2print("          ================== Welcome to 1dGC.R ==================          ")
3print("AFNI Vector (or Multivariate) Auto-Regressive (VAR or MAR) Modeling Package!")
5print("Version 1.2.2,  Jan. 19, 2012")
6print("Author: Gang Chen (gangchen@mail.nih.gov)")
7# [PT: Aug 12, 2020] commented out, bc link no longer works
8#print("Website: https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/sscc/gangc/VAR.html")
9print("        SSCC/NIMH, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD 20892")
12first.in.path <- function(file) {
13   ff <- paste(strsplit(Sys.getenv('PATH'),':')[[1]],'/', file, sep='')
14   ff<-ff[lapply(ff,file.exists)==TRUE];
15   #cat('Using ', ff[1],'\n');
16   return(gsub('//','/',ff[1], fixed=TRUE))
21# header assumed for multi-column files, but not for one-column ones
22# readMultiFiles <- function(nFiles, dim, inData) {
23#    inFile <- vector('list', nFiles)  # list of file names with path attached
24# 	fn <- vector('list', nFiles)      # ist of file names
25#    for (ii in 1:nFiles) {
26#       inFile[[ii]] <- tclvalue( tkgetOpenFile( filetypes =
27#          "{{Files} {.1D}} {{All files} *}",
28#          title = paste('Choose number', ii, 'input file')))
29#       fn[[ii]] <- strsplit(inFile[[ii]], "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(inFile[[ii]], "/")[[1]])]
30# 		print(sprintf("No. %i file just read in: %s", ii, fn[[ii]]))
31# 		if (dim==1) inData[,ii] <- read.table(inFile[[ii]], header=FALSE)
32# 		if (dim==2) inData[[ii]] <- read.table(inFile[[ii]], header=TRUE)
33#    }
34# 	return(inData)
35# }
37#readMultiFiles <- function(nFiles, dim, inData, type) {
38#   inFile <- vector('list', nFiles) # list of file names with path attached
39#	fn <- vector('list', nFiles)     # list of file names
40#	if (dim==1) inData <-  matrix(data = NA, nrow = dim(read.table(inFile[[ii]], header=FALSE))[1], ncol = nFiles)
41#   if (dim==2) inData <- vector('list', nFiles)
42#   for (ii in 1:nFiles) {
43#     inFile[[ii]] <- readline(sprintf("No. %i %s file name: ", ii, type))
44#     fn[[ii]] <- strsplit(inFile[[ii]], "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(inFile[[ii]], "/")[[1]])]
45#     print(sprintf("No. %i file just read in: %s", ii, fn[[ii]]))
46#     if (dim==1) inData[,ii] <- read.table(inFile[[ii]], header=FALSE)
47#     if (dim==2) inData[[ii]] <- read.table(inFile[[ii]], header=TRUE)
48#  }
49#   return(inData)
52readMultiFiles <- function(nFiles, dim, type) {
53   inFile <- vector('list', nFiles) # list of file names with path attached
54	fn <- vector('list', nFiles)     # list of file names
55	if (dim==1) {
56      inFile[[1]] <- readline(sprintf("No. 1 %s file name: ", type))
57      inData <-  matrix(data = NA, nrow = dim(read.table(inFile[[1]], header=FALSE))[1], ncol = nFiles)
58   }
59   if (dim==2) inData <- vector('list', nFiles)
60   for(ii in 1:nFiles) {
61	   if(((dim==1)&(ii>1))|(dim==2)) inFile[[ii]] <- readline(sprintf("No. %i %s file name: ", ii, type))
62		fn[[ii]] <- strsplit(inFile[[ii]], "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(inFile[[ii]], "/")[[1]])]
63		print(sprintf("No. %i file just read in: %s", ii, fn[[ii]]))
64		#browser()
65      if (dim==1) inData[,ii] <- read.table(inFile[[ii]], header=FALSE)[,1]
66		if (dim==2) inData[[ii]] <- read.table(inFile[[ii]], header=TRUE)
67	}
68	return(inData)
72plotTS <- function(dataFrame, nCurves, msg) {
73   if (nCurves <= 5) {
74      dev.new(); par(mfrow=c(nCurves, 1))
75	   for (ii in 1:nCurves) {
76	      plot(dataFrame[,ii], ann=FALSE, axes=TRUE)
77		   if (ii==1) title(msg)
78		   lines(dataFrame[,ii])
79		   mtext(sprintf("%s", names(dataFrame)[ii]), side=2, line=2)
80      }
81		mtext("time", side=1, line=2.5)
82	} else for (ii in 1:nCurves) {
83		   dev.new()
84		   plot(dataFrame[,ii], ann=FALSE, axes=TRUE)
85			title(msg)
86			lines(dataFrame[,ii])
87			mtext(sprintf("%s", names(dataFrame)[ii]), side=2, line=2)
88			mtext("time", side=1, line=2.5)
89	}
92# plot network
93plotNet <- function(net, selfLoop, edgeWd, arrScl, edgeCol, msg) {
94	netData <- network(net, loops=selfLoop, directed=TRUE)
95	dev.new()
97   if(sum(abs(net)>10e-10)==1) # only ONE path in the network, it seems the matrix collapses into one number
98      plot.network(netData, displaylabels=selfLoop, mode="circle", edge.lwd=edgeWd,
99		arrowhead.cex=arrScl, edge.col=sum((abs(net)>10e-10)*(edgeCol)), loop.cex=5,
100		boxed.label=FALSE, label.pos=0, vertex.col=3) else
101	plot.network(netData, displaylabels=selfLoop, mode="circle", edge.lwd=edgeWd,
102		arrowhead.cex=arrScl, edge.col=edgeCol, loop.cex=5,
103		boxed.label=FALSE, label.pos=0, vertex.col=3)
105	title(msg)
109### rma version 0.562 by Wolfgang Viechtbauer, Department of Methodology and Statistics, University of Maastricht
111rma <- function(yi, vi, mods=NULL, method="REML", addint=TRUE, ci=95, digits=4, btt=NULL, tau2=NULL, knha=FALSE, subset=NULL, ll=FALSE, control = list()) {
113   if (length(yi) != length(vi)) {
114      stop("Length of yi and vi is not the same.")
115   }
117   if (is.vector(mods)) {
118      mods <- cbind(mods)
119   }
121   if (is.data.frame(mods)) {
122      mods <- as.matrix(mods)
123   }
125   k     <- length(yi)
126   ids   <- 1:k
128   if (!is.null(subset)) {
129      yi    <- yi[subset]
130      vi    <- vi[subset]
131      mods  <- mods[subset, , drop=FALSE]
132      ids   <- ids[subset]
133      k     <- length(yi)
134   }
136   if (sum(vi <= 0) > 0) {
137      null.ids <- which(vi<=0)
138      yi    <- yi[-c(null.ids)]
139      vi    <- vi[-c(null.ids)]
140      mods  <- mods[-c(null.ids), , drop=FALSE]
141      ids   <- ids[-c(null.ids)]
142      k     <- length(yi)
143      warning("Outcomes with non-positive sampling variances have been excluded from the analysis.")
144   }
146   if (k <= 1) {
147      stop("Processing terminated since k <= 1.")
148   }
150   if (is.null(mods) && addint == FALSE) {
151      warning("Must either include an intercept (addint=TRUE) and/or moderators in model. Coerced intercept into the model.")
152      addint <- TRUE
153   }
155	Y <- as.matrix(yi)
157	if (addint == TRUE) {
158      X <- cbind(intrcpt=rep(1,k), mods)
159   } else {
160      X <- mods
161   }
163   p <- dim(X)[2]
165   if (method == "FE" || method == "FU") {
166      if (p > k) {
167         stop("The number of parameters to be estimated is larger than the number of observed outcomes.")
168      }
169   } else {
170      if (is.null(tau2)) {
171         if (p > k-1) {
172            stop("The number of parameters to be estimated is larger than the number of observed outcomes.")
173         }
174      } else {
175         if (p > k) {
176            stop("The number of parameters to be estimated is larger than the number of observed outcomes.")
177         }
178      }
179   }
181   if ( (p == 1) && (sum(X == 1) == k) ) {
182      int.only <- TRUE
183   } else {
184      int.only <- FALSE
185   }
187	tr <- function(X) {
188		sum(diag(X))
189	}
191   con <- list(tau2.init=NULL, threshold=10^-5, maxiter=50, maxtau2=50, verbose=FALSE)
192   con[names(control)] <- control
194   se.tau2  <- NA
195   I2       <- NA
196   s2w      <- NA
198   if (is.null(tau2) == TRUE) {
200      if (!is.element(method, c("FE", "FU", "HS", "HE", "DL", "SJ", "ML", "REML", "EB"))) {
201         stop("Unknown 'method' specified.")
202      }
204   	if (method == "HS") {
205   		wi     <- 1/vi
206   		W      <- diag(wi)
207   		P      <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
208   		RSS    <- t(Y) %*% P %*% Y
209   		tau2   <- RSS/sum(wi) - k/sum(wi)
210   	}
212   	if (method == "HE") {
213   		P      <- diag(k) - X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X)
214   		RSS    <- t(Y) %*% P %*% Y
215   		tau2   <- ( RSS - tr( P %*% diag(vi) ) ) / (k-p)
216   	}
218   	if (method == "DL") {
219   		wi     <- 1/vi
220   		W      <- diag(wi)
221   		P      <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
222   		RSS    <- t(Y) %*% P %*% Y
223   		tau2   <- ( RSS - (k-p) ) / tr(P)
224   	}
226   	if (method == "SJ") {
227   		tau2.0 <- var(yi) * (k-1)/k
228   		wi     <- 1/(vi + tau2.0)
229   		W      <- diag(wi)
230   		P      <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
231   		tau2   <- (tau2.0/(k-p)) * t(Y) %*% P %*% Y
232   	}
234   	if (is.element(method, c("ML", "REML", "EB"))) {
236   		conv		<- 1
237   		change	<- 1000
238   		iter		<- 0
240         if (is.null(con$tau2.init)) {
241            tau2 <- max(0, var(yi) - mean(vi))
242         } else {
243            tau2 <- con$tau2.init
244         }
246   		while (change > con$threshold) {
247   			if (con$verbose == TRUE) cat("Iteration:", iter, " Estimate of (Residual) Heterogeneity:", tau2, "\n")
248   			iter     <- iter + 1
249   			tau2.old <- tau2
250   			wi       <- 1/(vi + tau2)
251   			W		   <- diag(wi)
252   			P		   <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
253   			if (method == "REML") {
254   				adj	<- solve( tr(P%*%P) ) %*% ( t(Y)%*%P%*%P%*%Y - tr(P) )
255   			}
256   			if (method == "ML") {
257   				adj	<- solve( tr(W%*%W) ) %*% ( t(Y)%*%P%*%P%*%Y - tr(W) )
258   			}
259   			if (method == "EB") {
260   				adj	<- solve( tr(W) ) %*% ( (k/(k-p)) %*% t(Y)%*%P%*%Y - k )
261   			}
262   			while (tau2 + adj < 0) {
263   				adj <- adj / 2
264   			}
265   			tau2		<- tau2 + adj
266   			change	<- abs(tau2.old - tau2)
267   			if (iter > con$maxiter) {
268   				conv    <- 0
269   				break
270   			}
271   		}
273   		if (conv == 0) {
274   			stop("Fisher scoring algorithm did not converge. Try increasing the number of iterations (maxiter), lowering the threshold (threshold), or use a different estimation method.")
275   		}
277         if (method == "ML") {
278            se.tau2 <- sqrt( 2/sum(wi^2) )
279         }
280         if (method == "REML") {
281            se.tau2 <- sqrt( 2/tr(P%*%P) )
282         }
284      }
286   	tau2 <- max(0, c(tau2))
288   }
290	if (method == "FE" || method == "FU") {
291		tau2 <- 0
292	}
294   wi    <- 1/vi
295   W     <- diag(wi)
296   P     <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
297   QE    <- t(Y) %*% P %*% Y
298   QEp   <- 1 - pchisq(QE, df=k-p)
300   if (int.only == TRUE) {
301      s2  <- (k-1)*sum(wi) / ( sum(wi)^2 - sum(wi^2) )
302      I2  <- 100 * tau2 / (tau2 + s2)
303   }
305   if (method == "FU") {
306      b   <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Y
307      vb  <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% diag(vi) %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X)
308   } else {
309      wi  <- 1/(vi + tau2)
310   	W   <- diag(wi)
311   	b   <- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W %*% Y
312   	vb  <- solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X)
313   }
315	if (knha == TRUE) {
316      P     <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
317      s2w   <- c( t(Y) %*% P %*% Y ) / (k-p)
318		vb    <- s2w * vb
319      if (method == "FE" || method == "FU") {
320         warning("The Knapp & Hartung method is not meant to be used in the context of fixed-effects models.")
321      }
322	}
324   if (is.null(btt)) {
325      if (p > 1) {
326         if (addint == TRUE) {
327            btt <- 2:p
328         } else {
329            btt <- 1:p
330         }
331      } else {
332         btt <- 1
333      }
334   }
336   m <- length(btt)
338	QME <- t(b)[btt] %*% solve(vb[btt,btt]) %*% b[btt]
340	if (knha == FALSE) {
341	  QMEp <- 1 - pchisq(QME, df=m)
342	} else {
343	  QMEp <- 1 - pf( QME/m, df1=m, df2=k-p )
344	}
346   alpha <- (100-ci)/100
347   se    <- sqrt(diag(vb))
348	z     <- b / se
350	if (knha == FALSE) {
351   	zp   <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(z)))
352   	crit <- qnorm(1-alpha/2)
353	} else {
354		zp   <- 2*(1-pt(abs(z), df=k-p))
355		crit <- qt(1-alpha/2, df=k-p)
356	}
358   ci.lb	<- b - crit * se
359   ci.ub	<- b + crit * se
361   if (method == "FU") {
362      P <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) - X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W + X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X)
363   } else {
364      P <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W
365   }
366	ll.ML      <- -1/2 *(k)   * log(2*pi)                              - 1/2 * sum( log(vi + tau2) )                                  - 1/2 * t(Y) %*% P %*% Y
367	ll.REML    <- -1/2 *(k-p) * log(2*pi) + 0/2 * log( det(t(X)%*%X) ) - 1/2 * sum( log(vi + tau2) ) - 1/2 * log( det(t(X)%*%W%*%X) ) - 1/2 * t(Y) %*% P %*% Y
368	dev.ML     <- -2 * ll.ML
369	dev.REML   <- -2 * ll.REML
370	AIC.ML     <- -2 * ll.ML   + 2*(p + (if (method == "FE" || method == "FU") 0 else 1) )
371	BIC.ML     <- -2 * ll.ML   +   (p + (if (method == "FE" || method == "FU") 0 else 1) ) * log(k)
372	AIC.REML   <- -2 * ll.REML + 2*(p + (if (method == "FE" || method == "FU") 0 else 1) )
373	BIC.REML   <- -2 * ll.REML +   (p + (if (method == "FE" || method == "FU") 0 else 1) ) * log(k-p)
374   fit.stats  <- c(ll.ML=ll.ML, dev.ML=dev.ML, AIC.ML=AIC.ML, BIC.ML=BIC.ML, ll.REML=ll.REML, dev.REML=dev.REML, AIC.REML=AIC.REML, BIC.REML=BIC.REML)
376   res         <- list(b, se, z, zp, ci.lb, ci.ub, vb, tau2, se.tau2, k, p, m, fit.stats, QE, QEp, QME, QMEp, s2w, I2, int.only, yi, vi, X, ids, method, knha, btt, addint, digits, ci, ll, control)
377   names(res)  <- c("b", "se", "z", "zp", "ci.lb", "ci.ub", "vb", "tau2", "se.tau2", "k", "p", "m", "fit.stats", "QE", "QEp", "QME", "QMEp", "s2w", "I2", "int.only", "yi", "vi", "X", "ids", "method", "knha", "btt", "addint", "digits", "ci", "ll", "control")
378   class(res)  <- c("rma")
379   res
386# [PT: Aug 12, 2020] commented out, bc link no longer works
388#print("Visit https://afni.nimh.nih.gov/sscc/gangc/VAR.html and make sure")
389#print("you've acquired the data for the analysis in desirable data format.")
393print("Please consider citing the following if this program is useful for you:")
394cat("\n\tChen et al., Vector autoregression, structural equation modeling, and\n")
395cat("\ttheir synthesis in neuroimaging data analysis, Comput. Biol. Med. (2011),\n")
396cat("\tVolume 41, Issue 12, 1142-1155.\n\n")
399print("Use CNTL-C on Unix or ESC on GUI version of R to stop at any moment.")
401anaType <- as.integer(readline("Analysis type (0: quit; 1: individual; 2: group)? "))
403if (anaType==1) {
404#libLoad("gsl")      # Legendre polynomials
405#libLoad("vars")     # VAR modeling
406pkgLoad(c('gsl', 'vars'))
408anotherAna <- 1
409while (anotherAna==1) {
412nROIs <- as.integer(readline("Number of regions/nodes (e.g., 6)? "))     # number of ROIs
413print("Header with one line of labels is optional in multi-column files, but NOT allowed in one-column files.")
414yForm <- as.integer(readline("ROI time series data type (0: MULTIPLE one-column files; 1: ONE multi-column file)? "))     # input format
416if (yForm) { # read ROI file (in dataframe), and take label from the header
417#   fn <- tclvalue( tkgetOpenFile( filetypes =
418#      "{{ROI files in multi-column 1D format} {.1D}} {{All files} *}",
419#      title = paste('Choose ROIs time series file')))
420   fn <- readline("ROIs time series file name: ")
421	print(sprintf("File just read in: %s", strsplit(fn, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(fn, "/")[[1]])]))
422   yHeader <- as.integer(readline("Does this multi-column file have a header (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
423   if (yHeader == 1) myData <- read.table(fn, header=TRUE) else {
424      myData <- read.table(fn, header=FALSE)
425      for (ii in 1:nROIs) names(myData)[ii] <- readline(sprintf("Name for region/node number %i? ", ii))
426   }
427#   nROIs <- ncol(myData)
428   nTotal <- nrow(myData)
429} else {
431   fn <- vector('list', nROIs)
432#   fn[[1]] <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes =
433#      "{{ROI files in one-column 1D format} {.1D}} {{All files} *}",
434#      title = paste('Choose number', 1, 'ROI time series file')))
435   fn[[1]] <- readline(sprintf("No. 1 ROI time series file name: "))
436	print(sprintf("No. %i file just read in: %s", 1, strsplit(fn[[1]], "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(fn[[1]], "/")[[1]])]))
437   myData <- data.frame(matrix(data=NA, nrow=dim(read.table(fn[[1]], header=FALSE))[1], ncol=nROIs, dimnames = NULL))
438   myData[,1] <- read.table(fn[[1]], header=FALSE)
439   for (ii in 2:nROIs) { # read ROI 1D file (in 1 column)
440#   fn[[ii]] <- tclvalue( tkgetOpenFile( filetypes =
441#      "{{ROI files in one-column format} {.1D}} {{All files} *}",
442#      title = paste('Choose number', ii, 'ROI time series file')))
443   fn[[ii]] <- readline(sprintf("No. %i ROI time series file name: ", ii))
444	print(sprintf("No. %i file just read in: %s", ii, strsplit(fn[[ii]], "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(fn[[ii]], "/")[[1]])]))
445	myData[,ii] <- read.table(fn[[ii]], header=FALSE)
446   } #for (ii in 2:nROIs)
447	for (ii in 1:nROIs) names(myData)[ii] <- readline(sprintf("Name for region/node number %i? ", ii))
448# take labels from the filenames
449#   ROIlab <- vector('list', nROIs)
450#   for (ii in 1:nROIs) ROIlab[[ii]] <- strsplit(strsplit(fn[[ii]], "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(fn[[ii]], "/")[[1]])], ".1D")[[1]]
451#   names(myData) <- ROIlab
452   nTotal <- dim(myData)[1]
455print("If there are n consecutive chunks of data, enter n-1 here.")
456print("If all the time series are consecutive, enter 0 breaks.")
457nChunks <- as.integer(readline("Number of breaks in the time series? "))+1     # number of runs
459nPts <- array(data = NA, dim=nChunks)
460if (nChunks == 1) nPts[1] <- nTotal else
461for (ii in 1:nChunks) nPts[ii] <- as.integer(readline(paste("Length of number", ii, "run/segment? ")))
465print("Prior detrending is NOT recommended due to potential complications. ")
466print("Trend can be modeled through specifying the order of a polynomial here, ")
467print("or can be included as part of covariates later on. If you plan to model the")
468print("trend with your own regressors or don't need to model it, choose -1 here.")
469print("If trend has already been removed (not recommended), choose 0 here.")
470nPoly <- as.integer(readline("Order of polynomials for drifting effects (note: -1 means no trend removal!)? "))  # Legendre
474COV <- as.integer(readline("Any other covariates or confounding effects than drifting (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
475if (as.logical(COV)) {
476   nCOVs <- as.integer(readline("Number of covariates (e.g., 6)? "))     # number of regions: 6
477	print("Header with one line of labels is optional in multi-column files, but NOT allowed in one-column files.")
478	covForm <- as.integer(readline("Covariates data type (0: MULTIPLE one-column files; 1: ONE multi-column file)? "))     # covariates format
479   if (covForm) {
480#      fncov <- tclvalue( tkgetOpenFile( filetypes =
481#      "{{Covariate File} {.1D}} {{All files} *}",
482#      title = paste('Choose covariates file in multi-column format')))
483      fncov <- readline("Covariates file name: ")
484		covHeader <- as.integer(readline("Does this multi-column file have a header (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
485		if (covHeader == 1) exData <- read.table(fncov, header=TRUE) else {
486         exData <- read.table(fncov, header=FALSE)
487         for (ii in 1:nCOVs) names(exData)[ii] <- readline(sprintf("Name for covariate number %i? ", ii))
488      }
489   } else {
490#      covn <- vector('list', nCOVs)
491      exData <- data.frame(matrix(data=NA, nrow=nTotal, ncol=nCOVs, dimnames = NULL))
492      exData <- readMultiFiles(nCOVs, 1, "covariate")  # 1: assuming no header
493#		covFN <- exTmp[[1]]; exData <- exTmp[[2]]
495#		for (ii in 1:nCOVs) {
496#         covn[[ii]] <- tclvalue( tkgetOpenFile( filetypes =
497#            "{{Covariate Files} {.1D}} {{All files} *}",
498#            title = paste('Choose number', ii, 'covariate time series file')))
499#         print(sprintf("No. %i file just read in: %s", ii, strsplit(covn[[ii]], "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(covn[[ii]], "/")[[1]])]))
500#			exData[,ii] <- read.table(covn[[ii]], header=FALSE)
501#      }
502      for (ii in 1:nCOVs) names(exData)[ii] <- readline(sprintf("Name for covariate number %i? ", ii))
503#		COVlab <- vector('list', nCOVs)
504#      for (ii in 1:nCOVs) COVlab[[ii]] <- strsplit(covFN[[ii]], ".1D")[[1]]
505#      names(exData) <- COVlab
506   }
507} else {exData <- NULL; nCOVs <- 0}
510# plot out the time series, and let the user make sure they look OK
511plotROIs <- as.integer(readline("Plot out the original ROI time series (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
512#print("Check the fitting for each ROI time series")
513if (plotROIs) plotTS(myData, nROIs, "Original time series")
516if (as.logical(COV)) {
517   plotCov <- as.integer(readline("Plot out covariates time series provided by you (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
518   if (plotCov) plotTS(exData, nCOVs, "Covariate time series")
519} # if (as.logical(COV))
522# scaling the data per run per ROI
523newData <- myData
524print(sprintf("If normalization was NOT performed during pre-processing, you can scale the data now."))
525scaleTS <- as.integer(readline("Scale the ROI time series (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
526if (scaleTS) {
527   jumpPts <- 0
528   for (ii in 1:nChunks) {
529      for (jj in 1:nROIs) newData[(jumpPts+1):(jumpPts+nPts[ii]),jj] <-
530         myData[(jumpPts+1):(jumpPts+nPts[ii]),jj]/mean(myData[(jumpPts+1):(jumpPts+nPts[ii]),jj])
531	  if (ii < nChunks) jumpPts <- jumpPts+nPts[ii]
532	}
535# create exogenous variables with Legendre polynomials from gsl
536if (nPoly > -1) {
537   trendMat <- as.data.frame(array(0, dim = c(nTotal, (nPoly+1)*nChunks)))
538   jumpPts <- 0
539   for (ii in 1:nChunks) {
540	  trendMat[(jumpPts+1):(jumpPts+nPts[ii]),(1+(nPoly+1)*(ii-1)):((nPoly+1)*ii)] <-
541	      t(legendre_Pl_array(nPoly, seq(from=-1,to=1,len=nPts[ii])))
542      names(trendMat)[(1+(nPoly+1)*(ii-1)):((nPoly+1)*ii)] <- sprintf("Run%iTrend%i", ii, seq(nPoly+1)-1)
543      if (ii < nChunks) jumpPts <- jumpPts+nPts[ii]
544   }
545   if (is.null(exData)) exMat <- trendMat else exMat <- cbind(trendMat, exData)
546} else exMat <- exData # if no baseline and trend, do nothing
547# plot out those polynomials here???
549maxLags <- as.integer(readline("Highest order (or number of lags) for the VAR model (1,2,...)? "))
551critSel <- VARselect(newData, lag.max = maxLags, type = "none", exogen=exMat)
552print(sprintf("Suggested orders for VAR:"))
554print("AIC: Akaike Information Criterion;")
555print("HQ:  Hannan-Quinn criterion;")
556print("SC:  Schwartz Criterion;")
557print("FPE: Final Prediction Error criterion.")
558print(" ")
559print("Usually consistency exists between AIC and FPE, and between")
560print("HQ and SC. AIC and FPE tend to overestimate the 'true order'.")
561print("Since there is no such a universally best criterion, it may be")
562print("better to try different analysis with various orders within")
563print("the range covered by the 4 criteria.")
565anotherLag <- TRUE
566while (anotherLag) {
568#print(sprintf("Select the order of VAR model based on above criteria:"))
569nLags <- as.integer(readline("Select order of VAR model based on above criteria (e.g., 3)? "))
571# generate intervention dummy variables for across-run/block breaks: nLags dummies per run
572if (nChunks > 1) {
573	breakMat <- as.data.frame(array(0, dim = c(nTotal, (nChunks-1)*nLags)))
574	jumpPts <- 0
575	for (ii in 1:(nChunks-1)) {
576		jumpPts <- jumpPts+nPts[ii]
577		for (jj in 1:(nLags)) {
578		   breakMat[,(ii-1)*nLags+jj] <- c(rep(0, jumpPts+jj-1), 1, rep(0, nTotal-jumpPts-jj))
579		   names(breakMat)[(ii-1)*nLags+jj] <- sprintf("Run%iLag%i", ii, jj)
580		}
581	}
582	if (is.null(exMat)) exMatMod <- breakMat else exMatMod <- cbind(breakMat, exMat)
583	print(sprintf("Suggested orders for VAR updated:"))
584	print(VARselect(newData, lag.max = maxLags, type = "none", exogen=exMatMod)$selection)
585} else exMatMod <- exMat
588fm <- VAR(newData, p=nLags, type="none", exogen=exMatMod)
590qualityCheck <- as.integer(readline("Want to run a few quality check tests (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
591if (qualityCheck) {
592# the modulus of the eigenvalues (presumably less than 1 as stable condition) in the reverse characteristic polynomial; stable process is stationary, but the converse is not true
593#print("Quality check of the model:")
594if (prod(roots(fm)<1)) print("Eigenvalues of the companion coefficient matrix indciate that the VAR(p) process is stable and thus stationary") else print("The VAR(p) process seems unstable and thus is not stationary")
596print("Normality testing of the residuals")
599print("Serial correlation test:")
600print(serial.test(fm, lags.pt=16, lags.bg=5, type=c("PT.asymptotic")))
601print(serial.test(fm, lags.pt=16, lags.bg=5, type=c("PT.adjusted")))
602print(serial.test(fm, lags.pt=16, lags.bg=5, type=c("BG")))
603print(serial.test(fm, lags.pt=16, lags.bg=5, type=c("ES")))
605print("Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) test")
607archPlot <- as.integer(readline("Plot out ARCH test result (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
608if (archPlot) {dev.new(); plot(arch.test(fm))}
610statPlot <- as.integer(readline("Plot out stability test (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
611if (statPlot) {
612   print("Available empirical fluctuation process (efp) types are:")
613   print("1. OLS-CUSUM:   CUmulative SUMs of Ordinary Least Squares residuals;")
614   print("2. Rec-CUSUM:   CUmulative SUMs of Recursive residuals;")
615   print("3. OLS-MOSUM:   MOving SUMs of Ordinary Least Squares residuals;")
616   print("4. Rec-MOSUM:   MOving SUMs of Recursive residuals;")
617   print("5. RE:          Recursive Estimates of the path coefficients;")
618   print("6. ME:          Moving Estimates of the path coefficients;")
619   print("7. Score-CUSUM: CUmulative SUMs of the ML Scores;")
620   print("8. Score-MOSUM: MOving SUMs of the ML scores.")
621   anotherType <- TRUE
622   while (anotherType) {
623   procNo <- as.integer(readline("Select process type (1-8)? "))
624   if (procNo==1) procType <- "OLS-CUSUM"
625   if (procNo==2) procType <- "Rec-CUSUM"
626   if (procNo==3) procType <- "OLS-MOSUM"
627   if (procNo==4) procType <- "Rec-MOSUM"
628   if (procNo==5) procType <- "RE"
629   if (procNo==6) procType <- "ME"
630   if (procNo==7) procType <- "Score-CUSUM"
631   if (procNo==8) procType <- "Score-CUSUM"
632   dev.new(); plot(stability(fm, type = procType, h = 0.15, dynamic = FALSE, rescale = TRUE))
633   anotherType <- as.integer(readline("Want to plot stability with another type (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
634   } # while (anotherType)
635} # if (statPlot)
638checkCov <- as.integer(readline("Check significance of covariates (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
639if (checkCov) {
640   anotherCovPth <- TRUE
641	totCOVs <- (nPoly+1)*nChunks+nCOVs  # total covariates
642   while (anotherCovPth) {
643	   pCovThresh <- as.numeric(readline("p-threshold for covariates (e.g., 0.05)? "))
644		#Info about all the covariates:
645		#lapply(coef(fm), function(x) x[nROIs*nLags+(1:totCOVs),])
646		covPList <- lapply(coef(fm), function(x) x[nROIs*nLags+(1:totCOVs),4]<=pCovThresh)
647		#covSigList <- vector(mode="logical", totCOVs)
648		#for (ii in 1:nROIs) covSigList <- covSigList+covPList[[ii]]
649		covSigList <- apply(do.call(cbind, covPList), 1, sum)
650		# detailed info: apply(do.call(cbind, covPList), c(1,2), sum)
651		if (length(covSigList[covSigList==0])) {
652			print(sprintf("With a threshold of %f the following covariates don't show significance in the model:", pCovThresh))
653			print(names(covSigList[covSigList==0]))
654			print("You may consider removing them from the model. However, when polynomial terms")
655			print("show up in the above list, only if the highest order of the polynomials")
656			print("indicates insignificant would you try decreasing the order.")
657	   } else print(sprintf("All covarates show significance in the model with a threshold of %f.", pCovThresh))
658		anotherCovPth <- as.integer(readline("Want to try another p-threshold for covariates (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
659	} #
661} # model quality check
665# spill out the original path matrix with direction going from rows to columns
667netMatR <- array(data=NA, dim=c(nLags, nROIs, nROIs))   # original path coefficient matrix
668netMatT <- array(data=NA, dim=c(nLags, nROIs, nROIs))   # t values matrix
669for (ii in 1:nROIs) for (jj in 1:nROIs) for (kk in 1:nLags)  {
670	netMatR[kk,jj,ii] <- coef(fm)[[ii]][jj+nROIs*(kk-1), 1]  # path coefficients
671	netMatT[kk,jj,ii] <- coef(fm)[[ii]][jj+nROIs*(kk-1), 3]  # t values
674for (ii in 1:nLags) {
675   print(sprintf("Path coefficient matrix with a lag of %i (direction goes from row to column):", ii))
676   print(matrix(netMatR[ii,,], nrow = nROIs, ncol = nROIs, dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData))))
677   saveMat <- as.integer(readline("Save above path matrix for group analysis (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
678   if (saveMat) {
679      matName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix (e.g., PathLag1Subj1)? "))
680      write.table(netMatR[ii,,], file=sprintf("%s.1D", matName), append=FALSE, row.names=names(myData), col.names=names(myData))
681   }
682   print("-----------------")
683	print(sprintf("Matrix of t values with a lag of %i (direction goes from row to column):", ii))
684   print(matrix(netMatT[ii,,], nrow = nROIs, ncol = nROIs, dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData))))
685	print(sprintf("DFs = %i for null hypothesis H_0: a path coefficient = 0.", summary(fm)$varresult[[1]]$df[2]))
686	saveMatT <- as.integer(readline("Save matrix of t values for group analysis (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
687   if (saveMatT) {
688      matName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix (e.g., TLag1Subj1)? "))
689      write.table(netMatT[ii,,], file=sprintf("%s.1D", matName), append=FALSE, row.names=names(myData), col.names=names(myData))
690   }
691   print("-----------------")
694if (nLags>1) { # overall network with all lags collapsed
695   #libLoad("car")  # for linear.hypothesis
696   pkgLoad('car')
697	# initialization for overall network across lags
698	netCMatF <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nROIs, ncol=nROIs, dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData)))
699   netCMatP <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nROIs, ncol=nROIs, dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData)))
700	fTest <- vector("list", nROIs)  # initialization for F test name list
701	for (ii in 1:nROIs) for (jj in 1:nLags)
702	   fTest[[ii]] <- c(fTest[[ii]], sprintf("%s.l%d",names(myData)[ii],jj))
703	for (ii in 1:nROIs) for (jj in 1:nROIs) {
704	   ltTmp <- linear.hypothesis(fm$varresult[[ii]], fTest[[jj]])
705		netCMatF[jj, ii] <- ltTmp$F[2]; netCMatP[jj, ii] <- ltTmp$Pr[2]
706   }
707	print(sprintf("Overall F matrix for ALL %i lags (direction goes from row to column):", nLags))
708   print(netCMatF)
709	print(sprintf("Numerator DFs = %i, and Denominator DFs =%i", -ltTmp$Df[2], ltTmp$Res.Df[1]))
710	print(sprintf("Null hypothesis H_0: path coef from region i to j is 0 for all %i lags.", nLags))
711   saveCMatF <- as.integer(readline("Save above F matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
712   if (saveCMatF) {
713      matCFName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix (e.g., FMatSubj1)? "))
714      write.table(netCMatF, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matCFName), append=FALSE)
715   }
716	print("-----------------")
717	print(sprintf("Overall p-value matrix for ALL %i lags (direction goes from row to column):", nLags))
718   print(netCMatP)
719	print(sprintf("Numerator DFs = %i, and Denominator DFs =%i", -ltTmp$Df[2], ltTmp$Res.Df[1]))
720	print(sprintf("Null hypothesis H_0: path coef from region i to j is 0 for all %i lags.", nLags))
721   saveCMatP <- as.integer(readline("Save above p-value matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
722   if (saveCMatP) {
723      matCPName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix (e.g., PMatSubj1)? "))
724      write.table(netCMatP, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matCPName), append=FALSE)
725   }
726   print("-----------------")
727#	totCOVs <- (nPoly+1)*nChunks+nCOVs
728#	fCovTest <- vector("list", totCOVs)  # initialization for covariate F test name list
729#	for (ii in 1:totCOVs)
730#	   fCovTest[[ii]] <- names(myData)[ii],jj)
733} # if (nLags>1)
735print("Covariance matrix of residuals:")
737saveCovMat <- as.integer(readline("Save above contemporaneous covariance matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
738if (saveCovMat) {
739   matCovName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix (e.g., CovSubj1)? "))
740   write.table(summary(fm)$covres, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matCovName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
744print("Correlation matrix of residuals:")
746saveCorMat <- as.integer(readline("Save above contemporaneous correlation matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
747if (saveCorMat) {
748   matCorName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix (e.g., CorSubj1)? "))
749   write.table(summary(fm)$corres, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matCorName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
753seeModel <- as.integer(readline("Want to see the model details and statistics (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
754if (seeModel) print(summary(fm))
757plotFit <- as.integer(readline("Plot out the model fit, residuals, residual ACF and PACF (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
760if (plotFit) { dev.new(); plot(fm) }
762anotherPth <- TRUE
763while (anotherPth) {
765print(sprintf("There are totally %i paths in the model. Select a low p value ", nLags*nROIs^2))
766print("if you're concerned about multiple comparisons issue:")
767pThresh <- as.numeric(readline("p-threshold for causal effects (e.g., 0.05)? "))
769# connection goes from row to column, which is the default in network package
770netMat <- array(data=NA, dim=c(nLags+1, nROIs, nROIs))  # thresholded network
771for (ii in 1:nROIs)
772	for (jj in 1:nROIs) {
773		for (kk in 1:nLags)
774			netMat[kk,jj,ii] <- sum(sum(coef(fm)[[ii]][jj+nROIs*(kk-1), 4]
775			   <= pThresh)>0)
776		if (nLags>1) {
777			ltTmp <- linear.hypothesis(fm$varresult[[ii]], fTest[[jj]])
778			netCMatF[jj, ii] <- ltTmp$F[2]; netCMatP[jj, ii] <- ltTmp$Pr[2]
779			}
780		}
783# spill the matrices with those insignificant ones being masked: direction goes from rows to cols
784for (ii in 1:nLags) {
785   print(sprintf("Path coefficient matrix with a lag of %i with insignificant ones masked with NAs:", ii))
786#   print(matrix(netMatR[ii,,]*netMat[ii,,], nrow = nROIs, ncol = nROIs, dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData))))
787   print(matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), netMat[ii,,], netMatR[ii,,]), nrow = nROIs, ncol = nROIs,
788      dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData))))
789   print("-----------------")
790	print(sprintf("Matrix of t values with a lag of %i with insignificant ones masked with NAs:", ii))
791#   print(matrix(netMatT[ii,,]*netMat[ii,,], nrow = nROIs, ncol = nROIs, dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData))))
792   print(matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), netMat[ii,,], netMatT[ii,,]), nrow = nROIs, ncol = nROIs,
793      dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData))))
794	print(sprintf("DFs = %i for null hypothesis H_0: a path coefficient = 0.", summary(fm)$varresult[[1]]$df[2]))
795   print("-----------------")
798if (nLags>1) {
799   print(sprintf("Overall F matrix for all %i lags with insignificant ones masked with NAs:", nLags))
800#	print(netCMatF*(netCMatP<=pThresh))
801   print(matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), netCMatP<=pThresh, netCMatF), nrow = nROIs, ncol = nROIs,
802      dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData))))
803	print("-----------------")
804	print(sprintf("Overall p-value matrix for all %i lags with insignificant ones masked with NAs:", nLags))
805#	print(netCMatP*(netCMatP<=pThresh))
806   print(matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), netCMatP<=pThresh, netCMatP), nrow = nROIs, ncol = nROIs,
807      dimnames = list(names(myData), names(myData))))
810plotNetwork <- as.integer(readline("Plot out the identified network (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
811if (plotNetwork) {
814net <- network.initialize(nROIs)
815attr(net, "vertex.names") <- names(myData)
816edgeScale <- as.numeric(readline("Scale factor for path thickness (e.g., 20)? "))
817arrowScale <- as.numeric(readline("Scale factor for arrows (e.g., 2)? "))
818print("A self-loop indicates a region/node has effect on itself from t-1 to t.")
819selfLoop <- as.integer(readline("Show self-loops in the network (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
821for (ii in 1:nLags) {
822	netData <- netMat[ii,,]
823	rownames(netData) <- names(myData); colnames(netData) <- names(myData)
824	# if path +, col<-2 (red); if path -, col<-4 (blue)
825	plotNet(netData, selfLoop, netMatR[ii,,]*edgeScale, arrowScale, 3-sign(netMat[ii,,]*netMatR[ii,,]), sprintf("Network with lag = %s", ii))
826} # for (ii in 1:nLags)
828if (nLags>1) {   # overall network
829	logF <- log(netCMatF)*(netCMatP<=pThresh)
830	# if path +, col<-2 (red); if path -, col<-4 (blue)
831	plotNet(logF, selfLoop, logF*edgeScale/10, arrowScale, 3-sign(logF), sprintf("Overall network for all %s lags (scaled by ln(F))", nLags))
832}	# if (nLags>1))
834} # if (plotNetwork)
838anotherPth <- as.integer(readline("Want to try another p-threshold/plotting set-up for network (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
841anotherLag <- as.integer(readline("Want to try another number of lags for VAR (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
845#causality(fm, cause=names(myData)[1])
847anotherAna <- as.integer(readline("Next (0: quit; 1: another individual analysis; 2: group analysis)? "))
848} # while (anotherAna==1)
850} # if (anaType==1)
852# Group analysis below
854if (anaType==2 || anotherAna==2) {
856print("It's suggested to run a separate group analysis for each lag.")
858print("The following from subjects can be taken for group analysis:")
859print("(1) Both path coefficients and their t-statistics (highly recommended); or")
860print("(2) Path coefficients only (OK but NOT as reliable as (1); or")
861print("(3) t-statistics only (NOT recommended); or")
862print("(4) F-statistics only (NOT recommended).")
865grpType <- as.integer(readline("Which type of input files (1: path and t; 2: path only; 3: t only; 4: F only)? "))
867#fishConv <- TRUE  # Fisher transformation
868#if(fishConv) libLoad("psych")
870doneGrp <- 1
871while (doneGrp) {
873nGrp <- as.integer(readline("Number of groups (1 or 2)? "))
874if (nGrp==1) {   #one-sample t
876nSubjs <- as.integer(readline("Number of subjects (e.g., 12)? "))     # number of subjects
877#gfn <- vector('list', nSubjs)
878pathList <- vector('list', nSubjs)
880if (grpType==1) {  # Fisher tranformation not done since it doesn't seem to matter much in testing
881   print("Provide path coef files first:")
882   print("-----------------")
883   pathList <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs, 2, "subject path coef matrix")  #2: with header
884   print("-----------------")
885   print("Now provide t-statistic files:")
886   pathTList <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs, 2, "subject t-statistic matrix") # get t values
887   pathSEList <- mapply("/", pathList, pathTList, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)  # calculate stand. error
888   zMat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathList, as.matrix), c))  # convert to matrix
889   zSEMat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathSEList, as.matrix), c)) # convert se to matrix
890   runMeta <- TRUE
893if (grpType==2) {  # Fisher tranformation not done since it doesn't seem to matter much in testing
894   pathList <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs, 2, "subject path coef matrix")  #2: with header
895   zMat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathList, as.matrix), c))  # convert to matrix
896   runMeta <- FALSE
899if (grpType==3) {  # added here simply because other people still practice this approach
900   pathList <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs, 2, "subject t-statistic matrix")  #2: with header
901   pathList <- lapply(pathList, function(x) log(x^2))  # convert to F, then take log transform
902   zMat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathList, as.matrix), c))  # convert to matrix
903   runMeta <- FALSE
906if (grpType==4) {  # added here simply because other people still practice this approach
907   pathList <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs, 2, "subject F-statistic matrix")  #2: with header
908   pathList <- lapply(pathList, log)  # take log transform
909   zMat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathList, as.matrix), c))  # convert to matrix
910   runMeta <- FALSE
913#for (ii in 1:nSubjs) { # read in path matrices
914#   fn[[ii]] <- tclvalue( tkgetOpenFile( filetypes =
915#      "{{Path coef matrix file} {.1D}} {{All files} *}",
916#      title = paste('Choose subject No.', ii, 'subject path coef matrix file')))
917#   print(sprintf("No. %i file just read in: %s", ii, strsplit(fn[[ii]], "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(fn[[ii]], "/")[[1]])]))
918#	 pathList[[ii]] <- read.table(fn[[ii]], header=TRUE)
921nROIsG <- dim(pathList[[1]])[1]
922roiNames <- names(pathList[[1]])
924if (runMeta) {
925#   libLoad("meta")
926#   if(fishConv) {zMat <- fisherz(zMat); zSEMat <- fisherz(zSEMat)}
927   resList <- vector('list', nROIsG^2)  # memory allocation
928#   for (ii in 1:nROIsG^2) resList[[ii]] <- metagen(zMat[,ii], zSEMat[,ii]) # meta analysis
929#   for (ii in 1:nROIsG^2) resList[[ii]] <- rma(zMat[,ii], zSEMat[,ii]^2) # meta analysis
930   for (ii in 1:nROIsG^2) resList[[ii]] <- rma(zMat[,ii], zSEMat[,ii]^2, method="REML") # meta analysis
931#   zOutList <- lapply(lapply(resList, summary), function(x) x$random$TE) # extract group z-score
932   zOutList <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$b))
933#   pList <- lapply(lapply(resList, summary), function(x) x$random$p) # extract p
934   pList <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$zp)) # extract p
935#   qList <- lapply(resList, function(x) x$QE)  # Q for homogeneity test
936   qList <- lapply(resList, function(x) x$QEp)  # p-value of Q for homogeneity tes
937   grpR <- matrix(unlist(zOutList), nrow=nROIsG, ncol=nROIsG, dimnames = list(roiNames, roiNames))
938   grpP <- matrix(unlist(pList), nrow=nROIsG, ncol=nROIsG, dimnames = list(roiNames, roiNames))
939   grpQ <- matrix(unlist(qList), nrow=nROIsG, ncol=nROIsG, dimnames = list(roiNames, roiNames))
941} else {  # no meta analysis: one-sample t-test
942#   resList <- apply(do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(zList, as.matrix), c)), 2, t.test)
943#   if(fishConv) zMat <- fisherz(zMat)
944#   for (ii in 1:nROIsG^2) resList[[ii]] <- t.test(zMat[,ii])
945   resList <- apply(zMat, 2, t.test)
946   zOutList <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$estimate))
947	pList <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$p.value))
948   grpR <- matrix(unlist(zOutList), nrow=nROIsG, ncol=nROIsG, dimnames = list(roiNames, roiNames))
949#   if(fishConv) grpR <- fisherz2r(grpZ)   # convert z to r
950   grpP <- matrix(unlist(pList), nrow=nROIsG, ncol=nROIsG, dimnames = list(roiNames, roiNames))
951} # if (runMeta)
952   print("-----------------")
953	print("Group path matrix (direction goes from row to column):")
954   print(grpR)
955	print("-----------------")
956	saveRMat <- as.integer(readline("Save the above path matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
957      if (saveRMat) {
958         matRName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix for path matrix? "))
959         write.table(grpR, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matRName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
960      }
961	print("-----------------")
962	print("Group p matrix (direction goes from row to column):")
963   print(grpP)
964	print("-----------------")
965   savePMat <- as.integer(readline("Save the above p matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
966      if (savePMat) {
967         matPName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix for p matrix? "))
968         write.table(grpP, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matPName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
969      }
970   print("-----------------")
971   if (runMeta) {
972      print("p-value matrix for cross-subject heterogeneity/variability (direction goes from row to column):")
973      print(grpQ)
974   }
975   print("-----------------")
976   anotherPthG <- TRUE
977   while (anotherPthG) {
979   pThreshG <- as.numeric(readline("p-threshold for group analysis (e.g., 0.05)? "))
980   surviveR <- as.numeric(grpP<=pThreshG)*grpR  # for network plotting
981   showSigR <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grpP<=pThreshG, grpR), nrow=nROIsG, ncol=nROIsG,
982      dimnames = list(roiNames, roiNames))
983#surviveP <- as.numeric(grpP<=pThreshG)*grpP
984   showSigP <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grpP<=pThreshG, grpP), nrow=nROIsG, ncol=nROIsG,
985      dimnames = list(roiNames, roiNames))
986   if (runMeta) showSigQ <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grpQ<=pThreshG, grpQ), nrow=nROIsG,
987      ncol=nROIsG, dimnames = list(roiNames, roiNames))
988   print("Group path matrix with insignificant ones masked with NAs:")
989   print(showSigR)
990   print("-----------------")
991   print("Group p matrix with insignificant ones masked with NAs:")
992   print(showSigP)
993   print("-----------------")
994   if (runMeta) {
995      print("p-value matrix for cross-subject hetetrogeneity/variability with insignificant ones masked with NAs:")
996      print(showSigQ)
997   }
998   print("-----------------")
1000   plotNetG <- as.integer(readline("Plot out the identified network (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1001   if (plotNetG) {
1002      print("The thickness of a path indicates its relative strength (or effect).")
1003      print("A path in red means positive strength (or effect) while blue is the opposite.")
1004      set.seed(1702)
1005      net <- network.initialize(nROIsG)
1006      attr(net, "vertex.names") <- names(pathList[[1]])
1007      edgeScaleG <- as.numeric(readline("Scale factor for path thickness (e.g., 1)? "))
1008      arrowScaleG <- as.numeric(readline("Scale factor for arrow size (e.g., 2)? "))
1009      selfLoop <- as.integer(readline("Show self-loops in the network (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1010      	plotNet(surviveR, selfLoop, surviveR*edgeScaleG, arrowScaleG, 3-sign(surviveR), sprintf("Group network with %s subjects", nSubjs))
1011   } # if (plotNetG)
1013   anotherPthG <- as.integer(readline("Want to try another p-threshold/plotting set-up for group network (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1015} else {  # more than one group
1017nSubjs <- vector('integer', nGrp)
1018pathList <- vector('list', nGrp)
1019pathTList <- vector('list', nGrp)
1020pathSEList <- vector('list', nGrp)
1021nROIsG <- vector('integer', nGrp)
1022roiNames <- vector('list', nGrp)
1023zList <- vector('list', nGrp)
1024zMat <- vector('list', nGrp)
1025zSEMat <- vector('list', nGrp)
1026DF <- vector('list', nGrp)
1028for (ii in 1:nGrp) {  # Fisher tranformation not done since it doesn't seem to matter much in testing
1029	nSubjs[ii] <- as.integer(readline(sprintf("Number of subjects in group %s (e.g., 12)? ", ii)))
1030   pathList[[ii]] <- vector('list', nSubjs[ii])
1031	if (grpType==1 ) {
1032      print("Provide path coef files first:")
1033      print("-----------------")
1034      pathList[[ii]] <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs[ii], 2, "subject path coef matrix")
1035      print("-----------------")
1036      print("Now provide t-statistic files in the SAME subject order as path coef's:")
1037      print("-----------------")
1038      pathTList[[ii]] <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs[ii], 2, "subject t-statistic matrix")
1039      pathSEList[[ii]] <- mapply("/", pathList[[ii]], pathTList[[ii]], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)  # calculate stand. error
1040      zMat[[ii]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathList[[ii]], as.matrix), c))  # convert to matrix
1041      zSEMat[[ii]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathSEList[[ii]], as.matrix), c)) # convert se to matrix
1042      runMeta <- TRUE
1043#      print("-----------------")
1044#      DF[[ii]] <- as.integer(readline(sprintf("Degrees of freedom for the t-statistics in group %s? ", ii)))
1045      print("-----------------")
1046   }
1047   if (grpType==2) {  # Fisher tranformation not done here since it doesn't seem to matter much in testing
1048      pathList[[ii]] <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs[ii], 2, "subject path coef matrix")  #2: with header
1049      zMat[[ii]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathList[[ii]], as.matrix), c))  # convert to matrix
1050      runMeta <- FALSE
1051   }
1053   if (grpType==3) {  # added here simply because other people still practice this approach
1054      pathList[[ii]] <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs, 2, "subject t-statistic matrix")  #2: with header
1055      pathList[[ii]] <- lapply(pathList[[ii]], function(x) log(x^2))  # convert to F, then take log transform
1056      zMat[[ii]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathList[[ii]], as.matrix), c))  # convert to matrix
1057      runMeta <- FALSE
1058   }
1060   if (grpType==4) {  # added here simply because other people still practice this approach
1061      pathList[[ii]] <- readMultiFiles(nSubjs, 2, "subject F-statistic matrix")  #2: with header
1062      pathList[[ii]] <- lapply(pathList[[ii]], log)  # take log transform
1063      zMat[[ii]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(pathList[[ii]], as.matrix), c))  # convert to matrix
1064      runMeta <- FALSE
1067	nROIsG[ii] <- dim(pathList[[ii]][[1]])[1]
1068	if (ii>1) for (jj in 1:ii) if (nROIsG[jj]!=nROIsG[1]) {sprintf("Group %i has %i ROIs while group 1 has %i", jj, nROIsG[jj], nROIsG[1]); break}
1069	roiNames[[ii]] <- names(pathList[[ii]][[1]])
1070	if (ii>1) for (jj in 1:ii) if (!identical(roiNames[[ii]], roiNames[[1]])) {sprintf("Group %i has different ROI namess with group 1", jj, roiNames[[ii]]); break}
1071#	if (pthType==0) zList[[ii]] <- lapply(pathList[[ii]], fisherz) # sapply(pathList[[ii]], fisherz, simplify = FALSE)
1072#  if (pthType==1) zList[[ii]] <- lapply(pathList[[ii]], function(x) log(x^2))
1073#  if (pthType==2) zList[[ii]] <- lapply(pathList[[ii]], log)
1074#    zMat[[ii]] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(zList[[ii]], as.matrix), c))  # convert from list to matrix for easier handling when running 2-sample t-test
1077# Instead of looping, we can also use the following aggregation approach: No, it doesn't work!!!
1078# resList <- apply(do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(zList[[1]], as.matrix), c)), 2, t.test, do.call(rbind, lapply(lapply(zList[[2]], as.matrix), c)))
1081if (runMeta) {
1082#   libLoad("meta")
1083#   if(fishConv) {zMat <- lapply(zMat, fisherz); zSEMat <- lapply(zSEMat, fisherz)}
1084   resList <- vector('list', nROIsG[1]^2)  # memory allocation
1085#   for (ii in 1:nROIsG[1]^2) resList[[ii]] <- metacont(rep.int(DF[[1]]+1, 19), zMat[[1]][,ii], zSEMat[[1]][,ii], rep.int(DF[[2]]+1, 18), zMat[[2]][,ii], zSEMat[[2]][,ii]) # meta analysis
1086   for (ii in 1:nROIsG[1]^2) resList[[ii]] <- rma(c(zMat[[1]][,ii], zMat[[2]][,ii]), c(zSEMat[[1]][,ii]^2, zSEMat[[2]][,ii]^2),
1087       mods=c(rep(0, nSubjs[1]), rep(1, nSubjs[2])), method="REML") # meta analysis: REML is selected here! Group2-Group1
1089   zOutList <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$b[2])) # extract effect of group2-group1
1090   z1OutList <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$b[1])) # extract effect of group1, intercept
1091   z2OutList <- mapply("+", zOutList, z1OutList, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)  # effect of group2 = sum of two above
1092   pList <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$zp[2])) # extract p for effect of group2-group1
1093   p1List <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$zp[1])) # extract p for group1 effect
1095   varList <- mapply("^", lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$se[2])), 2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) # variance of group2-group1
1096   var1List <- mapply("^", lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$se[1])), 2, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) # variance of group1
1097   # se(grp2)=sqrt(se(grp2-grp1)^2-se(grp1)^2)
1098   zval2List <- mapply("/", z2OutList, lapply(mapply("-", varList, var1List, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), sqrt), SIMPLIFY = FALSE) # z-value of group2
1099   p2List <- lapply(zval2List, function(x) 2*(1-pnorm(abs(x))))   # p-value of group2
1100   qList <- lapply(resList, function(x) x$QEp)  # p-value of Q for homogeneity test
1101   grpR <- matrix(unlist(zOutList), nrow=nROIsG[1], ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1102   grp1R <- matrix(unlist(z1OutList), nrow=nROIsG[1], ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1103   grp2R <- matrix(unlist(z2OutList), nrow=nROIsG[1], ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1104   grpP <- matrix(unlist(pList), nrow=nROIsG[1], ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1105   grp1P <- matrix(unlist(p1List), nrow=nROIsG[1], ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1106   grp2P <- matrix(unlist(p2List), nrow=nROIsG[1], ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1107   grpQ <- matrix(unlist(qList), nrow=nROIsG[1], ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1109} else {  # no meta analysis
1110   # two-sample t-test: group2 - group1
1111   resList <- vector('list', nROIsG[1]^2)
1112# want equal variance assumption, otherwise DF would be different from one test to another!
1113   for (ii in 1:nROIsG[1]^2) resList[[ii]] <- t.test(zMat[[2]][,ii], zMat[[1]][,ii], paired=FALSE, var.equal=TRUE)  # 2nd-1st
1114   zOutList <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$estimate))
1115	pList <- lapply(resList, function(x) as.numeric(x$p.value))
1116   grpR <- matrix(unlist(zOutList), nrow=nROIsG[1], ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1117   grpP <- matrix(unlist(pList), nrow=nROIsG[1], ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1118} # if (runMeta)
1120   print("NOTE!!! The results here are about the contrast of the two groups: Group2 - Group1.")
1121   print("That is, they should be interpreted as the amount Group2 is greater than Group1.")
1122   print("They make sense only when comparing to the two individual networks from the two groups.")
1124   print("-----------------")
1125   if (runMeta) {
1126      print("Group1 path matrix (direction goes from row to column):")
1127      print(grp1R)
1128      print("-----------------")
1129      saveRMat <- as.integer(readline("Save Group1 path matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1130         if (saveRMat) {
1131            matRName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix for path matrix? "))
1132            write.table(grp1R, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matRName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
1133         }
1134      print("-----------------")
1135      print("Group2 path matrix (direction goes from row to column):")
1136      print(grp2R)
1137      print("-----------------")
1138      saveRMat <- as.integer(readline("Save Group2 path matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1139      if (saveRMat) {
1140         matRName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix for path matrix? "))
1141         write.table(grp2R, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matRName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
1142      }
1143      print("-----------------")
1144   }
1145	print("Group2-Group1 path matrix (direction goes from row to column):")
1146   print(grpR)
1147	print("-----------------")
1148	saveRMat <- as.integer(readline("Save Group2-Group1 path matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1149      if (saveRMat) {
1150         matRName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix for path matrix? "))
1151         write.table(grpR, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matRName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
1152      }
1153	print("-----------------")
1154   if (runMeta) {
1155      print("Group1 p matrix (direction goes from row to column):")
1156      print(grp1P)
1157      print("-----------------")
1158      savePMat <- as.integer(readline("Save Group1 p matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1159         if (savePMat) {
1160            matPName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix for p matrix? "))
1161            write.table(grp1P, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matPName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
1162         }
1163      print("-----------------")
1164      print("Group2 p matrix (direction goes from row to column):")
1165      print(grp2P)
1166      print("-----------------")
1167      savePMat <- as.integer(readline("Save Group2 p matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1168         if (savePMat) {
1169            matPName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix for p matrix? "))
1170            write.table(grp2P, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matPName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
1171         }
1172      print("-----------------")
1173   }
1174   print("Group2-Group1 p matrix (direction goes from row to column):")
1175   print(grpP)
1176	print("-----------------")
1177   savePMat <- as.integer(readline("Save Group2-Group1 p matrix (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1178      if (savePMat) {
1179         matPName <- as.character(readline("File name prefix for p matrix? "))
1180         write.table(grpP, file=sprintf("%s.1D", matPName), append=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
1181      }
1182   print("-----------------")
1183   if (runMeta) {
1184      print("p-value matrix for cross-subject hetetrogeneity/variability (direction goes from row to column):")
1185      print(grpQ)
1186   }
1187   print("-----------------")
1189   anotherPthG <- TRUE
1190   while (anotherPthG) {
1192   pThreshG <- as.numeric(readline("Two-tailed p-threshold for group analysis (e.g., 0.05)? "))
1193   surviveR <- as.numeric(grpP<=pThreshG)*grpR   # for plotting
1194   showSigR <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grpP<=pThreshG, grpR), nrow=nROIsG[1],
1195      ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1196   showSigP <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grpP<=pThreshG, grpP), nrow=nROIsG[1],
1197      ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1198   if (runMeta) {
1199      survive1R <- as.numeric(grp1P<=pThreshG)*grp1R
1200      survive2R <- as.numeric(grp2P<=pThreshG)*grp2R
1201      showSig1R <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grp1P<=pThreshG, grp1R), nrow=nROIsG[1],
1202         ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1203      showSig2R <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grp2P<=pThreshG, grp2R), nrow=nROIsG[1],
1204         ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1205      showSig1P <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grp1P<=pThreshG, grp1P), nrow=nROIsG[1],
1206         ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1207      showSig2P <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grp2P<=pThreshG, grp2P), nrow=nROIsG[1],
1208         ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1209      showSigQ <- matrix(mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(x, y, NA), grpQ<=pThreshG, grpQ), nrow=nROIsG[1],
1210         ncol=nROIsG[1], dimnames = list(roiNames[[1]], roiNames[[1]]))
1211      print("Group1 path matrix with insignificant path masked with NAs:")
1212      print(showSig1R)
1213      print("-----------------")
1214      print("Group2 path matrix with insignificant path masked with NAs:")
1215      print(showSig2R)
1216      print("-----------------")
1217   }
1218   print("Group2-Group1 path matrix with insignificant path differences masked with NAs:")
1219   print(showSigR)
1220   if (!runMeta) print(sprintf("DFs = %i", round(as.numeric(resList[[1]]$parameter))))
1221   print("-----------------")
1222   if (runMeta) {
1223      print("Group1 p matrix with insignificant path masked with NAs:")
1224      print(showSig1P)
1225      print("-----------------")
1226      print("Group2 p matrix with insignificant path masked with NAs:")
1227      print(showSig2P)
1228      print("-----------------")
1229   }
1230   print("Group2-Group1 p matrix with insignificant path differences masked with NAs:")
1231   print(showSigP)
1232   print("-----------------")
1233   if (runMeta) {
1234      print("p-value matrix for cross-subject hetetrogeneity/variability with insignificant ones masked with NAs:")
1235      print(showSigQ)
1236   }
1237   print("-----------------")
1239   plotNetG <- as.integer(readline("Plot out the identified network (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1240   if (plotNetG) {
1241      print("The thickness of a path indicates the difference magnitude.")
1242      print("A path in red means positive difference while blue is the opposite.")
1243      set.seed(1702)
1244      net <- network.initialize(nROIsG[1])
1245      attr(net, "vertex.names") <- names(pathList[[1]][[1]])
1246      edgeScaleG <- as.numeric(readline("Scale factor for path thickness (e.g., 1)? "))
1247      arrowScaleG <- as.numeric(readline("Scale factor for arrows (e.g., 2)? "))
1248      selfLoop <- as.integer(readline("Show self-loops in the network (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1249	 # if path +, col<-2 (red); if path -, col<-4 (blue)
1250   	if (runMeta) {
1251         plotNet(survive1R, selfLoop, survive1R*edgeScaleG, arrowScaleG, 3-sign(survive1R), "Network of Group1")
1252         plotNet(survive2R, selfLoop, survive2R*edgeScaleG, arrowScaleG, 3-sign(survive2R), "Network of Group2")
1253      }
1254      plotNet(surviveR, selfLoop, surviveR*edgeScaleG, arrowScaleG, 3-sign(surviveR), "Network of Group2-Group1")
1255   } # if (plotNetG)
1257anotherPthG <- as.integer(readline("Want to try another p-threshold/plotting set-up for group network (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1258} # while (anotherPthG)
1260} # more than one group
1262doneGrp <- as.integer(readline("Next (0: done; 1: another group analysis)? "))
1263} # while (doneGrp)
1265} # if (anaType==2 || anotherAna==2)
1267if (anaType==0 || doneGrp==0 || anotherAna==0) {
1268   print("Make sure to save all desirable figures before leaving!")
1269   quitMe <- as.integer(readline("Quit R (0: no; 1: yes)? "))
1270	print("***********Thanks for using the program!***********")
1271	print("Any feedback will be welcome - Gang Chen (gangchen@mail.nih.gov)")
1272   if (quitMe) {dev.off(); q()}