2 /** cf. afni_history.h **/
4 #include "afni_history.h"
6 /*  (for starting a new file, search for CHANGE)
8     basic format: 3-field date, user, program_name, impact_level,
9                   short description without newline
10                   (optional) long description with intermediate newlines
12     copy entire section: { ... } ,
14     Notes: - months are JAN ... DEC (see afni_history.h)
16            - levels are :
17                     MICRO           - users don't see
18                     MINOR           - small effect on users
19                     MAJOR           - larger effect on users
20                     SUPER           - important changes, like new programs
21                     SUPERDUPER      - we expect users to know
23            - types are:
24                     TYPE_GENERAL    - unspecified update type
25                     TYPE_NEW_PROG   - new program
26                     TYPE_NEW_OPT    - new program option
27                     TYPE_NEW_ENV    - new environment variable or change
28                     TYPE_BUG_FIX    - bug fix
29                     TYPE_MODIFY     - a change (not new, not a fix)
30                     TYPE_ENHANCE    - general improvement
31                     TYPE_REMOVE     - deleted
32                     TYPE_REINSTATE  - un-deleted
34            - PLEASE, stick to what fits on an 80 column terminal
35            - it may be nice to put the newest entries at the top
36            - leave the last "99, NULL" entry as it is
38  -- examples (newest at top) --
40  { 30 , FEB , 2008 , BGP , "website" , MAJOR , TYPE_GENERAL ,
41    "updated links in class handout" ,
42    NULL
43  } ,
45  { 19 , FEB , 2008 , BGP , "my_program" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROGRAM ,
46    "short description of change" ,
47    "(optional) description of where to get more information\n"
48    "   - with newlines, if you babble for multiple lines\n"
49    "   (but none at the end)"
50  } ,
52 */
54 afni_history_struct discoraj_history[] = {
56  /* can copy to and change one of the examples here */
57  { 30 , APR , 2020 , JKR , "afni" , MINOR , TYPE_GENERAL ,
58    "Added YouTube button to afni GUI."
59  } ,
60  { 21 , APR , 2020 , JKR , "afni" , MINOR , TYPE_NEW_OPT ,
61    "Added -all_dsets to load all datasets togther."
62  } ,
63  { 16 , AUG , 2019 , JKR , "FATCAT_matplot" , MICRO , TYPE_BUG_FIX ,
64    "Fix for FATCAT_matplot header reading."
65  } ,
66  { 18 , MAY , 2018 , JKR , "abids_lib.py" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
67    "New library to handle data from json files. Useful for BIDS data."
68  } ,
69  { 18 , MAY , 2018 , JKR , "abids_tool.py" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
70    "New program to modify BIDS datasets."
71  } ,
72  { 18 , MAY , 2018 , JKR , "abids_json_info.py" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
73    "New program to extract data from json files. Useful for BIDS data."
74  } ,
75  { 04 , MAY , 2018 , JKR , "BayesianGroupAna.py" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
76    "New program to preform Bayesian group analysis on ROI level data."
77  } ,
78  { 23 , MAR , 2018 , JKR , "tedana_wrapper.py" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
79    "add wrapper for tedana.py that will be run from afni_proc.py"
80  } ,
81  { 5 , MAR , 2018 , JKR , "FATCAT_matplot" , MINOR , TYPE_GENERAL ,
82    "changed name of @FATCAT_heatmap_shiny to FATCAT_matplot"
83  } ,
84  { 26 , JAN , 2018 , JKR , "dicom_hinfo" , MINOR , TYPE_GENERAL ,
85    "add -full_entry" ,
86    "prints out the full entry of a tag if there are more than one word"
87  } ,
88  { 25 , OCT , 2017 , JKR , "@afni_R_package_install" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
89    "add new program @afni_R_package_install" ,
90    "Will install R libraries to run shiny apps"
91  } ,
92  { 11 , OCT , 2017 , JKR , "@FATCAT_heatmap_shiny" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
93    "add new program @FATCAT_heatmap_shiny" ,
94    "Run a shiny app to view .netcc or .grid files"
95  } ,
96  { 11 , OCT , 2017 , JKR , "@ClustExp_CatLab" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
97    "add new program @ClustExp_CatLab" ,
98    "Part of cluster explorer. Concatenates and labels input datasets"
99  } ,
100  { 11 , OCT , 2017 , JKR , "ClustExp_HistTable.py" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
101    "add new program ClustExp_HistTable.py" ,
102    "Part of cluster explorer. Extract data tables from the history of datasets"
103  } ,
104  { 11 , OCT , 2017 , JKR , "ClustExp_StatParse.py" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
105    "add new program ClustExp_StatParse.py" ,
106    "Part of cluster explorer. Extract subject level data from clusters and\n"
107    "output tables and a shiny app"
108  } ,
109  { 11 , OCT , 2017 , JKR , "@ClustExp_run_shiny" , SUPER , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
110    "add new program @ClustExp_run_shiny" ,
111    "Part of cluster explorer. Run the shiny app output from ClustExp_StatParse.py"
112  } ,
113  { 10 , APR , 2017 , JKR , "3dTstat" , MINOR , TYPE_GENERAL ,
114    "add -tsnr" ,
115    "same as -cvarinvNOD"
116  } ,
117  { 29 , MAR , 2017 , JKR , "prompt_popup" , MINOR , TYPE_NEW_PROG ,
118    "add new program prompt_popup" ,
119    "Similar to prompt_user, but adds label customization and up to 3 buttons"
120  } ,
121  { 99,99,99, NULL,NULL, 99,99, NULL,NULL}  /** the end (do not delete) **/
122 } ;