3# python3 status: started
5# lib_textdata.py : I/O utilities for 1D/timing/married data files
7# created 16 Aug, 2010 [rickr]
9import sys, os, math
11def write_1D_file(data, filename, as_rows=0, space=' '):
12    """data can be 1D or 2D array of floats, write one index per line
13       If 2D data, each element is treated as a column (unless as_rows).
15       For tabbed output, consider space = '\t'.
17       return 0 on success"""
19    if type(data) != type([]):
20        print("** write_1D_file, invalid type: %s" % type(data))
21        return 1
23    try: fp = open(filename, 'w')
24    except:
25        print("** failed to open '%s' for writing 1D" % filename)
26        return 1
28    if len(data) == 0:  # an empty file then
29        fp.close()
30        return 0
32    if type(data[0]) == type([]):       # multi-column
33        if as_rows:
34            for row in data:
35                fp.write("%s\n" % space.join(["%g" % val for val in row]))
36        else:
37            nt = len(data[0])
38            for col in data:
39                if len(col) != nt:
40                    print('** write_1D_file: columns not of equal lengths')
41                    return 1
43            for ind in range(nt):
44                fp.write("%s\n" % space.join(["%g"%col[ind] for col in data]))
46    else:                               # single column
47        for val in data:
48            fp.write('%g\n' % val)
50    fp.close()
52    return 0
54def read_1D_file(filename, nlines=-1, marry_ok=0, verb=1):
55    """read a simple 1D file into a float matrix, and return the matrix
56       - skip leading '#', return a 2D array of floats"""
59    data, clines, alist = read_married_file(filename, nlines=nlines, verb=verb)
60    if data == None:
61       print('** failed to read 1D file %s' % filename)
62       return None
64    if married_type(data) and not marry_ok:
65       print("** file %s is in married format" % filename)
66       return None
68    if not data_is_rect(data):
69       print("** file %s is not rectangular" % filename)
70       return None
72    # return just the initial entries
73    retmat = [[val[0] for val in row] for row in data]
75    del(data)
76    del(clines)
77    del(alist)
79    return retmat
81def read_data_file(filename, nlines=-1, marry_ok=0, verb=1):
82    """read a numerical text file (1D or timing, say) into a float matrix,
83       and return the matrix and comment lines
84       - skip leading '#', return a 2D array of floats and 1D array of text"""
86    data, clines, alist = read_married_file(filename, nlines=nlines, verb=verb)
87    if data == None:
88       if verb > 0: print('** failed to read text data file %s' % filename)
89       return None, None
91    if married_type(data) and not marry_ok:
92       if verb > 0: print("** file %s is in married format" % filename)
93       return None, None
95    # return just the initial entries
96    retmat = [[val[0] for val in row] for row in data]
98    del(data)
99    del(alist)
101    return retmat, clines
103def read_married_file(filename, nlines = -1, verb = 1):
104    """akin to read_data_file, but instead of returning a 2D array of floats,
105       return a 2D array of married elements, where each element is of the
106       form: [time, [modulators], duration]
107          - all numbers are returned as floats
108          - time will always be set
109          - modulators may be empty (see common stim_times format)
110          - duration may be None (see common stim_times format)
111       The expected format of file element is:
112          time*mod1*mod2*...*modN:duration
113       Should we allow different separators?
115       return
116          - married data matrix
117          - comment list
118          - astcounts list (count of '*' characters per data line)
119    """
121    if filename == '-' or filename == 'stdin':
122        fp = sys.stdin
123    else:
124       try: fp = open(filename, 'r')
125       except:
126           if verb > 0: print("** failed to open 1D file '%s'" % filename)
127           return None, None, None
129    if verb > 1: print("+d TD:read_married_file %s" % filename)
131    retmat = []
132    clines = []
133    astcounts = []
134    lnum   = 0
135    data = fp.read()
136    fp.close()
137    all_lines = data.splitlines()
138    for lind in range(len(all_lines)):
139        full_line = all_lines[lind]
140        if 0 <= nlines <= lnum: break   # then stop early
142        # nuke anything after first comment, proceed with line
143        line = full_line
144        cind = full_line.find('#')
145        if cind >= 0:
146            line = full_line[0:cind]
147            cline = full_line[cind:]
148            clines.append(cline)
149            if verb > 2: print("-- have comment line: %s" % cline)
151        # check for lines to skip
152        if not line:
153            if verb > 3: print("... skipping empty line:")
154            continue
155        if line.isspace():
156            if verb > 3: print("... skipping blank line:")
157            continue
158        if line[0] == '\0':
159            if verb > 2: print("have comment line: %s" % line)
160            clines.append(line)
161            continue
163        # process the line
164        if verb > 3: print('-- processing line #%d: %s' % (lind, line))
165        rv, mlist, acount = process_one_data_line(line, verb)
166        if rv: return None, None, None
167        if verb > 4: print('++ mlist = %s' % mlist)
169        retmat.append(mlist)    # even if empty
170        astcounts.append(acount)
172        if verb > 3: print("+d line %d, length %d" % (lnum, len(retmat[lnum])))
173        lnum += 1
175    # now just check for consistency
176    if not married_mat_is_consistent(retmat, filename, verb=verb):
177       return None, None, None
179    return retmat, clines, astcounts
181def married_mat_is_consistent(mmat, fname, verb=1):
182    """just check for consistency: same number of modulators and
183                                   if one duration, all have one
184    """
185    ind = 0
186    ttok = None
187    while ind < len(mmat):
188      if len(mmat[ind]) > 0:
189         ttok = mmat[ind][0]
190         break
191      ind += 1
192    if ttok: # have something to test, else empty mmat
193      modlen = len(ttok[1])
194      moddur = ttok[2] > 0      # have duration
195      for lind in range(len(mmat)):
196         line = mmat[lind]
197         for entry in line:
198            if len(entry[1]) != modlen:
199               if verb:
200                  print("** married file %s, line %d: inconsistent num" \
201                        " modulators: %d vs %d"                         \
202                        % (fname, lind, modlen, len(entry[1])))
203               return 0
204            if moddur and entry[2]<=0:
205               if verb:
206                  print("** married file %s, line %d:"                  \
207                        " inconsistent use of duration: dur (%g) <= 0"  \
208                        % (fname, lind, entry[2]))
209            if not moddur and entry[2]>0:
210               if verb:
211                  print("** married file %s, line %d:"                   \
212                        " inconsistent use of duration: should be zero"  \
213                        % (fname, lind))
214               return 0
216    return 1 # yay
218def process_one_data_line(line, verb=1):
219   """return an array of [time, [modulators], duration] elements
220        - lines should not be empty (or comments)
221        - skip '*' tokens (should be only way to get empty line)
222        - look for married elements
224      The returned acount is the number of '*'/',' found on this line.
226      If any tokens are married, they should all have the same format.
228      return result, [time tokens] [acounts] (result = 0 if OK, 1 on error)
229   """
231   if not line:
232      print('** PODL: should not have empty line')
233      return 1, [], 0
234   if line.isspace():
235      print('** PODL: should not have blank line')
236      return 1, [], 0
237   if line[0] == '\0' or line[0] == '#':
238      print('** PODL: should not have comment line')
239      return 1, [], 0
241   tokens   = line.split()
242   inc_warn = 1         # do not warn of inconsistency more than once
243   res_sep  = None      # separator list result
244   res_list = []        # result list
245   acount = 0
246   for tok in tokens:
247      # for '*', just check first char (in case it is married)    5 Dec 2016
248      if tok[0] == '*':
249         if verb > 2: print("-- data file: skipping '*'")
250         acount += 1
251         continue
252      vals, seps = split_token(tok)
253      if verb > 3:
254         print("found token = '%s'\n  vals = %s\n  seps = %s" \
255               % (tok, vals, seps))
257      # check for valid floats
258      try: fvals = [float(val) for val in vals]
259      except:
260         if verb > 0: print("** unusable token, bad floats : %s" % tok)
261         if verb > 0: print("   line = %s" % line)
262         return 1, [], acount
264      # first time, copy the sep list
265      if res_sep == None: res_sep = seps[:]
267      # just compare for separator consistency (inconsistent if not)
268      if res_sep != seps and inc_warn:
269         print('** warning: inconsistent separators on line: %s' % line)
270         inc_warn = 0
272      # see what is here: just time, with duration, or only with modulators
273      # duration is 0 unless otherwise specified
274      if len(seps) == 0:    res_list.append([fvals[0], [], 0])
275      elif seps[-1] == ':': res_list.append([fvals[0], fvals[1:-1], fvals[-1]])
276      else:                 res_list.append([fvals[0], fvals[1:], 0])
278   return 0, res_list, acount
280def split_token(tdata, seplist=[':','*',',']):
281   """
282      like str.split(), but allow a list of separators, and return
283      the corresponding list of separators (length should be one less
284      than the length of the value list) along with the list of elements,
285      i.e. return [split values] [separators]
286   """
288   # deal with empty token or no separators first
289   if len(tdata) == 0: return [''], []
291   toks = []
292   seps = []
293   start = 0    # start position for next token
294   for posn in range(len(tdata)):
295      if tdata[posn] in seplist:
296         toks.append(tdata[start:posn])
297         seps.append(tdata[posn])
298         start = posn + 1
300   # and append the final token
301   toks.append(tdata[start:])
303   return toks, seps
305def married_type(mdata):
306    """return whether there are modulators or durations
307       (need only check first non-empty element, as consistency is required)
309       return a bit mask:
311          return 0 : simple times
312          return 1 : has amplitude modulators
313          return 2 : has duration modulators
314          return 3 : has both
315    """
317    rv = 0
318    for lind in range(len(mdata)):
319       line = mdata[lind]
320       if len(line) > 0:
321         ttok = line[0]
322         if len(ttok[1]) > 0: rv |= 1   # has amp mods
323         if ttok[2] > 0:      rv |= 2   # has dur mods
324         break
325    return rv
327def data_is_rect(mdata):
328    """return whether the number of columns is consistent across rows"""
329    if mdata == None: return 1
330    if len(mdata) == 0: return 1
331    rlen = len(mdata[0])
332    for row in mdata:
333        if len(row) != rlen: return 0
334    return 1
336def main():
337   if len(sys.argv) > 2:
338      if sys.argv[1] == '-eval':
339         print(eval(' '.join(sys.argv[2:])))
340         return 0
342   print('lib_textdata.py: not intended as a main program')
343   return 1
345if __name__ == '__main__':
346   sys.exit(main())