1 #include "mrilib.h"
2 #include "zgaussian.c"
4 #define NCOR 6
6 static char *cor_name[NCOR] = { "Pearson" , "Spearman" , "Quadrant" , "K-Tau-b" , "TicTacToe" , "Quantile:9" } ;
8 /* list of functions to compute correlations [cf. thd_correlate.c] */
10 typedef float (*ccfun)(int,float *,float *) ;
11 static ccfun cor_func[NCOR] =
12  { THD_pearson_corr, THD_spearman_corr, THD_quadrant_corr, THD_ktaub_corr, THD_tictactoe_corr , THD_quantile_corr } ;
14 /* prototype for function to bootstrap the correlations */
16 static float_quad Corrboot( int n , float *x , float *y , float xsig , float ysig ,
17                             float (*cfun)(int,float *,float *) ) ;
19 /* prototype for function to get normal theory confidence intervals */
21 static float_pair PCorrCI( int npt , float cor , float alpha ) ;
23 /* default number of bootstrap repetitions */
25 #undef  NBOOT
26 #define NBOOT 4000
27 #undef  NBMIN
28 #define NBMIN 400
30 static int   nboot = NBOOT ;   /* changed by the -nboot option */
31 static float alpha = 0.05f ;   /* changed by the -alpha option */
32 static int   doblk = 0 ;       /* changed by the -block option */
34 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
usage_1dCorrelate(int detail)36 void usage_1dCorrelate( int detail ){
37      printf(
38       "Usage: 1dCorrelate [options] 1Dfile 1Dfile ...\n"
39       "------\n"
40       " * Each input 1D column is a collection of data points.\n"
41       " * The correlation coefficient between each column pair is computed, along\n"
42       "   with its confidence interval (via a bias-corrected bootstrap procedure).\n"
43       " * The minimum sensible column length is 7.\n"
44       " * At least 2 columns are needed [in 1 or more .1D files].\n"
45       " * If there are N input columns, there will be N*(N-1)/2 output rows.\n"
46       " * Output appears on stdout; redirect ('>' or '>>') as needed.\n"
47       " * Only one correlation method can be used in one run of this program.\n"
48       " * This program is basically the basterd offspring of program 1ddot.\n"
49       " * Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confidence_interval\n"
50       "\n"
51       "-------\n"
52       "Methods   [actually, only the first letter is needed to choose a method]\n"
53       "-------   [and the case doesn't matter: '-P' and '-p' both = '-Pearson']\n"
54       "\n"
55       " -Pearson  = Pearson correlation                    [the default method]\n"
56       " -Spearman = Spearman (rank) correlation      [more robust vs. outliers]\n"
57       " -Quadrant = Quadrant (binarized) correlation  [most robust, but weaker]\n"
58       " -Ktaub    = Kendall's tau_b 'correlation'    [popular somewhere, maybe]\n"
59       "\n"
60       "-------------\n"
61       "Other Options  [these options cannot be abbreviated!]\n"
62       "-------------\n"
63       "\n"
64       " -nboot B  = Set the number of bootstrap replicates to 'B'.\n"
65       "             * The default value of B is %d.\n"
66       "             * A larger number will give somewhat more accurate\n"
67       "               confidence intervals, at the cost of more CPU time.\n"
68       "\n"
69       " -alpha A  = Set the 2-sided confidence interval width to '100-A' percent.\n"
70       "             * The default value of A is 5, giving the 2.5..97.5%% interval.\n"
71       "             * The smallest allowed A is 1 (0.5%%..99.5%%) and the largest\n"
72       "               allowed value of A is 20 (10%%..90%%).\n"
73       "             * If you are interested assessing if the 'p-value' of a\n"
74       "               correlation is smaller than 5%% (say), then you should use\n"
75       "               '-alpha 10' and see if the confidence interval includes 0.\n"
76       "\n"
77       " -block    = Attempt to allow for serial correlation in the data by doing\n"
78       "   *OR*      variable-length block resampling, rather than completely\n"
79       " -blk        random resampling as in the usual bootstrap.\n"
80       "             * You should NOT do this unless you believe that serial\n"
81       "               correlation (along each column) is present and significant.\n"
82       "             * Block resampling requires at least 20 data points in each\n"
83       "               input column.  Fewer than 20 will turn off this option.\n"
84 #if 0
85       "\n"
86       " -vsig ss  = With this option, you specify that each individual measurement\n"
87       "             variable has a nonzero standard deviation ('sig') -- that data\n"
88       "             might come from some calibration studies, for example.  In the\n"
89       "             bootstrap analysis, the random replicates are perturbed by\n"
90       "             independent zero-mean normal deviates with standard deviations\n"
91       "             given in the file 'ss' -- this file should have 1 row, and that\n"
92       "             row should have 1 non-negative number for every column entered\n"
93       "             into the correlation analysis.\n"
94       "             * In the case of the Pearson coefficient, the 'N:' normal theory\n"
95       "               results do NOT include the effect of this extra randomness.\n"
96 #endif
97       "-----\n"
98       "Notes\n"
99       "-----\n"
100       "* For each pair of columns, the output include the correlation value\n"
101       "  as directly calculated, plus the bias-corrected bootstrap value, and\n"
102       "  the desired (100-A)%% confidence interval [also via bootstrap].\n"
103       "\n"
104       "* The primary purpose of this program is to provide an easy way to get\n"
105       "  the bootstrap confidence intervals, since people almost always seem to use\n"
106       "  the asymptotic normal theory to decide if a correlation is 'significant',\n"
107       "  and this often seems misleading to me [especially for short columns].\n"
108       "\n"
109       "* Bootstrapping confidence intervals for the inverse correlations matrix\n"
110       "  (i.e., partial correlations) would be interesting -- anyone out there\n"
111       "  need this ability?\n"
112       "\n"
113       "-------------\n"
114       "Sample output  [command was '1dCorrelate -alpha 10 A2.1D B2.1D']\n"
115       "-------------\n"
116       "# Pearson correlation [n=12 #col=2]\n"
117       "# Name      Name       Value   BiasCorr   5.00%%   95.00%%  N: 5.00%% N:95.00%%\n"
118       "# --------  --------  -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------\n"
119       "  A2.1D[0]  B2.1D[0]  +0.57254 +0.57225 -0.03826 +0.86306 +0.10265 +0.83353\n"
120       "\n"
121       "* Bias correction of the correlation had little effect; this is very common.\n"
122       "  ++ To be clear, the bootstrap bias correction is to allow for potential bias\n"
123       "     in the statistical estimate of correlation when the sample size is small.\n"
124       "  ++ It cannot correct for biases that result from faulty data (or faulty\n"
125       "     assumptions about the data).\n"
126       "\n"
127       "* The correlation is NOT significant at this level, since the CI (confidence\n"
128       "  interval) includes 0 in its range.\n"
129       "\n"
130       "* For the Pearson method ONLY, the last two columns ('N:', as above) also\n"
131       "  show the widely used asymptotic normal theory confidence interval.  As in\n"
132       "  the example, the bootstrap interval is often (but not always) wider than\n"
133       "  the theoretical interval.\n"
134       "\n"
135       "* In the example, the normal theory might indicate that the correlation is\n"
136       "  significant (less than a 5%% chance that the CI includes 0), but the\n"
137       "  bootstrap CI shows that is not a reasonable statistical conclusion.\n"
138       "  ++ The principal reason that I wrote this program was to make it easy\n"
139       "     to check if the normal (Gaussian) theory for correlation significance\n"
140       "     testing is reasonable in any given case -- for small samples, it often\n"
141       "     is NOT reasonable!\n"
142       "\n"
143       "* Using the same data with the '-S' option gives the table below, again\n"
144       "  indicating that there is no significant correlation between the columns\n"
145       "  (note also the lack of the 'N:' results for Spearman correlation):\n"
146       "\n"
147       "# Spearman correlation [n=12 #col=2]\n"
148       "# Name      Name       Value   BiasCorr   5.00%%   95.00%%\n"
149       "# --------  --------  -------- -------- -------- --------\n"
150       "  A2.1D[0]  B2.1D[0]  +0.46154 +0.42756 -0.23063 +0.86078\n"
151       "\n"
152       "-------------\n"
153       "SAMPLE SCRIPT\n"
154       "-------------\n"
155       "This script generates random data and correlates it until it is\n"
156       "statistically significant at some level (default=2%%).  Then it\n"
157       "plots the data that looks correlated.  The point is to show what\n"
158       "purely random stuff that appears correlated can look like.\n"
159       "(Like most AFNI scripts, this is written in tcsh, not bash.)\n"
160       "\n"
161       "#!/bin/tcsh\n"
162       "set npt = 20\n"
163       "set alp = 2\n"
164       "foreach fred ( `count -dig 1 1 1000` )\n"
165       "  1dcat jrandom1D:${npt},2 > qqq.1D\n"
166       "  set aabb = ( `1dCorrelate -spearman -alpha $alp qqq.1D  | grep qqq.1D | colrm 1 42` )\n"
167       "  set ab = `ccalc -form rint \"1000 * $aabb[1] * $aabb[2]\"`\n"
168       "  echo $fred $ab\n"
169       "  if( $ab > 1 )then\n"
170       "    1dplot -one -noline -x qqq.1D'[0]' -xaxis -1:1:20:5 -yaxis -1:1:20:5            \\\n"
171       "           -DAFNI_1DPLOT_BOXSIZE=0.012                                              \\\n"
172       "           -plabel \"N=$npt trial#=$fred \\alpha=${alp}%% => r\\in[$aabb[1],$aabb[2]]\"  \\\n"
173       "           qqq.1D'[1]'\n"
174       "    break\n"
175       "  endif\n"
176       "end\n"
177       "\\rm qqq.1D\n"
178       "\n"
179       "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
180       "*** Written by RWCox (AKA Zhark the Mad Correlator) -- 19 May 2011 ***\n"
182       , NBOOT ) ;
185 }
187 /*============================================================================*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])189 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
190 {
191    int iarg , ii,jj,kk,mm , nvec , nx=0,ny , ff , vlen=4 ;
192    MRI_IMAGE *tim , *vsim=NULL ;
193    MRI_IMARR *tar ;
194    char **vecnam , *tnam ;
195    float *far , **tvec , *vsig=NULL , xsig,ysig ;
196    float_quad qcor ; float_pair pci ; float corst, cor025, cor500, cor975 ;
197    char fmt[256] ;
198    int cormeth=0 ;    /* 0=Pearson, 1=Spearman, 2=Quadrant, 3=Kendall tau_b */
199    float (*corfun)(int,float *,float *) ;
201    /*-- start the AFNI machinery --*/
203    mainENTRY("1dCorrelate main") ; machdep() ;
205    /* check for options */
207    iarg = 1 ; nvec = 0 ;
208    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
209       /* I get by with a little help from my friends? */
211       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-h") == 0){
212          usage_1dCorrelate(strlen(argv[iarg])>3 ? 2:1);
213          exit(0) ;
214       }
216      /*--- methods ---*/
218      if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'P' ){ cormeth = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
219      if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'S' ){ cormeth = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
220      if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'Q' ){ cormeth = 2 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
221      if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'K' ){ cormeth = 3 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
222      if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'T' ){ cormeth = 4 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
223      if( toupper(argv[iarg][1]) == 'U' ){ cormeth = 5 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
225      /*--- set nboot ---*/
227      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nboot") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-num") == 0 ){
228        iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-nboot'") ;
229        nboot = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
230        if( nboot < NBMIN ){
231          WARNING_message("Replacing -nboot %d with %d",nboot,NBMIN) ;
232          nboot = NBMIN ;
233        }
234        iarg++ ; continue ;
235      }
237      /*--- set alpha ---*/
239      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-alpha") == 0 ){
240        iarg++ ; if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-alpha'") ;
241        alpha = (float)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
242        if( alpha < 1.0f ){
243          WARNING_message("Replacing -alpha %.1f with 1",alpha) ;
244          alpha = 0.01f ;
245        } else if( alpha > 20.0f ){
246          WARNING_message("Replacing -alpha %.1f with 20",alpha) ;
247          alpha = 0.20f ;
248        } else {
249          alpha *= 0.01f ;  /* convert from percent to fraction */
250        }
251        iarg++ ; continue ;
252      }
254      /*--- block resampling ---*/
256      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-blk") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-block") == 0 ){
257        doblk = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
258      }
260      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-vsig") == 0 ){
261        if( vsim != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -vsig twice!") ;
262        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after -vsig") ;
263        vsim = mri_read_1D(argv[iarg]) ;
264        if( vsim == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read -vsig file '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
265        iarg++ ; continue ;
266      }
268      /*--- user should be flogged ---*/
270      ERROR_message("Monstrously illegal option '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
271      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
272      exit(1);
273    }
275    /*--- user should be flogged twice ---*/
277    if( argc < 2 ){
278      usage_1dCorrelate(1) ; exit(0) ;
279    }
281    if( iarg == argc )
282      ERROR_exit("No 1D files on command line!?\n") ;
284    /* the function to compute the correlation */
286    corfun = cor_func[cormeth] ;
288    /* check and assemble list of input 1D files */
290    ff = iarg ;
291    INIT_IMARR(tar) ;
292    for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
293      tim = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
294      if( tim == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read 1D file '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
295      if( nx == 0 ){
296        nx = tim->nx ;
297        if( nx < 3 )
298          ERROR_exit("1D file '%.77s' length=%d is less than 3",argv[iarg],nx) ;
299        else if( nx < 7 )
300          WARNING_message("1D file '%.77s' length=%d is less than 7",argv[iarg],nx) ;
301      } else if( tim->nx != nx ){
302        ERROR_exit("Length of 1D file '%.77s' [%d] doesn't match first file [%d]",
303                    argv[iarg] , tim->nx , nx );
304      }
305      nvec += tim->ny ;
306      ADDTO_IMARR(tar,tim) ;
307    }
309    /* user is really an idiot -- flogging's too good for him */
311    if( nvec < 2 ) ERROR_exit("Must have at least 2 input columns!") ;
313    if( nx < 20 && doblk ){
314      doblk = 0 ;
315      WARNING_message("Column length %d < 20 ==> cannot use block resampling",nx) ;
316    }
318    if( vsim != NULL ){
319      if( vsim->nvox < nvec )
320        ERROR_exit("-vsig file only has %d entries, but needs at least %d",vsim->nvox,nvec) ;
321      vsig = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(vsim) ;
322    }
324    /* create vectors from 1D files */
326    tvec = (float **)malloc( sizeof(float *)*nvec ) ;
327    vecnam = (char **)malloc( sizeof(char *)*nvec ) ;
328    for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
329      tvec[jj] = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*nx ) ;
330      vecnam[jj] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME) ;
331    }
333    /* copy data into new space, create output labels, check for stoopiditees */
335    for( kk=mm=0 ; mm < IMARR_COUNT(tar) ; mm++ ){
336      tim = IMARR_SUBIM(tar,mm) ;
337      far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ;
338      tnam = tim->name ; if( tnam == NULL ) tnam = "File" ;
339      for( jj=0 ; jj < tim->ny ; jj++,kk++ ){
340        for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) tvec[kk][ii] = far[ii+jj*nx] ;
341        sprintf(vecnam[kk],"%s[%d]",THD_trailname(tnam,0),jj) ; /* vector name */
342        iarg = strlen(vecnam[kk]) ; vlen = MAX(vlen,iarg) ;
343        if( THD_is_constant(nx,tvec[kk]) )
344          ERROR_exit("Column %s is constant!",vecnam[kk]) ;
345      }
346    }
347    DESTROY_IMARR(tar) ;
349    /*--- Print a beeyootiful header ---*/
351    printf("# %s correlation [n=%d #col=%d]\n",cor_name[cormeth],nx,nvec) ;
352    sprintf(fmt,"# %%-%ds  %%-%ds",vlen,vlen) ;
353    printf(fmt,"Name","Name") ;
354    printf("   Value   BiasCorr  %5.2f%%   %5.2f%%",50.0f*alpha,100.0f-50.0f*alpha) ;
355    if( cormeth == 0 )  /* Pearson */
356      printf("  N:%5.2f%% N:%5.2f%%",50.0f*alpha,100.0f-50.0f*alpha) ;
357    printf("\n") ;
358    printf("# ") ;
359    for( ii=0 ; ii < vlen ; ii++ ) printf("-") ;
360    printf("  ") ;
361    for( ii=0 ; ii < vlen ; ii++ ) printf("-") ;
362    printf(" ") ;
363    printf(" --------") ;
364    printf(" --------") ;
365    printf(" --------") ;
366    printf(" --------") ;
367    if( cormeth == 0 ){ printf(" --------") ; printf(" --------") ; }
368    printf("\n") ;
369    if( cormeth != 0 )  /* non-Pearson */
370      sprintf(fmt,"  %%-%ds  %%-%ds  %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f\n",vlen,vlen) ;
371    else                /* Pearson */
372      sprintf(fmt,"  %%-%ds  %%-%ds  %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f %%+8.5f\n",vlen,vlen) ;
374    /*--- Do some actual work for a suprising change ---*/
376    for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){       /* loops over column pairs */
377      for( kk=jj+1 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
379        if( vsig != NULL ){ xsig = vsig[jj]; ysig = vsig[kk]; } else { xsig = ysig = 0.0f; }
381        qcor = Corrboot( nx, tvec[jj], tvec[kk], xsig, ysig, corfun ) ;  /* outsourced */
383        corst = qcor.a ; cor025 = qcor.b ; cor500 = qcor.c ; cor975 = qcor.d ;
385        if( cormeth == 0 ){                      /* Pearson */
386          pci = PCorrCI( nx , corst , alpha ) ;
387          printf(fmt, vecnam[jj], vecnam[kk], corst, cor500, cor025, cor975, pci.a,pci.b ) ;
388        } else {                                 /* all other methods */
389          printf(fmt, vecnam[jj], vecnam[kk], corst, cor500, cor025, cor975 ) ;
390        }
392      }
393    }
395    /* Finished -- go back to watching Star Trek reruns -- Tribbles ahoy, Cap'n! */
397    exit(0) ;
398 }
400 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
401 /* Correlate 2 vectors of length n, using the function 'cfun'.
402    Return values are in a float_quad with four elements:
403      .a = standard correlation estimate
404      .b = lower edge (alpha/2) of bias-corrected bootstrap confidence interval
405      .c = middle (50%) of bootstrap confidence interval
406      .d = upper edge (1-alpha/2) of bootstrap confidence interval
407 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Corrboot(int n,float * x,float * y,float xsig,float ysig,float (* cfun)(int,float *,float *))409 static float_quad Corrboot( int n , float *x   , float *y   ,
410                                     float xsig , float ysig ,
411                             float (*cfun)(int,float *,float *) )
412 {
413    float *xar , *yar , *cbb , corst ;
414    float_quad res = {0.0f,-1.0f,0.0f,1.0f} ;
415    float_triple bci ;
416    int ii,jj,kk , nn=n ;
418 ENTRY("Corrboot") ;
420    if( nn < 3 || x == NULL || y == NULL || cfun == NULL ) RETURN(res) ;
422    if( xsig < 0.0f ) xsig = 0.0f ;
423    if( ysig < 0.0f ) ysig = 0.0f ;
425    /* workspaces */
427    xar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nn) ;     /* resampled x vector */
428    yar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nn) ;     /* resampled y vector */
429    cbb = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nboot) ;  /* saved correlations */
431    /* compute the un-resampled result */
433    for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){ xar[ii] = x[ii] ; yar[ii] = y[ii] ; }
435    corst = cfun(nn,xar,yar) ;  /* standard result */
437    /* compute bootstrap results */
439    for( kk=0 ; kk < nboot ; kk++ ){
440      if( !doblk ){                    /* simple resampling */
441        for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){
442          jj = lrand48() % nn ; xar[ii] = x[jj] ; yar[ii] = y[jj] ;
443        }
444      } else {                         /* block resampling */
445        int jold = lrand48() % nn ;
446        xar[0] = x[jold] ; yar[0] = y[jold] ;
447        for( ii=1 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){
448          if( lrand48()%8 == 0 ){     /* 12.5% chance of random jump */
449            jj = lrand48() % nn ;
450          } else {
451            jj = jold+1 ; if( jj == nn ) jj = 0 ;
452          }
453          xar[ii] = x[jj] ; yar[ii] = y[jj] ; jold = jj ;
454        }
455      }
456      if( xsig > 0.0f || ysig > 0.0f ){
457        for( ii=0; ii < nn; ii++ ){
458          xar[ii] += zgaussian()*xsig; yar[ii] += zgaussian()*ysig;
459        }
460      }
461      cbb[kk] = cfun(nn,xar,yar) ;  /* bootstrap result */
462    }
464    /* get the actual bias-corrected results [cf. thd_correlate.c] */
466    bci = THD_bootstrap_confinv( corst , alpha , nboot , cbb ) ;
468    /* empty the dustbin */
470    free(cbb) ; free(yar) ; free(xar) ;
472    /* this is bad */
474    if( bci.a == 0.0f && bci.b == 0.0f && bci.c == 0.0f ) RETURN(res) ;
476    /* this is good */
478    res.a = corst ; res.b = bci.a ; res.c = bci.b ; res.d = bci.c ;
480    RETURN(res) ;
481 }
483 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
484 /* Utility functions for PCorrCI (infra). */
486 #undef  MYatanh
487 #define MYatanh(x) ( ((x)<-0.999329f) ? -4.0f                \
488                     :((x)>+0.999329f) ? +4.0f : atanhf(x) )
MYtanh(float x)490 static float MYtanh( float x )
491 {
492   register float ex , exi ;
493        if( x >  7.0f ) return  1.0f ;  /* check for stupid inputs */
494   else if( x < -7.0f ) return -1.0f ;
495   ex = exp(x) ; exi = 1.0f/ex ;
496   return (ex-exi)/(ex+exi) ;
497 }
499 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
500 /* Get the bivariate normal theory confidence interval for Pearson */
PCorrCI(int npt,float cor,float alph)502 static float_pair PCorrCI( int npt , float cor , float alph )
503 {
504    float_pair ci = {-1.0f,1.0f} ;
505    float zc , zb,zt , dz ;
507    if( npt < 4 || cor <= -1.0f || cor >= 1.0f ) return ci ;    /* bad inputs */
509    zc   = MYatanh(cor) ;                       /* Piscatorial transformation */
510    dz   = qginv(0.5*alph) / sqrt(npt-3.0) ;   /* cf. mri_stats.c for qginv() */
511    ci.a = MYtanh(zc-dz) ;                                     /* lower bound */
512    ci.b = MYtanh(zc+dz) ;                                     /* upper bound */
513    return ci ;
514 }