1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4 /** This program is really just a quick hack for the Spanish Inquisition!!  **/
5 /** [They need to torture some data, according to Chief Inquisitor Javier]  **/
6 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
9 /* Inputs:
10      ntin  = number of time points in input array tsar
11      tsar  = input array to be interpolated
12      tgar  = time grid of input array -- monotonic increasing, length = ntin
13      toff  = additional time offset for input array (allows for slice timing)
14      ntout = number of time points in output array
15      dtout = time step of output array
16      tzout = time offset of output array -- i-th point is at i*dtout+tzout
17      outar = output array -- length = ntout (duh) -- linearly interpolated
18    Function does not check for bad inputs -- that's supposed to be in the
19    domain of the caller function.
20 *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
THD_resample_timeseries_linear(int ntin,float * tsar,float * tgar,float toff,int ntout,float dtout,float tzout,float * outar)22 void THD_resample_timeseries_linear(
23                          int ntin , float *tsar, float *tgar, float toff,
24                          int ntout, float dtout, float tzout, float *outar )
25 {
26    int iin,iout , ntin2=ntin-2 ;
27    float tout , f0 ;
29    /* loop over output points */
31    for( iin=0,iout=0 ; iout < ntout ; iout++ ){
32      tout = tzout + iout*dtout ;  /* time of this output point */
34      /* find next iin such that tout lies in the input interval iin .. iin+1 */
36      for( ; iin < ntin2 && tout > tgar[iin+1]+toff ; iin++ ) ; /*nada */
38      /* f0 = linear interpolation factor for tsar[iin] */
40      f0 = (tgar[iin+1]+toff-tout) / (tgar[iin+1]-tgar[iin]) ;
42      /* if beyond time bounds of input, patch the factor */
44      if( f0 < 0.0f ) f0 = 0.0f ; else if( f0 > 1.0f ) f0 = 1.0f ;
46      /* and interpolate */
48      outar[iout] = f0 * tsar[iin] + (1.0f-f0) * tsar[iin+1] ;
49    }
51    return ;
52 }
54 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 /* Resample an irregular TR dataset to a fixed TR dataset.
56      inset  = input dataset
57      tgin   = holds input time grid (monotonic increasing)
58      ntout  = number of time points in output
59      dtout  = TR of output dataset
60      tzout  = time offset of output dataset
61      icode  = interpolation method (at present, only MRI_LINEAR works)
62    If dtout <= 0, then it will be computed as the average TR
63    If ntout <= 1, then it will be computed to fit the input dataset
64 *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
THD_resample_irregular_dataset(THD_3dim_dataset * inset,MRI_IMAGE * tgin,char * prefix,int ntout,float dtout,float tzout,int icode)66 THD_3dim_dataset * THD_resample_irregular_dataset(
67                             THD_3dim_dataset *inset , MRI_IMAGE *tgin ,
68                             char *prefix ,
69                             int ntout , float dtout , float tzout , int icode )
70 {
71    float *tgar=NULL , *otar,*itar ;
72    float toff ;
73    int ii , ntin , nvox , nbad ;
74    THD_3dim_dataset *outset=NULL ;
76 ENTRY("THD_resample_irregular_dataset") ;
78    /* check inputs for sanity */
80    if( ! ISVALID_DSET(inset) )           RETURN(NULL) ;             /* crazy */
81    ntin = DSET_NVALS(inset) ;
82    if( ntin < 2 )                        RETURN(NULL) ;            /* whacko */
83    DSET_load(inset) ;
84    if( ! DSET_LOADED(inset) )            RETURN(NULL) ;   /* just plain nuts */
86    if( tgin == NULL || tgin->nx < ntin ) RETURN(NULL) ;             /* gonzo */
88    /* check input time grid to see if it is monotonic increasing */
90    tgar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tgin) ; if( tgar == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;  /* lunacy */
91    for( nbad=0,ii=1 ; ii < ntin ; ii++ ){
92      if( tgar[ii-1] >= tgar[ii] ) nbad++ ;
93    }
94    if( nbad > 0 ){                                               /* demented */
95      ERROR_message(
96        "THD_resample_irregular_dataset: input time grid is disordered in %d place%s",
97        nbad , (nbad==1) ? "\0" : "s" ) ;
98      RETURN(NULL) ;
99    }
101    /* don't have ntout and/or don't have dtout ==> compute them */
103    if( ntout < 2 && dtout <= 0.0f ){
104      dtout = ( tgar[ntin-1] - tgar[0] ) / (ntin-1) ;  /* average TR */
105      ntout = ntin ;
106    } else if( ntout < 2 ){                    /* just missing ntin? */
107      ntout = 1 + (int)( ( tgar[ntin-1] - tzout ) / dtout + 0.001f ) ;
108    } else if( dtout <= 0.0f ){
109      dtout = ( tgar[ntin-1] - tgar[0] ) / (ntout-1) ; /* average TR */
110    }
111    ININFO_message("Output grid: TR=%.3f  nvals=%d",dtout,ntout) ;
113    /* create output dataset */
115    if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) prefix = "./TRfixed" ;   /* pathetic user? */
117    outset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset) ;
118    EDIT_dset_items( outset ,
119                       ADN_prefix    , prefix    ,
120                       ADN_nvals     , ntout     ,
121                       ADN_ntt       , ntout     ,
122                       ADN_ttdel     , dtout     ,  /* set TR */
123                       ADN_nsl       , 0         ,  /* time shifting is done */
124                       ADN_datum_all , MRI_float ,
125                       ADN_brick_fac , NULL      ,
126                     ADN_none ) ;
127    for( ii=0 ; ii < ntout ; ii++ )
128      EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , ii , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
130    /* loop over input voxels */
132    nvox = DSET_NVOX(inset) ;
133    otar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntout) ;  /* output array */
134    itar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntin ) ;  /* input array */
136    ININFO_message("Computing output dataset") ;
138    for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
139        /* allow for time shifting */
140      toff = THD_timeof_vox( 0 , ii , inset ) ;
141        /* get input array */
142      (void)THD_extract_array( ii , inset , 0 , itar ) ;
143        /* compute output array */
144      THD_resample_timeseries_linear( ntin , itar , tgar , toff ,
145                                      ntout, dtout, tzout, otar  ) ;
146        /* put it into the output dataset */
147      THD_insert_series( ii , outset , ntout , MRI_float , otar , 1 ) ;
148    }
150    free(itar); free(otar);  /* take out the trash */
151    RETURN(outset);
152 }
154 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TRfix_help(void)156 void TRfix_help(void)
157 {
158    printf(
159      "Usage: 3dTRfix [options]\n"
160      "\n"
161      "This program will read in a dataset that was sampled on an irregular time\n"
162      "grid and re-sample it via linear interpolation to a regular time grid.\n"
163      "\n"
164      "NOTES:\n"
165      "------\n"
166      "The re-sampling will include the effects of slice time offsets (similarly\n"
167      "to program 3dTshift), if these time offsets are encoded in the input dataset's\n"
168      "header.\n"
169      "\n"
170      "No other processing is performed -- in particular, there is no allowance\n"
171      "(at present) for T1 artifacts resulting from variable TR.\n"
172      "\n"
173      "If the first 1 or 2 time points are abnormally bright due to the NMR\n"
174      "pre-steady-state effect, then their influence might be spread farther\n"
175      "into the output dataset by the interpolation process.  You can avoid this\n"
176      "effect by excising these values from the input using the '[2..$]' notation\n"
177      "in the input dataset syntax.\n"
178      "\n"
179      "If the input dataset is catenated from multiple non-contiguous imaging runs,\n"
180      "the program will happily interpolate across the time breaks between the runs.\n"
181      "For this reason, you should not give such a file (e.g., from 3dTcat) to this\n"
182      "program -- you should use 3dTRfix on each run separately, and only later\n"
183      "catenate the runs.\n"
184      "\n"
185      "The output dataset is stored in float format, regardless of the input format.\n"
186      "\n"
187      "** Basically, this program is a hack for the Mad Spaniard.\n"
188      "** When are we going out for tapas y cerveza (sangria es bueno, tambien)?\n"
189      "\n"
190      "OPTIONS:\n"
191      "--------\n"
192      "\n"
193      " -input iii    = Input dataset 'iii'. [MANDATORY]\n"
194      "\n"
195      " -TRlist rrr   = 1D columnar file of time gaps between sub-bricks in 'iii';\n"
196      "                 If the input dataset has N time points, this file must\n"
197      "                 have at least N-1 (positive) values.\n"
198      "                * Please note that these time steps (or the time values in\n"
199      "                  '-TIMElist') should be in seconds, NOT in milliseconds!\n"
200      "                * AFNI time units are seconds!!!\n"
201      "\n"
202      " -TIMElist ttt = Alternative to '-TRlist', where you give the N values of\n"
203      "                 the times at each sub-brick; these values must be monotonic\n"
204      "                 increasing and non-negative.\n"
205      "                * You must give exactly one of '-TIMElist' or '-TRlist'.\n"
206      "                * The TR value given in the input dataset header is ignored.\n"
207      "\n"
208      " -prefix ppp   = Prefix name for the output dataset.\n"
209      "\n"
210      " -TRout ddd    = 'ddd' gives the value for the output dataset's TR (in sec).\n"
211      "                 If '-TRout' is not given, then the average TR of the input\n"
212      "                 dataset will be used.\n"
213      "\n"
214      "November 2014 -- Zhark the Fixer\n"
215      "\n"
216    ) ;
217    exit(0) ;
218 }
220 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])222 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
223 {
224    int iarg=1 , ntin=0 , ii , nbad=0 ;
225    THD_3dim_dataset *inset=NULL , *outset=NULL ;
226    char *prefix="./TRfix" ;
227    MRI_IMAGE *TRlist=NULL , *TIMElist=NULL ;
228    float dtout=0.0f , *tgar, *dtar ;
230    /*-- help the users if we can, they're feeling down down down --*/
232    if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) TRfix_help() ;
234    /*-- the legal formalities --*/
236    mainENTRY("3dTRfix"); machdep();
237    AFNI_logger("3dTRfix",argc,argv);
238    PRINT_VERSION("3dTRfix"); AUTHOR("Zhark the Fixer");
240    /*-- process args --*/
242    while( iarg < argc ){
244      /*-- read input dataset --*/
246      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
247        if( inset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use '-input' twice") ;
248        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
249        inset = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]) ;
250        if( inset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset '%s' :-(",argv[iarg]);
251        ntin = DSET_NVALS(inset) ;
252        if( ntin < 2 ) ERROR_exit("Dataset '%s' doesn't have any time dimension",argv[iarg]) ;
253        DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;
254        iarg++ ; continue ;
255      }
257      /*-- read input 1D file --*/
259      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-TRlist") == 0 ){
260        if( TRlist   != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can only use '-TRlist' once") ;
261        if( TIMElist != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use '-TRlist' after '-TIMElist'") ;
262        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
263        TRlist = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
264        if( TRlist == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't open '-TRlist' file '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
265        if( TRlist->nx == 1 && TRlist->ny > 1 ){
266          MRI_IMAGE *qim = mri_transpose(TRlist); mri_free(TRlist); TRlist = qim ;
267        }
268        iarg++ ; continue ;
269      }
271      /*-- read input 1D file --*/
273      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-TIMElist") == 0 ){
274        if( TIMElist != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can only use '-TIMElist' once") ;
275        if( TRlist   != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use '-TIMElist' after '-TRlist'") ;
276        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]) ;
277        TIMElist = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
278        if( TIMElist == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't open '-TIMElist' file '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
279        if( TIMElist->nx == 1 && TIMElist->ny > 1 ){
280          MRI_IMAGE *qim = mri_transpose(TIMElist); mri_free(TIMElist); TIMElist = qim ;
281        }
282        iarg++ ; continue ;
283      }
285      /*-- read prefix --*/
287      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
288        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
289        if( !THD_filename_ok(argv[iarg]) )
290          ERROR_exit("badly formed filename: '%s' '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1],argv[iarg]) ;
291        if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"NULL") == 0 )
292          WARNING_message("'NULL' prefix will result in an unusual output filename") ;
293        prefix = strdup(argv[iarg]) ; iarg++ ; continue ;
294      }
296      /*-- read dtout --*/
298      if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-TRout") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dt") == 0 ){
299        if( ++iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no argument after '%s' :-(",argv[iarg-1]) ;
300        dtout = (float)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
301        if( dtout <= 0.0f )
302          WARNING_message("-TRout '%s' means 3dTRfix will choose the output TR",argv[iarg]) ;
303        iarg++ ; continue ;
304      }
306      /*-- really, what is going on here? --*/
308      ERROR_message("Don't recognize this as an option: '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
309      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]) ;
310      exit(1) ;
311   }
313   /*-- check for user sanity --*/
315   if( inset == NULL ){
316     ERROR_message("No input dataset???") ; nbad++ ;
317   }
318   if( TRlist == NULL && TIMElist == NULL ){
319     ERROR_message("Neither -TRlist nor -TIMElist was given???") ; nbad++ ;
320   }
321   if( TRlist != NULL && TRlist->nx < ntin-1 ){
322     ERROR_message("-TRlist file has %d values, but input dataset has %d",TRlist->nx,ntin) ;
323     nbad++ ;
324   } else if( TIMElist != NULL && TIMElist->nx < ntin ){
325     ERROR_message("-TIMElist file has %d values, but input dataset has %d",TIMElist->nx,ntin) ;
326     nbad++ ;
327   }
329   /* process TRlist into TIMElist, if needed, by the black art of arithmetic  */
331   if( TRlist != NULL ){
332     TIMElist = mri_new(ntin,1,MRI_float) ;
333     tgar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(TIMElist) ;
334     dtar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(TRlist) ;
335     tgar[0] = DSET_TIMEORIGIN(inset) ;   /* usually zero */
336     for( ii=1 ; ii < ntin ; ii++ ){
337       tgar[ii] = tgar[ii-1] + dtar[ii-1] ;  /* addition! */
338       if( dtar[ii-1] <= 0.0f ){
339         ERROR_message("-TRlist: #%d=%g -- but must be positive!",ii-1,dtar[ii-1]) ;
340         nbad++ ;
341       }
342     }
343   } else if( TIMElist != NULL ){  /* check TIMElist for monotonicity */
344     tgar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(TIMElist) ;
345     for( ii=1 ; ii < ntin ; ii++ ){
346       if( tgar[ii] <= tgar[ii-1] ){
347         ERROR_message("-TIMElist: #%d=%g  #%d=%g -- these are out of order!" ,
348                       ii-1,tgar[ii-1] , ii,tgar[ii] ) ;
349         nbad++ ;
350       }
351     }
352   }
354   if( nbad > 0 )
355     ERROR_exit(" !!! )-: 3dTRfix can't continue after such bad-ness :-( !!!") ;
357   /*-- compute something that might be useful (or might not be) --*/
359   outset = THD_resample_irregular_dataset( inset , TIMElist , prefix ,
360                                            0 , dtout , 0.0f , MRI_LINEAR ) ;
362   if( outset == NULL )
363     ERROR_exit("Can't compute output dataset for some reason!?") ;
365   /*-- run and hide, pretending that things are OK --*/
367   INFO_message("Writing output dataset %s",DSET_BRIKNAME(outset)) ;
368   DSET_write(outset) ;
369   exit(0) ;
370 }