3# python3 status: started
5# Timing library, accessed via timing_tool.py.
7# - offers class AfniTiming
9# R Reynolds    December, 2008
11import sys
12from afnipy import module_test_lib
13g_testlibs = ['sys', 'math', 'copy']
14if module_test_lib.num_import_failures(g_testlibs): sys.exit(1)
16# import libraries
17import math
18import copy
19from afnipy import afni_util as UTIL
20from afnipy import lib_afni1D as LD
22g_marry_AM_methods = ['lin_run_fraq', 'lin_event_index']
23g_tsv_def_labels   = ['onset', 'duration', 'trial_type']
25# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26# AfniTiming class - for stim times that are married with
27#                    either time intervals or magnitudes
29class AfniTiming(LD.AfniData):
30   def __init__(self, filename="", dur=-1, mdata=None, fsl_flist=[], verb=1):
31      """AFNI married stimulus timing class"""
33      super(AfniTiming, self).__init__(filename, mdata=mdata,
34                                       fsl_flist=fsl_flist, verb=verb)
36      # initialize duration data
37      if self.ready: self.init_durations(dur)
39      if self.verb > 3: self.show()
41   # old accessor functions from AfniTiming
42   def add_rows(self, newdata):
43      """add newdata.nrows of data (additional runs), return 0 on success"""
44      if not self.ready or not newdata.ready:
45         print('** AMTiming elements not ready for adding rows (%d,%d)' % \
46               (self.ready, newdata.ready))
47         return 1
49      if self.verb > 1: print('++ Timing: adding %d rows' % newdata.nrows)
51      if self.mtype != newdata.mtype:
52         print('** add rows: mis-match mtypes (%d vs. %d)' \
53               % (self.mtype, newdata.mtype))
55      # get data and mdata
56      edata = copy.deepcopy(newdata.data)
57      self.data.extend(edata)
59      edata = copy.deepcopy(newdata.mdata)
60      self.mdata.extend(edata)
62      self.nrows += newdata.nrows
64      if self.row_lens and newdata.row_lens:
65         self.row_lens.extend(newdata.row_lens)
67      return 0
69   def init_durations(self, dur=-1):
70      """initialize ddata as format [start_time, end_time]
71      """
73      # start with general format
74      if not self.ready: return
76      # if dur is passed, first apply it
77      if dur >= 0:
78         for row in self.mdata:
79            for entry in row: entry[2] = dur
81      self.ddata = []
82      for row in self.mdata:
83         self.ddata.append([[val[0],val[0]+val[2]] for val in row])
85      if   dur  > 0: self.mtype |= LD.MTYPE_DUR # set bit
86      elif dur == 0: self.mtype &= LD.MTYPE_AMP # only allow AMP to go through
87      # else leave as is
89      self.dur_len = dur
91   def set_dur_len(self):
92      self.dur_len = self.get_duration()
94   def extend_rows(self, newdata):
95      """extend each row by the corresponding row of brows"""
97      if self.extend_data_rows(newdata): return 1
99      # if interval lengths are not equal, must clear it
100      if self.dur_len != newdata.dur_len: self.dur_len = -1
102      return 0
104   def get_start_end_timing(self, sort=0):
105      """return a 2D array of [start, finish] times (so 3D object)"""
106      sftimes = []
107      for row in self.mdata:
108         # if married, include modulators
109         if self.married:
110            times = [[e[0],e[0]+e[2], e[1]] for e in row]
111         else:
112            times = [[e[0],e[0]+e[2]] for e in row]
113         if sort: times.sort()
114         sftimes.append(times)
115      return sftimes
117   def partition(self, part_file, prefix):
118      """partition timing based on part_file labels, write each part to
119         prefix_label.1D"""
121      if not self.ready:
122         print('** Timing element not ready for partitioning')
123         return 1
125      labels = read_value_file(part_file)
126      if labels == None:
127         print("** failed to read partition label file '%s'" % part_file)
128         return 1
130      nlabr = len(labels)
132      if self.verb > 3: print('-- partition: %d labels: %s' % (nlabr, labels))
134      # first test nrows, then test lengths per row
135      if self.nrows != nlabr:
136         print('** Timing nrows differs from partition nrows (%d, %d)' % \
137               (self.nrows,nlabr))
138         return 1
139      for ind in range(self.nrows):
140         if len(self.data[ind]) != len(labels[ind]):
141            print("** timing and label row lengths differ at line %d"%(ind+1))
142            print("   (%d != %d)" % (len(self.data[ind]), len(labels[ind])))
143            return 1
145      # make unique label list
146      ulabs = []
147      for line in labels:
148         ulabs.extend(line)
149      ulabs = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(ulabs)
150      if self.verb > 2: print('-- partition: unique label list: %s' % ulabs)
151      if ulabs.count('0'): ulabs.remove('0')
153      if self.verb > 1: print('++ Timing: partitioning with %s' % part_file)
155      # ------------------------------------------------------------
156      # do the work, starting with copy:
157      # for each label, extract those times and write out as timing file
158      dupe = self.copy()        # keep results in new class instance
159      for lab in ulabs:
160         # extract timing for this label 'lab'
161         mdata = []
162         for r in range(nlabr):
163            drow = []           # make one row of times for this label
164            for c in range(len(labels[r])):
165               if labels[r][c] == lab: drow.append(self.mdata[r][c])
166            mdata.append(drow)  # and append the new row
167         del(dupe.mdata)        # out with the old,
168         dupe.mdata = mdata     # and in with the new
169         dupe.write_times('%s_%s.1D' % (prefix,lab))    # and write, yay
171      del(dupe)                 # nuke the temporary instance
173      return 0
175   def global_to_local(self, run_len):
176      """convert global times to local, based in run_len array
177         return 0 on success, 1 on any error"""
179      if not self.ready:
180         print('** global timing not ready')
181         return 1
183      if len(run_len) == 0:
184         print('** global_to_local requires -run_len')
185         return 1
187      if not self.is_rect():
188         print('** global timing is not rectangular')
189         return 1
191      rlen = len(self.mdata[0])         # note row length
193      if rlen > 1:
194         print('** global timing is not a single column')
195         return 1
197      if rlen < 1: return 0             # nothing to do
198      if self.nrows < 2: return 0       # nothing to do
200      # make just one row and sort
201      self.transpose()
202      self.sort()
204      if self.verb > 2:
205         self.show('global_to_local')
206         print('-- run lengths : %s' % run_len)
208      if self.verb > 4:
209         print('-- global start time matrix %s' % self.data)
211      # now walk through runs and insert times as we go
212      newdata = []
213      newmdata = []
214      endtime = 0.0
215      sind = 0
216      stimes = self.mdata[0]
217      ntimes = len(stimes)
218      for etime in run_len:
219         starttime = endtime
220         endtime += etime
221         if sind >= ntimes:  # only empty runs left
222            newdata.append([])
223            newmdata.append([])
224            continue
225         # times are left, decide which go for this run
226         last = sind
227         while last < ntimes and stimes[last][0] < endtime: last += 1
228         mtimes = stimes[sind:last]
229         for tentry in mtimes: tentry[0] -= starttime
230         newdata.append([t[0] for t in mtimes])
231         newmdata.append(mtimes)
232         sind = last
234      # insert any remaining times at end of last run(and warn user)
235      if sind < ntimes:
236         if self.verb > 0:
237            print('** global to local: %d times after last run' % (ntimes-sind))
238         mtimes = stimes[sind:]
239         for tentry in mtimes: tentry[0] -= starttime
240         newdata[-1].extend([t[0] for t in mtimes])
241         newmdata[-1].extend(mtimes)
243      del(self.data)
244      del(self.mdata)
245      self.data = newdata
246      self.mdata = newmdata
247      self.nrows = len(self.mdata)
249      if self.verb > 4:
250         print('-- local time matrix %s' % newdata)
252      return 0
254   def local_to_global(self, run_len):
255      """convert local times to global times, based in run_len array
256         return 0 on success, 1 on any error"""
258      if not self.ready:
259         print('** local timing not ready')
260         return 1
262      if len(run_len) != self.nrows:
263         print('** local_to_global: have %d run times but %d data rows' \
264               % (len(run_len), self.nrows))
265         return 1
267      # make sure it is sorted for this
268      self.sort()
270      if self.verb > 2:
271         self.show('local_to_global')
272         print('-- run lengths : %s' % run_len)
274      if self.verb > 4:
275         print('-- local time matrix %s' % self.data)
277      # now walk through runs and insert times as we go
278      newdata = []
279      newmdata = []
280      runstart = 0.0
281      for rind, rtime in enumerate(run_len):
282         # each new time is a new row
283         mrow = copy.deepcopy(self.mdata[rind])
284         for ind, mtime in enumerate(mrow):
285            mtime[0] += runstart
286            newdata.append([mtime[0]])
287            newmdata.append([mtime])
288         runstart += rtime      # last one is useless
290      del(self.data)
291      self.data = newdata
292      del(self.mdata)
293      self.mdata = newmdata
294      self.nrows = len(self.data)
296      if self.verb > 4:
297         print('-- global time matrix %s' % newdata)
299      return 0
301   def add_val(self, val):
302      """add the given value to each element"""
303      if not self.ready: return 1
305      if type(val) == str:
306         try: val = float(val)
307         except:
308            print("** invalid value to add to timing: '%s'" % val)
309            return 1
311      if self.verb > 1: print('-- Timing: adding %f to data...' % val)
313      for row in self.data:
314         for ind in range(len(row)):
315            row[ind] += val
317      for row in self.mdata:
318         for ind in range(len(row)):
319            row[ind][0] += val
321      return 0
323   def shift_to_offset(self, offset=0):
324      """shift all run times to start at the given offset
325         (offset should be <= first values)"""
327      if not self.ready: return 1
329      if type(offset) == str:
330         try: offset = float(offset)
331         except:
332            print("** invalid offset to add to timing: '%s'" % offset)
333            return 1
335      if self.verb > 1: print('-- timing: setting offset to %f ...' % offset)
337      # make sure it is sorted for this
338      self.sort()
340      del(self.data)
341      self.data = []
343      for rind, row in enumerate(self.mdata):
344         if len(row) < 1:
345            self.data.append([])
346            continue
347         diff = row[0][0] - offset
348         if diff < 0:
349            print('** offset shift to %f too big for run %d' % (offset, rind))
350            return 1
351         for ind in range(len(row)):
352            row[ind][0] -= diff
353         self.data.append([e[0] for e in row])
355      return 0
357   def scale_val(self, val):
358      """multiply the given value into each element"""
359      if not self.ready: return 1
361      if type(val) == type('hi'):
362         try: val = float(val)
363         except:
364            print("** invalid value to scale into timing: '%s'" % val)
365            return 1
367      if self.verb > 1: print('-- Timing: scaling data by %f ...' % val)
369      for row in self.data:
370         for ind in range(len(row)):
371            row[ind] *= val
373      for row in self.mdata:
374         for ind in range(len(row)):
375            row[ind][0] *= val
377      return 0
379   def round_times(self, tr, round_frac=1.0):
380      """round/truncate times to multiples of the TR
382         round_frac : fraction of TR required to "round up"
383                      e.g. 0.5  : normal rounding
384                           1.0  : never round up, floor()
385                           0.0  : always round up, ceil()
386      """
387      if not self.ready: return 1
388      if tr <= 0:
389         print("** truncate_times: invalid tr %s" % tr)
390         return 1
392      # convert to fraction to add before truncation (and be sure of type)
393      try: rf = 1.0 - round_frac
394      except:
395         print("** truncate_times: invalid round_frac '%s'" % round_frac)
396         return 1
398      try: tr = float(tr)
399      except:
400         print("** truncate_times: invalid tr '%s'" % tr)
401         return 1
403      if rf < 0.0 or rf > 1.0:
404         print("** truncate_times: bad round_frac outside [0,1]: %s" % rf)
405         return 1
407      if self.verb > 1:
408         print('-- Timing: round times to multiples of %s (frac = %s)'%(tr,rf))
410      # fr to use for floor and ceil (to assist with fractional TRs)
411      if tr == math.floor(tr): tiny = 0.0
412      else:                    tiny = 0.0000000001
414      # scale mdata and re-create data
415      del(self.data)
416      self.data = []
417      for row in self.mdata:
418         for ind in range(len(row)):
419            # start with TR index
420            tind = row[ind][0]/tr
421            # note that rf = 0 now means floor and 1 means ceil
423            # add/subract a tiny fraction even for truncation
424            if rf == 1.0   :
425               if tind == 0: val = 0.0  # to avoid tiny negatives
426               else:         val = math.ceil(tind-tiny) * tr
427            elif rf == 0.0 : val = math.floor(tind+tiny) * tr
428            else           : val = math.floor(tind+rf) * tr
429            row[ind][0] = val
430         self.data.append([e[0] for e in row])
432      return 0
434   def marry_AM(self, mtype, rlens=[], nplaces=-1):
435      """add modulator of given type
437         lin_run_fraq     : [0,1] modulator = event time/run dur
438         lin_run_fraq_off : [0,1] modulator = event time from first/run dur
439         lin_event_index  : 0, 1, 2, ... = event index
441         if rlens is needed should match len(mdata)
442      """
443      if not self.ready: return 1
444      # g_marry_AM_methods = ['lin_run_fraq', 'lin_event_index']
446      if mtype not in g_marry_AM_methods:
447         print("** marry_AM: invalid mod type '%s'" % mtype)
448         return 1
450      if len(rlens) == 1 and len(self.mdata) > 1:
451         rlens = rlens*len(self.mdata)
453      # most types need the run lengths
454      if mtype != 'lin_event_index':
455         nruns = len(self.mdata)
456         nlens = len(rlens)
457         if nlens == 0:
458            print('** marry_AM needs run lengths')
459            return 1
460         if nlens != nruns:
461            print('** marry_AM: have %d runs but %d run lengths'%(nruns, nlens))
462            return 1
464      # append the modulator to each event in mdata
465      for rind, mrun in enumerate(self.mdata):
466         if mtype == 'lin_event_index': rlen = 0
467         else:                          rlen = rlens[rind]
469         for ind, event in enumerate(mrun):
470            if mtype == 'lin_event_index':
471               mval = ind+1
472            elif mtype == 'lin_run_fraq':
473               mval = event[0]/float(rlen)
474               if nplaces >= 0:
475                  power = 10.0**nplaces
476                  mval = int(power*mval)/power
477            event[1].append(mval)
479      # and be sure it is married
480      self.married = 1
481      self.mtype |= LD.MTYPE_AMP
483      return 0
485   def write_times(self, fname='', nplaces=-1, mplaces=-1, force_married=0):
486      """write the current M timing out, with nplaces right of the decimal
488         if force_married, force to married timing, if appropriate
489      """
491      # inherited from lib_afni1D
492      simple = 1
493      if force_married:
494         self.write_dm = 1
495         simple = 0
496      self.write_as_timing(fname, nplaces=nplaces, mplaces=mplaces,
497                                  check_simple=simple)
499      return 0
501   def timing_to_1D(self, run_len, tr, min_frac, per_run=0, allow_warns=0,
502                    write_mods=0):
503      """return a 0/1 array of trs surviving min_frac cutoff
505                run_len   : list of run durations, in seconds
506                            (each must encompass the last stimulus, of course)
507                tr        : time resolution of output 1D file
508                min_frac  : minimum TR fraction occupied by stimulus required
509                            for a set value in output array
510                            (must be in [0.0, 1.0])
511                per_run   : if set, result is list of runs, else catenated
512                write_mods: if set, do not write 1.0, but the modulator
514         return an error string and the 0/1 array
515                (on success, the error string is '')
516      """
518      if self.verb > 2:
519         print("-- t21D: per_run %s, allow_wars %s, write_mods %s" \
520               % (per_run, allow_warns, write_mods) )
522      # maybe the user provided only one run length
523      if self.nrows > 0 and len(run_len) == 1:
524         run_len = [run_len[0]] * self.nrows
526      errstr, result, modres = self.timing_to_tr_frac(run_len, tr, per_run,
527                               allow_warns=allow_warns, write_mods=write_mods)
529      if errstr != '' or len(result) < 1: return errstr, result
531      if per_run:
532         new_res = []
533         for rind, row in enumerate(result):
534            thr_res = self.get_threshold_list(row, min_frac)
535            # if write_mods, convert binary to modulator
536            if write_mods:
537               mrow = modres[rind]
538               if len(mrow) == len(thr_res):
539                  for ind in range(len(thr_res)): thr_res[ind] *= mrow[ind]
540            new_res.append(thr_res)
541      else:
542         new_res = self.get_threshold_list(result, min_frac)
543         # if write_mods, convert binary to modulator
544         if write_mods and len(modres) == len(new_res):
545            for ind in range(len(new_res)): new_res[ind] *= modres[ind]
547      del(result)
548      del(modres)
550      return '', new_res
552   def get_threshold_list(self, data, min_val):
553      """return a 0/1 copy of 'data', with each value set iff >= min_val"""
554      result = [0 for ind in range(len(data))]
555      for ind, val in enumerate(data):
556         if val >= min_val: result[ind] = 1
557      return result
559   def timing_to_tr_frac(self, run_len, tr, per_run=0, allow_warns=0,
560                         write_mods=0):
561      """return an array of stim fractions, where is value is the fraction
562         of the current TR occupied by stimulus
564         --> if per_run is set, output will be one row per run
566         The output will be of length sum(TRs per run) and will be in [0,1.0].
567         Note that a single stimulus can span multiple TRs.
569         ** save this comment for elsewhere
570         ** save min_tr_frac for elsewhere
571                min_tr_frac     : minimum fraction of a TR required to set it
572                                  (must be in (0.0, 1.0])
573         Note that if they are not TR-locked and min_tr_frac <= 0.5, then
574         one stimulus lasting one TR but occuring on the half TR can result
575         in a pair of consecutive 1s.
576         ** end save
578                run_len         : list of run durations, in seconds
579                                  (each must encompass the last TR, of course)
580                tr              : time resolution of output 1D file
581                per_run         : make a list of results (else all one)
582                allow_warns     : make some issues non-fatal
583                write_mods      : return mod values along with tr fractions
585         On success, the error string should be empty and stim_list should not.
587         return error string, stim list, mod list (if write_mods)
589         ** testing **
591         import math, copy
592         from afnipy import afni_util as UTIL, lib_timing as LT
593         reload LT
594         t = LT.AfniTiming('ch_fltr.txt')
595         t.timing_to_tr_frac(run_len, 2.5)
596         t.timing_to_1D(run_len, 2.5, 0.3)
597      """
599      if not self.ready:
600         return '** M Timing: nothing to compute ISI stats from', [], []
602      #if not self.mtype & LD.MTYPE_DUR:
603      #   return '** M Timing: cannot compute stats without stim duration', []
605      if self.nrows != len(self.data):
606         return '** bad MTiming, nrows=%d, datalen=%d, failing...' % \
607               (self.nrows, len(self.data)), [], []
609      if self.nrows != len(run_len):
610         return '** run_len list is %d of %d runs in timing_to_1D: %s'   \
611               % (len(run_len), self.nrows, run_len), [], []
613      if tr <= 0.0:
614         return '** timing_to_tr, illegal TR <= 0: %g' % tr, [], []
616      if write_mods and not self.married:
617         print("** to1D: asking for modulatros, but times are not married")
618         write_mods = 0
620      # make a sorted copy of format run x stim x [start,end], i.e. is 3-D
621      tdata = self.get_start_end_timing(sort=1)
623      if self.verb > 1:
624         if write_mods: mstr = ', will write mods'
625         else:          mstr = ''
626         print('-- timing_to_tr_fr, tr = %g, nruns = %d%s' \
627               % (tr,len(run_len),mstr))
629      # need to check each run for being empty
630      for ind, data in enumerate(tdata):
631          if len(data) < 1: continue
632          if data[-1][1] > run_len[ind] or run_len[ind] < 0:
633             entry = data[-1]
634             if entry[0] > run_len[ind] or run_len[ind] < 0:
635                return '** run %d, stim starts after end of run' % (ind+1),[],[]
636             elif not allow_warns:
637                return '** run %d, stim ends after end of run' % (ind+1), [],[]
638             else:
639                # entry[1] > run_len[ind]
640                print('** WARNING: run %d stim ends after end of run'%(ind+1))
641                print('            onset %g, offset %g, end of run %g' \
642                      % (entry[0], entry[1], run_len[ind]))
643                print('        --> truncating end time')
644                entry[1] = entry[0] + 0.99*(run_len[ind]-entry[0])
646      result = []
647      modres = []   # for modulated results
648      # process one run at a time, first converting to TR indices
649      for rind, data in enumerate(tdata):
650         if self.verb > 4:
651            print('\n++ stimulus on/off times, run %d :' % (rind+1))
652            print(data)
654         for tind in range(len(data)):  # convert seconds to TRs
655            data[tind][0] = round(data[tind][0]/float(tr),3)
656            data[tind][1] = round(data[tind][1]/float(tr),3)
658            if tind > 0 and data[tind][0] < data[tind-1][1]:
659               if allow_warns:
660                  print('** run %d, index %d, stimulus overlap with next' \
661                         % (rind, tind))
662               else:
663                  return '** run %d, index %d, stimulus overlap with next' \
664                         % (rind, tind), [], []
666         if self.verb > 4:
667            print('++ stimulus on/off TR times, run %d :' % (rind+1))
668            print(data)
669         if self.verb > 3:
670            print('++ tr fractions, run %d :' % (rind+1))
671            print([data[tind][1]-data[tind][0] for tind in range(len(data))])
673         # do the real work, for each stimulus, fill appropriate tr fractions
674         # init frac list with TR timing (and enough TRs for run)
675         num_trs = int(math.ceil(run_len[rind]/float(tr)))
676         if self.verb>2: print('-- TR frac: have %d TRs and %d events over run'\
677                               % (num_trs, len(data)))
678         rdata = [0] * num_trs
679         mdata = [0] * num_trs
680         for sind in range(len(data)):
681            # note the first and last time indices
682            start  = data[sind][0]      # initial TR (fractional) time
683            end    = data[sind][1]      # end TR time
684            startp = int(start)         # initial TR index
685            endp   = int(end)           # end TR index
687            # and decide on any modval, in case of write_mods
688            modval = 0.0
689            if write_mods:
690               if len(data[sind]) < 3:
691                  print("** married but missing mods to write in %d: %s" \
692                        % (sind, data[sind]))
693                  write_mods = 0
694               elif len(data[sind][2]) == 0:
695                  print("** married but no mods to write in %d: %s" \
696                        % (sind, data[sind]))
697                  write_mods = 0
698               else:
699                  modval = data[sind][2][0]
701            # deal with easy case : quick process of single TR result
702            if endp == startp:
703               rdata[startp] = end-start
704               mdata[startp] = modval
705               continue
707            # otherwise, fill startp, intermediate, and endp fractions
708            # (start and end are probably < 1, intermediates are 1)
709            rdata[startp] = round(1-(start-startp),3)
710            for tind in range(startp+1,endp):
711               rdata[tind] = 1.0
712            rdata[endp] = round(end-endp, 3)
714            # if mods, just write all startp through endp as modval
715            if write_mods:
716               for tind in range(startp,endp+1):
717                  mdata[tind] = modval
719         if self.verb > 3:
720            print('\n++ timing_to_tr_fr, result for run %d:' % (rind+1))
721            print(' '.join(["%g" % r for r in rdata]))
722            if write_mods:
723               print(' '.join(["%g" % r for r in mdata]))
725         if per_run:
726            result.append(rdata)
727            modres.append(mdata)
728         else:
729            result.extend(rdata)
730            modres.extend(mdata)
732      del(tdata)
733      del(rdata)
734      del(mdata)
736      return '', result, modres
738   def show_isi_stats(self, mesg='', run_len=[], tr=0, rest_file=''):
739      """display ISI timing statistics
741            mesg        : display the user message first
742            run_len     : can be empty, length 1 or length nrows
743            tr          : if > 0: show mean/stdev for stimuli within TRs
744                          (so 0 <= mean < tr)
745            rest_file   : if set, save all rest durations
747         display these statistics:
748            - total time, total stim time, total rest time
750            - total time per run
751            - total stim time per run
752            - total rest time per run
754            - pre-stim rest per run
755            - post-stim response rest per run (if run_len is given)
756            - total ISI rest per run
758            - min/mean/max (stdev) of stim duration
759            - min/mean/max (stdev) of ISI rest
760      """
762      if not self.ready:
763         print('** M Timing: nothing to compute ISI stats from')
764         return 1
766      if not (self.mtype & LD.MTYPE_DUR):
767         print('** warning: computing stats without duration')
769      if self.nrows != len(self.data):
770         print('** bad MTiming, nrows=%d, datalen=%d, failing...' % \
771               (self.nrows, len(self.data)))
772         return 1
774      # make a sorted copy
775      scopy = self.copy()
776      scopy.sort()
778      # make a copy of format run x stim x [start,end], i.e. is 3-D
779      tdata = scopy.get_start_end_timing()
781      # make an updated run lengths list
782      if len(run_len) == 0:
783         rlens = [0 for rind in range(self.nrows)]
784      elif len(run_len) == 1:
785         rlens = [run_len[0] for rind in range(self.nrows)]
786      elif len(run_len) == self.nrows:
787         rlens = run_len
788      else:     # failure
789         print('** invalid len(run_len)=%d, must be one of 0,1,%d' % \
790               (len(run_len), self.nrows))
791         return 1
793      if self.verb > 1:
794         print('-- show_isi_stats, run_len = %s, tr = %s, rest_file = %s' \
795               % (run_len, tr, rest_file))
797      if self.verb > 3:
798         print(scopy.make_data_string(nplaces=1, flag_empty=0, check_simple=0,
799                        mesg='scopy data'))
801      all_stim  = []    # all stimulus durations (one row per run)
802      all_isi   = []    # all isi times (one row per run)
803      pre_time  = []    # pre-stim, per run
804      post_time = []    # pose-stim, per run
805      run_time  = []    # total run time, per run
806      errs      = 0     # allow a few errors before failing
807      max_errs  = 10
808      for rind in range(self.nrows):
809         run  = tdata[rind]
810         rlen = rlens[rind]
812         if len(run) == 0:      # empty run
813            all_stim.append([])
814            all_isi.append([])
815            pre_time.append(rlen)
816            post_time.append(0.0)
817            run_time.append(rlen)
818            continue
820         # if no run len specified, use end of last stimulus
821         if rlen == 0.0: rlen = run[-1][1]
822         elif rlen < run[-1][1]:
823            print('** run %d: given length = %s, last stim ends at %s' % \
824                  (rind+1, rlen, run[-1][1]))
825            errs += 1
826            if errs > max_errs:
827               print('** bailing...')
828               return 1
830         # pre- and post-stim times are set
831         pre = run[0][0]
832         post = rlen - run[-1][1]
834         if pre < 0:
835            print('** ISI error: first stimulus of run %d at negative time %s'%\
836                  (rind+1, run[0][0]))
837            errs += 1
838            if errs > max_errs:
839               print('** bailing...')
840               return 1
842         # init accumulation vars
843         stimes = [run[0][1] - run[0][0]]
844         itimes = []
846         # for each following index, update stim and isi times
847         # (check for bad overlap)
848         tot_olap = 0
849         n_olap = 0
850         for sind in range(1, len(run)):
851            stime = run[sind][1]-run[sind][0]
852            itime = run[sind][0]-run[sind-1][1]
853            olap  = -itime # for clarity
854            # there may be float/ascii reason for a tiny overlap...
855            if olap > 0.01:
856               if self.verb > 1:
857                  print('** ISI error: stimuli overlap at run %d, time %s,' \
858                        ' overlap %s' % (rind+1, run[sind][0], olap))
859            if olap > 0.0001:
860               # get rid of the overlap (note that itime < 0)
861               n_olap += 1
862               # fix itime and stime
863               itime = 0
864               stime -= olap
865               tot_olap += olap
866            stimes.append(stime)
867            itimes.append(itime)
869         if n_olap > 0:
870            print('** run %d, adjusted for %d overlaps in stim, total = %g s' \
871                  % (rind, n_olap, tot_olap))
873         # store results
874         all_stim.append(stimes)
875         all_isi.append(itimes)
876         pre_time.append(pre)
877         post_time.append(post)
878         run_time.append(rlen)
880      if errs > 0: return 1
882      # tally the results
883      rtot_stim = [] ; rtot_isi = [] ; rtot_rest = []
884      stim_list = [] ; isi_list = [] ; nstim_list = []
885      for rind in range(self.nrows):
886         rtot_stim.append(UTIL.loc_sum(all_stim[rind]))
887         rtot_rest.append(pre_time[rind] + UTIL.loc_sum(all_isi[rind]) +
888                          post_time[rind])
889         rtot_isi.append(UTIL.loc_sum(all_isi[rind]))
890         stim_list.extend(all_stim[rind])
891         isi_list.extend(all_isi[rind])
892         nstim_list.append(len(all_stim[rind]))
894      if mesg: mstr = '(%s) ' % mesg
895      else:    mstr = ''
896      print('\nISI statistics %s:\n' % mstr)
898      print('                        total      per run')
899      print('                       ------      ------------------------------')
900      print('    total time         %6.1f     %s'   % \
901            (UTIL.loc_sum(run_time), float_list_string(run_time, ndec=1)))
902      print('    total time: stim   %6.1f     %s'   % \
903            (UTIL.loc_sum(rtot_stim),float_list_string(rtot_stim,7,ndec=1)))
904      print('    total time: rest   %6.1f     %s'   % \
905            (UTIL.loc_sum(rtot_rest),float_list_string(rtot_rest,7,ndec=1)))
906      print('')
907      print('    rest: total isi    %6.1f     %s'   % \
908            (UTIL.loc_sum(rtot_isi), float_list_string(rtot_isi,7,ndec=1)))
909      print('    rest: pre stim     %6.1f     %s'   % \
910            (UTIL.loc_sum(pre_time), float_list_string(pre_time,7,ndec=1)))
911      print('    rest: post stim    %6.1f     %s'   % \
912            (UTIL.loc_sum(post_time),float_list_string(post_time,7,ndec=1)))
913      print('')
914      print('    num stimuli      %6d     %s'   % \
915            (UTIL.loc_sum(nstim_list), float_list_string(nstim_list,7,ndec=0)))
916      print('\n')
918      print('                         min      mean     max     stdev')
919      print('                       -------  -------  -------  -------')
921      print('    rest: pre-stim     %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f' % \
922            (UTIL.min_mean_max_stdev(pre_time)))
923      print('    rest: post-stim    %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f' % \
924            (UTIL.min_mean_max_stdev(post_time)))
925      print('')
927      for ind in range(self.nrows):
928         m0, m1, m2, s = UTIL.min_mean_max_stdev(all_isi[ind])
929         print('    rest: run #%d ISI   %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f' % \
930                    (ind, m0, m1, m2, s))
932      print('')
933      print('    all runs: ISI      %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f' % \
934            (UTIL.min_mean_max_stdev(isi_list)))
935      print('    all runs: stimuli  %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f  %7.3f' % \
936            (UTIL.min_mean_max_stdev(stim_list)))
937      print('')
939      # and possibly print out offset info
940      if tr > 0: self.show_TR_offset_stats(tr, '')
942      # maybe write all rest durations
943      if rest_file:
944         all_rest = copy.deepcopy(all_isi)
945         for run, rest in enumerate(all_rest):
946             rest[:0] = [pre_time[run]]
947             rest.append(post_time[run])
948         UTIL.write_to_timing_file(all_rest, rest_file)
950      # clean up, just to be kind
951      del(all_stim); del(all_isi); del(pre_time); del(post_time); del(run_time)
953      del(rtot_stim); del(rtot_isi); del(rtot_rest); del(stim_list)
954      del(isi_list); del(nstim_list)
956      del(scopy)
957      del(tdata)
959   def get_TR_offset_stats(self, tr):
960      """create a list of TR offsets (per-run and overall)
962            tr : must be positive
964         return: 8 values in a list:
965                    min, mean, maxabs, stdev of absolute and fractional offsets
966                 empty list on error
967      """
969      if not self.ready:
970         print('** M Timing: nothing to compute ISI stats from')
971         return []
973      if self.nrows != len(self.data):
974         print('** bad MTiming, nrows=%d, datalen=%d, failing...' % \
975               (self.nrows, len(self.data)))
976         return []
978      if tr < 0.0:
979         print('** show_TR_offset_stats: invalid TR %s' % tr)
980         return []
982      tr = float(tr) # to be sure
984      # make a copy of format run x stim x [start,end], i.e. is 3-D
985      tdata = self.get_start_end_timing()
987      offsets   = []    # stim offsets within given TRs
988      for rind in range(self.nrows):
989         run  = tdata[rind]
990         if len(run) == 0: continue
992         roffsets = UTIL.interval_offsets([val[0] for val in run], tr)
993         offsets.extend(roffsets)
995      if len(offsets) < 1: return []
997      # get overall stats (absolute and fractional)
999      # absolute
1000      m0, m1, m2, s = UTIL.min_mean_max_stdev(offsets)
1001      offmn = m0; offm = m1; offs = s
1002      mn = abs(min(offsets))
1003      offmax = abs(max(offsets))
1004      if mn > offmax: offmax = mn
1006      # fractional
1007      for ind, val in enumerate(offsets):
1008         offsets[ind] = val/tr
1009      m0, m1, m2, s = UTIL.min_mean_max_stdev(offsets)
1011      del(offsets)
1013      return [offmn, offm, offmax, offs, m0, m1, offmax/tr, s]
1015   def show_TR_offset_stats(self, tr, mesg='', wlimit=0.4):
1016      """display statistics regarding within-TR offsets of stimuli
1018            tr          : show mean/stdev for stimuli within TRs
1019                          (so 0 <= mean < tr)
1020            mesg        : display the user message in the output
1021      """
1023      rv, rstr = self.get_TR_offset_stats_str(tr, mesg=mesg, wlimit=wlimit)
1024      print(rstr)
1026   def get_TR_offset_stats_str(self, tr, mesg='', wlimit=0.4):
1027      """return a string to display statistics regarding within-TR
1028                offsets of stimuli
1030            tr          : show mean/stdev for stimuli within TRs
1031                          (so 0 <= mean < tr)
1032            mesg        : display the user message in the output
1034         return status, stats string
1036                status > 0 : success, warnings were issued
1037                       = 0 : success, no warnings
1038                       < 0 : errors
1039      """
1041      if not self.ready:
1042         return 1, '** M Timing: nothing to compute ISI stats from'
1044      if self.nrows != len(self.data):
1045         return 1, '** bad MTiming, nrows=%d, datalen=%d, failing...' % \
1046                   (self.nrows, len(self.data))
1048      if tr < 0.0:
1049         return 1, '** show_TR_offset_stats: invalid TR %s' % tr
1051      off_means = []    # ... means per run
1052      off_stdev = []    # ... stdevs per run
1053      for rind in range(self.nrows):
1054         run  = self.data[rind]
1055         if len(run) == 0: continue
1057         # start with list of time remainders (offsets) within each TR
1058         roffsets = UTIL.interval_offsets([val for val in run], tr)
1060         m0, m1, m2, s = UTIL.min_mean_max_stdev(roffsets)
1061         off_means.append(m1)
1062         off_stdev.append(s)
1064      # if no events ere found, we're outta here
1065      if len(off_means) == 0:
1066         print('file %s: no events?' % self.name)
1067         return 0, ''
1069      # and get overall stats (absolute and fractional)
1070      offs = self.get_TR_offset_stats(tr)
1072      # print out offset info
1073      if mesg: mstr = '(%s) ' % mesg
1074      else:    mstr = ''
1076      rstr = '\nwithin-TR stimulus offset statistics %s:\n' % mstr
1078      hdr1 = '    overall:     '
1079      hdr2 = '    fractional:  '
1080      shdr = '                 '
1081      rv   = 0
1082      if self.nrows > 1:
1083         rstr += '                       per run\n'                        \
1084                 '                       ------------------------------\n' \
1085                 '    offset means       %s\n'                             \
1086                 '    offset stdevs      %s\n'                             \
1087                 '\n'                                                      \
1088                 % (float_list_string(off_means,ndec=3),
1089                    float_list_string(off_stdev,ndec=3))
1090      else: hdr1 = '    one run:     '
1092      rstr += '%smean = %.3f  maxoff = %.3f  stdev = %.4f\n'   \
1093              % (hdr1, offs[1], offs[2], offs[3])
1094      rstr += '%smean = %.3f  maxoff = %.3f  stdev = %.4f\n' \
1095              % (hdr2, offs[5], offs[6], offs[7])
1097      # a warning may be issued if the min is positive and the max is small
1098      if offs[6] == 0: rstr += '\n%s(stimuli are TR-locked)\n' % shdr
1099      elif wlimit > 0.0 and offs[4] > 0 and offs[6] < wlimit:
1100         rstr += '\n'                                                         \
1101            '%s** WARNING: small maxoff suggests (almost) TR-locked stimuli\n'\
1102            '%s   consider: timing_tool.py -round_times (if basis = TENT)\n'  \
1103            %(shdr,shdr)
1104         rv = 1
1106      # clean up, just to be kind
1107      del(off_means); del(off_stdev)
1109      return rv, rstr
1111def float_list_string(vals, nchar=7, ndec=3, nspaces=2):
1112   str = ''
1113   for val in vals: str += '%*.*f%*s' % (nchar, ndec, val, nspaces, '')
1115   return str
1117def read_multi_3col_tsv(flist, hlabels=None, def_dur_lab=None,
1118                        show_only=0, tsv_int=None, verb=1):
1119   """Read a set of 3 column tsv (tab separated value) files
1120         - one file per run
1121         - each with a list of events for all classes
1122      and convert it to list of AfniTiming instances.
1124      A 3 column tsv file should have an optional header line,
1125      followed by rows of VAL VAL LABEL, separated by tabs.
1127      Allow 4+ column files that include trailing amplitudes.
1128      For now, there might be other event labels included,
1129         so go after trailing floats, until a more robust way
1130         can be defined.
1132      Use the labels to set name and possibly fname fields.
1134         show_only  : just show header details and return
1135   """
1137   tlist = []   # all AfniTiming instances to return
1139   # if nothing passed, set default labels
1140   if hlabels == None:
1141      hlabels = g_tsv_def_labels
1143   h0 = []      # original header, once set
1144   cdict = {}   # dictionary of events per class type
1145                #   - array of event lists, per run
1146   elist = []   # temporary variable, events for 1 run at a time
1147   for rind, fname in enumerate(flist):
1148      if show_only: print("\nparsing TSV file : %s\n" % fname)
1149      nvals, header, elist = parse_Ncol_tsv(fname, hlabels=hlabels,
1150                     def_dur_lab=def_dur_lab, show_only=show_only,
1151                     tsv_int=tsv_int, verb=verb)
1152      if show_only: continue
1153      if nvals <= 0: return 1, tlist
1155      # store original header, else check for consistency
1156      if not h0:
1157         h0 = header
1158         if verb > 1: print('-- RM3CT: header = %s' % header)
1159      elif h0 != header and verb:
1160         print('** inconsistent column headers in 3 column tsv file %s' % fname)
1161         print('   orig:    %s' % ' '.join(h0))
1162         print('   current: %s' % ' '.join(header))
1164      # update list of class names, as they are found,
1165      # and add to cdict (including empty runs)
1166      for event in elist:
1167         cname = event[2]
1168         if cname not in list(cdict.keys()):
1169            cdict[cname] = [[]]*rind
1170            if verb > 4:
1171               print('++ RM3CT: init cdict[%s] with %s' % (cname, cdict[cname]))
1173      # partition elist per known class (should be complete, as all class
1174      # names were added to dict) - okay if empty
1175      skeys = list(cdict.keys())
1176      skeys.sort()
1177      for cname in skeys:
1178         # there might be an amplitude
1179         if nvals > 3:
1180             cevents = [[e[0], e[3], e[1]] for e in elist if e[2] == cname]
1181         else:
1182             cevents = [[e[0], [], e[1]] for e in elist if e[2] == cname]
1183         cdict[cname].append(cevents)
1184         if verb > 4:
1185            print('++ RM3CT: append cdict[%s] with %s' % (cname, cevents))
1187   # if just showing, we are done
1188   if show_only: return 0, []
1190   # now convert to AfniTiming instances
1191   # (sorted, to provide consistency across timing patterns)
1192   skeys = list(cdict.keys())
1193   skeys.sort()
1194   for cname in skeys:
1195      mdata = cdict[cname]
1196      timing = AfniTiming(mdata=cdict[cname])
1197      # init name and fname based on label, consider ability to change
1198      timing.name = cname
1199      timing.fname = 'times.%s.txt' % cname
1200      tlist.append(timing)
1201      if verb > 3: timing.show(mesg=('have timing for %s'%cname))
1203   return 0, tlist
1205def parse_Ncol_tsv(fname, hlabels=g_tsv_def_labels,
1206                   def_dur_lab=None, show_only=0, tsv_int=None, verb=1):
1207   """Read one N column tsv (tab separated value) file, and return:
1208        - ncol: -1 on error, else >= 0
1209        - header list (length ncol)
1210        - list of onset, duration, label values, amplitudes?
1212      If all hlabels exist in header labels, then extract those columns.
1213      If all hlabels are integers, extract those 0-based columns.
1214      The format for hlabels should indicate :
1215         onset, duration, type and amplitudes, if any:
1217         onset time, duration, trial type, amp1, amp2, ... ampA
1219      def_dur_lab  None     : use default = 'missed'
1220                   'missed' : add event as "missed_LABEL" class
1221                   LABEL    : alternate column label for missed events
1223      show_only : show labels, then return
1225      tsv_int   : if set, write a smaller tsv
1226                  (columns of interest - union of col_inds and cols_alt)
1228      An N column tsv file should have an optional header line,
1229      followed by rows of VAL VAL LABEL, separated by tabs.
1230   """
1231   lines = UTIL.read_text_file(fname, lines=1)
1232   if len(lines) < 1:
1233      print("** failed parse_3col_tsv for '%s'" % fname)
1234      return -1, [], []
1236   # if show_only, be verbose
1237   if show_only and verb < 4: verb = 4
1239   # pare lines down to useful ones
1240   newlines = []
1241   norig = 0
1242   for lind, line in enumerate(lines):
1243      vv = line.split('\t')
1244      vlen = len(vv)
1245      if len == 0:
1246         if verb > 2: print('** skipping empty line %d of 3col tsv file %s' \
1247                            % (lind, fname))
1248         continue
1250      # possibly initialize norig
1251      if norig == 0: norig = vlen
1253      # require consistency
1254      if vlen != norig:
1255         if verb:
1256            print('** line %d ncol=%d, mismatch with orig ncol %d' % \
1257                  (lind, vlen, norig))
1258            print('** skipping bad line: %s' % line)
1259         continue
1261      newlines.append(vv)
1263   lines = newlines
1265   if len(lines) < 1:
1266      if verb: print("** parse_Ncol_tsv for '%s' is empty" % fname)
1267      return -1, [], []
1268   if norig < 3:
1269      if verb: print("** parse_Ncol_tsv: bad ncols = %d in %s" % (norig,fname))
1270      return -1, [], []
1272   # decide on column extration indices, based on hlabels and lines[0:2]
1273   col_inds = tsv_hlabels_to_col_list(hlabels, lines, verb=verb)
1274   if len(col_inds) < 3:
1275      if verb: print("** failed to make tsv column index list in %s" % fname)
1276      return -1, [], []
1278   # ----------------------------------------
1279   # decide how to handle n/a duration
1281   # default to 'missed'
1282   if def_dur_lab == None: def_dur_lab = 'missed'
1284   if def_dur_lab == 'missed':
1285      col_dur_alt = -1
1286   else:
1287      # replace duration label with alt, and see if it works
1288      h_alt = hlabels[:]
1289      h_alt[1] = def_dur_lab
1290      if verb > 1: print("\n-- processing for def_dur_label, %s" % def_dur_lab)
1291      cols_alt = tsv_hlabels_to_col_list(h_alt, lines, verb=verb)
1292      if verb > 2: print("++ have cols_alt: %s" \
1293                         % UTIL.int_list_string(cols_alt,sepstr=', '))
1294      if len(cols_alt) < 3:
1295         if verb:
1296           print("** could not find tsv column '%s' in %s"%(def_dur_lab,fname))
1297         return -1, [], []
1298      col_dur_alt = cols_alt[1]
1300   # perhaps we want to write out cols of interest
1301   if not tsv_int is None:
1302      # first merge col_inds nand cols_alt, then write
1303      if verb > 1:
1304         print("== writing to tsv %s" % tsv_int)
1305      csub = col_inds[:]
1306      csub.extend(cols_alt)
1307      csub = UTIL.get_unique_sublist(csub)
1308      write_tsv_cols(lines, csub, ofile=tsv_int)
1310   # if show_only, we are done
1311   if show_only: return 0, [], []
1313   # ----------------------------------------
1314   # set header list, if a header exists
1315   header = []
1316   l0 = lines[0]
1317   try:
1318      onset = float(l0[col_inds[0]])
1319      dur   = float(l0[col_inds[1]])
1320      lab   = l0[col_inds[2]].replace(' ', '_') # convert spaces to underscores
1321   except:
1322      l0 = lines.pop(0)
1323      header = [l0[col_inds[i]] for i in range(len(col_inds))]
1325   # decide whether there are amplitudes
1326   ainds = col_inds[3:]
1328   # ----------------------------------------
1329   # now lines should be all: onset, duration, label and possibly amplitudes
1330   slist = []
1331   oind = col_inds[0]
1332   dind = col_inds[1]
1333   lind = col_inds[2]
1334   for line_no, line in enumerate(lines):
1336      # allow for alternate duration, another column or as a MISSING event
1337      missing_event = 0
1338      dur_txt = line[dind]
1339      if dur_txt in ['na', 'n/a', '']:
1340         if col_dur_alt >= 0:
1341            dur_txt = line[col_dur_alt]
1342         else: # then code as MISSING
1343            missing_event = 1
1344            dur_txt = '0'
1345         if verb > 2:
1346           print("-- line %d, swap dur txt [col %d] '%s' with [col %d] '%s'"\
1347                 % (line_no, dind, line[dind], col_dur_alt, dur_txt))
1349      try:
1350         onset = float(line[oind])
1351         dur = float(dur_txt)
1352         lab = line[lind].replace(' ', '_')   # convert spaces to underscores
1353         if len(ainds) > 0:
1354             amps = [float(line[aind]) for aind in ainds]
1355      except:
1356         if verb:
1357            print('** bad line Ncol tsv file %s:\n   %s' \
1358                  % (fname, ' '.join(line)))
1359            print("   dur_txt = '%s'" % dur_txt)
1360         return -1, [], []
1362      # append new event, possibly with a 'MISSED' label
1363      if missing_event:
1364         use_lab = 'MISSED_%s' % lab
1365      else:
1366         use_lab = lab
1367      if len(ainds) > 0: slist.append([onset, dur, use_lab, amps])
1368      else:              slist.append([onset, dur, use_lab])
1370   nuse = len(col_inds)
1372   return nuse, header, slist
1374def write_tsv_cols(table, cols, ofile='stdout'):
1376   if ofile == '-' or ofile == 'stdout':
1377      fp = sys.stdout
1378   else:
1379      try:
1380         fp = open(ofile, 'w')
1381      except:
1382         print("** failed to open '%s' for writing tsv cols" % ofile)
1383         return 1
1385   for line in table:
1386      fp.write('\t'.join(['%s' % line[c] for c in cols]))
1387      fp.write('\n')
1389   if fp != sys.stdout:
1390      fp.close()
1392   return 0
1394def tsv_hlabels_to_col_list(hlabs, linelists, verb=1):
1395   """return a list of columns to extract, in order of:
1396        onset, duration, label, amplitude1, amplitude2 ...
1398      if hlabs are integers, extract those columns
1399      else, try to find in linelists[0]
1400         if linelists[0] is not text, return 0, 1, 2, ...
1401         else if labels do not match
1402            if ncols matches, return 0, 1, 2, ...
1403            else: fail
1404   """
1406   line0 = linelists[0]
1407   nlabs = len(hlabs)
1408   ncols = len(line0)
1410   if nlabs < 3:
1411      if verb: print("** tsv hlabs has only %d entries: %s" % (nlabs, hlabs))
1412      return []
1413   if ncols < 3:
1414      if verb: print("** tsv file has only %d columns" % ncols)
1415      return []
1417   # first, decide whether hlabs are text labels or integers
1418   try:
1419      lints = [int(entry) for entry in hlabs]
1420   except:
1421      lints = []
1422   have_label_ints = (len(lints) == len(hlabs))
1424   if verb > 2:
1425      print("-- TSV labels, wanted columns: %s" % ' '.join(hlabs))
1426      print("   enumerated header cols:")
1427      lfound = '(chosen) '
1428      lmissing = ' ' * len(lfound)
1429      for cind, label in enumerate(line0):
1430         if have_label_ints and cind in lints:
1431            lstr = lfound
1432         elif label in hlabs:
1433            lstr = lfound
1434         else:
1435            lstr = lmissing
1436         print("      col %02d %s: %s" % (cind, lstr, label))
1438   # if they are integers, we are done
1439   if len(lints) >= 3:
1440      if verb > 2: print("-- tsv labels is via index list: %s" % lints)
1441      return lints
1444   # decide whether line0 is text (count floats in line[0])
1445   nfloat = ntext = 0
1446   for entry in line0:
1447      try:
1448         fval = float(entry)
1449         nfloat += 1
1450      except:
1451         ntext += 1
1453   # if at least 2 floats, assume no header and return
1454   if nfloat >= 2:
1455      if verb > 1: print("-- tsv file has no header, using first columns")
1456      # so hlabs must now be taken sequential, just check the length
1457      if nlabs <= ncols:
1458         return [i for i in range(nlabs)]
1459      else:
1460         return [i for i in range(ncols)]
1462   # so we have text in the header, check whether all hlabs are found
1463   lints = []
1464   for label in hlabs:
1465      if label in line0:
1466         lints.append(line0.index(label))
1467      elif verb > 0:
1468         print("** missing chosen label '%s'" % label)
1470   # if we did not find them all, require same ncols or fail
1471   if len(lints) < nlabs:
1472      if nlabs == ncols:
1473         if verb: print("-- tsv has unexpected labels, assuming sequential")
1474         return [i for i in range(nlabs)]
1475      else:
1476         if verb > 0:
1477            print("** tsv file has unexpected labels, failing")
1478            if verb < 3: print("   (consider -verb 3)")
1479         return []
1481   # all are found, yay!
1482   if verb > 1: print("++ found expected labels in tsv file")
1483   if verb > 2:
1484       print("-- labels     : %s" % ', '.join(hlabs))
1485       print("-- index list : %s" % UTIL.int_list_string(lints, sepstr=', '))
1487   return lints
1489def parse_3col_tsv(fname, verb=1):
1490   """Read one 3 column tsv (tab separated value) file, and return:
1491        - status (0 if okay)
1492        - header list (length 3?)
1493        - list of onset, duration, label values
1495      A 3 column tsv file should have an optional header line,
1496      followed by rows of VAL VAL LABEL, separated by tabs.
1497   """
1498   lines = UTIL.read_text_file(fname, lines=1)
1499   if len(lines) < 1:
1500      print("** parse_3col_tsv: failed to read text file '%s'" % fname)
1501      return 1, [], []
1503   # pare lines down to useful ones
1504   newlines = []
1505   for lind, line in enumerate(lines):
1506      vv = line.split('\t')
1507      if len(vv) == 3:
1508         newlines.append(vv)
1509      elif len(vv) > 0:
1510         print('** skipping bad line %d of 3col tsv file %s' % (lind, fname))
1511         if verb > 2: print('   vals[%d] = %s' % (len(vv),vv))
1512      elif verb > 2:
1513         print('** skipping empty line %d of 3col tsv file %s' % (lind, fname))
1514   lines = newlines
1516   if len(lines) < 1:
1517      print("** parse_3col_tsv for '%s' is empty" % fname)
1518      return 1, [], []
1520   # set header list, if a header exists
1521   header = []
1522   l0 = lines[0]
1523   try:
1524      onset = float(l0[0])
1525      dur   = float(l0[1])
1526      lab   = l0[2].replace(' ', '_')   # and convert spaces to underscores
1527   except:
1528      header = lines.pop(0)
1530   # now lines should be all: onset, duration, label
1531   slist = []
1532   for line in lines:
1533      try:
1534         onset = float(line[0])
1535         dur   = float(line[1])
1536         lab   = line[2].replace(' ', '_')   # convert spaces to underscores
1537      except:
1538         print('** bad line 3col tsv file %s: %s' % (fname, ' '.join(line)))
1539         return 1, [], []
1540      slist.append([onset, dur, lab])
1542   return 0, header, slist
1544def read_value_file(fname):
1545   """read value file, returning generic values in a matrix (no comments)"""
1546   try: fp = open(fname, 'r')
1547   except:
1548      print("** failed to open value file '%s'" % fname)
1549      return None
1551   data = []         # data lines
1553   lind = 0
1554   for line in fp.readlines():
1555      lind += 1
1556      lary = line.split()
1557      if len(lary) == 0: continue
1558      if lary[0] == '#': continue
1560      data.append([x for x in lary if x != '*'])
1562   fp.close()
1564   return data