1 /*****************************************************************************
2    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
3    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
4    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
5 ******************************************************************************/
7 #include "mrilib.h"
9 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
11 static void TS_copy_input_to_output(void) ;  /* prototype */
TS_syntax(char * str)13 void TS_syntax(char * str)
14 {
15    if( str != NULL ){
16      ERROR_exit("%s",str) ; exit(1) ;
17    }
19    printf(
20    "Usage: 3dTshift [options] dataset\n\n"
21    "* Shifts voxel time series from the input dataset so that the separate\n"
22    "  slices are aligned to the same temporal origin.  By default, uses the\n"
23    "  slicewise shifting information in the dataset header (from the 'tpattern'\n"
24    "  input to program to3d).\n"
25    "\n"
26    "Method:  detrend -> interpolate -> retrend (optionally)\n"
27    "\n"
28    "* The input dataset can have a sub-brick selector attached, as documented\n"
29    "  in '3dcalc -help'.\n"
30    "\n"
31    "* The output dataset time series will be interpolated from the input to\n"
32    "  the new temporal grid.  This may not be the best way to analyze your\n"
33    "  data, but it can be convenient.\n"
34    "\n"
35    "* Slices where significant time interpolation happens will have extra\n"
36    "  temporal autocorrelation introduced by the interpolation. The amount\n"
37    "  of extra correlation along the time axis depends on the type of\n"
38    "  interpolation used. Higher order interpolation will produce smaller\n"
39    "  such 'extra' correlation; in order, from lowest (most extra correlation)\n"
40    "  to highest (least extra correlation):\n"
41    "       -linear    -cubic     -quintic   -heptic\n"
42    "       -wsinc5    -wsinc9    -Fourier\n"
43    "* The last two methods do not add much correlation in time. However, they\n"
44    "   have the widest interpolation 'footprint' and so the output data values\n"
45    "   will have contributions from data points further away in time.\n"
46    "* To properly account for these extra correlations, which vary in space,\n"
47    "   we advise you to analyze the time series using 3dREMLfit, which uses\n"
48    "   a voxel-dependent prewhitening (de-correlating) linear regression method,\n"
49    "   unlike most other FMRI time series regression software.\n"
50    " ++ Or else  use '-wsinc9' interpolation, which has a footprint of 18 time points:\n"
51    "    9 before and 9 after the intermediate time at which the value is output.\n"
52    "\n"
53    "WARNINGS:\n"
54    "--------\n"
55    "* Please recall the phenomenon of 'aliasing': frequencies above 1/(2*TR) can't\n"
56    "  be properly interpolated.  For most 3D FMRI data, this means that cardiac\n"
57    "  and respiratory effects will not be treated properly by this program.\n"
58    "\n"
59    "* The images at the beginning of a high-speed FMRI imaging run are usually\n"
60    "  of a different quality than the later images, due to transient effects\n"
61    "  before the longitudinal magnetization settles into a steady-state value.\n"
62    "  These images should not be included in the interpolation!  For example,\n"
63    "  if you wish to exclude the first 4 images, then the input dataset should\n"
64    "  be specified in the form 'prefix+orig[4..$]'.  Alternatively, you can\n"
65    "  use the '-ignore ii' option.\n"
66    "\n"
67    "* It seems to be best to use 3dTshift before using 3dvolreg.\n"
68    "  (But this statement is controversial.)\n"
69    "\n"
70    "* If the input dataset does not have any slice timing information, and\n"
71    "  '-tpattern' is not given, then this program just copies the input to\n"
72    "  the output.  [02 Nov 2011 -- formerly, it failed]\n"
73    "\n"
74    "* Please consider the potential impact of 3dTshift on any subsequent\n"
75    "  linear regression model.  While the temporal resampling of 3dTshift is\n"
76    "  not exact, it is attempting to interpolate the slice timing so that it\n"
77    "  is as if each volume were acquired at time 'tzero' + k*TR.  So with\n"
78    "  -tzero 0, it becomes akin to each entire volume being acquired at the\n"
79    "  very beginning of its TR.  By default, the offset is the average offset\n"
80    "  across the slices, which for alt+z or seq is:\n"
81    "              (nslices-1)/nslices * TR/2\n"
82    "  That average approaches TR/2 as the number of slices increases.\n"
83    "\n"
84    "  The new slice/volume timing is intended to be the real timing from the\n"
85    "  start of the run.\n"
86    "\n"
87    "  How might this affect stimulus timing in 3dDeconvolve?\n"
88    "  3dDeconvolve creates regressors based on volume times of k*TR, matching\n"
89    "  tzero=0.  So an event at run time t=0 would start at the time of volume\n"
90    "  #0.  However using -tzero 1 (or the default, in the case of TR~=2s),\n"
91    "  an event at run time t=0 would then be 1s *before* the first volume.\n"
92    "  Note that this matches reality.  An event at time t=0 happens before\n"
93    "  all but the first acquired slice.  In particular, a slice acquired at\n"
94    "  TR offset 1s might be unaffected by 3dTshift.  And an event at run time\n"
95    "  t=0 seems to happen at time t=-1s from the perspective of that slice.\n"
96    "\n"
97    "  To align stimulus times with the applied tzero of 3dTshift, tzero\n"
98    "  should be subtracted from each stimulus event time (3dDeconvolve\n"
99    "  effectively subtracts tzero from the EPI timing, so that should be\n"
100    "  applied to the event times as well).\n"
101    "\n"
102    "\n"
103    "OPTIONS:\n"
104    "-------\n"
105    "  -verbose      = print lots of messages while program runs\n"
106    "\n"
107    "  -TR ddd       = use 'ddd' as the TR, rather than the value\n"
108    "                  stored in the dataset header using to3d.\n"
109    "                  You may attach the suffix 's' for seconds,\n"
110    "                  or 'ms' for milliseconds.\n"
111    "\n"
112    "  -tzero zzz    = align each slice to time offset 'zzz';\n"
113    "                  the value of 'zzz' must be between the\n"
114    "                  minimum and maximum slice temporal offsets.\n"
115    "            N.B.: The default alignment time is the average\n"
116    "                  of the 'tpattern' values (either from the\n"
117    "                  dataset header or from the -tpattern option)\n"
118    "\n"
119    "  -slice nnn    = align each slice to the time offset of slice\n"
120    "                  number 'nnn' - only one of the -tzero and\n"
121    "                  -slice options can be used.\n"
122    "\n"
123    "  -prefix ppp   = use 'ppp' for the prefix of the output file;\n"
124    "                  the default is 'tshift'.\n"
125    "\n"
126    "  -ignore ii    = Ignore the first 'ii' points. (Default is ii=0.)\n"
127    "                  The first ii values will be unchanged in the output\n"
128    "                  (regardless of the -rlt option).  They also will\n"
129    "                  not be used in the detrending or time shifting.\n"
130    "\n"
131    "  -rlt          = Before shifting, the mean and linear trend\n"
132    "  -rlt+         = of each time series is removed.  The default\n"
133    "                  action is to add these back in after shifting.\n"
134    "                  -rlt  means to leave both of these out of the output\n"
135    "                  -rlt+ means to add only the mean back into the output\n"
136    "                  (cf. '3dTcat -help')\n"
137    "\n"
138    "  -no_detrend   = Do not remove or restore linear trend.\n"
139    "                  Heptic becomes the default interpolation method.\n"
140    "\n"
141    " ** Options to choose the temporal interpolation method: **\n"
142    "  -Fourier = Use a Fourier method (the default: most accurate; slowest).\n"
143    "  -linear  = Use linear (1st order polynomial) interpolation (least accurate).\n"
144    "  -cubic   = Use the cubic (3rd order) Lagrange polynomial interpolation.\n"
145    "  -quintic = Use the quintic (5th order) Lagrange polynomial interpolation.\n"
146    "  -heptic  = Use the heptic (7th order) Lagrange polynomial interpolation.\n"
147    "  -wsinc5  = Use weighted sinc interpolation - plus/minus 5 [Aug 2019].\n"
148    "  -wsinc9  = Use weighted sinc interpolation - plus/minus 9.\n"
149    "\n"
150    "  -tpattern ttt = use 'ttt' as the slice time pattern, rather\n"
151    "                  than the pattern in the input dataset header;\n"
152    "                  'ttt' can have any of the values that would\n"
153    "                  go in the 'tpattern' input to to3d, described below:\n"
154    "\n"
155    "   alt+z = altplus   = alternating in the plus direction\n"
156    "   alt+z2            = alternating, starting at slice #1 instead of #0\n"
157    "   alt-z = altminus  = alternating in the minus direction\n"
158    "   alt-z2            = alternating, starting at slice #nz-2 instead of #nz-1\n"
159    "   seq+z = seqplus   = sequential in the plus direction\n"
160    "   seq-z = seqminus  = sequential in the minus direction\n"
161    "   @filename         = read temporal offsets from 'filename'\n"
162    "\n"
163    "  For example if nz = 5 and TR = 1000, then the inter-slice\n"
164    "  time is taken to be dt = TR/nz = 200.  In this case, the\n"
165    "  slices are offset in time by the following amounts:\n"
166    "\n"
167    "             S L I C E   N U M B E R\n"
168    "   tpattern    0   1   2   3   4   Comment\n"
169    "   --------- --- --- --- --- ---   -------------------------------\n"
170    "   altplus     0 600 200 800 400   Alternating in the +z direction\n"
171    "   alt+z2    400   0 600 200 800   Alternating, but starting at #1\n"
172    "   altminus  400 800 200 600   0   Alternating in the -z direction\n"
173    "   alt-z2    800 200 600   0 400   Alternating, starting at #nz-2 \n"
174    "   seqplus     0 200 400 600 800   Sequential  in the +z direction\n"
175    "   seqminus  800 600 400 200   0   Sequential  in the -z direction\n"
176    "\n"
177    "  If @filename is used for tpattern, then nz ASCII-formatted numbers\n"
178    "  are read from the file.  These indicate the time offsets for each\n"
179    "  slice. For example, if 'filename' contains\n"
180    "     0 600 200 800 400\n"
181    "  then this is equivalent to 'altplus' in the above example.\n"
182    "  (nz = number of slices in the input dataset)\n"
183    "\n"
184    "N.B.: if you are using -tpattern, make sure that the units supplied\n"
185    "      match the units of TR in the dataset header, or provide a\n"
186    "      new TR using the -TR option.\n"
187    "\n"
188    "As a test of how well 3dTshift interpolates, you can take a dataset\n"
189    "that was created with '-tpattern alt+z', run 3dTshift on it, and\n"
190    "then run 3dTshift on the new dataset with '-tpattern alt-z' -- the\n"
191    "effect will be to reshift the dataset back to the original time\n"
192    "grid.  Comparing the original dataset to the shifted-then-reshifted\n"
193    "output will show where 3dTshift does a good job and where it does\n"
194    "a bad job.\n"
195    "\n"
196    "******* Voxel-Wise Shifting -- New Option [Sep 2011] *******\n"
197    "\n"
198    " -voxshift fset = Read in dataset 'fset' and use the values in there\n"
199    "                  to shift each input dataset's voxel's time series a\n"
200    "                  different amount.  The values in 'fset' are NOT in\n"
201    "                  units of time, but rather are fractions of a TR\n"
202    "                  to shift -- a positive value means to shift backwards.\n"
203    "                 * To compute an fset-style dataset that matches the\n"
204    "                   time pattern of an existing dataset, try\n"
205    "       set TR = 2.5\n"
206    "       3dcalc -a 'dset+orig[0..1]' -datum float -prefix Toff -expr \"t/${TR}-l\"\n"
207    "                   where you first set the shell variable TR to the true TR\n"
208    "                   of the dataset, then create a dataset Toff+orig with the\n"
209    "                   fractional shift of each slice stored in each voxel.  Then\n"
210    "                   the two commands below should give identical outputs:\n"
211    "       3dTshift -ignore 2 -tzero 0 -prefix Dold -heptic dset+orig\n"
212    "       3dTshift -ignore 2 -voxshift Toff+orig -prefix Dnew -heptic dset+orig\n"
213    "\n"
214    " Use of '-voxshift' means that options such as '-tzero' and '-tpattern' are\n"
215    " ignored -- the burden is on you to encode all the shifts into the 'fset'\n"
216    " dataset somehow.  (3dcalc can be your friend here.)\n"
217    "\n"
218    "-- RWCox - 31 October 1999, et cetera\n"
219    ) ;
221    printf("\n" MASTER_SHORTHELP_STRING ) ;
223    PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;
224 }
226 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
228 static float  TS_TR     = 0.0 ;
229 static int    TS_tunits = UNITS_SEC_TYPE ;
230 static float *TS_tpat   = NULL ;
231 static float  TS_tzero  = -1.0 ;
232 static int    TS_slice  = -1 ;
233 static int    TS_rlt    = 0 ;   /* 0=add both in; 1=add neither; 2=add mean */
235 static int    TS_detrend = 1 ;  /* do any detrend?  3 Jan 2007 [rickr] */
236 static int    TS_verbose = 0 ;
238 static int    TS_ignore  = 0 ;  /* 15 Feb 2001 */
240 static THD_3dim_dataset *TS_dset = NULL , *TS_oset = NULL ;
242 static THD_3dim_dataset *TS_fset = NULL ; /* 21 Sep 2011 */
244 static char *TS_tpattern = NULL ;
246 static char TS_prefix[THD_MAX_NAME] = "tshift" ;
248 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])250 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
251 {
252    int nopt=1 ;
253    int nzz, ii,jj,kk , ntt,nxx,nyy,nxy , nup ;
254    float tomax,tomin , fmin,fmax , gmin=0.0,gmax=0.0 , f0,f1 , g0,g1 ;
255    float ffmin=0.0,ffmax=0.0 , ggmin=0.0,ggmax=0.0 , fshift=0.0,gshift=0.0 ;
256    MRI_IMAGE *flim , *glim=NULL ;
257    float *far , *gar ;
258    int ignore=0 , BAD=0 ;
260    /*- scan command line -*/
262    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ) TS_syntax(NULL) ;
264    mainENTRY("3dTshift main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dTshift",argc,argv);
265    PRINT_VERSION("3dTshift");
267    SHIFT_set_method( MRI_FOURIER ) ;
269    while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
271       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-voxshift") == 0 ){  /* 21 Sep 2011 */
272         if( TS_fset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -voxshift twice!") ;
273         TS_fset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++nopt] ) ;
274         if( TS_fset == NULL )
275           ERROR_exit("Can't open -voxshift dataset '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
276         DSET_load(TS_fset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(TS_fset) ;
277         nopt++ ; continue ;
278       }
280       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-BAD") == 0 ){
281         BAD = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
282       }
284       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-verbose",5) == 0 ){
285          TS_verbose++ ;
286          nopt++ ; continue ;
287       }
289       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-ignore") == 0 ){  /* 15 Feb 2001 */
290          TS_ignore = (int) strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
291          if( TS_ignore < 0 ) ERROR_exit("-ignore value %d is negative!",TS_ignore) ;
292          nopt++ ; continue ;
293       }
295       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-Fourier",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[nopt],"-fourier",4) == 0 ){
296          SHIFT_set_method( MRI_FOURIER ) ;
297          nopt++ ; continue ;
298       }
300       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-cubic",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[nopt],"-Cubic",4) == 0 ){
301          SHIFT_set_method( MRI_CUBIC ) ;
302          nopt++ ; continue ;
303       }
305       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-quintic",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[nopt],"-Quintic",4) == 0 ){
306          SHIFT_set_method( MRI_QUINTIC ) ;
307          nopt++ ; continue ;
308       }
310       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-heptic",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[nopt],"-Heptic",4) == 0 ){
311          SHIFT_set_method( MRI_HEPTIC ) ;
312          nopt++ ; continue ;
313       }
315       if( strncasecmp(argv[nopt],"-wsinc5",7) == 0 ){  /* Aug 2019 */
316          SHIFT_set_method( MRI_WSINC5 ) ;
317          nopt++ ; continue ;
318       }
320       if( strncasecmp(argv[nopt],"-wsinc9",7) == 0 ){  /* Aug 2019 */
321          SHIFT_set_method( MRI_WSINC9 ) ;
322          nopt++ ; continue ;
323       }
325       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-linear",4) == 0 || strncmp(argv[nopt],"-Linear",4) == 0 ){
326          SHIFT_set_method( MRI_LINEAR ) ;
327          nopt++ ; continue ;
328       }
330       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-TR") == 0 ){
331          char * eptr ;
332          if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-TR needs an argument!") ;
333          TS_TR = strtod( argv[nopt] , &eptr ) ;
334          if( TS_TR <= 0.0 ) ERROR_exit("illegal value '%s' after -TR!",argv[nopt]) ;
336          if( strcasecmp(eptr,"ms")==0 || strcasecmp(eptr,"msec")==0 ){
337             TS_tunits = UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ;
338             WARNING_message("TR expressed in milliseconds is deprecated [not wanted].") ;
339          } else if( strcasecmp(eptr,"s")==0 || strcasecmp(eptr,"sec")==0 ){
340             TS_tunits = UNITS_SEC_TYPE ;
341          } else if( strcasecmp(eptr,"Hz")==0 || strcasecmp(eptr,"Hertz")==0 ){
342             TS_tunits = UNITS_HZ_TYPE ;
343          }
345          nopt++ ; continue ;
346       }
348       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-tzero") == 0 ){
349          if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-tzero needs an argument!") ;
350          TS_tzero = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ;
351          if( TS_tzero < 0.0 ) ERROR_exit("illegal value '%s' after -tzero!",argv[nopt]) ;
352          nopt++ ; continue ;
353       }
355       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-slice") == 0 ){
356          if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-slice needs an argument!") ;
357          TS_slice = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ;
358          if( TS_slice < 0 ) ERROR_exit("illegal value '%s' after -slice!",argv[nopt]) ;
359          nopt++ ; continue ;
360       }
362       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 ){
363          if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-prefix needs an argument!") ;
364          MCW_strncpy( TS_prefix , argv[nopt] , THD_MAX_NAME ) ;
365          if( !THD_filename_ok(TS_prefix) )
366            ERROR_exit("illegal value '%s' after -prefix",argv[nopt]) ;
367          nopt++ ; continue ;
368       }
370       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-rlt") == 0 ){
371          if( !TS_detrend ) ERROR_exit("cannot use both -rlt and -no_detrend");
372          TS_rlt = 1 ;
373          nopt++ ; continue ;
374       }
376       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-rlt+") == 0 ){
377          if( !TS_detrend ) ERROR_exit("cannot use both -rlt+ and -no_detrend");
378          TS_rlt = 2 ;
379          nopt++ ; continue ;
380       }
382       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-no_detrend") == 0 ){ /* 3 Jan 2007 */
383          if( TS_rlt ) ERROR_exit("cannot use both -rlt and -no_detrend");
384          if( SHIFT_get_method() == MRI_FOURIER ){
385             ERROR_exit("found -no_detrend, changing default to -heptic\n");
386                        SHIFT_set_method(MRI_HEPTIC);
387          }
388          TS_detrend = 0 ;
389          TS_rlt = 2 ;        /* still de-mean/re-mean, as Bob suggests */
390          nopt++ ; continue ;
391       }
393       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-tpattern") == 0 ){
394          if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-tpattern needs an argument!") ;
395          TS_tpattern = argv[nopt] ;
396          nopt++ ; continue ;
397       }
399       ERROR_exit("Unknown option: %s",argv[nopt]) ;
401    }  /* end of scan command line */
403    if( TS_detrend == 0 && SHIFT_get_method() == MRI_FOURIER )
404      WARNING_message("-no_detrend with Fourier interpolation is dangerous");
406    /*- open dataset; extract values, check for errors -*/
408    if( nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need a dataset input?!") ;
409    if( TS_verbose ) printf("++ opening input dataset header\n") ;
410    TS_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] ) ;
411    if( TS_dset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't open input dataset '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
413    nxx = DSET_NX(TS_dset) ;                      /* get dimensions */
414    nyy = DSET_NY(TS_dset) ; nxy = nxx * nyy ;
415    nzz = DSET_NZ(TS_dset) ;
416    ntt = DSET_NVALS(TS_dset) ;
418    if( DSET_NVALS(TS_dset) < 2 ){
419      WARNING_message("Input dataset has only 1 value per voxel!") ;
420      TS_copy_input_to_output() ;
421    }
423    if( TS_slice >= nzz ) ERROR_exit("-slice value is too large (%d >= %d)",TS_slice,nzz) ;
425    if( TS_ignore > ntt-5 ) ERROR_exit("-ignore value %d is too large",TS_ignore) ;
427    if( TS_TR <= 0.0 ){                                    /* set TR from dataset */
428       if( TS_dset->taxis != NULL ){
429         TS_TR     = DSET_TIMESTEP(TS_dset) ;
430         TS_tunits = TS_dset->taxis->units_type ;
431       }
432       if( TS_TR <= 0.0 ){
433         TS_TR     = 1.0f ;
434         TS_tunits = UNITS_SEC_TYPE ;
435       }
436       if( TS_verbose )
437         printf("++ using dataset TR = %g %s\n",TS_TR,UNITS_TYPE_LABEL(TS_tunits)) ;
438    }
440    if( TS_fset != NULL ){
442      if( nxx != DSET_NX(TS_fset) ||
443          nyy != DSET_NY(TS_fset) ||
444          nzz != DSET_NZ(TS_fset)   )
445        ERROR_exit("-voxshift and input datasets don't match!") ;
447    } else {
449      if( TS_dset->taxis == NULL ){
450        if( TS_TR == 0.0 || TS_tpattern == NULL ){
451          WARNING_message("dataset has no time axis!") ;
452          TS_copy_input_to_output() ;
453        }
454      } else if( TS_tpattern == NULL && TS_dset->taxis->toff_sl == NULL ){
455        WARNING_message("dataset is already aligned in time!") ;
456        TS_copy_input_to_output() ;
457      }
459      if( TS_tpattern != NULL ){                                    /* set pattern */
460        TS_tpat = TS_parse_tpattern( nzz , TS_TR , TS_tpattern ) ;
461        /* move exit() out of TS_parse_tpattern     8 Mar 2013 [rickr] */
462        if ( ! TS_tpat ) exit(1) ;
463      } else {
464        if( TS_dset->taxis->nsl != nzz ){
465          WARNING_message("dataset temporal pattern is malformed!") ; /* should not happen */
466          TS_copy_input_to_output() ;
467        }
469        TS_tpat = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nzz ) ;
470        memcpy( TS_tpat , TS_dset->taxis->toff_sl , sizeof(float)*nzz ) ;
471      }
472      if( TS_verbose ){
473        printf("++ using tpattern = ") ;
474        for( ii=0 ; ii < nzz ; ii++ ) printf("%g ",TS_tpat[ii]) ;
475        printf("%s\n",UNITS_TYPE_LABEL(TS_tunits)) ;
476      }
478      tomin = WAY_BIG ; tomax = -WAY_BIG ;                      /* check pattern */
479      for( ii=0 ; ii < nzz ; ii++ ){
480         if( TS_tpat[ii] > tomax ) tomax = TS_tpat[ii] ;
481         if( TS_tpat[ii] < tomin ) tomin = TS_tpat[ii] ;
482      }
483      if( tomin < 0.0 || tomax > TS_TR ){
484        WARNING_message("some value in tpattern is outside range 0..TR=%g",TS_TR) ;
485        TS_copy_input_to_output() ;
486      } else if( tomin >= tomax ){
487        WARNING_message("temporal pattern is already aligned in time!") ;
488        TS_copy_input_to_output() ;
489      }
492      if( TS_slice >= 0 && TS_slice < nzz ){                   /* set common time point */
493        TS_tzero = TS_tpat[TS_slice] ;
494      } else if( TS_tzero < 0.0 ){
495        TS_tzero = 0.0 ;
496        for( ii=0 ; ii < nzz ; ii++ ) TS_tzero += TS_tpat[ii] ;
497        TS_tzero /= nzz ;
498      }
499      if( TS_verbose ) printf("++ common time point set to %g\n",TS_tzero) ;
501    }
503    /*- copy input dataset, modify it to be the output -*/
505    if( TS_verbose ) printf("++ copying input dataset bricks\n") ;
507    TS_oset = EDIT_full_copy( TS_dset , TS_prefix ) ;
508    if( TS_oset == NULL )
509      ERROR_exit("Can't copy input dataset '%s'",DSET_HEADNAME(TS_dset)) ;
510    DSET_unload( TS_dset ) ;
512    if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(TS_oset)) )
513      ERROR_exit("output dataset already exists '%s'",DSET_HEADNAME(TS_oset)) ;
515    tross_Copy_History( TS_dset , TS_oset ) ;
516    tross_Make_History( "3dTshift" , argc,argv , TS_oset ) ;
518    /*- reconfigure the time axis -*/
520    printf("++ updating time offset to %g\n",TS_tzero) ;
521    EDIT_dset_items( TS_oset ,
522                        ADN_ntt    , ntt       ,  /* in case not already set */
523                        ADN_ttdel  , TS_TR     ,  /* may have changed */
524                        ADN_tunits , TS_tunits ,  /* may have changed */
525                        ADN_nsl    , 0         ,  /* will have no offsets when done */
526                        /* set toffset to whatever is applied
527                         * see: https://github.com/afni/afni/issues/297
528                         * 21 Sep 2021 [rickr] */
529                        ADN_ttorg  , TS_tzero  ,  /* the adjusted offset */
530 #if 0
531                        ADN_ttorg  , 0.0       ,  /* in case not already set */
532                        ADN_ttdur  , 0.0       ,  /* in case not already set */
533 #endif
534                     ADN_none ) ;
536    /*---- do the temporal shifting! ----*/
538    nup = csfft_nextup_one35( ntt+4 ) ;
539    ignore = TS_ignore ;
541    if( TS_verbose && SHIFT_get_method() == MRI_FOURIER )
542       printf("++ Time series length = %d; FFT length set to %d\n",ntt,nup) ;
544    for( kk=0 ; kk < nzz ; kk++ ){       /* loop over slices */
546       if( TS_fset == NULL ){
547         fshift = (TS_tzero - TS_tpat[kk]) / TS_TR ;    /* rightward fractional shift */
548 #if 1
549         if( !BAD ) fshift = -fshift ;   /* 24 Apr 2003 -- OOG */
550 #endif
551         gshift = fshift ;
553         if( TS_verbose )
554           printf("++ slice %d: fractional shift = %g\n",kk,fshift) ;
556         /* if removing any trend, process the slice       22 May 2008 [rickr] */
557         if( fabs(fshift) < 0.001 && ! TS_rlt ) continue ;  /* skip this slice */
558       }
560       for( ii=0 ; ii < nxy ; ii+=2 ){   /* loop over voxel pairs in slice */
562          flim = THD_extract_series( ii+kk*nxy , TS_oset , 0 ) ;  /* get this voxel */
563          far  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim) ;
565          if( TS_fset != NULL ){  /* 21 Sep 2011 */
566            MRI_IMAGE *qim = THD_extract_series( ii+kk*nxy , TS_fset , 0 ) ;
567            float *qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) ; fshift = qar[0] ; mri_free(qim) ;
568          }
570          if( TS_rlt == 0 ){
571             for( ffmin=ffmax=far[ignore],jj=ignore+1 ; jj < ntt ; jj++ ){
572                     if( far[jj] < ffmin ) ffmin = far[jj] ;
573                else if( far[jj] > ffmax ) ffmax = far[jj] ;
574             }
575          }
577          if( TS_detrend )   /* remove trend, else mean   3 Jan 2007 [rickr] */
578             THD_linear_detrend( ntt-ignore , far+ignore , &f0,&f1 ) ;
579          else
580             THD_const_detrend( ntt-ignore , far+ignore , &f0 ) ;
582          for( fmin=fmax=far[ignore],jj=ignore+1 ; jj < ntt ; jj++ ){
583                  if( far[jj] < fmin ) fmin = far[jj] ;   /* range of data: after */
584             else if( far[jj] > fmax ) fmax = far[jj] ;
585          }
587          if( ii < nxy-1 ){                                       /* get next voxel */
588             glim = THD_extract_series( ii+kk*nxy+1 , TS_oset , 0 ) ;
589             gar  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(glim) ;
591             if( TS_fset != NULL ){  /* 21 Sep 2011 */
592               MRI_IMAGE *qim = THD_extract_series( ii+kk*nxy+1 , TS_fset , 0 ) ;
593               float *qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) ; gshift = qar[0] ; mri_free(qim) ;
594             }
596             if( TS_rlt == 0 ){
597                for( ggmin=ggmax=gar[ignore],jj=ignore+1 ; jj < ntt ; jj++ ){
598                        if( gar[jj] < ggmin ) ggmin = gar[jj] ;
599                   else if( gar[jj] > ggmax ) ggmax = gar[jj] ;
600                }
601             }
603             if( TS_detrend )
604                THD_linear_detrend( ntt-ignore , gar+ignore , &g0,&g1 ) ;
605             else
606                THD_const_detrend( ntt-ignore , far+ignore , &g0 ) ;
608             for( gmin=gmax=gar[ignore],jj=ignore+1 ; jj < ntt ; jj++ ){
609                     if( gar[jj] < gmin ) gmin = gar[jj] ;
610                else if( gar[jj] > gmax ) gmax = gar[jj] ;
611             }
612          } else {
613             gar  = NULL ;
614          }
616          if( gar != NULL )
617             SHIFT_two_rows( ntt-ignore,nup, fshift,far+ignore , gshift, gar+ignore ) ;
618          else
619             SHIFT_two_rows( ntt-ignore,nup, fshift,far+ignore , gshift, NULL ) ;
621          for( jj=ignore ; jj < ntt ; jj++ ){
622                  if( far[jj] < fmin ) far[jj] = fmin ;           /* clip to input range */
623             else if( far[jj] > fmax ) far[jj] = fmax ;
624             switch( TS_rlt ){                                    /* restore trend? */
625                case 0:
626                   far[jj] += (f0 + (jj-ignore)*f1) ;
627                        if( far[jj] < ffmin ) far[jj] = ffmin ;
628                   else if( far[jj] > ffmax ) far[jj] = ffmax ;
629                break ;
631                case 2:
632                   far[jj] += f0 ;
633                break ;
634             }
635          }
637          if( gar != NULL ){
638             for( jj=ignore ; jj < ntt ; jj++ ){
639                     if( gar[jj] < gmin ) gar[jj] = gmin ;
640                else if( gar[jj] > gmax ) gar[jj] = gmax ;
641                switch( TS_rlt ){
642                   case 0:
643                      gar[jj] += (g0 + (jj-ignore)*g1) ;
644                           if( gar[jj] < ggmin ) gar[jj] = ggmin ;
645                      else if( gar[jj] > ggmax ) gar[jj] = ggmax ;
646                   break ;
648                   case 2:
649                      gar[jj] += g0 ;
650                   break ;
651                }
652             }
653          }
655          /* put back into dataset */
657          THD_insert_series( ii+kk*nxy , TS_oset , ntt , MRI_float , far , 0 ) ;
658          if( gar != NULL )
659             THD_insert_series( ii+kk*nxy+1 , TS_oset , ntt , MRI_float , gar , 0 ) ;
661          /* throw out the trash */
663          mri_free(flim) ; if( gar != NULL ) mri_free(glim) ;
664       }
665    }
667    if( TS_fset != NULL ) DSET_delete( TS_fset ) ;
669    DSET_write( TS_oset ) ;
670    if( TS_verbose ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Wrote output: %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(TS_oset)) ;
671    exit(0) ;
672 }
674 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TS_copy_input_to_output(void)676 static void TS_copy_input_to_output(void)
677 {
678    WARNING_message("==>> output dataset is just a copy of input dataset") ;
679    TS_oset = EDIT_full_copy( TS_dset , TS_prefix ) ;
680    if( TS_oset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't copy input dataset '%s'",DSET_HEADNAME(TS_dset)) ;
681    DSET_unload( TS_dset ) ;
682    DSET_write( TS_oset ) ;
683    if( TS_verbose ) INFO_message("Wrote output: %s",DSET_HEADNAME(TS_oset)) ;
684    exit(0) ;
685 }