1 /*****************************************************************************
2    Based on model_conv_PRF.c, but this is with 6 parameters.
4    The original (4 parameter) model is from:
6         Population receptive field estimates in human visual cortex
7         NeuroImage 39 (2008) 647-660
8         Serge O. Dumoulin, Brian A. Wandell
10    Given stimulus images over time s(x,y,t), find x0, y0, sigma, R and theta
11    values that produce a best fit of the model to the data.  Here x0, y0 are
12    taken to be the center of the population receptive field, sigma is the
13    basic width of it, R is the ratio of axis lengths (sigma_x / sigma_y), and
14    theta is the rotation from the x-direction major axis (so zero is in the
15    positive x-direction).
17    domains:
18       x,y       : [-1,1], scaled by the mask, itself
19       sigma     : (0,1], where 1 means the mask radius
20       R         : [1,inf), since sigma defines the smaller size
21       theta     : [-PI/2, PI/2), since rotation by PI has no effect
23    The model function of x0, y0, sigma, R and theta is constructed as follows:
25         1. generate a 2-D Gaussian density function, centered at x0, y0,
26            with given sigma, R (=sigma_x/sigma_y), and theta:
28            -> pRF model g(x,y) = e^-(A(x-x0)^2 + 2*B(x-x0)(y-y0) + C(y-y0)^2)
30            where,
31                        cos^2(theta) + R^2*sin^2(theta)
32                   A =  -------------------------------
33                              2 * R^2 * sigma^2
35                            (1-R^2) * sin(2theta)
36                   B =      ---------------------
37                              4 * R^2 * sigma^2
39                        sin^2(theta) + R^2*cos^2(theta)
40                   C =  -------------------------------
41                              2 * R^2 * sigma^2
44         2. integrate (dot product) over binary stimulus image per time point
45            -> pRF response r(t)
46         3. convolve with HRF
47            -> Prediction p(t)
49    Then perform a simple regression fit, returning A (amplitude), the input
50    x0, y0, sigma values, and the error (sum squares of the residuals)
52    inputs
54         s(x,y,t)        : 2d+time visual field bitmap timeseries
55                           (e.g. rotating stimulus wedge)
56         hrf             : HRF convolution curve - assume GAM for now
57         data            : time series, per voxel
59    outputs
61         A               : amplitude of fit
62         x, y, sigma     : best fit coordinates of center of Gaussian kernel
64    R. Reynolds      June, 2014
65 ******************************************************************************/
67 /* todo
68  *   - all coordinates to be computed in mm mask-space
69  *     (rather than as a fraction of the mask radius)
70  *     - this might push for different g_exp_ts construction
71  *     - this includes X, Y, Sigma being in mm
72  *     - for Sigma, see genv_sigma_max, genv_sigma_nsteps,
73  *                      genv_sigma_ratio_nsteps
74  *   x env var to turn on/off g_exp_ts (see do_precompute_e2x)
75  *   x should g_exp_maxval/ipieces be user-controllable?
76  */
78 #include "NLfit_model.h"
80 static int     refnum    = 0;      /* # pts in refts */
81 static int     refnz     = 0;      /* # of nonzero pts */
82 static float * refts     = NULL;   /* reference time series */
83 static int   * refin     = NULL;   /* indexes of nonzero pts */
84 static int     g_iter    = -1;     /* iteration number */
86 static char  * g_model_ver = "model_conv_PRF_6, version 1.2, 20 Jun, 2018";
88 /* exp variables, parameters - from 8,1000 */
89 static float g_exp_maxval  = 1000.0;  /* max x in exp(-x) */
90 static int   g_exp_ipieces = 100; /* vals per unit length */
92 /* exp variables, implied */
93 static int     g_exp_nvals = 0;   /* maxval*ipieces + 1 */
94 static float * g_exp_ts  = NULL;  /* exp(-x) for x at index VAL*pieces */
96 static THD_3dim_dataset * g_saset=NULL; /* stimulus aperture dataset */
98 /* prototypes */
99 static void conv_set_ref( int num , float * ref );
100 static int signal_model( float * , int , float ** , float *, int );
101 static int reset_stim_aperture_dset(int);
102 static int reset_exp_time_series(void);
104 static THD_3dim_dataset * convert_to_blurred_masks(THD_3dim_dataset *);
105 static THD_3dim_dataset * THD_reorg_dset(THD_3dim_dataset * din);
106 static int convolve_dset(THD_3dim_dataset * tset);
107 static float * get_float_volume_copy(THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int index,int nz);
108 static int compute_e_x_grid(float * e, int nx, int ny, float x0, float y0,
109                      float sigma, float sigrat, float theta);
110 static int fill_computed_farray(float * ts, int tslen, THD_3dim_dataset * dset,
111                          float x0, float y0, float sigma, float sigrat,
112                          float theta, float A, int debug);
113 static int fill_scaled_farray(float * fdest, int nt, THD_3dim_dataset * dsrc,
114                        float x, float y, float sigma, float scale, int debug);
115 static int get_ABC(float sigma, float sigrat, float theta,
116             double * A, double * B, double * C);
117 static int inputs_to_coords(THD_3dim_dataset * dset, float x, float y,
118 			    float sigma, float sigrat, float theta);
120 static int   disp_floats(char * mesg, float * p, int len);
121 static int   write_gauss_file(char * fname, float * curve,
122                               int nx, int ny, char *hist);
123 static int   model_help(void);
124 static int   convolve_by_ref(float *, int, float *, int, int, int);
126 static void conv_model( float *  gs      , int     ts_length ,
127 			float ** x_array , float * ts_array   );
129 #define ERREX(str) ( fprintf(stderr,"\n*** %s\a\n",str) , exit(1) )
131 /* MATH uses exp(x) directly, while ARRAY uses pre-computed values */
132 #define ACCUM_EXP_MATH(val) do { if(val>=0) result += exp(-val); } while (0)
133 #define ACCUM_EXP_ARRAY(val) do {                                       \
134             eind = (int)(val*g_exp_ipieces);  /* truncate towards 0? */ \
135             if ( eind >= 0 && eind <= g_exp_nvals )                     \
136                 result += g_exp_ts[eind]; } while (0)
138 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
139 /* interface to the environment */
140 static char * genv_conv_ref = NULL;    /* AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF */
141 static char * genv_prf_stim = NULL;    /* AFNI_MODEL_PRF_STIM_DSET */
142 static char * genv_gauss_file = NULL;  /* AFNI_MODEL_PRF_GAUSS_FILE */
143 static int    genv_diter    = -1;      /* debug iteration */
144 static int    genv_debug    = 0;       /* AFNI_MODEL_DEBUG */
146 static int    genv_on_grid      = 0;   /* restrict computations to grid */
147 static float  genv_sigma_max    = 1.0; /* on_grid: maximum blur sigma */
148 static int    genv_sigma_nsteps = 100; /* on_grid: number of blur steps */
149 static int    genv_sigma_ratio_nsteps = 4; /* integers >= 1, or any >= 1 if 0 */
150 static int    genv_theta_nsteps = 6;   /* truncate [-PI/2,PI/2) to S steps
151 					                           (if > 0) */
152 static int    genv_precompute_e2x = 0; /* do we use g_exp_ts? */
154 static int    genv_get_help = 0;       /* AFNI_MODEL_HELP_ALL/HELP_CONV_PRF_6 */
set_env_vars(void)156 static int set_env_vars(void)
157 {
158    genv_conv_ref = my_getenv("AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF");       /* reference file */
159    if( genv_conv_ref ) fprintf(stderr,"-- PRF: have REF %s\n", genv_conv_ref);
160    else fprintf(stderr,"** model PRF: AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF is not set\n");
162    genv_prf_stim = my_getenv("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_STIM_DSET"); /* visual stim */
163    if( genv_prf_stim ) fprintf(stderr,"-- PRF: have stim %s\n", genv_prf_stim);
164    else fprintf(stderr,"** model PRF: AFNI_MODEL_PRF_STIM_DSET is not set\n");
166    genv_diter = (int)AFNI_numenv_def("AFNI_MODEL_DITER", -1);
167    genv_debug = (int)AFNI_numenv_def("AFNI_MODEL_DEBUG", 0);
168    fprintf(stderr,"-- PRF: debug %d, iter %d\n", genv_debug, genv_diter);
170    /* on grid - default to no (yes->no 6 Jun 2013) */
171    genv_on_grid  = AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_ON_GRID"); /* flag */
172    fprintf(stderr,"-- PRF: results on grid: %s\n", genv_on_grid?"yes":"no");
174    genv_sigma_max = AFNI_numenv_def("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_MAX", genv_sigma_max);
175    genv_sigma_nsteps = (int)AFNI_numenv_def("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_NSTEPS",
176                                             genv_sigma_nsteps);
177    genv_sigma_ratio_nsteps =
178             (int)AFNI_numenv_def("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_RATIO_NSTEPS",
179                                  genv_sigma_ratio_nsteps);
180    genv_theta_nsteps = (int)AFNI_numenv_def("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_THETA_NSTEPS",
181                                  genv_theta_nsteps);
182    if( genv_on_grid )
183       fprintf(stderr, "-- PRF: sigma_max = %f, nsteps = %d,"
184                       " ratio_steps = %d, theta_steps = %d\n",
185               genv_sigma_max, genv_sigma_nsteps,
186               genv_sigma_ratio_nsteps, genv_theta_nsteps);
188    /* control contents of g_exp_ts (pre-computed e^x values) */
189    g_exp_maxval = AFNI_numenv_def("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_MAX_EXP", g_exp_maxval);
190    g_exp_ipieces = AFNI_numenv_def("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_MAX_EXP_PIECES",
191                                    g_exp_ipieces);
193    /* help */
194    genv_get_help = AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_PRF_6")
195                 || AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_MODEL_HELP_ALL");
197    /* write a Gaussian mask? */
198    genv_gauss_file = my_getenv("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_GAUSS_FILE");
200    /* should we precompute e^x array? */
201    genv_precompute_e2x = AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_MODEL_PRF_PRECOMPUTE_EX");
204    if( genv_debug > 1 ) {
205       fprintf(stderr,"++ params set by AFNI_MODEL_PRF_* env vars:\n");
206       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %s\n",
207                      "AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF", genv_conv_ref);
208       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %s\n",
209                      "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_STIM_DSET", genv_prf_stim);
210       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %d\n",
211                      "AFNI_MODEL_DITER", genv_diter);
212       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %d\n",
213                      "AFNI_MODEL_DEBUG", genv_debug);
214       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %d\n",
215                      "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_ON_GRID", genv_on_grid);
216       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %g\n",
217                      "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_MAX", genv_sigma_max);
218       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %d\n",
219                      "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_NSTEPS", genv_sigma_nsteps);
220       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %d\n", "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_RATIO_NSTEPS",
221                                          genv_sigma_ratio_nsteps);
222       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %d\n",
223                      "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_THETA_NSTEPS", genv_theta_nsteps);
224       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %g\n",
225                      "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_MAX_EXP", g_exp_maxval);
226       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %d\n",
227                      "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_MAX_EXP_PIECES", g_exp_ipieces);
228       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %s\n",
229                      "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_GAUSS_FILE", genv_gauss_file);
230       fprintf(stderr,"      %-35s : %d\n",
231                      "AFNI_MODEL_PRF_PRECOMPUTE_EX", genv_precompute_e2x);
233    }
235    return 0;
236 }
237 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
240 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
241    Function to set the reference time series, with which the
242    model function is convolved to produce the simulated data.
243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
conv_set_ref(int num,float * ref)245 static void conv_set_ref( int num , float * ref )
246 {
247    if( num > 0 && ref != NULL ){ /*** if have inputs, make space & copy in ***/
248       int ii ;
250       /* get rid of old data */
252       if(refts != NULL){ free(refts); refts = NULL; free(refin); refin = NULL; }
254       refnum = num ;
255       refts  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * num ) ;
256       refin  = (int *)   malloc( sizeof(int)   * num ) ;
257       memcpy( refts , ref , sizeof(float) * num ) ;
258       for( ii=0,refnz=0 ; ii < num ; ii++ )        /* build list of nonzero */
259          if( refts[ii] != 0.0 ) refin[refnz++] = ii ;    /* points in refts */
260       if( refnz == 0 )
261          ERREX("model_conv_PRF: All zero reference timeseries!") ;
263       if( genv_debug ) {
264          fprintf(stderr,"+d conv_set_ref: num=%d nonzero=%d\n",num,refnz) ;
265          if( genv_debug > 1 ) {
266             fprintf(stderr,"  TR locked stimuli :");
267             for( ii = 0; ii < refnz; ii++ )
268                fprintf(stderr," %f", refts[refin[ii]]);
269             fputc('\n',stderr);
270          }
271       }
273       return;
275    } else { /*** if no inputs, read it from AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF 1D file ***/
277      MRI_IMAGE * flim ;
279      if( genv_conv_ref == NULL )
280         ERREX("model_conv_PRF: need ref file as AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF") ;
282      flim = mri_read_1D(genv_conv_ref);
283      if( flim == NULL ){
284         fprintf(stderr,"** model_conv_PRF: Can't read timeseries file %s",
285                 genv_conv_ref);
286         ERREX("failing...");
287      }
289      if( genv_debug ) fprintf(stderr,"+d conv_set_ref: refts=%s  nx=%d\n",
290                               genv_conv_ref, flim->ny);
292      conv_set_ref( flim->nx , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim) ) ;  /* recursion! */
293      mri_free(flim) ;
294    }
295    return;
296 }
298 /* any failure should leave g_saset == NULL
299  *
300  * return 0 on success */
reset_stim_aperture_dset(int needed_length)301 static int reset_stim_aperture_dset(int needed_length)
302 {
303    THD_3dim_dataset * sanew;
304    int                errs=0;
306    /* free and reload saset */
307    if( g_saset ) DSET_delete(g_saset);
308    g_saset = THD_open_dataset(genv_prf_stim);
309    if( ! g_saset ) return 1;
311    if( genv_debug > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"=== reset_stim_aperature_dset ...\n");
313    /* check for square dataset and sufficient nt */
314    if( fabs(fabs(DSET_DX(g_saset)) - fabs(DSET_DY(g_saset))) > 0.0001 ) {
315       fprintf(stderr,"** PRF: stimset voxels not square (%f, %f)\n",
316               DSET_DX(g_saset), DSET_DY(g_saset));
317       errs++;
318    }
320    if( DSET_NX(g_saset) != DSET_NY(g_saset) ) {
321       fprintf(stderr,"** PRF: stimset not square (%d, %d)\n",
322               DSET_NX(g_saset), DSET_NY(g_saset));
323       errs++;
324    }
326    if( DSET_NVALS(g_saset) < needed_length ) {
327       fprintf(stderr,"** PRF: dset nt = %d, tslen = %d\n",
328               DSET_NVALS(g_saset), needed_length);
329       errs++;
330    }
332    if( errs ) { DSET_delete(g_saset); g_saset = NULL; return 1; }
335    if( THD_dset_to_mask(g_saset, 1.0, 0.0) ) return 1;
337    if( genv_on_grid ) {
338       sanew = convert_to_blurred_masks(g_saset);
339       DSET_delete(g_saset);
340       g_saset = sanew;
341 //EDIT_dset_items(sanew, ADN_prefix,    "sa.blur", ADN_none);
342 //fprintf(stderr, "++ writing blur dset...\n");
343 //DSET_write(sanew);
345       sanew = THD_reorg_dset(g_saset);
346       DSET_delete(g_saset);
347       g_saset = sanew;
348 //EDIT_dset_items(sanew, ADN_prefix,    "sa.reorg", ADN_none);
349 //fprintf(stderr, "++ writing reorg dset...\n");
350 //DSET_write(sanew);
352       convolve_dset(g_saset);
353 //EDIT_dset_items(sanew, ADN_prefix,    "sa.conv", ADN_none);
354 //fprintf(stderr, "++ writing convolve dset...\n");
355 //DSET_write(sanew);
357       if( ! g_saset ) return 1;
358    }
360    if( genv_debug > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"=== reset_SAD ... done\n");
362    return 0;
363 }
366 /* x-axis is convolution time axis, so for each row, convolve */
convolve_dset(THD_3dim_dataset * tset)367 static int convolve_dset(THD_3dim_dataset * tset)
368 {
369    float * result, * volbase, * dbase;
370    int     nx, ny, nz, nt, nxy;
371    int     xind, yind, zind, tind;
373    if( ! tset ) { fprintf(stderr, "** no tset to convolve\n"); return 1; }
375    if(genv_debug>1)fprintf(stderr, "++ starting convolution at time %6.1f\n",
376                            0.001*NI_clock_time());
378    /* allocate room for computation and result */
379    nx = DSET_NX(tset); ny = DSET_NY(tset); nz = DSET_NZ(tset);
380    nt = DSET_NVALS(tset); nxy = nx * ny;
381    result = (float *)malloc(nx * sizeof(float));
382    if( !result ) {
383       fprintf(stderr, "** PRF: conv_dset: failed malloc of %d floats\n", nx);
384       return 1;
385    }
387    for( tind = 0; tind < nt; tind++ ) {
388       volbase = (float *)DSET_ARRAY(tset, tind);
390       /* for each row (the signal), convolve */
391       for( zind = 0; zind < nz; zind++ ) {
392          for( yind = 0; yind < ny; yind++ ) {
393             /* result = convolved signal (initialize and demean) */
394             dbase = volbase + yind*nx + zind*nxy;
395             convolve_by_ref(result, nx, dbase, nx, 1, 1);
396             /* and put result back in */
397             for( xind = 0; xind < nx; xind++ ) dbase[xind] = result[xind];
398          }
399       }
400    }
402    if(genv_debug>1)fprintf(stderr, "-- finished convolution at time %6.1f\n",
403                            0.001*NI_clock_time());
405    return 0;
406 }
409 /* Convert 2D+time byte binary mask dataset into 3D+time float
410  * dataset of slices (blur_nsteps) at different blur levels
411  * (multiples of blur_res).
412  *
413  * input:  1 binary mask slice per TR
414  * output: duplicate dset, but where each slice is converted to an array of
415  *         slices at different blur levels
416  *
417  * Resample (reorganize) output so that time is the fastest dimension,
418  * then x, y and sigma (sub-brick direction).
419  *
420  * Convert to float array for now, too, just to waste RAM.
421  * At least that will make blurring more straightforward
422  * and avoid truncation issues.
423  *
424  * given blur_max (e.g. 0.1)
425  *       blur_nsteps (e.g. 50)
426  * compute blur_res (e.g. 0.002)
427  *
428  *------------------------------------------------------------
429  * for each TR
430  *    convert mask slice to float
431  *    allocate for volume of floats
432  *    duplicate slice across volume slices
433  *    for each blur level
434  *       EDIT_blur_volume(NX, NY, NZ=1, dx, dy, dz, MRI_float, data, SIGMA);
435  *    attach to dset
436  * EDIT_dset_item: set datum, NZ
437  *------------------------------------------------------------
438  */
convert_to_blurred_masks(THD_3dim_dataset * dset)439 static THD_3dim_dataset * convert_to_blurred_masks(THD_3dim_dataset * dset)
440 {
441    THD_3dim_dataset * dnew;
442    THD_ivec3          iv_nxyz;
443    float            * fdata, * foffset, sigma;
444    int                nx, ny, nt;
445    int                vind, sind;
447    /* test required inputs */
448    if( !dset ) return NULL;
449    if( genv_sigma_max <= 0.0 || genv_sigma_max > 1.0 || genv_sigma_nsteps<=1 ){
450       fprintf(stderr,"** PRF on grid: bad sigma max %f or nsteps %d\n",
451               genv_sigma_max, genv_sigma_nsteps);
452       return NULL;
453    }
455    if( DSET_NZ(dset) != 1 ) {
456       fprintf(stderr,"** invalid stim NZ = %d\n", DSET_NZ(dset));
457       return NULL;
458    }
460    /* create initial copy */
461    dnew = EDIT_empty_copy(dset);
462    if( !dnew ) return NULL;
464    nx = DSET_NX(dnew);  ny = DSET_NY(dnew);  nt = DSET_NVALS(dnew);
465    LOAD_IVEC3(iv_nxyz , nx, ny, genv_sigma_nsteps);
467    EDIT_dset_items(dnew,
468            ADN_prefix,    "I_like_jello",
469            ADN_nxyz,      iv_nxyz,
470            ADN_datum_all, MRI_float,
471         ADN_none);
473    if(genv_debug)
474       fprintf(stderr, "++ making blurred time series: %d x %d x %d  x nt=%d\n",
475               DSET_NX(dnew), DSET_NY(dnew), DSET_NZ(dnew), DSET_NVALS(dnew));
476    if(genv_debug>1) {
477      fprintf(stderr, "-- sigma_max = %f, nsteps = %d\n",
478              genv_sigma_max, genv_sigma_nsteps);
479      fprintf(stderr, "++ starting blur at time %6.1f\n",
480              0.001*NI_clock_time());
481    }
483    for( vind = 0; vind < nt; vind++ ) {
484       if( genv_debug > 1 ) fputc('.', stderr);
486       fdata = get_float_volume_copy(dset, vind, genv_sigma_nsteps);
487       if( !fdata ) { DSET_delete(dnew); return NULL; }
489       for( sind = 0; sind < genv_sigma_nsteps; sind++ ) {
490          sigma = genv_sigma_max * ((sind + 1.0)/genv_sigma_nsteps);
491          foffset = fdata + sind*nx*ny;
492          FIR_blur_volume_3d(nx, ny, 1,  2.0/(nx-1), 2.0/(ny-1), 1.0,
493                             foffset, sigma, sigma, 0.0);
494       }
496       mri_fix_data_pointer(fdata, DSET_BRICK(dnew, vind));
497    }
499    if(genv_debug>1)fprintf(stderr, "\n-- finished blur volume at time %6.1f\n",
500                            0.001*NI_clock_time());
502    return dnew;
503 }
505 /* rotate list of axes and correspondingly shuffle data:
506  *      x,y,z,t -> t,x,y,z
507  *
508  * The main point is to make the time axes the fast direction.
509  *
510  * require MRI_float for now */
THD_reorg_dset(THD_3dim_dataset * din)511 static THD_3dim_dataset * THD_reorg_dset(THD_3dim_dataset * din)
512 {
513    THD_3dim_dataset * dout;
514    THD_ivec3          iv_nxyz;
515    float            * newvol, * inslice, * outbase, * inbase;
516    int                in_nx, in_ny, in_nz, in_nt;
517    int                out_nx, out_ny, out_nz, out_nt;
518    int                in_nxyz, in_nxy, out_nxyz, out_nxy;
519    int                xind, yind, zind, tind;
521    if( !din ) { fprintf(stderr,"** reorg_dset: missing input\n"); return NULL; }
523    dout = EDIT_empty_copy(din);
525    in_nx = DSET_NX(din); in_ny = DSET_NY(din); in_nz = DSET_NZ(din);
526    in_nt = DSET_NVALS(din);
527    in_nxy  = in_nx * in_ny;
528    in_nxyz = in_nx * in_ny * in_nz;
530    out_nx = in_nt; out_ny = in_nx; out_nz = in_ny; out_nt = in_nz;
531    out_nxy  = out_nx * out_ny;
532    out_nxyz = out_nx * out_ny * out_nz;
534    LOAD_IVEC3(iv_nxyz , out_nx, out_ny, out_nz);
536    EDIT_dset_items(dout,
537                    ADN_nxyz, iv_nxyz, ADN_nvals, out_nt, ADN_ntt, out_nt,
538                    ADN_none);
540    if(genv_debug)
541       fprintf(stderr,"-- reorg_dset: nxyzt (%d,%d,%d,%d) -> (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
542               in_nx, in_ny, in_nz, in_nt, out_nx, out_ny, out_nz, out_nt);
543    if(genv_debug>1)fprintf(stderr, "\n== reorg starting at %6.1f\n",
544                            0.001*NI_clock_time());
546    /* create and attach each volume */
547    for( tind = 0; tind < out_nt; tind++ ) {
548       newvol = (float *)malloc(out_nxyz * sizeof(float));
549       if( !newvol ) {
550          fprintf(stderr,"** PRF reorg: failed to alloc volume %d\n", tind);
551          DSET_delete(dout);
552          return NULL;
553       }
555       for( xind = 0; xind < out_nx; xind++ ) {
557          /* copy one slice of input across y and z directions */
558          inslice = ((float *)DSET_ARRAY(din, xind)) + tind*in_nxy;
560          for( yind = 0; yind < out_ny; yind++ ) {
561             outbase = newvol + xind + yind*out_nx;
562             inbase  = inslice + yind;
563             for( zind = 0; zind < out_nz; zind++ )
564                outbase[zind*out_nxy] = inbase[zind*in_nx];
565          }
567       }
569       mri_fix_data_pointer(newvol, DSET_BRICK(dout, tind));
570    }
572    if(genv_debug>1)fprintf(stderr, "\n== reorg finished at %6.1f\n",
573                            0.001*NI_clock_time());
575    if( genv_debug > 2 ) {
576      MRI_IMAGE * im;
577      float     * fp;
578      int i, j, k;
580      i = in_nx/3; j = in_ny/3; k = in_nz/3;
582      im = THD_extract_series(i+j*in_nx+k*in_nxy, din, 0);
583      disp_floats("== ARY: sig [nxyz/3]: ", MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im), in_nt);
584      fp =  ((float *)DSET_ARRAY(dout,k)) + i*out_nx + j*out_nxy;
585      disp_floats("== ARY: reorg       : ", fp, out_nx);
587      mri_free(im);
588    }
590    return dout;
591 }
594 /* duplicate dset slice at given index nz times (into volume of nz slices) */
get_float_volume_copy(THD_3dim_dataset * dset,int index,int nz)595 static float * get_float_volume_copy(THD_3dim_dataset * dset, int index, int nz)
596 {
597    MRI_IMAGE * fim;
598    float     * fdata;
599    int         nxy, sind;
601    /* make space for new data */
602    nxy = DSET_NXY(dset);
603    fdata = (float *)malloc(nxy * nz * sizeof(float));
604    if( ! fdata ) {
605       fprintf(stderr,"** PRF: failed to alloc %d floats at index %d\n",
606                      nxy * nz, index);
607       return NULL;
608    }
610    /* get slice to duplicate */
611    fim = mri_to_float( DSET_BRICK(dset, index) );
612    if( ! fim ) {
613       fprintf(stderr,"** PRF: failed mri_to_float\n");
614       free(fdata);
615       return NULL;
616    }
618    /* dupe over slices */
619    for( sind = 0; sind < nz; sind++ )
620       memcpy(fdata+sind*nxy, MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fim), nxy * sizeof(float));
622    mri_free(fim);
624    return fdata;
625 }
628 /* want e^-x computed out to x=1000, as exponents are large
629  * (since sigma is a fraction of the window "radius")
630  * (or we should change coordinates to be in image space)
631  *
632  * g_exp_maxval = 1000 (from 8)
633  * g_exp_ipieces = 100 (from 1000)
634  * so compute values 0..1000, step 0.01
635  * g_exp_nvals = g_exp_maxval * g_exp_ipieces + 1 (for 0)
636  */
reset_exp_time_series(void)637 static int reset_exp_time_series(void)
638 {
639    int   ind;
640    float resol = 1.0/g_exp_ipieces;
642    g_exp_nvals = (int)(g_exp_maxval * g_exp_ipieces) + 1;
644    if(genv_debug)
645       fprintf(stderr,
646               "-- exp (precomp = %d) nvals = %d, max = %f, pieces = %d\n",
647               genv_precompute_e2x, g_exp_nvals, g_exp_maxval, g_exp_ipieces);
649    if( g_exp_ts ) free(g_exp_ts);
650    g_exp_ts = (float *)malloc(g_exp_nvals * sizeof(float));
651    if( ! g_exp_ts ) {
652       fprintf(stderr,"** failed to alloc %d floats, buring...\n", g_exp_nvals);
654       if( g_saset ) DSET_delete(g_saset);
655       g_saset = NULL; /* this blocks analysis */
656       return 1;
657    }
659    for( ind = 0; ind < g_exp_nvals; ind++ )
660       g_exp_ts[ind] = exp(-resol*ind);
662    return 0;
663 }
665 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
666   Function to compute the simulated time series.
667 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
conv_model(float * gs,int ts_length,float ** x_array,float * ts_array)669 static void conv_model( float *  gs      , int     ts_length ,
670                  float ** x_array , float * ts_array   )
671 {
672    int ii, cur_debug = 0, irfdur=0;
673    int iter_step;
675    static int     nid = 0 ;      /* number of pts in impulse */
676    static float * fid = NULL;    /* impulse response function */
678    /*----- check for env vars -----*/
680    g_iter++ ;
682    if( g_iter == 0 ) {
683       set_env_vars();   /* process environment variables */
684       if(genv_debug && x_array) fprintf(stderr,"\n+d TR = %f\n",
685                                         x_array[1][1]-x_array[0][1]);
686       fprintf(stderr,"++ %s\n", g_model_ver);
687    }
689    /*** make sure there is a reference function to convolve with ***/
690    /*   it may be used in reset_stim_aperture_dset */
692    if( refnum <= 0 ) conv_set_ref( 0 , NULL ) ;
694    if ( genv_on_grid ) {
695       int pad = (g_iter % 76) - 38;
696       if ( pad < 0 ) pad = -pad;
697       fprintf(stderr,"%*s** not ready for AFNI_MODEL_PRF_ON_GRID **\n",
698               pad,"");
699       for ( ii=0; ii < ts_length; ii++ )
700          ts_array[ii] = 0;
701       return;
702    }
704    /* create stim aperture dset */
705    if( g_iter == 0 ) {
706       (void)reset_stim_aperture_dset(ts_length); /* free and reload saset */
707       (void)reset_exp_time_series();     /* pre-compute exp(x) */
708       if( genv_debug ) fprintf(stderr, "== start time %d\n", NI_clock_time());
709    }
711    /*** initialize the output before possible early return ***/
713    for( ii=0 ; ii < ts_length ; ii++ ) ts_array[ii] = 0.0 ;
715    /* if any inputs are invalid, return the zero array   14 Aug 2018 */
716    /* sigma <= 0 is invalid, and check sigrat, just to be sure       */
717    /* A == 0 implies a zero vector in any case ...                   */
718    if( gs[0] == 0 || gs[3] <= 0 || gs[4] <= 0 ) {
719       if( genv_debug > 1 ) disp_floats("** invalid input params: ", gs, 4);
720       return;
721    }
723    /* if we had some failure, bail */
724    if( !g_saset ) return;
726    if( genv_debug > 1 ) {                       /* babble */
727       if( genv_on_grid ) iter_step = 100000;
728       else               iter_step = 1000;
729       if( (g_iter % iter_step) == 0 ) {
730          if( g_iter % (10*iter_step) ) fputc('\r', stderr);
731          fprintf(stderr, "-- time for %d iter set %5d : %6.1f\n",
732                  iter_step, g_iter/iter_step, 0.001*NI_clock_time());
733       }
734    }
736    /* to clean up, particularly as a parameter */
737    cur_debug = (g_iter == genv_diter || (g_iter == 0 && genv_debug > 1));
738    if( cur_debug ) disp_floats("+d input params: ", gs, 4);
740    /*** initialize the impulse response ***/
742    if( nid < ts_length ){              /* make some space for it */
743       if( fid ) free(fid) ;
744       nid = ts_length ;
745       fid = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nid ) ;
746    }
748    /* If on grid, get signal directly.  Else, convolve signal impulse
749       function with ref time series, and demean. */
750    if( genv_on_grid ) {
751       irfdur = signal_model(gs, ts_length, x_array, ts_array, cur_debug);
752    } else {
753       irfdur = signal_model(gs, ts_length, x_array, fid, cur_debug);
754       convolve_by_ref(ts_array, ts_length, fid, irfdur, 0, 1);
755       if( cur_debug ) disp_floats("+d no_grid conv    : ", ts_array, ts_length);
756    }
758    return ;
759 }
761 /*
762    Convolve reference function (GAM here?) with stim time series.
764    globals:
765       int     refnum  : # pts in refts
766       int     refnz   : # of nonzero pts
767       float * refts   : reference time series
768       int   * refin   : indexes of nonzero pts
770    inputs:
771       result          : convolved result (already initialized to 0)
772       rlen            : length of input data time series (maybe equal)
773       signal          : signal model output
774       siglen          : length of signal time series
775       init            : flag: init result?
776       demean          : flag: demean result?
777 */
convolve_by_ref(float * result,int rlen,float * signal,int siglen,int init,int demean)778 static int convolve_by_ref(float * result, int rlen, float * signal, int siglen,
779                     int init, int demean)
780 {
781    int    ii, jj, kk, jtop;
782    float  val;  /* current reference value to apply */
783    double mean; /* for demeaning result */
785    if( init ) {
786       for( ii=0 ; ii < rlen ; ii++ ) result[ii] = 0.0;
787    }
789    /* TR-locked convolution */
790    for( ii=0 ; ii < refnz ; ii++ ){
791       kk  = refin[ii] ; if( kk >= rlen ) break ;
792       val = refts[kk] ;
794       /* for each point in the impulse, add its val times irf */
795       /* (top index offset is min(irfdur, length-kk-1))    */
796       jtop = rlen - kk ; if( jtop > siglen ) jtop = siglen ;
797       for( jj=0 ; jj < jtop ; jj++ )
798          result[kk+jj] += val * signal[jj];
799    }
801    if( ! demean ) return 0;
803    /* demean the result */
804    mean = 0.0;
805    for( ii=0 ; ii < rlen ; ii++ ) mean += result[ii];
806    mean /= rlen;
807    for( ii=0 ; ii < rlen ; ii++ ) result[ii] -= mean;
809    return 0;
810 }
disp_floats(char * mesg,float * p,int len)812 static int disp_floats(char * mesg, float * p, int len)
813 {
814    int c;
815    if( mesg ) fputs(mesg, stderr);
816    for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) fprintf(stderr," %f ", p[c]);
817    fprintf(stderr,"\n\n");
818    return 0;
819 }
822 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
824 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
825  * for use in signal model
826  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
827 #ifdef PI
828 #undef PI
829 #endif
830 #define PI 3.141592653589793238462643
initialize_model()835 MODEL_interface * initialize_model ()
836 {
837   MODEL_interface * mi = NULL;
839   /*----- first, see if the user wants help -----*/
840   if ( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_PRF_6") ||
841        AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_MODEL_HELP_ALL") ) model_help();
843   /*----- allocate memory space for model interface -----*/
845   mi = (MODEL_interface *) RwcMalloc (sizeof(MODEL_interface));
847   /*----- name of this model -----*/
849   strcpy (mi->label, "Conv_PRF_6");
851   /*----- this is a signal model -----*/
853   mi->model_type = MODEL_SIGNAL_TYPE;
855   /*----- number of parameters in the model -----*/
857   mi->params = 6;
859   /*----- parameter labels -----*/
861   strcpy (mi->plabel[0], "Amp");
862   strcpy (mi->plabel[1], "X");
863   strcpy (mi->plabel[2], "Y");
864   strcpy (mi->plabel[3], "Sigma");
865   strcpy (mi->plabel[4], "SigRat");
866   strcpy (mi->plabel[5], "Theta");
868   /*----- minimum and maximum parameter constraints -----*/
870   /* amplitude, x/y ranges, sigma range, sigrat and theta ranges */
871   mi->min_constr[0] =    -10.0;   mi->max_constr[0] =    10.0;
873   mi->min_constr[1] =    -1.0;    mi->max_constr[1] =     1.0;
874   mi->min_constr[2] =    -1.0;    mi->max_constr[2] =     1.0;
876   mi->min_constr[3] =     0.0;    mi->max_constr[3] =     1.0;
877   mi->min_constr[4] =     1.0;    mi->max_constr[4] =    10.0;
878   mi->min_constr[5] =   -PI/2.0;  mi->max_constr[5] =    PI/2.0;
880   /*----- function which implements the model -----*/
881   mi->call_func = conv_model;
883   return (mi);
884 }
887 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
888 /*
889   Routine to calculate the time series to (hopefully) fit the data.
891   Definition of model parameters (gs[2] > 0)
893          gs[0] = Amp    = amplitude
894          gs[1] = x0     = x-coordinate of gaussian center
895          gs[2] = y0     = y-coordinate of gaussian center
896          gs[3] = sigma  = "width" of gaussian curve
897          gs[4] = sigrat = sigma ratio = sigma_x / sigma_y
898          gs[5] = theta  = angle from "due east"
900   For each TR, integrate g(x,y) over stim aperture dset.
902          g(x,y) = e^-[((x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2)/(2*sigma^2)]
904   The resulting returned time series will be convolved in the
905   parent function.
906 */
signal_model(float * gs,int ts_length,float ** x_array,float * ts_array,int debug)907 static int signal_model
908 (
909   float  * gs,          /* parameters for signal model */
910   int      ts_length,   /* length of time series data */
911   float ** x_array,     /* independent variable matrix */
912   float  * ts_array,    /* estimated signal model time series */
913   int      debug        /* make some noise */
914 )
915 {
916   int    maxind, tmpmax;/* largest dimension */
917   float  A, x, y, sigma;/* model params */
918   float  sigrat, theta;
920   /* assign parameters */
921   A = gs[0];
922   x = gs[1]; y = gs[2];
923   sigma = gs[3]; sigrat = gs[4]; theta = gs[5];
925   if( debug ) fprintf(stderr, "-d model_conv_PRF parameters: "
926                               "A = %f, x = %f, y = %f, sigma = %f\n"
927                               "   sigrat = %f, theta = %f\n"
928                               "   nz = %d, nvals = %d, ts_len = %d\n",
929                       A, x, y, sigma, sigrat, theta,
930                       DSET_NZ(g_saset), DSET_NVALS(g_saset), ts_length);
932   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(g_saset) ) return 0;
934   maxind = ts_length;
935   if( genv_on_grid ) tmpmax = DSET_NX(g_saset);
936   else               tmpmax = DSET_NVALS(g_saset);
938   if( maxind > tmpmax ) maxind = tmpmax;
939   if( maxind == 0 ) return 0;
941   if( debug )
942       fprintf( stderr,"-d NT orig=%d, applied=%d\n", ts_length, maxind);
944   /* time array must be ordered according to stim dset */
945   if( genv_on_grid ) /* scale data directly from grid */
946 {
947 fprintf(stderr,"== rcr - need to apply sigrat, theta on grid\n");
948      fill_scaled_farray(ts_array, maxind, g_saset, x, y, sigma, A, debug);
949 }
950   else
951      fill_computed_farray(ts_array, maxind, g_saset, x, y,
952                           sigma, sigrat, theta, A, debug);
954   if( debug )
955      disp_floats("+d signal model result : ", ts_array, ts_length);
957   return maxind;
958 }
960 /* get j, k, t from x, y, sigma, then copy data */
fill_scaled_farray(float * fdest,int length,THD_3dim_dataset * dsrc,float x,float y,float sigma,float scale,int debug)961 static int fill_scaled_farray(float *fdest, int length, THD_3dim_dataset *dsrc,
962                        float x, float y, float sigma, float scale, int debug)
963 {
964    float * inptr, * outptr;
965    int     nx, ny, nz, nt;
966    int     i, j, k, t;
968    nx = DSET_NX(dsrc);  ny = DSET_NY(dsrc);  nz = DSET_NZ(dsrc);
969    nt = DSET_NVALS(dsrc);
971    if( nx != length ) {
972       fprintf(stderr, "** FSF: nx, len mis-match, %d != %d\n", nx, length);
973       return 1;
974    }
976    /* for j,k, map [-1,1] to [0, ny-1] */
977    j = (int)(0.5+ny*(x+1.0)/2.0); /* x-coord -> j index */
978    if     (j <  0 )   j = 0;
979    else if(j >= ny )  j = ny-1;
981    k = (int)(0.5+nz*(y+1.0)/2.0); /* y-coord -> k index */
982    if     (k <  0 )   k = 0;
983    else if(k >= nz )  k = nz-1;
985    /* init to round(nsteps * fraction of max) */
986    t = (int)(0.5 + genv_sigma_nsteps * sigma / genv_sigma_max);
987    if     ( t <  0 )  t = 0;
988    else if( t >= nt ) t = nt-1;
990    if( debug )
991       fprintf(stderr,"-- fill_array from x=%f, y=%f, s=%f\n"
992                      "   at j=%d, k=%d, t=%d\n",
993               x, y, sigma, j, k, t);
995    inptr = ((float *)DSET_ARRAY(dsrc, t)) + j*nx + k*nx*ny;
996    outptr = fdest;
997    for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ){
998       *outptr = scale**inptr;
999       inptr++;
1000       outptr++;
1001    }
1003    return 0;
1004 }
1007 /* as in fill_scaled_farray, but map x,y,s to i,j,k */
inputs_to_coords(THD_3dim_dataset * dset,float x,float y,float sigma,float sigrat,float theta)1008 static int inputs_to_coords(THD_3dim_dataset * dset, float x, float y,
1009 			    float sigma, float sigrat, float theta)
1010 {
1011    int     nx, ny, nz;
1012    int     i, j, k;
1013    float   eval;
1014    double  A, B, C;
1016    nx = DSET_NX(dset);  ny = DSET_NY(dset);  nz = DSET_NZ(dset);
1018    /* for i,j, map [-1,1] to [0, nx-1] */
1019    /* note, (nx*(x+1.0)/2.0) is in [0,nx], with p(val=nx) very small,  */
1020    /*       so it should be enough to just limit floor(result) to nx-1 */
1021    i = (int)(nx*(x+1.0)/2.0);
1022    if     (i <  0 )   i = 0;
1023    else if(i >= nx )  i = nx-1;
1025    j = (int)(ny*(y+1.0)/2.0);
1026    if     (j <  0 )   j = 0;
1027    else if(j >= ny )  j = ny-1;
1029    /* init to round(nsteps * fraction of max) */
1030    k = (int)(genv_sigma_nsteps * sigma / genv_sigma_max);
1031    if     ( k <  0 )  k = 0;
1032    else if( k >= nz ) k = nz-1;
1034    get_ABC(sigma, sigrat, theta, &A, &B, &C);  /* get exp coefficients */
1035    eval = A*x*x + 2*B*x*y + C*y*y;
1037    fprintf(stderr,"-- fill_array from x=%f, y=%f, s=%f\n"
1038                   "   at i=%d, j=%d, k=%d\n",
1039            x, y, sigma, i, j, k);
1040    fprintf(stderr,"   sigrat=%f, theta=%f, exp=%.3f\n",
1041            sigrat, theta, eval);
1043    return 0;
1044 }
1048 /* compute the response value directly, given parameters:
1049  * - compute at a given index, under the assumption that
1050  *   such computations will be sequential (at least starting from 0)
1051  * - at index 0, a new e^x slice will be computed and
1052  *   applied across time */
fill_computed_farray(float * ts,int tslen,THD_3dim_dataset * dset,float x0,float y0,float sigma,float sigrat,float theta,float A,int debug)1053 static int fill_computed_farray(float * ts, int tslen, THD_3dim_dataset * dset,
1054                          float x0, float y0, float sigma, float sigrat,
1055                          float theta, float A, int debug)
1056 {
1057    static float * sexpgrid = NULL;
1058    static int     snxy=0;
1059    float        * eptr;
1060    byte         * mptr;
1061    double         sum;
1062    int            nx, ny, tind, sind, nmask;
1064    nx = DSET_NX(dset);  ny = DSET_NY(dset);
1066    /* maybe allocate new memory for egrid (hopefully once, "ever") */
1067    if( ! sexpgrid || snxy != nx*ny ) {
1068       if( genv_debug )
1069          fprintf(stderr,"++ alloc egrid, snxy = %d, nxy = %d\n", snxy, nx*ny);
1070       snxy = nx*ny;
1071       if( sexpgrid ) free(sexpgrid);    /* nuke any old copy - maybe never */
1072       sexpgrid = (float *)calloc(snxy, sizeof(float));
1073       if( !sexpgrid ) {
1074          fprintf(stderr,"** PRF egrid alloc failure, nxy = %d\n", snxy);
1075          return 1;
1076       }
1077    }
1079    /* get current e^x grid (scaled to unit area) */
1080    if( compute_e_x_grid(sexpgrid, nx, ny, x0, y0, sigma, sigrat, theta) ) {
1081       fprintf(stderr,"PRF:FCA: e_x_g failure\n");
1082       return 1;
1083    }
1086    /* at each time point, take dot product of mask and gaussian grid */
1087    for( tind = 0; tind < tslen; tind++ ) {
1088       mptr = DBLK_ARRAY(dset->dblk, tind);
1089       eptr = sexpgrid;
1090       sum = 0.0;
1091       nmask = 0;
1092       for( sind = 0; sind < nx*ny; sind++ ) {
1093          if( *mptr++ ) {
1094             nmask++;
1095             sum += *eptr;
1096          }
1097          eptr++;
1098       }
1100       if( debug && genv_debug > 2 )
1101          fprintf(stderr,"-- nmask %03d = %d\n",tind,nmask);
1103       ts[tind] = A * sum;
1104    }
1106    /* if requested, write this 2D gaussian image (one time only) */
1107    if( genv_gauss_file ) {
1108       char hist[256];
1109       sprintf(hist, "\n   == %s\n   x = %g, y = %g, "
1110                     "sigma = %g, sigrat = %g, theta = %g\n",
1111                     g_model_ver, x0, y0, sigma, sigrat, theta);
1112       fprintf(stderr, "++ writing PRF model curve to %s\n%s\n",
1113               genv_gauss_file, hist);
1114       write_gauss_file(genv_gauss_file, sexpgrid, nx, ny, hist);
1116       genv_gauss_file = NULL;  /* clear - no further writes */
1117    }
1119    return 0;
1120 }
1122 /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1123 /* write_gauss_curve */
write_gauss_file(char * fname,float * curve,int nx,int ny,char * hist)1124 static int write_gauss_file(char * fname, float * curve, int nx, int ny,
1125                             char * hist)
1126 {
1127    THD_3dim_dataset * dout;
1128    THD_ivec3          inxyz;
1129    THD_fvec3          origin, delta;
1130    float            * mptr, * dptr;
1131    byte             * bptr;
1132    int                ind;
1134    fprintf(stderr,"++ creating gauss dset (%dx%d)", nx, ny);
1135    dout = EDIT_empty_copy(NULL);
1136    LOAD_IVEC3(inxyz, nx, ny, 1);                               /* nxyz   */
1137    origin.xyz[0] = origin.xyz[1] = -1.0;                       /* origin */
1138    origin.xyz[2] = 0.0;
1139    delta.xyz[0] = delta.xyz[1] = 2.0/(nx-1);                   /* delta */
1140    delta.xyz[2] = 1.0;
1142    EDIT_dset_items(dout, ADN_nxyz,      inxyz,
1143                          ADN_xyzorg,    origin,
1144                          ADN_xyzdel,    delta,
1145                          ADN_prefix,    fname,
1146                          ADN_nvals,     2,
1147                          ADN_none);
1149    /* first is gaussian, second is first mask (to compare orientations) */
1150    /* use NULL to create space, then copy results */
1151    EDIT_substitute_brick(dout, 0, MRI_float, NULL);
1152    EDIT_substitute_brick(dout, 1, MRI_float, NULL);
1154    /* first copy 'curve' to slice 0 */
1155    mptr = DBLK_ARRAY(dout->dblk, 0);
1156    dptr = curve;
1157    for(ind = 0; ind < nx*ny; ind++)
1158       *mptr++ = *dptr++;
1160    /* now fill mask slice */
1161    mptr = DBLK_ARRAY(dout->dblk, 1);
1162    bptr = DBLK_ARRAY(g_saset->dblk, 0);
1163    for(ind = 0; ind < nx*ny; ind++, bptr++)
1164       *mptr++ = (float)*bptr;
1166    dout->daxes->xxorient = ORI_L2R_TYPE;
1167    dout->daxes->yyorient = ORI_P2A_TYPE;
1168    dout->daxes->zzorient = ORI_I2S_TYPE;
1170    if( hist ) tross_Append_History(dout, hist);
1172    fprintf(stderr,", writing");
1173    DSET_write(dout);
1175    DSET_delete(dout);
1176    fprintf(stderr,", done\n");
1178    return 0;
1179 }
1182 /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
1183 /* A = [cos^2(theta) + R^2*sin^2(theta)] / [2R^2sigma^2]
1184  * B = (1-R^2) * sin(2theta) / [4R^2sigma^2]
1185  * C = [sin^2(theta) + R^2*cos^2(theta)] / [2R^2sigma^2]
1186  */
get_ABC(float sigma,float sigrat,float theta,double * A,double * B,double * C)1187 static int get_ABC(float sigma, float sigrat, float theta,
1188             double * A, double * B, double * C)
1189 {
1190    double   R2, R2S2, C2, S2, So2;
1192    R2   = sigrat*sigrat;
1193    R2S2 = 2*R2*sigma*sigma;
1194    C2   = cos(theta)*cos(theta);
1195    S2   = sin(theta)*sin(theta);
1196    So2  = sin(2*theta);
1198    *A = (C2 + R2 * S2)   / R2S2;
1199    *B = (1.0 - R2) * So2 / (2.0 * R2S2);
1200    *C = (S2 + R2 * C2)   / R2S2;
1202    return 0;
1203 }
1206 /* - compute an elliptic Gaussian curve over the current grid,
1207  *   centered at x0, y0, with the given sigma, sigrat and theta
1208  *
1209  * old: fill with e^-[((x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2) / (2*sigma^2)]
1210  * new: e^-[A(x-x0)^2 + 2*B(x-x0)(y-y0) + C(y-y0)^2], where
1211  *      A = [cos^2(theta) + R^2*sin^2(theta)] / [2R^2sigma^2]
1212  *      B = (1-R^2) * sin(2theta)             / [4R^2sigma^2]
1213  *      C = [sin^2(theta) + R^2*cos^2(theta)] / [2R^2sigma^2]
1214  *
1215  * We do not have to be too efficient in computing A,B,C, since those
1216  * are constant across the image.  Only x-x0 and y-y0 vary.
1217  *
1218  * Compute:
1219  *   R^2, 2R^2sigma^2,
1220  *   cos^2(theta), sin^2(theta), sin(2theta)
1221  */
compute_e_x_grid(float * e,int nx,int ny,float x0,float y0,float sigma,float sigrat,float theta)1222 static int compute_e_x_grid(float * e, int nx, int ny, float x0, float y0,
1223                      float sigma, float sigrat, float theta)
1224 {
1225    float  * eptr, eval;
1226    double   wscale, sum;
1227    double   xoff, yoff, expval;
1228    double   A, B, C;
1229    int      ix, iy, eind;
1231    /* maybe we want to track exponent and evaluated exp limits */
1232    float    min_epow=1000, max_epow = 0; /* possibly do limit tracking */
1233    float    min_e2x=1e40, max_e2x = 0;
1234    int      track_limits = (g_iter == genv_diter ||
1235                            (g_iter == 0 && genv_debug > 1));
1238    wscale = 2.0/(nx-1.0);       /* scale [0,nx-1] to [0,2] */
1240    get_ABC(sigma, sigrat, theta, &A, &B, &C);  /* get exp coefficients */
1242    eptr = e;                    /* base pointer */
1243    sum = 0.0;                   /* for scaling to unit integral */
1244    for( iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++ ) {
1245       for( ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++ ) {
1246          xoff = ix*wscale - 1.0f - x0; /* map to [-1,1] and dist from x0 */
1247          yoff = iy*wscale - 1.0f - y0;
1249          /* compute (positive) power of e, will scale by g_exp_ipieces */
1250          eval = A*xoff*xoff + 2*B*xoff*yoff + C*yoff*yoff;
1252          /* do limit tracking (on exponents) */
1253          if( track_limits ) {
1254             if( eval < min_epow ) min_epow = eval;
1255             if( eval > max_epow ) max_epow = eval;
1256          }
1258          /* if large, do not bother computing e^-eval */
1259          if( eval > g_exp_maxval ) {
1260            *eptr++ = 0.0f;
1261            continue;
1262          }
1264          if( eval < 0.0f ) eval = 0.0f;
1266          /* either use precomputed results, or compute e^-x directly */
1267          if( genv_precompute_e2x ) {
1268             eind = (int)(eval*g_exp_ipieces);  /* truncate towards 0? */
1269             if ( eind < g_exp_nvals )
1270                expval = g_exp_ts[eind];
1271             else
1272                expval = 0.0f;
1273          } else
1274             expval = exp(-eval);
1276          sum += expval;
1277          *eptr++ = expval;
1279          /* more limit tracking (on e^-x) */
1280          if( track_limits ) {
1281             if( expval < min_e2x ) min_e2x = expval;
1282             if( expval > max_e2x ) max_e2x = expval;
1283          }
1284       }
1285    }
1287    /* and rescale by 1/sum */
1288    if( sum != 0.0 ) {
1289       sum = 1.0/sum;
1290       for( ix = 0, eptr = e; ix < nx*ny; ix++, eptr++ )
1291          if( *eptr ) *eptr *= sum;
1292    }
1294    /* report results of limit tracking */
1295    if ( track_limits ) {
1296       fprintf(stderr, "=== e2x limits: min_epow = %g, max_epow = %g\n",
1297               min_epow, max_epow);
1298       fprintf(stderr, "=== e2x limits: min_e2x = %g,  max_e2x = %g\n",
1299               min_e2x, max_e2x);
1300    }
1302    return 0;
1303 }
1305 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
model_help(void)1306 static int model_help(void)
1307 {
1308    printf(
1309 "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
1310 "PRF_6  - 6 parameter population receptive field (in visual cortex)\n"
1311 "\n"
1312 "      Revisions from 19 Jun, 2018\n"
1313 "\n"
1314 "         - A factor of 2 was missing on the 'B' term.  The help text\n"
1315 "           was accurate in terms of what the model did, but the equation\n"
1316 "           should have read and now does read '... + 2*B()() + ...\n"
1317 "\n"
1318 "         - Sigma has been changed to be sigma_x/sigma_y, making theta=0\n"
1319 "           wide along the x-axis.  Previously y/x had it along the y-axis.\n"
1320 "\n"
1321 "         - Rotations are now CCW.\n"
1322 "\n"
1323 "         - AFNI_MODEL_PRF_GAUSS_FILE can be used to specify a dataset\n"
1324 "           to write a Gassian curve image to.\n"
1325 "\n"
1326 "      Given stimulus images over time s(x,y,t), find x0, y0, sigma, R and\n"
1327 "      theta values that produce a best fit of the model to the data.  Here\n"
1328 "      x0, y0 are taken to be the center of the population receptive field,\n"
1329 "      sigma is the minor width of it (sigma_y, below), sigrat R is the ratio\n"
1330 "      (sigma_x / sigma_y), and theta is the counter clockwise rotation from\n"
1331 "      the x-direction major axis (so zero is in the positive x-direction).\n"
1332 "\n"
1333 "      We assume sigma_x >= sigma_y and refer to sigrat >= 1, since that\n"
1334 "      sufficiently represents all possibilities.  The reciprocol would\n"
1335 "      come from the negative complimentary angle, and would therefore be a\n"
1336 "      redundant solution (if we allowed sigrat < 1).\n"
1337 "\n"
1338 "      So theta represents the CCW rotation of the major axis from x+.\n"
1339 "\n"
1340 "      parameter domains:\n"
1341 "         x,y        : [-1,1] (x=-1 means left edge of mask, +1 means right)\n"
1342 "                             (similarly for y)\n"
1343 "         sigma      : (0,1], where 1 means the mask radius\n"
1344 "         R (sigrat) : [1,inf), since sigma defines the smaller size\n"
1345 "         theta      : [-PI/2, PI/2), since rotation by PI has no effect\n"
1346 "\n"
1347 "      The model function of x0, y0, sigma, R and theta is constructed as\n"
1348 "      follows:\n"
1349 "\n"
1350 "         1. generate a 2-D elliptical Gaussian density function,\n"
1351 "            centered at x0, y0, with given sigma, R (=sigma_x/sigma_y),\n"
1352 "            and theta (CCW rotation of major direction from positive x):\n"
1353 "\n"
1354 "            -> pRF model g(x,y) = generalized 2-D Gaussian\n"
1355 "\n"
1356 "                e^-(A(x-x0)^2 + 2*B(x-x0)(y-y0) + C(y-y0)^2), where\n"
1357 "\n"
1358 "                     cos^2(theta)     sin^2(theta)\n"
1359 "                 A = ------------  +  ------------\n"
1360 "                      2sigma_x^2       2sigma_y^2\n"
1361 "\n"
1362 "                       sin(2theta)     sin(2theta)\n"
1363 "                 B =   -----------  -  -----------     (signs mean CCW rot)\n"
1364 "                       4sigma_x^2      4sigma_y^2\n"
1365 "\n"
1366 "                     sin^2(theta)     cox^2(theta)\n"
1367 "                 C = ------------  +  ------------\n"
1368 "                      2sigma_x^2       2sigma_y^2\n"
1369 "\n"
1370 "            Substituting sigma_x = R*sigma_y, sigma_y = sigma yields,\n"
1371 "\n"
1372 "                     cos^2(theta) + R^2*sin^2(theta)\n"
1373 "                 A = -------------------------------\n"
1374 "                               2*R^2sigma^2\n"
1375 "\n"
1376 "                               sin(2theta)\n"
1377 "                 B = (1-R^2) * -----------\n"
1378 "                               4*R^2sigma^2\n"
1379 "\n"
1380 "                     sin^2(theta) + R^2*cos^2(theta)\n"
1381 "                 C = -------------------------------\n"
1382 "                               2*R^2sigma^2\n"
1383 "\n"
1384 "--------------------------------------------------\n"
1385 "To use this model function:\n"
1386 "\n"
1387 "   1. Generate the stimulus time series (currently, images must be square).\n"
1388 "\n"
1389 "      This should be a 2D+time dataset of visual stimuli over time.  They\n"
1390 "      are viewed as binary masks by the model function.\n"
1391 "\n"
1392 "    * If results are computed on a restricted grid (which is much faster\n"
1393 "      and is the default (see AFNI_MODEL_PRF_ON_GRID)), the resolution of\n"
1394 "      those X,Y results will come directly from this stimulus dataset.\n"
1395 "      It might be reasonable to have this be 100 or 200 (or 101 or 201)\n"
1396 "      voxels on a side.\n"
1397 "\n"
1398 "\n"
1399 "    **** Years have gone by, and I still have not implemented the speed-up\n"
1400 "         for AFNI_MODEL_PRF_ON_GRID.  Please leave it set to NO for now.\n"
1401 "\n"
1402 "\n"
1403 "    * The amount of memory used for the precomputation should be the size\n"
1404 "      of this dataset (in float format) times AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_NSTEPS.\n"
1405 "      It is converted to floats because it is blurred internally.\n"
1406 "      The default AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_NSTEPS is 100.\n"
1407 "\n"
1408 "   2. Scale and demean the input EPI time series data.\n"
1409 "\n"
1410 "      Scaling is done to put the amplitude values into a reasonable (i.e.\n"
1411 "      expected) range, such as by scaling it to a fraction of the mean\n"
1412 "      (or maybe twice that).\n"
1413 "\n"
1414 "      Setting the mean to zero is done so that no baseline modeling is\n"
1415 "      needed (though it might be good to model drifts in the future).\n"
1416 "\n"
1417 "   3. Generate a convolution reference time series, such as one for GAM.\n"
1418 "      This should be on the same TR grid, which is 2 in this example.\n"
1419 "\n"
1420 "      3dDeconvolve -nodata 10 2 -polort -1                \\\n"
1421 "                   -num_stimts 1 -stim_times 1 '1D:0' GAM \\\n"
1422 "                   -x1D conv.ref.GAM.1D\n"
1423 "\n"
1424 "   4. Set up environment variables to control execution:\n"
1425 "\n"
1426 "      setenv AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF conv.ref.GAM.1D\n"
1427 "      setenv AFNI_MODEL_PRF_STIM_DSET stim.144.bmask.resam+tlrc\n"
1428 "\n"
1429 "   5. And execute:\n"
1430 "\n"
1431 "      3dNLfim -input epi.scale.demean+tlrc \\\n"
1432 "              -noise Zero                  \\\n"
1433 "              -signal Conv_PRF_6           \\\n"
1434 "              -sconstr 0 -10.0 10.0        \\\n"
1435 "              -sconstr 1 -1.0 1.0          \\\n"
1436 "              -sconstr 2 -1.0 1.0          \\\n"
1437 "              -sconstr 3 0.0 1.0           \\\n"
1438 "              -sconstr 4 1.0 4.0           \\\n"
1439 "              -sconstr 5 -1.571 1.570      \\\n"
1440 "              -BOTH                        \\\n"
1441 "              -nrand 10000                 \\\n"
1442 "              -nbest 5                     \\\n"
1443 "              -bucket 0 buck.PRF           \\\n"
1444 "              -snfit snfit.PRF\n"
1445 "\n"
1446 "--------------------------------------------------\n"
1447 "environment variables:\n"
1448 "\n"
1449 "   -----------------------------------\n"
1450 "   required:\n"
1451 "\n"
1452 "      AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF          : specify convolution reference file\n"
1453 "\n"
1454 "         e.g. setenv AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF conv.ref.GAM.1D\n"
1455 "\n"
1456 "         The file this specifies should contain a (short?) impulse\n"
1457 "         response function, such as made in step #3, above.\n"
1458 "\n"
1459 "      AFNI_MODEL_PRF_STIM_DSET    : specify visual stimulus dataset\n"
1460 "\n"
1461 "         e.g. setenv AFNI_MODEL_PRF_STIM_DSETstim.144.bmask.resam+tlrc\n"
1462 "\n"
1463 "         This should be a 2D+time dataset of stimulus images over TRs.\n"
1464 "         It will be converted to a byte mask over the visual field.\n"
1465 "\n"
1466 "   -----------------------------------\n"
1467 "   optional (for use with pre-computed grid):\n"
1468 "\n"
1469 "      AFNI_MODEL_PRF_ON_GRID      : Y/N - use pre-computed solutions\n"
1470 "\n"
1471 "\n"
1472 "         *** This has not been coded yet.  If there is strong interest,\n"
1473 "             please let me know, though no promises are being made.\n"
1474 "\n"
1475 "\n"
1476 "      AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_MAX    : specify maximum allowable sigma\n"
1477 "\n"
1478 "         e.g. setenv AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_MAX 2.0\n"
1479 "         e.g. default 1.0\n"
1480 "\n"
1481 "         Applies directly to AFNI_MODEL_PRF_ON_GRID.\n"
1482 "\n"
1483 "         Use this variable to set the maximum pre-computed sigma.\n"
1484 "         This should probably match the sconstr value for sigma.\n"
1485 "\n"
1486 "      AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_NSTEPS : specify number of pre-computed sigmas\n"
1487 "\n"
1488 "         e.g. setenv AFNI_MODEL_PRF_SIGMA_NSTEPS 50\n"
1489 "         e.g. default 100\n"
1490 "\n"
1491 "         Applies directly to AFNI_MODEL_PRF_ON_GRID.\n"
1492 "\n"
1493 "         Use this variable to set the number of pre-computed sigma values.\n"
1494 "         Note that the resolution of pre-computed sigma values will be the\n"
1496 "\n"
1497 "   -----------------------------------\n"
1498 "   helpful:\n"
1499 "\n"
1500 "      AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_PRF_6  : Y/N - output this help\n"
1501 "\n"
1502 "         e.g. setenv AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_PRF_6 YES\n"
1503 "\n"
1504 "         When set, the model initialization function will output this help.\n"
1505 "\n"
1506 "         Consider:\n"
1507 "\n"
1508 "            3dNLfim -signal Conv_PRF_6\n"
1509 "\n"
1510 "         or more directly (without setenv):\n"
1511 "\n"
1512 "            3dNLfim -DAFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_PRF_6=Y -signal Conv_PRF_6 \n"
1513 "\n"
1514 "      AFNI_MODEL_DEBUG            : specify debug/verbosity level\n"
1515 "\n"
1516 "         e.g. setenv AFNI_MODEL_DEBUG 2\n"
1517 "\n"
1518 "         Be more verbose.  Valid levels are from 0 to 3, currently.\n"
1519 "\n"
1520 "      AFNI_MODEL_DITER            : specify debug iteration\n"
1521 "\n"
1522 "         e.g. setenv AFNI_MODEL_DITER 999\n"
1523 "\n"
1524 "         Get extra debug info at some iteration.\n"
1525 "\n"
1526 "      AFNI_MODEL_PRF_GAUSS_FILE   : specify dataset prefix for Gauss curve\n"
1527 "\n"
1528 "         e.g. setenv AFNI_MODEL_PRF_GAUSS_FILE gauss_curve\n"
1529 "\n"
1530 "         Write a 2-D image with the Gaussian curve, which is helpful\n"
1531 "         for checking the parameters.  This works best when used via\n"
1532 "         the get_afni_model_PRF_6 program.\n"
1533 "\n"
1534 "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
1535 "   Written for E Silson and C Baker.\n"
1536 "\n"
1537 "   R. Reynolds                                        27 June, 2014\n"
1538 "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
1539    );
1541     return 0 ;
1542 }