1 /*****************************************************************************
2    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
3    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
4    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
6    Based on model_conv_diffgamma.c.
8    Written for C Connolly and Felix, requested on the AFNI message board,
9    regarding a "hemodynamic model incorporating an initial dip".
11    The model is from:
13         Fully Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Modeling of FMRI Data
14         IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
15         Volume 23, Issue 2, February 2004, Pages 213-231
16         Woolrich, M.W., Jenkinson, M., Brady, J.M., Smith, S.M.
18    The model consists of 4 half-cosines, of duration m1, m2, m3, m4:
20         - the first half falling from 0 down to -c1
21         - the second half rising from -c1 up to 1
22         - the next first half falling from 1 down to -c2
23         - the next second half rising from -c2 back to 0
25         - plus an overall amplitude A, of course
27    This function will process parameters with amplitudes first:
29         A, c1, c2, m1, m2, m3, m4
31    Note that all parameters returned should be non-negative, except
32    possibly A.  For a somewhat standard response to a brief event, one
33    might expect parameters near:
35         c1 = .25
36         c2 = .5
37         m1 = 1.0
38         m2 = 3.0
39         m3 = 4.0
40         m4 = 4.0
42    But of course, estimating the parameters is the point of this function.
44    R. Reynolds                                             6 Sep 2013
45 ******************************************************************************/
47 #include "NLfit_model.h"
49 static int     refnum  = 0 ;     /* # pts in refts */
50 static int     refnz   = 0 ;     /* # of nonzero pts */
51 static int     g_debug = 0 ;     /* debug level */
52 static int     g_diter = -1 ;    /* debug iteration number */
53 static float * refts   = NULL ;  /* reference time series */
54 static int   * refin   = NULL ;  /* indexes of nonzero pts */
56 int signal_model( float * , int , float ** , float *, int );
58 static int   disp_floats(char * mesg, float * p, int len);
59 static int   model_help(void);
61 void conv_model( float *  gs      , int     ts_length ,
62                  float ** x_array , float * ts_array   );
64 #define ERREX(str) ( fprintf(stderr,"\n*** %s\a\n",str) , exit(1) )
66 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
67    Function to set the reference time series, with which the
68    model function is convolved to produce the simulated data.
69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
conv_set_ref(int num,float * ref)71 void conv_set_ref( int num , float * ref )
72 {
73    if( num > 0 && ref != NULL ){ /*** if have inputs, make space & copy in ***/
74       int ii ;
76       /* get rid of old data */
78       if(refts != NULL){ free(refts); refts = NULL; free(refin); refin = NULL; }
80       refnum = num ;
81       refts  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * num ) ;
82       refin  = (int *)   malloc( sizeof(int)   * num ) ;
83       memcpy( refts , ref , sizeof(float) * num ) ;
84       for( ii=0,refnz=0 ; ii < num ; ii++ )        /* build list of nonzero */
85          if( refts[ii] != 0.0 ) refin[refnz++] = ii ;    /* points in refts */
86       if( refnz == 0 )
87          ERREX("model_conv_cosine4: All zero reference timeseries!") ;
89       if( g_debug ) {
90          fprintf(stderr,"+d conv_set_ref: num=%d nonzero=%d\n",num,refnz) ;
91          if( g_debug > 1 ) {
92             fprintf(stderr,"  TR locked stimuli :");
93             for( ii = 0; ii < refnz; ii++ ) fprintf(stderr," %d", refin[ii]);
94             fputc('\n',stderr);
95          }
96       }
98       return ;
100    } else { /*** if no inputs, read it from AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF 1D file ***/
102      char * cp ;
103      MRI_IMAGE * flim ;
105      cp = my_getenv("AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF") ;  /* get name of reference file */
106      if( cp == NULL )
107         ERREX("model_conv_cosine4: need ref file as AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF") ;
109      flim = mri_read_1D(cp) ;      /* 16 Nov 1999: replaces mri_read_ascii */
110      if( flim == NULL ){
111         char buf[256] ;
112         sprintf(buf,"model_conv_cosine4: Can't read timeseries file %s",cp) ;
113         ERREX(buf) ;
114      }
116      if( g_debug )
117         fprintf(stderr,"+d conv_set_ref: refts=%s  nx=%d\n",cp,flim->ny) ;
119      conv_set_ref( flim->nx , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim) ) ;  /* recursion! */
120      mri_free(flim) ;
121    }
122    return ;
123 }
125 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
126   Function to compute the simulated time series.
127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
conv_model(float * gs,int ts_length,float ** x_array,float * ts_array)129 void conv_model( float *  gs      , int     ts_length ,
130                  float ** x_array , float * ts_array   )
131 {
132    int ii, jj,jtop , kk;
133    int cur_debug = 0, irfdur=0;
134    float val;
136    static int     iter = -1;     /* iteration number */
138    static int     nid = 0 ;      /* number of pts in impulse */
139    static float * fid = NULL;    /* impulse response function */
141    /*----- check for env vars -----*/
143    iter++ ;
144    if( iter == 0 ) {
145       double dval = AFNI_numenv("AFNI_MODEL_DITER");
146       if( dval >= 1.0 ) g_diter = (int)dval;  /* zero is failure */
147       dval = AFNI_numenv("AFNI_MODEL_DEBUG");
148       if( dval >= 1.0 ) g_debug = (int)dval;
149       if(g_debug) fprintf(stderr,"\n+d TR = %f\n", x_array[1][1]-x_array[0][1]);
150    }
152    /*** make sure there is a reference function to convolve with ***/
154    if( refnum <= 0 ) conv_set_ref( 0 , NULL ) ;
156    /* to clean up, particularly as a parameter */
157    cur_debug =  (iter == g_diter || (iter == 0 && g_debug > 1));
158    if( cur_debug ) disp_floats("+d params: ", gs, 8);
160    /*** initialize the output ***/
162    for( ii=0 ; ii < ts_length ; ii++ ) ts_array[ii] = 0.0 ;
164    /*** initialize the impulse response ***/
166    if( nid < ts_length ){              /* make some space for it */
167       if( fid ) free(fid) ;
168       nid = ts_length ;
169       fid = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nid ) ;
170    }
172    /* compute first and second impulse functions */
173    irfdur = signal_model(gs, ts_length, x_array, fid, cur_debug);
175    /*** loop over each nonzero point in the reference ***/
177    /* TR-locked convolution */
178    for( ii=0 ; ii < refnz ; ii++ ){
179       kk  = refin[ii] ; if( kk >= ts_length ) break ;
180       val = refts[kk] ;
182       /* for each point in the impulse, add its val times irf */
183       /* (top index offset is min(irfdur, ts_length-kk-1))    */
184       jtop = ts_length - kk ; if( jtop > irfdur ) jtop = irfdur ;
185       for( jj=0 ; jj < jtop ; jj++ )
186          ts_array[kk+jj] += val * fid[jj];
187    }
189    if( cur_debug ) disp_floats("+d conv    : ", ts_array, ts_length);
191    return ;
192 }
disp_floats(char * mesg,float * p,int len)194 static int disp_floats(char * mesg, float * p, int len)
195 {
196    int c;
197    if( mesg ) fputs(mesg, stderr);
198    for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) fprintf(stderr," %f ", p[c]);
199    fprintf(stderr,"\n\n");
200    return 0;
201 }
204 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
initialize_model()208 MODEL_interface * initialize_model ()
209 {
210   MODEL_interface * mi = NULL;
212   /*----- first, see if the user wants help -----*/
213   if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_MODEL_HELP_CONV_COSINE4") ||
214         AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_MODEL_HELP_ALL") ) model_help();
216   /*----- allocate memory space for model interface -----*/
218   mi = (MODEL_interface *) RwcMalloc (sizeof(MODEL_interface));
220   /*----- name of this model -----*/
222   strcpy (mi->label, "ConvCosine4");
224   /*----- this is a signal model -----*/
226   mi->model_type = MODEL_SIGNAL_TYPE;
228   /*----- number of parameters in the model -----*/
230   mi->params = 7;
232   /*----- parameter labels -----*/
234   strcpy (mi->plabel[0], "A");  /* might get fixed at 1.0 here */
235   strcpy (mi->plabel[1], "C1");
236   strcpy (mi->plabel[2], "C2");
237   strcpy (mi->plabel[3], "M1");
238   strcpy (mi->plabel[4], "M2");
239   strcpy (mi->plabel[5], "M3");
240   strcpy (mi->plabel[6], "M4");
242   /*----- minimum and maximum parameter constraints -----*/
244   /* first 3 are amplitudes, last 4 are durations */
245   /* (first amplitude may be fixed at 1.0 and computed externally) */
246   mi->min_constr[0] =  -500.0;    mi->max_constr[0] =   500.0;
248   mi->min_constr[1] =     0.0;    mi->max_constr[1] =     1.0;
249   mi->min_constr[2] =     0.0;    mi->max_constr[2] =     5.0;
251   mi->min_constr[3] =     0.0;    mi->max_constr[3] =     5.0;
252   mi->min_constr[4] =     0.0;    mi->max_constr[4] =    20.0;
253   mi->min_constr[5] =     0.0;    mi->max_constr[5] =    20.0;
254   mi->min_constr[6] =     0.0;    mi->max_constr[6] =    20.0;
256   /*----- function which implements the model -----*/
257   mi->call_func = conv_model;
259   return (mi);
260 }
263 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
264  * for use in signal model
265  *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
266 #ifdef PI
267 #undef PI
268 #endif
269 #define PI 3.141592653589793238462643
271 /* F(t) is cosine on one interval:
272  *
273  *   HEIGHT     : height of single cosine (i.e. cos(t) gets scaled by HEIGHT)
274  *   POFF       : PI offset, either 0 or PI, depending on where curve starts
275  *   TOFF       : time offset = 0, M1, M1+M2 or M1+M2+M3
276  *   DUR        : duration, Mi
277  *   NBASE      : negative base value (minimum), i.e. C1 or C2
278  *   t          : current time value
279  */
280 #ifdef F
281 #undef F
282 #endif
284         ((HEIGHT) * cos((POFF) + PI*((t)-(TOFF)) / (DUR)) + (HEIGHT) - (NBASE))
286 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
287 /*
288   Routine to calculate the time series which results from using the
289   gamma variate drug response signal model with the specified
290   model parameters.
292   Note: gs[0,1] were reversed from those in model_convgamma.
294   Definition of model parameters (all >=0, except for gs[0])
296          gs[0] = A  = multiplicitive constant
297          gs[1] = C1 = magnitude of initial undershoot
298          gs[2] = C2 = magnitude of post-undershoot
299          gs[3] = M1 = duration of fall from 0 to min pre-undershoot
300          gs[4] = M2 = duration of rise from pre-undershoot to peak
301          gs[5] = M3 = duration of fall from peak to min post-undershoot
302          gs[6] = M4 = duration of rise from post-undershoot back to 0
304   Return the non-zero duration of the resulting impulse response function,
305   as array length.
306 */
signal_model(float * gs,int ts_length,float ** x_array,float * ts_array,int debug)307 int signal_model
308 (
309   float  * gs,          /* parameters for signal model */
310   int      ts_length,   /* length of time series data */
311   float ** x_array,     /* independent variable matrix */
312   float  * ts_array,    /* estimated signal model time series */
313   int      debug        /* make some noise */
314 )
315 {
316   int    it, nt;                        /* time index, num non-zero points */
317   double t;                             /* time */
318   double A, C1, C2, M1, M2, M3, M4;     /* input parameters */
319   double H1, H2, H3, H4;                /* curve heights */
320   double T02, T03, T04, T05;            /* time interval dividers */
322   /* assign parameters */
323   A  = gs[0];
324   C1 = gs[1]; C2 = gs[2];
325   M1 = gs[3]; M2 = gs[4]; M3 = gs[5]; M4 = gs[6];
327   if( debug ) fprintf(stderr,"-d A=%.3f, C1=%.3f, C2=%.3f\n,"
328                              "M1=%.3f, M2=%.3f, M3=%.3f, M4=%.3f\n",
329                       A, C1, C2, M1, M2, M3, M4);
331   /* make a list of t0 values, skipping T01=0.0 */
332   T02 = M1;
333   T03 = M1 + M2;
334   T04 = M1 + M2 + M3;
335   T05 = M1 + M2 + M3 + M4;
337   /* and heights */
338   H1  = C1/2.0;
339   H2  = (1.0 + C1)/2.0;
340   H3  = (1.0 + C2)/2.0;
341   H4  = C2/2.0;
343   /* do not assume time array is ordered? */
344   nt = 0;       /* largest time point applied */
345   for( it=0;  it < ts_length;  it++){
346      t = x_array[it][1];
348      /* if not in bounds, skip this time */
349      if( t < 0 || t > T05 ) { ts_array[it] = 0.0; continue; }
351      /* track number of usable indices */
352      nt = it + 1;
354      /* set values per interval (do not assume time is ordered or regular?) */
355      if     ( t <  T02 ) ts_array[it] = F(H1, 0.0, 0.0, M1, C1, t);
356      else if( t <  T03 ) ts_array[it] = F(H2,  PI, T02, M2, C1, t);
357      else if( t <  T04 ) ts_array[it] = F(H3, 0.0, T03, M3, C2, t);
358      else /* t <= T05 */ ts_array[it] = F(H4,  PI, T04, M4, C2, t);
359   }
361   for( it=0;  it < nt;  it++) ts_array[it] *= A;  /* scale by amplitude */
363   if( debug )
364      disp_floats("+d signal model  : ", ts_array, ts_length);
366   return nt;
367 }
369 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
model_help(void)370 static int model_help(void)
371 {
372    printf(
373 "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
374 "ConvCosine4    - sum of 4 half-cosine curves\n"
375 "\n"
376 "   This model is from the paper:\n"
377 "\n"
378 "        Fully Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Modeling of FMRI Data\n"
379 "        IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,\n"
380 "        Volume 23, Issue 2, February 2004, Pages 213-231\n"
381 "        Woolrich, M.W., Jenkinson, M., Brady, J.M., Smith, S.M.\n"
382 "\n"
383 "   The model consists of 4 half-cosines, of duration m1, m2, m3, m4,\n"
384 "   respectively, all scaled by an amplitude A:\n"
385 "\n"
386 "        - the first half falling from 0 down to -c1\n"
387 "        - the second half rising from -c1 up to 1\n"
388 "        - the next first half falling from 1 down to -c2\n"
389 "        - the next second half rising from -c2 back to 0\n"
390 "\n"
391 "     1 |    /\\\n"
392 "  0___ |   /  \\\n"
393 "   -c1 | \\/    \\  /     - each of 4 'segments' is a half cosine, either\n"
394 "       |        \\/ -c2     falling (first half) or rising (second half)\n"
395 "       +------------\n"
396 "        ||  |   |  |\n"
397 "        HI  J   K  L\n"
398 "\n"
399 "   time H = 0           (starting time of response)\n"
400 "        I = m1          (duration of falling segment)\n"
401 "        J = m1+m2       (plus duration m2 of rising segment)\n"
402 "        K = m1+m2+m3    (plus duration m3 of falling segment)\n"
403 "        L = m1+m2+m3+m4 (plus duration m4 of rising segment)\n"
404 "\n"
405 "   This function will process parameters with amplitudes first:\n"
406 "\n"
407 "        A, c1, c2, m1, m2, m3, m4\n"
408 "\n"
409 "   Note that all parameters returned should be positive, except\n"
410 "   possibly A.  For a somewhat standard response to a brief event,\n"
411 "   one might expect parameters near or maybe 50%% longer:\n"
412 "\n"
413 "        c1 = .25\n"
414 "        c2 = .5\n"
415 "        m1 = 1.0\n"
416 "        m2 = 3.0\n"
417 "        m3 = 4.0\n"
418 "        m4 = 4.0\n"
419 "\n"
420 "--------------------------------------------------\n"
421 "To use this model function:\n"
422 "\n"
423 "   1. Generate a stimulus event file.  This is like a stimulus timing\n"
424 "      file but is just a 1D file of TR-locked events, where a 1 denotes\n"
425 "      a stimulus event.  Note that a 0/1 file is not necessary.  If there\n"
426 "      is a reason to use a range of stim event magnitudes, they will be\n"
427 "      convolved into the model, if that is what the user wishes\n"
428 "\n"
429 "      This should be a vertical text file of stimulus events or magnitudes.\n"
430 "      A simple example would be just having an event at the first TR.  The\n"
431 "      file could be a single line containing '1' in such a case, e.g.\n"
432 "\n"
433 "         echo 1 > cos4_stim_file.1D\n"
434 "\n"
435 "      If there is interest, using a non-TR-locked stimulus timing file\n"
436 "      could be added.\n"
437 "\n"
438 "   2. Set the environment variable AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF to the name of the\n"
439 "      stimulus event file from step 1.\n"
440 "\n"
441 "        tcsh:  setenv AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF cos4_stim_file.1D\n"
442 "        bash:  export AFNI_CONVMODEL_REF=cos4_stim_file.1D\n"
443 "\n"
444 "   3. Run 3dNLfim as usual, e.g.,\n"
445 "\n"
446 "         3dNLfim -input epi_data+tlrc    \\\n"
447 "                 -noise Quadratic        \\\n"
448 "                 -signal ConvCosine4     \\\n"
449 "                 -sconstr 0 0.8 1.2      \\\n"
450 "                 -sconstr 1 0.2 0.3      \\\n"
451 "                 -sconstr 2 0.3 0.7      \\\n"
452 "                 -sconstr 3 0.5 1.5      \\\n"
453 "                 -sconstr 4 2 4          \\\n"
454 "                 -sconstr 5 3 5          \\\n"
455 "                 -sconstr 6 3 5          \\\n"
456 "                 -BOTH                   \\\n"
457 "                 -ignore 0               \\\n"
458 "                 -nrand 10000            \\\n"
459 "                 -nbest 10               \\\n"
460 "                 -jobs 4                 \\\n"
461 "                 -bucket 0 buck.cos4     \\\n"
462 "                 -snfit snfit.cos4\n"
463 "\n"
464 "--------------------------------------------------\n"
465 "   For C Connolly and Felix, requested on the AFNI message board.\n"
466 "\n"
467 "   R. Reynolds                                        10 Sep 2013\n"
468 "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
469    );
471     return 0 ;
472 }