1 #include "mrilib.h"
2 #include "mri_rbfinterp.c"
4 /**** Adapted from 3dUndump.c ****/
Syntax(void)6 void Syntax(void)
7 {
8    printf(
9     "Usage: 3dRBFdset [options]\n"
10     "Uses Radial Basis Functions to fit the values given at a set\n"
11     "of points and then creates a 3D dataset by evaluating the\n"
12     "fit at each point on a 3D grid.  Output dataset is stored\n"
13     "in floating point format.\n"
14     "\n"
15     "You might ask 'What use is this program?'  The answer is that\n"
16     "it is purely for testing the RBF expansion code, in preparation\n"
17     "for using those functions for something glorious.\n"
18     "\n"
19     "Options:\n"
20     "  -prefix ppp  = 'ppp' is the prefix for the output dataset\n"
21     "                   [default = rbf].\n"
22     "  -master mmm  = 'mmm' is the master dataset, whose geometry\n"
23     "                   will determine the geometry of the output.\n"
24     "                ** This is a MANDATORY option.\n"
25     "  -mask MMM    = This option specifies a mask dataset 'MMM', which\n"
26     "                   will control which voxels are allowed to get\n"
27     "                   values set.  If the mask is present, only\n"
28     "                   voxels that are nonzero in the mask will be\n"
29     "                   nonzero in the new dataset.\n"
30     "  -knotx kfile = 3 column .1D file that lists the 'knot' coordinates\n"
31     "                   (center of each radial basis function).\n"
32     "                ** This is a MANDATORY option.\n"
33     "                ** There must be at least 5 knot locations.\n"
34     "  -vals vfile  = .1D file that lists the values to be fitted at\n"
35     "                   each fit location.\n"
36     "                ** This is a MANDATORY option.\n"
37     "                ** One sub-brick will be created for each column\n"
38     "                   in 'vfile'.\n"
39     "                ** 'vfile' must have the same number of values per\n"
40     "                   column that the '-knotx' file does.\n"
41     "  -radius rr   = Set the RBF radius to 'rr' mm.\n"
42     "                ** Default = compute from knot distribution.\n"
43     "  -nolinear    = Don't use a global linear polynomial.\n"
44     "\n"
45     "-- RWCox -- February 2009\n"
46    ) ;
48    PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
49 }
51 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ijk_to_xyz(THD_3dim_dataset * dset,int ijk,float * x,float * y,float * z)53 static void ijk_to_xyz( THD_3dim_dataset *dset , int ijk ,
54                         float *x , float *y , float *z    )
55 {
56    THD_fvec3 xyz_mm , xyz_dicom ;
57    THD_ivec3 ivec ;
59    ivec.ijk[0] = DSET_index_to_ix(dset,ijk) ;
60    ivec.ijk[1] = DSET_index_to_jy(dset,ijk) ;
61    ivec.ijk[2] = DSET_index_to_kz(dset,ijk) ;
62    xyz_mm      = THD_3dind_to_3dmm ( dset , ivec ) ;
63    xyz_dicom   = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( dset , xyz_mm ) ;
64    UNLOAD_FVEC3( xyz_dicom , *x , *y , *z ) ;
65    return ;
66 }
68 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])70 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
71 {
72    char *prefix="rbf" ;
73    MRI_IMAGE *kfim=NULL , *vfim=NULL ;
74    float     *kfar=NULL , *vfar=NULL ;
75    int        kfnx      ,  vfnx,vfny , uselin=1 ;
76    float      rad=0.0f ;
77    byte *mmask=NULL ;
78    THD_3dim_dataset *dset , *maskset=NULL , *mset=NULL ;
79    int iarg , ii,ijk , nx,ny,nz , nxyz,ival,nmask ;
80    float xx,yy,zz , *vv , *dar ;
81    RBF_knots    *rbk ;
82    RBF_evalues  *rbe ;
83    RBF_evalgrid *rbg ;
85    /*------------ help? ------------*/
87    if( argc < 3 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) Syntax() ;
89    mainENTRY("3dRBFdset main") ; machdep() ; PRINT_VERSION("3dRBFdset");
90    machdep() ; AFNI_logger("3dRBFdset",argc,argv) ;
92    /*------------ command line options ------------*/
94    iarg = 1 ;
95    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
97       /*-----*/
99       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-rad",4) == 0 ){
100         if( iarg+1 >= argc )
101           ERROR_exit("%s: no argument follows!?",argv[iarg]) ;
102         rad = (float)strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
103         iarg++ ; continue ;
104       }
106       /*-----*/
108       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-nolinear",5) == 0 ){
109         uselin = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
110       }
112       /*-----*/
114       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-knotx",5) == 0 ){
115         if( kfim != NULL )
116           ERROR_exit("Can't have 2 %s options!",argv[iarg]) ;
117         if( iarg+1 >= argc )
118           ERROR_exit("%s: no argument follows!?",argv[iarg]) ;
119         kfim = mri_read_1D( argv[++iarg] ) ;
120         if( kfim == NULL )
121           ERROR_exit("%s %s: can't read file!?",argv[iarg-1],argv[iarg]) ;
122         if( kfim->ny != 3 )
123           ERROR_exit("%s %s: file must have exactly 3 columns!",argv[iarg-1],argv[iarg]) ;
124         if( kfim->nx < 5 )
125           ERROR_exit("%s %s: file must have 5 or more rows!",argv[iarg-1],argv[iarg]) ;
126         kfnx = kfim->nx ; kfar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(kfim) ;
127         iarg++ ; continue ;
128       }
130       /*-----*/
132       if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-vals",4) == 0 ){
133         if( vfim != NULL )
134           ERROR_exit("Can't have 2 %s options!",argv[iarg]) ;
135         if( iarg+1 >= argc )
136           ERROR_exit("%s: no argument follows!?",argv[iarg]) ;
137         vfim = mri_read_1D( argv[++iarg] ) ;
138         if( vfim == NULL )
139           ERROR_exit("%s %s: can't read file!?",argv[iarg-1],argv[iarg]) ;
140         vfnx = vfim->nx ; vfny = vfim->ny ; vfar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(vfim) ;
141         iarg++ ; continue ;
142       }
144       /*-----*/
146       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
147          if( iarg+1 >= argc )
148             ERROR_exit("-prefix: no argument follows!?") ;
149          else if( !THD_filename_ok(argv[++iarg]) )
150             ERROR_exit("-prefix: Illegal prefix given!") ;
151          prefix = argv[iarg] ;
152          iarg++ ; continue ;
153       }
155       /*-----*/
157       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-master") == 0 ){
158          if( iarg+1 >= argc )
159             ERROR_exit("-master: no argument follows!?") ;
160          else if( mset != NULL )
161             ERROR_exit("-master: can't have two -master options!") ;
162          mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++iarg] ) ;
163          if( mset == NULL )
164             ERROR_exit("-master: can't open dataset" ) ;
165          iarg++ ; continue ;
166       }
168       /*-----*/
170       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mask") == 0 ){
171         if( iarg+1 >= argc )
172           ERROR_exit("-mask: no argument follows!?") ;
173         else if( maskset != NULL )
174           ERROR_exit("-mask: can't have two -mask options!") ;
175         maskset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++iarg] ) ;
176         if( maskset == NULL )
177           ERROR_exit("-mask: can't open dataset" ) ;
178         iarg++ ; continue ;
179       }
181       /*-----*/
183       ERROR_exit("Unknown option: %s",argv[iarg]) ;
185    } /* end of loop over command line options */
187    /*----- check for inconsistencies or criminal negligence -----*/
189    if( mset == NULL )
190      ERROR_exit("3dRBFdset: -master is a mandatory option!") ;
191    if( kfar == NULL )
192      ERROR_exit("3dRBFdset: -knotx is a mandatory option!") ;
193    if( vfar == NULL )
194      ERROR_exit("3dRBFdset: -vals is a mandatory option!") ;
196    if( kfnx != vfnx )
197      ERROR_exit("-vals file must have same number lines as -knotx file!") ;
199    /*------- make empty dataset -------*/
201    dset = EDIT_empty_copy( mset ) ;
202    EDIT_dset_items( dset ,
203                       ADN_prefix    , prefix ,
204                       ADN_datum_all , MRI_float ,
205                       ADN_nvals     , vfny ,
206                       ADN_ntt       , 0 ,
207                       ADN_func_type , ISANAT(mset) ? ANAT_BUCK_TYPE
208                                                    : FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
209                       ADN_directory_name , "./" ,
210                     ADN_none ) ;
212    if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(dset)) )
213       ERROR_exit("Output dataset already exists -- can't overwrite") ;
215    nx = DSET_NX(dset); ny = DSET_NY(dset); nz = DSET_NZ(dset); nxyz = nx*ny*nz;
217    /*--- check and make mask if desired ---*/
219    if( maskset != NULL ){
220      if( DSET_NX(maskset) != nx || DSET_NY(maskset) != ny || DSET_NZ(maskset) != nz )
221        ERROR_exit("-mask dataset doesn't match dimension of output dataset") ;
222      mmask = THD_makemask( maskset , 0 , 1.0,-1.0 ) ;
223      DSET_delete(maskset) ;
224      if( mmask == NULL ){
225        WARNING_message("Can't create mask for some unknowable reason!") ;
226      } else {
227        nmask = THD_countmask( nxyz , mmask ) ;
228        if( nmask == 0 ){
229          WARNING_message("0 voxels in mask -- ignoring it!") ;
230          free((void *)mmask) ; mmask = NULL ;
231        } else {
232          INFO_message("%d voxels found in mask",nmask) ;
233        }
234      }
235    }
236    if( mmask == NULL ){
237      mmask = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nxyz) ;
238      memset( mmask , 1 , sizeof(byte)*nxyz ) ;
239      nmask = nxyz ;
240    }
242    /*----- setup for RBF interpolation at the given set of points -----*/
244    RBF_set_verbosity( 2 ) ;
246    rbk = RBF_setup_knots( kfnx , rad,uselin ,
247                           kfar+0*kfnx , kfar+1*kfnx , kfar+2*kfnx ) ;
248    if( rbk == NULL )
249      ERROR_exit("Can't setup RBF interpolation for some reason!") ;
251    /*-- setup output grid points --*/
253    MAKE_RBF_evalgrid(rbg,nmask) ;
254    for( ii=ijk=0 ; ijk < nxyz ; ijk++ ){
255      if( mmask[ijk] ){
256        ijk_to_xyz( dset , ijk , &xx,&yy,&zz ) ;
257        rbg->xpt[ii] = xx ;
258        rbg->ypt[ii] = yy ;
259        rbg->zpt[ii] = zz ; ii++ ;
260      }
261    }
262    RBF_setup_kranges( rbk , rbg ) ;  /* 20 Feb 2009 */
264    /*-- setup space for evaluation --*/
266    MAKE_RBF_evalues(rbe,kfnx) ;
267    vv = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nmask) ;
269    /*-- loop over columns in vfar and compute results --*/
271    for( ival=0 ; ival < vfny ; ival++ ){
272      memcpy( rbe->val , vfar+ival*kfnx , sizeof(float)*kfnx ) ;
273      rbe->code = 0 ; ii = RBF_setup_evalues( rbk , rbe ) ;
274      if( ii == 0 ) ERROR_exit("Can't compute knot coefficients!?") ;
275      ii = RBF_evaluate( rbk , rbe , rbg , vv ) ;
276      if( ii == 0 ) ERROR_exit("Can't compute RBF expansion!?") ;
277      EDIT_substitute_brick( dset , ival , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
278      dar = DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(dset,ival) ;
279      for( ii=ijk=0 ; ijk < nxyz ; ijk++ ){
280        if( mmask[ijk] ) dar[ijk] = vv[ii++] ;
281      }
282    }
284    free(vv) ; free(mmask) ;
285    DESTROY_RBF_evalgrid(rbg); DESTROY_RBF_evalues(rbe); DESTROY_RBF_knots(rbk);
286    mri_free(vfim) ; mri_free(kfim) ;
288    dset_floatscan(dset) ;
289    tross_Make_History( "3dRBFdset" , argc,argv , dset ) ;
290    DSET_write(dset) ;
291    WROTE_DSET(dset) ;
292    exit(0) ;
293 }