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5#   See COPYING file distributed along with the NiBabel package for the
6#   copyright and license terms.
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9""" Testing spatialimages
12from ..py3k import BytesIO
14import numpy as np
16from ..spatialimages import (Header, SpatialImage, HeaderDataError,
17                             ImageDataError)
19from unittest import TestCase
21from nose.tools import (assert_true, assert_false, assert_equal,
22                        assert_not_equal, assert_raises)
24from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal
27def test_header_init():
28    # test the basic header
29    hdr = Header()
30    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.float32))
31    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (0,))
32    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (1.0,))
33    hdr = Header(np.float64)
34    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.float64))
35    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (0,))
36    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (1.0,))
37    hdr = Header(np.float64, shape=(1,2,3))
38    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.float64))
39    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (1,2,3))
40    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
41    hdr = Header(np.float64, shape=(1,2,3), zooms=None)
42    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.float64))
43    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (1,2,3))
44    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
45    hdr = Header(np.float64, shape=(1,2,3), zooms=(3.0, 2.0, 1.0))
46    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.float64))
47    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (1,2,3))
48    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (3.0, 2.0, 1.0))
51def test_from_header():
52    # check from header class method.  Note equality checks below,
53    # equality methods used here too.
54    empty = Header.from_header()
55    assert_equal(Header(), empty)
56    empty = Header.from_header(None)
57    assert_equal(Header(), empty)
58    hdr = Header(np.float64, shape=(1,2,3), zooms=(3.0, 2.0, 1.0))
59    copy = Header.from_header(hdr)
60    assert_equal(hdr, copy)
61    assert_false(hdr is copy)
62    class C(object):
63        def get_data_dtype(self): return np.dtype('u2')
64        def get_data_shape(self): return (5,4,3)
65        def get_zooms(self): return (10.0, 9.0, 8.0)
66    converted = Header.from_header(C())
67    assert_true(isinstance(converted, Header))
68    assert_equal(converted.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype('u2'))
69    assert_equal(converted.get_data_shape(), (5,4,3))
70    assert_equal(converted.get_zooms(), (10.0,9.0,8.0))
73def test_eq():
74    hdr = Header()
75    other = Header()
76    assert_equal(hdr, other)
77    other = Header('u2')
78    assert_not_equal(hdr, other)
79    other = Header(shape=(1,2,3))
80    assert_not_equal(hdr, other)
81    hdr = Header(shape=(1,2))
82    other = Header(shape=(1,2))
83    assert_equal(hdr, other)
84    other = Header(shape=(1,2), zooms=(2.0,3.0))
85    assert_not_equal(hdr, other)
88def test_copy():
89    # test that copy makes independent copy
90    hdr = Header(np.float64, shape=(1,2,3), zooms=(3.0, 2.0, 1.0))
91    hdr_copy = hdr.copy()
92    hdr.set_data_shape((4,5,6))
93    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (4,5,6))
94    assert_equal(hdr_copy.get_data_shape(), (1,2,3))
95    hdr.set_zooms((4,5,6))
96    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (4,5,6))
97    assert_equal(hdr_copy.get_zooms(), (3,2,1))
98    hdr.set_data_dtype(np.uint8)
99    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.uint8))
100    assert_equal(hdr_copy.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.float64))
103def test_shape_zooms():
104    hdr = Header()
105    hdr.set_data_shape((1, 2, 3))
106    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (1,2,3))
107    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (1.0,1.0,1.0))
108    hdr.set_zooms((4, 3, 2))
109    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (4.0,3.0,2.0))
110    hdr.set_data_shape((1, 2))
111    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (1,2))
112    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (4.0,3.0))
113    hdr.set_data_shape((1, 2, 3))
114    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (1,2,3))
115    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (4.0,3.0,1.0))
116    # null shape is (0,)
117    hdr.set_data_shape(())
118    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_shape(), (0,))
119    assert_equal(hdr.get_zooms(), (1.0,))
120    # zooms of wrong lengths raise error
121    assert_raises(HeaderDataError, hdr.set_zooms, (4.0, 3.0))
122    assert_raises(HeaderDataError,
123                        hdr.set_zooms,
124                        (4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0))
125    # as do negative zooms
126    assert_raises(HeaderDataError,
127                        hdr.set_zooms,
128                        (4.0, 3.0, -2.0))
131def test_data_dtype():
132    hdr = Header()
133    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.float32))
134    hdr.set_data_dtype(np.float64)
135    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.float64))
136    hdr.set_data_dtype('u2')
137    assert_equal(hdr.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.uint16))
140def test_affine():
141    hdr = Header(np.float64, shape=(1,2,3), zooms=(3.0, 2.0, 1.0))
142    assert_array_almost_equal(hdr.get_default_affine(),
143                                    [[-3.0,0,0,0],
144                                     [0,2,0,-1],
145                                     [0,0,1,-1],
146                                     [0,0,0,1]])
147    hdr.default_x_flip = False
148    assert_array_almost_equal(hdr.get_default_affine(),
149                                    [[3.0,0,0,0],
150                                     [0,2,0,-1],
151                                     [0,0,1,-1],
152                                     [0,0,0,1]])
153    assert_array_equal(hdr.get_base_affine(),
154                             hdr.get_default_affine())
157def test_read_data():
158    hdr = Header(np.int32, shape=(1,2,3), zooms=(3.0, 2.0, 1.0))
159    fobj = BytesIO()
160    data = np.arange(6).reshape((1,2,3))
161    hdr.data_to_fileobj(data, fobj)
162    assert_equal(fobj.getvalue(),
163                       data.astype(np.int32).tostring(order='F'))
164    fobj.seek(0)
165    data2 = hdr.data_from_fileobj(fobj)
166    assert_array_equal(data, data2)
169class DataLike(object):
170    # Minimal class implementing 'data' API
171    shape = (3,)
172    def __array__(self):
173        return np.arange(3)
176class TestSpatialImage(TestCase):
177    # class for testing images
178    image_class = SpatialImage
180    def test_isolation(self):
181        # Test image isolated from external changes to header and affine
182        img_klass = self.image_class
183        arr = np.arange(3, dtype=np.int16)
184        aff = np.eye(4)
185        img = img_klass(arr, aff)
186        assert_array_equal(img.get_affine(), aff)
187        aff[0,0] = 99
188        assert_false(np.all(img.get_affine() == aff))
189        # header, created by image creation
190        ihdr = img.get_header()
191        # Pass it back in
192        img = img_klass(arr, aff, ihdr)
193        # Check modifying header outside does not modify image
194        ihdr.set_zooms((4,))
195        assert_not_equal(img.get_header(), ihdr)
197    def test_float_affine(self):
198        # Check affines get converted to float
199        img_klass = self.image_class
200        arr = np.arange(3, dtype=np.int16)
201        img = img_klass(arr, np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32))
202        assert_equal(img.get_affine().dtype, np.dtype(np.float64))
203        img = img_klass(arr, np.eye(4, dtype=np.int16))
204        assert_equal(img.get_affine().dtype, np.dtype(np.float64))
206    def test_images(self):
207        # Assumes all possible images support int16
208        # See https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/issues/58
209        arr = np.arange(3, dtype=np.int16)
210        img = self.image_class(arr, None)
211        assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), arr)
212        assert_equal(img.get_affine(), None)
213        hdr = self.image_class.header_class()
214        hdr.set_data_shape(arr.shape)
215        hdr.set_data_dtype(arr.dtype)
216        assert_equal(img.get_header(), hdr)
218    def test_data_api(self):
219        # Test minimal api data object can initialize
220        img = self.image_class(DataLike(), None)
221        assert_array_equal(img.get_data(), np.arange(3))
222        assert_equal(img.shape, (3,))
224    def test_data_default(self):
225        # check that the default dtype comes from the data if the header
226        # is None, and that unsupported dtypes raise an error
227        img_klass = self.image_class
228        hdr_klass = self.image_class.header_class
229        data = np.arange(24, dtype=np.int32).reshape((2,3,4))
230        affine = np.eye(4)
231        img = img_klass(data, affine)
232        assert_equal(data.dtype, img.get_data_dtype())
233        header = hdr_klass()
234        img = img_klass(data, affine, header)
235        assert_equal(img.get_data_dtype(), np.dtype(np.float32))
237    def test_data_shape(self):
238        # Check shape correctly read
239        img_klass = self.image_class
240        # Assumes all possible images support int16
241        # See https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/issues/58
242        arr = np.arange(4, dtype=np.int16)
243        img = img_klass(arr, np.eye(4))
244        assert_equal(img.shape, (4,))
245        img = img_klass(np.zeros((2,3,4)), np.eye(4))
246        assert_equal(img.shape, (2,3,4))
248    def test_str(self):
249        # Check something comes back from string representation
250        img_klass = self.image_class
251        # Assumes all possible images support int16
252        # See https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/issues/58
253        arr = np.arange(5, dtype=np.int16)
254        img = img_klass(arr, np.eye(4))
255        assert_true(len(str(img)) > 0)
256        assert_equal(img.shape, (5,))
257        img = img_klass(np.zeros((2,3,4), dtype=np.int16), np.eye(4))
258        assert_true(len(str(img)) > 0)
260    def test_get_shape(self):
261        # Check there is a get_shape method
262        # (it is deprecated)
263        img_klass = self.image_class
264        # Assumes all possible images support int16
265        # See https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/issues/58
266        img = img_klass(np.arange(1, dtype=np.int16), np.eye(4))
267        assert_equal(img.get_shape(), (1,))
268        img = img_klass(np.zeros((2,3,4), np.int16), np.eye(4))
269        assert_equal(img.get_shape(), (2,3,4))