1 /*********************** 3dDTtoDWI.c **********************************************/
2 /* Author: Daniel Glen, 17 Nov 2004 */
3 /* compute multiple gradient images from 6 principle direction tensors*/
4 /* and corresponding gradient vector coordinates */
5 /* used for modeling diffusion tensor data */
7 // [May, 2017] input option to complement 3dDWItoDT's -scale_out_1000
8 // option.  It has the same name, funnily enough!
10 // [May, 2017]
11 // + bug fix: had been a mismatch between bmatrix and DT.  Now fixed.
13 #include "thd_shear3d.h"
14 # include "matrix.h"
15 #include "mrilib.h"
17 #define TINYNUMBER 1E-10
18 #define SMALLNUMBER 1E-4
20 static char prefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX] = "DWI";
21 static int datum = MRI_float;
23 static double *bmatrix;		/* b matrix = GiGj for gradient intensities */
24 static int BMAT_NZ = 0;    /* non-zero bmatrix supplied: apr,2016: not
25                               doing anything here at the moment, just
26                               in case we want to start using bmatrices
27                               as input instead of grads, such as in
28                               3dDWItoDT. */
29 static float MAX_BVAL = 1.;
30 static double *B0list = NULL;
32 static float *I0_ptr;           /* I0 matrix */
33 static int automask = 0;        /* automasking flag - user option */
35 static void DTtoDWI_tsfunc (double tzero, double tdelta, int npts, float ts[],
36                             double ts_mean, double ts_slope, void *ud,
37                             int nbriks, float *val);
38 // apr,2016: copying/pasting this function now from 3dDWItoDT
39 static void Computebmatrix (MRI_IMAGE * grad1Dptr, int NO_ZERO_ROW1);
40 static void InitGlobals (int npts);
41 static void FreeGlobals (void);
43 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])44 main (int argc, char *argv[])
45 {
46    THD_3dim_dataset *old_dset, *new_dset, *I0_dset;	/* input and output datasets */
47    int nopt, nbriks, nvox;
48    int i;
49    MRI_IMAGE *grad1Dptr = NULL;
50    MRI_IMAGE *anat_im = NULL;
51    MRI_IMAGE *data_im = NULL;
52    double fac;
53    short *sar = NULL, *tempsptr = NULL, tempval;
54    byte *maskptr = NULL, *tempbptr = NULL;
55    char tempstr[25];
57    float SCALE_VAL_OUT = -1.0 ;    // allow users to scaled physical
58    // values by 1000 easily; will be
59    // set to 1 if negative after
60    // reading in inputs
62    /*----- Read command line -----*/
63    if (argc < 2 || strcmp (argv[1], "-help") == 0) {
64       printf (
65 "Usage: 3dDTtoDWI [options] gradient-file I0-dataset DT-dataset\n"
66 "\n"
67 "Computes multiple gradient images from 6 principle direction tensors and\n"
68 "    corresponding gradient vector coordinates applied to the I0-dataset.\n"
69 " The program takes three parameters as input :  \n"
70 "    a 1D file of the gradient vectors with lines of ASCII floats Gxi,Gyi,Gzi.\n"
71 "    Only the non-zero gradient vectors are included in this file (no G0 line).\n"
72 " The I0 dataset is a volume without any gradient applied.\n"
73 " The DT dataset is the 6-sub-brick dataset containing the diffusion tensor data,\n"
74 "    Dxx, Dxy, Dyy, Dxz, Dyz, Dzz (lower triangular row-wise order)\n"
75 "\n"
76 " Options:\n"
77 "   -prefix pname    = Use 'pname' for the output dataset prefix name.\n"
78 "                      [default='DWI']\n"
79 "   -automask        = mask dataset so that the gradient images\n"
80 "                      are computed only for high-intensity (presumably\n"
81 "                      brain) voxels.  The intensity level is determined\n"
82 "                      the same way that 3dClipLevel works.\n\n"
83 "   -datum type      = output dataset type [float/short/byte] \n"
84 "                      (default is float).\n"
85 "   -help            = show this help screen.\n"
86 "   -scale_out_1000  = matches with 3dDWItoDT's '-scale_out_1000'\n"
87 "                      functionality.  If the option was used\n"
88 "                      there, then use it here, too.\n"
89 "\n"
90 " Example:\n"
91 "\n"
92 "    3dDTtoDWI -prefix DWI -automask tensor25.1D 'DT+orig[26]' DT+orig.\n\n"
93 "\n"
94 " The output is a n sub-brick bucket dataset containing computed DWI images.\n"
95 "    where n is the number of vectors in the gradient file + 1\n"
96 "\n"
97               );
98       printf ("\n" MASTER_SHORTHELP_STRING);
99       exit (0);
100    }
102    mainENTRY ("3dDTtoDWI main");
103    machdep ();
104    AFNI_logger ("3dDTtoDWI", argc, argv);
105    PRINT_VERSION("3dDTtoDWI") ;
107    nopt = 1;
108    datum = MRI_float;
111    while (nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-')
112       {
114          /*-- prefix --*/
116          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-prefix") == 0)
117             {
118                if (++nopt >= argc) {
119                   fprintf (stderr, "*** Error - prefix needs an argument!\n");
120                   exit (1);
121                }
122                MCW_strncpy (prefix, argv[nopt], THD_MAX_PREFIX);	/* change name from default prefix */
123                /* check file name to be sure not to overwrite - mod drg 12/9/2004 */
124                if (!THD_filename_ok (prefix))
125                   {
126                      fprintf (stderr, "*** Error - %s is not a valid prefix!\n", prefix);
127                      exit (1);
128                   }
129                nopt++;
130                continue;
131             }
133          /*-- datum --*/
135          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-datum") == 0)
136             {
137                if (++nopt >= argc) {
138                   fprintf (stderr, "*** Error - datum needs an argument!\n");
139                   exit (1);
140                }
141                if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "short") == 0) {
142                   datum = MRI_short;
143                }
144                else if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "float") == 0) {
145                   datum = MRI_float;
146                }
147                else if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "byte") == 0) {
148                   datum = MRI_byte;
149                }
150                else {
151                   fprintf (stderr, "-datum of type '%s' is not supported!\n",
152                            argv[nopt]);
153                   exit (1);
154                }
155                nopt++;
156                continue;
157             }
158          if (strcmp (argv[nopt], "-automask") == 0) {
159             automask = 1;
160             nopt++;
161             continue;
162          }
164          //  can mult output diff values by 1000
165          if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-scale_out_1000") == 0) {
166             SCALE_VAL_OUT = 1000.;
167             nopt++;
168             continue;
169          }
171          fprintf(stderr, "*** Error - unknown option %s\n", argv[nopt]);
172          exit(1);
173       }
175    // ==============================================================
176    // ====================== begin processing ======================
178    /*----- read input datasets -----*/
180    if (nopt >= argc) {
181       fprintf (stderr, "*** Error - No input dataset!?\n");
182       exit (1);
183    }
185    if( SCALE_VAL_OUT < 0 )
186       SCALE_VAL_OUT = 1.;
187    else
188       INFO_message("Implementing user-selected scaling of diffusion "
189                    "values by %.0f",
190                    SCALE_VAL_OUT);
192    /* first input dataset - should be gradient vector file of ascii
193       floats Gx,Gy,Gz */
195    /* read gradient vector 1D file */
196    grad1Dptr = mri_read_1D (argv[nopt]);
197    if (grad1Dptr == NULL)
198       {
199          fprintf (stderr, "*** Error reading gradient vector file\n");
200          exit (1);
201       }
203    if (grad1Dptr->ny != 3) {
204       fprintf (stderr, "*** Error - Only 3 columns of gradient vectors allowed\n");
205       fprintf (stderr, "%d columns found\n", grad1Dptr->nx);
206       mri_free (grad1Dptr);
207       exit (1);
208    }
210    if (grad1Dptr->nx < 6) {
211       fprintf (stderr, "*** Error - Must have at least 6 gradient vectors\n");
212       fprintf (stderr, "%d columns found\n", grad1Dptr->nx);
213       mri_free (grad1Dptr);
214       exit (1);
215    }
217    nbriks = grad1Dptr->nx + 1;    /* number of gradients specified here from file */
218    nopt++;
220    // [PT: May, 2017] copied from 3dDWItoDT to apply the scaling
221    int npix;
222    register float *flar=mri_data_pointer(grad1Dptr);
223    npix = grad1Dptr->nvox;
224    for( i=0 ; i<npix ; i++ ){
225       flar[i]/= SCALE_VAL_OUT;
226    }
228    /* open I0 dataset - idealized no gradient image */
229    I0_dset = THD_open_dataset (argv[nopt]);
230    CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(I0_dset,argv[nopt]) ;
232    DSET_mallocize (I0_dset);
233    DSET_load (I0_dset);	                /* load dataset */
234    data_im = DSET_BRICK (I0_dset, 0);	/* set pointer to the 0th sub-brik of the dataset */
235    fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(I0_dset, 0); /* get scale factor for each sub-brik*/
236    if(fac==0.0) fac=1.0;
237    if((data_im->kind != MRI_float)) {
238       fprintf (stderr, "*** Error - Can only open float datasets. Use 3dcalc to convert.\n");
239       mri_free (grad1Dptr);
240       mri_free (data_im);
241       exit (1);
242    }
244    I0_ptr = mri_data_pointer(data_im) ; /* pointer to I0 data */
245    if( I0_ptr == NULL ) {
246       ERROR_exit("Null pointer when trying to make I0 set.");
247    }
250    nopt++;
252    /* Now read in all the MRI volumes for each gradient vector */
253    /* assumes first one is no gradient */
254    old_dset = THD_open_dataset (argv[nopt]);
255    CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(old_dset,argv[nopt]) ;
257    /* expect at least 6 values per voxel - 6 sub-briks as input dataset */
258    if (DSET_NVALS (old_dset) <6)
259       {
260          fprintf (stderr,
261                   "*** Error - Dataset must have at least 6 sub-briks to describe the diffusion tensor\n");
262          mri_free (grad1Dptr);
263          mri_free (data_im);
264          exit (1);
265       }
268    InitGlobals (grad1Dptr->nx + 1);	/* initialize all the matrices and vectors */
269    Computebmatrix (grad1Dptr, BMAT_NZ);	/* compute bij=GiGj */
270    INFO_message("The maximum magnitude of the bmatrix appears to be: %.2f", MAX_BVAL);
272    if (automask)
273       {
274          DSET_mallocize (old_dset);
275          DSET_load (old_dset);	/* get B0 (anatomical image) from dataset */
276          /*anat_im = THD_extract_float_brick( 0, old_dset ); */
277          anat_im = DSET_BRICK (old_dset, 0);	/* set pointer to the 0th sub-brik of the dataset */
278          maskptr = mri_automask_image (anat_im);	/* maskptr is a byte pointer for volume */
280          /* convert byte mask to same format type as dataset */
281          nvox = DSET_NVOX (old_dset);
282          sar = (short *) calloc (nvox, sizeof (short));
283          /* copy maskptr values to far ptr */
284          tempsptr = sar;
285          tempbptr = maskptr;
286          for (i = 0; i < nvox; i++)
287             {
288                *tempsptr++ = (short) *tempbptr++;
289                tempval = *(tempsptr - 1);
290             }
292          free (maskptr);
294          /*old_dset->dblk->malloc_type = DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC; *//* had to set this? */
295          EDIT_add_brick (old_dset, MRI_short, 0.0, sar);	/* add sub-brik to end */
298       }
300    /* temporarily set artificial timing to 1 second interval */
301    EDIT_dset_items (old_dset,
302                     ADN_ntt, DSET_NVALS (old_dset),
303                     ADN_ttorg, 0.0,
304                     ADN_ttdel, 1.0, ADN_tunits, UNITS_SEC_TYPE, NULL);
306    /*------------- ready to compute new dataset -----------*/
308    new_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc (old_dset,	/* input dataset */
309                                       prefix,	/* output prefix */
310                                       datum,	/* output datum  */
311                                       0,	/* ignore count  */
312                                       0,	/* can't detrend in maker function  KRH 12/02 */
313                                       nbriks,	/* number of briks */
314                                       DTtoDWI_tsfunc,	/* timeseries processor */
315                                       NULL,	/* data for tsfunc */
316                                       NULL,   /* mask */
317                                       0       /* Allow auto scaling of output */
318                                       );
322    FreeGlobals ();
323    mri_free (grad1Dptr);
326    if (automask)
327       {
328          mri_free (anat_im);
329          DSET_unload_one (old_dset, 0);
330          sar = NULL;
331       }
333    if (new_dset != NULL)
334       {
335          tross_Copy_History (old_dset, new_dset);
336          for(i=0;i<nbriks;i++) {
337             sprintf(tempstr,"grad%3.3d", i);
338             EDIT_dset_items (new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one + i, tempstr, ADN_none);
339          }
340          tross_Make_History ("3dDTtoDWI", argc, argv, new_dset);
341          DSET_write (new_dset);
342          fprintf(stderr,"--- Output dataset %s\n", DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset));
343       }
344    else
345       {
346          fprintf (stderr, "*** Error - Unable to compute output dataset!\n");
347          exit (1);
348       }
350    exit (0);
351 }
353 /**********************************************************************
354    Function that does the real work
355 ***********************************************************************/
357 /*
358   [PT: May, 2017]
359   !! NB !! This has been copy/pasted *to* 3dDWItoDT.c, so if changes
360            happen there/here, likely make them here/there as well.
361            This inglorious route was chosen rather than deal with
362            compile-time issues with static variables.  I'm sure I'll
363            adjust this more properly later.  Definitely.
364 */
365 static void
DTtoDWI_tsfunc(double tzero,double tdelta,int npts,float ts[],double ts_mean,double ts_slope,void * ud,int nbriks,float * val)366 DTtoDWI_tsfunc (double tzero, double tdelta,
367                 int npts, float ts[],
368                 double ts_mean, double ts_slope,
369                 void *ud, int nbriks, float *val)
370 {
371    int i;
372    static int nvox2, ncall2;
373    double I0, bq_d;
374    double *bptr;
375    float *tempptr;
377    ENTRY ("DTtoDWI_tsfunc");
378    /* ts is input vector data of 6 floating point numbers.*/
379    /* ts should come from data sub-briks in form of Dxx, Dxy, Dyy, Dxz, Dyz, Dzz */
380    /* if automask is turned on, ts has 7 floating point numbers */
381    /* val is output vector of form DWI0, DWI1, DWIn sub-briks */
382    /* where n = number of gradients = nbriks-1 */
384    /** is this a "notification"? **/
385    if (val == NULL)
386       {
388          if (npts > 0) {			/* the "start notification" */
389             nvox2 = npts;		/* keep track of   */
390             ncall2 = 0;		/* number of calls */
391          }
392          else {			/* the "end notification" */
394             /* nothing to do here */
395          }
396          EXRETURN;
397       }
399    ncall2++;
401    if (automask)
402       npts = npts - 1;
404    tempptr = I0_ptr+ncall2-1;
405    I0 = *tempptr;
408    val[0] = I0; /* the first sub-brik is the I0 sub-brik */
409    bptr = bmatrix+6;   /* start at the first gradient */
411    /* NB: what the ordering of bmatrix and DT are:
412    // bmatr
413    [0] *bptr++ = Gx * Gx / gscale;
414    [1] *bptr++ = Gx * Gy / gscale;
415    [2] *bptr++ = Gx * Gz / gscale;
416    [3] *bptr++ = Gy * Gy / gscale;
417    [4] *bptr++ = Gy * Gz / gscale;
418    [5] *bptr++ = Gz * Gz / gscale;
420    [0] Dxx,
421    [1] Dxy,
422    [2] Dyy,
423    [3] Dxz,
424    [4] Dyz,
425    [5] Dzz
426    */
428    // Need to match bmatrix and DT orderings, which are different.
429    // Yay.
430    for(i=1;i<nbriks;i++) {
431       bptr = bmatrix+(6*i);        // start at the first gradient
432       bq_d = *bptr++ * ts[0];      // GxGxDxx
433       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[1] * 2; // 2GxGyDxy
434       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[3] * 2; // 2GxGzDxz
435       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[2];     // GyGyDyy
436       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[4] * 2; // 2GyGzDyz
437       bq_d += *bptr++ * ts[5];     // GzGzDzz
439       // for each gradient,q, Iq = J e -(bq.D)
440       val[i] = I0 * exp(-bq_d);
441       // where bq.D is the large dot product of bq and D
442    }
444    EXRETURN;
445 }
448 /*! compute the diffusion weighting matrix bmatrix for q number of gradients */
449 /* only need to calculate once */
450 /* bq = diffusion weighting matrix of qth gradient */
451 /*      GxGx GxGy GxGz
452         GxGy GyGy GyGz
453         GxGz GyGz GzGz */
454 /* b0 is 0 for all 9 elements */
455 /* bmatrix is really stored as 6 x npts array */
456 // ----> apr,2016: now copying the Computebmatrix(...) from 3dDWItoDT,
457 // ----> to have the scale stuff
458 static void
Computebmatrix(MRI_IMAGE * grad1Dptr,int NO_ZERO_ROW1)459 Computebmatrix (MRI_IMAGE * grad1Dptr, int NO_ZERO_ROW1)
460 {
461    int i, n;
462    register double *bptr;
463    register float *Gxptr, *Gyptr, *Gzptr;
464    register float *Bxxptr, *Byyptr, *Bzzptr, *Bxyptr, *Bxzptr, *Byzptr;
465    double Gx, Gy, Gz, Bxx, Byy, Bzz, Bxy, Bxz, Byz;
466    double gscale;
467    int j;
468    ENTRY ("Computebmatrix");
469    n = grad1Dptr->nx;		/* number of gradients other than I0 */
471    if ( (grad1Dptr->ny == 6)  && !NO_ZERO_ROW1 ) { // extra switch to keep OLD, zero-row version
472       /* just read in b matrix */
473       Bxxptr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (grad1Dptr);	/* use simple floating point pointers to get values */
474       Byyptr = Bxxptr + n;
475       Bzzptr = Byyptr + n;
476       Bxyptr = Bzzptr + n;
477       Bxzptr = Bxyptr + n;
478       Byzptr = Bxzptr + n;
480       bptr = bmatrix;
482       /*    B0list[0]= 1;*/  /* keep a record of which volumes have no gradient: first one always assumed */
484       for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
485          Bxx = *Bxxptr++;
486          Byy = *Byyptr++;
487          Bzz = *Bzzptr++;
488          Bxy = *Bxyptr++;
489          Bxz = *Bxzptr++;
490          Byz = *Byzptr++;
491          *bptr++ = Bxx;
492          *bptr++ = Bxy;
493          *bptr++ = Bxz;
494          *bptr++ = Byy;
495          *bptr++ = Byz;
496          *bptr++ = Bzz;
497          if(Bxx==0.0 && Byy==0.0 && Bzz==0.0)  /* is this a zero gradient volume also? */
498             B0list[i] = 1;
499          else{
500             B0list[i] = 0;
501             // apr,2016: need the MAX_BVAL for scaling
502             gscale = Bxx + Byy + Bzz;
503             if(gscale > MAX_BVAL)
504                MAX_BVAL = gscale;
505          }
507       }
508    }
509    else if( (grad1Dptr->ny == 6)  && NO_ZERO_ROW1 ) { //  very similar to old bmatrix option
510       /* just read in b matrix */
511       Bxxptr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (grad1Dptr);	/* use simple floating point pointers to get values */
512       Byyptr = Bxxptr + n;
513       Bzzptr = Byyptr + n;
514       Bxyptr = Bzzptr + n;
515       Bxzptr = Bxyptr + n;
516       Byzptr = Bxzptr + n;
518       bptr = bmatrix;
520       // do as grads below
521       for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
522          *bptr++ = 0.0;		/* initialize first 6 elements to 0.0 for the I0 gradient */
523       B0list[0]= 1;      /* keep a record of which volumes have no gradient */
526       for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
527          Bxx = *Bxxptr++;
528          Byy = *Byyptr++;
529          Bzz = *Bzzptr++;
530          Bxy = *Bxyptr++;
531          Bxz = *Bxzptr++;
532          Byz = *Byzptr++;
533          *bptr++ = Bxx;
534          *bptr++ = Bxy;
535          *bptr++ = Bxz;
536          *bptr++ = Byy;
537          *bptr++ = Byz;
538          *bptr++ = Bzz;
539          if(Bxx==0.0 && Byy==0.0 && Bzz==0.0)  /* is this a zero gradient volume also? */
540             B0list[i+1] = 1;
541          else{
542             B0list[i+1] = 0;
543             // apr,2016: need the MAX_BVAL for scaling
544             gscale = Bxx + Byy + Bzz;
545             if(gscale > MAX_BVAL)
546                MAX_BVAL = gscale;
547          }
549       }
550    }
551    else {
552       Gxptr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (grad1Dptr);	/* use simple floating point pointers to get values */
553       Gyptr = Gxptr + n;
554       Gzptr = Gyptr + n;
556       bptr = bmatrix;
557       for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
558          *bptr++ = 0.0;		/* initialize first 6 elements to 0.0 for the I0 gradient */
560       B0list[0]= 1;      /* keep a record of which volumes have no gradient */
562       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
563          {
564             gscale = 1.;  // apr,2016: allow for non-unit gradient magnitudes
565             Gx = *Gxptr++;
566             Gy = *Gyptr++;
567             Gz = *Gzptr++;
568             if((Gx==0.0) && (Gy==0.0) && (Gz==0.0))
569                B0list[i+1] = 1;   /* no gradient applied*/
570             else{
571                B0list[i+1] = 0;
572                gscale = sqrt(Gx*Gx + Gy*Gy + Gz*Gz);
573                if(gscale > MAX_BVAL)
574                   MAX_BVAL = gscale; // apr,2016
575             }
577             *bptr++ = Gx * Gx / gscale; // apr,2016: allow for non-unit gradient magnitudes
578             *bptr++ = Gx * Gy / gscale;
579             *bptr++ = Gx * Gz / gscale;
580             *bptr++ = Gy * Gy / gscale;
581             *bptr++ = Gy * Gz / gscale;
582             *bptr++ = Gz * Gz / gscale;
584             for(j=0;j<6;j++)
585                printf(" %15.5f ", *(bmatrix + 6 + (i*6)+ j) );
586             printf("\n");
587          }
588    }
589    EXRETURN;
590 }
591 /* --->apr,2016: This is the **original** function for this program-- now using
592    the one from 3dDWItoDT, for each of duplicity.  Or something.
593    {
594    int i, j, n;
595    register double *bptr;
596    register float *Gxptr, *Gyptr, *Gzptr;
597    double Gx, Gy, Gz;
599    ENTRY ("Computebmatrix");
600    n = grad1Dptr->nx;		// number of gradients other than I0
601    Gxptr = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (grad1Dptr);	// use simple floating point pointers to get values
602    Gyptr = Gxptr + n;
603    Gzptr = Gyptr + n;
605    bptr = bmatrix;
606    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
607    *bptr++ = 0.0;		// initialize first 6 elements to 0.0 for the I0 gradient
609    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
610    {
611    Gx = *Gxptr++;
612    Gy = *Gyptr++;
613    Gz = *Gzptr++;
614    *bptr++ = Gx * Gx;
615    *bptr++ = Gx * Gy;
616    *bptr++ = Gy * Gy;
617    *bptr++ = Gx * Gz;
618    *bptr++ = Gy * Gz;
619    *bptr++ = Gz * Gz;
620    for(j=0;j<6;j++)
621    printf("%-13.6g ", *(bmatrix + 6 + (i*6)+ j) );
622    printf("\n");
623    }
626    EXRETURN;
627    }*/
629 /*! allocate all the global matrices and arrays once */
630 static void
InitGlobals(int npts)631 InitGlobals (int npts)
632 {
634    ENTRY ("InitGlobals");
636    bmatrix = malloc (npts * 6 * sizeof (double));
637    B0list = malloc (npts * sizeof (double));
639    EXRETURN;
640 }
642 /*! free up all the matrices and arrays */
643 static void
FreeGlobals()644 FreeGlobals ()
645 {
647    ENTRY ("FreeGlobals");
648    free (bmatrix);
649    bmatrix = NULL;
651    free(B0list);
652    B0list = NULL;
655    EXRETURN;
656 }