1 /*****************************************************************************
2    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
3    of Wisconsin, 1994-2001, and are released under the Gnu General Public
4    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
5 ******************************************************************************/
7 #ifdef USE_SUNPERF       /** for Solaris **/
8 # include <sunperf.h>
9 #endif
11 /*
12    This program calculates a nonlinear regression for each voxel of the input
13    AFNI 3d+time data set.  The nonlinear regression is calculated by means of
14    a least squares fit to the signal plus noise models which are specified
15    by the user.
17    File:     3dNLfim.c
18    Author:   B. Douglas Ward
19    Date:     19 June 1997
21    Mod:      Added external time reference capability (Rongyan Zhang)
22    Date:     10 August 1997
24    Mod:      Added option for absolute noise parameter constraints.
25    Date:     22 August 1997
27    Mod:      Added options for percent signal change above baseline, and
28              calculation of area under the signal above baseline.
29    Date:     26 November 1997
31    Mod:      Print error message if user fails to specify the signal model or
32              the noise model.
33    Date:     26 December 1997
35    Mod:      Extensive changes required to implement the 'bucket' dataset.
36    Date:     14 January 1998
38    Mod:      Added the -inTR option.
39              22 July 1998 -- RWCox
41    Mod:      Incorporated THD_extract_series routine.
42    Date:     19 April 1999
44    Mod:      Added -sfit and -snfit options to write out the signal and
45              the signal+noise model time series fit for each voxel
46              to a 3d+time dataset.
47    Date:     08 July 1999
49    Mod:      Added novar flag to eliminate unnecessary calculations.
50    Date:     13 July 1999
52    Mod:      Added changes for incorporating History notes.
53    Date:     09 September 1999
55    Mod:      Adjust F-statistics if parameter constraints force a parameter
56              to be a constant.
57    Date:     08 February 2000
59    Mod:      Changes for output of R^2 (coefficient of multiple determination),
60              and standard deviation of residuals from full model fit.
61              Added global variable calc_tstats.
62              Also, added screen display of p-values.
63    Date:     10 May 2000
65    Mod:      Corrected error in initializing of output data type (MRI_short)
66              in routine write_3dtime.
67    Date:     17 May 2000
69    Mod:      Added -mask option.  (Adapted from: 3dpc.c)
70    Date:     18 May 2000
72    Mod:      Changed "return" at end of program to exit(0).  Also, increased
73              maximum number of model parameters.
74    Date:     08 August 2001
76    Mod:      Added call to AFNI_logger.
77    Date:     15 August 2001
79    Mod:      Changes to allow -jobs option.
80    Date:     07 May 2003 - RWCox.
82    Mod:      Added options -aux_name, -aux_fval and -voxel_count.
83    Date:     25 Jan 2006 [rickr]
85    Mod:      Removed options -aux_name and -aux_fval, and the globals
86              require linking to afni, too.
87    Date:     30 Jan 2006 [rickr]
89    Mod:      Added NEWUOA stuff (mostly to simplex.c, actually).
90    Date:     20 Jul 2006 [RWCox]
92    Mod:      Copied memmap code from 3dDeconvolve.c
93    Date:     24 Oct 2006 [DRG]
95    Mod:      Limit reports to nth voxels via progress option
96    Date:     25 Oct 2006 [DRG]
98    Mod:      Limit g_voxel_count reports to every 10th voxel.
99    Date:     26 Oct 2006 [rickr]
100 */
102 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
104 #define PROGRAM_NAME "3dNLfim"                       /* name of this program */
105 #define PROGRAM_AUTHOR "B. Douglas Ward"                   /* program author */
106 #define PROGRAM_INITIAL "19 June 1997"    /* date of initial program release */
107 #define PROGRAM_LATEST  "24 Oct 2006 - DRG"     /* date of latest program revision */
109 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
111 #define DEFAULT_NRAND 19999
112 #define DEFAULT_NBEST     9
113 #define DEFAULT_FDISP   999.0
114 #define DEFAULT_PROGRESS 10000
116 #include <stdio.h>
117 #include <math.h>
118 #include <stdlib.h>
120 #include "mrilib.h"
122 static int do_FDR = 1 ;  /* 07 Oct 2008 */
124 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
125 /*--------- Global variables for multiple process execution - RWCox. --------*/
126 /*--------- All names start with "proc_", so search for that string. --------*/
128 #if !defined(DONT_USE_SHM) && !defined(DONT_USE_FORK) && !defined(CYGWIN)
130 # include "thd_iochan.h"                /* prototypes for shm stuff */
132 # define PROC_MAX   32                  /* max num processes */
134   static int proc_numjob        = 1   ; /* num processes */
135   static pid_t proc_pid[PROC_MAX]     ; /* IDs of processes */
136   static int proc_shmid         = 0   ; /* shared memory ID */
137   static char *proc_shmptr      = NULL; /* pointer to shared memory */
138   static long long proc_shmsize       = 0   ; /* total size of shared memory */
140   static int proc_shm_arnum     = 0   ; /* num arrays in shared memory */
141   static float ***proc_shm_ar   = NULL; /* *proc_shm_ar[i] = ptr to array #i */
142   static int *proc_shm_arsiz    = NULL; /* proc_shm_arsiz[i] = floats in #i */
144   static int proc_vox_bot[PROC_MAX]   ; /* 1st voxel to use in each process */
145   static int proc_vox_top[PROC_MAX]   ; /* last voxel (+1) in each process */
147   static int proc_ind = 0             ; /* index of THIS job */
149 #else   /* can't use multiple processes */
151 # define proc_numjob 1   /* flag that only 1 process is in use */
152 # define proc_ind    0   /* index of THIS job */
154 #endif
156 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
158 #include "matrix.h"
159 #include "simplex.h"
160 #include "NLfit.h"
162 #include "simplex.c"   /* 20 Jul 2006 - now includes NEWUOA variables [N_*] */
163 #include "NLfit.c"
165 typedef struct NL_options
166 {
167   char * bucket_filename;      /* file name for bucket dataset */
168   int numbricks;               /* number of sub-bricks in bucket dataset */
169   int * brick_type;            /* indicates type of sub-brick */
170   int * brick_coef;            /* regression coefficient number for sub-brick*/
171   char ** brick_label;         /* character string label for sub-brick */
173 } NL_options;
176 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
177 /*
178   Global data
179 */
181 /***** 22 July 1998 -- RWCox:
182        Modified to allow DELT to be set from the TR of the input file *****/
184 static float DELT = 1.0;        /* default */
185 static int   inTR = 0 ;         /* set to 1 if -inTR option is used */
186 static float dsTR = 0.0 ;       /* TR of the input file */
187 static float uuTR = 0.0 ;
188 static int   g_voxel_count = 0; /* display current voxel counter */
189                                          /* 25 Jan 2006 [rickr]  */
191 static char *commandline = NULL ;       /* command line for history notes */
193 static byte *mask_vol  = NULL;          /* mask volume */
194 static int   mask_nvox = 0;             /* number of voxels in mask volume */
195 static int   output_datum = ILLEGAL_TYPE ;
196 static byte *gmask     = NULL ;
198 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
199 /*
200   Routine to display 3dNLfim help menu.
201 */
display_help_menu()203 void display_help_menu()
204 {
205   printf
206     (
207      "This program calculates a nonlinear regression for each voxel of the  \n"
208      "input AFNI 3d+time data set.  The nonlinear regression is calculated  \n"
209      "by means of a least squares fit to the signal plus noise models which \n"
210      "are specified by the user.                                            \n"
211      "\n"
212      "Usage with terminal options:\n"
213      "\n"
214      "3dNLfim\n"
215      "    -help                 show this help\n"
216      "    -help_models          show model help from any that have it\n"
217      "                          (can come via AFNI_MODEL_HELP_ALL)\n"
218      "\n"
219      "        One can get help for an individual model, *if* it exists, by\n"
220      "        setting a similar environment variable, and providing some\n"
221      "        non-trivial function option (like -load_models), e.g.,\n"
222      "\n"
223      "            3dNLfim -DAFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_PRF_6=Y -load_models\n"
224      "\n"
225      "        Indifidual help should be available for any model with help\n"
226      "        via -help_models.\n"
227      "\n"
228      "    -load_models          simply load all models and exit\n"
229      "                          (this is for testing or getting model help)\n"
230      "\n"
231      "General usage:\n"
232      "\n"
233      "3dNLfim\n"
234      "-input fname       fname = filename of 3d + time data file for input  \n"
235      "[-mask mset]       Use the 0 sub-brick of dataset 'mset' as a mask    \n"
236      "                     to indicate which voxels to analyze (a sub-brick \n"
237      "                     selector is allowed)  [default = use all voxels] \n"
238      "[-ignore num]      num   = skip this number of initial images in the  \n"
239      "                     time series for regresion analysis; default = 0  \n"
240      "               ****N.B.: default ignore value changed from 3 to 0,    \n"
241      "                         on 04 Nov 2008 (BHO day).                    \n"
242      "[-inTR]            set delt = TR of the input 3d+time dataset         \n"
243      "                     [The default is to compute with delt = 1.0 ]     \n"
244      "                     [The model functions are calculated using a      \n"
245      "                      time grid of: 0, delt, 2*delt, 3*delt, ... ]    \n"
246      "[-TR delt]         directly set the TR of the time series model;      \n"
247      "                     can be useful if the input file is a .1D file    \n"
248      "                     (transposed with the \\' operator)               \n"
249      "[-time fname]      fname = ASCII file containing each time point      \n"
250      "                     in the time series. Defaults to even spacing     \n"
251      "                     given by TR (this option overrides -inTR).       \n"
252      "-signal slabel     slabel = name of (non-linear) signal model         \n"
253      "-noise  nlabel     nlabel = name of (linear) noise model              \n"
254      "-sconstr k c d     constraints for kth signal parameter:              \n"
255      "                      c <= gs[k] <= d                                 \n"
256      "                 **N.B.: It is important to set the parameter         \n"
257      "                         constraints with care!                       \n"
258      "                 **N.B.: -sconstr and -nconstr options must appear    \n"
259      "                         AFTER -signal and -noise on the command line \n"
260      "-nconstr k c d     constraints for kth noise parameter:               \n"
261      "                      c+b[k] <= gn[k] <= d+b[k]                       \n"
262      "[-nabs]            use absolute constraints for noise parameters:     \n"
263      "                     c <= gn[k] <= d  [default=relative, as above]    \n"
264      "[-nrand n]         n = number of random test points [default=%d]      \n"
265      "[-nbest b]         b = use b best test points to start [default=%d]   \n"
266      "[-rmsmin r]        r = minimum rms error to reject reduced model      \n"
267      "[-fdisp fval]      display (to screen) results for those voxels       \n"
268      "                     whose f-statistic is > fval [default=%.1f]       \n"
269      "[-progress ival]   display (to screen) results for those voxels       \n"
270      "                     every ival number of voxels                      \n"
271      "[-voxel_count]     display (to screen) the current voxel index        \n"
272      "                                                                      \n"
273      "--- These options choose the least-square minimization algorithm ---  \n"
274      "                                                                      \n"
275      "[-SIMPLEX]         use Nelder-Mead simplex method [default]           \n"
276      "[-POWELL]          use Powell's NEWUOA method instead of the          \n"
277      "                     Nelder-Mead simplex method to find the           \n"
278      "                     nonlinear least-squares solution                 \n"
279      "                     [slower; usually more accurate, but not always!] \n"
280      "[-BOTH]            use both Powell's and Nelder-Mead method           \n"
281      "                     [slowest, but should be most accurate]           \n"
282      "                                                                      \n"
283      "--- These options generate individual AFNI 2 sub-brick datasets ---   \n"
284      "--- [All these options must be AFTER options -signal and -noise]---   \n"
285      "                                                                      \n"
286      "[-freg fname]      perform f-test for significance of the regression; \n"
287      "                     output 'fift' is written to prefix filename fname\n"
288      "[-frsqr fname]     calculate R^2 (coef. of multiple determination);   \n"
289      "                     store along with f-test for regression;          \n"
290      "                     output 'fift' is written to prefix filename fname\n"
291      "[-fsmax fname]     estimate signed maximum of signal; store along     \n"
292      "                     with f-test for regression; output 'fift' is     \n"
293      "                     written to prefix filename fname                 \n"
294      "[-ftmax fname]     estimate time of signed maximum; store along       \n"
295      "                     with f-test for regression; output 'fift' is     \n"
296      "                     written to prefix filename fname                 \n"
297      "[-fpsmax fname]    calculate (signed) maximum percentage change of    \n"
298      "                     signal from baseline; output 'fift' is           \n"
299      "                     written to prefix filename fname                 \n"
300      "[-farea fname]     calculate area between signal and baseline; store  \n"
301      "                     with f-test for regression; output 'fift' is     \n"
302      "                     written to prefix filename fname                 \n"
303      "[-fparea fname]    percentage area of signal relative to baseline;    \n"
304      "                     store with f-test for regression; output 'fift'  \n"
305      "                     is written to prefix filename fname              \n"
306      "[-fscoef k fname]  estimate kth signal parameter gs[k]; store along   \n"
307      "                     with f-test for regression; output 'fift' is     \n"
308      "                     written to prefix filename fname                 \n"
309      "[-fncoef k fname]  estimate kth noise parameter gn[k]; store along    \n"
310      "                     with f-test for regression; output 'fift' is     \n"
311      "                     written to prefix filename fname                 \n"
312      "[-tscoef k fname]  perform t-test for significance of the kth signal  \n"
313      "                     parameter gs[k]; output 'fitt' is written        \n"
314      "                     to prefix filename fname                         \n"
315      "[-tncoef k fname]  perform t-test for significance of the kth noise   \n"
316      "                     parameter gn[k]; output 'fitt' is written        \n"
317      "                     to prefix filename fname                         \n"
318      "                                                                      \n"
319      "--- These options generate one AFNI 'bucket' type dataset ---         \n"
320      "                                                                      \n"
321      "[-bucket n prefixname]   create one AFNI 'bucket' dataset containing  \n"
322      "                           n sub-bricks; n=0 creates default output;  \n"
323      "                           output 'bucket' is written to prefixname   \n"
324      "The mth sub-brick will contain:                                       \n"
325      "[-brick m scoef k label]   kth signal parameter regression coefficient\n"
326      "[-brick m ncoef k label]   kth noise parameter regression coefficient \n"
327      "[-brick m tmax label]      time at max. abs. value of signal          \n"
328      "[-brick m smax label]      signed max. value of signal                \n"
329      "[-brick m psmax label]     signed max. value of signal as percent     \n"
330      "                             above baseline level                     \n"
331      "[-brick m area label]      area between signal and baseline           \n"
332      "[-brick m parea label]     signed area between signal and baseline    \n"
333      "                             as percent of baseline area              \n"
334      "[-brick m tscoef k label]  t-stat for kth signal parameter coefficient\n"
335      "[-brick m tncoef k label]  t-stat for kth noise parameter coefficient \n"
336      "[-brick m resid label]     std. dev. of the full model fit residuals  \n"
337      "[-brick m rsqr  label]     R^2 (coefficient of multiple determination)\n"
338      "[-brick m fstat label]     F-stat for significance of the regression  \n"
339      "\n"
340      "[-noFDR]                   Don't write the FDR (q vs. threshold)\n"
341      "                           curves into the output dataset.\n"
342      "                           (Same as 'setenv AFNI_AUTOMATIC_FDR NO')\n"
343      "                                                                      \n"
344      "     --- These options write time series fit for ---                  \n"
345      "     --- each voxel to an AFNI 3d+time dataset   ---                  \n"
346      "                                                                      \n"
347      "[-sfit fname]      fname = prefix for output 3d+time signal model fit \n"
348      "[-snfit fname]     fname = prefix for output 3d+time signal+noise fit \n"
349      "                                                                      \n"
351     );
354 #ifdef PROC_MAX
355     printf( "\n"
356             " -jobs J   Run the program with 'J' jobs (sub-processes).\n"
357             "             On a multi-CPU machine, this can speed the\n"
358             "             program up considerably.  On a single CPU\n"
359             "             machine, using this option is silly.\n"
360             "             J should be a number from 1 up to the\n"
361             "             number of CPU sharing memory on the system.\n"
362             "             J=1 is normal (single process) operation.\n"
363             "             The maximum allowed value of J is %d.\n"
364             "         * For more information on parallelizing, see\n"
365             "             https://sscc.nimh.nih.gov/afni/doc/misc/afni_parallelize/index_html/view\n"
366             "         * Use -mask to get more speed; cf. 3dAutomask.\n"
367           , PROC_MAX ) ;
368 #endif
370     printf(
371     "\n"
372     "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
373     "Signal Models (see the appropriate model_*.c file for exact details) :\n"
374     "\n"
375     "  Null                     : No Signal\n"
376     "                             (no parameters)\n"
377     "                             see model_null.c\n"
378     "\n"
379     "  SineWave_AP              : Sinusoidal Response\n"
380     "                             (amplitude, phase)\n"
381     "                             see model_sinewave_ap.c\n"
382     "\n"
383     "  SquareWave_AP            : Square Wave Response\n"
384     "                             (amplitude, phase)\n"
385     "                             see model_squarewave_ap.c\n"
386     "\n"
387     "  TrnglWave_AP             : Triangular Wave Response\n"
388     "                             (amplitude, phase)\n"
389     "                             see model_trnglwave_ap.c\n"
390     "\n"
391     "  SineWave_APF             : Sinusoidal Wave Response\n"
392     "                             (amplitude, phase, frequency)\n"
393     "                             see model_sinewave_apf.c\n"
394     "\n"
395     "  SquareWave_APF           : Sinusoidal Wave Response\n"
396     "                             (amplitude, phase, frequency)\n"
397     "                             see model_squarewave_apf.c\n"
398     "\n"
399     "  TrnglWave_APF            : Sinusoidal Wave Response\n"
400     "                             (amplitude, phase, frequency)\n"
401     "                             see model_trnglwave_apf.c\n"
402     "\n"
403     "  Exp                      : Exponential Function\n"
404     "                             (a,b): a * exp(b * t)\n"
405     "                             see model_exp.c\n"
406     "\n"
407     "  DiffExp                  : Differential-Exponential Drug Response\n"
408     "                             (t0, k, alpha1, alpha2)\n"
409     "                             see model_diffexp.c\n"
410     "\n"
411     "  GammaVar                 : Gamma-Variate Function Drug Response\n"
412     "                             (t0, k, r, b)\n"
413     "                             see model_gammavar.c\n"
414     "\n"
415     "  Beta                     : Beta Distribution Model\n"
416     "                             (t0, tf, k, alpha, beta)\n"
417     "                             see model_beta.c\n"
418     "\n"
419     "\n"
420     "     * The following convolved functions are generally convolved with\n"
421     "       the time series in AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF, allowing one to specify\n"
422     "       multiple event onsets, varying durations and varying resopnse\n"
423     "       magnitudes.\n"
424     "\n"
425     "  ConvGamma                : Gamma Vairate Response Model\n"
426     "                             (t0, amp, r, b)\n"
427     "                             see model_convgamma.c\n"
428     "\n"
429     "  ConvGamma2a              : Gamma Convolution with 2 Input Time Series\n"
430     "                             (t0, r, b)\n"
431     "                             see model_convgamma2a.c\n"
432     "\n"
433     "  ConvDiffGam              : Difference of 2 Gamma Variates\n"
434     "                             (A0, T0, E0, D0, A1, T1, E1, D1)\n"
435     "                             see model_conv_diffgamma.c\n"
436     "                  for help : setenv AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONVDIFFGAM YES\n"
437     "                             3dNLfim -signal ConvDiffGam\n"
438     "\n"
439     "  demri_3                  : Dynamic (contrast) Enhanced MRI\n"
440     "                             (K_trans, Ve, k_ep)\n"
441     "                             see model_demri_3.c\n"
442     "                  for help : setenv AFNI_MODEL_HELP_DEMRI_3 YES\n"
443     "                             3dNLfim -signal demri_3\n"
444     "\n"
445     "  ADC                      : Diffusion Signal Model\n"
446     "                             (So, D)\n"
447     "                             see model_diffusion.c\n"
448     "\n"
449     "  michaelis_menton         : Michaelis/Menten Concentration Model\n"
450     "                             (v, vmax, k12, k21, mag)\n"
451     "                             see model_michaelis_menton.c\n"
452     "\n"
453     "  Expr2                    : generic (3dcalc-like) expression with\n"
454     "                             exactly 2 'free' parameters and using\n"
455     "                             symbol 't' as the time variable;\n"
456     "                             see model_expr2.c for details.\n"
457     "\n"
458     "  ConvCosine4              : 4-piece Cosine Convolution Model\n"
459     "                             (A, C1, C2, M1, M2, M3, M4)\n"
460     "                             see model_conv_cosine4.c\n"
461     "                  for help : setenv AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_COSINE4 YES\n"
462     "                             3dNLfim -signal ConvCosine4\n"
463     "\n"
464     "  Conv_PRF                 : 4-param Population Receptive Field Model\n"
465     "                             (A, X, Y, sigma)\n"
466     "                             see model_conv_PRF.c\n"
467     "                  for help : setenv AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_PRF YES\n"
468     "                             3dNLfim -signal bunnies\n"
469     "\n"
470     "  Conv_PRF_6               : 6-param Population Receptive Field Model\n"
471     "                             (A, X, Y, sigma, sigrat, theta)\n"
472     "                             see model_conv_PRF_6.c\n"
473     "                  for help : setenv AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_PRF_6 YES\n"
474     "                             3dNLfim -signal bunnies\n"
475     "\n"
476     "  Conv_PRF_DOG             : 6-param 'Difference of Gaussians' PRF Model\n"
477     "                             (as Conv_PRF, but with second A and sigma)\n"
478     "                             (A, X, Y, sig, A2, sig2)\n"
479     "                             see model_conv_PRF_DOG.c\n"
480     "                  for help : setenv AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_PRF_DOG YES\n"
481     "                             3dNLfim -signal bunnies\n"
482     "\n"
483     "----------------------------------------\n"
484     "Noise Models (see the appropriate model_*.c file for exact details) :\n"
485     "\n"
486     "  Zero                     : Zero Noise Model\n"
487     "                             (no parameters)\n"
488     "                             see model_zero.c\n"
489     "\n"
490     "  Constant                 : Constant Noise Model\n"
491     "                             (constant)\n"
492     "                             see model_constant.c\n"
493     "\n"
494     "  Linear                   : Linear Noise Model\n"
495     "                             (constant, linear)\n"
496     "                             see model_linear.c\n"
497     "\n"
498     "  Linear+Ort               : Linear+Ort Noise Model\n"
499     "                             (constant, linear, Ort)\n"
500     "                             see model_linplusort.c\n"
501     "\n"
502     "  Quadratic                : Quadratic Noise Model\n"
503     "                             (constant, linear, quadratic)\n"
504     "                             see model_quadratic.c\n"
505     ) ;
506   PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0);
507 }
510 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
512 /** macro to test a malloc-ed pointer for validity **/
514 #define MTEST(ptr) \
515 if((ptr)==NULL) \
516 ( NLfit_error ("Cannot allocate memory") )
519 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
520 /*
521   Routine to initialize the input options.
522 */
initialize_options(int * ignore,vfp * nmodel,vfp * smodel,int * r,int * p,char *** npname,char *** spname,float ** min_nconstr,float ** max_nconstr,float ** min_sconstr,float ** max_sconstr,int * nabs,int * nrand,int * nbest,float * rms_min,float * fdisp,int * progress,char ** input_filename,char ** tfilename,char ** freg_filename,char ** frsqr_filename,char *** fncoef_filename,char *** fscoef_filename,char *** tncoef_filename,char *** tscoef_filename,char ** sfit_filename,char ** snfit_filename,NL_options * option_data)524 void initialize_options
525 (
526   int * ignore,            /* delete this number of points from time series */
527   vfp * nmodel,            /* pointer to noise model */
528   vfp * smodel,            /* pointer to signal model */
529   int * r,                 /* number of parameters in the noise model */
530   int * p,                 /* number of parameters in the signal model */
531   char *** npname,         /* noise parameter names */
532   char *** spname,         /* signal parameter names */
533   float ** min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
534   float ** max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
535   float ** min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
536   float ** max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
537   int * nabs,              /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
538   int * nrand,             /* number of random vectors to generate */
539   int * nbest,             /* number of random vectors to keep */
540   float * rms_min,         /* minimum rms error to reject reduced model */
541   float * fdisp,           /* minimum f-statistic for display */
542   int *progress,           /* nth voxel to show report */
543   char ** input_filename,     /* file name of input 3d+time dataset */
544   char ** tfilename,          /* file name for time point series */
545   char ** freg_filename,      /* file name for regression f-statistics */
546   char ** frsqr_filename,     /* file name for R^2 statistics */
547   char *** fncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model parameters */
548   char *** fscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model parameters */
549   char *** tncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model t-statistics */
550   char *** tscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model t-statistics */
551   char ** sfit_filename,      /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal model */
552   char ** snfit_filename,     /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal+noise */
553   NL_options * option_data    /* bucket dataset options */
554 )
556 {
557   int ip;                     /* parameter index */
560   /*----- initialize default values -----*/
561   *ignore = 0;
562   *nabs = 0;
563   *nrand = DEFAULT_NRAND;
564   *nbest = DEFAULT_NBEST;
565   *rms_min = 0.0;
566   *fdisp = DEFAULT_FDISP;
567   *progress = DEFAULT_PROGRESS;
568   *smodel = NULL;
569   *nmodel = NULL;
570   *r = -1;
571   *p = -1;
574   /*----- allocate memory for noise parameter names -----*/
575   *npname = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
576   MTEST (*npname);
577   for (ip = 0;  ip < MAX_PARAMETERS;  ip++)
578     {
579       (*npname)[ip] = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
580       MTEST ((*npname)[ip]);
581     }
584   /*----- allocate memory for signal parameter names -----*/
585   *spname = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
586   MTEST (*spname);
587   for (ip = 0;  ip < MAX_PARAMETERS;  ip++)
588     {
589       (*spname)[ip] = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
590       MTEST ((*spname)[ip]);
591     }
594   /*----- allocate memory for parameter constraints -----*/
595   *min_nconstr = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
596   MTEST (*min_nconstr);
597   *max_nconstr = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
598   MTEST (*max_nconstr);
599   *min_sconstr = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
600   MTEST (*min_sconstr);
601   *max_sconstr = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
602   MTEST (*max_sconstr);
605   /*----- allocate memory space and initialize pointers for filenames -----*/
606   *input_filename = NULL;
607   *tfilename = NULL;
608   *freg_filename = NULL;
609   *frsqr_filename = NULL;
610   *fncoef_filename = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
611   MTEST (*fncoef_filename);
612   *fscoef_filename = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
613   MTEST (*fscoef_filename);
614   *tncoef_filename = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
615   MTEST (*tncoef_filename);
616   *tscoef_filename = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * MAX_PARAMETERS);
617   MTEST (*tscoef_filename);
618   for (ip = 0;  ip < MAX_PARAMETERS;  ip++)
619     {
620       (*fncoef_filename)[ip] = NULL;
621       (*fscoef_filename)[ip] = NULL;
622       (*tncoef_filename)[ip] = NULL;
623       (*tscoef_filename)[ip] = NULL;
624     }
625   *sfit_filename = NULL;
626   *snfit_filename = NULL;
629   /*----- initialize bucket dataset options -----*/
630   option_data->bucket_filename = NULL;
631   option_data->numbricks = -1;
632   option_data->brick_type = NULL;
633   option_data->brick_coef = NULL;
634   option_data->brick_label = NULL;
636 }
639 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
640 /*
641   Routine to get user specified input options.
642 */
get_options(int argc,char ** argv,int * ignore,char ** nname,char ** sname,vfp * nmodel,vfp * smodel,int * r,int * p,char *** npname,char *** spname,float ** min_nconstr,float ** max_nconstr,float ** min_sconstr,float ** max_sconstr,int * nabs,int * nrand,int * nbest,float * rms_min,float * fdisp,int * progress,char ** input_filename,char ** tfilename,char ** freg_filename,char ** frsqr_filename,char ** fsmax_filename,char ** ftmax_filename,char ** fpmax_filename,char ** farea_filename,char ** fparea_filename,char *** fncoef_filename,char *** fscoef_filename,char *** tncoef_filename,char *** tscoef_filename,char ** sfit_filename,char ** snfit_filename,THD_3dim_dataset ** dset_time,int * nxyz,int * ts_length,NL_options * option_data)644 void get_options
645 (
646   int argc,                /* number of input arguments */
647   char ** argv,            /* array of input arguments */
648   int * ignore,            /* delete this number of points from time series */
649   char ** nname,           /* name of noise model */
650   char ** sname,           /* name of signal model */
651   vfp * nmodel,            /* pointer to noise model */
652   vfp * smodel,            /* pointer to signal model */
653   int * r,                 /* number of parameters in the noise model */
654   int * p,                 /* number of parameters in the signal model */
655   char *** npname,         /* noise parameter names */
656   char *** spname,         /* signal parameter names */
657   float ** min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
658   float ** max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
659   float ** min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
660   float ** max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
661   int * nabs,              /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
662   int * nrand,             /* number of random vectors to generate */
663   int * nbest,             /* number of random vectors to keep */
664   float * rms_min,         /* minimum rms error to reject reduced model */
665   float * fdisp,           /* minimum f-statistic for display */
666   int * progress,          /* progress report every nth voxel */
667   char ** input_filename,     /* file name of input 3d+time dataset */
668   char ** tfilename,          /* file name for time point series */
669   char ** freg_filename,      /* file name for regression f-statistics */
670   char ** frsqr_filename,     /* file name for R^2 statistics */
671   char ** fsmax_filename,     /* file name for signal signed maximum */
672   char ** ftmax_filename,     /* file name for time of signed maximum */
673   char ** fpmax_filename,     /* file name for max. percentage change */
674   char ** farea_filename,     /* file name for area under the signal */
675   char ** fparea_filename,    /* file name for percent area under the signal */
676   char *** fncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model parameters */
677   char *** fscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model parameters */
678   char *** tncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model t-statistics */
679   char *** tscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model t-statistics */
680   char ** sfit_filename,      /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal model */
681   char ** snfit_filename,     /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal+noise */
683   THD_3dim_dataset ** dset_time,    /* input 3d+time data set */
684   int * nxyz,                       /* number of voxels in image */
685   int * ts_length,                  /* length of time series data */
686   NL_options * option_data          /* bucket dataset options */
687 )
689 #define MAX_BRICKS 100
690 {
691   int nopt = 1;                     /* input option argument counter */
692   int ival, index;                  /* integer input */
693   float fval;                       /* float input */
694   char message[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];    /* error message */
695   int ok;                           /* boolean for specified model exists */
697   NLFIT_MODEL_array * model_array = NULL;   /* array of SO models */
698   int im;                                   /* model index */
699   int ibrick;                       /* sub-brick index */
700   int nbricks;                      /* number of bricks in the bucket */
703   /*----- does user request help menu? -----*/
704   if (argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "-help") == 0)  display_help_menu();
707   /*----- add to program log -----*/
708   AFNI_logger (PROGRAM_NAME,argc,argv);
710   /*----- to get help on all models, set general env var, load models -----*/
711   /*      and bail                                17 May 2018 [rickr]      */
712   if ( !strcmp(argv[1], "-help_models") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-load_models") ) {
713      if ( !strcmp(argv[1], "-help_models") )
714         AFNI_setenv("AFNI_MODEL_HELP_ALL YES");
715      model_array = NLFIT_get_many_MODELs ();
716      exit(0);
717   }
719   /*----- initialize the model array -----*/
720   model_array = NLFIT_get_many_MODELs ();
721   if ((model_array == NULL) || (model_array->num == 0))
722     NLfit_error ("Unable to locate any models");
724   /*----- initialize the input options -----*/
725   initialize_options (ignore, nmodel, smodel, r, p, npname, spname,
726                 min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr, nabs,
727                 nrand, nbest, rms_min, fdisp, progress,
728                 input_filename, tfilename, freg_filename,
729                 frsqr_filename, fncoef_filename, fscoef_filename,
730                 tncoef_filename, tscoef_filename,
731                 sfit_filename, snfit_filename, option_data);
733   if( *ignore == 0 )
734     INFO_message("NOTICE: Default value of -ignore is now 0;\n"
735                  "           Before 04 Nov 2008, default value was 3" ) ;
737   /*----- main loop over input options -----*/
738   *input_filename = NULL;
739   while (nopt < argc )
740     {
741       /*-----   -noFDR   -----*/
743       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-noFDR") == 0 ){
744         do_FDR = 0 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
745       }
747       /*-----   -input filename   -----*/
748       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-input") == 0)
749      {
750        nopt++;
751        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -input ");
752        /* *input_filename = malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH); */
753        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
754        *input_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
755        MTEST (*input_filename);
756        /* strcpy (*input_filename, argv[nopt]); */
757        /* open input dataset - was THD_open_one_dataset, allow sub-bricks */
758        *dset_time = THD_open_dataset (*input_filename);
759        if ((*dset_time) == NULL)
760          {
761            sprintf (message,
762                  "Unable to open data file: %s", *input_filename);
763            NLfit_error (message);
764          }
765      DSET_UNMSEC( *dset_time ) ;  /* RWCox */
767        DSET_load(*dset_time) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(*dset_time) ;
769        *nxyz =  (*dset_time)->dblk->diskptr->dimsizes[0]
770          * (*dset_time)->dblk->diskptr->dimsizes[1]
771          * (*dset_time)->dblk->diskptr->dimsizes[2] ;
772 #if 0
773        *ts_length = DSET_NUM_TIMES(*dset_time);
775        /* verify that we seem to have a time series */
776        if( DSET_NVALS(*dset_time) != *ts_length )
777           WARNING_message("dataset num_times (%d) != nvals (%d)\n"
778                           "   --> no time axis could be a problem!\n",
779                           *ts_length, DSET_NVALS(*dset_time));
780 #else
781        *ts_length = DSET_NVALS(*dset_time);
782        if( *ts_length > 1 )
783          INFO_message("time series length = %d points",*ts_length) ;
784        else
785          ERROR_exit  ("time series length = %d points",*ts_length) ;
786 #endif
788      dsTR = DSET_TIMESTEP(*dset_time) ;
790      if(output_datum==ILLEGAL_TYPE) {   /* if output_datum type is not specified by user*/
791         output_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(*dset_time,0);  /* get datum type from dataset */
792      }
793        nopt++;
794        continue;
795      }
796       /**** -datum type ****/
798       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-datum") == 0 ){
799          if( ++nopt >= argc )
800            NLfit_error("need an argument after -datum!\n") ;
801          if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"short") == 0 ){
802             output_datum = MRI_short ;
803          } else if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"float") == 0 ){
804             output_datum = MRI_float ;
805          } else {
806             ERROR_exit("-datum of type '%s' not supported in 3dNLfim!\n",argv[nopt]) ;
807          }
808          nopt++ ; continue ;  /* go to next arg */
809       }
811       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-float",6) == 0 ){        /* 04 Dec 2008 */
812         output_datum = MRI_float ; nopt++ ; continue ;
813       }
816       /**** -mask mset [18 May 2000] ****/
818       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mask") == 0 ){
819          THD_3dim_dataset * mset ; int ii,mc ;
820          nopt++ ;
821          if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -mask!") ;
822          mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] ) ;
823          if (mset == NULL)  NLfit_error ("can't open -mask dataset!") ;
825          mask_vol = THD_makemask( mset , 0 , 1.0,0.0 ) ;
826          mask_nvox = DSET_NVOX(mset) ;
827          DSET_delete(mset) ;
829          if (mask_vol == NULL )  NLfit_error ("can't use -mask dataset!") ;
830          for( ii=mc=0 ; ii < mask_nvox ; ii++ )  if (mask_vol[ii])  mc++ ;
831          if (mc == 0)  NLfit_error ("mask is all zeros!") ;
832          printf("++ %d voxels in mask %s\n",mc,argv[nopt]) ;
833          nopt++ ; continue ;
834       }
837       /*----- 22 July 1998: the -inTR option -----*/
839       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-inTR") == 0 ){
840          inTR = 1 ;
841          nopt++ ; continue ;
842       }
844       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-TR") == 0 ){
845         uuTR = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
846         if( uuTR <= 0.0f )
847           ERROR_message("value after -TR is not positive!") ;
848         nopt++ ; continue ;
849       }
851       /*-----   -ignore num  -----*/
852       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-ignore") == 0)
853      {
854        nopt++;
855        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -ignore ");
856        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
857        if (ival < 0)
858          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -ignore ");
859        *ignore = ival;
860        nopt++;
861        continue;
862      }
864       /*-----   -time filename   -----*/
865       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-time") == 0)
866      {
867        nopt++;
868        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -time ");
869        /* do not depend on input name lengths */
870        *tfilename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
871        MTEST (*tfilename);
872        nopt++;
873        continue;
874      }
876       /*-----   -nabs  -----*/
877       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-nabs") == 0)
878      {
879        *nabs = 1;
880        nopt++;
881        continue;
882      }
884       /*-----  -POWELL  -----*/
886       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-POWELL") == 0 ){   /* 20 Jul 2006 */
887         N_newuoa = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
888       }
889       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-SIMPLEX") == 0 ){
890         N_newuoa = 0 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
891       }
892       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-BOTH") == 0 ){
893         N_newuoa = 2 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
894       }
897       /*-----   -signal slabel  -----*/
898       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-signal") == 0)
899      {
900        nopt++;
901        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -signal ");
902        *sname = malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
903        MTEST (*sname);
904        strcpy (*sname, argv[nopt]);
905        initialize_signal_model (model_array, *sname,
906                        smodel, p, *spname,
907                        *min_sconstr, *max_sconstr);
908        nopt++;
909        continue;
910      }
913       /*-----   -noise nlabel  -----*/
914       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-noise") == 0)
915      {
916        nopt++;
917        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -noise ");
918        *nname = malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
919        MTEST (*nname);
920        strcpy (*nname, argv[nopt]);
921        initialize_noise_model (model_array, *nname,
922                       nmodel, r, *npname,
923                       *min_nconstr, *max_nconstr);
924        nopt++;
925        continue;
926      }
929       /*-----   -nrand n  -----*/
930       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-nrand") == 0)
931      {
932        nopt++;
933        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -nrand ");
934        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
935        if (ival <= 0)
936          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -nrand ");
937        *nrand = ival;
938        nopt++;
939        continue;
940      }
943       /*-----   -nbest n  -----*/
944       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-nbest") == 0)
945      {
946        nopt++;
947        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -nbest ");
948        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
949        if (ival <= 0)
950          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -nbest ");
951        *nbest = ival;
952        nopt++;
953        continue;
954      }
957       /*-----   -rmsmin r  -----*/
958       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-rmsmin") == 0)
959      {
960        nopt++;
961        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -rmsmin ");
962        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval);
963        if (fval < 0.0)
964          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -rmsmin ");
965        *rms_min = fval;
966        nopt++;
967        continue;
968      }
971        /*-----   -fdisp fval   -----*/
972       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-fdisp") == 0)
973      {
974        nopt++;
975        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -fdisp ");
976        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval);
977        *fdisp = fval;
978        nopt++;
979        continue;
980      }
982        /*-----   -progress ival   -----*/
983       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-progress") == 0)
984      {
985        nopt++;
986        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -progress ");
987        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
988        if (ival < 1)
989           NLfit_error("illegal argument after -progress ");
990        *progress = ival;
991        nopt++;
992        continue;
993      }
995        /*-----   -voxel_count   -----*/
996       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-voxel_count") == 0)
997      {
998        nopt++;
999        g_voxel_count = 1;
1000        continue;
1001      }
1003       /*-----   -jobs J   -----*/
1004       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-jobs") == 0 ){   /* RWCox */
1005         nopt++ ;
1006         if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need J parameter after -jobs ");
1007 #ifdef PROC_MAX
1008         proc_numjob = strtol(argv[nopt],NULL,10) ;
1009         if( proc_numjob < 1 ){
1010           fprintf(stderr,"** setting number of processes to 1!\n") ;
1011           proc_numjob = 1 ;
1012         } else if( proc_numjob > PROC_MAX ){
1013           fprintf(stderr,"** setting number of processes to %d!\n",PROC_MAX);
1014           proc_numjob = PROC_MAX ;
1015         }
1016 #else
1017         fprintf(stderr,"** -jobs not supported in this version\n") ;
1018 #endif
1019         nopt++; continue;
1020       }
1023       /*----- check that user has specified the signal and noise models -----*/
1024       if ((*smodel) == NULL)  ERROR_exit("Must specify signal model before '%s'",argv[nopt]);
1025       if ((*nmodel) == NULL)  ERROR_exit("Must specify noise model before '%s'" ,argv[nopt]);
1027       /*-----   -sconstr k min max  -----*/
1028       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-sconstr") == 0)
1029      {
1030        nopt++;
1031        if (nopt+2 >= argc)  NLfit_error("need 3 arguments after -sconstr ");
1033        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1034        if ((ival < 0) || (ival >= *p)) {
1035         fprintf(stderr,"*p = %d, ival = %d\n", *p, ival);
1036         ERROR_exit("Illegal 'k' index after -sconstr: legal range is 0..%d",*p-1) ;
1037       }
1038        index = ival;
1039        nopt++;
1041        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval);
1042        (*min_sconstr)[index] = fval;
1043        nopt++;
1045        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval);
1046        (*max_sconstr)[index] = fval;
1047        nopt++;
1048        continue;
1049      }
1052       /*-----   -nconstr k min max  -----*/
1053       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-nconstr") == 0)
1054      {
1055        nopt++;
1056        if (nopt+2 >= argc)  NLfit_error("need 3 arguments after -nconstr ");
1058        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1059        if ((ival < 0) || (ival >= *r))
1060          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -nconstr ");
1061        index = ival;
1062        nopt++;
1064        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval);
1065        (*min_nconstr)[index] = fval;
1066        nopt++;
1068        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval);
1069        (*max_nconstr)[index] = fval;
1070        nopt++;
1071        continue;
1072      }
1075        /*-----   -freg filename   -----*/
1076       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-freg") == 0)
1077      {
1078        nopt++;
1079        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -freg ");
1080        /* do not depend on input name lengths */
1081        *freg_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1082        MTEST (*freg_filename);
1083        nopt++;
1084        continue;
1085      }
1088        /*-----   -frsqr filename   -----*/
1089       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-frsqr") == 0)
1090      {
1091        nopt++;
1092        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -frsqr ");
1093        /* do not depend on input name lengths */
1094        *frsqr_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1095        MTEST (*frsqr_filename);
1096        nopt++;
1097        continue;
1098      }
1101        /*-----   -fsmax filename   -----*/
1102       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-fsmax") == 0)
1103      {
1104        nopt++;
1105        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -fsmax ");
1106        /* do not depend on input name lengths */
1107        *fsmax_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1108        MTEST (*fsmax_filename);
1109        nopt++;
1110        continue;
1111      }
1114        /*-----   -ftmax filename   -----*/
1115       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-ftmax") == 0)
1116      {
1117        nopt++;
1118        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -ftmax ");
1119        /* do not depend on input name lengths */
1120        *ftmax_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1121        MTEST (*ftmax_filename);
1122        nopt++;
1123        continue;
1124      }
1127       /*-----   -fpmax filename   -----*/
1128       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-fpmax") == 0)
1129      {
1130        nopt++;
1131        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -fpmax ");
1132        /* do not depend on input name lengths */
1133        *fpmax_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1134        MTEST (*fpmax_filename);
1135        nopt++;
1136        continue;
1137      }
1140       /*-----   -farea filename   -----*/
1141       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-farea") == 0)
1142      {
1143        nopt++;
1144        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -farea ");
1145        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
1146        *farea_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1147        MTEST (*farea_filename);
1148        nopt++;
1149        continue;
1150      }
1153       /*-----   -fparea filename   -----*/
1154       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-fparea") == 0)
1155      {
1156        nopt++;
1157        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -fparea ");
1158        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
1159        *fparea_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1160        MTEST (*fparea_filename);
1161        nopt++;
1162        continue;
1163      }
1166       /*-----   -fscoef k filename   -----*/
1167       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-fscoef") == 0)
1168      {
1169        nopt++;
1170        if (nopt+1 >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need 2 arguments after -fscoef ");
1171        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1172        if ((ival < 0) || (ival >= *p))
1173          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -fscoef ");
1174        index = ival;
1175        nopt++;
1177        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
1178        (*fscoef_filename)[index] = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1179        MTEST ((*fscoef_filename)[index]);
1181        nopt++;
1182        continue;
1183      }
1186       /*-----   -fncoef k filename   -----*/
1187       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-fncoef") == 0)
1188      {
1189        nopt++;
1190        if (nopt+1 >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need 2 arguments after -fncoef ");
1191        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1192        if ((ival < 0) || (ival >= *r))
1193          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -fncoef ");
1194        index = ival;
1195        nopt++;
1197        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
1198        (*fncoef_filename)[index] = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1199        MTEST ((*fncoef_filename)[index]);
1201        nopt++;
1202        continue;
1203      }
1206       /*-----   -tscoef k filename   -----*/
1207       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-tscoef") == 0)
1208      {
1209        nopt++;
1210        if (nopt+1 >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need 2 arguments after -tscoef ");
1211        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1212        if ((ival < 0) || (ival >= *p))
1213          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -tscoef ");
1214        index = ival;
1215        nopt++;
1217        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
1218        (*tscoef_filename)[index] = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1219        MTEST ((*tscoef_filename)[index]);
1221        calc_tstats = 1;
1223        nopt++;
1224        continue;
1225      }
1228       /*-----   -tncoef k filename   -----*/
1229       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-tncoef") == 0)
1230      {
1231        nopt++;
1232        if (nopt+1 >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need 2 arguments after -tncoef ");
1233        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1234        if ((ival < 0) || (ival >= *r))
1235          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -tncoef ");
1236        index = ival;
1237        nopt++;
1239        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
1240        (*tncoef_filename)[index] = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1241        MTEST ((*tncoef_filename)[index]);
1243        calc_tstats = 1;
1245        nopt++;
1246        continue;
1247      }
1250       /*----- -bucket n prefixname -----*/
1251       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-bucket") == 0)
1252      {
1253        nopt++;
1254        if (nopt+1 >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need 2 arguments after -bucket ");
1255        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1256        if ((ival < 0) || (ival > MAX_BRICKS))
1257          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -bucket ");
1258        nopt++;
1260        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
1261        option_data->bucket_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1262        MTEST (option_data->bucket_filename);
1264        /*----- set number of sub-bricks in the bucket -----*/
1265        if (ival == 0)
1266          nbricks = (*p) + (*r) + 8;
1267        else
1268          nbricks = ival;
1269        option_data->numbricks = nbricks;
1271        /*----- allocate memory and initialize bucket dataset options -----*/
1272        option_data->brick_type = malloc (sizeof(int) * nbricks);
1273        MTEST (option_data->brick_type);
1274        option_data->brick_coef = malloc (sizeof(int) * nbricks);
1275        MTEST (option_data->brick_coef);
1276        option_data->brick_label = malloc (sizeof(char *) * nbricks);
1277        MTEST (option_data->brick_label);
1278        for (ibrick = 0;  ibrick < nbricks;  ibrick++)
1279          {
1280            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = -1;
1281            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = -1;
1282            option_data->brick_label[ibrick] =
1283              malloc (sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
1284            MTEST (option_data->brick_label[ibrick]);
1285          }
1288        if (ival == 0)
1289          /*----- throw (almost) everything into the bucket -----*/
1290          {
1291            for (ibrick = 0;  ibrick < (*r);  ibrick++)
1292           {
1293             option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1294             option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1295             strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], (*npname)[ibrick]);
1296           }
1298            for (ibrick = (*r);  ibrick < (*p) + (*r);  ibrick++)
1299           {
1300             option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1301             option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1302             strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick],
1303                  (*spname)[ibrick-(*r)]);
1304           }
1306            ibrick = (*p) + (*r);
1307            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1308            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1309            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], "Signal TMax");
1311            ibrick++;
1312            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1313            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1314            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], "Signal SMax");
1316            ibrick++;
1317            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1318            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1319            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], "Signal % SMax");
1321            ibrick++;
1322            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1323            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1324            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], "Signal Area");
1326            ibrick++;
1327            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1328            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1329            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], "Signal % Area");
1331            ibrick++;
1332            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1333            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1334            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], "Sigma Resid");
1336            ibrick++;
1337            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1338            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1339            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], "R^2");
1341            ibrick++;
1342            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FT_TYPE;
1343            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ibrick;
1344            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], "F-stat Regression");
1346          }
1348        nopt++;
1349        continue;
1350      }
1353       /*----- -brick m type k label -----*/
1354       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-brick") == 0)
1355      {
1356        nopt++;
1357        if (nopt+2 >= argc)
1358          NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1359        sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ibrick);
1360        if ((ibrick < 0) || (ibrick >= option_data->numbricks))
1361          NLfit_error ("illegal argument after -brick ");
1362        nopt++;
1364        if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "scoef") == 0)
1365          {
1366            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1368            nopt++;
1369            sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1370            if ((ival < 0) || (ival > (*p)))
1371           NLfit_error ("illegal argument after scoef ");
1372            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ival + (*r);
1374            nopt++;
1375            if (nopt >= argc)
1376           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1377            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1378          }
1380        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "ncoef") == 0)
1381          {
1382            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1384            nopt++;
1385            sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1386            if ((ival < 0) || (ival > (*r)))
1387           NLfit_error ("illegal argument after ncoef ");
1388            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ival;
1390            nopt++;
1391            if (nopt >= argc)
1392           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1393            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1394          }
1396        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "tmax") == 0)
1397          {
1398            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1399            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = (*r) + (*p);
1400            nopt++;
1401            if (nopt >= argc)
1402           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1403            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1404          }
1406        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "smax") == 0)
1407          {
1408            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1409            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = (*r) + (*p) + 1;
1410            nopt++;
1411            if (nopt >= argc)
1412           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1413            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1414          }
1416        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "psmax") == 0)
1417          {
1418            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1419            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = (*r) + (*p) + 2;
1420            nopt++;
1421            if (nopt >= argc)
1422           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1423            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1424          }
1426        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "area") == 0)
1427          {
1428            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1429            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = (*r) + (*p) + 3;
1430            nopt++;
1431            if (nopt >= argc)
1432           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1433            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1434          }
1436        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "parea") == 0)
1437          {
1438            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1439            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = (*r) + (*p) + 4;
1440            nopt++;
1441            if (nopt >= argc)
1442           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1443            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1444          }
1446        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "resid") == 0)
1447          {
1448            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1449            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = (*r) + (*p) + 5;
1450            nopt++;
1451            if (nopt >= argc)
1452           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1453            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1454          }
1456        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "rsqr") == 0)
1457          {
1458            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
1459            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = (*r) + (*p) + 6;
1460            nopt++;
1461            if (nopt >= argc)
1462           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1463            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1464          }
1466        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "fstat") == 0)
1467          {
1468            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_FT_TYPE;
1469            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = (*r) + (*p) + 7;
1470            nopt++;
1471            if (nopt >= argc)
1472           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1473            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1474          }
1476        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "tscoef") == 0)
1477          {
1478            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_TT_TYPE;
1480            nopt++;
1481            sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1482            if ((ival < 0) || (ival > (*p)))
1483           NLfit_error ("illegal argument after tscoef ");
1484            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ival + (*r);
1486            nopt++;
1487            if (nopt >= argc)
1488           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1489            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1491            calc_tstats = 1;
1492          }
1494        else if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "tncoef") == 0)
1495          {
1496            option_data->brick_type[ibrick] = FUNC_TT_TYPE;
1498            nopt++;
1499            sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
1500            if ((ival < 0) || (ival > (*r)))
1501           NLfit_error ("illegal argument after tncoef ");
1502            option_data->brick_coef[ibrick] = ival;
1504            nopt++;
1505            if (nopt >= argc)
1506           NLfit_error ("need more arguments after -brick ");
1507            strcpy (option_data->brick_label[ibrick], argv[nopt]);
1509            calc_tstats = 1;
1510          }
1512        else  NLfit_error ("unable to interpret options after -brick ");
1514        nopt++;
1515        continue;
1516      }
1519        /*-----   -sfit filename   -----*/
1520       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-sfit") == 0)
1521      {
1522        nopt++;
1523        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -sfit ");
1524        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
1525        *sfit_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1526        MTEST (*sfit_filename);
1527        nopt++;
1528        continue;
1529      }
1532        /*-----   -snfit filename   -----*/
1533       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-snfit") == 0)
1534      {
1535        nopt++;
1536        if (nopt >= argc)  NLfit_error ("need argument after -snfit ");
1537        /* do not depend on input name lengths    [2 Oct 2019 rickr] */
1538        *snfit_filename = nifti_strdup(argv[nopt]);
1539        MTEST (*snfit_filename);
1540        nopt++;
1541        continue;
1542      }
1546       /*----- unknown command -----*/
1547       sprintf(message,"Unrecognized command line option: %s\n", argv[nopt]);
1548       NLfit_error (message);
1550     }
1552    /* maybe there was no input   13 Sep 2013 [rickr] */
1553    if ( *input_filename == NULL ) ERROR_exit("missing -input option");
1555    if (*ignore < 0) {
1556       fprintf(stderr,"\n** NOTICE: "
1557                      "ignore option now defaults to 0 instead of 3.\n\n");
1558       *ignore = 0;
1559    }
1561   if( uuTR > 0.0f ) dsTR = uuTR ;
1563   /*----- discard the model array -----*/
1564   DESTROY_MODEL_ARRAY (model_array) ;
1566 }
1569 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1570 /*
1571   Routine to check whether one output file already exists.
1572 */
check_one_output_file(THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time,char * filename)1574 void check_one_output_file
1575 (
1576   THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time,     /* input 3d+time data set */
1577   char * filename                   /* name of output file */
1578 )
1580 {
1581   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset=NULL;   /* output afni data set pointer */
1582   int ierror;                         /* number of errors in editing data */
1583   char message[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];      /* error message */
1586   /*----- make an empty copy of input dataset -----*/
1587   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_time ) ;
1590   ierror = EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
1591                    ADN_prefix , filename ,
1592                    ADN_label1 , filename ,
1593                    ADN_self_name , filename ,
1594                    ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset_time) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE :
1595                                                          GEN_FUNC_TYPE ,
1596                    ADN_none ) ;
1598   if( ierror > 0 )
1599     {
1600       fprintf(stderr,
1601            "*** %d errors in attempting to create output dataset!\n",
1602            ierror ) ;
1603       exit(1) ;
1604     }
1606   if( THD_is_file(new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) )
1607     {
1608       fprintf(stderr, "** file already exists: %s\n",
1609               new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name);
1610       NLfit_error ("Output dataset file already exists");
1611     }
1613   /*----- deallocate memory -----*/
1614   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; new_dset = NULL ;
1616 }
1619 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1620 /*
1621   Routine to check whether output files already exist.
1622 */
check_output_files(char * freg_filename,char * frsqr_filename,char * fsmax_filename,char * ftmax_filename,char * fpmax_filename,char * farea_filename,char * fparea_filename,char ** fncoef_filename,char ** fscoef_filename,char ** tncoef_filename,char ** tscoef_filename,char * bucket_filename,char * sfit_filename,char * snfit_filename,THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time)1624 void check_output_files
1625 (
1626   char * freg_filename,         /* file name for regression f-statistics */
1627   char * frsqr_filename,        /* file name for R^2 statistics */
1628   char * fsmax_filename,        /* file name for signal signed maximum */
1629   char * ftmax_filename,        /* file name for epoch of signed maximum */
1630   char * fpmax_filename,        /* file name for max. percentage change */
1631   char * farea_filename,        /* file name for area under the signal */
1632   char * fparea_filename,       /* file name for % area under the signal */
1633   char ** fncoef_filename,      /* file name for noise model parameters */
1634   char ** fscoef_filename,      /* file name for signal model parameters */
1635   char ** tncoef_filename,      /* file name for noise model t-statistics */
1636   char ** tscoef_filename,      /* file name for signal model t-statistics */
1637   char * bucket_filename,       /* file name for bucket dataset */
1638   char * sfit_filename,         /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal model */
1639   char * snfit_filename,        /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal+noise */
1640   THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time  /* input 3d+time data set */
1641 )
1643 {
1644   int ip;       /* parameter index */
1646   if (freg_filename != NULL)
1647     check_one_output_file (dset_time, freg_filename);
1649   if (frsqr_filename != NULL)
1650     check_one_output_file (dset_time, frsqr_filename);
1652   if (fsmax_filename != NULL)
1653     check_one_output_file (dset_time, fsmax_filename);
1655   if (ftmax_filename != NULL)
1656     check_one_output_file (dset_time, ftmax_filename);
1658   if (fpmax_filename != NULL)
1659     check_one_output_file (dset_time, fpmax_filename);
1661   if (farea_filename != NULL)
1662     check_one_output_file (dset_time, farea_filename);
1664   if (fparea_filename != NULL)
1665     check_one_output_file (dset_time, fparea_filename);
1667   for (ip = 0;  ip < MAX_PARAMETERS;  ip++)
1668     {
1669       if (fncoef_filename[ip] != NULL)
1670      check_one_output_file (dset_time, fncoef_filename[ip]);
1671       if (fscoef_filename[ip] != NULL)
1672      check_one_output_file (dset_time, fscoef_filename[ip]);
1673       if (tncoef_filename[ip] != NULL)
1674      check_one_output_file (dset_time, tncoef_filename[ip]);
1675       if (tscoef_filename[ip] != NULL)
1676      check_one_output_file (dset_time, tscoef_filename[ip]);
1677     }
1679   if (bucket_filename != NULL)
1680     check_one_output_file (dset_time, bucket_filename);
1683   if (sfit_filename != NULL)
1684     check_one_output_file (dset_time, sfit_filename);
1685   if (snfit_filename != NULL)
1686     check_one_output_file (dset_time, snfit_filename);
1689 }
1692 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1693 /*
1694   Routine to check for valid inputs.
1695 */
check_for_valid_inputs(int nxyz,int r,int p,float * min_nconstr,float * max_nconstr,float * min_sconstr,float * max_sconstr,int nrand,int nbest,char * freg_filename,char * frsqr_filename,char * fsmax_filename,char * ftmax_filename,char * fpmax_filename,char * farea_filename,char * fparea_filename,char ** fncoef_filename,char ** fscoef_filename,char ** tncoef_filename,char ** tscoef_filename,char * bucket_filename,char * sfit_filename,char * snfit_filename,THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time)1697 void check_for_valid_inputs
1698 (
1699   int nxyz,               /* number of voxels in image */
1700   int r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
1701   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
1702   float * min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
1703   float * max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
1704   float * min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
1705   float * max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
1706   int  nrand,             /* number of random vectors to generate */
1707   int  nbest,             /* number of random vectors to keep */
1709   char * freg_filename,         /* file name for regression f-statistics */
1710   char * frsqr_filename,        /* file name for R^2 statistics */
1711   char * fsmax_filename,        /* file name for signal signed maximum */
1712   char * ftmax_filename,        /* file name for epoch of signed maximum */
1713   char * fpmax_filename,        /* file name for max. percentage change */
1714   char * farea_filename,        /* file name for area under the signal */
1715   char * fparea_filename,       /* file name for % area under the signal */
1716   char ** fncoef_filename,      /* file name for noise model parameters */
1717   char ** fscoef_filename,      /* file name for signal model parameters */
1718   char ** tncoef_filename,      /* file name for noise model t-statistics */
1719   char ** tscoef_filename,      /* file name for signal model t-statistics */
1720   char * bucket_filename,       /* file name for bucket dataset */
1721   char * sfit_filename,         /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal model */
1722   char * snfit_filename,        /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal+noise */
1723   THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time  /* input 3d+time data set */
1724 )
1726 {
1727   int ip;                       /* parameter index */
1730   /*----- check if mask is right size -----*/
1731   if (mask_vol != NULL)
1732     if (mask_nvox != nxyz)
1733       NLfit_error ("mask and input dataset bricks don't match in size");
1735   /*----- 03 Feb 2009 - global mask for misfit reporting -----*/
1736   gmask = mask_vol ;
1737   if( gmask == NULL && nxyz > 666 ){
1738     MRI_IMAGE *qim ; int mc ;
1739     qim   = THD_rms_brick( dset_time ) ;
1740     gmask = mri_automask_image( qim ) ;
1741     mri_free( qim ) ;
1742     mc = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(dset_time) , gmask ) ;
1743     if( mc <= 1 ){ free(gmask) ; gmask = NULL ; }
1744   }
1745   EDIT_set_misfit_mask(gmask) ;
1748   /*----- check for valid constraints -----*/
1749   for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
1750     if (min_nconstr[ip] > max_nconstr[ip])
1751       NLfit_error ("Must have minimum constraints <= maximum constraints");
1752   for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
1753     if (min_sconstr[ip] > max_sconstr[ip])
1754       NLfit_error("Must have mininum constraints <= maximum constraints");
1757   /*----- must have nbest <= nrand -----*/
1758   if (nrand < nbest)
1759     NLfit_error ("Must have nbest <= nrand");
1762   /*----- check whether any of the output files already exist -----*/
1763   if( THD_deathcon() )
1764    check_output_files (freg_filename, frsqr_filename,
1765                 fsmax_filename, ftmax_filename,
1766                 fpmax_filename, farea_filename, fparea_filename,
1767                 fncoef_filename, fscoef_filename,
1768                 tncoef_filename, tscoef_filename, bucket_filename,
1769                 sfit_filename, snfit_filename, dset_time);
1771 }
1773 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1774 /*
1775   Allocate volume memory and fill with zeros.
1776 */
zero_fill_volume(float ** fvol,int nxyz)1778 void zero_fill_volume (float ** fvol, int nxyz)
1779 {
1780   int ixyz;
1782   if( proc_numjob == 1 ){ /* 1 process ==> allocate locally */
1784     *fvol  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nxyz);   MTEST(*fvol);
1785     for (ixyz = 0;  ixyz < nxyz;  ixyz++)
1786       (*fvol)[ixyz]  = 0.0;
1788   }
1789 #ifdef PROC_MAX
1790    else {             /* multiple processes ==> prepare for shared memory */
1791                       /*                        by remembering what to do */
1793     proc_shm_arnum++ ;
1794     proc_shm_arsiz = (int *)  realloc( proc_shm_arsiz ,
1795                                        sizeof(int)     *proc_shm_arnum ) ;
1796     proc_shm_ar = (float ***) realloc( proc_shm_ar ,
1797                                        sizeof(float **)*proc_shm_arnum ) ;
1798     proc_shm_arsiz[proc_shm_arnum-1] = nxyz ;
1799     proc_shm_ar[proc_shm_arnum-1]    = fvol ;
1801     /* actual allocation and pointer assignment (to *fvol)
1802        will take place in function proc_finalize_shm_volumes() */
1803   }
1804 #endif
1805 }
1808 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1810 #ifdef PROC_MAX
1812 /*** signal handler for fatal errors -- make sure shared memory is deleted ***/
1814 #include <signal.h>
proc_sigfunc(int sig)1816 void proc_sigfunc(int sig)
1817 {
1818    char * sname ; int ii ;
1819    static volatile int fff=0 ;
1820    if( fff ) _exit(1); else fff=1 ;
1821    switch(sig){
1822      default:      sname = "unknown" ; break ;
1823      case SIGHUP:  sname = "SIGHUP"  ; break ;
1824      case SIGTERM: sname = "SIGTERM" ; break ;
1825      case SIGILL:  sname = "SIGILL"  ; break ;
1826      case SIGKILL: sname = "SIGKILL" ; break ;
1827      case SIGPIPE: sname = "SIGPIPE" ; break ;
1828      case SIGSEGV: sname = "SIGSEGV" ; break ;
1829      case SIGBUS:  sname = "SIGBUS"  ; break ;
1830      case SIGINT:  sname = "SIGINT"  ; break ;
1831      case SIGFPE:  sname = "SIGFPE"  ; break ;
1832    }
1833    if( proc_shmid > 0 ){
1834      shmctl( proc_shmid , IPC_RMID , NULL ) ; proc_shmid = 0 ;
1835    }
1836    fprintf(stderr,"Fatal Signal %d (%s) received in job #%d\n",
1837            sig,sname,proc_ind) ;
1838    exit(1) ;
1839 }
proc_atexit(void)1841 void proc_atexit( void )  /*** similarly - atexit handler ***/
1842 {
1843   if( proc_shmid > 0 )
1844     shmctl( proc_shmid , IPC_RMID , NULL ) ;
1845 }
1847 /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
1848 /*** This function is called to allocate all output
1849      volumes at once in shared memory, and set their pointers ***/
1850 /** 24 Oct 2006: use mmap() instead of shared memory, if possible **/
1852 #include <sys/mman.h>
1853 #if !defined(MAP_ANON) && defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS)
1855 #endif
proc_finalize_shm_volumes(void)1858 void proc_finalize_shm_volumes(void)
1859 {
1860    char kstr[32] ; int ii ;
1861    long long psum , twogig = 2ll * 1024ll * 1024ll * 1024ll ;
1863    if( proc_shm_arnum == 0 ) return ;   /* should never happen */
1865    /** 21 Oct 2005: check in big arithmetic how much mem we need **/
1867    psum = 0 ;
1868    for( ii=0 ; ii < proc_shm_arnum ; ii++ )
1869      psum += (long long)proc_shm_arsiz[ii] ;
1870    psum *= sizeof(float) ;
1871 #ifdef MAP_ANON
1872    if( psum >= twogig &&
1873        ( sizeof(void *) < 8 || sizeof(size_t) < 8 ) ) /* too much for 32-bit */
1874 #else
1875    if( psum >= twogig )                               /* too much for shmem */
1876 #endif
1877      ERROR_exit(
1878      "Total shared memory needed = %lld >= %lld (2 GB)\n"
1879      "** SUGGESTION 1:  Use 3dAutobox to automatically eliminate non-brain\n"
1880      "   areas from the 3d+time input dataset and reduce memory \n"
1881      "   requirements,  e.g.\n"
1882      "     3dAutobox -prefix Subj1AllRuns_Smaller -input Subj1AllRuns\n"
1883      "   Then run 3dNLfim again with the smaller 3d+time input dataset\n"
1884      "\n"
1885      "** SUGGESTION 2:  Use 3dZcutup to slice dataset into smaller pieces\n"
1886      "**                and then 3dZcat to glue results back together.\n"
1887      "\n"
1888      "** SUGGESTION 3:  Run on a 64-bit computer system, instead of 32-bit.\n"
1889      , psum,twogig) ;
1890    else
1891      INFO_message("total shared memory needed = %s bytes (about %s)" ,
1892                   commaized_integer_string(psum) ,
1893                   approximate_number_string((double)psum) ) ;
1895    proc_shmsize = psum ;  /* global variable */
1896 #if 0
1897 /* old code */
1898    if( proc_shm_arnum == 0 ) return ;   /* should never happen */
1900    proc_shmsize = 0 ;                       /* add up sizes of */
1901    for( ii=0 ; ii < proc_shm_arnum ; ii++ ) /* all arrays for */
1902      proc_shmsize += proc_shm_arsiz[ii] ;   /* shared memory */
1904    proc_shmsize *= sizeof(float) ;          /* convert to byte count */
1905 #endif
1907    /* create shared memory segment */
1908 #ifdef MAP_ANON  /** 24 Oct 2005: use mmap() instead of shmem **/
1910    proc_shmptr = mmap( (void *)0 , (size_t)psum ,
1911                        PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE , MAP_ANON | MAP_SHARED ,
1912                        -1 , 0 ) ;
1913    if( proc_shmptr == NULL || proc_shmptr == (void *)(-1) ){
1914      perror("** FATAL ERROR: Can't create shared mmap() segment\n"
1915             "** Unix message") ;
1916      INFO_message("\n\n"
1917        "** SUGGESTION:  Use 3dZcutup to slice dataset into smaller pieces\n"
1918        "**                and then 3dZcat to glue results back together.\n"
1919        "** SUGGESTION:  Run on a 64-bit computer system, instead of 32-bit.\n ");
1920      exit(1) ;
1921    }
1923 #else    /** old code: shared memory segment **/
1925    UNIQ_idcode_fill( kstr ) ;               /* unique string "key" */
1926    proc_shmid = shm_create( kstr , proc_shmsize ) ; /* thd_iochan.c */
1927    if( proc_shmid < 0 ){
1928      fprintf(stderr,"\n** Can't create shared memory of size %d!\n"
1929                       "** Try re-running without -jobs option!\n" ,
1930              proc_shmsize ) ;
1932      /** if failed, print out some advice on how to tune SHMMAX **/
1934      { char *cmd=NULL ;
1935 #if defined(LINUX)
1936        cmd = "cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax" ;
1937 #elif defined(SOLARIS)
1938        cmd = "/usr/sbin/sysdef | grep SHMMAX" ;
1939 #elif defined(DARWIN)
1940        cmd = "sysctl -n kern.sysv.shmmax" ;
1941 #endif
1942        if( cmd != NULL ){
1943         FILE *fp = popen( cmd , "r" ) ;
1944         if( fp != NULL ){
1945          long long smax=0 ;
1946          fscanf(fp,"%lld",&smax) ; pclose(fp) ;
1947          if( smax > 0 )
1948            fprintf(stderr ,
1949                    "\n"
1950                    "** POSSIBLY USEFUL ADVICE:\n"
1951                    "** Current max shared memory size = %u bytes.\n"
1952                    "** For information on how to change this, see\n"
1953                    "**   https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/afni/parallize.htm\n"
1954                    "** and also contact your system administrator.\n"
1955                    , smax ) ;
1956         }
1957        }
1958      }
1959      exit(1) ;
1960    }
1961 #endif  /* MAP_ANON */
1963    /* set a signal handler to catch most fatal errors and
1964       delete the shared memory segment if program crashes */
1966    signal(SIGPIPE,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGSEGV,proc_sigfunc) ;
1967    signal(SIGINT ,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGFPE ,proc_sigfunc) ;
1968    signal(SIGBUS ,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGHUP ,proc_sigfunc) ;
1969    signal(SIGTERM,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGILL ,proc_sigfunc) ;
1970    signal(SIGKILL,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGPIPE,proc_sigfunc) ;
1971    atexit(proc_atexit) ;   /* or when the program exits */
1973 #ifdef MAP_ANON
1974    fprintf(stderr , "++ mmap() memory allocated: %lld bytes\n" ,
1975            proc_shmsize ) ;
1976 #else
1977    fprintf(stderr , "++ Shared memory allocated: %lld bytes at id=%d\n" ,
1978            proc_shmsize , proc_shmid ) ;
1979 #endif
1981    /* get pointer to shared memory segment we just created */
1982 #ifndef MAP_ANON
1983   if(proc_shmid > 0) {
1984      proc_shmptr = shm_attach( proc_shmid ) ; /* thd_iochan.c */
1985      if( proc_shmptr == NULL ){
1986        fprintf(stderr,"\n** Can't attach to shared memory!?\n"
1987                         "** This is bizarre.\n" ) ;
1988        shmctl( proc_shmid , IPC_RMID , NULL ) ;
1989        exit(1) ;
1990      }
1991    }
1992 #endif
1994    /* clear all shared memory to zero*/
1996    memset( proc_shmptr , 0 , proc_shmsize ) ;
1998    /* fix the local pointers to arrays in shared memory */
2000    *proc_shm_ar[0] = (float *) proc_shmptr ;
2001    for( ii=1 ; ii < proc_shm_arnum ; ii++ )
2002      *proc_shm_ar[ii] = *proc_shm_ar[ii-1] + proc_shm_arsiz[ii] ;
2004    return;
2005 }
2007 /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
2008 /*** This function replaces free();
2009      it won't try to free things stored in the shared memory ***/
proc_free(void * ptr)2011 void proc_free( void *ptr )
2012 {
2013    int ii ;
2015    if( ptr == NULL ) return ;
2016    /* from if ( proc_shmid == 0 )             25 Oct 2006 DRG */
2017    if( proc_shmptr == NULL ){ free(ptr); return; }  /* no shm */
2018    for( ii=0 ; ii < proc_shm_arnum ; ii++ )
2019      if( ((float *)ptr) == *proc_shm_ar[ii] ) return;
2020    free(ptr); return;
2021 }
2023 #undef  free            /* replace use of library free() */
2024 #define free proc_free  /* with proc_free() function     */
2026 #endif /* PROC_MAX */
2028 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2029 /*
2030   Perform all program initialization.
2031 */
initialize_program(int argc,char ** argv,int * ignore,char ** nname,char ** sname,vfp * nmodel,vfp * smodel,int * r,int * p,char *** npname,char *** spname,float ** min_nconstr,float ** max_nconstr,float ** min_sconstr,float ** max_sconstr,int * nabs,int * nrand,int * nbest,float * rms_min,float * fdisp,int * progress,char ** input_filename,char ** tfilename,char ** freg_filename,char ** frsqr_filename,char ** fsmax_filename,char ** ftmax_filename,char ** fpmax_filename,char ** farea_filename,char ** fparea_filename,char *** fncoef_filename,char *** fscoef_filename,char *** tncoef_filename,char *** tscoef_filename,char ** sfit_filename,char ** snfit_filename,THD_3dim_dataset ** dset_time,int * nxyz,int * ts_length,float *** x_array,float ** ts_array,float ** par_rdcd,float ** par_full,float ** tpar_full,float ** rmsreg_vol,float ** freg_vol,float ** rsqr_vol,float ** smax_vol,float ** tmax_vol,float ** pmax_vol,float ** area_vol,float ** parea_vol,float *** ncoef_vol,float *** scoef_vol,float *** tncoef_vol,float *** tscoef_vol,float *** sfit_vol,float *** snfit_vol,NL_options * option_data)2033 void initialize_program
2034 (
2035   int argc,                /* number of input arguments */
2036   char ** argv,            /* array of input arguments */
2037   int * ignore,            /* delete this number of points from time series */
2038   char ** nname,           /* name of noise model */
2039   char ** sname,           /* name of signal model */
2040   vfp * nmodel,            /* pointer to noise model */
2041   vfp * smodel,            /* pointer to signal model */
2042   int *r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
2043   int *p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
2044   char *** npname,         /* noise parameter names */
2045   char *** spname,         /* signal parameter names */
2046   float ** min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
2047   float ** max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
2048   float ** min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
2049   float ** max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
2050   int * nabs,              /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
2051   int * nrand,             /* number of random vectors to generate */
2052   int * nbest,             /* number of random vectors to keep */
2053   float * rms_min,         /* minimum rms error to reject reduced model */
2054   float * fdisp,           /* minimum f-statistic for display */
2055   int *progress,           /* progress report every nth voxel */
2056   char ** input_filename,     /* file name of input 3d+time dataset */
2057   char ** tfilename,          /* file name for time point series */
2058   char ** freg_filename,      /* file name for regression f-statistics */
2059   char ** frsqr_filename,     /* file name for R^2 statistics */
2060   char ** fsmax_filename,     /* file name for signal signed maximum */
2061   char ** ftmax_filename,     /* file name for time of signed maximum */
2062   char ** fpmax_filename,     /* file name for max. percentage change */
2063   char ** farea_filename,     /* file name for area under the signal */
2064   char ** fparea_filename,    /* file name for % area under the signal */
2065   char *** fncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model parameters */
2066   char *** fscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model parameters */
2067   char *** tncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model t-statistics */
2068   char *** tscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model t-statistics */
2069   char ** sfit_filename,      /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal model */
2070   char ** snfit_filename,     /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal+noise */
2072   THD_3dim_dataset ** dset_time,    /* input 3d+time data set */
2073   int * nxyz,                       /* number of voxels in image */
2074   int * ts_length,                  /* length of time series data */
2076   float *** x_array,       /* independent variable matrix */
2077   float ** ts_array,       /* input time series array */
2079   float ** par_rdcd,       /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
2080   float ** par_full,       /* estimated parameters for the full model */
2081   float ** tpar_full,      /* t-statistic of the parameters in full model */
2083   float ** rmsreg_vol,     /* root-mean-square error for the full model */
2084   float ** freg_vol,       /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
2085   float ** rsqr_vol,       /* R^2 volume data */
2086   float ** smax_vol,       /* volume of signed maximum of signal */
2087   float ** tmax_vol,       /* volume of epoch of signed maximum of signal */
2088   float ** pmax_vol,       /* max. percentage change due to signal */
2089   float ** area_vol,       /* area between signal and baseline */
2090   float ** parea_vol,      /* percentage area between signal and baseline */
2091   float *** ncoef_vol,     /* volume of noise model parameters */
2092   float *** scoef_vol,     /* volume of signal model parameters */
2093   float *** tncoef_vol,    /* volume of noise model t-statistics */
2094   float *** tscoef_vol,    /* volume of signal model t-statistics */
2095   float *** sfit_vol,      /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal model */
2096   float *** snfit_vol,     /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal+noise model */
2098   NL_options * option_data          /* bucket dataset options */
2100 )
2102 {
2103   int dimension;           /* dimension of full model */
2104   int ip;                  /* parameter index */
2105   int it;                  /* time index */
2106   MRI_IMAGE * im, * flim;  /* pointers to image structures
2107                               -- used to read 1D ASCII */
2108   int nt;                  /* number of points in 1D x data file */
2109   float * tar;
2110   int ixyz;                /* voxel index */
2113   /*----- save command line for history notes -----*/
2114   commandline = tross_commandline( PROGRAM_NAME , argc,argv ) ;
2117   /*----- get command line inputs -----*/
2118   get_options(argc, argv, ignore, nname, sname, nmodel, smodel,
2119            r, p, npname, spname,
2120            min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr, nabs,
2121            nrand, nbest, rms_min, fdisp, progress, input_filename, tfilename,
2122            freg_filename, frsqr_filename, fsmax_filename,
2123            ftmax_filename, fpmax_filename, farea_filename, fparea_filename,
2124            fncoef_filename, fscoef_filename,
2125            tncoef_filename, tscoef_filename, sfit_filename, snfit_filename,
2126            dset_time, nxyz, ts_length, option_data);
2129   /*----- check for valid inputs -----*/
2130   check_for_valid_inputs (*nxyz, *r, *p, *min_nconstr, *max_nconstr,
2131                  *min_sconstr, *max_sconstr, *nrand, *nbest,
2132                  *freg_filename, *frsqr_filename,
2133                  *fsmax_filename, *ftmax_filename,
2134                  *fpmax_filename, *farea_filename, *fparea_filename,
2135                  *fncoef_filename, *fscoef_filename,
2136                  *tncoef_filename, *tscoef_filename,
2137                  *sfit_filename, *snfit_filename,
2138                  option_data->bucket_filename, *dset_time);
2141   /*----- allocate space for input time series -----*/
2142   *ts_length = *ts_length - *ignore;
2143   *ts_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (*ts_length));
2144   MTEST (*ts_array);
2147   /*----- allocate space for independent variable matrix -----*/
2148   *x_array = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * (*ts_length));
2149   MTEST (*x_array);
2150   for (it = 0;  it < (*ts_length);  it++)
2151     {
2152       (*x_array)[it] = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * 3);
2153       MTEST ((*x_array)[it]);
2154     }
2157   /*----- initialize independent variable matrix -----*/
2158   if (*tfilename == NULL)
2159     {
2160      if( (inTR || uuTR > 0.0f) && dsTR > 0.0 ){   /* 22 July 1998 */
2161         DELT = dsTR ;
2162         fprintf(stderr,"--- computing with TR = %g\n",DELT) ;
2163      }
2164      for (it = 0;  it < (*ts_length);  it++)
2165       {
2166         (*x_array)[it][0] = 1.0;
2167         (*x_array)[it][1] = it * DELT;
2168         (*x_array)[it][2] = (it * DELT) * (it * DELT);
2169       }
2170     }
2171   else
2172     {
2173         flim = mri_read_1D(*tfilename) ;
2174      if (flim == NULL)
2175        NLfit_error ("Unable to read time reference file \n");
2176         nt = flim -> nx;
2177      if (nt < (*ts_length))
2178        NLfit_error ("Time reference array is too short");
2179         tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim) ;
2180         for (it = 0;  it < (*ts_length);  it++)
2181          {
2182         (*x_array)[it][0] = 1.0;
2183            (*x_array)[it][1] = tar[it] ;
2184            (*x_array)[it][2] = tar[it] * tar[it];
2185          }
2186         mri_free (flim);
2187      }
2189   /*--- 24 Jul 2006: special change to x_array[][2] for Linear+Ort [RWCox] ---*/
2191    if( strcmp(*nname,"Linear+Ort") == 0 ){
2192       char *fname ; MRI_IMAGE *fim ; int nx ; float *far ;
2193       fname = my_getenv("AFNI_ORTMODEL_REF") ;
2194       if( fname == NULL )
2195         ERROR_exit("Linear+Ort model: 'AFNI_ORTMODEL_REF' not set") ;
2197       fim = mri_read_1D(fname) ;
2198       if( fim == NULL || fim->nx < 2 )
2199         ERROR_exit(
2200           "Linear+Ort model: can't read file AFNI_ORTMODEL_REF='%s'",fname) ;
2202       nx = fim->nx ; far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fim) ;
2203       if( nx != (*ts_length) || fim->ny > 1 )
2204         WARNING_message(
2205          "Linear+Ort model: AFNI_ORTMODEL_REF='%s' has nx=%d ny=%d; data length=%d",
2206          fname , nx , fim->ny , *ts_length ) ;
2207       else
2208         INFO_message(
2209           "Linear+Ort model: AFNI_ORTMODEL_REF='%s' loaded; length=%d" ,
2210           fname , nx ) ;
2212       for( it=0 ; it < (*ts_length);  it++)
2213         (*x_array)[it][2] = (it < nx) ? far[it] : 0.0f ;
2214    }
2216   /*----- allocate memory space for parameters -----*/
2217   dimension = (*r) + (*p);
2218   *par_rdcd = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * dimension);
2219   MTEST (*par_rdcd);
2220   *par_full = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * dimension);
2221   MTEST (*par_full);
2222   *tpar_full = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * dimension);
2223   MTEST (*tpar_full);
2226   /*----- allocate memory space for volume data -----*/
2227   zero_fill_volume( freg_vol , *nxyz ) ;
2229   if ((*freg_filename != NULL) || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2230       zero_fill_volume( rmsreg_vol , *nxyz ) ;
2232   if ((*frsqr_filename != NULL) || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2233       zero_fill_volume( rsqr_vol , *nxyz ) ;
2235   if ((*fsmax_filename != NULL) || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2236       zero_fill_volume( smax_vol , *nxyz ) ;
2238   if ((*ftmax_filename != NULL) || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2239       zero_fill_volume( tmax_vol , *nxyz ) ;
2242   if ((*fpmax_filename != NULL) || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2243       zero_fill_volume( pmax_vol , *nxyz ) ;
2245   if ((*farea_filename != NULL) || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2246       zero_fill_volume( area_vol , *nxyz ) ;
2248   if ((*fparea_filename != NULL) || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2249       zero_fill_volume( parea_vol , *nxyz ) ;
2252   *ncoef_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * (*r));
2253   MTEST (*ncoef_vol);
2254   *tncoef_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * (*r));
2255   MTEST (*tncoef_vol);
2257   for (ip = 0;  ip < (*r);  ip++)
2258     {
2259       if (((*fncoef_filename)[ip] != NULL) || ((*tncoef_filename)[ip] != NULL)
2260        || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2261           zero_fill_volume( &((*ncoef_vol)[ip]) , *nxyz ) ;
2262       else
2263      (*ncoef_vol)[ip] = NULL;
2265       if (((*tncoef_filename)[ip] != NULL)
2266        || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2267           zero_fill_volume( &((*tncoef_vol)[ip]) , *nxyz ) ;
2268       else
2269      (*tncoef_vol)[ip] = NULL;
2270     }
2273   *scoef_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * (*p));
2274   MTEST (*scoef_vol);
2275   *tscoef_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * (*p));
2276   MTEST (*tscoef_vol);
2278   for (ip = 0;  ip < (*p);  ip++)
2279     {
2280       if (((*fscoef_filename)[ip] != NULL) || ((*tscoef_filename)[ip] != NULL)
2281        || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2282           zero_fill_volume( &((*scoef_vol)[ip]) , *nxyz ) ;
2283       else
2284      (*scoef_vol)[ip] = NULL;
2286       if (((*tscoef_filename)[ip] != NULL)
2287        || (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL))
2288           zero_fill_volume( &((*tscoef_vol)[ip]) , *nxyz ) ;
2289       else
2290      (*tscoef_vol)[ip] = NULL;
2291     }
2294   /*----- Allocate memory space for 3d+time fitted signal model -----*/
2295   if (*sfit_filename != NULL)
2296     {
2297       *sfit_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * (*ts_length));
2298       MTEST(*sfit_vol);
2300       for (it = 0;  it < *ts_length;  it++)
2301           zero_fill_volume( &((*sfit_vol)[it]) , *nxyz ) ;
2302     }
2304   /*----- Allocate memory space for 3d+time fitted signal+noise model -----*/
2305   if (*snfit_filename != NULL)
2306     {
2307       *snfit_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * (*ts_length));
2308       MTEST(*snfit_vol);
2310       for (it = 0;  it < *ts_length;  it++)
2311           zero_fill_volume( &((*snfit_vol)[it]) , *nxyz ) ;
2312     }
2314 #ifdef PROC_MAX
2315   if( proc_numjob > 1 ) proc_finalize_shm_volumes() ;  /* RWCox */
2316 #endif
2318 }
2321 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2322 /*
2323   Get the time series for one voxel from the AFNI 3d+time data set.
2324 */
read_ts_array(THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time,int iv,int ts_length,int ignore,float * ts_array)2326 void read_ts_array
2327 (
2328   THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time,      /* input 3d+time data set */
2329   int iv,                            /* get time series for this voxel */
2330   int ts_length,                     /* length of time series array */
2331   int ignore,              /* delete this number of points from time series */
2332   float * ts_array         /* input time series data for voxel #iv */
2333 )
2335 {
2336   MRI_IMAGE * im;          /* intermediate float data */
2337   float * ar;              /* pointer to float data */
2338   int it;                  /* time index */
2340 ENTRY("read_ts_array") ;
2343   /*----- Extract time series from 3d+time data set into MRI_IMAGE -----*/
2344 STATUS("extracting time series") ;
2345   im = THD_extract_series (iv, dset_time, 0);
2348   /*----- Verify extraction -----*/
2349   if (im == NULL)  NLfit_error ("Unable to extract data from 3d+time dataset");
2352   /*----- Now extract time series from MRI_IMAGE -----*/
2353 STATUS("loading into ts_array") ;
2354   ar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR (im);
2355   for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
2356     {
2357       ts_array[it] = ar[it+ignore];
2358     }
2361   /*----- Release memory -----*/
2362   mri_free (im);   im = NULL;
2363   EXRETURN ;
2364 }
2367 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2368 /*
2369   Print out the given time series.
2370 */
write_ts_array(int ts_length,float * ts_array)2372 void write_ts_array
2373 (
2374   int ts_length,               /* length of time series array */
2375   float * ts_array             /* time series data to be printed */
2376 )
2378 {
2379   int it;                      /* time index */
2381   for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
2382     printf ("%d  %f \n", it, ts_array[it]);
2383 }
2386 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2387 /*
2388   Save results for output later.
2389 */
save_results(int iv,vfp nmodel,vfp smodel,int r,int p,int novar,int ts_length,float ** x_array,float * par_full,float * tpar_full,float rmsreg,float freg,float rsqr,float smax,float tmax,float pmax,float area,float parea,float * rmsreg_vol,float * freg_vol,float * rsqr_vol,float * smax_vol,float * tmax_vol,float * pmax_vol,float * area_vol,float * parea_vol,float ** ncoef_vol,float ** scoef_vol,float ** tncoef_vol,float ** tscoef_vol,float ** sfit_vol,float ** snfit_vol)2391 void save_results
2392 (
2393   int iv,                  /* current voxel number */
2394   vfp nmodel,              /* pointer to noise model */
2395   vfp smodel,              /* pointer to signal model */
2396   int r,                   /* number of parameters in the noise model */
2397   int p,                   /* number of parameters in the signal model */
2398   int novar,               /* flag for insufficient variation in the data */
2399   int ts_length,           /* length of time series data */
2400   float ** x_array,        /* independent variable matrix */
2401   float * par_full,        /* estimated parameters for the full model */
2402   float * tpar_full,       /* t-statistic of the parameters in full model */
2403   float rmsreg,            /* root-mean-square error for the full model */
2404   float freg,              /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
2405   float rsqr,              /* R^2 (coef. of multiple determination) */
2406   float smax,              /* signed maximum of signal */
2407   float tmax,              /* epoch of signed maximum of signal */
2408   float pmax,              /* percentage change due to signal */
2409   float area,              /* area between signal and baseline */
2410   float parea,             /* percentage area between signal and baseline */
2412   float * rmsreg_vol,      /* root-mean-square for the full regression model */
2413   float * freg_vol,        /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
2414   float * rsqr_vol,        /* R^2 volume data */
2415   float * smax_vol,        /* signed maximum of signal volume data */
2416   float * tmax_vol,        /* epoch of signed maximum volume data */
2417   float * pmax_vol,        /* percentage change in signal volume data */
2418   float * area_vol,        /* area underneath signal volume data */
2419   float * parea_vol,       /* percentage area underneath signal volume data */
2420   float ** ncoef_vol,      /* volume of noise model parameters */
2421   float ** scoef_vol,      /* volume of signal model parameters */
2422   float ** tncoef_vol,     /* volume of noise model t-statistics */
2423   float ** tscoef_vol,     /* volume of signal model t-statistics */
2424   float ** sfit_vol,       /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal model */
2425   float ** snfit_vol       /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal+noise model */
2426 )
2428 {
2429   int ip;                  /* parameter index */
2430   int it;                  /* time index */
2431   float * s_array;         /* fitted signal model time series */
2432   float * n_array;         /* fitted noise model time series */
2435   /*----- save regression results into volume data -----*/
2436   if (freg_vol != NULL)    freg_vol[iv] = freg;
2437   if (rmsreg_vol != NULL)  rmsreg_vol[iv] = rmsreg;
2438   if (rsqr_vol != NULL)    rsqr_vol[iv] = rsqr;
2440   /*----- save signed maximum and epoch of signed maximum of signal -----*/
2441   if (smax_vol != NULL)  smax_vol[iv] = smax;
2442   if (tmax_vol != NULL)  tmax_vol[iv] = tmax;
2444   /*----- save percentage change and area beneath the signal -----*/
2445   if (pmax_vol != NULL)  pmax_vol[iv] = pmax;
2446   if (area_vol != NULL)  area_vol[iv] = area;
2447   if (parea_vol != NULL) parea_vol[iv] = parea;
2449   /*----- save noise parameter estimates -----*/
2450   for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
2451     {
2452       if (ncoef_vol[ip] != NULL)  ncoef_vol[ip][iv] = par_full[ip];
2453       if (tncoef_vol[ip] != NULL)  tncoef_vol[ip][iv] = tpar_full[ip];
2454     }
2456   /*----- save signal parameter estimates -----*/
2457   for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
2458     {
2459       if (scoef_vol[ip] != NULL)  scoef_vol[ip][iv] = par_full[ip+r];
2460       if (tscoef_vol[ip] != NULL)  tscoef_vol[ip][iv] = tpar_full[ip+r];
2461     }
2464   /*----- save fitted signal model time series -----*/
2465   if (sfit_vol != NULL)
2466     {
2467       if (novar)
2468      {
2469        for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
2470          sfit_vol[it][iv] = 0.0;
2471      }
2472       else
2473      {
2474        s_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (ts_length));
2475        MTEST (s_array);
2477        smodel (par_full + r, ts_length, x_array, s_array);
2479        for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
2480          sfit_vol[it][iv] = s_array[it];
2482        free (s_array);   s_array = NULL;
2483      }
2484     }
2487   /*----- save fitted signal+noise model time series -----*/
2488   if (snfit_vol != NULL)
2489     {
2490       n_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (ts_length));
2491       MTEST (n_array);
2492       nmodel (par_full, ts_length, x_array, n_array);
2494       for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
2495      {
2496        snfit_vol[it][iv] = n_array[it];
2497      }
2499       free (n_array);   n_array = NULL;
2502       if (! novar)
2503      {
2504        s_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (ts_length));
2505        MTEST (s_array);
2506        smodel (par_full + r, ts_length, x_array, s_array);
2508        for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
2509          {
2510            snfit_vol[it][iv] += s_array[it];
2511          }
2513        free (s_array);   s_array = NULL;
2514      }
2515     }
2517 }
2519 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2520 /*
2521   Routine to write one AFNI data set.
2523   This data set may be either 'fitt' type (intensity + t-statistic)
2524                            or 'fift' type (intensity + F-statistic).
2526   The intensity data is in ffim, and the corresponding statistic is in ftr.
2528   numdof = numerator degrees of freedom
2529   dendof = denominator degrees of freedom
2531   Note:  if dendof = 0, then write 'fitt' type data set;
2532          if dendof > 0, then write 'fift' type data set.
2533 */
write_afni_data(char * input_filename,int nxyz,char * filename,float * ffim,float * ftr,int numdof,int dendof)2535 void write_afni_data (char * input_filename, int nxyz, char * filename,
2536                       float * ffim,  float * ftr,  int numdof,  int dendof)
2537 {
2538   int ii;                             /* voxel index */
2539   THD_3dim_dataset * dset=NULL;       /* input afni data set pointer */
2540   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset=NULL;   /* output afni data set pointer */
2541   int iv;                             /* sub-brick index */
2542   int ierror;                         /* number of errors in editing data */
2543   int ibuf[32];                       /* integer buffer */
2544   float fbuf[MAX_STAT_AUX];           /* float buffer */
2545   float fimfac;                       /* scale factor for short data */
2546 /*  int output_datum;  */                 /* data type for output data */
2547   short * tsp;                        /* 2nd sub-brick data pointer */
2548   void  * vdif;                       /* 1st sub-brick data pointer */
2549   int func_type;                      /* afni data set type */
2550   float top, func_scale_short;        /* parameters for scaling data */
2551   char label[THD_MAX_NAME];           /* label for output file history */
2552   int nbad;                           /* number of bad voxels in volume */
2554   /*----- read input dataset -----*/
2555   dset = THD_open_dataset (input_filename) ; /* was THD_open_one...*/
2556   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) ){
2557     fprintf(stderr,"*** Unable to open dataset file %s\n",
2558          input_filename);
2559     exit(1) ;
2560   }
2562   /*-- make an empty copy of this dataset, for eventual output --*/
2563   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset ) ;
2566   /*----- Record history of dataset -----*/
2567   tross_Copy_History( dset , new_dset ) ;
2568   snprintf (label, THD_MAX_NAME, "Output prefix: %s", filename);
2569   if( commandline != NULL )
2570      tross_multi_Append_History( new_dset , commandline,label,NULL ) ;
2571   else
2572      tross_Append_History ( new_dset, label);
2575   iv = DSET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(dset) ;
2577   fprintf(stderr,"--output datum is %d\n", output_datum);
2578 /*  output_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,iv) ;
2579   if( output_datum == MRI_byte ) output_datum = MRI_short ;
2580 */
2582   ibuf[0] = output_datum ; ibuf[1] = MRI_short ;
2584   if (dendof == 0) func_type = FUNC_TT_TYPE;
2585   else func_type = FUNC_FT_TYPE;
2587   ierror = EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
2588                    ADN_prefix , filename ,
2589                    ADN_label1 , filename ,
2590                    ADN_self_name , filename ,
2591                    ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE :
2592                                              GEN_FUNC_TYPE ,
2593                    ADN_func_type , func_type ,
2594                    ADN_nvals , FUNC_nvals[func_type] ,
2595                    ADN_datum_array , ibuf ,
2596                    ADN_ntt , 0 ,
2597                    ADN_malloc_type, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
2598                    ADN_none ) ;
2600   if( ierror > 0 ){
2601     fprintf(stderr,
2602           "*** %d errors in attempting to create output dataset!\n", ierror ) ;
2603     exit(1) ;
2604   }
2606   if( THD_is_file(new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) ){
2607     fprintf(stderr,
2608          "*** Output dataset file %s already exists--cannot continue!\a\n",
2609          new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ;
2610     exit(1) ;
2611   }
2613   /*----- deleting exemplar dataset -----*/
2614   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset , False ) ; dset = NULL ;
2616   nbad = thd_floatscan( nxyz , ffim ) ;
2617   if(nbad)
2618     fprintf(stderr,"++ %d bad floating point values in combined dataset\n",nbad);
2620   /*----- allocate memory for output data -----*/
2621   vdif = (void *)  malloc( mri_datum_size(output_datum) * nxyz );
2622   if (vdif == NULL)   NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for vdif");
2623   tsp  = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nxyz );
2624   if (tsp == NULL)   NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for tsp");
2626   /*----- attach bricks to new data set -----*/
2627   mri_fix_data_pointer (vdif, DSET_BRICK(new_dset,0));
2628   mri_fix_data_pointer (tsp, DSET_BRICK(new_dset,1));
2631   /*----- convert data type to output specification -----*/
2632   fimfac = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new (nxyz,
2633                           MRI_float, ffim,
2634                           output_datum, vdif);
2635   if (fimfac != 0.0)  fimfac = 1.0 / fimfac;
2637 #define TOP_SS  32700
2639   if (dendof == 0)   /* t-statistic */
2640     {
2641       top = TOP_SS/FUNC_TT_SCALE_SHORT;
2642       func_scale_short = FUNC_TT_SCALE_SHORT;
2643     }
2644   else               /* F-statistic */
2645     {
2646       top = TOP_SS/FUNC_FT_SCALE_SHORT;
2647       func_scale_short = FUNC_FT_SCALE_SHORT;
2648     }
2650   for (ii = 0;  ii < nxyz;  ii++)
2651     {
2652       if (ftr[ii] > top)
2653      tsp[ii] = TOP_SS;
2654       else  if (ftr[ii] < -top)
2655      tsp[ii] = -TOP_SS;
2656       else  if (ftr[ii] >= 0.0)
2657      tsp[ii] = (short) (func_scale_short * ftr[ii] + 0.5);
2658       else
2659      tsp[ii] = (short) (func_scale_short * ftr[ii] - 0.5);
2661     }
2664   /*----- write afni data set -----*/
2665   INFO_message("Writing combined dataset into %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset)) ;
2667   fbuf[0] = numdof;
2668   fbuf[1] = dendof;
2669   for( ii=2 ; ii < MAX_STAT_AUX ; ii++ ) fbuf[ii] = 0.0 ;
2670   (void) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_stat_aux , fbuf , ADN_none ) ;
2672   fbuf[0] = (output_datum == MRI_short && fimfac != 1.0 ) ? fimfac : 0.0 ;
2673   fbuf[1] = 1.0 / func_scale_short ;
2674   (void) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_fac , fbuf , ADN_none ) ;
2676   if( do_FDR && !AFNI_noenv("AFNI_AUTOMATIC_FDR") )
2677   { int ii = THD_create_all_fdrcurves( new_dset ) ;
2678     if( ii > 0 ) ININFO_message("created %d FDR curves in header",ii) ;
2679   }
2681   THD_load_statistics( new_dset ) ;
2682   THD_write_3dim_dataset( NULL,NULL , new_dset , True ) ;
2684   /*----- deallocate memory -----*/
2685   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; new_dset = NULL ;
2687 }
2690 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2691 /*
2692   Routine to write one bucket data set.
2693 */
write_bucket_data(int q,int p,int numdof,int dendof,int nxyz,int n,float * rmsreg_vol,float * freg_vol,float * rsqr_vol,float * smax_vol,float * tmax_vol,float * pmax_vol,float * area_vol,float * parea_vol,float ** ncoef_vol,float ** scoef_vol,float ** tncoef_vol,float ** tscoef_vol,char * input_filename,NL_options * option_data)2695 void write_bucket_data
2696 (
2697   int q,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
2698   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
2699   int numdof,             /* numerator dof for F-statistic */
2700   int dendof,             /* denominator dof for F-statistic */
2701   int  nxyz,              /* number of voxels in image */
2702   int  n,                 /* length of time series data */
2704   float * rmsreg_vol,     /* root-mean-square error for the full model */
2705   float * freg_vol,       /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
2706   float * rsqr_vol,       /* R^2 volume data */
2707   float * smax_vol,       /* signed maximum of signal volume data */
2708   float * tmax_vol,       /* epoch of signed maximum volume data */
2709   float * pmax_vol,       /* percentage change in signal volume data */
2710   float * area_vol,       /* area underneath signal volume data */
2711   float * parea_vol,      /* percentage area underneath signal volume data */
2712   float ** ncoef_vol,     /* volume of noise model parameters */
2713   float ** scoef_vol,     /* volume of signal model parameters */
2714   float ** tncoef_vol,    /* volume of noise model t-statistics */
2715   float ** tscoef_vol,    /* volume of signal model t-statistics */
2717   char * input_filename,
2719   NL_options * option_data     /* user input options */
2720 )
2722 {
2723   const float EPSILON = 1.0e-10;
2725   THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset = NULL;    /* prototype dataset */
2726   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset = NULL;    /* output bucket dataset */
2727   char * output_prefix;     /* prefix name for bucket dataset */
2728   char * output_session;    /* directory for bucket dataset */
2729   int nbricks, ib;          /* number of sub-bricks in bucket dataset */
2730   short ** bar = NULL;      /* bar[ib] points to data for sub-brick #ib */
2731   float ** far = NULL;      /* far[ib] points to data for sub-brick #ib */
2732   float factor;             /* factor is new scale factor for sub-brick #ib */
2733   int brick_type;           /* indicates statistical type of sub-brick */
2734   int brick_coef;           /* regression coefficient index for sub-brick */
2735   char * brick_label;       /* character string label for sub-brick */
2736   int ierror;               /* number of errors in editing data */
2737   float *volume=NULL;       /* volume of floating point data */
2738   int dimension;            /* dimension of full model = p + q */
2739   char label[THD_MAX_NAME]; /* label for output file history */
2740   void * imptr;             /* pointer to volume in correct datum type to actually write out*/
2741   int nbad;                 /* number of bad floating point values in volume */
2743   /*----- initialize local variables -----*/
2744   nbricks = option_data->numbricks;
2745   output_prefix = option_data->bucket_filename;
2746   output_session = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * THD_MAX_NAME);
2747   strcpy (output_session, "./");
2748   dimension = p + q;
2751   /*----- allocate memory -----*/
2752   if(output_datum==MRI_short) {
2753      bar  = (short **) malloc (sizeof(short *) * nbricks);
2754      MTEST (bar);
2755   }
2756   else {
2757      far  = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * nbricks);
2758      MTEST (far);
2759   }
2761   /*----- read first dataset -----*/
2762   old_dset = THD_open_dataset (input_filename); /* was THD_open_one...*/
2765   /*-- make an empty copy of this dataset, for eventual output --*/
2766   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy (old_dset);
2769   /*----- Record history of dataset -----*/
2770   tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dset ) ;
2771   if( commandline != NULL )
2772      tross_Append_History( new_dset , commandline ) ;
2773   snprintf (label, THD_MAX_NAME, "Output prefix: %s", output_prefix);
2774   tross_Append_History ( new_dset, label);
2777   /*----- Modify some structural properties.  Note that the nbricks
2778           just make empty sub-bricks, without any data attached. -----*/
2779   ierror = EDIT_dset_items (new_dset,
2780                             ADN_prefix,          output_prefix,
2781                    ADN_directory_name,  output_session,
2782                    ADN_type,            HEAD_FUNC_TYPE,
2783                    ADN_func_type,       FUNC_BUCK_TYPE,
2784                             ADN_ntt,             0,               /* no time */
2785                    ADN_nvals,           nbricks,
2786                    ADN_malloc_type,     DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
2787                    ADN_none ) ;
2789   if( ierror > 0 )
2790     {
2791       fprintf(stderr,
2792            "*** %d errors in attempting to create output dataset!\n",
2793            ierror);
2794       exit(1);
2795     }
2797   if (THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset)))
2798     {
2799       fprintf(stderr,
2800            "*** Output dataset file %s already exists--cannot continue!\n",
2801            DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset));
2802       exit(1);
2803     }
2806   /*----- deleting exemplar dataset -----*/
2807   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( old_dset , False );  old_dset = NULL ;
2809   nbad = 0;
2811   /*----- loop over new sub-brick index, attach data array with
2812           EDIT_substitute_brick then put some strings into the labels and
2813           keywords, and modify the sub-brick scaling factor -----*/
2814   for (ib = 0;  ib < nbricks;  ib++)
2815     {
2816       /*----- get information about this sub-brick -----*/
2817       brick_type  = option_data->brick_type[ib];
2818       brick_coef  = option_data->brick_coef[ib];
2819       brick_label = option_data->brick_label[ib];
2821       if (brick_type == FUNC_FIM_TYPE)
2822      {
2823        if (brick_coef < q)
2824          volume = ncoef_vol[brick_coef];
2825        else if (brick_coef < p+q)
2826          volume = scoef_vol[brick_coef-q];
2827        else if (brick_coef == p+q)
2828          volume = tmax_vol;
2829        else if (brick_coef == p+q+1)
2830          volume = smax_vol;
2831        else if (brick_coef == p+q+2)
2832          volume = pmax_vol;
2833        else if (brick_coef == p+q+3)
2834          volume = area_vol;
2835        else if (brick_coef == p+q+4)
2836          volume = parea_vol;
2837        else if (brick_coef == p+q+5)
2838          volume = rmsreg_vol;
2839        else if (brick_coef == p+q+6)
2840          volume = rsqr_vol;
2841      }
2842       else  if (brick_type == FUNC_TT_TYPE)
2843      {
2844        if (brick_coef < q)
2845          volume = tncoef_vol[brick_coef];
2846        else if (brick_coef < p+q)
2847          volume = tscoef_vol[brick_coef-q];
2848        EDIT_BRICK_TO_FITT (new_dset, ib, dendof);
2849      }
2850       else  if (brick_type == FUNC_FT_TYPE)
2851      {
2852        volume = freg_vol;
2853        EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIFT (new_dset, ib, numdof, dendof);
2854      }
2856       nbad += thd_floatscan( nxyz , volume ) ;
2858       /*----- allocate memory for output sub-brick -----*/
2859       if(output_datum==MRI_short) {
2860          bar[ib]  = (short *) malloc (sizeof(short) * nxyz);
2861          MTEST (bar[ib]);
2862          factor = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new (nxyz, MRI_float, volume,
2863                               MRI_short, bar[ib]);
2864          imptr = bar[ib];
2865       }
2866       else {
2867          far[ib]  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nxyz);
2868          MTEST (far[ib]);
2869          factor = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new (nxyz, MRI_float, volume,
2870                               output_datum, far[ib]);
2871          imptr = far[ib];
2872       }
2873      if (factor < EPSILON)  factor = 0.0;
2874      else factor = 1.0 / factor;
2876      if( output_datum == MRI_short )
2877        EDIT_misfit_report( DSET_FILECODE(new_dset) , ib ,
2878                            nxyz , factor , imptr , volume ) ;
2881       /*----- edit the sub-brick -----*/
2882       EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset, ib, brick_label);
2883       EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR (new_dset, ib, factor);
2885       /*----- attach image pointer to be sub-brick #ib -----*/
2886       EDIT_substitute_brick (new_dset, ib, output_datum, imptr);
2888     }
2890   if(nbad)
2891     fprintf(stderr,"++ %d bad floating point values in dataset\n",nbad);
2893   /*----- write bucket data set -----*/
2895   INFO_message("Writing bucket dataset: %s",DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset)) ;
2897   if( do_FDR && !AFNI_noenv("AFNI_AUTOMATIC_FDR") )
2898   { int ii = THD_create_all_fdrcurves( new_dset ) ;
2899     if( ii > 0 ) ININFO_message("created %d FDR curves in header",ii) ;
2900   }
2902   THD_load_statistics (new_dset);
2903   THD_write_3dim_dataset( NULL,NULL , new_dset , True ) ;
2905   /*----- deallocate memory -----*/
2906  /* if(output_datum==MRI_short) {*/
2907     THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; new_dset = NULL ;
2908   /*}  */
2910 }
2913 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2914 /*
2915   Routine to write one AFNI 3d+time data set.
2916 */
write_3dtime(char * input_filename,int ts_length,float ** vol_array,char * output_filename)2919 void write_3dtime
2920 (
2921   char * input_filename,           /* file name of input 3d+time dataset */
2922   int ts_length,                   /* length of time series data */
2923   float ** vol_array,              /* output time series volume data */
2924   char * output_filename           /* output afni data set file name */
2925 )
2927 {
2928   const float EPSILON = 1.0e-10;
2930   THD_3dim_dataset * dset = NULL;        /* input afni data set pointer */
2931   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset = NULL;    /* output afni data set pointer */
2932   int ib;                                /* sub-brick index */
2933   int ierror;                            /* number of errors in editing data */
2934   int nxyz;                              /* total number of voxels */
2935   float factor;             /* factor is new scale factor for sub-brick #ib */
2936   short ** bar = NULL;      /* bar[ib] points to data for sub-brick #ib */
2937   float ** far = NULL;      /* far[ib] points to data for sub-brick #ib */
2938   float * fbuf;             /* float buffer */
2939   float * volume;           /* pointer to volume of data */
2940   char label[THD_MAX_NAME]; /* label for output file history */
2941   int nbad;                 /* number of voxels in volume with bad floating point values */
2943   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
2944   dset = THD_open_dataset (input_filename); /* was THD_open_one...*/
2945   nxyz = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy * dset->daxes->nzz;
2948   /*----- allocate memory -----*/
2949   if(output_datum==MRI_short) {
2950      bar  = (short **) malloc (sizeof(short *) * ts_length);   MTEST (bar);
2951      }
2952   else {
2953      far  = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * ts_length);   MTEST (far);
2954      }
2956   fbuf = (float *)  malloc (sizeof(float)   * ts_length);   MTEST (fbuf);
2957   for (ib = 0;  ib < ts_length;  ib++)    fbuf[ib] = 0.0;
2960   /*-- make an empty copy of the prototype dataset, for eventual output --*/
2961   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy (dset);
2964   /*----- Record history of dataset -----*/
2965   tross_Copy_History( dset , new_dset ) ;
2966   if( commandline != NULL )
2967      tross_Append_History( new_dset , commandline ) ;
2968   snprintf (label, THD_MAX_NAME, "Output prefix: %s", output_filename);
2969   tross_Append_History ( new_dset, label);
2972   /*----- delete prototype dataset -----*/
2973   THD_delete_3dim_dataset (dset, False);  dset = NULL ;
2976   ierror = EDIT_dset_items (new_dset,
2977                    ADN_prefix,      output_filename,
2978                    ADN_label1,      output_filename,
2979                    ADN_self_name,   output_filename,
2980                    ADN_malloc_type, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC,
2981                    ADN_datum_all,   output_datum,
2982                    ADN_nvals,       ts_length,
2983                    ADN_ntt,         ts_length,
2984                    ADN_none);
2986   if( ierror > 0 ){
2987     fprintf(stderr,
2988           "*** %d errors in attempting to create output dataset!\n", ierror ) ;
2989     exit(1) ;
2990   }
2992   if( THD_is_file(new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) ){
2993     fprintf(stderr,
2994          "*** Output dataset file %s already exists--cannot continue!\a\n",
2995          new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ;
2996     exit(1) ;
2997   }
2999   nbad = 0;
3001   /*----- attach bricks to new data set -----*/
3002   for (ib = 0;  ib < ts_length;  ib++)
3003     {
3005       /*----- Set pointer to appropriate volume -----*/
3006       volume = vol_array[ib];
3007       nbad += thd_floatscan( nxyz , volume ) ;
3008       if(output_datum==MRI_short) {
3009          /*----- Allocate memory for output sub-brick -----*/
3010          bar[ib]  = (short *) malloc (sizeof(short) * nxyz);
3011          MTEST (bar[ib]);
3013          /*----- Convert data type to short for this sub-brick -----*/
3014          factor = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new (nxyz, MRI_float, volume,
3015                               output_datum, bar[ib]);
3016          if (factor < EPSILON)  factor = 0.0;
3017          else factor = 1.0 / factor;
3018          fbuf[ib] = factor;
3019          /*----- attach bar[ib] to be sub-brick #ib -----*/
3020          mri_fix_data_pointer (bar[ib], DSET_BRICK(new_dset,ib));
3022        EDIT_misfit_report( DSET_FILECODE(new_dset) , ib ,
3023                            nxyz , factor , bar[ib] , volume ) ;
3024       }
3025       else {
3026          /*----- Allocate memory for output sub-brick -----*/
3027          far[ib]  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nxyz);
3028          MTEST (far[ib]);
3030          /*----- Convert data type to float for this sub-brick -----*/
3031          factor = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new (nxyz, MRI_float, volume,
3032                               output_datum, far[ib]);
3033          if (factor < EPSILON)  factor = 0.0;
3034          else factor = 1.0 / factor;
3035          fbuf[ib] = factor;
3036          /*----- attach far[ib] to be sub-brick #ib -----*/
3037          mri_fix_data_pointer (far[ib], DSET_BRICK(new_dset,ib));
3038       }
3039     }
3040   if(nbad)
3041     WARNING_message("%d bad floating point values in dataset\n",nbad);
3043   /*----- write afni data set -----*/
3045   (void) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_fac , fbuf , ADN_none ) ;
3047   INFO_message("Writing 3D+time dataset %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset)) ;
3049   THD_load_statistics (new_dset);
3050   THD_write_3dim_dataset (NULL, NULL, new_dset, True);
3053   /*----- deallocate memory -----*/
3054 /*  if(output_datum==MRI_short) {*/
3055      THD_delete_3dim_dataset (new_dset, False);   new_dset = NULL ;
3056      free (fbuf);   fbuf = NULL;
3057 /*  }*/
3058 }
3061 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3062 /*
3063   Write out the user requested output files.
3064 */
output_results(int r,int p,float * min_nconstr,float * max_nconstr,float * min_sconstr,float * max_sconstr,int nxyz,int ts_length,float * rmsreg_vol,float * freg_vol,float * rsqr_vol,float * smax_vol,float * tmax_vol,float * pmax_vol,float * area_vol,float * parea_vol,float ** ncoef_vol,float ** scoef_vol,float ** tncoef_vol,float ** tscoef_vol,float ** sfit_vol,float ** snfit_vol,char * input_filename,char * freg_filename,char * frsqr_filename,char * fsmax_filename,char * ftmax_filename,char * fpmax_filename,char * farea_filename,char * fparea_filename,char ** fncoef_filename,char ** fscoef_filename,char ** tncoef_filename,char ** tscoef_filename,char * sfit_filename,char * snfit_filename,NL_options * option_data)3066 void output_results
3067 (
3068   int r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
3069   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
3070   float * min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
3071   float * max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
3072   float * min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
3073   float * max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
3074   int  nxyz,              /* number of voxels in image */
3075   int  ts_length,         /* length of time series data */
3076   float * rmsreg_vol,     /* root-mean-square error for the full model */
3077   float * freg_vol,       /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
3078   float * rsqr_vol,       /* R^2 volume data */
3079   float * smax_vol,       /* signed maximum of signal volume data */
3080   float * tmax_vol,       /* epoch of signed maximum volume data */
3081   float * pmax_vol,       /* percentage change in signal volume data */
3082   float * area_vol,       /* area underneath signal volume data */
3083   float * parea_vol,      /* percentage area underneath signal volume data */
3084   float ** ncoef_vol,     /* volume of noise model parameters */
3085   float ** scoef_vol,     /* volume of signal model parameters */
3086   float ** tncoef_vol,    /* volume of noise model t-statistics */
3087   float ** tscoef_vol,    /* volume of signal model t-statistics */
3088   float ** sfit_vol,      /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal model */
3089   float ** snfit_vol,     /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal+noise model */
3091   char * input_filename,     /* file name of input 3d+time dataset */
3092   char * freg_filename,      /* file name for f-statistics */
3093   char * frsqr_filename,     /* file name for R^2 statistics */
3094   char * fsmax_filename,     /* file name for signal signed maximum */
3095   char * ftmax_filename,     /* file name for time of signed maximum */
3096   char * fpmax_filename,     /* file name for percentage signal change */
3097   char * farea_filename,     /* file name for area underneath signal */
3098   char * fparea_filename,    /* file name for % area underneath signal */
3099   char ** fncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model parameters */
3100   char ** fscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model parameters */
3101   char ** tncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model t-statistics */
3102   char ** tscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model t-statistics */
3103   char * sfit_filename,      /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal model */
3104   char * snfit_filename,     /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal+noise */
3106   NL_options * option_data   /* user input options */
3108 )
3110 {
3111   int ip;                 /* parameter index */
3112   int dimension;          /* dimension of full model = r + p  */
3113   int numdof, dendof;     /* numerator and denominator degrees of freedom */
3116   /*----- Initialization -----*/
3117   dimension = r + p;
3118   numdof = p;
3119   dendof = ts_length - dimension;
3122   /*----- Adjust dof if constraints force a parameter to be a constant -----*/
3123   for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
3124     if (min_nconstr[ip] == max_nconstr[ip])
3125       dendof++;
3127   for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
3128     if (min_sconstr[ip] == max_sconstr[ip])
3129       {
3130      numdof--;
3131      dendof++;
3132       }
3135   /*----- write the bucket dataset -----*/
3136   if (option_data->numbricks > 0)
3137     write_bucket_data (r, p, numdof, dendof, nxyz, ts_length, rmsreg_vol,
3138                  freg_vol, rsqr_vol, smax_vol, tmax_vol, pmax_vol,
3139                  area_vol, parea_vol, ncoef_vol, scoef_vol,
3140                  tncoef_vol, tscoef_vol, input_filename, option_data);
3143   /*----- write out the f-statistics for the regression -----*/
3144   if (freg_filename != NULL)
3145     write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, freg_filename,
3146                rmsreg_vol, freg_vol, numdof, dendof);
3149   /*----- write out the R^2 (coefficient of multiple determination) -----*/
3150   if (frsqr_filename != NULL)
3151     write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, frsqr_filename,
3152                rsqr_vol, freg_vol, numdof, dendof);
3155   /*----- write out the signed maximum of signal estimates -----*/
3156   if (fsmax_filename != NULL)
3157     write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, fsmax_filename,
3158                smax_vol, freg_vol, numdof, dendof);
3161   /*----- write out the epoch of signed maximum of signal estimates -----*/
3162   if (ftmax_filename != NULL)
3163     write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, ftmax_filename,
3164                tmax_vol, freg_vol, numdof, dendof);
3167   /*----- write out the max. percentage change due to signal -----*/
3168   if (fpmax_filename != NULL)
3169     write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, fpmax_filename,
3170                pmax_vol, freg_vol, numdof, dendof);
3173   /*----- write out the area between the signal and baseline -----*/
3174   if (farea_filename != NULL)
3175     write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, farea_filename,
3176                area_vol, freg_vol, numdof, dendof);
3179   /*----- write out the percentage area between the signal and baseline -----*/
3180   if (fparea_filename != NULL)
3181     write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, fparea_filename,
3182                parea_vol, freg_vol, numdof, dendof);
3185   /*----- write noise model parameters -----*/
3186   for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
3187     {
3188       if (tncoef_filename[ip] != NULL)
3189      write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, tncoef_filename[ip],
3190                 ncoef_vol[ip], tncoef_vol[ip], dendof, 0);
3192       if (fncoef_filename[ip] != NULL)
3193      write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, fncoef_filename[ip],
3194                 ncoef_vol[ip], freg_vol, numdof, dendof);
3195     }
3198   /*----- write signal model parameters -----*/
3199   for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
3200     {
3201       if (tscoef_filename[ip] != NULL)
3202      write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, tscoef_filename[ip],
3203                 scoef_vol[ip], tscoef_vol[ip], dendof, 0);
3205       if (fscoef_filename[ip] != NULL)
3206      write_afni_data (input_filename, nxyz, fscoef_filename[ip],
3207                 scoef_vol[ip], freg_vol, numdof, dendof);
3208     }
3211   /*----- write the fitted 3d+time signal model -----*/
3212   if (sfit_filename != NULL)
3213     {
3214       write_3dtime (input_filename, ts_length, sfit_vol, sfit_filename);
3215     }
3218   /*----- write the fitted 3d+time signal+noise model -----*/
3219   if (snfit_filename != NULL)
3220     {
3221       write_3dtime (input_filename, ts_length, snfit_vol, snfit_filename);
3222     }
3224 }
3227 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3228 /*
3229   Release all allocated memory space.
3230 */
terminate_program(int r,int p,int ts_length,float *** x_array,float ** ts_array,char ** nname,char *** npname,float ** par_rdcd,float ** min_nconstr,float ** max_nconstr,char ** sname,char *** spname,float ** par_full,float ** tpar_full,float ** min_sconstr,float ** max_sconstr,float ** rmsreg_vol,float ** freg_vol,float ** rsqr_vol,float ** smax_vol,float ** tmax_vol,float ** pmax_vol,float ** area_vol,float ** parea_vol,float *** ncoef_vol,float *** scoef_vol,float *** tncoef_vol,float *** tscoef_vol,float *** sfit_vol,float *** snfit_vol,char ** input_filename,char ** freg_filename,char ** frsqr_filename,char ** fsmax_filename,char ** ftmax_filename,char ** fpmax_filename,char ** farea_filename,char ** fparea_filename,char *** fncoef_filename,char *** fscoef_filename,char *** tncoef_filename,char *** tscoef_filename,char ** sfit_filename,char ** snfit_filename)3232 void terminate_program
3233 (
3234   int r,                       /* number of parameters in the noise model */
3235   int p,                       /* number of parameters in the signal model */
3236   int ts_length,               /* length of time series data */
3237   float *** x_array,           /* independent variable matrix */
3238   float ** ts_array,           /* input time series array */
3239   char  ** nname,         /* noise model name */
3240   char  *** npname,       /* noise parameter labels */
3241   float ** par_rdcd,      /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
3242   float ** min_nconstr,   /* min parameter constraints for noise model */
3243   float ** max_nconstr,   /* max parameter constraints for noise model */
3244   char ** sname,          /* signal model name */
3245   char *** spname,        /* signal parameter labels */
3246   float ** par_full,      /* estimated parameters for the full model */
3247   float ** tpar_full,     /* t-statistic of parameters in full model */
3248   float ** min_sconstr,   /* min parameter constraints for signal model */
3249   float ** max_sconstr,   /* max parameter constraints for signal model */
3251   float ** rmsreg_vol,        /* rms error for the full regression model */
3252   float ** freg_vol,          /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
3253   float ** rsqr_vol,          /* R^2 volume data */
3254   float ** smax_vol,          /* signed max. of signal volume data */
3255   float ** tmax_vol,          /* epoch of signed max. volume data */
3256   float ** pmax_vol,          /* percentage change in signal volume data */
3257   float ** area_vol,          /* area underneath signal volume data */
3258   float ** parea_vol,         /* percent area underneath signal volume data */
3259   float *** ncoef_vol,        /* noise model parameters volume data */
3260   float *** scoef_vol,        /* signal model parameters volume data */
3261   float *** tncoef_vol,       /* noise model t-statistics volume data */
3262   float *** tscoef_vol,       /* signal model t-statistics volume data */
3263   float *** sfit_vol,         /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal model */
3264   float *** snfit_vol,        /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal+noise */
3266   char ** input_filename,     /* file name of input 3d+time dataset */
3267   char ** freg_filename,      /* file name for regression f-statistics */
3268   char ** frsqr_filename,     /* file name for R^2 statistics */
3269   char ** fsmax_filename,     /* file name for signal signed maximum */
3270   char ** ftmax_filename,     /* file name for epoch of signed maximum */
3271   char ** fpmax_filename,     /* file name for percentage signal change */
3272   char ** farea_filename,     /* file name for area underneath signal */
3273   char ** fparea_filename,    /* file name for % area underneath signal */
3274   char *** fncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model parameters */
3275   char *** fscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model parameters */
3276   char *** tncoef_filename,   /* file name for noise model t-statistics */
3277   char *** tscoef_filename,   /* file name for signal model t-statistics */
3278   char ** sfit_filename,      /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal model */
3279   char ** snfit_filename      /* file name for 3d+time fitted signal+noise */
3280 )
3282 {
3283   int ip;                        /* parameter index */
3284   int it;                        /* time index */
3287   /*----- deallocate space for model names and parameters labels -----*/
3288   if (*nname != NULL)
3289     { free (*nname);  *nname = NULL; }
3290   if (*sname != NULL)
3291     { free (*sname);  *sname = NULL; }
3292   for (ip = 0;  ip < MAX_PARAMETERS;  ip++)
3293     {
3294       if ((*npname)[ip] != NULL)
3295      { free ((*npname)[ip]);  (*npname)[ip] = NULL; }
3296       if ((*spname)[ip] != NULL)
3297      { free ((*spname)[ip]);  (*spname)[ip] = NULL; }
3298     }
3300   if (*npname != NULL)
3301     { free (*npname);  *npname = NULL; }
3302   if (*spname != NULL)
3303     { free (*spname);  *spname = NULL; }
3306   /*----- deallocate memory for parameter constraints -----*/
3307   if (*min_nconstr != NULL)  { free (*min_nconstr);  *min_nconstr = NULL; }
3308   if (*max_nconstr != NULL)  { free (*max_nconstr);  *max_nconstr = NULL; }
3309   if (*min_sconstr != NULL)  { free (*min_sconstr);  *min_sconstr = NULL; }
3310   if (*max_sconstr != NULL)  { free (*max_sconstr);  *max_sconstr = NULL; }
3313   /*----- deallocate memory space for filenames -----*/
3314   if (*input_filename != NULL)
3315     { free (*input_filename);   *input_filename = NULL; }
3316   if (*freg_filename != NULL)
3317     { free (*freg_filename);    *freg_filename = NULL; }
3318   if (*frsqr_filename != NULL)
3319     { free (*frsqr_filename);   *frsqr_filename = NULL; }
3320   if (*fsmax_filename != NULL)
3321     { free (*fsmax_filename);   *fsmax_filename = NULL; }
3322   if (*ftmax_filename != NULL)
3323     { free (*ftmax_filename);   *ftmax_filename = NULL; }
3324   if (*fpmax_filename != NULL)
3325     { free (*fpmax_filename);   *fpmax_filename = NULL; }
3326   if (*farea_filename != NULL)
3327     { free (*farea_filename);   *farea_filename = NULL; }
3328   if (*fparea_filename != NULL)
3329     { free (*fparea_filename);   *fparea_filename = NULL; }
3331   for (ip = 0;  ip < MAX_PARAMETERS;  ip++)
3332     {
3333       if ((*fncoef_filename)[ip] != NULL)
3334      { free ((*fncoef_filename)[ip]);  (*fncoef_filename)[ip] = NULL; }
3335       if ((*fscoef_filename)[ip] != NULL)
3336      { free ((*fscoef_filename)[ip]);  (*fscoef_filename)[ip] = NULL; }
3337       if ((*tncoef_filename)[ip] != NULL)
3338      { free ((*tncoef_filename)[ip]);  (*tncoef_filename)[ip] = NULL; }
3339       if ((*tscoef_filename)[ip] != NULL)
3340      { free ((*tscoef_filename)[ip]);  (*tscoef_filename)[ip] = NULL; }
3341     }
3343   if (*fncoef_filename != NULL)
3344     { free (*fncoef_filename);  *fncoef_filename = NULL; }
3345   if (*fscoef_filename != NULL)
3346     { free (*fscoef_filename);  *fscoef_filename = NULL; }
3347   if (*tncoef_filename != NULL)
3348     { free (*tncoef_filename);  *tncoef_filename = NULL; }
3349   if (*tscoef_filename != NULL)
3350     { free (*tscoef_filename);  *tscoef_filename = NULL; }
3352   if (*sfit_filename != NULL)
3353     { free (*sfit_filename);    *sfit_filename = NULL; }
3354   if (*snfit_filename != NULL)
3355     { free (*snfit_filename);   *snfit_filename = NULL; }
3358   /*----- deallocate space for input time series -----*/
3359   if (*ts_array != NULL)    { free (*ts_array);    *ts_array = NULL; }
3362   /*----- deallocate space for independent variable matrix -----*/
3363   for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
3364     if ((*x_array)[it] != NULL)
3365       { free ((*x_array)[it]);  (*x_array)[it] = NULL; }
3366   if (*x_array != NULL)     { free (*x_array);  *x_array = NULL; }
3369   /*----- deallocate space for parameters -----*/
3370   if (*par_rdcd != NULL)    { free (*par_rdcd);    *par_rdcd = NULL; }
3371   if (*par_full != NULL)    { free (*par_full);    *par_full = NULL; }
3372   if (*tpar_full != NULL)   { free (*tpar_full);   *tpar_full = NULL; }
3375   /*----- deallocate space for volume data -----*/
3376   if (*rmsreg_vol != NULL)   { free (*rmsreg_vol);  *rmsreg_vol = NULL; }
3377   if (*freg_vol   != NULL)   { free (*freg_vol);    *freg_vol = NULL; }
3378   if (*rsqr_vol   != NULL)   { free (*rsqr_vol);    *rsqr_vol = NULL; }
3379   if (*smax_vol   != NULL)   { free (*smax_vol);    *smax_vol = NULL; }
3380   if (*tmax_vol   != NULL)   { free (*tmax_vol);    *tmax_vol = NULL; }
3381   if (*pmax_vol   != NULL)   { free (*pmax_vol);    *pmax_vol = NULL; }
3382   if (*area_vol   != NULL)   { free (*area_vol);    *area_vol = NULL; }
3383   if (*parea_vol  != NULL)   { free (*parea_vol);   *parea_vol = NULL; }
3385   if (*ncoef_vol != NULL)
3386     {
3387       for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
3388      if ((*ncoef_vol)[ip] != NULL)
3389        { free ((*ncoef_vol)[ip]);  (*ncoef_vol)[ip] = NULL; }
3390       free (*ncoef_vol);  *ncoef_vol = NULL;
3391     }
3393   if (*tncoef_vol != NULL)
3394     {
3395       for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
3396      if ((*tncoef_vol)[ip] != NULL)
3397        { free ((*tncoef_vol)[ip]);  (*tncoef_vol)[ip] = NULL; }
3398       free (*tncoef_vol);  *tncoef_vol = NULL;
3399     }
3401   if (*scoef_vol != NULL)
3402     {
3403       for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
3404      if ((*scoef_vol)[ip] != NULL)
3405        { free ((*scoef_vol)[ip]);  (*scoef_vol)[ip] = NULL; }
3406       free (*scoef_vol);  *scoef_vol = NULL;
3407     }
3409   if (*tscoef_vol != NULL)
3410     {
3411       for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
3412      if ((*tscoef_vol)[ip] != NULL)
3413        { free ((*tscoef_vol)[ip]);  (*tscoef_vol)[ip] = NULL; }
3414       free (*tscoef_vol);  *tscoef_vol = NULL;
3415     }
3417   if (*sfit_vol != NULL)
3418     {
3419       for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
3420      if ((*sfit_vol)[it] != NULL)
3421        { free ((*sfit_vol)[it]);  (*sfit_vol)[it] = NULL; }
3422       free (*sfit_vol);  *sfit_vol = NULL;
3423     }
3425   if (*snfit_vol != NULL)
3426     {
3427       for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
3428      if ((*snfit_vol)[it] != NULL)
3429        { free ((*snfit_vol)[it]);  (*snfit_vol)[it] = NULL; }
3430       free (*snfit_vol);  *snfit_vol = NULL;
3431     }
3433 }
3436 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char ** argv)3438 int main
3439 (
3440   int argc,                /* number of input arguments */
3441   char ** argv             /* array of input arguments */
3442 )
3444 {
3445   /*----- declare input option variables -----*/
3446   NL_options option_data;  /* bucket dataset options */
3447   int nabs;                /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
3448   int nrand;               /* number of random vectors to generate */
3449   int nbest;               /* number of random vectors to keep */
3450   float rms_min;           /* minimum rms error to reject reduced model */
3451   float fdisp;             /* minimum f-statistic for display */
3452   int progress;            /* show progress report every n voxels */
3454   /*----- declare time series variables -----*/
3455   THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time = NULL;      /* input 3d+time data set */
3456   int ts_length;                            /* length of time series data */
3457   int ignore;              /* delete this number of points from time series */
3458   float ** x_array = NULL;                  /* independent variable matrix */
3459   float * ts_array = NULL;                  /* input time series array */
3460   int nxyz;                                 /* number of voxels in image */
3461   int iv;                                   /* voxel counter */
3463   /*----- declare reduced (noise) model variables -----*/
3464   char * nname = NULL;         /* noise model name */
3465   vfp nmodel;                  /* pointer to noise model */
3466   int r;                       /* number of parameters in the noise model */
3467   char ** npname = NULL;       /* noise parameter labels */
3468   float * par_rdcd = NULL;     /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
3469   float sse_rdcd;              /* error sum of squares for the reduced model */
3470   float * min_nconstr = NULL;  /* min parameter constraints for noise model */
3471   float * max_nconstr = NULL;  /* max parameter constraints for noise model */
3473   /*----- declare full (signal+noise) model variables -----*/
3474   char * sname = NULL;         /* signal model name */
3475   vfp smodel;                  /* pointer to signal model */
3476   int p;                       /* number of parameters in the signal model */
3477   char ** spname = NULL;       /* signal parameter labels */
3478   float * par_full = NULL;     /* estimated parameters for the full model */
3479   float sse_full;              /* error sum of squares for the full model */
3480   float * tpar_full = NULL;    /* t-statistic of parameters in full model */
3481   float freg;                  /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
3482   float rmsreg;                /* rms error for the full regression model */
3483   float rsqr;                  /* R^2 (coef. of multiple determination) */
3484   float smax;                  /* signed maximum of signal */
3485   float tmax;                  /* epoch of signed maximum of signal */
3486   float pmax;                  /* percentage change due to signal */
3487   float area;                  /* area between signal and baseline */
3488   float parea;                 /* percent area between signal and baseline */
3489   float * min_sconstr = NULL;  /* min parameter constraints for signal model */
3490   float * max_sconstr = NULL;  /* max parameter constraints for signal model */
3492   /*----- declare output volume data -----*/
3493   float * rmsreg_vol = NULL;    /* rms error for the full regression model */
3494   float * freg_vol = NULL;      /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
3495   float * rsqr_vol = NULL;      /* R^2 volume data */
3496   float * smax_vol = NULL;      /* signed max. of signal volume data */
3497   float * tmax_vol = NULL;      /* epoch of signed max. volume data */
3498   float * pmax_vol = NULL;      /* max. percentage change due to signal */
3499   float * area_vol = NULL;      /* area between signal and baseline */
3500   float * parea_vol = NULL;     /* percent area between signal and baseline */
3501   float ** ncoef_vol = NULL;    /* noise model parameters volume data */
3502   float ** scoef_vol = NULL;    /* signal model parameters volume data */
3503   float ** tncoef_vol = NULL;   /* noise model t-statistics volume data */
3504   float ** tscoef_vol = NULL;   /* signal model t-statistics volume data */
3505   float ** sfit_vol = NULL;     /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal model */
3506   float ** snfit_vol = NULL;    /* voxelwise 3d+time fitted signal+noise */
3508   /*----- declare file name variables -----*/
3509   char * input_filename = NULL;   /* file name of input 3d+time dataset */
3510   char * tfilename = NULL;        /* file name of time points */
3511   char * freg_filename = NULL;    /* file name for regression f-statistics */
3512   char * frsqr_filename= NULL;    /* file name for R^2 statistics */
3513   char * fsmax_filename = NULL;   /* file name for signal signed maximum */
3514   char * ftmax_filename = NULL;   /* file name for time of signed maximum */
3515   char * fpmax_filename = NULL;   /* file name for max. percentage change */
3516   char * farea_filename = NULL;   /* file name for area under the signal */
3517   char * fparea_filename = NULL;  /* file name for % area under the signal */
3518   char ** fncoef_filename = NULL; /* file name for noise model parameters */
3519   char ** fscoef_filename = NULL; /* file name for signal model parameters */
3520   char ** tncoef_filename = NULL; /* file name for noise model t-statistics */
3521   char ** tscoef_filename = NULL; /* file name for signal model t-statistics */
3522   char * sfit_filename = NULL;    /* file name for fitted signal model */
3523   char * snfit_filename = NULL;   /* file name for fitted signal+noise model */
3525   char * label;            /* report results for one voxel */
3526   int novar;               /* flag for insufficient variation in the data */
3528   int ixyz_bot , ixyz_top ;
3529   int voxel_count_index = 0 ;     /* for g_voxel_count output  26 Oct 2006 */
3531   /*----- start the elapsed time counter -----*/
3532   (void) COX_clock_time() ;
3534   /*----- Identify software -----*/
3535 #if 0
3536   printf ("\n\n");
3537   printf ("Program:          %s \n", PROGRAM_NAME);
3538   printf ("Author:           %s \n", PROGRAM_AUTHOR);
3539   printf ("Initial Release:  %s \n", PROGRAM_INITIAL);
3540   printf ("Latest Revision:  %s \n", PROGRAM_LATEST);
3541   printf ("\n");
3542 #endif
3544   /*-- 20 Apr 2001: addto the arglist, if user wants to [RWCox] --*/
3546    mainENTRY("3dNLfim main") ; machdep() ;
3547    THD_check_AFNI_version("3dNLfim") ;
3549   {
3550     int new_argc ; char ** new_argv ;
3551     addto_args( argc , argv , &new_argc , &new_argv ) ;
3552     if( new_argv != NULL ){ argc = new_argc ; argv = new_argv ; }
3553   }
3556   /*----- program initialization -----*/
3557   initialize_program (argc, argv, &ignore,
3558                 &nname, &sname, &nmodel, &smodel,
3559                 &r, &p, &npname, &spname,
3560                 &min_nconstr, &max_nconstr, &min_sconstr, &max_sconstr,
3561                 &nabs, &nrand, &nbest, &rms_min, &fdisp,&progress,
3562                 &input_filename, &tfilename,
3563                 &freg_filename, &frsqr_filename,
3564                 &fsmax_filename, &ftmax_filename, &fpmax_filename,
3565                 &farea_filename, &fparea_filename, &fncoef_filename,
3566                 &fscoef_filename, &tncoef_filename, &tscoef_filename,
3567                 &sfit_filename, &snfit_filename,
3568                 &dset_time, &nxyz, &ts_length, &x_array, &ts_array,
3569                 &par_rdcd, &par_full, &tpar_full,
3570                 &rmsreg_vol, &freg_vol, &rsqr_vol,
3571                 &smax_vol, &tmax_vol, &pmax_vol, &area_vol, &parea_vol,
3572                 &ncoef_vol, &scoef_vol, &tncoef_vol, &tscoef_vol,
3573                 &sfit_vol, &snfit_vol, &option_data);
3575 #if 0
3576 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
3577    RAN_setup( nmodel , smodel , r , p , nabs ,
3578               min_nconstr, max_nconstr,
3579               min_sconstr, max_sconstr,
3580               ts_length, x_array, nrand ) ;
3581 #endif
3582 #endif
3584    INFO_message(
3585      "At each voxel, will use %d best of %d random parameter sets",
3586      nbest , nrand ) ;
3588    ixyz_bot = 0 ; ixyz_top = nxyz ;  /* RWCox */
3590 #ifdef PROC_MAX
3591    if( proc_numjob > 1 ){    /*---- set up multiple processes ----*/
3592      int vv , nvox=nxyz , nper , pp , nv ;
3593      pid_t newpid ;
3595      /* count number of voxels to compute with into nvox */
3597      if( mask_vol != NULL ){
3598        for( vv=nvox=0 ; vv < nxyz ; vv++ )
3599          if( mask_vol[vv] != 0 ) nvox++ ;
3600      }
3602      if( nvox < proc_numjob ){  /* too few voxels for multiple jobs? */
3604        proc_numjob = 1 ;
3606      } else {                   /* prepare jobs */
3608        /* split voxels between jobs evenly */
3610 #if 0
3611        if( g_voxel_count ){
3612          g_voxel_count = 0 ;
3613          WARNING_message("-voxel_count disabled by -jobs") ;
3614        }
3615 #endif
3617        nper = nvox / proc_numjob ;  /* # voxels per job */
3618        if( mask_vol == NULL ){
3619          proc_vox_bot[0] = 0 ;
3620          for( pp=0 ; pp < proc_numjob ; pp++ ){
3621            proc_vox_top[pp] = proc_vox_bot[pp] + nper ;
3622            if( pp < proc_numjob-1 ) proc_vox_bot[pp+1] = proc_vox_top[pp] ;
3623          }
3624          proc_vox_top[proc_numjob-1] = nxyz ;
3625        } else {
3626          proc_vox_bot[0] = 0 ;
3627          for( pp=0 ; pp < proc_numjob ; pp++ ){
3628            for( nv=0,vv=proc_vox_bot[pp] ;         /* count ahead until */
3629                 nv < nper && vv < nxyz  ; vv++ ){  /* find nper voxels */
3630              if( mask_vol[vv] != 0 ) nv++ ;        /* inside the mask */
3631            }
3632            proc_vox_top[pp] = vv ;
3633            if( pp < proc_numjob-1 ) proc_vox_bot[pp+1] = proc_vox_top[pp] ;
3634          }
3635          proc_vox_top[proc_numjob-1] = nxyz ;
3636        }
3638        /* make sure dataset is in memory before forks */
3640        DSET_load(dset_time) ;  /* so dataset will be common */
3642        /* start processes */
3644        fprintf(stderr,"++ Voxels in dataset: %d\n",nxyz) ;
3645        if( nvox < nxyz )
3646        fprintf(stderr,"++ Voxels in mask:    %d\n",nvox) ;
3647        fprintf(stderr,"++ Voxels per job:    %d\n",nper) ;
3649        for( pp=1 ; pp < proc_numjob ; pp++ ){
3650          ixyz_bot = proc_vox_bot[pp] ;   /* these 3 variables   */
3651          ixyz_top = proc_vox_top[pp] ;   /* are for the process */
3652          proc_ind = pp ;                 /* we're about to fork */
3653          newpid   = fork() ;
3654          if( newpid == -1 ){
3655            fprintf(stderr,"** Can't fork job #%d! Error exit!\n",pp);
3656            exit(1) ;
3657          }
3658          if( newpid == 0 ) break ;   /* I'm the child */
3659          proc_pid[pp] = newpid ;     /* I'm the parent */
3660          iochan_sleep(10) ;
3661        }
3662        if( pp == proc_numjob ){       /* only in the parent */
3663          ixyz_bot = proc_vox_bot[0] ; /* set the 3 control */
3664          ixyz_top = proc_vox_top[0] ; /* variables needed */
3665          proc_ind = 0 ;               /* below           */
3666        }
3667        fprintf(stderr,"++ Job #%d: processing voxels %d to %d; elapsed time=%.3f\n",
3668                proc_ind,ixyz_bot,ixyz_top-1,COX_clock_time()) ;
3669      }
3670    }
3671 #endif /* PROC_MAX */
3673    if( proc_numjob == 1 )
3674      fprintf(stderr,"++ Calculations starting; elapsed time=%.3f\n",
3675              COX_clock_time()) ;
3678   /*----- loop over voxels in the data set -----*/
3679   for (iv = ixyz_bot;  iv < ixyz_top;  iv++)
3680     {
3681       /*----- check for mask -----*/
3682       if (mask_vol != NULL)
3683      if (mask_vol[iv] == 0)  continue;
3685       /*----- display progress for user (1-based) -----*/
3686       if (g_voxel_count && proc_ind == 0 )
3687       {
3688         /* only print every 100th         26 Oct 2006 [rickr] */
3689         if( voxel_count_index % 100 == 0 )
3690           fprintf(stderr,"\r++ voxel count: %8d (of %d)", iv+1, ixyz_top);
3691         voxel_count_index++ ;
3692       }
3694       AFNI_store_dset_index( iv, -1); /* set voxel index 03 Nov 2006 */
3695       /*----- read the time series for voxel iv -----*/
3696       read_ts_array (dset_time, iv, ts_length, ignore, ts_array);
3699       /*----- calculate the reduced (noise) model -----*/
3700 STATUS("call calc_reduced_model") ;
3701       calc_reduced_model (ts_length, r, x_array, ts_array,
3702                  par_rdcd, &sse_rdcd);
3705       /*----- calculate the full (signal+noise) model -----*/
3706 STATUS("call calc_full_model") ;
3707       calc_full_model (nmodel, smodel, r, p,
3708                  min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr,
3709                  ts_length, x_array, ts_array, par_rdcd, sse_rdcd, nabs,
3710                  nrand, nbest, rms_min, par_full, &sse_full, &novar);
3713       /*----- calculate statistics for the full model -----*/
3714 STATUS("call analyze_results") ;
3715       analyze_results (nmodel, smodel, r, p, novar,
3716                  min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr,
3717                  ts_length, x_array,
3718                  par_rdcd, sse_rdcd, par_full, sse_full,
3719                  &rmsreg, &freg, &rsqr, &smax, &tmax, &pmax,
3720                  &area, &parea, tpar_full);
3723       /*----- report results for this voxel -----*/
3724       if ((freg >= fdisp && proc_ind == 0 )
3725         && (iv % progress == 0))
3726        {
3727          report_results (nname, sname, r, p, npname, spname, ts_length,
3728                    par_rdcd, sse_rdcd, par_full, sse_full, tpar_full,
3729                    rmsreg, freg, rsqr, smax, tmax, pmax,
3730                    area, parea, &label);
3731          printf ("\n\nVoxel #%d\n", iv);
3732          printf ("%s \n", label);
3733        }
3735       /*----- save results for this voxel into volume data -----*/
3736       save_results (iv, nmodel, smodel, r, p, novar, ts_length, x_array,
3737               par_full, tpar_full, rmsreg, freg, rsqr, smax,
3738               tmax, pmax, area, parea, rmsreg_vol,
3739               freg_vol, rsqr_vol, smax_vol,
3740               tmax_vol, pmax_vol, area_vol, parea_vol,ncoef_vol,
3741               scoef_vol, tncoef_vol, tscoef_vol, sfit_vol, snfit_vol);
3742     }
3743     if(g_voxel_count) fputc('\n',stderr);
3746     /*-- if this is a child process, we're done.
3747          if this is the parent process, wait for the children --*/
3749 #ifdef PROC_MAX
3750     if( proc_numjob > 1 ){
3751      if( proc_ind > 0 ){                          /* death of child */
3752        fprintf(stderr,"++ Job #%d finished; elapsed time=%.3f\n",
3753                proc_ind,COX_clock_time()) ;
3754        _exit(0) ;
3756      } else {                      /* parent waits for children */
3757        int pp ;
3758        fprintf(stderr,"++ Job #0 waiting for children to finish; elapsed time=%.3f\n",COX_clock_time()) ;
3759        for( pp=1 ; pp < proc_numjob ; pp++ )
3760          waitpid( proc_pid[pp] , NULL , 0 ) ;
3761        fprintf(stderr,"++ Job #0 now finishing up; elapsed time=%.3f\n",
3762                COX_clock_time()) ;
3763      }
3765      /* when get to here, only parent process is left alive,
3766         and all the results are in the shared memory segment arrays */
3767    }
3768 #endif
3769    if( proc_numjob == 1 )
3770      fprintf(stderr,"++ Calculations finished; elapsed time=%.3f\n",
3771              COX_clock_time()) ;
3774   /*----- delete input dataset -----*/
3775   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset_time , False ) ;  dset_time = NULL ;
3778   /*----- write requested output files -----*/
3779   output_results (r, p, min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr,
3780             nxyz, ts_length, rmsreg_vol, freg_vol, rsqr_vol,
3781             smax_vol, tmax_vol, pmax_vol, area_vol, parea_vol,
3782             ncoef_vol, scoef_vol, tncoef_vol, tscoef_vol,
3783             sfit_vol, snfit_vol,
3784             input_filename, freg_filename, frsqr_filename,
3785              fsmax_filename, ftmax_filename,
3786             fpmax_filename, farea_filename, fparea_filename,
3787             fncoef_filename, fscoef_filename,
3788             tncoef_filename, tscoef_filename,
3789             sfit_filename, snfit_filename, &option_data);
3792   /*----- end of program -----*/
3793   terminate_program (r, p, ts_length, &x_array, &ts_array,
3794                &nname, &npname, &par_rdcd, &min_nconstr, &max_nconstr,
3795                &sname, &spname, &par_full, &tpar_full,
3796                &min_sconstr, &max_sconstr,
3797                &rmsreg_vol, &freg_vol, &rsqr_vol,
3798                &smax_vol, &tmax_vol, &pmax_vol, &area_vol, &parea_vol,
3799                &ncoef_vol, &scoef_vol, &tncoef_vol, &tscoef_vol,
3800                &sfit_vol, &snfit_vol, &input_filename,
3801                &freg_filename, &frsqr_filename,
3802                &fsmax_filename, &ftmax_filename,
3803                &fpmax_filename, &farea_filename, &fparea_filename,
3804                &fncoef_filename, &fscoef_filename,
3805                &tncoef_filename, &tscoef_filename,
3806                &sfit_filename, &snfit_filename);
3808   if( nwin_pow > 0 && (nwin_sim > 0 || nwin_stp > 0) )
3809     INFO_message(
3810      "# best via POWELL=%d; via SIMPLEX=%d; SIMPLEX then POWELL=%d",
3811      nwin_pow , nwin_sim , nwin_stp ) ;
3813   INFO_message("Program finished; elapsed time=%.3f\n",COX_clock_time()) ;
3814   exit (0);
3815 }