1 /*****************************************************************************
2    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
3    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
4    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
5 ******************************************************************************/
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <math.h>
9 #include <stdlib.h>
10 #include <string.h>
11 #include "cs.h"
12 #include "eispack.h"
13 #include "Aomp.h"
15 #ifdef isfinite
16 # define IS_GOOD_FLOAT(x) isfinite(x)
17 #else
18 # define IS_GOOD_FLOAT(x) finite(x)
19 # define isfinite finite
20 #endif
22 #undef  USE_SVDLIB
23 #ifdef  USE_SVDLIB
24 #include "svdlib.c"
25 #endif
27 void svd_double_ata( int m, int n, double *a, double *s, double *u, double *v ) ;
29 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 #undef  SQR
32 #define SQR(a)  ((a)*(a))
34 #undef  DET3
35 #define DET3(m) ( m[0]*m[4]*m[8]-m[0]*m[7]*m[5]-m[1]*m[3]*m[8] \
36                  +m[1]*m[6]*m[5]+m[2]*m[3]*m[7]-m[2]*m[6]*m[4] )
38 #undef  PI
39 #define PI 3.14159265358979323846
41 #undef  MIN
42 #define MIN(a,b) (((a)>(b)) ? (b) : (a))
44 #undef  SWAP
45 #define SWAP(x,y) (th=(x),(x)=(y),(y)=th)
47 #undef  CSWAP
48 #define CSWAP(i,j) (SWAP(a[i],a[j]),SWAP(a[i+1],a[j+1]),SWAP(a[i+2],a[j+2]))
50 #undef  EPS
51 #undef  EPSQ
52 #define EPS  1.e-8
53 #define EPSQ 1.e-4   /* sqrt(EPS) */
55 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
56 /*! Do a 3x3 symmetric eigen-problem.
57      - INPUT:  double a[9] = input matrix; a[i+3*j] = A(i,j) element
58      _         (only the [0], [1], [2], [4], [5], and [8] elements are used)
59      - OUTPUT: e[i] = i'th eigenvalue, with e[0] <= e[1] <= e[2].
60      - OUTPUT: if(dovec) then a[] is replaced with eigenvectors,
61                and this orthogonal matrix will have determinant=1.
62      - METHOD: direct solution of cubic equation
63      - AUTHOR: RW Cox
64 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
symeig_3(double * a,double * e,int dovec)66 void symeig_3( double *a , double *e , int dovec )
67 {
68    double aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff ;
69    double a1,a2,a3 , qq,rr, qs,th , lam1,lam2,lam3 ;
70    double aba,abb,abc,abd,abe,abf , ann ;
71    double d12,d13,d23 ;
72    double u1,u2,u3 , v1,v2,v3 , w1,w2,w3 , t1,t2,t3 , tn ;
73    double anni ;
75    if( a == NULL || e == NULL ) return ;
77    /*----- unload matrix into local variables -----*/
79    aa = a[0] ; bb = a[1] ; cc = a[2] ;  /* matrix is [ aa bb cc ]  */
80    dd = a[4] ; ee = a[5] ; ff = a[8] ;  /*           [ bb dd ee ]  */
81                                         /*           [ cc ee ff ]  */
82    aba = fabs(aa) ; abb = fabs(bb) ; abc = fabs(cc) ;
83    abd = fabs(dd) ; abe = fabs(ee) ; abf = fabs(ff) ;
84    ann = aba+abb+abc+abd+abe+abf   ;                 /* matrix 'norm' */
86    if( ann == 0.0 ){             /* matrix is all zero! */
87      e[0] = e[1] = e[2] = 0.0 ;
88      if( dovec ){
89        a[0] = a[4] = a[8] = 1.0 ;
90        a[1] = a[2] = a[3] = a[5] = a[6] = a[7] = 0.0 ;
91      }
92      return ;
93    }
95    /*----- check for matrix that is essentially diagonal -----*/
97    if( abb+abc+abe == 0.0 ||
98        ( EPS*aba > (abb+abc) && EPS*abd > (abb+abe) && EPS*abf > (abc+abe) ) ){
100      lam1 = aa ; lam2 = dd ; lam3 = ff ;
102      if( dovec ){
103        a[0] = a[4] = a[8] = 1.0 ;
104        a[1] = a[2] = a[3] = a[5] = a[6] = a[7] = 0.0 ;
106        if( lam1 > lam2 ){ SWAP(lam1,lam2) ; CSWAP(0,3) ; }
107        if( lam1 > lam3 ){ SWAP(lam1,lam3) ; CSWAP(0,6) ; }
108        if( lam2 > lam3 ){ SWAP(lam2,lam3) ; CSWAP(3,6) ; }
109        if( DET3(a) < 0.0 ){ a[6] = -a[6]; a[7] = -a[7]; a[8] = -a[8]; }
110      } else {
111        if( lam1 > lam2 )  SWAP(lam1,lam2) ;
112        if( lam1 > lam3 )  SWAP(lam1,lam3) ;
113        if( lam2 > lam3 )  SWAP(lam2,lam3) ;
114      }
115      e[0] = lam1 ; e[1] = lam2 ; e[2] = lam3 ;
116      return ;
117    }
119    /*-- Scale matrix so abs sum is 1; unscale e[i] on output [26 Oct 2005] --*/
121    anni = 1.0 / ann ;                      /* ann != 0, from above */
122    aa *= anni ; bb *= anni ; cc *= anni ;
123    dd *= anni ; ee *= anni ; ff *= anni ;
125    /*----- not diagonal ==> must solve cubic polynomial for eigenvalues -----*/
126    /*      the cubic polynomial is x**3 + a1*x**2 + a2*x + a3 = 0            */
128    a1 = -(aa+dd+ff) ;
129    a2 =  (aa*ff+aa*dd+dd*ff - bb*bb-cc*cc-ee*ee) ;
130    a3 =  ( aa*(ee*ee-dd*ff) + bb*(bb*ff-cc*ee) + cc*(cc*dd-bb*ee) ) ;
132    /*-- Rewrite classical formula for qq as a sum of squares [26 Oct 2005] --*/
133 #if 0
134    qq = (a1*a1 - 3.0*a2) / 9.0 ;
135 #else  /* note SQR(a) = (a)*(a) */
136    qq = (  0.5 * ( SQR(dd-aa) + SQR(ff-aa) + SQR(ff-dd) )
137          + 3.0 * ( bb*bb      + cc*cc      + ee*ee      ) ) / 9.0 ;
138 #endif
139    rr = (2.0*a1*a1*a1 - 9.0*a1*a2 + 27.0*a3) / 54.0 ;
141    if( qq <= 0.0 ){       /*** This should never happen!!! ***/
142      static int nerr=0 ;
143      {
144      if( ++nerr < 4 )
145        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR in symeig_3: discrim=%g numer=%g\n",qq,rr) ;
146      }
147      qs = qq = rr = 0.0 ;
148    } else {
149      qs = sqrt(qq) ; rr = rr / (qs*qq) ;
150      if( rr < -1.0 ) rr = -1.0 ; else if( rr > 1.0 ) rr = 1.0 ;
151    }
152    th = acos(rr) ;
154    lam1 = -2.0 * qs * cos(  th        /3.0 ) - a1 / 3.0 ;
155    lam2 = -2.0 * qs * cos( (th+2.0*PI)/3.0 ) - a1 / 3.0 ;
156    lam3 = -2.0 * qs * cos( (th+4.0*PI)/3.0 ) - a1 / 3.0 ;
158    /*-- if not doing eigenvectors, just sort the eigenvalues to be done --*/
160    if( !dovec ){
161      if( lam1 > lam2 ) SWAP(lam1,lam2) ;
162      if( lam1 > lam3 ) SWAP(lam1,lam3) ;
163      if( lam2 > lam3 ) SWAP(lam2,lam3) ;
164      e[0] = ann*lam1 ; e[1] = ann*lam2 ; e[2] = ann*lam3 ;  /* re-scale */
165      return ;
166    }
168    /*-- are doing eigenvectors; must do double root as a special case --*/
170 #undef  CROSS  /* cross product (x1,x2,x3) X (y1,y2,y3) -> (z1,z2,z3) */
171 #define CROSS(x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3,z1,z2,z3) \
172  ( (z1)=(x2)*(y3)-(x3)*(y2), (z2)=(x3)*(y1)-(x1)*(y3), (z3)=(x1)*(y2)-(x2)*(y1) )
174    d12 = fabs(lam1-lam2) ; d13 = fabs(lam1-lam3) ; d23 = fabs(lam2-lam3) ;
175    rr  = MIN(d12,d13)    ; rr  = MIN(rr,d23)     ;
177    if( rr > EPS*ann ){  /*---- not a double root ----*/
179      if( lam1 > lam2 )  SWAP(lam1,lam2) ;  /* start by sorting eigenvalues */
180      if( lam1 > lam3 )  SWAP(lam1,lam3) ;
181      if( lam2 > lam3 )  SWAP(lam2,lam3) ;
182      e[0] = ann*lam1 ; e[1] = ann*lam2 ; e[2] = ann*lam3 ;  /* re-scale */
184      /* find eigenvector for lam1 by computing Ay-lam1*y for
185         vectors y1=[1,0,0], y2=[0,1,0], and y3=[0,0,1]; the eigenvector
186         is orthogonal to all of these, so use the cross product to get it */
188      u1 = aa-lam1 ; u2 = bb      ; u3 = cc ;   /* A*y1 - lam1*y1 */
189      v1 = bb      ; v2 = dd-lam1 ; v3 = ee ;   /* A*y2 - lam1*y2 */
190      CROSS(u1,u2,u3 , v1,v2,v3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ;     tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
191      if( tn < EPSQ*ann ){                      /* u and v were parallel? */
192        w1 = cc ; w2 = ee ; w3 = ff-lam1 ;      /* A*y3 - lam1*y3 */
193        CROSS(u1,u2,u3 , w1,w2,w3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ;   tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
194        if( tn < EPSQ*ann ){                    /* u and w were parallel? */
195          CROSS(v1,v2,v3 , w1,w2,w3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ; tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
196        }
197      }
198      a[0] = t1/tn ; a[1] = t2/tn ; a[2] = t3/tn ;  /* normalize */
200      /* do same for lam2 */
202      u1 = aa-lam2 ; u2 = bb      ; u3 = cc ;
203      v1 = bb      ; v2 = dd-lam2 ; v3 = ee ;
204      CROSS(u1,u2,u3 , v1,v2,v3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ;     tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
205      if( tn < EPSQ*ann ){
206        w1 = cc ; w2 = ee ; w3 = ff-lam2 ;
207        CROSS(u1,u2,u3 , w1,w2,w3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ;   tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
208        if( tn < EPSQ*ann ){
209          CROSS(v1,v2,v3 , w1,w2,w3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ; tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
210        }
211      }
212      a[3] = t1/tn ; a[4] = t2/tn ; a[5] = t3/tn ;  /* normalize */
214      /* orthgonality of eigenvectors ==> can get last one by cross product */
216 #if 1
217      CROSS( a[0],a[1],a[2] , a[3],a[4],a[5] , a[6],a[7],a[8] ) ;
218 #else
219      u1 = aa-lam3 ; u2 = bb      ; u3 = cc ;
220      v1 = bb      ; v2 = dd-lam3 ; v3 = ee ;
221      CROSS(u1,u2,u3 , v1,v2,v3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ;     tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
222      if( tn < EPSQ*ann ){
223        w1 = cc ; w2 = ee ; w3 = ff-lam3 ;
224        CROSS(u1,u2,u3 , w1,w2,w3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ;   tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
225        if( tn < EPSQ*ann ){
226          CROSS(v1,v2,v3 , w1,w2,w3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ; tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
227        }
228      }
229      a[6] = t1/tn ; a[7] = t2/tn ; a[8] = t3/tn ;  /* normalize */
230 #endif
232    } else { /*---- if here, we have a double root ----*/
234      /* make sure that we have lam1=lam2 and lam3 is the outlier */
236           if( d13 < d12 && d13 < d23 ) SWAP(lam2,lam3) ;
237      else if( d23 < d12 && d23 < d13 ) SWAP(lam1,lam3) ;
238      lam1 = lam2 = 0.5*(lam1+lam2) ;
240      /* compute eigenvector for lam3 using method as above */
242      u1 = aa-lam3 ; u2 = bb      ; u3 = cc ;
243      v1 = bb      ; v2 = dd-lam3 ; v3 = ee ;
244      CROSS(u1,u2,u3 , v1,v2,v3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ;     tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
245      if( tn < EPSQ*ann ){
246        w1 = cc ; w2 = ee ; w3 = ff-lam3 ;
247        CROSS(u1,u2,u3 , w1,w2,w3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ;   tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
248        if( tn < EPSQ*ann ){
249          CROSS(v1,v2,v3 , w1,w2,w3 , t1,t2,t3 ) ; tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
250        }
251      }
252      w1 = a[6] = t1/tn ; w2 = a[7] = t2/tn ; w3 = a[8] = t3/tn ;
254      /* find a vector orthogonal to it */
256      CROSS(w1,w2,w3 , 1,0,0 , t1,t2,t3 ) ; tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
257      if( tn < EPSQ ){
258        CROSS(w1,w2,w3 , 0,1,0 , t1,t2,t3 ) ; tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
259        if( tn < EPSQ ){
260          CROSS(w1,w2,w3 , 0,0,1 , t1,t2,t3 ) ; tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
261        }
262      }
263      a[0] = t1/tn ; a[1] = t2/tn ; a[2] = t3/tn ;
265      /* and the final vector is the cross product of these two */
267      CROSS( w1,w2,w3 , a[0],a[1],a[2] , t1,t2,t3 ) ; tn = sqrt(t1*t1+t2*t2+t3*t3) ;
268      a[3] = t1/tn ; a[4] = t2/tn ; a[5] = t3/tn ;
270      /* sort results (we know lam1==lam2) */
272      if( lam1 > lam3 ){
273        SWAP(lam1,lam3) ; CSWAP(0,6) ;
274        if( DET3(a) < 0.0 ){ a[6] = -a[6]; a[7] = -a[7]; a[8] = -a[8]; }
275      }
277      e[0] = ann*lam1 ; e[1] = ann*lam2 ; e[2] = ann*lam3 ;  /* re-scale */
278    }
280    return ;
281 }
283 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
284 /*! 2x2 symmetric eigenvalue/vector problem, like symeig_3() above. */
symeig_2(double * a,double * e,int dovec)286 void symeig_2( double *a , double *e , int dovec )
287 {
288    double sxx,sxy,syy , lam1,lam2 , ss,tt , x,y ;
290    if( a == NULL || e == NULL ) return ;
292    /*----- unload matrix into local variables -----*/
294    sxx = a[0] ; sxy = a[1] ; syy = a[3] ;
296    ss = fabs(sxx) ; tt = fabs(syy) ; if( ss > tt ) ss = tt ;
298    if( fabs(sxy) < EPS*ss ){   /*--- essentially a diagonal matrix ---*/
299      if( sxx <= syy ){
300        lam1 = sxx ; lam2 = syy ;
301        if( dovec ){ a[0]=a[3]=1.0; a[1]=a[2]=0.0; }
302      } else {
303        lam1 = syy ; lam2 = sxx ;
304        if( dovec ){ a[0]=a[3]=1.0 ; a[1]=a[2]=1.0; }
305      }
306      e[0] = lam1 ; e[1] = lam2 ;
307      return ;
308    }
310    /*--- non-diagonal matrix ==> solve quadratic equation for eigenvalues ---*/
312    ss = sqrt( (sxx-syy)*(sxx-syy) + 4.0*sxy*sxy ) ;   /* positive */
313    lam1 = 0.5 * ( sxx + syy - ss ) ;                  /* smaller */
314    lam2 = 0.5 * ( sxx + syy + ss ) ;                  /* larger */
316    if( dovec ){
317      x = 2.0*sxy ; y = syy - sxx - ss ; tt = sqrt(x*x+y*y) ;
318      a[0] = x/tt ; a[1] = y/tt ;
320      y = syy - sxx + ss ; tt = sqrt(x*x+y*y) ;
321      a[2] = x/tt ; a[3] = y/tt ;
322    }
323    e[0] = lam1 ; e[1] = lam2 ;
324    return ;
325 }
327 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
329 static int forbid_23 = 0 ;
331 /*! To turn off use of symeig_3() and symeig_2() in the symeig functions. */
symeig_forbid_23(int ii)333 void symeig_forbid_23( int ii ){ forbid_23 = ii ; return ; }
335 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
336    Compute the eigenvalue/vector decomposition of a symmetric matrix,
337    stored in double precision.
338      n = order of matrix
339      a = on input: matrix(i,j) is in a[i+n*j] for i=0..n-1 , j=0..n-1
340            output: a[i+n*j] has the i'th component of the j'th eigenvector
341      e = on input: not used (but the calling program must
342                              allocate the space for e[0..n-1])
343            output: e[j] has the j'th eigenvalue, ordered so that
344            e[0] <= e[1] <= ... <= e[n-1]
345    Uses the f2c translation of EISPACK.
346 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
symeig_double(int n,double * a,double * e)348 void symeig_double( int n , double *a , double *e )
349 {
350    integer nm , matz , ierr ;
351    double *fv1 , *fv2 ;
353    if( a == NULL || e == NULL || n < 1 ) return ;
355    /* special cases of small n (much faster than EISPACK) */
357    if( n == 1 ){
358      e[0] = a[0] ; a[0] = 1.0 ; return ;  /* degenerate case */
359    } else if( !forbid_23 ){
360      if( n == 2 ){ symeig_2( a , e , 1 ) ; return ; }
361      if( n == 3 ){ symeig_3( a , e , 1 ) ; return ; }
362    }
364    /*-- default code: n > 3 --*/
366    fv1 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*n) ;  /* workspaces */
367    fv2 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*n) ;
369    nm = n ; matz = 1 ; ierr = 0 ;
371    rs_( &nm , &nm , a , e , &matz , a , fv1 , fv2 , &ierr ) ;
373    free((void *)fv1) ; free((void *)fv2) ;
374    return ;
375 }
377 /*------------------ just compute the eigenvalues -------------------*/
symeigval_double(int n,double * a,double * e)379 void symeigval_double( int n , double *a , double *e )
380 {
381    integer nm , matz , ierr ;
382    double *fv1 , *fv2 ;
384    if( a == NULL || e == NULL || n < 1 ) return ;
386    /* special cases of small n (much faster than EISPACK) */
388    if( n == 1 ){
389      e[0] = a[0] ; return ;  /* degenerate case */
390    } else if( !forbid_23 ){
391      if( n == 2 ){ symeig_2( a , e , 0 ) ; return ; }
392      if( n == 3 ){ symeig_3( a , e , 0 ) ; return ; }
393    }
395    /*-- here, deal with general n > 3 --*/
397    fv1 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*(n+9)) ;  /* workspaces */
398    fv2 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*(n+9)) ;
400    nm = n ; matz = 0 ; ierr = 0 ;
402    rs_( &nm , &nm , a , e , &matz , a , fv1 , fv2 , &ierr ) ;
404    if( ierr != 0 )
405      fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: symeigval_double error code = %d\n",(int)ierr) ;
407    free((void *)fv1) ; free((void *)fv2) ;
408    return ;
409 }
411 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
412 /*! Return eigenvalues/eigenvectors indexed from bb to tt (bb <= tt),
413     where index #0 = smallest eigenvalue, index #n-1 = largest
414      n = order of matrix
415      a = on input: matrix(i,j) is in a[i+n*j] for i=0..n-1 , j=0..n-1
416            output: a[i+n*j] has the i'th component of the j'th
417                    eigenvector, for j=0..tt-bb.
418          However, if novec!=0, then eigenvectors will not be computed;
419          only the eigenvalues will be output.
420      e = on input: not used (but the calling program must
421                              allocate the space for e[0..tt-bb])
422            output: e[j] has the j'th eigenvalue, ordered so that
423            e[0] <= e[1] <= ... <= e[tt-bb]
425     Return value is 0 for all being done OK, nonzero for error.
426 *//*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
symeig_irange(int n,double * a,double * e,int bb,int tt,int novec)428 int symeig_irange( int n, double *a, double *e, int bb, int tt, int novec )
429 {
430    integer nm , m11,mmm , ierr , *ind ;
431    double *fv1, *fv2, *fv3, eps1, lb,ub, *rv4,*rv5,*rv6,*rv7,*rv8, *zzz ;
432    int ii , nval ;
434    if( n < 1 || a == NULL || e == NULL || bb < 0 || tt < bb || tt >= n )
435      return -66666 ;
437    if( bb==0 && tt==n-1 ){ symeig_double( n , a , e ) ; return 0 ; }
439    /* reduction to tridiagonal form (stored in fv1..3) */
441    nm  = n ;
442    fv1 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*(n+9)) ;  /* workspaces */
443    fv2 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*(n+9)) ;
444    fv3 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*(n+9)) ;
446    tred1_( &nm , &nm , a , fv1,fv2,fv3 ) ;
448    /* determination of the desired eigenvalues of the tridiagonal matrix */
450    eps1 = 0.0 ;
451    m11  = bb+1 ;
452    mmm  = tt-bb+1 ;
453    ierr = 0 ;
454    ind  = (integer *)malloc(sizeof(integer)*(n+9)) ;
455    rv4  = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) *(n+9)) ;
456    rv5  = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) *(n+9)) ;
458    tridib_( &nm , &eps1 , fv1,fv2,fv3 , &lb,&ub , &m11,&mmm , e ,
459             ind , &ierr , rv4,rv5 ) ;
461    if( ierr != 0 || novec != 0 ){
462      free(rv5); free(rv4); free(ind); free(fv3); free(fv2); free(fv1);
463      return -ierr ;
464    }
466    /* determination of the eigenvectors of the tridiagonal matrix */
468    nval = nm * mmm ;
469    zzz  = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) *nval ) ;
470    rv6  = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) *(n+9)) ;
471    rv7  = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) *(n+9)) ;
472    rv8  = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) *(n+9)) ;
474    tinvit_( &nm , &nm , fv1,fv2,fv3 , &mmm , e ,
475             ind , zzz , &ierr , rv4,rv5,rv6,rv7,rv8 ) ;
477    if( ierr != 0 ){
478      free(rv8); free(rv7); free(rv6); free(zzz);
479      free(rv5); free(rv4); free(ind); free(fv3); free(fv2); free(fv1);
480      return ierr ;
481    }
483    /* transform eigenvectors back to original space */
485    trbak1_( &nm , &nm , a , fv2 , &mmm , zzz ) ;
487    /* copy output eigenvectors into a */
489    for( ii=0 ; ii < nval ; ii++ ) a[ii] = zzz[ii] ;
491    free(rv8); free(rv7); free(rv6); free(zzz);
492    free(rv5); free(rv4); free(ind); free(fv3); free(fv2); free(fv1);
493    return 0 ;
494 }
496 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
498 #undef  A
499 #define A(i,j) asym[(i)+(j)*nsym]
501 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
502 /*! Compute the nvec principal singular vectors of a set of m columns, each
503     of length n, stored in array xx[i+j*n] for i=0..n-1, j=0..m-1.
504     The singular values (largest to smallest) are stored in sval, and
505     the left singular vectors [first nvec columns of U in X = U S V'] are
506     stored into uvec[i+j*n] for i=0..n-1, j=0..nvec-1.
508     The return value is the number of vectors computed.  If the return
509     value is not positive, something bad happened.  Normally, the return
510     value would be the same as nvec, but it cannot be larger than MIN(n,m).
512     If sval==NULL, then the output into sval is skipped.
513     If uval==NULL, then the output into uval is skipped.
514     If both are NULL, exactly why did you want to call this function?
515 *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
first_principal_vectors(int n,int m,float * xx,int nvec,float * sval,float * uvec)517 int first_principal_vectors( int n , int m , float *xx ,
518                              int nvec , float *sval , float *uvec )
519 {
520    int nn=n , mm=m , nsym , ii,jj,kk,qq ;
521    double *asym , *deval ;
522    register double sum , qsum ; register float *xj , *xk ;
524    nsym = MIN(nn,mm) ;  /* size of the symmetric matrix to create */
526    if( nsym < 1 || xx == NULL || (uvec == NULL && sval == NULL) ) return -666 ;
528    if( nvec > nsym ) nvec = nsym ;  /* can't compute more vectors than nsym! */
530    { asym  = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*nsym*nsym) ;  /* symmetric matrix */
531      deval = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*nsym) ;       /* its eigenvalues */
532    }
534    /** setup matrix to eigensolve: choose smaller of [X]'[X] and [X][X]' **/
535    /**     since [X] is n x m, [X]'[X] is m x m and [X][X]' is n x n     **/
537    if( nn > mm ){                       /* more rows than columns:  */
538                                         /* so [A] = [X]'[X] = m x m */
539      int n1 = nn-1 ;
540      for( jj=0 ; jj < mm ; jj++ ){
541        xj = xx + jj*nn ;
542        for( kk=0 ; kk <= jj ; kk++ ){
543          sum = 0.0 ; xk = xx + kk*nn ;
544          for( ii=0 ; ii < n1 ; ii+=2 ) sum += xj[ii]*xk[ii] + xj[ii+1]*xk[ii+1];
545          if( ii == n1 ) sum += xj[ii]*xk[ii] ;
546          A(jj,kk) = sum ; if( kk < jj ) A(kk,jj) = sum ;
547        }
548      }
550    } else {                             /* more columns than rows:  */
551                                         /* so [A] = [X][X]' = n x n */
552      float *xt ; int m1=mm-1 ;
553      xt = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nn*mm) ;
554      for( jj=0 ; jj < mm ; jj++ ){      /* form [X]' into array xt */
555        for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ) xt[jj+ii*mm] = xx[ii+jj*nn] ;
556      }
558      for( jj=0 ; jj < nn ; jj++ ){
559        xj = xt + jj*mm ;
560        for( kk=0 ; kk <= jj ; kk++ ){
561          sum = 0.0 ; xk = xt + kk*mm ;
562          for( ii=0 ; ii < m1 ; ii+=2 ) sum += xj[ii]*xk[ii] + xj[ii+1]*xk[ii+1];
563          if( ii == m1 ) sum += xj[ii]*xk[ii] ;
564          A(jj,kk) = sum ; if( kk < jj ) A(kk,jj) = sum ;
565        }
566      }
568      free(xt) ;  /* don't need this no more */
569    }
571    /** compute the nvec eigenvectors corresponding to largest eigenvalues **/
572    /** these eigenvectors are stored on top of first nvec columns of asym **/
574    ii = symeig_irange( nsym, asym, deval, nsym-nvec, nsym-1, (uvec==NULL) ) ;
576    if( ii != 0 ){
577      { free(deval) ; free(asym) ; }
578      return -33333 ;  /* eigensolver failed!? */
579    }
581    /** Store singular values (sqrt of eigenvalues), if desired:
582        Note that symeig_irange returns things smallest to largest,
583        but we want largest to smallest, so have to reverse the order **/
585    if( sval != NULL ){
586      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
587        sum = deval[nvec-1-jj] ;
588        sval[jj] = (sum <= 0.0) ? 0.0 : sqrt(sum) ;
589      }
590    }
592    /** if no output vectors desired, we are done done done!!! **/
594    if( uvec == NULL ){
595      { free(deval) ; free(asym) ; }
596      return nvec ;
597    }
599    /** SVD is [X] = [U] [S] [V]', where [U] = desired output vectors
601        case n <= m: [A] = [X][X]' = [U] [S][S]' [U]'
602                     so [A][U] = [U] [S][S]'
603                     so eigenvectors of [A] are just [U]
605        case n > m:  [A] = [X]'[X] = [V] [S]'[S] [V]'
606                     so [A][V] = [V] [S'][S]
607                     so eigenvectors of [A] are [V], but we want [U]
608                     note that [X][V] = [U] [S]
609                     so pre-multiplying each column vector in [V] by matrix [X]
610                     will give the corresponding column in [U], but scaled;
611                     below, just L2-normalize the column to get output vector **/
613    if( nn <= mm ){                    /* copy eigenvectors into output directly */
614                                       /* (e.g., more vectors than time points) */
615      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
616        qq = nvec-1-jj ;               /* eigenvalues are in reversed order */
617        for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ )
618          uvec[ii+jj*nn] = (float)asym[ii+qq*nn] ;
619      }
621    } else {  /* n > m: transform eigenvectors to get left singular vectors */
622              /* (e.g., more time points than vectors) */
624      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
625        qq = nvec-1-jj ; qsum = 0.0 ;  /* eigenvalues are in reversed order */
626        for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){
627          sum = 0.0 ;
628          for( kk=0 ; kk < mm ; kk++ ) sum += xx[ii+kk*nn] * asym[kk+qq*mm] ;
629          uvec[ii+jj*nn] = sum ; qsum += sum*sum ;
630        }
631        if( qsum > 0.0 ){       /* L2 normalize */
632          register float fac ;
633          fac = (float)(1.0/sqrt(qsum)) ;
634          for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ) uvec[ii+jj*nn] *= fac ;
635        }
636      }
637    }
639    /** free at last!!! **/
641    { free(deval) ; free(asym) ; }
642    return nvec ;
643 }
645 #undef A
647 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
649 #define CHECK_SVD   /* unfortunately, this is necessary */
651 #undef CHK
652 #ifdef CHECK_SVD
653 # define CHK 1
654 # define A(i,j) aa[(i)+(j)*m]
655 # define U(i,j) uu[(i)+(j)*m]
656 # define V(i,j) vv[(i)+(j)*n]
657 #else
658 # define CHK 0
659 #endif
661 /** setup for sorting SVD values:
662       0 = no sort (whatever the function returns)
663      +1 = sort in increasing order of singular values
664      -1 = sort in descending order of singular values **/
666 static int svd_sort = 0 ;
set_svd_sort(int ss)667 void set_svd_sort( int ss ){ svd_sort = ss; }
669 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
670 /*! Compute SVD of double precision matrix:                      T
671                                             [a] = [u] diag[s] [v]
672     - m = # of rows in a = length of each column
673     - n = # of columns in a = length of each row
674     - a = pointer to input matrix; a[i+j*m] has the (i,j) element
675           (m X n matrix, stored in column-first order)
676     - s = pointer to output singular values; length = n (cannot be NULL)
677     - u = pointer to output matrix, if desired; length = m*n (m X n matrix)
678     - v = pointer to output matrix, if desired; length = n*n (n x n matrix)
680   Modified 10 Jan 2007 to add sorting of s and corresponding columns of u & v.
681 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
svd_double(int m,int n,double * a,double * s,double * u,double * v)683 void svd_double( int m, int n, double *a, double *s, double *u, double *v )
684 {
685    integer mm,nn , lda,ldu,ldv , ierr ;
686    doublereal *aa, *ww , *uu , *vv , *rv1 ;
687    logical    matu , matv ;
689    if( a == NULL || s == NULL || m < 1 || n < 1 ) return ;
691    mm  = m ;
692    nn  = n ;
693    aa  = a ;
694    lda = m ;
695    ww  = s ;
697    /* make space for u matrix, if not supplied */
699    if( u == NULL ){
700      matu = (logical) CHK ;
701      uu   = (doublereal *)calloc(sizeof(double),m*n) ;
702    } else {
703      matu = (logical) 1 ;
704      uu = u ;
705    }
706    ldu = m ;
708    /* make space for v matrix if not supplied */
710    if( v == NULL ){
711      matv = (logical) CHK ;
712      vv   = (CHK) ? (doublereal *)calloc(sizeof(double),n*n) : NULL ;
713    } else {
714      matv = (logical) 1 ;
715      vv   = v ;
716    }
717    ldv = n ;
719    rv1 = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double),n) ;  /* workspace */
721    /** the actual SVD **/
723    (void) svd_( &mm , &nn , &lda , aa , ww ,
724                 &matu , &ldu , uu , &matv , &ldv , vv , &ierr , rv1 ) ;
726    /** the following code is to check if the SVD worked **/
728 #ifdef CHECK_SVD
729    /** back-compute [A] from [U] diag[ww] [V]'
730        and see if it is close to the input matrix;
731        if not, compute the results in another function;
732        this is needed because the svd() function compiles with
733        rare computational errors on some compilers' optimizers **/
734    { register int i,j,k ; register doublereal aij ; double err=0.0,amag=1.e-12 ;
735      for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ ){
736       for( i=0 ; i < m ; i++ ){
737         aij = A(i,j) ; amag += fabs(aij) ;
738         for( k=0 ; k < n ; k++ ) aij -= U(i,k)*V(j,k)*ww[k] ;
739         err += fabs(aij) ;
740      }}
741      amag /= (m*n) ; /* average absolute value of matrix elements */
742      err  /= (m*n) ; /* average absolute error per matrix element */
743      if( err >= 1.e-5*amag || !IS_GOOD_FLOAT(err) ){
744        fprintf(stderr,"\n **** SVD avg err=%g; recomputing ...",err) ;
746 #if 1     /* perturb matrix slightly */
747        { double arep=1.e-13*amag , *aj ;
748          for( j=0 ; j < nn ; j++ ){
749            aj = aa + j*mm ;
750 #if 1
751            for( i=0 ; i < mm ; i++ ) aj[i] += (drand48()-0.5)*arep ;
752 #else
753            for( i=0 ; i < mm ; i++ ) if( aj[i] != 0.0 ) break ;
754            if( i == mm ){
755              for( i=0 ; i < mm ; i++ ) aj[i] = (drand48()-0.5)*arep ;
756            }
757 #endif
758          }
759        }
760 #endif
762        /* svd_slow is compiled without optimization */
764        (void) svd_slow_( &mm , &nn , &lda , aa , ww ,
765                          &matu , &ldu , uu , &matv , &ldv , vv , &ierr , rv1 ) ;
766        err = 0.0 ;
767        for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ ){
768         for( i=0 ; i < m ; i++ ){
769           aij = A(i,j) ;
770           for( k=0 ; k < n ; k++ ) aij -= U(i,k)*V(j,k)*ww[k] ;
771           err += fabs(aij) ;
772        }}
773        err /= (m*n) ;
775        /* not fixed YET?  try another algorithm (one that's usually slower) */
777        if( err >= 1.e-5*amag || !IS_GOOD_FLOAT(err) ){
778          fprintf(stderr," new avg err=%g; re-recomputing the hard way ...",err) ;
779 #ifdef USE_SVDLIB
780          fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
781          SVDVerbosity = 2 ;
782          AFNI_svdLAS2( mm , nn , aa , ww , uu , vv ) ;  /* svdlib.c */
783          SVDVerbosity = 0 ;
784 #else
785          svd_double_ata( mm , nn , aa , ww , uu, vv ) ; /* below */
786 #endif
787          err = 0.0 ;
788          for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ ){
789           for( i=0 ; i < m ; i++ ){
790             aij = A(i,j) ;
791             for( k=0 ; k < n ; k++ ) aij -= U(i,k)*V(j,k)*ww[k] ;
792             err += fabs(aij) ;
793          }}
794          err /= (m*n) ;
795          fprintf(stderr," newer avg err=%g %s" ,
796                  err ,
797                  (err >= 1.e-5*amag || !IS_GOOD_FLOAT(err)) ? "**BAD** :-(" : "**OK** :-)" ) ;
798        } else {
799          fprintf(stderr," new avg error=%g **OK** :-)",err) ;
800        }
801        fprintf(stderr,"\n\n") ;
802      }
803    }
804 #endif
806    free((void *)rv1) ;
808    /* discard [u] and [v] spaces if not needed for output */
810    if( u == NULL && uu != NULL ) free((void *)uu) ;
811    if( v == NULL && vv != NULL ) free((void *)vv) ;
813    /*--- 10 Jan 2007: sort the singular values and columns of U and V ---*/
815    if( n > 1 && svd_sort != 0 ){
816      double *sv , *uv ; int *iv , jj,kk ;
817      sv = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n) ;
818      iv = (int *)   malloc(sizeof(int)   *n) ;
819      for( kk=0 ; kk < n ; kk++ ){
820        iv[kk] = kk ; sv[kk] = (svd_sort > 0) ? s[kk] : -s[kk] ;
821      }
822      qsort_doubleint( n , sv , iv ) ;
823      if( u != NULL ){
824        double *cc = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double),m*n) ;
825 #pragma omp critical
826        (void)AAmemcpy( cc , u , sizeof(double)*m*n ) ;
827        for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
828          kk = iv[jj] ;  /* where the new jj-th col came from */
829 #pragma omp critical
830          (void)AAmemcpy( u+jj*m , cc+kk*m , sizeof(double)*m ) ;
831        }
832        free((void *)cc) ;
833      }
834      if( v != NULL ){
835        double *cc = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double),n*n) ;
836 #pragma omp critical
837        (void)AAmemcpy( cc , v , sizeof(double)*n*n ) ;
838        for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
839          kk = iv[jj] ;
840 #pragma omp critical
841          (void)AAmemcpy( v+jj*n , cc+kk*n , sizeof(double)*n ) ;
842        }
843        free((void *)cc) ;
844      }
845      for( kk=0 ; kk < n ; kk++ )
846        s[kk] = (svd_sort > 0) ? sv[kk] : -sv[kk] ;
847      free((void *)iv) ; free((void *)sv) ;
848    }
850    return ;
851 }
853 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
854 /* SVD via eigensolution of A'A (presumes n < m) */
svd_double_ata(int m,int n,double * a,double * s,double * u,double * v)856 void svd_double_ata( int m, int n, double *a, double *s, double *u, double *v )
857 {
858    double *ata , *ai,*aj , sum ;
859    int ii,jj,kk ;
861    if( a == NULL || s == NULL || m < 1 || n < 1 ) return ;
863    /* make A'A matrix */
865    ata = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n*n) ;
866    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){
867      ai = a + ii*m ;                   /* ii-th column of A */
868      for( jj=0 ; jj <= ii ; jj++ ){
869        aj = a + jj*m ;                 /* jj-th column of A */
870        for( sum=0.0,kk=0 ; kk < m ; kk++ ) sum += ai[kk]*aj[kk] ;
871        ata[ii+jj*n] = sum ; if( jj < ii ) ata[jj+ii*n] = sum ;
872      }
873    }
875    /* Since A = U S V', then A'A = V S^2 V', or A'A V = V S^2,
876       so the eigensolution of A'A gives S^2 as the eigenvalues,
877       and gives V as the eigenvectors (which here over-write ata). */
879    symeig_double( n , ata , s ) ;
881    /* sqrt the eigenvalues to get the singular values */
883    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ )
884      s[ii] = (s[ii] <= 0.0) ? 0.0 : sqrt(s[ii]) ;
886    /* copy ata into the output place for V */
888    if( v != NULL ){
889 #pragma omp critical
890      AAmemcpy( v , ata , sizeof(double)*n*n ) ;
891    }
893    /* manufacture U from A and V (which is in ata, recall):
894       AV = US, so if we form the matrix product AV, then
895       L2-normalizing each column will give us the matrix U. */
897    if( u != NULL ){
898      double *uj , *vj ;
899      for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
900        uj = u   + jj*m ;              /* jj-th column of U */
901        vj = ata + jj*n ;              /* jj-th column of V */
902        for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ){             /* A_{ii,kk} V_{kk,jj} */
903          for( sum=0.0,kk=0 ; kk < n ; kk++ ) sum += a[ii+kk*m]*vj[kk] ;
904          uj[ii] = sum ;
905        }
906        for( sum=0.0,ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) sum += uj[ii]*uj[ii] ;
907        if( sum > 0.0 ){
908          for( sum=1.0/sqrt(sum),ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) uj[ii] *= sum ;
909        }
910      }
911    }
913    free(ata) ; return ;
914 }
916 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
918 #define DBG_PC 0
919 /*!
920    Calculate the covariance matrix of data_mat based on code in 3dpc
922    data_mat: Data matrix containg num_cols vectors that have num_rows elements.
923    cov_mat:  On output, cov_mat will contain the covariance matrix. Caller must
924              allocate num_cols x num_cols elements for it.
925    Both matrices are stored in column major order. M(i,j) = Mv(i+j*num_rows);
926    row_mask: mask vector num_rows long.
927             NULL for no masking.
928    num_rows, num_cols: 1st and 2nd dimensions of data_mat
929    norm: flag for normalizing covariance.
930          -1 no normalization,
931          0, normalize by num_rows - 1,
932          1, normalize by num_rows
933    remove_mean: 0  : do nothing
934                 1  : remove the mean of each column in data_mat (like -dmean in 3dpc)
936    To match matlab's cov function, you need to remove the mean of each column
937    and set norm to 0 (default for matlab) or 1
939    the function returns the trace of the covariance matrix if all went well;
940    returns -1.0 in case of error.
942 */
covariance(float * data_mat,double * cov_mat,unsigned char * row_mask,int num_rows,int num_cols,int norm,int remove_mean,int be_quiet)944 double covariance(float *data_mat, double *cov_mat, unsigned char * row_mask,
945                   int num_rows, int num_cols, int norm, int remove_mean, int be_quiet)
946 {
947    double atrace, dsum, normval=0.0;
948    int idel, jj, nn, mm, ifirst, ilast, ii, PC_be_quiet, kk, nsum;
950    if (norm == 0) normval = (double)num_rows  - 1.0;
951    else if (norm == 1) normval = (double)num_rows;
952    else if (norm == -1) normval = 0.0f;
953    else {
954      fprintf(stderr,"*** norm value of %d is not acceptable.\n", norm); return(-1.0);
955    }
957    if (remove_mean == 1) {
958       for( jj=0 ; jj < num_cols ; jj++ ){ /* for each column */
959          nsum = 0;
960          dsum = 0.0 ;
961          if( row_mask == NULL ){
962             for( kk=0 ; kk < num_rows ; kk++ ) dsum += data_mat[kk+jj*num_rows]   ;
963             dsum /= (double)num_rows;
964          } else {
965             for( kk=0 ; kk < num_rows ; kk++ )
966                        if( row_mask[kk] ) { dsum += data_mat[kk+jj*num_rows]   ; ++nsum; }
967             dsum /= (double)nsum;
968          }
969          if( row_mask == NULL ){
970             for( kk=0 ; kk < num_rows ; kk++ ) data_mat[kk+jj*num_rows] -= dsum  ;
971          } else {
972             for( kk=0 ; kk < num_rows ; kk++ )
973                        if( row_mask[kk] ) { data_mat[kk+jj*num_rows] -= dsum; }
974          }
975       }
976    }
978    idel = 1 ;                           /* ii goes forward */
979    for( jj=0 ; jj < num_cols ; jj++ ){
981       ifirst = (idel==1) ?    0 : jj ;  /* back and forth in ii to   */
982       ilast  = (idel==1) ? jj+1 : -1 ;  /* maximize use of cache/RAM */
984       for( ii=ifirst ; ii != ilast ; ii += idel ){
985          dsum = 0.0 ;
986          if( row_mask == NULL ){
987             for( kk=0 ; kk < num_rows ; kk++ ) dsum += data_mat[kk+ii*num_rows] * data_mat[kk+jj*num_rows]   ;
988          } else {
989             for( kk=0 ; kk < num_rows ; kk++ )
990                        if( row_mask[kk] ) dsum += data_mat[kk+ii*num_rows] * data_mat[kk+jj*num_rows]   ;
991          }
992          if (normval > 1) cov_mat[ii+jj*num_cols] = cov_mat[jj+ii*num_cols] = dsum/normval ;
993          else cov_mat[ii+jj*num_cols] = cov_mat[jj+ii*num_cols] = dsum;
994       }
996       if( !be_quiet ){ printf("+"); fflush(stdout); }
998       idel = -idel ;                    /* reverse direction of ii */
999    }
1000    if( !be_quiet ){ printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); }
1002    /*-- check diagonal for OK-ness --**/
1004    atrace = 0.0 ;
1005    ii     = 0 ;
1006    for( jj=0 ; jj < num_cols ; jj++ ){
1007       if( cov_mat[jj+jj*num_cols] <= 0.0 ){
1008          fprintf(stderr,"*** covariance diagonal (%d,%d) = %g\n",
1009                  jj+1,jj+1,cov_mat[jj+jj*num_cols]) ;
1010          ii++ ;
1011       }
1012       atrace += cov_mat[jj+jj*num_cols] ;
1013    }
1014    if( ii > 0 ){ fprintf(stderr, "*** Warning %d zero or negative covariance on diagonals!\n", ii); }
1016    if( !be_quiet ){ printf("--- covariance trace = %g\n",atrace); fflush(stdout); }
1018    return(atrace);
1019 }
1021 /*!
1022    Principal Component calculation by doing SVD on the
1023    covariance matrix of the data.
1025    Based on code in 3dpc
1027    data_mat is a matrix of M (num_cols) column vectors, each N (num_rows) elements
1028             long, and stored in a column major order.
1029    row_mask is a byte mask vector for data values to consider in data_mat
1030             If row_mask[i] then row i is considered in the calculations
1031             If NULL then all rows are considered.
1032    num_rows is the length N of each column in data_mat
1033    num_cols is the number of columns (M) (second dimension of data_mat)
1034    be_quiet
1036    (HAVE YET TO MAKE THIS FUNCTION RETURN VALUES a la pca_fast3. I'll do it when
1037    I'll need it ZSS)
1039 */
pca(float * data_mat,unsigned char * row_mask,int num_rows,int num_cols,int be_quiet)1040 void pca (float *data_mat, unsigned char * row_mask, int num_rows, int num_cols, int be_quiet) {
1041    double *aa=NULL, atrace, *wout, sum, *perc;
1042    int i, jj, ll, ii;
1044    /* calculate covariance matrix */
1045    aa = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_cols*num_cols);
1046    wout = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*num_cols);
1047    atrace = covariance(data_mat, aa, row_mask, num_rows, num_cols, 0, 1, be_quiet);
1049    /* calculate eigenvalues and vectors to be held in aa */
1050    symeig_double( num_cols , aa , wout ) ;
1052    /* print results for now */
1053    sum = 0.0 ;
1054    perc = (double *) malloc( sizeof(double) * num_cols) ;
1056    fprintf(stderr, "deal: Num.  --Eigenvalue--  -Var.Fraction-  -Cumul.Fract.-\n") ;
1057    for( jj=0 ; jj < num_cols ; jj++ ){
1058       ll = num_cols - 1-jj ;      /* reversed order of eigensolution! */
1059       perc[jj] = wout[ll]/atrace ;
1060       sum     += perc[jj] ;
1061       fprintf(stderr, "%4d  %14.7g  %14.7g  %14.7g\n",
1062              jj+1 , wout[ll] , perc[jj] , sum ) ;
1063    }
1065    /* now write the vectors */
1066    for (ii=0; ii< num_cols; ++ii) {  /* for each row */
1067       for( jj=0 ; jj < num_cols ; jj++ ){ /* for each column */
1068          ll = num_cols - 1- jj ;      /* reversed order of eigensolution! */
1069          fprintf(stderr, "%3.4f  ",
1070               aa[ii+ll*num_cols] ) ;
1071       }
1072       fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fflush(stdout);
1073    }
1075    free(perc); free(aa); free(wout);
1076    return;
1077 }
1079 /*!
1080    Principal Component calculation by doing SVD on the
1081    covariance matrix of the data.
1083    Optimized for matrices with 3 columns (x y z, typically)
1084    Based on code in 3dpc
1086    data_mat is a matrix of 3 column vectors, each N (num_rows) elements
1087             long, and stored in a column major order.
1088             x0, x1, x2, x3, ... , y0, y1, ... , z0, z1, ... ,zN-1
1090    num_rows is the length N of each column in data_mat
1091    be_quiet
1092    pca_vec is a matrix of 3 column vectors corresponding to the
1093             eigen values in pca_eig. NOTE: Storage is still column
1094             major order, like data_mat
1095    pca_eig is a vector of the 3 eigen values (sorted large to small)
1097    Function returns the trace of the covariance matrix
1098 */
pca_fast3(float * data_mat,int num_rows,int be_quiet,double * pca_mat,double * pca_eig)1100 double pca_fast3 (float *data_mat, int num_rows, int be_quiet, double *pca_mat, double *pca_eig) {
1101    double aa[9], atrace, wout[9], sum, perc[9];
1102    int i, jj, ll, ii, cnt;
1104    #if DBG_PC
1105       fprintf(stderr, "data_mat=[ %f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f]\n",
1106                         data_mat[0], data_mat[3], data_mat[6],
1107                         data_mat[1], data_mat[4], data_mat[7],
1108                         data_mat[2], data_mat[5], data_mat[8]);
1109    #endif
1110    /* calculate covariance */
1111    atrace = covariance(data_mat, aa, NULL, num_rows, 3, 0, 1, be_quiet);
1113    /* calc eigs */
1114    symeig_3( aa , wout, 1 ) ;
1116    /* now write the vectors */
1117    /* print results for now */
1118    sum = 0.0 ;
1119    #if DBG_PC
1120       fprintf(stderr, "deal3: Num.  --Eigenvalue--  -Var.Fraction-  -Cumul.Fract.-\n") ;
1121    #endif
1122    for( jj=0 ; jj < 3 ; jj++ ){
1123       ll = 3 - 1-jj ;      /* reversed order of eigensolution! */
1124       pca_eig[jj] = wout[ll];
1125       #if DBG_PC
1126          perc[jj] = wout[ll]/atrace ;
1127          sum     += perc[jj] ;
1128          fprintf(stderr, "%4d  %14.7g  %14.7g  %14.7g\n",
1129                 jj+1 , wout[ll] , perc[jj] , sum ) ;
1130       #endif
1131    }
1133    cnt = 0;
1134    for (ii=0; ii< 3; ++ii) {  /* for each row */
1135       for( jj=2 ; jj > -1 ; jj-- ){ /* for each column (reversed order) */
1136          ll = ii+jj*3;
1137          #if DBG_PC
1138             fprintf(stderr, "%3.4f  ",
1139                  aa[ll] ) ;
1140          #endif
1141          pca_mat[cnt] = aa[ll];
1142          ++cnt;
1143       }
1144      #if DBG_PC
1145       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
1146      #endif
1147    }
1149    return(atrace);
1151 }
1153 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1155 #undef A
1156 #undef U
1157 #undef V
1158 #undef pseps
1160 #define A(i,j) aa[(i)+(j)*m]
1161 #define U(i,j) uu[(i)+(j)*m]
1162 #define V(i,j) vv[(i)+(j)*n]
1163 #define pseps  5.e-7
1165 #undef  DSDBUG
svd_desingularize(int m,int n,double * aa)1167 int svd_desingularize( int m , int n , double *aa )
1168 {
1169    double *uu , *vv , *ww , sum , smax ;
1170    int i,j,k , nfix ;
1172    if( aa == NULL || m < 1 || n < 1 ) return -1 ;
1174    ww  = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n) ;
1175    uu  = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*m*n) ;
1176    vv  = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n*n) ;
1178    svd_double( m , n , aa , ww , uu , vv ) ;
1180    /* fix singular values */
1182    smax = ww[0] ;
1183    for( i=1 ; i < n ; i++ ) if( ww[i] > smax ) smax = ww[i] ;
1184    if( smax < 0.0 ){  /* should not happen */
1185      free(vv) ; free(uu) ; free(ww) ; return -1 ;
1186    } else if( smax == 0.0 ){ /* only if input is all zero */
1187      smax = 1.0 ;
1188    }
1190 #ifdef DSDBUG
1191 fprintf(stderr,"============= Desingularization ==============\n") ;
1192 fprintf(stderr,"ww before =") ;
1193 for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ ) fprintf(stderr," %g",ww[i]) ;
1194 fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
1195 #endif
1197    smax = pseps * smax ;
1198    for( nfix=i=0 ; i < n ; i++ ){
1199           if( ww[i] < 0.0      ){ ww[i] = smax ;                      nfix++; }
1200      else if( ww[i] < 2.0*smax ){ ww[i] = smax+0.25*ww[i]*ww[i]/smax; nfix++; }
1201    }
1203 #ifdef DSDBUG
1204 fprintf(stderr,"ww after  =") ;
1205 for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ ) fprintf(stderr," %g",ww[i]) ;
1206 fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
1207 #endif
1209    if( nfix == 0 ){  /* no fix needed */
1210 #ifdef DSDBUG
1211 fprintf(stderr,".......... no desingularization needed ..........\n") ;
1212 #endif
1213      free(vv) ; free(uu) ; free(ww) ; return 0 ;
1214    }
1216 #ifdef DSDBUG
1217 fprintf(stderr,"U\n") ;
1218 for( i=0 ; i < m ; i++ ){
1219   for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ ) fprintf(stderr," %g",U(i,j)) ;
1220   fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
1221 }
1222 fprintf(stderr,"V\n") ;
1223 for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ ){
1224   for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ ) fprintf(stderr," %g",V(i,j)) ;
1225   fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
1226 }
1227 #endif
1229    /* otherwise, recompute [a] matrix from fixed SVD */
1231    for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ ){
1232      for( i=0 ; i < m ; i++ ){
1233        sum = 0.0 ;
1234        for( k=0 ; k < n ; k++ ) sum += U(i,k)*V(j,k)*ww[k] ;
1235 #ifdef DSDBUG
1236 fprintf(stderr,"A(%d,%d): %g -> %g\n",i,j,A(i,j),sum) ;
1237 #endif
1238        A(i,j) = sum ;
1239    }}
1240 #ifdef DSDBUG
1241 fprintf(stderr,"............ end desingularization ..............\n") ;
1242 #endif
1244    free(vv) ; free(uu) ; free(ww) ; return nfix ;
1245 }