1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkLabelGeometryImageFilter_h
19 #define itkLabelGeometryImageFilter_h
21 #include "itkImageToImageFilter.h"
22 #include "itkNumericTraits.h"
23 #include "itkArray.h"
24 #include "itkSimpleDataObjectDecorator.h"
25 #include <map>
26 #include <vector>
27 #include "vnl/algo/vnl_symmetric_eigensystem.h"
28 #include "vnl/vnl_det.h"
29 #include "itkMath.h"
31 namespace itk
32 {
33 /** \class LabelGeometryImageFilter
34  * \brief Given a label map and an optional intensity image, compute
35  * geometric features.
36  *
37  * This filter enables the measurement of geometric features of all objects in
38  * a labeled ND volume. This labeled volume can represent, for instance, a
39  * medical image segmented into different anatomical structures or a microscope
40  * image segmented into individual cells. This filter is closely related to the
41  * itkLabelStatisticsImageFilter, which measures statistics of image regions
42  * defined by a labeled mask such as min, max, and mean intensity, intensity
43  * standard deviation, and bounding boxes. This filter, however, measures the
44  * geometry of the labeled regions themselves.
45  *
46  * It calculates features similar to the regionprops command of Matlab.  The
47  * set of measurements that it enables include: volume, centroid, eigenvalues,
48  * eigenvectors, axes lenghts, eccentricity, elongation, orientation, bounding
49  * box, oriented bounding box, and rotation matrix.  These features are based
50  * solely on the labeled mask itself.  It also calculates integrated intensity
51  * and weighted centroid, which are measured on an intensity image under the
52  * labeled mask. These features represent the set of currently calculated
53  * features, but the framework of the filter is designed so that it can be
54  * easily expanded to measure a wide variety of other features.
55  *
56  *  \authors Dirk Padfield and James Miller.
57  *
58  *  This work is part of the National Alliance for Medical Image
59  *  Computing (NAMIC), funded by the National Institutes of Health
60  *  through the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149.
61  *  Information on the National Centers for Biomedical Computing
62  *  can be obtained from http://commonfund.nih.gov/bioinformatics.
63  *
64  *  This filter was contributed in the Insight Journal paper:
65  *  "A Label Geometry Image Filter for Multiple Object Measurement"
66  *  by Padfield D., Miller J
67  *  http://www.insight-journal.org/browse/publication/301
68  *  https://hdl.handle.net/1926/1493
69  *
70  * \ingroup ITKReview
71  *
72  * \wiki
73  * \wikiexample{ImageProcessing/LabelGeometryImageFilter,Get geometric properties of labeled regions in an image}
74  * \endwiki
75  */
76 template< typename TLabelImage, typename TIntensityImage = TLabelImage >
77 class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT LabelGeometryImageFilter:
78   public ImageToImageFilter< TLabelImage, TIntensityImage >
79 {
80 public:
81   ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LabelGeometryImageFilter);
83   /** Standard Self type alias */
84   using Self = LabelGeometryImageFilter;
85   using Superclass = ImageToImageFilter< TLabelImage, TIntensityImage >;
86   using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >;
87   using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >;
89   /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
90   itkNewMacro(Self);
92   /** Runtime information support. */
93   itkTypeMacro(LabelGeometryImageFilter, ImageToImageFilter);
95   /** Image related type alias. */
96   using IntensityImageType = TIntensityImage;
97   using InputImagePointer = typename TIntensityImage::Pointer;
98   using RegionType = typename TIntensityImage::RegionType;
99   using SizeType = typename TIntensityImage::SizeType;
100   using IndexType = typename TIntensityImage::IndexType;
101   using PixelType = typename TIntensityImage::PixelType;
103   /** Label image related type alias. */
104   using LabelImageType = TLabelImage;
105   using LabelImagePointer = typename TLabelImage::Pointer;
106   using LabelRegionType = typename TLabelImage::RegionType;
107   using LabelSizeType = typename TLabelImage::SizeType;
108   using LabelIndexType = typename TLabelImage::IndexType;
109   using LabelPixelType = typename TLabelImage::PixelType;
110   using LabelPointType = typename TLabelImage::PointType;
112   /** Image related type alias. */
113   static constexpr unsigned int ImageDimension = TLabelImage::ImageDimension;
115   /** Type to use for computations. */
116   using RealType = typename NumericTraits< PixelType >::RealType;
118   /** Smart Pointer type to a DataObject. */
119   using DataObjectPointer = typename DataObject::Pointer;
121   /** Type of DataObjects used for scalar outputs */
122   using RealObjectType = SimpleDataObjectDecorator< RealType >;
124   /** Bounding Box-related type alias */
125   using BoundingBoxType = itk::FixedArray< typename LabelIndexType::IndexValueType,
126                            Self::ImageDimension *2 >;
127   using BoundingBoxFloatType = itk::FixedArray< float,
128                            Self::ImageDimension *2 >;
130   // using BoundingBoxVerticesType = itk::FixedArray<
131   // LabelPointType,std::pow(2.0,Self::ImageDimension)>;
132   using BoundingBoxVerticesType = std::vector< LabelPointType >;
134   /** Axes Length-related type alias */
135   using AxesLengthType = itk::FixedArray< RealType, Self::ImageDimension >;
137   /** Index array type alias */
138   using IndexArrayType = itk::FixedArray< typename LabelIndexType::IndexValueType,
139                            Self::ImageDimension >;
141   /** vector of labels */
142   using LabelsType = std::vector< LabelPixelType >;
144   /** vector of indices */
145   using LabelIndicesType = std::vector< LabelIndexType >;
147   /** Vector type */
148   using VectorType = std::vector< double >;
150   /** Matrix type */
151   using MatrixType = vnl_matrix< double >;
153   /** \class LabelGeometry
154    * \brief Geometry stored per label
155    * \ingroup ITKReview
156    */
157   class LabelGeometry
158   {
159 public:
160     // default constructor
LabelGeometry()161     LabelGeometry()
162     {
163       // initialized to the default values
164       this->m_Label = 0;
165       this->m_Sum = NumericTraits< RealType >::ZeroValue();
167       const unsigned int imageDimension = Self::ImageDimension;
169       //m_BoundingBox.resize(imageDimension*2);
170       for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < imageDimension * 2; i += 2 )
171         {
172         m_BoundingBox[i] = NumericTraits< typename IndexType::IndexValueType >::max();
173         m_BoundingBox[i + 1] = NumericTraits< typename IndexType::IndexValueType >::NonpositiveMin();
174         }
176       m_BoundingBoxVolume = 0;
177       m_BoundingBoxSize.Fill(0);
178       m_PixelIndices.clear();
179       m_Centroid.Fill(0);
180       m_WeightedCentroid.Fill(0);
181       m_ZeroOrderMoment = 0;
182       m_FirstOrderRawMoments.Fill(0);
183       m_FirstOrderWeightedRawMoments.Fill(0);
184       m_Eigenvalues.resize(ImageDimension);
185       m_Eigenvalues.clear();
186       m_Eigenvectors.set_size(ImageDimension, ImageDimension);
187       m_Eigenvectors.fill(0);
188       m_AxesLength.Fill(0);
189       m_Eccentricity = 1;
190       m_Elongation = 1;
191       m_Orientation = 0;
192       LabelPointType emptyPoint;
193       emptyPoint.Fill(0);
194       unsigned int numberOfVertices = 1 << ImageDimension;
195       m_OrientedBoundingBoxVertices.resize(numberOfVertices, emptyPoint);
196       m_OrientedBoundingBoxVolume = 0;
197       m_OrientedBoundingBoxSize.Fill(0);
198       m_OrientedLabelImage = LabelImageType::New();
199       m_OrientedIntensityImage = IntensityImageType::New();
200       m_OrientedBoundingBoxOrigin.Fill(0);
201       m_RotationMatrix.set_size(ImageDimension, ImageDimension);
202       m_RotationMatrix.fill(0.0);
204       m_SecondOrderRawMoments.set_size(ImageDimension, ImageDimension);
205       m_SecondOrderCentralMoments.set_size(ImageDimension, ImageDimension);
206       for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++ )
207         {
208         for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < ImageDimension; j++ )
209           {
210           m_SecondOrderRawMoments(i, j) = 0;
211           m_SecondOrderCentralMoments(i, j) = 0;
212           }
213         }
214     }
216     LabelPixelType                                              m_Label;
217     RealType                                                    m_Sum;
218     LabelPointType                                              m_Centroid;
219     LabelPointType                                              m_WeightedCentroid;
220     SizeValueType                                               m_ZeroOrderMoment;
221     IndexArrayType                                              m_FirstOrderRawMoments;
222     IndexArrayType                                              m_FirstOrderWeightedRawMoments;
223     SizeValueType                                               m_FirstOrderRawCrossMoment;
224     RealType                                                    m_FirstOrderCentralCrossMoment;
225     MatrixType                                                  m_SecondOrderRawMoments;
226     MatrixType                                                  m_SecondOrderCentralMoments;
227     VectorType                                                  m_Eigenvalues;
228     MatrixType                                                  m_Eigenvectors;
229     FixedArray< float, Self::ImageDimension > m_AxesLength;
230     RealType                                                    m_Eccentricity;
231     RealType                                                    m_Elongation;
232     RealType                                                    m_Orientation;
233     BoundingBoxType                                             m_BoundingBox;
234     LabelSizeType                                               m_BoundingBoxSize;
235     RealType                                                    m_BoundingBoxVolume;
236     LabelIndicesType                                            m_PixelIndices;
237     BoundingBoxVerticesType                                     m_OrientedBoundingBoxVertices;
238     RealType                                                    m_OrientedBoundingBoxVolume;
239     LabelPointType                                              m_OrientedBoundingBoxSize;
240     typename LabelImageType::Pointer m_OrientedLabelImage;
241     typename IntensityImageType::Pointer m_OrientedIntensityImage;
242     MatrixType     m_RotationMatrix;
243     LabelPointType m_OrientedBoundingBoxOrigin;
244   };
246   /** Type of the map used to store data per label */
247   // Map from the label to the class storing all of the geometry information.
248   using MapType = std::map< LabelPixelType, LabelGeometry >;
249   using MapIterator = typename std::map< LabelPixelType, LabelGeometry >::iterator;
250   using MapConstIterator = typename std::map< LabelPixelType, LabelGeometry >::const_iterator;
252   // Macros for enabling the calculation of additional features.
253   itkGetMacro(CalculatePixelIndices, bool);
254   itkBooleanMacro(CalculatePixelIndices);
SetCalculatePixelIndices(const bool value)255   void SetCalculatePixelIndices(const bool value)
256   {
257     // CalculateOrientedBoundingBox, CalculateOrientedLabelImage, and
258     // CalculateOrientedIntensityImage all need CalculatePixelIndices to be
259     // turned
260     // on if they are turned on.  So, CalculatePixelIndices cannot be
261     // turned off if any of these flags are turned on.
262     if ( value == false )
263       {
264       if ( ( this->m_CalculateOrientedBoundingBox == true )
265            || ( this->m_CalculateOrientedLabelRegions == true )
266            || ( this->m_CalculateOrientedIntensityRegions == true ) )
267         {
268         // We cannot change the value, so return.
269         return;
270         }
271       }
273     if ( this->m_CalculatePixelIndices != value )
274       {
275       this->m_CalculatePixelIndices = value;
276       this->Modified();
277       }
278   }
280   itkGetMacro(CalculateOrientedBoundingBox, bool);
281   itkBooleanMacro(CalculateOrientedBoundingBox);
SetCalculateOrientedBoundingBox(const bool value)282   void SetCalculateOrientedBoundingBox(const bool value)
283   {
284     if ( this->m_CalculateOrientedBoundingBox != value )
285       {
286       this->m_CalculateOrientedBoundingBox = value;
287       this->Modified();
288       }
290     // CalculateOrientedBoundingBox needs
291     // CalculatePixelIndices to be turned on.
292     if ( value == true )
293       {
294       this->SetCalculatePixelIndices(true);
295       }
296   }
298   itkGetMacro(CalculateOrientedLabelRegions, bool);
299   itkBooleanMacro(CalculateOrientedLabelRegions);
SetCalculateOrientedLabelRegions(const bool value)300   void SetCalculateOrientedLabelRegions(const bool value)
301   {
302     if ( this->m_CalculateOrientedLabelRegions != value )
303       {
304       this->m_CalculateOrientedLabelRegions = value;
305       this->Modified();
307       // CalculateOrientedLabelImage needs
308       // CalculateOrientedBoundingBox to be turned on.
309       if ( value == true )
310         {
311         SetCalculateOrientedBoundingBox(true);
312         }
313       }
314   }
316   itkGetMacro(CalculateOrientedIntensityRegions, bool);
317   itkBooleanMacro(CalculateOrientedIntensityRegions);
SetCalculateOrientedIntensityRegions(const bool value)318   void SetCalculateOrientedIntensityRegions(const bool value)
319   {
320     if ( this->m_CalculateOrientedIntensityRegions != value )
321       {
322       this->m_CalculateOrientedIntensityRegions = value;
323       this->Modified();
325       // CalculateOrientedIntensityImage needs
326       // CalculateOrientedBoundingBox to be turned on.
327       if ( value == true )
328         {
329         this->SetCalculateOrientedBoundingBox(true);
330         }
331       }
332   }
334   /** Set the intensity image */
SetIntensityInput(const TIntensityImage * input)335   void SetIntensityInput(const TIntensityImage *input)
336   {
337     // Process object is not const-correct so the const casting is required.
338     this->SetNthInput( 1, const_cast< TIntensityImage * >( input ) );
339   }
341   /** Get the label image */
GetIntensityInput()342   const TIntensityImage * GetIntensityInput() const
343   {
344     return static_cast< TIntensityImage * >( const_cast< DataObject * >( this->ProcessObject::GetInput(1) ) );
345   }
347   /** Does the specified label exist? Can only be called after
348    * a call to Update(). */
HasLabel(LabelPixelType label)349   bool HasLabel(LabelPixelType label) const
350   {
351     return m_LabelGeometryMapper.find(label) != m_LabelGeometryMapper.end();
352   }
354   /** Get the number of labels used */
GetNumberOfObjects()355   SizeValueType GetNumberOfObjects() const
356   {
357     return m_LabelGeometryMapper.size();
358   }
GetNumberOfLabels()360   SizeValueType GetNumberOfLabels() const
361   {
362     return this->GetNumberOfObjects();
363   }
365   /** Get the labels that are in the image. */
GetLabels()366   std::vector< LabelPixelType > GetLabels() const
367   {
368     return m_AllLabels;
369   }
371   /** Return the all pixel indices for a label. */
372   LabelIndicesType GetPixelIndices(LabelPixelType label) const;
374   /** Return the number of pixels for a label.  This is the same as
375    * the volume and the zero order moment */
376   SizeValueType GetVolume(LabelPixelType label) const;
378   /** Return the number of pixels for all labels. */
379   //std::vector< SizeValueType > GetAllCounts() const;
381   /** Return the computed integrated pixel intensity for a label. */
382   RealType GetIntegratedIntensity(LabelPixelType label) const;
384   /** Return the unweighted centroid for a label. */
385   LabelPointType GetCentroid(LabelPixelType label) const;
387   /** Return the weighted centroid for a label. */
388   LabelPointType GetWeightedCentroid(LabelPixelType label) const;
390   /** Return the eigenvalues as a vector. */
391   VectorType GetEigenvalues(LabelPixelType label) const;
393   /** Return the eigenvectors as a matrix. */
394   MatrixType GetEigenvectors(LabelPixelType label) const;
396   /** Return the axes length for a label. */
397   AxesLengthType GetAxesLength(LabelPixelType label) const;
399   /** Return the minor axis length for a label.  This is a convenience
400    * class that returns the shortest length from GetAxesLength. */
401   RealType GetMinorAxisLength(LabelPixelType label) const;
403   /** Return the major axis length for a label.  This is a convenience
404    * class that returns the longest length from GetAxesLength. */
405   RealType GetMajorAxisLength(LabelPixelType label) const;
407   /** Return the eccentricity for a label. */
408   RealType GetEccentricity(LabelPixelType label) const;
410   /** Return the elongation for a label.  This is defined as the
411    * length of the major axis divided by the length of the minor axis. */
412   RealType GetElongation(LabelPixelType label) const;
414   /** Return the orientation for a label defined in radians. */
415   RealType GetOrientation(LabelPixelType label) const;
417   /** Return the computed bounding box for a label.
418    * This is organized in min/max pairs as [min(X), max(X), min(Y),
419    * max(Y), min(Z), max(Z),...]  */
420   BoundingBoxType GetBoundingBox(LabelPixelType label) const;
422   /** Return the volume of the bounding box. */
423   RealType GetBoundingBoxVolume(LabelPixelType label) const;
425   /** Return the size of the bounding box. */
426   LabelSizeType GetBoundingBoxSize(LabelPixelType label) const;
428   /** Return the oriented bounding box vertices.  The order of the
429    * vertices corresponds with binary counting, where min is zero and
430    * max is one.  For example, in 2D, binary counting will give
431    * [0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1], which corresponds to
432    * [minX,minY],[minX,maxY],[maxX,minY],[maxX,maxY]. Each
433    * vertex is defined as an ND point.   */
434   BoundingBoxVerticesType GetOrientedBoundingBoxVertices(LabelPixelType label) const;
436   /** Return the volume of the oriented bounding box. */
437   RealType GetOrientedBoundingBoxVolume(LabelPixelType label) const;
439   /** Return the size of the oriented bounding box. */
440   LabelPointType GetOrientedBoundingBoxSize(LabelPixelType label) const;
442   /** Return the origin of the oriented bounding box. */
443   LabelPointType GetOrientedBoundingBoxOrigin(LabelPixelType label) const;
445   /** Return the rotation matrix defined by the
446    * eigenvalues/eigenvectors. */
447   MatrixType GetRotationMatrix(LabelPixelType label) const;
449   /** Return the region defined by the bounding box. */
450   RegionType GetRegion(LabelPixelType label) const;
452   /** Return the label region defined by the oriented bounding box. */
453   TLabelImage * GetOrientedLabelImage(LabelPixelType label) const;
455   /** Return the intensity region defined by the oriented bounding
456    * box. */
457   TIntensityImage * GetOrientedIntensityImage(LabelPixelType label) const;
460   // Begin concept checking
461   itkConceptMacro( InputHasNumericTraitsCheck,
462                    ( Concept::HasNumericTraits< PixelType > ) );
463   // End concept checking
464 #endif
466 protected:
467   LabelGeometryImageFilter();
468   ~LabelGeometryImageFilter() override = default;
469   void PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const override;
471   void GenerateData() override;
473 private:
474   bool CalculateOrientedBoundingBoxVertices(vnl_symmetric_eigensystem< double > eig, LabelGeometry & m_LabelGeometry);
476   bool m_CalculatePixelIndices;
477   bool m_CalculateOrientedBoundingBox;
478   bool m_CalculateOrientedLabelRegions;
479   bool m_CalculateOrientedIntensityRegions;
481   MapType       m_LabelGeometryMapper;
482   LabelGeometry m_LabelGeometry;
483   LabelsType    m_AllLabels;
484 }; // end of class
486 } // end namespace itk
489 #include "itkLabelGeometryImageFilter.hxx"
490 #endif
492 #endif