1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4_hxx
19 #define itkObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4_hxx
21 #include "itkObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4.h"
22 #include "itkCompositeTransform.h"
24 namespace itk
25 {
27 /** Constructor */
28 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
29 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4()30 ::ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4()
31 {
32   this->m_MetricQueue.clear();
34   //We want the moving transform to be nullptr by default
35   this->m_MovingTransform = nullptr;
36 }
38 /** Add a metric to the queue. */
39 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
40 void
41 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
AddMetric(MetricType * metric)42 ::AddMetric (MetricType* metric)
43 {
44   this->m_MetricQueue.push_back(metric);
45 }
47 /** Clear the queue */
48 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
49 void
50 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
ClearMetricQueue()51 ::ClearMetricQueue()
52 {
53   this->m_MetricQueue.clear();
54 }
56 /** Get the number of metrics */
57 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
58 itk::SizeValueType
59 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
GetNumberOfMetrics() const60 ::GetNumberOfMetrics() const
61 {
62   return static_cast<itk::SizeValueType>( this->m_MetricQueue.size() );
63 }
65 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
66 void
67 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
SetMovingTransform(MovingTransformType * transform)68 ::SetMovingTransform( MovingTransformType * transform )
69 {
70   if( this->GetNumberOfMetrics() == 0 )
71     {
72     itkExceptionMacro("No metrics are assigned. Cannot assign transform.");
73     }
74   Superclass::SetMovingTransform( transform );
75   for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
76     {
77     this->m_MetricQueue[j]->SetMovingTransform( transform );
78     }
79 }
81 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
82 void
83 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
SetFixedTransform(FixedTransformType * transform)84 ::SetFixedTransform( FixedTransformType * transform )
85 {
86   if( this->GetNumberOfMetrics() == 0 )
87     {
88     itkExceptionMacro("No metrics are assigned. Cannot assign transform.");
89     }
90   Superclass::SetFixedTransform( transform );
91   for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
92     {
93     this->m_MetricQueue[j]->SetFixedTransform( transform );
94     }
95 }
97 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
98 void
99 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
Initialize()100 ::Initialize()
101 {
102   if( this->GetNumberOfMetrics() == 0 )
103     {
104     itkExceptionMacro("No metrics are assigned. Cannot evaluate.");
105     }
107   /* Verify derivative weights and initialize if appropriate */
108   if( this->m_MetricWeights.Size() > 0 )
109     {
110     if( this->m_MetricWeights.Size() != this->GetNumberOfMetrics() )
111       {
112       itkExceptionMacro("The derivative weights are not of the proper size. "
113                         "Number of metrics: " << this->GetNumberOfMetrics() << ", "
114                         "Number of weights: " << this->m_MetricWeights.Size() );
115       }
116     /* normalize the weights */
117     WeightValueType sum = NumericTraits<WeightValueType>::ZeroValue();
118     for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
119       {
120       sum += this->m_MetricWeights[j];
121       }
122     if( sum <= NumericTraits<WeightValueType>::epsilon() )
123       {
124       itkExceptionMacro("The derivative weights are too small: " << this->m_MetricWeights );
125       }
126     for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
127       {
128       this->m_MetricWeights[j] = this->m_MetricWeights[j] / sum;
129       }
130     }
131   else
132     {
133     /* Initialize to defaults */
134     this->m_MetricWeights.SetSize( this->GetNumberOfMetrics() );
135     this->m_MetricWeights.Fill( NumericTraits<WeightValueType>::OneValue() / static_cast<WeightValueType>(this->GetNumberOfMetrics()) );
136     }
138   /* resize */
139   this->m_MetricValueArray.SetSize( this->GetNumberOfMetrics() );
141   /* Verify the same transform is in all metrics. */
142   const MovingTransformType * firstTransform = nullptr;
143   for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
144     {
145     const MovingTransformType * transform = this->m_MetricQueue[j]->GetMovingTransform();
146     //Check if it's a composite. If so, there must be only one transform set to be
147     // optimized, and it must be the same as in other metrics.
148     using CompositeType = CompositeTransform<typename MovingTransformType::ScalarType, TFixedDimension>;
149     const auto * composite = dynamic_cast<const CompositeType*>(transform);
150     if( composite != nullptr )
151       {
152       SizeValueType count = 0;
153       for( size_t n = 0; n < composite->GetNumberOfTransforms(); n++ )
154         {
155         if( composite->GetNthTransformToOptimize( static_cast<SizeValueType>( n ) ) )
156           {
157           count++;
158           transform = composite->GetNthTransformConstPointer(static_cast<SizeValueType>( n ) );
159           }
160         }
161       if( count != 1 )
162         {
163         itkExceptionMacro("Expected exactly one transform set to be optimized within the composite transform. Error with metric " << j << ".");
164         }
165       }
167     if( j == 0 )
168       {
169       firstTransform = transform;
170       }
171     else
172       {
173       if( transform != firstTransform )
174         {
175         itkExceptionMacro("One or more component metrics have different active transforms. "
176                           "Each metric must be using the same transform object. For CompositeTransform, "
177                           "there must be only one transform set to optimize, and it must be the same "
178                           "as other metric transforms." );
179         }
180       }
181     }
183   /* Assign local pointers to common transforms */
184   if( this->m_MovingTransform.IsNull() )
185     {
186     Superclass::SetMovingTransform( const_cast<MovingTransformType*>(this->m_MetricQueue[0]->GetMovingTransform()) );
187     }
188   if( this->m_FixedTransform.IsNull() )
189     {
190     Superclass::SetFixedTransform(  const_cast<MovingTransformType*>(this->m_MetricQueue[0]->GetFixedTransform()) );
191     }
193   /* Initialize individual metrics. */
194   for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
195     {
196     try
197       {
198       this->m_MetricQueue[j]->Initialize();
199       }
200     catch(ExceptionObject &exc)
201       {
202       std::string msg("Caught exception initializing metric: \n");
203       msg += exc.what();
204       ExceptionObject err(__FILE__, __LINE__, msg);
205       throw err;
206       }
207     }
209   /* Get the first valid virtual domain and assign
210    * it to this metric as a common virtual domain,
211    * for direct use by calling classes. */
212   for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
213     {
214     if( this->m_MetricQueue[j]->GetVirtualImage() )
215       {
216       this->SetVirtualDomainFromImage( this->m_MetricQueue[j]->GetVirtualImage() );
217       break;
218       }
219     }
221   /* Do this after we've setup local copy of virtual domain */
222   Superclass::Initialize();
223 }
225 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
226 typename ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>::MeasureType
227 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
GetValue() const228 ::GetValue() const
229 {
230   for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
231     {
232     this->m_MetricValueArray[j] = this->m_MetricQueue[j]->GetValue();
233     }
235   MeasureType firstValue = this->m_MetricValueArray[0];
236   this->m_Value = firstValue;
237   return firstValue;
238 }
240 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
241 void
242 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
GetDerivative(DerivativeType & derivativeResult) const243 ::GetDerivative(DerivativeType & derivativeResult) const
244 {
245   MeasureType firstValue;
246   this->GetValueAndDerivative( firstValue, derivativeResult );
247 }
249 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
250 void
251 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
GetValueAndDerivative(MeasureType & firstValue,DerivativeType & derivativeResult) const252 ::GetValueAndDerivative(MeasureType & firstValue, DerivativeType & derivativeResult) const
253 {
254   if ( derivativeResult.GetSize() != this->GetNumberOfParameters() )
255     {
256     derivativeResult.SetSize( this->GetNumberOfParameters() );
257     }
258   derivativeResult.Fill( NumericTraits<DerivativeValueType>::ZeroValue() );
260   DerivativeType  metricDerivative;
261   MeasureType     metricValue = NumericTraits<MeasureType>::ZeroValue();
263   // Loop over metrics
264   DerivativeValueType totalMagnitude = NumericTraits<DerivativeValueType>::ZeroValue();
265   for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
266     {
267     this->m_MetricQueue[j]->GetValueAndDerivative( metricValue, metricDerivative);
268     this->m_MetricValueArray[j] = metricValue;
270     DerivativeValueType magnitude = metricDerivative.magnitude();
271     DerivativeValueType weightOverMagnitude = NumericTraits<DerivativeValueType>::ZeroValue();
272     totalMagnitude += magnitude;
274     if( magnitude > NumericTraits<DerivativeValueType>::epsilon() )
275       {
276       weightOverMagnitude = this->m_MetricWeights[j] / magnitude;
277       }
278     // derivative = \sum_j w_j * (dM_j / ||dM_j||)
279     for( NumberOfParametersType p = 0; p < this->GetNumberOfParameters(); p++ )
280       {
281       // roll our own loop to avoid temporary variable that could be large when using displacement fields.
282       derivativeResult[p] += ( metricDerivative[p] * weightOverMagnitude );
283       }
284     }
286   // Scale by totalMagnitude to prevent what amounts to implicit step estimation from magnitude scaling.
287   // This keeps the behavior of this metric the same as a regular metric, with respect to derivative
288   // magnitudes.
289   totalMagnitude /= this->GetNumberOfMetrics();
290   for( NumberOfParametersType p = 0; p < this->GetNumberOfParameters(); p++ )
291     {
292     derivativeResult[p] *= totalMagnitude;
293     }
295   firstValue = this->m_MetricValueArray[0];
296   this->m_Value = firstValue;
297 }
299 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
300 typename ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>::MetricValueArrayType
301 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
GetValueArray() const302 ::GetValueArray() const
303 {
304   return this->m_MetricValueArray;
305 }
307 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
308 typename ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>::MeasureType
309 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
GetWeightedValue() const310 ::GetWeightedValue() const
311 {
312   MeasureType value = NumericTraits<MeasureType>::ZeroValue();
314   for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
315     {
316     // value = sum_j w_j * M_j
317     value += this->m_MetricValueArray[j] * this->m_MetricWeights[j];
318     }
319   return value;
320 }
322 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
323 const typename ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>::MetricQueueType &
324 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
GetMetricQueue() const325 ::GetMetricQueue() const
326 {
327   return this->m_MetricQueue;
328 }
331 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
332 bool
333 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
SupportsArbitraryVirtualDomainSamples() const334 ::SupportsArbitraryVirtualDomainSamples() const
335 {
336   for (SizeValueType j = 0; j < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); j++)
337     {
338     if( ! this->m_MetricQueue[j]->SupportsArbitraryVirtualDomainSamples() )
339       {
340       return false;
341       }
342     }
343   return true;
344 }
346 template<unsigned int TFixedDimension, unsigned int TMovingDimension, typename TVirtualImage, typename TInternalComputationValueType>
347 void
348 ObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4<TFixedDimension, TMovingDimension, TVirtualImage, TInternalComputationValueType>
PrintSelf(std::ostream & os,Indent indent) const349 ::PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const
350 {
351   os << indent << "Weights of metric derivatives: " << this->m_MetricWeights << std::endl;
352   os << indent << "The multivariate contains the following metrics: " << std::endl << std::endl;
353   for (SizeValueType i = 0; i < this->GetNumberOfMetrics(); i++)
354     {
355     os << indent << "~~~ Metric " << i << " ~~~" << std::endl;
356     this->m_MetricQueue[i]->Print(os, indent.GetNextIndent() );
357     }
358 }
360 } // end namespace itk
362 #endif //itkObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4_hxx