1 #include <stddef.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <math.h>
4 #include <Rmath.h>
5 #include <R.h>
6 #include "vector.h"
7 #include "subroutines.h"
8 #include "rand.h"
9 #include "bayes.h"
10 #include "sample.h"
12 /* Normal Parametric Model for 2xC (with C > 2) Tables */
cBase2C(double * pdX,double * Y,double * pdWmin,double * pdWmax,int * pin_samp,int * pin_col,int * reject,int * maxit,int * n_gen,int * burn_in,int * pinth,int * verbose,int * pinu0,double * pdtau0,double * mu0,double * pdS0,double * mu,double * SigmaStart,int * parameter,double * pdSmu,double * pdSSigma,double * pdSW)13 void cBase2C(
14 	     /*data input */
15 	     double *pdX,     /* X: matrix */
16 	     double *Y,       /* Y: vector */
17 	     double *pdWmin,  /* lower bounds */
18 	     double *pdWmax,  /* uppwer bounds */
19 	     int *pin_samp,   /* sample size */
20 	     int *pin_col,    /* number of columns */
22 	     /*MCMC draws */
23 	     int *reject,     /* whether to use rejection sampling */
24 	     int *maxit,      /* max number of iterations for
25 				 rejection sampling */
26 	     int *n_gen,      /* number of gibbs draws */
27 	     int *burn_in,    /* number of draws to be burned in */
28 	     int *pinth,      /* keep every nth draw */
29 	     int *verbose,    /* 1 for output monitoring */
31 	     /* prior specification*/
32 	     int *pinu0,      /* prior df parameter for InvWish */
33 	     double *pdtau0,  /* prior scale parameter for Sigma */
34 	     double *mu0,     /* prior mean for mu */
35 	     double *pdS0,    /* prior scale for Sigma */
37 	     /* starting values */
38 	     double *mu,
39 	     double *SigmaStart,
41 	     /* storage */
42 	     int *parameter,  /* 1 if save population parameter */
43 	     double *pdSmu,
44 	     double *pdSSigma,
45 	     double *pdSW
46 	     ){
48   /* some integers */
49   int n_samp = *pin_samp;    /* sample size */
50   int nth = *pinth;          /* keep every pth draw */
51   int n_col = *pin_col;      /* dimension */
53   /* prior parameters */
54   double tau0 = *pdtau0;                          /* prior scale for mu */
55   int nu0 = *pinu0;                               /* prior degrees of freedom */
56   double **S0 = doubleMatrix(n_col, n_col);       /* prior scale for Sigma */
58   /* data */
59   double **X = doubleMatrix(n_samp, n_col);       /* X */
60   double **W = doubleMatrix(n_samp, n_col);       /* The W matrix */
61   double **Wstar = doubleMatrix(n_samp, n_col);   /* logit(W) */
63   /* The lower and upper bounds of U = W*X/Y **/
64   double **minU = doubleMatrix(n_samp, n_col);
65   double **maxU = doubleMatrix(n_samp, n_col);
67   /* model parameters */
68   double **Sigma = doubleMatrix(n_col, n_col);    /* The covariance matrix */
69   double **InvSigma = doubleMatrix(n_col, n_col); /* The inverse covariance matrix */
71   /* misc variables */
72   int i, j, k, main_loop;   /* used for various loops */
73   int itemp;
74   int itempM = 0; /* for mu */
75   int itempS = 0; /* for Sigma */
76   int itempW = 0; /* for W */
77   int itempC = 0; /* control nth draw */
78   int progress = 1, itempP = ftrunc((double) *n_gen/10);
79   double dtemp, dtemp1;
80   double *param = doubleArray(n_col);   /* Dirichlet parameters */
81   double *dvtemp = doubleArray(n_col);
83   /* get random seed */
84   GetRNGstate();
86   /* read X */
87   itemp = 0;
88   for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
89     for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++)
90       X[i][j] = pdX[itemp++];
92   /* read initial values of Sigma */
93   itemp = 0;
94   for (k = 0; k < n_col; k++)
95     for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
96       Sigma[j][k] = SigmaStart[itemp++];
97   dinv(Sigma, n_col, InvSigma);
99   /* compute bounds on U */
100   itemp = 0;
101   for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
102     for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++)
103       minU[i][j] = fmax2(0, pdWmin[itemp++]*X[i][j]/Y[i]);
104   itemp = 0;
105   for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
106     for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++)
107       maxU[i][j] = fmin2(1, pdWmax[itemp++]*X[i][j]/Y[i]);
109   /* initial values for W */
110   for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
111     param[j] = 1;
112   for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++) {
113     k = 0; itemp = 1;
114     while (itemp > 0) { /* rejection sampling */
115       rDirich(dvtemp, param, n_col);
116       itemp = 0; k++;
117       for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
118 	if (dvtemp[j] > maxU[i][j] || dvtemp[j] < minU[i][j])
119 	  itemp++;
120       if (itemp == 0)
121 	for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
122 	  W[i][j] = dvtemp[j]*Y[i]/X[i][j];
123       if (k > *maxit) { /* if rejection sampling fails, then use
124 			   midpoits of bounds sequentially */
125 	itemp = 0;
126 	dtemp = Y[i]; dtemp1 = 1;
127 	for (j = 0; j < n_col-1; j++) {
128 	  W[i][j] = 0.5*(fmax2(0,(X[i][j]/dtemp1+dtemp-1)*dtemp1/X[i][j])+
129 			 fmin2(1,dtemp*dtemp1/X[i][j]));
130 	  dtemp -= W[i][j]*X[i][j]/dtemp1;
131 	  dtemp1 -= X[i][j];
132 	}
133 	W[i][n_col-1] = dtemp;
134       }
135     }
136     for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
137       Wstar[i][j] = log(W[i][j])-log(1-W[i][j]);
138   }
140   /* read the prior */
141   itemp = 0;
142   for(k = 0; k < n_col; k++)
143     for(j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
144       S0[j][k] = pdS0[itemp++];
146   /*** Gibbs sampler! ***/
147   if (*verbose)
148     Rprintf("Starting Gibbs sampler...\n");
149   for(main_loop = 0; main_loop < *n_gen; main_loop++){
150     /** update W, Wstar given mu, Sigma **/
151     for (i = 0; i < n_samp; i++){
152       rMH2c(W[i], X[i], Y[i], minU[i], maxU[i], mu, InvSigma, n_col,
153 	    *maxit, *reject);
154       for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
155 	Wstar[i][j] = log(W[i][j])-log(1-W[i][j]);
156     }
158     /* update mu, Sigma given wstar using effective sample of Wstar */
159     NIWupdate(Wstar, mu, Sigma, InvSigma, mu0, tau0, nu0, S0, n_samp, n_col);
161     /*store Gibbs draw after burn-in and every nth draws */
162     if (main_loop>=*burn_in){
163       itempC++;
164       if (itempC==nth){
165 	for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++) {
166 	  pdSmu[itempM++]=mu[j];
167 	  for (k = 0; k < n_col; k++)
168 	    if (j <=k)
169 	      pdSSigma[itempS++]=Sigma[j][k];
170 	}
171 	for(i = 0; i < n_samp; i++)
172 	  for (j = 0; j < n_col; j++)
173 	    pdSW[itempW++] = W[i][j];
174 	itempC=0;
175       }
176     }
177     if (*verbose)
178       if (itempP == main_loop) {
179 	Rprintf("%3d percent done.\n", progress*10);
180 	itempP+=ftrunc((double) *n_gen/10); progress++;
181 	R_FlushConsole();
182       }
183     R_CheckUserInterrupt();
184   } /* end of Gibbs sampler */
186   if(*verbose)
187     Rprintf("100 percent done.\n");
189   /** write out the random seed **/
190   PutRNGstate();
192   /* Freeing the memory */
193   FreeMatrix(S0, n_col);
194   FreeMatrix(X, n_samp);
195   FreeMatrix(W, n_samp);
196   FreeMatrix(Wstar, n_samp);
197   FreeMatrix(minU, n_samp);
198   FreeMatrix(maxU, n_samp);
199   FreeMatrix(Sigma, n_col);
200   FreeMatrix(InvSigma, n_col);
201   free(dvtemp);
202   free(param);
203 } /* main */