1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkOrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter_hxx
19 #define itkOrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter_hxx
21 #include "itkOrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter.h"
22 #include "itkMath.h"
23 #include "itkNumericTraits.h"
25 namespace itk
26 {
27 /**
28  * Constructor
29  */
30 template< typename TParametricPath, typename TSwathMeritImage >
31 OrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter< TParametricPath, TSwathMeritImage >
OrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter()32 ::OrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter()
33 {
34   SizeType size;
36   // Initialize the member variables
37   size[0] = 0;
38   size[1] = 0;
39   m_SwathSize = size;
40   m_StepValues  = nullptr;
41   m_MeritValues = nullptr;
42   m_OptimumStepsValues = nullptr;
43   m_FinalOffsetValues = OrthogonalCorrectionTableType::New();
44 }
46 /**
47  * Destructor
48  */
49 template< typename TParametricPath, typename TSwathMeritImage >
50 OrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter< TParametricPath, TSwathMeritImage >
~OrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter()51 ::~OrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter()
52 {
53   delete[] m_StepValues;
54   delete[] m_MeritValues;
55   delete[] m_OptimumStepsValues;
56 }
58 /**
59  * GenerateData Performs the reflection
60  */
61 template< typename TParametricPath, typename TSwathMeritImage >
62 void
63 OrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter< TParametricPath, TSwathMeritImage >
GenerateData()64 ::GenerateData()
65 {
66   // Get a convenience pointer
67   ImageConstPointer swathMeritImage = this->GetImageInput();
69   // Re-initialize the member variables
70   m_SwathSize = swathMeritImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize();
71   delete[] m_StepValues;
72   delete[] m_MeritValues;
73   delete[] m_OptimumStepsValues;
74   m_StepValues = new int[m_SwathSize[0] * m_SwathSize[1] * m_SwathSize[1]];
75   m_MeritValues = new double[m_SwathSize[0] * m_SwathSize[1] * m_SwathSize[1]];
76   m_OptimumStepsValues = new int[m_SwathSize[0]];
77   m_FinalOffsetValues->Initialize();
79   // Perform the remaining calculations; use dynamic programming
81   // current swath column (all previous columns have been fully processed)
82   unsigned int x;
83   // current first row and last row of the swath.
84   unsigned int F, L;
85   // index used to access the processed swath image; filled in with x, F, & L
86   IndexType index;
88   // CalcFirstStep (x=0)
89   // Enter the initial merit values
90   index[0] = 0;
91   for ( F = 0; F < m_SwathSize[1]; F++ )
92     {
93     for ( L = 0; L < m_SwathSize[1]; L++ )
94       {
95       if ( F == L )
96         {
97         index[1] = F;
98         MeritValue(F, L, 0) = (double)swathMeritImage->GetPixel(index);
99         StepValue(F, L, 0) = F;
100         }
101       else
102         {
103         MeritValue(F, L, 0) = NumericTraits< double >::NonpositiveMin();
104         StepValue(F, L, 0) = F;
105         }
106       }
107     }
108   // end of double for-loop covering F & L
110   // PrepForRemainingSteps
111   for ( F = 0; F < m_SwathSize[1]; F++ )
112     {
113     for ( L = 0; L < m_SwathSize[1]; L++ )
114       {
115       // find merit for x=1
116       if ( itk::Math::abs(F - L) <= 1 )
117         {
118         IndexType index2; // we need a second index here
119         index[0] = 0;
120         index[1] = F;
121         index2[0] = 1;
122         index2[1] = L;
123         // Here we know in advance that Pixel(0,F) =
124         // Max(l=L-1..L+1){Merit(F,l,0)}
125         MeritValue(F, L, 1) = double( swathMeritImage->GetPixel(index)
126                                       + swathMeritImage->GetPixel(index2) );
127         }
128       else
129         {
130         MeritValue(F, L, 1) = NumericTraits< double >::NonpositiveMin();
131         }
132       // Enter the final step values (x=SWATH_COLUMNS-1)
133       StepValue(F, L, m_SwathSize[0] - 1) = L;
134       }
135     }
136   // end of double for-loop covering F & L
138   // CalcRestPath
139   for ( x = 1; x < m_SwathSize[0] - 1; x++ )
140     {
141     for ( F = 0; F < m_SwathSize[1]; F++ )
142       {
143       for ( L = 0; L < m_SwathSize[1]; L++ )
144         {
145         int bestL = FindAndStoreBestErrorStep(x, F, L);
146         index[0] = x + 1;
147         index[1] = L;
148         MeritValue(F, L, x + 1) = MeritValue(F, bestL, x)
149                                   + double( swathMeritImage->GetPixel(index) );
150         }
151       }
152     }
153   // end of tripple for-loop covering x & F & L
155   // Find the best starting and ending points (F & L) for the path
156   int    bestF = 0, bestL = 0;
157   double meritTemp, meritMax = NumericTraits< double >::NonpositiveMin();
158   for ( F = 0; F < m_SwathSize[1]; F++ )
159     {
160     for ( L = 0; L < m_SwathSize[1]; L++ )
161       {
162       if ( itk::Math::abs(F - L) <= 1 ) // only accept closed paths
163         {
164         meritTemp = MeritValue(F, L, m_SwathSize[0] - 1);
165         if ( meritTemp > meritMax )
166           {
167           meritMax = meritTemp;
168           bestF = F;
169           bestL = L;
170           }
171         }
172       }
173     }
174   // end of double for-loop covering F & L
176   // Fill in the optimum path error-step (orthogonal correction) values
177   m_OptimumStepsValues[m_SwathSize[0] - 1] = bestL;
178   for ( x = m_SwathSize[0] - 2;; x-- )
179     {
180     m_OptimumStepsValues[x] = StepValue(bestF, m_OptimumStepsValues[x + 1], x);
181     if ( 0 == x ) { break; }
182     }
184   // Convert from absolute indices to +/- orthogonal offset values
185   for ( x = 0; x < m_SwathSize[0]; x++ )
186     {
187     m_FinalOffsetValues->InsertElement(
188       x,  double( m_OptimumStepsValues[x] - int(m_SwathSize[1] / 2) ) );
189     }
191   // setup the output path
192   OutputPathPointer outputPtr = this->GetOutput(0);
193   outputPtr->SetOriginalPath( this->GetPathInput() );
194   outputPtr->SetOrthogonalCorrectionTable(m_FinalOffsetValues);
195 }
197 template< typename TParametricPath, typename TSwathMeritImage >
198 void
199 OrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter< TParametricPath, TSwathMeritImage >
PrintSelf(std::ostream & os,Indent indent) const200 ::PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const
201 {
202   Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
203   os << indent << "StepValues:  " << m_StepValues << std::endl;
204   os << indent << "MeritValues:  " << m_MeritValues << std::endl;
205   os << indent << "OptimumStepsValues:  " << m_OptimumStepsValues << std::endl;
206   os << indent << "FinalOffsetValues:  " << m_FinalOffsetValues << std::endl;
207 }
209 // The next three functions are private helper functions
210 template< typename TParametricPath, typename TSwathMeritImage >
211 unsigned int
212 OrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter< TParametricPath, TSwathMeritImage >
FindAndStoreBestErrorStep(unsigned int x,unsigned int F,unsigned int L)213 ::FindAndStoreBestErrorStep(unsigned int x, unsigned int F, unsigned int L)
214 {
215   unsigned int bestL; // L with largest merit of L and its 2 neighbors L-1 & L+1
217   // Handle perimeter boundaries of the vert. gradient image
218   if ( L == 0 )
219     {
220     if ( MeritValue(F, L + 1, x) > MeritValue(F, L, x) )
221       {
222       bestL = L + 1;
223       }
224     else
225       {
226       bestL = L;
227       }
228     }
229   else if ( L == m_SwathSize[1] - 1 )
230     {
231     if ( MeritValue(F, L - 1, x) > MeritValue(F, L, x) )
232       {
233       bestL = L - 1;
234       }
235     else
236       {
237       bestL = L;
238       }
239     }
240   else
241     {
242     // We are now free to consider all 3 cases for bestL
243     if ( MeritValue(F, L + 1, x) > MeritValue(F, L, x)
244          && MeritValue(F, L + 1, x) > MeritValue(F, L - 1, x) )
245       {
246       bestL = L + 1;
247       }
248     else if ( MeritValue(F, L - 1, x) > MeritValue(F, L, x)
249               && MeritValue(F, L - 1, x) > MeritValue(F, L + 1, x) )
250       {
251       bestL = L - 1;
252       }
253     else
254       {
255       bestL = L;
256       }
257     }
258   StepValue(F, L, x) = bestL;
259   return bestL;
260 }
261 } // end namespace itk
263 #endif