1DM Object: Mesh 1 MPI processes
2  type: plex
3Mesh in 2 dimensions:
4  0-cells: 4
5  1-cells: 5
6  2-cells: 2
8  celltype: 3 strata with value/size (0 (4), 3 (2), 1 (5))
9  depth: 3 strata with value/size (0 (4), 1 (5), 2 (2))
10  marker: 1 strata with value/size (1 (8))
11  Face Sets: 1 strata with value/size (1 (4))
12DM Object: Particles 1 MPI processes
13  type: swarm
15  L                  = 2
16  buffer             = 0
17  allocated          = 2
18  nfields registered = 5
19    [  0]     DMSwarm_pid : Mem. usage       = 1.60e-05 (MB) [rank0]
20                            blocksize        = 1
21                            atomic size      = 8
22    [  1]    DMSwarm_rank : Mem. usage       = 8.00e-06 (MB) [rank0]
23                            blocksize        = 1
24                            atomic size      = 4
25    [  2] DMSwarmPIC_coor : Mem. usage       = 3.20e-05 (MB) [rank0]
26                            blocksize        = 2
27                            atomic size      = 16 [full block, bs=2]
28                            atomic size/item = 8
29    [  3]  DMSwarm_cellid : Mem. usage       = 8.00e-06 (MB) [rank0]
30                            blocksize        = 1
31                            atomic size      = 4
32    [  4]      kinematics : Mem. usage       = 3.20e-05 (MB) [rank0]
33                            blocksize        = 2
34                            atomic size      = 16 [full block, bs=2]
35                            atomic size/item = 8
36  Total mem. usage                           = 9.60e-05 (MB) (collective)
37n = 4
38Vec Object: DMSwarmSharedField_kinematics 1 MPI processes
39  type: seq
44Vec Object: DMSwarmSharedField_kinematics 1 MPI processes
45  type: seq
50Time     Step Part     Energy Mod Energy
510.000000    0    0   455.1111   455.1111
520.000000    0    1  1820.4444  1820.4444
530.000500   50    0   455.1111   455.1204
540.000500   50    1  1820.4444  1820.4817
550.001000  100    0   455.1111   455.1297
560.001000  100    1  1820.4444  1820.5188
57p0 error [3.3e-11 1.3e-07] sol [0.470439 -1.929555] exact [0.470439 -1.929555] energy/exact energy 455.111 / 455.111
58p1 error [6.6e-11 2.6e-07] sol [0.940879 -3.859110] exact [0.940879 -3.859110] energy/exact energy 1820.44 / 1820.44
59Vec Object: DMSwarmSharedField_kinematics 1 MPI processes
60  type: seq
65Time     Step Part     Energy Mod Energy
660.000000    0    0   455.1111   455.1111
670.000000    0    1  1820.4444  1820.4444
680.000250   50    0   455.1111   455.1134
690.000250   50    1  1820.4444  1820.4538
700.000500  100    0   455.1111   455.1158
710.000500  100    1  1820.4444  1820.4631
720.000750  150    0   455.1111   455.1181
730.000750  150    1  1820.4444  1820.4724
740.001000  200    0   455.1111   455.1204
750.001000  200    1  1820.4444  1820.4816
76p0 error [8.2e-12 3.3e-08] sol [0.470439 -1.929555] exact [0.470439 -1.929555] energy/exact energy 455.111 / 455.111
77p1 error [1.6e-11 6.6e-08] sol [0.940879 -3.859110] exact [0.940879 -3.859110] energy/exact energy 1820.44 / 1820.44
78Vec Object: DMSwarmSharedField_kinematics 1 MPI processes
79  type: seq
84Time     Step Part     Energy Mod Energy
850.000000    0    0   455.1111   455.1111
860.000000    0    1  1820.4444  1820.4444
870.000125   50    0   455.1111   455.1117
880.000125   50    1  1820.4444  1820.4468
890.000250  100    0   455.1111   455.1123
900.000250  100    1  1820.4444  1820.4491
910.000375  150    0   455.1111   455.1129
920.000375  150    1  1820.4444  1820.4514
930.000500  200    0   455.1111   455.1134
940.000500  200    1  1820.4444  1820.4538
950.000625  250    0   455.1111   455.1140
960.000625  250    1  1820.4444  1820.4561
970.000750  300    0   455.1111   455.1146
980.000750  300    1  1820.4444  1820.4584
990.000875  350    0   455.1111   455.1152
1000.000875  350    1  1820.4444  1820.4607
1010.001000  400    0   455.1111   455.1158
1020.001000  400    1  1820.4444  1820.4630
103p0 error [2.1e-12 8.2e-09] sol [0.470439 -1.929555] exact [0.470439 -1.929555] energy/exact energy 455.111 / 455.111
104p1 error [4.1e-12 1.6e-08] sol [0.940879 -3.859110] exact [0.940879 -3.859110] energy/exact energy 1820.44 / 1820.44
105Vec Object: DMSwarmSharedField_kinematics 1 MPI processes
106  type: seq
111L_2 convergence rate: 2.0
112Time     Step Part     Energy Mod Energy
1130.000000    0    0   455.1111   455.1111
1140.000000    0    1  1820.4444  1820.4444
1150.000500   50    0   455.1111   455.1204
1160.000500   50    1  1820.4444  1820.4817
1170.001000  100    0   455.1111   455.1297
1180.001000  100    1  1820.4444  1820.5188