1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include <math.h>
5 #include "mrilib.h"
6 #include "cluster.h"
10 // from command.c file
display_help(void)12 static void display_help(void)
13 { printf ("Clustering 4segmentation, command-line version.\n");
14   printf ("USAGE: cluster [options]\n");
15   printf ("options:\n");
16   printf ("  -v, --version Version information\n");
17   printf ("  -f filename   File loading\n");
18   printf ("  -cg a|m       Specifies whether to center each row\n"
19           "                in the data\n"
20           "                a: Subtract the mean of each row\n"
21           "                m: Subtract the median of each row\n"
22           "                (default is no centering)\n");
23   printf ("  -ng           Specifies to normalize each row in the data\n"
24           "                (default is no normalization)\n");
25   printf ("  -ca a|m       Specifies whether to center each column \n"
26           "                in the data\n"
27           "                a: Subtract the mean of each column\n"
28           "                m: Subtract the median of each column\n"
29           "                (default is no centering)\n");
30   printf ("  -na           Specifies to normalize each column in the data\n"
31           "                (default is no normalization)\n");
32   printf ("  -u jobname    Allows you to specify a different name for the \n"
33           "                output files.\n"
34           "                (default is derived from the input file name)\n");
35   printf ("  -g [0..8]     Specifies the distance measure for gene clustering \n"
36          );
37   printf ("                0: No gene clustering\n"
38           "                1: Uncentered correlation\n"
39           "                2: Pearson correlation\n"
40           "                3: Uncentered correlation, absolute value\n"
41           "                4: Pearson correlation, absolute value\n"
42           "                5: Spearman's rank correlation\n"
43           "                6: Kendall's tau\n"
44           "                7: Euclidean distance\n"
45           "                8: City-block distance\n"
46           "                (default: 1)\n");
47   printf ("  -k number     Specifies whether to run k-means clustering\n"
48           "                instead of hierarchical clustering, and the number\n"
49           "                of clusters k to use\n");
50   printf ("  -c number     Specifies the number of clusters for tree cutting\n"
51           "                after hierarchical clustering\n");
52   printf ("  -r number     For k-means clustering, the number of times the\n"
53           "                k-means clustering algorithm is run\n"
54           "                (default: 1)\n");
55   printf ("  -m [msca]     Specifies which hierarchical clustering method to use\n"
56           "                m: Pairwise complete-linkage\n"
57           "                s: Pairwise single-linkage\n"
58           "                c: Pairwise centroid-linkage\n"
59           "                a: Pairwise average-linkage\n"
60           "                (default: m)\n");
61   return;
62 }
display_version(void)65 static void display_version(void)
66 { printf ("\n"
67 "Clustering for segmentation, command line version ,\n"
68 "using the C Clustering Library version 1.38.\n"
69 "\n"
70 "Cluster was originally written by Michael Eisen (eisen 'AT' rana.lbl.gov)\n"
71 "Copyright 1998-99 Stanford University.\n");
72   printf ("\n"
73 "The command line version of Clustering version was created by Andrej Vovk\n"
74 "and will be surely corrected by Ziad Saad ;),\n"
75 "\n");
76   return;
77 }
setjobname(const char * basename,int strip)79 static char* setjobname(const char* basename, int strip)
80 { char* jobname;
81   int n = strlen(basename);
82   if (strip)
83   { char* extension = strrchr(basename, '.');
84     if (extension) n -= strlen(extension);
85   }
86   jobname = malloc((n+1)*sizeof(char));
87   strncpy (jobname, basename, n);
88   jobname[n] = '\0';
89   return jobname;
90 }
readnumber(const char word[])92 static int readnumber(const char word[])
93 { char* error = 0;
94   long value = 0;
95   if (word[0] == '0' && word[1] != '\0') ++word;
96   value = strtol(word,&error,0);
97   if (*error=='\0') return (int)value;
98   else return -1;
99 }
getmetric(int i)101 static char getmetric(int i)
102 { switch (i)
103   { case 1: return 'u';
104     case 2: return 'c';
105     case 3: return 'x';
106     case 4: return 'a';
107     case 5: return 's';
108     case 6: return 'k';
109     case 7: return 'e';
110     case 8: return 'b';
111     default: return '\0';
112   }
113   /* Never get here */
114   return '\0';
115 }
120 /* ========================================================================= */
example_distance_gene(int nrows,int ncols,double ** data)124 double** example_distance_gene(int nrows, int ncols, double** data)
125 /* Calculate the distance matrix between genes using the Euclidean distance. */
126 { int i, j, ii, nl, nc;
127   double** distMatrix;
128   double* weight = malloc(ncols*sizeof(double));
129   int** mask = NULL;
131   mask = (int **)calloc(sizeof(int*), nrows);
132   for (ii=0;ii<nrows;++ii) {
133     mask[ii] = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int),ncols);
134   }
136   for (nl=0; nl<nrows; ++nl) {
137     for (nc=0; nc<ncols; ++nc) {
138       mask[nl][nc] = 1;
139     }
140   }
143   printf("============ Euclidean distance matrix between genes ============\n");
144   for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) weight[i] = 1.0;
145   distMatrix = distancematrix(nrows, ncols, data, mask, weight, 'e', 0); // ZIAD: SIGKILL
146   if (!distMatrix)
147   { printf ("Insufficient memory to store the distance matrix\n");
148     free(weight);
149     return NULL;
150   }
151   /*printf("   Gene:");
152   for(i=0; i<nrows-1; i++) printf("%6d", i);
153   printf("\n");
154   for(i=0; i<nrows; i++)
155      { printf("Gene %2d:",i);
156     for(j=0; j<i; j++) printf(" %5.2f",distMatrix[i][j]);
157     printf("\n");
158   }
159   printf("\n");
160     */
163   for (ii=0;ii<nrows;++ii) {
164     if (mask[ii]) free(mask[ii]);
165   }
166   free(mask);
167   free(weight);
168   return distMatrix;
169 }
172 /* ========================================================================= */
example_hierarchical(int nrows,int ncols,double ** data,char * jobname,int k,double ** distmatrix)174 void example_hierarchical(int nrows, int ncols, double** data, char* jobname, int k, double** distmatrix)
175 /* Perform hierarchical clustering ... , double** distmatrix */
176 { int i, ii, nl, nc;
177   const int nnodes = nrows-1;
178   double* weight = malloc(ncols*sizeof(double));
179   int* clusterid;
180   Node* tree;
181   int** mask = NULL;
182   char* filename;
183   //char* filename2;
186   mask = (int **)calloc(sizeof(int*), nrows);
187   for (ii=0;ii<nrows;++ii) {
188     mask[ii] = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int),ncols);
189   }
191   for (nl=0; nl<nrows; ++nl) {
192     for (nc=0; nc<ncols; ++nc) {
193       mask[nl][nc] = 1;
194     }
195   }
198   for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) weight[i] = 1.0;
199   printf("\n");
202   FILE *out1;
204   int n = 1 + strlen(jobname) + strlen("_C") + strlen(".ext");
206   if (k)
207     { int dummy = k;
208       do n++; while (dummy/=10);
209     }
212   filename = malloc(n*sizeof(char));
214   sprintf (filename, "%s_C%d.hie", jobname, k);
215   out1 = fopen( filename, "w" );
217   /*FILE *out2;
218   filename2 = malloc(n*sizeof(char));
220   sprintf (filename2, "%s_C%d.hi1", jobname, k);
221   out2 = fopen( filename2, "w" );*/
223   //HERE SHOULD USE method instead of 'xxx' (s,m,a,c)
226   printf("================ Pairwise single linkage clustering ============\n");
227   /* Since we have the distance matrix here, we may as well use it. */
228   tree = treecluster(nrows, ncols, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'e', 's', distmatrix);
229   /* The distance matrix was modified by treecluster, so we cannot use it any
230    * more. But we still need to deallocate it here.
231    * The first row of distmatrix is a single null pointer; no need to free it.
232    */
233   for (i = 1; i < nrows; i++) free(distmatrix[i]);
234   free(distmatrix);
235   if (!tree)
236   { /* Indication that the treecluster routine failed */
237     printf ("treecluster routine failed due to insufficient memory\n");
238     free(weight);
239     return;
240   }
242   #if 0
243   /* Andrej: This block looked like it was commented out
244     I took out some of the * / because they
245     were generating warning and blocked out the
246     entire section with #if 0 .  */
248   /*fprintf(out2,"Node     Item 1   Item 2    Distance\n");
249   for(i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
250     fprintf(out2,"%3d:%9d%9d      %g\n",
251            -i-1, tree[i].left, tree[i].right, tree[i].distance);
252 	   printf("\n");
253 	   fclose(out2);*/
254   //free(tree);
256   /*
257   printf("================ Pairwise maximum linkage clustering ============\n");
258   tree = treecluster(nrows, ncols, data, mask, weight, 0, 'e', 'm', 0); */
259   /* Here, we let treecluster calculate the distance matrix for us. In that
260    * case, the treecluster routine may fail due to insufficient memory to store
261    * the distance matrix. For the small data sets in this example, that is
262    * unlikely to occur though. Let's check for it anyway:
263    */
264   if (!tree)
265   { /* Indication that the treecluster routine failed */
266     printf ("treecluster routine failed due to insufficient memory\n");
267     free(weight);
268     return;
269   }
270   printf("Node     Item 1   Item 2    Distance\n");
271   for(i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
272     printf("%3d:%9d%9d      %g\n",
273            -i-1, tree[i].left, tree[i].right, tree[i].distance);
274   printf("\n");
275   free(tree);
279   printf("================ Pairwise average linkage clustering ============\n");
280   tree = treecluster(nrows, ncols, data, mask, weight, 0, 'e', 'a', 0);
281   if (!tree)
282   { /* Indication that the treecluster routine failed */
283     printf ("treecluster routine failed due to insufficient memory\n");
284     free(weight);
285     return;
286   }
287   printf("Node     Item 1   Item 2    Distance\n");
288   for(i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
289     printf("%3d:%9d%9d      %g\n",
290            -i-1, tree[i].left, tree[i].right, tree[i].distance);
291   printf("\n");
292   free(tree);
296   printf("================ Pairwise centroid linkage clustering ===========\n");
297   tree = treecluster(nrows, ncols, data, mask, weight, 0, 'e', 'c', 0);
298   if (!tree)
299   { /* Indication that the treecluster routine failed */
300     printf ("treecluster routine failed due to insufficient memory\n");
301     free(weight);
302     return;
303   }
304   printf("Node     Item 1   Item 2    Distance\n");
305   for(i=0; i<nnodes; i++)
306     printf("%3d:%9d%9d      %g\n",
307            -i-1, tree[i].left, tree[i].right, tree[i].distance);
308   printf("\n");
311   #endif
314   printf("=============== Cutting a hierarchical clustering tree ==========\n");
315   clusterid = malloc(nrows*sizeof(int));
316   printf(" number of clusters %d \n",k);
317   cuttree (nrows, tree, k, clusterid);
318   for(i=0; i<nrows; i++)
319   fprintf(out1, "%09d\t%2d\n", i, clusterid[i]);
320   fprintf(out1, "\n");
321   fclose(out1);
324   for (ii=0;ii<nrows;++ii) {
325     if (mask[ii]) free(mask[ii]);
326   }
327   free(mask);
328   free(tree);
329   free(clusterid);
330   free(weight);
331   return;
332 }
getvoxlclusterdist(int * count,double ** cdata,int * clusterid,double ** data,char * jobname,int nclusters,int nrows,int ncols)334 void getvoxlclusterdist(int* count, double** cdata,
335 			int* clusterid, double** data, char* jobname,
336 			int nclusters, int nrows, int ncols)
337 {
338   int i, j, n;
339   char* filename4;
340   FILE *out4=NULL;
341   double* vcdata = malloc(nclusters*sizeof(double*));
342   double difference, difference1;
344   n = 1 + strlen(jobname) + strlen("_K_G") + strlen(".ext");
346   int dummy = nclusters;
347   do n++; while (dummy/=10);
350   filename4 = malloc(n*sizeof(char));
351   sprintf (filename4, "%s_K_G%d.vcd", jobname, nclusters);
352   out4 = fopen( filename4, "w" );
354   for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++){
355     difference = 0;
356     difference1 = 0;
357     for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {
358       difference1 = cdata[clusterid[i]][j]-data[i][j];
359       difference = difference + difference1*difference1;
360     }
361     vcdata[i] = sqrt(difference);
362   }
364   printf ("------- writing Cluster assignments + distances from centroids to file:\t\t"
365           " %s_K_G%d.vcd\n",jobname, nclusters);
366   for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
367     fprintf (out4, "%09d\t%d\t%7.3f\n", i, clusterid[i], vcdata[i]);
368   fclose(out4); out4=NULL;
370   /*for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++){
371     free(vcdata[i]);
372     }*/
373   free(vcdata);
374   return;
376 }
380 /* ========================================================================= */
example_kmeans(int nrows,int ncols,double ** data,int nclusters,int npass,char dist,char * jobname)383 void example_kmeans( int nrows, int ncols,
384                      double** data,
385                      int nclusters, int npass,
386                      char dist, char* jobname)
388 /* Perform k-means clustering on genes */
389 {
390    int i, j, ii, nl, nc;
391    //const int nclusters = 3;
392    const int transpose = 0;
393    //const char dist = 'e';
394    const char method = 'a';
395    /* For method=='a', the centroid is defined as the mean over all elements
396      belonging to a cluster for each dimension.
397      For method=='m', the centroid is defined as the median over all elements
398      belonging to a cluster for each dimension.
399    */
401    //int npass = 1;
402    int ifound = 0;
403    int test=0;
404    double error;
405    double distance;
406    int** index;
407    int* count;
408    double* weight = malloc(ncols*sizeof(double));
409    int* clusterid = malloc(nrows*sizeof(int));
410    double** cdata = malloc(nclusters*sizeof(double*));
411    int** cmask = malloc(nclusters*sizeof(int*));
412    int** mask = NULL;
413    int n=0;
414    char* filename;
415    char* filename2;
416    char* filename3;
417    FILE *out1=NULL;
418    FILE *out2=NULL;
419    FILE *out3=NULL;
421    for (i = 0; i < nclusters; i++)
422    { cdata[i] = malloc(ncols*sizeof(double));
423     cmask[i] = malloc(ncols*sizeof(int));
424    }
425    for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++) weight[i] = 1.0;
427    mask = (int **)calloc(sizeof(int*), nrows);
428    for (ii=0;ii<nrows;++ii) {
429     mask[ii] = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int),ncols);
430    }
432    for (nl=0; nl<nrows; ++nl) {
433     for (nc=0; nc<ncols; ++nc) {
434       mask[nl][nc] = 1;
435     }
436    }
439    n = 1 + strlen(jobname) + strlen("_K_G") + strlen(".ext");
441    if (dist)
442    { int dummy = nclusters;
443     do n++; while (dummy/=10);
444    }
446    //avovk
447    printf("a je u omari :) \n");
448    filename = malloc(n*sizeof(char));
449    filename2 = malloc(n*sizeof(char));
450    filename3 = malloc(n*sizeof(char));
451    sprintf (filename, "%s_K_G%d.kgg", jobname, nclusters);
452    out1 = fopen( filename, "w" );
453    sprintf (filename2, "%s_K_G%d.dis", jobname, nclusters);
454    out2 = fopen( filename2, "w" );
455    sprintf (filename3, "%s_K_G%d.cen", jobname, nclusters);
456    out3 = fopen( filename3, "w" );
458    printf("======================== k-means clustering"
459          " ========================\n");
461    printf ("\n");
462    printf ("----- doing %d passes... go stretch your legs...\n",npass);
463    //npass = 3;
464    kcluster(nclusters,nrows,ncols,data,mask,weight,transpose,npass,method,dist,
465     clusterid, &error, &ifound);
466    printf ("Solution found %d times; ", ifound);
467    printf ("within-cluster sum of distances is %f\n", error);
468    printf ("------- writing Cluster assignments to file:\t\t"
469           " %s_K_G%d.kgg\n",jobname, nclusters);
470    for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
471      fprintf (out1, "%09d\t %d\n", i, clusterid[i]);
472    fclose(out1); out1=NULL;
474   printf ("------- writing Distance between clusters to file:\t %s_K_G%d.dis \n", jobname, nclusters);
475   fprintf (out2,"------- Distance between clusters:\n");
476   index = malloc(nclusters*sizeof(int*));
477   count = malloc(nclusters*sizeof(int));
478   for (i = 0; i < nclusters; i++) count[i] = 0;
479   for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) count[clusterid[i]]++;
480   for (i = 0; i < nclusters; i++) index[i] = malloc(count[i]*sizeof(int));
481   for (i = 0; i < nclusters; i++) count[i] = 0;
482   for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
483   { int id = clusterid[i];
484     index[id][count[id]] = i;
485     count[id]++;
486   }
488   for (i = 0; i < nclusters-1; i++)
489     {
490       for (j = 1+i; j < nclusters; j++)
491 	{
492 	  distance = clusterdistance(nrows, ncols, data, mask, weight, count[i], count[j], index[i], index[j], 'e', 'a', 0);
493 	  fprintf(out2,"Distance between %d and %d: %7.3f\n", i, j, distance);
494 	  // fprintf(stderr,"Distance between %d and %d: %7.3f\n", i, j, distance);
495 	}
496     }
498   fclose(out2); out2=NULL;
502    printf ("------- writing Cluster centroids to file:\t\t%s_K_G%d.cen\n",jobname, nclusters);
503    fprintf (out3,"------- Cluster centroids:\n");
504    getclustercentroids(nclusters, nrows, ncols, data, mask, clusterid, cdata, cmask, 0, 'a');
505 	   fprintf(out3,"   coefficients:");
506 		       for(i=0; i<ncols; i++) fprintf(out3,"\t%7d", i);
507 		       fprintf(out3,"\n");
508    for (i = 0; i < nclusters; i++){
509       fprintf(out3,"Cluster %2d:", i);
510       for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++) fprintf(out3,"\t%7.3f", cdata[i][j]);
511       fprintf(out3,"\n");
512    }
513    fclose(out3); out3=NULL;
514    printf("Done...\n");
516    /* call function to calculate distance between each voxel and centroid */
517    /* we will need:
518       count - number of elements in cluster as we allready have it
519       cdata - cluster centroids
520       clusterid
521       data */
524       getvoxlclusterdist(count, cdata, clusterid, data, jobname,
525 nclusters, nrows, ncols);
528    for (i = 0; i < nclusters; i++) free(index[i]);
529    free(index);
530    free(count);
532    for (i = 0; i < nclusters; i++){
533       free(cdata[i]);
534       free(cmask[i]);
535    }
536    for (ii=0;ii<nrows;++ii) {
537       if (mask[ii]) free(mask[ii]);
538    }
540    free(cdata);
541    free(cmask);
542    free(clusterid);
543    free(weight);
544    free(mask);
545    return;
546 }
549 /* ========================================================================= */
main(int argc,char ** argv)551 int main(int argc, char **argv)
552 {
553   int ii=0, ncol=0, nrow=0, nl=0, nc=0, posi=0, posj=0, posk=0;
554   //int nclust=atoi(argv[2]);
555   MRI_IMAGE *im = NULL;
556   double *dar = NULL;
557   double **D = NULL;
558   //int **mask = NULL;
559   double** distmatrix = NULL;
560   //from command.c
562   int i = 1;
563   char* filename = 0;
564   char* jobname = 0;
565   int l = 0;
566   int k = 0;
567   int kh = 3;
568   int r = 1;
569   int s = 0;
570   int x = 2;
571   int y = 1;
572   int Rows, Columns;
573   char distmetric = 'u';
574   char arraymetric = '\0';
575   char method = 'm';
576   char cg = '\0';
577   char ca = '\0';
578   int ng = 0;
579   int na = 0;
580   while (i < argc)
581   { const char* const argument = argv[i];
584     i++;
585     if (strlen(argument)<2)
586     { printf("ERROR: missing argument\n");
587       return 0;
588     }
589     if (argument[0]!='-')
590     { printf("ERROR: unknown argument\n");
591       return 0;
592     }
593     if(!strcmp(argument,"--version") || !strcmp(argument,"-v"))
594     { display_version();
595       return 0;
596     }
597     if(!strcmp(argument,"--help") || !strcmp(argument,"-h"))
598     { display_help();
599       return 0;
600     }
601     if(!strcmp(argument,"-cg"))
602     { if (i==argc || strlen(argv[i])>1 || !strchr("am",argv[i][0]))
603       { printf ("Error reading command line argument cg\n");
604         return 0;
605       }
606       cg = argv[i][0];
607       i++;
608       continue;
609     }
610     if(!strcmp(argument,"-ca"))
611     { if (i==argc || strlen(argv[i])>1 || !strchr("am",argv[i][0]))
612       { printf ("Error reading command line argument ca\n");
613         return 0;
614       }
615       ca = argv[i][0];
616       i++;
617       continue;
618     }
619     if(!strcmp(argument,"-ng"))
620     { ng = 1;
621       continue;
622     }
623     if(!strcmp(argument,"-na"))
624     { na = 1;
625       continue;
626     }
627     switch (argument[1])
628     { case 'l': l=1; break;
629       case 'u':
630       { if (i==argc)
631         { printf ("Error reading command line argument u: "
632                   "no job name specified\n");
633           return 0;
634         }
635         jobname = setjobname(argv[i],0);
636         i++;
637         break;
638       }
639       case 'f':
640       { if (i==argc)
641         { printf ("Error reading command line argument f: "
642                   "no file name specified\n");
643           return 0;
644         }
645         filename = argv[i];
646         i++;
647         break;
648       }
649       case 'g':
650       { int g;
651         if (i==argc)
652         { printf ("Error reading command line argument g: parameter missing\n");
653           return 0;
654         }
655         g = readnumber(argv[i]);
656         if (g < 0 || g > 9)
657         { printf ("Error reading command line argument g: "
658                   "should be between 0 and 9 inclusive\n");
659           return 0;
660         }
661         i++;
662         distmetric = getmetric(g);
663         break;
664       }
666       case 'k':
667       { if (i==argc)
668         { printf ("Error reading command line argument k: "
669                   "parameter missing\n");
670           return 0;
671         }
672         k = readnumber(argv[i]);
673         if (k < 1)
674         { printf ("Error reading command line argument k: "
675                   "a positive integer is required\n");
676           return 0;
677         }
678         i++;
679         break;
680       }
682     case 'c':
683       { if (i==argc)
684         { printf ("Error reading command line argument h: parameter missing\n");
685           return 0;
686         }
687         kh = readnumber(argv[i]);
688         if (kh < 1)
689         { printf ("Error reading command line argument h: a positive integer is required\n");
690           return 0;
691         }
692         i++;
693         break;
694       }
695       case 'r':
696       { if (i==argc)
697         { printf ("Error reading command line argument r: parameter missing\n");
698           return 0;
699         }
700         r = readnumber(argv[i]);
701         if (r < 1)
702         { printf ("Error reading command line argument r: "
703                   "a positive integer is required\n");
704           return 0;
705         }
706         i++;
707         break;
708       }
709     case 'm':
710       { if (i==argc || strlen(argv[i])>1 || !strchr("msca",argv[i][0]))
711 	  { printf ("Error reading command line argument m: should be 'm', 's', 'c', or 'a'\n");
712 	    return 0;
713 	  }
714         method = argv[i][0];
715         i++;
716         break;
717       }
720       default: printf ("Unknown option\n");
721     }
722    }
724    if(jobname==0) jobname = setjobname(filename,1);
726    /*  else
727    { display_help();
728     return 0;
729    }
730    */
732     if (argc < 2) {
733       display_help();
734       return 0;
735     }
737    //printf("num of clusters %d \n",nclust);
738    fprintf(stderr,"Patience, reading %s...\n ", filename);
739    im = mri_read_double_1D (filename);
740    /* ZIAD I get this warning
741    Aclustering.c:408: warning: passing argument 1 of mri_read_double_1D
742                            discards qualifiers from pointer target type
743    Andrej: filename was declared as (const char *),
744           but the function expects (char *)              */
745    if (!im) {
746     fprintf(stderr,"Error: Failed to read matrix data from %s\n",
747 	    argv[2]);
748     return(-1);
749    }
750    ncol = im->ny;
751    nrow = im->nx;
752    fprintf (stderr,"Have %d cols, %d rows\nNow...\n", ncol, nrow);
754    /* now just get the array and kill the rest */
755    dar = MRI_DOUBLE_PTR(im);
757    /* make sure that pointer is set to NULL in im, or risk hell */
758    mri_clear_data_pointer(im);
759    if (im) mri_free(im); im = NULL; /* now kill im */
762    /* for double loop*/
763    D = (double **)calloc(sizeof(double*), nrow-1);
765    for (ii=0;ii<(nrow-1);++ii) {
766     D[ii] = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double), ncol-1);
767    }
769    for (nl=1; nl<nrow; ++nl) {
770     for (nc=1; nc<ncol; ++nc) {
771       D[nl-1][nc-1] = dar[nl+nc*nrow];
772     }
773     //fprintf(stdout,"\n");
774   }
776   //show_data(nrows, ncols, data, mask);
777   //example_mean_median(nrows, ncols, data, mask);
778   //distmatrix = example_distance_gene(nrows, ncols, data, mask);
779   //if (distmatrix) example_hierarchical(nrows, ncols, data, mask, distmatrix);
780   //example_distance_array(nrows, ncols, data, mask);
781   if(k>0) example_kmeans(nrow-1, ncol-1, D, k, r, distmetric, jobname);
783   else
784     {
785       distmatrix = example_distance_gene(nrow-1, ncol-1, D); // ZIAD: goes2 SIGKILL error
786         if (distmatrix)
787 	  example_hierarchical(nrow-1, ncol-1, D, jobname, kh, distmatrix);
788         }
792    free(dar); dar = NULL; /* done with input array */
793    // To free D
794    for (ii=0;ii<(nrow-1);++ii) {
796     if (D[ii]) free(D[ii]);
797    }
798    free(D);
799    free(jobname);
800    //free();
802    fprintf (stderr,"\n");
803    return 0;
804    }
806    /* How to compile:
807    I copied Aclustering.c and cluster.c to /usr/local/bin/afni/src
808    then compile with:
809    gcc -Wall -Wno-unused Aclustering2.c cluster.c -o Aclustering -Inifti/niftilib -Inifti/nifticdf -Inifti/znzlib -L. -bind_at_load -l3DEdge -lmri -lf2c -lmri /usr/lib64/libXm.a -lXm -lXmu -lXp -lXpm -lXext -lXt -lX11 -lz -lexpat -lm -lc
811    The output are 3 files
812    - cluster_out.kgg -- as before, index number and cluster number
813    - cluster_out.dis --
814    - cluster_out.cen --
817    actually
818    cp /home/drejc/c_temp/Aclustering.c ./
820    gcc -Wall -g -Wno-unused Aclustering.c cluster.c -o Aclustering -Inifti/niftilib -Inifti/nifticdf -Inifti/znzlib -L. -l3DEdge -lmri -lf2c -lmri /usr/lib64/libXm.a -lXm -lXmu -lXp -lXpm -lXext -lXt -lX11 -lz -lexpat -lm -lc
822    cp Aclustering /home/drejc/segm4ziad/toandrej/out_mprage_10_smpl/
824    */