2---- Elastic-Plastic Torsion Problem -----
3mx: 10     my: 10
5iter =   0, Function value -0.330579, Residual: 0.728961
6  ---------- Testing Hessian -------------
7  Run with -tao_test_hessian_view and optionally -tao_test_hessian <threshold> to show difference
8    of hand-coded and finite difference Hessian entries greater than <threshold>.
9  Testing hand-coded Hessian, if (for double precision runs) ||J - Jfd||_F/||J||_F is
10    O(1.e-8), the hand-coded Hessian is probably correct.
11  ||H - Hfd||_F/||H||_F = 2.97218e-10, ||H - Hfd||_F = 1.31584e-08
12iter =   0, Function value -0.38665, Residual: 0.531327
13  ---------- Testing Hessian -------------
14  ||H - Hfd||_F/||H||_F = 4.25681e-10, ||H - Hfd||_F = 1.88457e-08
15iter =   1, Function value -0.414886, Residual: 0.204735
16  ---------- Testing Hessian -------------
17  ||H - Hfd||_F/||H||_F = 1.35328e-10, ||H - Hfd||_F = 5.99124e-09
18iter =   2, Function value -0.427745, Residual: 1.11757e-06