Code/Common/itkArray2D
1187        STYLE: fixed style
1189    Code/Common/itkAsinImageAdaptor
1190        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1192    Code/Common/itkAtanImageAdaptor
1193        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1195    Code/Common/itkAutoPointer
1196        STYLE: Fixed style
1198    Code/Common/itkAutoPointerDataObjectDecorator
1199        STYLE: fixed style
1201    Code/Common/itkAutoPointerDataObjectDecorator
1202        STYLE: fixed style
1204    Code/Common/itkAzimuthElevationToCartesianTransform
1205        STYLE: indentation.
1206        STYLE: Fixed style
1208    Code/Common/itkAzimuthElevationToCartesianTransform
1209        STYLE: Fixed style
1210        STYLE: fixed style
1212    Code/Common/itkBSplineDeformableTransform
1213        STYLE: Fixed style
1215    Code/Common/itkBSplineDeformableTransform
1216        STYLE: line length and indentation.
1217        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1219    Code/Common/itkBSplineDerivativeKernelFunction
1220        STYLE: Fixed style
1222    Code/Common/itkBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction
1223        STYLE: Fixed style
1225    Code/Common/itkBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction
1226        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1228    Code/Common/itkBSplineKernelFunction
1229        STYLE: Fixed style
1231    Code/Common/itkBackwardDifferenceOperator
1232        STYLE: Fixed style
1234    Code/Common/itkBackwardDifferenceOperator
1235        STYLE: Fixed style
1237    Code/Common/itkBarrier
1238        STYLE: Fixed style
1240    Code/Common/itkBarrier
1241        STYLE: Fixed style
1243    Code/Common/itkBinaryBallStructuringElement
1244        STYLE: Fixed style
1246    Code/Common/itkBinaryBallStructuringElement
1247        STYLE: Fixed style
1249    Code/Common/itkBinaryCrossStructuringElement
1250        STYLE: Fixed style
1252    Code/Common/itkBinaryCrossStructuringElement
1253        STYLE: Fixed style
1255    Code/Common/itkBinaryThresholdImageFunction
1256        STYLE: Fixed style
1258    Code/Common/itkBinaryThresholdSpatialFunction
1259        STYLE: Fixed style
1261    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointImage
1262        STYLE: Fixed style
1264    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointImage
1265        STYLE: Fixed style
1267    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointItem
1268        STYLE: Fixed style
1270    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointItem
1271        STYLE: Fixed style
1273    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryPointPixel
1274        STYLE: Fixed style
1276    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImage
1277        STYLE: Fixed style
1279    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImage
1280        STYLE: Fixed style
1282    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileItem
1283        STYLE: Fixed style
1285    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfileItem
1286        STYLE: Fixed style
1288    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfilePixel
1289        STYLE: Fixed style
1291    Code/Common/itkBloxBoundaryProfilePixel
1292        STYLE: Fixed style
1294    Code/Common/itkBloxCoreAtomImage
1295        COMP: Fixing template parameter
1297    Code/Common/itkBloxCoreAtomImage
1298        COMP: Fixing template parameter
1299        STYLE: Fixed style
1301    Code/Common/itkBloxCoreAtomPixel
1302        STYLE: Fixed style
1304    Code/Common/itkBloxCoreAtomPixel
1305        STYLE: Fixed style
1307    Code/Common/itkBloxImage
1308        STYLE: Fixed style
1310    Code/Common/itkBloxItem
1311        STYLE: Fixed style
1313    Code/Common/itkBloxPixel
1314        STYLE: Fixed style
1316    Code/Common/itkBluePixelAccessor
1317        STYLE: Fixed style
1319    Code/Common/itkBoundingBox
1320        STYLE: Fixed style
1322    Code/Common/itkBoundingBox
1323        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1325    Code/Common/itkByteSwapper
1326        STYLE: Fixed style
1328    Code/Common/itkByteSwapper
1329        STYLE: Fixed style
1331    Code/Common/itkCellInterface
1332        STYLE: Fixed style
1334    Code/Common/itkCellInterface
1335        STYLE: Fixed style
1337    Code/Common/itkCellInterfaceVisitor
1338        STYLE: Fixed style
1340    Code/Common/itkCenteredAffineTransform
1341        STYLE: Fixed style
1343    Code/Common/itkCenteredAffineTransform
1344        STYLE: Fixed style
1346    Code/Common/itkCenteredEuler3DTransform
1347        STYLE: Fixed style
1349    Code/Common/itkCenteredEuler3DTransform
1350        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1352    Code/Common/itkCenteredRigid2DTransform
1353        STYLE: Fixed style
1355    Code/Common/itkCenteredRigid2DTransform
1356        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1358    Code/Common/itkCenteredSimilarity2DTransform
1359        STYLE: Fixed style
1361    Code/Common/itkCenteredSimilarity2DTransform
1362        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1364    Code/Common/itkCenteredTransformInitializer
1365        STYLE: Fixed style
1367    Code/Common/itkCenteredTransformInitializer
1368        STYLE: Fixed style
1370    Code/Common/itkCenteredVersorTransformInitializer
1371        STYLE: Fixed style
1373    Code/Common/itkCenteredVersorTransformInitializer
1374        STYLE: Fixed style
1376    Code/Common/itkCentralDifferenceImageFunction
1377        STYLE: Fixed style
1379    Code/Common/itkCentralDifferenceImageFunction
1380        STYLE: Fixed style
1382    Code/Common/itkChainCodePath
1383        STYLE: Fixed style
1385    Code/Common/itkChainCodePa
1386        STYLE: Fixed style
1388    Code/Common/itkChainCodePath2D
1389        STYLE: Fixed style
1391    Code/Common/itkChainCodePath2D
1392        STYLE: Fixed style
1394    Code/Common/itkChildTreeIterator
1395        STYLE: Fixed style
1397    Code/Common/itkColorTable
1398        STYLE: Fixed style
1400    Code/Common/itkColorTable
1401        STYLE: Fixed style
1403    Code/Common/itkCommand
1404        STYLE: Fixed style
1406    Code/Common/itkComplexToImaginaryImageAdaptor
1407        STYLE: Fixed style
1409    Code/Common/itkComplexToModulusImageAdaptor
1410        STYLE: indentation.
1411        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1413    Code/Common/itkComplexToPhaseImageAdaptor
1414        STYLE: Fixed style
1415        STYLE: Fixed style
1417    Code/Common/itkComplexToRealImageAdaptor
1418        STYLE: Fixed style
1420    Code/Common/itkConceptChecking
1421        COMP: fixing dashboard warnings about assignment between different types
1422        COMP: fixing typo
1423        ENH: adding a comment about why the argument to sizeof is not enclosed in ()'s
1424        COMP: #include for PixelTraits was missing.
1425        ENH: adding new concepts; modify some existing ones to accept multiple types
1427    Code/Common/itkConditionVariable
1428        STYLE: Fixed style
1430    Code/Common/itkConditionVariable
1431        STYLE: Fixed style
1433    Code/Common/itkConditionalConstIterator
1434        STYLE: Fixed style
1436    Code/Common/itkConditionalConstIterator
1437        STYLE: Fixed style
1439    Code/Common/itkConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
1440        STYLE: Fixed style
1442    Code/Common/itkConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
1443        STYLE: Fixed style
1445    Code/Common/itkConstNeighborhoodIterator
1446        STYLE: Fixed style
1448    Code/Common/itkConstNeighborhoodIterator
1449        STYLE: Fixed style
1451    Code/Common/itkConstShapedNeighborhoodIterator
1452        STYLE: Fixed style
1454    Code/Common/itkConstShapedNeighborhoodIterator
1455        STYLE: long lines.
1456        STYLE: Fixed style
1458    Code/Common/itkConstSliceIterator
1459        STYLE: Fixed style
1461    Code/Common/itkConstantBoundaryCondition
1462        BUG: #3151. Boundary conditions could access unactivated indices in shaped iterators."
1464    Code/Common/itkContinuousIndex
1465        STYLE: Fixed style
1467    Code/Common/itkCoreAtomImageToDistanceMatrixProcess
1468        STYLE: Fixed style
1470    Code/Common/itkCoreAtomImageToDistanceMatrixProcess
1471        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1473    Code/Common/itkCorrespondenceDataStructure
1474        STYLE: Fixed style
1476    Code/Common/itkCorrespondenceDataStructureIterator
1477        STYLE: Fixed style
1479    Code/Common/itkCorrespondenceDataStructureIterator
1480        STYLE: Fixed style
1482    Code/Common/itkCorrespondingMedialNodeClique
1483        STYLE: Fixed style
1485    Code/Common/itkCosImageAdaptor
1486        STYLE: Fixed style
1488    Code/Common/itkCovariantVector
1489        BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
1491    Code/Common/itkCovariantVector
1492        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1494    Code/Common/itkCreateObjectFunction
1495        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1497    Code/Common/itkDefaultDynamicMeshTraits
1498        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1500    Code/Common/itkDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter
1501        STYLE: Cleaned up comments
1503    Code/Common/itkDifferenceImageFilter
1505    Code/Common/itkDifferenceImageFilter
1507    Code/Common/itkDiffusionTensor3D
1508        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1510    Code/Common/itkDirectory
1511        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1512        ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
1514    Code/Common/itkDirectory
1515        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1516        ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
1518    Code/Common/itkDynamicLoader
1519        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1521    Code/Common/itkElasticBodyReciprocalSplineKernelTransform
1522        BUG: incorrect type macro
1524    Code/Common/itkEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
1525        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1527    Code/Common/itkEquivalencyTable
1528        STYLE: spacing.
1530    Code/Common/itkEquivalencyTable
1531        STYLE: spacing.
1533    Code/Common/itkEuler3DTransform
1534        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1536    Code/Common/itkExpImageAdaptor
1537        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1539    Code/Common/itkExpNegativeImageAdaptor
1540        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1542    Code/Common/Attic/itkExplicitInstantiations
1543        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1545    Code/Common/itkFastMutexLock
1546        ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
1548    Code/Common/itkFiniteCylinderSpatialFunction
1549        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1551    Code/Common/itkFixedArray
1552        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1554    Code/Common/itkFixedArray
1555        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1557    Code/Common/itkFloodFilledFunctionConditionalConstIterator
1558        STYLE: various.
1560    Code/Common/itkFloodFilledFunctionConditionalConstIterator
1561        STYLE: various.
1563    Code/Common/itkFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalConstIterator
1564        STYLE: various.
1566    Code/Common/itkFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalConstIterator
1567        STYLE: various.
1569    Code/Common/itkFloodFilledSpatialFunctionConditionalConstIterator
1570        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1572    Code/Common/itkFourierSeriesPa
1573        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1575    Code/Common/itkFrustumSpatialFunction
1576        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1578    Code/Common/itkGaussianDerivativeSpatialFunction
1579        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1581    Code/Common/itkGaussianKernelFunction
1582        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1584    Code/Common/itkGaussianOperator
1585        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1587    Code/Common/itkGaussianSpatialFunction
1588        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1590    Code/Common/itkHexahedronCell
1592    Code/Common/itkHexahedronCell
1594    Code/Common/itkImage
1595        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1597    Code/Common/itkImage
1598        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1600    Code/Common/itkImageAdaptor
1601        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1603    Code/Common/itkImageBase
1604        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1606    Code/Common/itkImageBase
1607        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1609    Code/Common/itkImageBoundaryCondition
1610        BUG: #3151. Boundary conditions could access unactivated indices in shaped iterators."
1612    Code/Common/itkImageFunction
1613        STYLE: spelling error.
1615    Code/Common/itkImageRegion
1616        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1618    Code/Common/itkImageRegion
1619        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1621    Code/Common/itkImageRegionMultidimensionalSplitter
1622        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1624    Code/Common/itkImageSource
1625        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1627    Code/Common/itkImageToImageFilter
1628        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1630    Code/Common/itkImportImageContainer
1631        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1633    Code/Common/itkImportImageContainer
1634        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1636    Code/Common/itkIndex
1637        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1639    Code/Common/itkLandmarkBasedTransformInitializer
1640        ENH: Remove annoying warning macro. Not reason enough to throw a warning
1642    Code/Common/itkLevelSetFunction
1643        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1645    Code/Common/itkLightObject
1646        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1648    Code/Common/itkLineConstIterator
1649        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1651    Code/Common/itkLinearInterpolateImageFunction
1652        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1654    Code/Common/itkLog10ImageAdaptor
1655        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1657    Code/Common/itkLogImageAdaptor
1658        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1660    Code/Common/itkMacro
1661        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1662        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1664    Code/Common/itkMahalanobisDistanceThresholdImageFunction
1665        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1667    Code/Common/itkMapContainer
1669    Code/Common/itkMapContainer
1671    Code/Common/itkMetaDataDictionary
1672        PERF: switch to using itk_hash_map
1674    Code/Common/itkMetaDataDictionary
1675        BUG: switching to itk_hash_map results in an api change (no operator->()). unrolling change.
1677    Code/Common/itkMetaDataObject
1678        PERF: Bypass the factory mechanism for MetaDataObject
1680    Code/Common/itkNumericTraits
1681        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1683    Code/Common/itkNumericTraitsRGBPixel
1684        COMP: WrapITK requires numeric traits for itk::RGB_Pixel<unsigned short>
1686    Code/Common/itkNumericTraitsRGBPixel
1687        COMP: WrapITK requires numeric traits for itk::RGB_Pixel<unsigned short>
1689    Code/Common/itkNumericTraitsVectorPixel
1690        BUG: typo
1692    Code/Common/itkObject
1693        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1695    Code/Common/itkObject
1696        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1698    Code/Common/itkObjectFactoryBase
1699        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1701    Code/Common/itkObjectFactoryBase
1702        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1704    Code/Common/itkOrientedImage
1705        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1707    Code/Common/itkPeriodicBoundaryCondition
1708        STYLE: removed debug statements.
1710    Code/Common/itkPhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage
1711        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1713    Code/Common/itkPoint
1714        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1715        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1717    Code/Common/itkPointLocator
1718        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1720    Code/Common/itkQuaternionRigidTransform
1721        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1723    Code/Common/itkRGBPixel
1724        BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
1726    Code/Common/itkRealTimeClock
1727        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1729    Code/Common/itkRigid2DTransform
1730        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1732    Code/Common/itkRigid3DPerspectiveTransform
1733        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1735    Code/Common/itkScaleLogarithmicTransform
1736        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1738    Code/Common/itkScaleSkewVersor3DTransform
1739        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1741    Code/Common/itkSimilarity2DTransform
1742        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1744    Code/Common/itkSimilarity3DTransform
1745        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1747    Code/Common/itkSimpleFastMutexLock
1748        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1750    Code/Common/itkSimpleFastMutexLock
1751        ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
1753    Code/Common/itkSimpleFilterWatcher
1754        ENH: allow new class access to private data.
1756    Code/Common/itkSimplexMeshGeometry
1757        STYLE: indentation.
1759    Code/Common/itkSinImageAdaptor
1760        STYLE: indentation.
1762    Code/Common/itkSize
1763        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1765    Code/Common/itkSmartPointer
1766        ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
1768    Code/Common/itkSmartPointerForwardReference
1769        ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
1771    Code/Common/itkSmartPointerForwardReference
1772        ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code). Also fix some minor style
1774    Code/Common/itkSpecialCoordinatesImage
1775        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1777    Code/Common/itkSqrtImageAdaptor
1778        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1780    Code/Common/itkSymmetricEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
1781        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1783    Code/Common/itkSymmetricSecondRankTensor
1784        BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
1786    Code/Common/itkTanImageAdaptor
1787        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1789    Code/Common/itkThinPlateR2LogRSplineKernelTransform
1790        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1792    Code/Common/itkThinPlateR2LogRSplineKernelTransform
1793        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1795    Code/Common/itkTimeProbesCollectorBase
1797    Code/Common/itkTimeProbesCollectorBase
1799    Code/Common/itkTorusInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction
1800        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1802    Code/Common/itkTriangleCell
1803        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1805    Code/Common/itkVariableLengthVector
1806        BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
1808    Code/Common/itkVariableLengthVector
1809        ENH: Add GetSquaredNorm method to class
1811    Code/Common/itkVector
1812        BUG: Fix for bug 3152: Headers for compound pixel types now #include the appropriate NumericTraits specialization headers.
1813        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
1815    Code/Common/itkVector
1816        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1818    Code/Common/itkVectorContainer
1820    Code/Common/itkVectorContainer
1822    Code/Common/itkVectorImage
1823        ENH: Make ImageBase the baseclass to avoid conflicting return types for the same function signature, with ImageBase
1824        BUG: Incorrect superclass typedef. Pointed out by Gaetan on the developers list.
1826    Code/Common/itkVectorImageToImageAdaptor
1827        BUG: The vector image returns a pixel created on the stack, not a reference to a pixel
1829    Code/Common/itkVectorLinearInterpolateImageFunction
1830        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1832    Code/Common/Attic/itkVectorNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction
1833        BUG: obsolete file. All code is on .h file.
1835    Code/Common/itkVersor
1836        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1838    Code/Common/itkVersor
1839        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1841    Code/Common/itkVersorRigid3DTransform
1842        STYLE: Fixed style
1844    Code/Common/itkVersorRigid3DTransform
1845        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1847    Code/Common/itkVersorTransform
1848        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1849        STYLE: Fixed style
1851    Code/Common/itkVersorTransform
1852        STYLE: Fixed style
1854    Code/Common/itkVertexCell
1855        STYLE: Fixed style
1857    Code/Common/itkVertexCell
1858        STYLE: Fixed style
1860    Code/Common/itkVolumeSplineKernelTransform
1861        STYLE: Fixed style
1863    Code/Common/itkVolumeSplineKernelTransform
1864        STYLE: Fixed style
1866    Code/Common/itkWeakPointer
1867        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
1869    Code/Common/itkWin32Header
1870        STYLE: Fixed style
1872    Code/Common/itkWin32OutputWindow
1873        STYLE: Fixed style
1875    Code/Common/itkWin32OutputWindow
1876        STYLE: Fixed style
1878    Code/Common/itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction
1879        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1881    Code/Common/itkWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction
1882        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
1884    Code/Common/itkWindows
1885        STYLE: Fixed style
1887    Code/Common/itkXMLFileOutputWindow
1888        STYLE: Fixed style
1890    Code/Common/itkXMLFilterWatcher
1891        STYLE: various.
1893    Code/Common/itkZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition
1894        STYLE: Fixed style
1896    Code/Common/itkZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition
1897        STYLE: Fixed style
1899    Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransform+-
1900        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1902    Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformD2
1903        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1905    Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformD2
1906        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1908    Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformD3
1909        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1911    Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformD3
1912        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1914    Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformF2
1915        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1917    Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformF2
1918        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1920    Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformF3
1921        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1923    Code/Common/Templates/itkAffineTransformF3
1924        ENH: Explicit Instantiation Support
1926    Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArray+-
1927        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1929    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkFixedArray+double.2-
1930        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1932    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkFixedArray+double.3-
1933        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1935    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkFixedArray+float.2-
1936        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1938    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkFixedArray+float.3-
1939        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1941    Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayD2
1942        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1944    Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayD2
1945        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1947    Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayD3
1948        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1950    Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayD3
1951        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1953    Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayF2
1954        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1956    Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayF2
1957        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1959    Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayF3
1960        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1962    Code/Common/Templates/itkFixedArrayF3
1963        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1965    Code/Common/Templates/itkImage+-
1966        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1968    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+double.2-
1969        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1971    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+double.3-
1972        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1974    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+float.2-
1975        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1977    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+float.3-
1978        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1980    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+int.2-
1981        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1983    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+int.3-
1984        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1986    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+long.2-
1987        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1989    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+long.3-
1990        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1992    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+short.2-
1993        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1995    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+short.3-
1996        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
1998    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_char.2-
1999        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2001    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_char.3-
2002        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2004    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_int.2-
2005        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2007    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_int.3-
2008        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2010    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_long.2-
2011        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2013    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_long.3-
2014        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2016    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_short.2-
2017        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2019    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImage+unsigned_short.3-
2020        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2022    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase+-
2023        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2025    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageBase+2-
2026        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2028    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageBase+3-
2029        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2031    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase2
2032        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2034    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase2
2035        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2037    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase3
2038        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2040    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageBase3
2041        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2043    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageD2
2044        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2046    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageD2
2047        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2049    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageD3
2050        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2052    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageD3
2053        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2055    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageF2
2056        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2058    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageF2
2059        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2061    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageF3
2062        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2064    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageF3
2065        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2067    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageI2
2068        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2070    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageI2
2071        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2073    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageI3
2074        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2076    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageI3
2077        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2079    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageL2
2080        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2082    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageL2
2083        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2085    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageL3
2086        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2088    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageL3
2089        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2091    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion+-
2092        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2094    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageRegion+2-
2095        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2097    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageRegion+3-
2098        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2100    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion2
2101        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2103    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion2
2104        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2106    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion3
2107        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2109    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageRegion3
2110        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2112    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageS2
2113        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2115    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageS2
2116        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2118    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageS3
2119        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2121    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageS3
2122        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2124    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSource+-
2125        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2127    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+double.2--
2128        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2130    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+double.3--
2131        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2133    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+float.2--
2134        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2136    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+float.3--
2137        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2139    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+int.2--
2140        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2142    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+int.3--
2143        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2145    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+long.2--
2146        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2148    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+long.3--
2149        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2151    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+short.2--
2152        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2154    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+short.3--
2155        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2157    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_char.2--
2158        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2160    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_char.3--
2161        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2163    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_int.2--
2164        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2166    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_int.3--
2167        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2169    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_long.2--
2170        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2172    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_long.3--
2173        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2175    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_short.2--
2176        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2178    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImageSource+Image+unsigned_short.3--
2179        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2181    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceD2
2182        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2184    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceD2
2185        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2187    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceD3
2188        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2190    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceD3
2191        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2193    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceF2
2194        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2196    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceF2
2197        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2199    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceF3
2200        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2202    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceF3
2203        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2205    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceI2
2206        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2208    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceI2
2209        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2211    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceI3
2212        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2214    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceI3
2215        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2217    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceL2
2218        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2220    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceL2
2221        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2223    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceL3
2224        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2226    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceL3
2227        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2229    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceS2
2230        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2232    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceS2
2233        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2235    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceS3
2236        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2238    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceS3
2239        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2241    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUC2
2242        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2244    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUC2
2245        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2247    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUC3
2248        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2250    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUC3
2251        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2253    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUI2
2254        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2256    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUI2
2257        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2259    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUI3
2260        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2262    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUI3
2263        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2265    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUL2
2266        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2268    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUL2
2269        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2271    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUL3
2272        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2274    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUL3
2275        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2277    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUS2
2278        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2280    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUS2
2281        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2283    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUS3
2284        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2286    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageSourceUS3
2287        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2289    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUC2
2290        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2292    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUC2
2293        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2295    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUC3
2296        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2298    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUC3
2299        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2301    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUI2
2302        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2304    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUI2
2305        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2307    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUI3
2308        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2310    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUI3
2311        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2313    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUL2
2314        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2316    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUL2
2317        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2319    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUL3
2320        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2322    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUL3
2323        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2325    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUS2
2326        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2328    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUS2
2329        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2331    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUS3
2332        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2334    Code/Common/Templates/itkImageUS3
2335        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2337    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainer+-
2338        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2340    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.double-
2341        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2343    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.float-
2344        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2346    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.int-
2347        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2349    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.long-
2350        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2352    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.short-
2353        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2355    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.unsigned_char-
2356        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2358    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.unsigned_int-
2359        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2361    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.unsigned_long-
2362        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2364    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkImportImageContainer+unsigned_long.unsigned_short-
2365        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2367    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_D
2368        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2370    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_D
2371        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2373    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_F
2374        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2376    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_F
2377        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2379    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_I
2380        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2382    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_I
2383        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2385    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_L
2386        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2388    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_L
2389        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2391    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_S
2392        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2394    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_S
2395        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2397    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UC
2398        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2400    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UC
2401        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2403    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UI
2404        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2406    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UI
2407        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2409    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UL
2410        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2412    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_UL
2413        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2415    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_US
2416        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2418    Code/Common/Templates/itkImportImageContainerUL_US
2419        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2421    Code/Common/Templates/itkPoint+-
2422        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2424    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkPoint+double.2-
2425        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2427    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkPoint+double.3-
2428        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2430    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkPoint+float.2-
2431        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2433    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkPoint+float.3-
2434        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2436    Code/Common/Templates/itkPointD2
2437        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2439    Code/Common/Templates/itkPointD2
2440        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2442    Code/Common/Templates/itkPointD3
2443        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2445    Code/Common/Templates/itkPointD3
2446        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2448    Code/Common/Templates/itkPointF2
2449        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2451    Code/Common/Templates/itkPointF2
2452        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2454    Code/Common/Templates/itkPointF3
2455        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2457    Code/Common/Templates/itkPointF3
2458        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2460    Code/Common/Templates/itkVector+-
2461        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2463    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkVector+double.2-
2464        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2466    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkVector+double.3-
2467        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2469    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkVector+float.2-
2470        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2472    Code/Common/Templates/Attic/itkVector+float.3-
2473        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2475    Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorD2
2476        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2478    Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorD2
2479        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2481    Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorD3
2482        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2484    Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorD3
2485        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2487    Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorF2
2488        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2490    Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorF2
2491        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2493    Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorF3
2494        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2496    Code/Common/Templates/itkVectorF3
2497        ENH: Added names for explicit template instantiations.  Each instantiation of a template is given a name which is typedef-ed in a Templates namespace.  These named instantiations are useful for passing arguments to other instantiations and avoiding nested comma problems with macro arguments.  Also providing a header to import each instantiation.
2499    Code/IO/CMakeLists.txt
2500        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
2502    Code/IO/itkAnalyzeImageIO
2503        ENH: throw exception if invalid dimension is specified.
2505    Code/IO/itkArchetypeSeriesFileNames
2506        ENH: Allow filenames that include special characters
2508    Code/IO/itkBrains2HeaderBase
2509        ENH: replaced ExceptionObject witk ExceptionMacro.
2511    Code/IO/itkBrains2MaskImageIO
2512        ENH: replaced ExceptionObject witk ExceptionMacro.
2514    Code/IO/itkGDCMImageIO
2515        BUG: PrintSelf defects.
2516        BUG: To much cached information is stored. Need to delete entire gdcm::File struct first.
2517        ENH: Do not need to reread header a second time. Instead retain a copy of the parsed DICOM header and pass internal gdcm structure to the pixel reader.
2518        STYLE: Remove old debug...
2519        ENH: When writing 3D Image, the code is correct to put proper Origin and Direction
2520        BUG: When writting 3D images, it allowed to access the 3d component of the ITK Spacing.
2521        ENH: Provide an helper function around the MetaDataDictionary. Make it more user oriented.
2523    Code/IO/itkGDCMImageIO
2524        PERF: Reduced the number of times the file is read to two.
2525        ENH: When writing 3D Image, the code is correct to put proper Origin and Direction
2527    Code/IO/itkGDCMSeriesFileNames
2528        BUG: PrintSelf defects.
2530    Code/IO/itkGDCMSeriesFileNames
2531        PERF: Reduced the number of times the file is read to two.
2533    Code/IO/itkIOCommon
2535    Code/IO/itkIOCommon
2537    Code/IO/itkImageIOFactory
2538        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
2540    Code/IO/itkImageSeriesWriter
2541        ENH: better error checking on MetaDataDictonaryArray size.
2543    Code/IO/itkMetaImageIO
2544        COMP: fixed member object reference
2546    Code/IO/itkNiftiImageIO
2547        COMP: removed header include line for non-existent header
2549    Code/IO/itkPNGImageIO
2550        BUG: reader was not shifting data when it was encoded in the image.
2552    Code/IO/itkStimulateImageIOFactory
2553        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
2555    Code/IO/itkTIFFImageIO
2556        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
2558    Code/IO/itkVTKImageIO
2560    Code/Numerics/CMakeLists.txt
2561        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
2562        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2564    Code/Numerics/itkCumulativeGaussianCostFunction
2565        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2567    Code/Numerics/itkCumulativeGaussianOptimizer
2568        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2570    Code/Numerics/itkFRPROptimizer
2572    Code/Numerics/itkFRPROptimizer
2574    Code/Numerics/itkMultipleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer
2575        ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
2577    Code/Numerics/itkMultipleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer
2578        ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
2580    Code/Numerics/itkMultipleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor
2581        ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
2583    Code/Numerics/itkMultipleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor
2584        ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
2586    Code/Numerics/itkOnePlusOneEvolutionaryOptimizer
2587        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2589    Code/Numerics/itkSPSAOptimizer
2590        ENH: Using the MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator rather than VNL
2592    Code/Numerics/itkSPSAOptimizer
2593        ENH: Using the MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator rather than VNL
2595    Code/Numerics/itkSingleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer
2596        ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
2598    Code/Numerics/itkSingleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor
2599        ENH: Adding support for reporting Iteration events from the VNL optimizers.
2601    Code/Numerics/FEM/CMakeLists.txt
2602        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
2604    Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMElement2DC0LinearQuadrilateral
2605        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2607    Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMElement2DC1Beam
2608        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2610    Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMElement3DC0LinearHexahedron
2611        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2613    Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMElement3DC0LinearTetrahedron
2614        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2616    Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMGenerateMe
2617        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2619    Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMImageMetricLoad
2620        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2622    Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMLoadImplementationGenericLandmarkLoad
2623        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2625    Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMSolverCrankNicolson
2626        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2628    Code/Numerics/FEM/itkFEMSolverCrankNicolson
2629        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2631    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkBackPropagationLayer
2632        COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
2634    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkBackPropagationLayer
2635        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2637    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkBatchSupervisedTrainingFunction
2639    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkBatchSupervisedTrainingFunction
2640        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2642    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkCompletelyConnectedWeightSet
2643        BUG: size of connectivity matrix was reversed compared to the weight matrix
2645    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkErrorFunctionBase
2646        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2648    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkGaussianRadialBasisFunction
2650    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkIterativeSupervisedTrainingFunction
2652    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkIterativeSupervisedTrainingFunction
2653        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2655    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkLayerBase
2656        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2658    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkLayerBase
2659        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2661    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkLogSigmoidTransferFunction
2662        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2664    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMeanSquaredErrorFunction
2665        COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
2667    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMeanSquaredErrorFunction
2668        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2670    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMultilayerNeuralNetworkBase
2671        COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
2673    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMultilayerNeuralNetworkBase
2674        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2676    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkMultiquadricRadialBasisFunction
2677        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2679    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkNeuralNetworkObject
2680        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2682    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkOneHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork
2683        COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
2685    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkOneHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork
2686        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2688    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFBackPropagationLearningFunction
2689        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2691    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFLayer
2692        COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
2694    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFLayer
2695        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2697    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFNetwork
2699    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkRBFNetwork
2700        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2702    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkSigmoidTransferFunction
2703        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2705    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkSquaredDifferenceErrorFunction
2706        COMP: WinNT-bcc32 typename fixes
2708    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkSquaredDifferenceErrorFunction
2709        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2711    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkSymmetricSigmoidTransferFunction
2712        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2714    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTanHTransferFunction
2715        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2717    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTanSigmoidTransferFunction
2718        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2720    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTrainingFunctionBase
2722    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTrainingFunctionBase
2723        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2725    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTwoHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork
2727    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkTwoHiddenLayerBackPropagationNeuralNetwork
2728        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2730    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkWeightSetBase
2731        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2733    Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/itkWeightSetBase
2734        ENH: network topology can be set at runtime
2736    Code/Numerics/Statistics/CMakeLists.txt
2737        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
2739    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkEuclideanDistance
2740        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2742    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimator
2743        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2745    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGaussianDensityFunction
2746        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2748    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGaussianGoodnessOfFitComponent
2749        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2751    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGaussianMixtureModelComponent
2752        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2754    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGoodnessOfFitFunctionBase
2755        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2757    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkGreyLevelCooccurrenceMatrixTextureCoefficientsCalculator
2758        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2760    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkHistogramToEntropyImageFilter
2761        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2763    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkHistogramToLogProbabilityImageFilter
2764        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2766    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkListSampleToHistogramGenerator
2768    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkLogLikelihoodGoodnessOfFitFunction
2769        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2771    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkNormalVariateGenerator
2772        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2774    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkSampleToHistogramProjectionFilter
2775        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2777    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkScalarImageToHistogramGenerator
2779    Code/Numerics/Statistics/itkScalarImageToHistogramGenerator
2781    Code/Patented/itkActiveShapeModelCalculator
2782        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2784    Code/Patented/itkActiveShapeModelGradientSearchMethod
2785        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2787    Code/Patented/itkSimpleFuzzyConnectednessRGBImageFilter
2788        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2790    Code/Patented/itkSimpleFuzzyConnectednessScalarImageFilter
2791        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2793    Code/Patented/itkVectorFuzzyConnectednessImageFilter
2794        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2796    Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt
2797        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2799    Code/Review/d1ma
2800        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2802    Code/Review/d1mach.f
2803        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2805    Code/Review/d9gmit
2806        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2808    Code/Review/d9gmit.f
2809        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2811    Code/Review/d9lgic
2812        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2814    Code/Review/d9lgic.f
2815        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2817    Code/Review/d9lgit
2818        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2820    Code/Review/d9lgit.f
2821        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2823    Code/Review/d9lgmc
2824        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2826    Code/Review/d9lgmc.f
2827        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2829    Code/Review/d_int
2830        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2832    Code/Review/d_mod
2833        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2835    Code/Review/dbetai
2836        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2838    Code/Review/dbetai.f
2839        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2841    Code/Review/dcsevl
2842        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2844    Code/Review/dcsevl.f
2845        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2847    Code/Review/dgami
2848        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2850    Code/Review/dgami.f
2851        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2853    Code/Review/dgamit
2854        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2856    Code/Review/dgamit.f
2857        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2859    Code/Review/dgamlm
2860        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2862    Code/Review/dgamlm.f
2863        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2865    Code/Review/dgamma
2866        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2868    Code/Review/dgamma.f
2869        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2871    Code/Review/dgamr
2872        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2874    Code/Review/dgamr.f
2875        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2877    Code/Review/dlbeta
2878        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2880    Code/Review/dlbeta.f
2881        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2883    Code/Review/dlgams
2884        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2886    Code/Review/dlgams.f
2887        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2889    Code/Review/dlngam
2890        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2892    Code/Review/dlngam.f
2893        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2895    Code/Review/dlnrel
2896        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2898    Code/Review/dlnrel.f
2899        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2901    Code/Review/initds
2902        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2904    Code/Review/initds.f
2905        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2907    Code/Review/itkChiSquareDistribution
2908        STYLE: various.
2909        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2911    Code/Review/itkChiSquareDistribution
2912        STYLE: various.
2914    Code/Review/itkGaussianDistribution
2915        STYLE: various.
2917    Code/Review/itkGaussianDistribution
2918        STYLE: various.
2920    Code/Review/itkProbabilityDistribution
2921        STYLE: various.
2923    Code/Review/Attic/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
2924        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
2925        STYLE: More fixes according to messages from KWStyle.
2927    Code/Review/Attic/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter
2928        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
2929        STYLE: More fixes according to messages from KWStyle.
2931    Code/Review/itkTDistribution
2932        STYLE: various.
2934    Code/Review/itkTDistribution
2935        STYLE: various.
2937    Code/Review/Attic/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter
2938        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
2939        STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
2940        BUG: must use itkGetStaticConstMacro to access ImageDimension.
2941        COMP: "typename" keywords missing.
2943    Code/Review/Attic/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter
2944        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
2945        ENH: Use SetMinimumObjectSize of the RelabelComponentImageFilter instead of calculating it separately.  This changes results slightly because previously the algorithm found all objects *greater* than the minimum object size, not *greater than or equal to* as RelabelComponentImageFilter does.  Also, we now use a MinimumMaximumImageCalculator to find the range of possible thresholds to speed up the binary search and ensure that the found threshold is in this range.
2946        STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
2947        BUG: mid point was not computed correctly.
2948        COMP: "typename" keywords missing.
2950    Code/Review/xermsg
2951        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
2953    Code/SpatialObject/CMakeLists.txt
2954        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
2956    Code/SpatialObject/itkArrowSpatialObject
2957        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2959    Code/SpatialObject/itkBlobSpatialObject
2960        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2962    Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObject
2963        COMP: Warning, removing const when returning enumeration
2964        ENH: First checkin
2966    Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObject
2967        ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
2968        ENH: First checkin
2970    Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObjectPoint
2971        ENH: First checkin
2973    Code/SpatialObject/itkContourSpatialObjectPoint
2974        ENH: First checkin
2976    Code/SpatialObject/itkCylinderSpatialObject
2977        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2979    Code/SpatialObject/itkGaussianSpatialObject
2980        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2982    Code/SpatialObject/itkMetaContourConverter
2983        ENH: First checkin
2985    Code/SpatialObject/itkMetaContourConverter
2986        ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
2988    Code/SpatialObject/itkMetaSceneConverter
2989        ENH: Added support for contours
2991    Code/SpatialObject/itkPolygonSpatialObject
2992        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2994    Code/SpatialObject/itkTubeSpatialObject
2995        STYLE:  Replaced math functions with vcl_ equivalent forms (i.e. sin with vcl_sin).
2997    Examples/DataRepresentation/Image/CMakeLists.txt
2998        COMP: Boland LME linker error.
3000    Examples/Filtering/BinaryThresholdImageFilter
3001        BUG: #2929. Writer template type was incorrect.
3003    Examples/Filtering/CMakeLists.txt
3004        COMP: Avoid Borland LME1518 linker error.
3005        BUG: fix last checkin.
3006        COMP: avoid Borland linker error.
3007        COMP: Borland linker errors.
3009    Examples/Filtering/FFTDirectInverse
3010        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3012    Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples2
3013        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3015    Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples4
3016        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3018    Examples/Filtering/FilteringExamples6
3019        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3021    Examples/Filtering/OtsuMultipleThresholdImageFilter
3022        ENH: Also write out the image thresholded between the upper threshold and the max intensity
3024    Examples/Filtering/OtsuThresholdImageFilter
3025        BUG: #2929. Writer template type was incorrect.
3027    Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter
3028        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3030    Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter2
3031        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3033    Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter3
3034        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3036    Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter4
3037        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3039    Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter5
3040        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3042    Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter7
3043        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3045    Examples/Filtering/ResampleImageFilter8
3046        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3048    Examples/Filtering/ResampleOrientedImageFilter
3049        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3051    Examples/IO/CMakeLists.txt
3053    Examples/IO/DicomImageReadPrintTags
3054        ENH: Provide an helper function around the MetaDataDictionary. Make it more user oriented.
3056    Examples/IO/DicomSeriesReadImageWrite
3057        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
3059    Examples/IO/ImageReadDicomSeriesWrite
3061    Examples/IO/ImageReadWrite
3062        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
3064    Examples/IO/TransformReadWrite
3065        BUG: BSpline transform was not registered into the factory by default
3067    Examples/Iterators/CMakeLists.txt
3068        COMP: Remove tests from Borland to avoid linker errors.
3070    Examples/Patented/FuzzyConnectednessImageFilter
3071        ENH: Fixing typos indicated by Alex Chekholko via email.
3073    Examples/Patented/HybridSegmentationFuzzyVoronoi
3074        ENH: Fixing typos indicated by Alex Chekholko via email.
3076    Examples/Registration/BSplineWarping1
3077        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3079    Examples/Registration/CMakeLists.txt
3080        ENH: Adding a nightly test for the ModelToImageRegistration2 example.
3082    Examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration4
3083        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3085    Examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration6
3086        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3088    Examples/Registration/DeformableRegistration7
3090    Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration12
3091        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3093    Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration13
3094        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3096    Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration14
3097        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3099    Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration5
3100        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3102    Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration6
3103        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3105    Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration7
3106        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3108    Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration9
3109        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3111    Examples/Registration/ModelToImageRegistration1
3112        ENH: The metric was not using the interpolator for evaluating the image.
3114    Examples/Registration/ModelToImageRegistration2
3115        ENH: Adding the reader and the rasterization filter.
3117    Examples/Registration/MultiResImageRegistration2
3118        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3120    Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples3
3121        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3123    Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples4
3124        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3126    Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples6
3127        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3129    Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples7
3130        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3132    Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamples9
3133        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3135    Examples/Registration/RegistrationExamplesO2
3136        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3138    Examples/Statistics/CMakeLists.txt
3139        COMP: avoid borland linker error
3141    Examples/Statistics/ImageHistogram1
3143    Examples/Statistics/ImageHistogram2
3145    Examples/Visualization/CannyEdgeDetectionImageFilterConnectVTKITK.py
3146        ENH: Remove dos end of line
3148    Testing/Code/CMakeLists.txt
3150    Testing/Code/Algorithms/CMakeLists.txt
3151        BUG: added TEMP.
3153    Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkAlgorithmsTests4
3154        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3156    Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkFastMarchingUpwindGradientTest
3157        ENH: Test the TargetReached modes of the algorithm
3159    Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkHistogramImageToImageMetricTest
3160        ENH: initialize upper and lower bound.
3162    Testing/Code/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest
3163        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3165    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/CMakeLists.txt
3166        BUG: itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest.cxx entered twice.
3168    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersPrintTest
3169        ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
3171    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersPrintTest2
3172        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3174    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBasicFiltersTests4
3175        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3177    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilterTest
3178        ENH: remove redundant dim parameter from itkBloxBoundaryProfileImageToBloxCoreAtomImageFilter
3180    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilterTest
3181        STYLE: missing copyright.
3183    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkExpImageFilterAndAdaptorTest
3184        COMP: trying to track down failure on vs 7. Set threads to 1.
3186    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkMorphologicalGradientImageFilterTest
3187        STYLE: missing copyright.
3189    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkNormalizedCorrelationImageFilterTest
3190        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3192    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkRecursiveGaussianImageFiltersOnTensorsTest
3193        STYLE: missing copyright.
3195    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkResampleImageTest
3196        COMP: force a rebuild because of dependency problems.
3198    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest
3199        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3201    Testing/Code/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest
3203    Testing/Code/Common/CMakeLists.txt
3204        ENH: The DifferenceImageFilter was missing unit testing.
3206    Testing/Code/Common/itkCommonTests2
3207        ENH: The DifferenceImageFilter was missing unit testing.
3209    Testing/Code/Common/itkDifferenceImageFilterTest
3210        ENH: Fixing input connections to the DifferenceImageFilter.
3211        ENH: The DifferenceImageFilter was missing unit testing.
3213    Testing/Code/Common/itkFixedArrayTest
3214        ENH: Added explicit instantiation support framework to itkMacro.h.  See this header for details and documentation of the support macros.  Added option ITK_EXPLICIT_INSTANTIATION to itkConfigure.h because it is used to determine whether ITK provides explicit instantiations, which does not change outside the project.  Added instantiations of some common core types.  Removed old explicit instantiation beta code.
3216    Testing/Code/Common/itkPeriodicBoundaryConditionTest
3217        ENH: added new test.
3219    Testing/Code/Common/itkTimeProbesTest
3221    Testing/Code/Common/itkZeroFluxBoundaryConditionTest
3222        ENH: better testing of BC.
3224    Testing/Code/IO/itkBMPImageIOTest
3225        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
3227    Testing/Code/IO/itkIOTests
3229    Testing/Code/IO/itkNiftiImageIOTest
3231    Testing/Code/IO/itkRawImageIOTest5
3232        COMP: warning.
3234    Testing/Code/IO/itkReadWriteSpatialObjectTest
3235        ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
3237    Testing/Code/IO/itkTIFFImageIOTest
3238        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
3240    Testing/Code/Numerics/itkFRPROptimizerTest
3242    Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/NNetClassifierTest1
3243        ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
3245    Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/NNetClassifierTest2
3246        ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
3248    Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/NNetClassifierTest3
3249        ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
3251    Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/NNetClassifierTest4
3252        ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
3254    Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/QPropXORTest1
3255        ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
3257    Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/RBFTest1
3258        ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
3260    Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/XORTest1
3261        ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
3263    Testing/Code/Numerics/NeuralNetworks/XORTest2
3264        ENH: changed to incorporate runtime network topology setting, including use of different MeasurementVectorTypes such as itk::Array
3266    Testing/Code/Review/CMakeLists.txt
3267        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3268        ENH: Adding a second test for the itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter.
3269        ENH: Adding returns FAILURE in the catch blocks of the tries.
3271    Testing/Code/Review/itkChiSquareDistributionTest
3272        STYLE: various.
3273        ENH: Probability distribution library allowing for Student-t and Chi-Square pdf, cdf, and inverse cdf calculations.
3275    Testing/Code/Review/itkGaussianDistributionTest
3276        STYLE: various.
3278    Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewHeaderTest
3279        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3280        STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
3282    Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewPrintTest
3283        STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
3284        ENH: Support files for testing the classes that are under the review process.
3286    Testing/Code/Review/itkReviewTests
3287        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3288        STYLE: Fixed style
3289        COMP: Fixing the connections for the test driver.
3291    Testing/Code/Review/Attic/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest
3292        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3293        STYLE: removing new line at the end of the file. Signaled by KWStyle.
3295    Testing/Code/Review/itkTDistributionTest
3296        STYLE: various.
3298    Testing/Code/Review/Attic/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest
3299        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3300        STYLE: various KWSTYLE issues.
3301        ENH: Adding returns FAILURE in the catch blocks of the tries.
3303    Testing/Data/Baseline/Algorithms/OtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilterTest.png
3305    Testing/Data/Baseline/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest1.png
3306        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3308    Testing/Data/Baseline/Algorithms/itkThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest2.png
3309        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3311    Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest1.mhd
3312        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3314    Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest1.zraw
3315        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3317    Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest2.mhd
3318        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3320    Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest2.zraw
3321        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3323    Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest3.mhd
3324        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3326    Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilterTest3.zraw
3327        ENH: Moved code, tests and baselines from Review into Algorithms and BasicFilters.
3329    Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest1.mha
3330        ENH: Baseline for the test itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest.
3332    Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest2.mha
3333        ENH: Baseline for the test itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest.
3335    Testing/Data/Baseline/BasicFilters/itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest3.mha
3336        ENH: Baseline for the test itkVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilterTest.
3338    Testing/Data/Baseline/Common/itkDifferenceImageFilterTest.png
3339        ENH: Baseline for the DifferenceImageFilterTest.
3341    Testing/Data/Baseline/Filtering/OtsuMultipleThresholdOutput002.png
3343    Testing/Data/Input/BrainSliceBinary.png
3344        ENH: Images needed for testing the Maurer distance map filter.
3346    Testing/Data/Input/CellsFluorescence1.png
3347        ENH: Input test image for the threshold maximum connected components filter test.
3349    Testing/Data/Input/CellsFluorescence2.png
3350        ENH: Input image for the ThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilterTest2.
3352    Testing/Data/Input/LungSliceBinary.png
3353        ENH: Images needed for testing the Maurer distance map filter.
3355    Testing/Data/Input/SquareBinary201.png
3356        ENH: Images needed for testing the Maurer distance map filter.
3358    Utilities/CMakeLists.txt
3359        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3360        ENH: Allow ITK to be built against an installed version of GDCM with the ITK_USE_SYSTEM_GDCM option
3362    Utilities/DICOMParser/CMakeLists.txt
3363        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3365    Utilities/Dart/BuildContinuousWithCTest.bat.in
3366        ENH: bat script to do a continous build with ctest.
3368    Utilities/Dart/BuildContinuousWithCTest.sh.in
3369        ENH: generate script to run ctest continuous build.
3371    Utilities/Dart/CMakeLists.txt
3372        ENH: bat script to do a continous build with ctest.
3374    Utilities/Doxygen/doxygen.config.in
3375        ENH: Fixing the names of the concept in the typedef.
3376        ENH: expanding the concept checking macro so it appears in the Doxygen documentation.
3378    Utilities/KWStyle/ITK.kws.xml.in
3379        ENH: Configurable file with the XML description of ITK coding style.
3381    Utilities/KWStyle/ITKHeader
3382        ENH: Template of the ITK header to be used for checking by KWStyle.
3384    Utilities/KWStyle/ITKOverwrite.txt
3385        ENH: File that define list of ITK files to exempt from code style checking.
3387    Utilities/MetaIO/CMakeLists.txt
3388        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3390    Utilities/MetaIO/metaArrow
3392    Utilities/MetaIO/metaArrow
3394    Utilities/MetaIO/metaBlob
3396    Utilities/MetaIO/metaBlob
3398    Utilities/MetaIO/metaCommand
3399        ENH: Remove unused termination tag
3401    Utilities/MetaIO/metaCommand
3402        ENH: Added support for Grid Application Description file. Fixed issues with parsing.
3404    Utilities/MetaIO/metaContour
3405        ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
3407    Utilities/MetaIO/metaContour
3408        ENH: Added support to attach a slice to a contour and display orientation
3410    Utilities/MetaIO/metaDTITube
3412    Utilities/MetaIO/metaDTITube
3414    Utilities/MetaIO/metaEllipse
3416    Utilities/MetaIO/metaEllipse
3418    Utilities/MetaIO/metaGaussian
3420    Utilities/MetaIO/metaGaussian
3422    Utilities/MetaIO/metaGroup
3424    Utilities/MetaIO/metaGroup
3426    Utilities/MetaIO/metaITKUtils
3428    Utilities/MetaIO/metaImage
3430    Utilities/MetaIO/metaImage
3432    Utilities/MetaIO/metaImageUtils
3434    Utilities/MetaIO/metaImageUtils
3436    Utilities/MetaIO/metaLandmark
3438    Utilities/MetaIO/metaLandmark
3440    Utilities/MetaIO/metaLine
3442    Utilities/MetaIO/metaLine
3444    Utilities/MetaIO/metaMe
3446    Utilities/MetaIO/metaMesh
3448    Utilities/MetaIO/metaObject
3450    Utilities/MetaIO/metaObject
3452    Utilities/MetaIO/metaScene
3453        ENH: Added support for contours
3455    Utilities/MetaIO/metaScene
3457    Utilities/MetaIO/metaSurface
3459    Utilities/MetaIO/metaSurface
3461    Utilities/MetaIO/metaTransform
3463    Utilities/MetaIO/metaTransform
3465    Utilities/MetaIO/metaTube
3467    Utilities/MetaIO/metaTube
3469    Utilities/MetaIO/metaTubeGra
3471    Utilities/MetaIO/metaTubeGraph
3473    Utilities/MetaIO/metaTypes
3474        BUG: Wrong typedef for unsigned long type
3476    Utilities/MetaIO/metaUtils
3477        ENH: Added support for contours
3479    Utilities/MetaIO/metaUtils
3480        ENH: Added more debugging information when pixeltype cannot be converted
3482    Utilities/MetaIO/metaVesselTube
3484    Utilities/MetaIO/metaVesselTube
3486    Utilities/MetaIO/tests/CMakeLists.txt
3487        ENH: Added metaContour test
3489    Utilities/MetaIO/tests/testMeta10Contour
3490        ENH: First checkin
3492    Utilities/NrrdIO/CMakeLists.txt
3493        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3495    Utilities/expat/CMakeLists.txt
3496        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3498    Utilities/gdcm/CMakeLists.txt
3499        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
3501    Utilities/gdcm/src/CMakeLists.txt
3502        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3504    Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmBinEntry
3505        ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
3507    Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDictSet
3508        BUG: resultPath could be empty, cannot access char -1 in an array
3510    Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocEntry
3511        ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
3513    Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocument
3514        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
3515        ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
3517    Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmDocument
3518        ENH: Extract CanRead from code
3520    Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmFile
3521        ENH: Apply patch to allow ITK to be build against a system GDCM lib. At same time apply a couple of changes I had in my local dir
3523    Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmFileHelper
3524        ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
3525        ENH: Properly set some default value: IOP (default to 100010), and Patient Orientation which is redundant...
3527    Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmSerieHelper
3528        BUG: Fixed unitialized memory read
3530    Utilities/gdcm/src/gdcmVR
3531        COMP: intel compiler issue with sizeof a temporary
3532        ENH: Big PHAT bug in gdcm... DT is ASCII
3534    Utilities/itkjpeg/12/CMakeLists.txt
3535        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3537    Utilities/itkjpeg/16/CMakeLists.txt
3538        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3540    Utilities/itkjpeg/8/CMakeLists.txt
3541        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3543    Utilities/kwsys/CMakeLists.txt
3545        ENH: remove test on cygwin since it randomly fails
3546        ENH: Do not build the library if we are not doing Testing
3547        BUG: Trying to get testDynamicLoader to work on Solaris and SunOS, where current directory is not lookup when doing dlopen
3548        ENH: use CMAKE_DL_LIBS and not dl directly as it does not always exist
3549        ENH: Still more coverage of the DynamicLoader
3550        ENH: Compile DynamicLoader
3552    Utilities/kwsys/CommandLineArguments
3553        ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
3555    Utilities/kwsys/Directory
3556        ENH: Use const char where it should have been. At same time fix Bug#2958
3557        ENH: add missing cmake depend hacks
3558        BUG: Need to reset internal structure in case of multiple calls to Load
3560    Utilities/kwsys/Directory.hxx.in
3561        ENH: Use const char where it should have been. At same time fix Bug#2958
3562        ENH: Redo implementation of itkDirectory to use kwsys (avoid duplicating code).
3564    Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader
3565        ENH: remove warning
3566        BUG: Fix problem on MacOSX, by disabling part of the test.
3567        BUG: Fix for MINGW32
3568        ENH: Also look into data segment (consistant with other implementation)
3569        ENH: Make sure that we find the proper symbol and not the one that start with _. STYLE: Remove an old style cast
3570        STYLE: Minor style
3571        COMP: Fix compilation on MacOSX
3573    Utilities/kwsys/DynamicLoader.hxx.in
3574        COMP: Fix problem with namespace
3575        ENH: Add documentation on the problem with system wide path for looking up dynamic libraries. STYLE: Fix trailing white spaces
3576        ENH: Adding kwsys implementation for a DynamicLoader class. Copy from itkDynamicLoader, with patch from cmDynamicLoader
3578    Utilities/kwsys/Glob
3579        ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
3580        STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast.
3582    Utilities/kwsys/Glob.hxx.in
3583        ENH: Add support for relative paths and cleanup
3585    Utilities/kwsys/ProcessUNIX
3586        BUG: Do not leak global table of processes.
3587        BUG: Reverting previous change until it can be fixed on Cygwin.
3588        ENH: Enabling process tree killing on Cygwin.
3589        ENH: Enabled process tree killing on the SGI.
3590        ENH: Enabled process tree killing on HP-UX.
3591        ENH: Added implementation of process tree killing that runs "ps" to traverse the tree.
3593    Utilities/kwsys/ProcessWin32
3594        BUG: Fixed deadlock condition when grandchildren are running after the children exit.
3596    Utilities/kwsys/Registry
3597        ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
3598        STYLE: Minor style
3600    Utilities/kwsys/Registry.hxx.in
3601        STYLE: Minor style
3603    Utilities/kwsys/RegularExpression
3604        STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast.
3606    Utilities/kwsys/SystemTools
3607        ENH: search for program without extensions
3608        ENH: put the fix back in with abort
3609        COMP: Fixing the the build for windows.
3610        BUG: IsSubDirectory should use ComparePath to do platform-independent path comparison.
3611        ENH: performance improvments
3612        ENH: Improved implementation of FilesDiffer to avoid allocating enough memory for the entire file twice.  Instead using a block-at-a-time comparison.
3613        ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
3614        ENH: Use const char where it should have been. At same time fix Bug#2958
3615        ENH: try to clean up the search for programs
3616        ENH: fix find program to look for .com and .exe correctly and not return files with no extension on windows
3617        ENH: Add trailing whitespace
3619    Utilities/kwsys/SystemTools.hxx.in
3621        ENH: Use const char where it should have been. At same time fix Bug#2958
3623    Utilities/kwsys/Terminal
3624        ENH: Added rxvt-unicode and cygwin terminals for color support.
3625        BUG: Fixed bug in check for vt100 assumption.
3626        ENH: Adding 'Terminal' component to hold support routines for dealing with interactive terminals.  Currently only a cfprintf function is provided to print color messages.
3628    Utilities/kwsys/Terminal.h.in
3629        ENH: Adding 'Terminal' component to hold support routines for dealing with interactive terminals.  Currently only a cfprintf function is provided to print color messages.
3631    Utilities/kwsys/auto_ptr.hxx.in
3632        COMP: Skip trying to use native auto_ptr implementation and just provide a conforming one.
3634    Utilities/kwsys/hashtable.hxx.in
3635        ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
3637    Utilities/kwsys/testCommandLineArguments
3638        STYLE: Make sure to use the proper cast.
3640    Utilities/kwsys/testDynamicLoader
3641        ENH: add support for win64 for visual studio 2005 ide and nmake, also fix warnings produced by building for win64
3642        COMP: Fix warning
3643        ENH: Make test usable from command line
3644        BUG: Do the proper path
3645        BUG: Fix problem with  in the path
3646        ENH: Make sure that we find the proper symbol and not the one that start with _. STYLE: Remove an old style cast
3647        BUG: Make sure to have proper dependencies
3648        ENH: remove test temporarily
3649        ENH: Improve test coverage
3651    Utilities/kwsys/testDynload
3652        ENH: Cleanup DynamicLoader so that the symbols have more consistent names, start using dynamic loader from kwsys in CMake
3653        BUG: Remove comment
3654        ENH: Add a file to generate the lib
3656    Utilities/kwsys/testProcess
3657        ENH: Added test 8 to test grandchildren running after children exit.
3659    Utilities/kwsys/testSystemTools
3660        STYLE: Minor style
3662    Utilities/kwsys/testSystemTools.h.in
3663        BUG: Do the proper path
3664        BUG: Trying to get testDynamicLoader to work on Solaris and SunOS, where current directory is not lookup when doing dlopen
3666    Utilities/kwsys/testTerminal
3668    Utilities/nifti/fsliolib/CMakeLists.txt
3669        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3671    Utilities/nifti/niftilib/CMakeLists.txt
3672        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3674    Utilities/nifti/znzlib/CMakeLists.txt
3675        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3677    Utilities/openjpeg/CMakeLists.txt
3678        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3680    Utilities/png/CMakeLists.txt
3681        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3683    Utilities/tiff/CMakeLists.txt
3684        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3686    Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/CMakeLists.txt
3687        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3689    Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/vnl_matrix_fixed_ref
3691    Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/vnl_scalar_join_iterator
3692        BUG: wrong function signature
3694    Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/vnl_vector_fixed_ref
3696    Utilities/vxl/core/vnl/algo/CMakeLists.txt
3697        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3699    Utilities/vxl/v3p/netlib/CMakeLists.txt
3700        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3702    Utilities/vxl/vcl/CMakeLists.txt
3703        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3705    Utilities/zlib/CMakeLists.txt
3706        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3708    Wrapping/CSwig/CMakeLists.txt
3709        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3711    Wrapping/CSwig/SwigRuntime/CMakeLists.txt
3712        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.
3714    Wrapping/CSwig/Tcl/CMakeLists.txt
3715        ENH: Adding ITK version number to the soname of shared libraries on linux.  This is a patch from Steve Robbins given in bug#3249.