1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------bl-
2 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 //
4 // Antioch - A Gas Dynamics Thermochemistry Library
5 //
6 // Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Paul T. Bauman, Benjamin S. Kirk,
7 //                         Sylvain Plessis, Roy H. Stonger
8 //
9 // Copyright (C) 2013 The PECOS Development Team
10 //
11 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 // modify it under the terms of the Version 2.1 GNU Lesser General
13 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14 //
15 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 //
20 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22 // Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
23 // Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
24 //
25 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------el-
27 // C++
28 #include <limits>
29 // Antioch
30 #include "antioch/vector_utils.h"
32 #include "antioch/kinetics_conditions.h"
33 #include "antioch/reaction.h"
34 #include "antioch/falloff_threebody_reaction.h"
35 #include "antioch/troe_falloff.h"
37 template <typename Scalar>
tester(const std::string & type)38 int tester(const std::string & type)
39 {
40   using std::abs;
41   using std::exp;
42   using std::pow;
43   using std::log;
45 //values for 2 CH3 (+M) <=> C2H6 (+M) for the Kooij model, Ds are made up
47   const Scalar Cf1 = 1.135e36L * 1e6L * 1e-12L; //(cm3/mol)^2/s -> kmol -> m3
48   const Scalar beta1 = 1.246L; //true value is -5.246
49   const Scalar Ea1 = 1704.8L / 1.9858775L; //cal/mol
50   const Scalar D1 = -4e-2L; // K^-1
51   const Scalar Cf2 = 6.22e16L * 1e3L * 1e-12L; //cm3/mol/s -> kmol -> m3
52   const Scalar beta2 = -1.174L;
53   const Scalar Ea2 = 635.8L / 1.9858775L; //cal/mol
54   const Scalar D2 = -5e-3L;
55   const Scalar alpha = 0.405L;
56   const Scalar T3 = 1120L; //K
57   const Scalar T1 = 69.6L; //K
58 // T2 too high, negligible
60   const std::string equation("A + B -> AB");
61   const unsigned int n_species(3);
63   int return_flag = 0;
64   std::vector<Scalar> mol_densities;
65   mol_densities.push_back(1e-2L);
66   mol_densities.push_back(1e-2L);
67   mol_densities.push_back(1e-2L);
69   std::vector<Scalar> epsilon;
70   epsilon.push_back(2.L);
71   epsilon.push_back(8.5L);
72   epsilon.push_back(40.L);
74   Scalar M = epsilon[0] * mol_densities[0];
75   for(unsigned int i = 1; i < n_species; i++)
76   {
77      M += epsilon[i] * mol_densities[i];
78   }
80   const Scalar tol = std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon() * 2000;
82   std::cout << type << ", tolerance = " << tol;
83   Scalar max_diff(-1.L);
85   for(Scalar T = 300.1L; T <= 1500.1L; T += 10.L)
86   {
87     for(unsigned int ikinmod = 0; ikinmod < 6; ikinmod++)
88     {
90      Antioch::KineticsType<Scalar> *rate_kinetics1(NULL);
91      Antioch::KineticsType<Scalar> *rate_kinetics2(NULL);
92      Scalar k0,kinf,dk0_dT,dkinf_dT;
93      Scalar rate_exact;
94      Scalar derive_exact;
95      std::vector<Scalar> derive_dX_exact;
96      derive_dX_exact.resize(n_species);
97 //Troe pre-calculations
98      Scalar Fcent = (1.L - alpha) * exp(-T/T3) + alpha * exp(-T/T1);
99      Scalar dFcent_dT = (alpha - 1.L)/T3 * exp(-T/T3) - alpha/T1 * exp(-T/T1);
100      Scalar dlog10Fcent_dT = Antioch::Constants::log10_to_log<Scalar>()/Fcent * dFcent_dT;
101      Scalar n =   0.75L - 1.27L * Antioch::Constants::log10_to_log<Scalar>()*log(Fcent);
102      Scalar c = - 0.40L - 0.67L * Antioch::Constants::log10_to_log<Scalar>()*log(Fcent);
103      Scalar d = 0.14L;
104      Scalar dn_dT = -1.27L * dlog10Fcent_dT;
105      Scalar dc_dT = -0.67L * dlog10Fcent_dT;
107      Antioch::KineticsModel::KineticsModel kin_mod;
109     switch(ikinmod)
110     {
111       case 0:
112       {
113         kin_mod = Antioch::KineticsModel::HERCOURT_ESSEN;
114         rate_kinetics1 =  new Antioch::HercourtEssenRate<Scalar>(Cf1,beta1,1.L);
115         rate_kinetics2 =  new Antioch::HercourtEssenRate<Scalar>(Cf2,beta2,1.L);
116         k0 = Cf1 * pow(T,beta1); kinf = Cf2 * pow(T,beta2);
117         dk0_dT = Cf1 * pow (T,beta1) * beta1/T; dkinf_dT = Cf2 * pow (T,beta2) * beta2/T;
118         break;
119       }
120       case 1:
121       {
122         kin_mod = Antioch::KineticsModel::BERTHELOT;
123         rate_kinetics1 = new Antioch::BerthelotRate<Scalar>(Cf1,D1);
124         rate_kinetics2 = new Antioch::BerthelotRate<Scalar>(Cf2,D2);
125         k0 = Cf1 * exp(D1*T); kinf = Cf2 * exp(D2*T);
126         dk0_dT = Cf1 * exp(D1*T) * D1; dkinf_dT = Cf2 * exp(D2*T) * D2;
127         break;
128       }
129       case 2:
130       {
131         kin_mod = Antioch::KineticsModel::ARRHENIUS;
132         rate_kinetics1 = new Antioch::ArrheniusRate<Scalar>(Cf1,Ea1,1.L);
133         rate_kinetics2 = new Antioch::ArrheniusRate<Scalar>(Cf2,Ea2,1.L);
134         k0 = Cf1 * exp(-Ea1/T); kinf = Cf2 * exp(-Ea2/T);
135         dk0_dT = Cf1 * exp(-Ea1/T) * Ea1/pow(T,2); dkinf_dT = Cf2 * exp(-Ea2/T) * Ea2/pow(T,2);
136         break;
137       }
138       case 3:
139       {
140         kin_mod = Antioch::KineticsModel::BHE;
141         rate_kinetics1 = new Antioch::BerthelotHercourtEssenRate<Scalar>(Cf1,beta1,D1,1.L);
142         rate_kinetics2 = new Antioch::BerthelotHercourtEssenRate<Scalar>(Cf2,beta2,D2,1.L);
143         k0 = Cf1 * pow(T,beta1) * exp(D1 * T); kinf = Cf2 * pow(T,beta2) * exp(D2 * T);
144         dk0_dT = Cf1 * pow(T,beta1) * exp(D1 * T) * (beta1/T + D1); dkinf_dT = Cf2 * pow(T,beta2) * exp(D2 * T) * (beta2/T + D2);
145         break;
146       }
147       case 4:
148       {
149         kin_mod = Antioch::KineticsModel::KOOIJ;
150         rate_kinetics1 = new Antioch::KooijRate<Scalar>(Cf1,beta1,Ea1,1.L,1.L);
151         rate_kinetics2 = new Antioch::KooijRate<Scalar>(Cf2,beta2,Ea2,1.L,1.L);
152         k0 = Cf1 * pow(T,beta1) * exp(-Ea1/T); kinf = Cf2 * pow(T,beta2) * exp(-Ea2/T);
153         dk0_dT = Cf1 * pow(T,beta1) * exp(-Ea1/T) * (beta1/T + Ea1/pow(T,2)); dkinf_dT = Cf2 * pow(T,beta2) * exp(-Ea2/T) * (beta2/T + Ea2/pow(T,2));
154         break;
155       }
156       case 5:
157       {
158         kin_mod = Antioch::KineticsModel::VANTHOFF;
159         rate_kinetics1 = new Antioch::VantHoffRate<Scalar>(Cf1,beta1,Ea1,D1,1.L,1.L);
160         rate_kinetics2 = new Antioch::VantHoffRate<Scalar>(Cf2,beta2,Ea2,D2,1.L,1.L);
161         k0 = Cf1 * pow(T,beta1) * exp(-Ea1/T + D1 * T); kinf = Cf2 * pow(T,beta2) * exp(-Ea2/T + D2 * T);
162         dk0_dT = Cf1 * pow(T,beta1) * exp(-Ea1/T + D1 * T) * (D1 + beta1/T + Ea1/pow(T,2));
163         dkinf_dT = Cf2 * pow(T,beta2) * exp(-Ea2/T + D2 * T) * (D2 + beta2/T + Ea2/pow(T,2));
164         break;
165       }
166     }
167     // Troe calculations
168     Scalar Pr = M * k0/kinf;
169     Scalar dPr_dT = Pr * (dk0_dT/k0 - dkinf_dT/kinf);
170     Scalar log10Pr = Antioch::Constants::log10_to_log<Scalar>() * log(Pr);
171     Scalar dlog10Pr_dT = Antioch::Constants::log10_to_log<Scalar>() / Pr * dPr_dT;
172     std::vector<Scalar> dlog10Pr_dX(n_species,0);
173     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n_species; i++)
174     {
175         dlog10Pr_dX[i] = Antioch::Constants::log10_to_log<Scalar>()/M;
176     }
177     Scalar logF = log(Fcent)/(1.L + pow(((log10Pr + c)/(n - d*(log10Pr + c) )),2));
178     Scalar dlogF_dT = logF * (dlog10Fcent_dT / Fcent
179                                   - 2.L *pow((log10Pr + c)/(n - d * (log10Pr + c)),2)
180                                     * ((dlog10Pr_dT + dc_dT)/(log10Pr + c) -
181                                        (dn_dT - d * (dlog10Pr_dT + dc_dT))/(n - d * (log10Pr + c))
182                                       )
183                                     / (1.L + pow((log10Pr + c)/(n - d * (log10Pr + c)),2))
184                                  );
185     Scalar F = exp(logF);
186     Scalar dF_dT = F * dlogF_dT;
187     std::vector<Scalar> dF_dX(n_species,0.L);
188     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n_species; i++)
189     {
190         dF_dX[i] = - F * logF * logF/log(Fcent) * dlog10Pr_dX[i] * (1.L - 1.L/(n - d * (log10Pr + c))) * (log10Pr + c);
191     }
193     rate_exact = k0 / (1.L/M + k0/kinf);
195     derive_exact = rate_exact * ( (dk0_dT/k0 - dk0_dT/(kinf/M + k0) + k0 * dkinf_dT/(kinf*(kinf/M + k0))) * F + dF_dT );
197     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n_species; i++)
198     {
199       derive_dX_exact[i] = epsilon[i] * rate_exact * (F/(M + pow(M,2)*k0/kinf) + dF_dX[i]);
200     }
202     rate_exact *= F;
204     Antioch::FalloffThreeBodyReaction<Scalar,Antioch::TroeFalloff<Scalar> > * fall_reaction =
205         new Antioch::FalloffThreeBodyReaction<Scalar,Antioch::TroeFalloff<Scalar> >(n_species,equation,true,Antioch::ReactionType::TROE_FALLOFF_THREE_BODY,kin_mod);
207     fall_reaction->add_forward_rate(rate_kinetics1);
208     fall_reaction->add_forward_rate(rate_kinetics2);
209     fall_reaction->F().set_alpha(alpha);
210     fall_reaction->F().set_T1(T1);
211     fall_reaction->F().set_T3(T3);
212     for(unsigned int s = 0; s < n_species; s++)
213     {
214         fall_reaction->set_efficiency("",s,epsilon[s]);
215     }
217     Antioch::KineticsConditions<Scalar,std::vector<Scalar> > cond(T);
218     Scalar rate1 = fall_reaction->compute_forward_rate_coefficient(mol_densities,cond);
219     Scalar rate;
220     Scalar drate_dT;
221     std::vector<Scalar> drate_dx;
222     drate_dx.resize(n_species);
223     fall_reaction->compute_forward_rate_coefficient_and_derivatives(mol_densities,cond,rate,drate_dT,drate_dx);
225     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n_species; i++)
226     {
227       Scalar diff = abs( (drate_dx[i] - derive_dX_exact[i])/derive_dX_exact[i] );
228       if(max_diff < diff)max_diff = diff;
229       if( diff > tol )
230       {
231           std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(16)
232                     << "\nError: Mismatch in rate values." << std::endl
233                     << "Kinetics model (see enum) " << kin_mod << std::endl
234                     << "species " << i << std::endl
235                     << "T = " << T << " K" << std::endl
236                     << "drate_dc(T) = " << drate_dx[i] << std::endl
237                     << "drate_dc_exact = " << derive_dX_exact[i] << std::endl
238                     << "tolerance is " << tol << std::endl
239                     << "criteria is " << abs( (drate_dx[i] - derive_dX_exact[i])/derive_dX_exact[i]) << std::endl
240                     << "parameters are\nrate: " << rate_exact << "\n and  " << rate_exact << std::endl
241                     << "total density: " << M << " species " << mol_densities[i] << std::endl;
242           return_flag = 1;
243       }
244     }
245     Scalar diff = abs( (rate1 - rate_exact)/rate_exact );
246     if(max_diff < diff)max_diff = diff;
247     if(diff > tol )
248       {
249         std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(16)
250                   << "\nError: Mismatch in rate values." << std::endl
251                   << "Kinetics model (see enum) " << kin_mod << std::endl
252                   << "T = " << T << " K" << std::endl
253                   << "rate(T) = " << rate1 << std::endl
254                   << "rate_exact = " << rate_exact << std::endl
255                   << "tolerance is " << tol << std::endl
256                   << "criteria is " << abs( (rate1 - rate_exact)/rate_exact ) << std::endl;
258         return_flag = 1;
259       }
260     diff = abs( (rate - rate_exact)/rate_exact );
261     if(max_diff < diff)max_diff = diff;
262     if( diff > tol )
263       {
264         std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(16)
265                   << "\nError: Mismatch in rate values." << std::endl
266                   << "Kinetics model (see enum) " << kin_mod << std::endl
267                   << "T = " << T << " K" << std::endl
268                   << "rate(T) = " << rate << std::endl
269                   << "rate_exact = " << rate_exact << std::endl
270                   << "tolerance is " << tol << std::endl
271                   << "criteria is " << abs( (rate - rate_exact)/rate_exact ) << std::endl;
273         return_flag = 1;
274       }
275     diff = abs( (drate_dT - derive_exact)/derive_exact );
276     if(max_diff < diff)max_diff = diff;
277     if( diff > tol )
278       {
279         std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(16)
280                   << "\nError: Mismatch in rate derivative values." << std::endl
281                   << "Kinetics model (see enum) " << kin_mod << std::endl
282                   << "T = " << T << " K" << std::endl
283                   << "drate_dT(T) = " << drate_dT << std::endl
284                   << "derive_exact = " << derive_exact << std::endl
285                   << "tolerance is " << tol << std::endl
286                   << "criteria is " << abs( (drate_dT - derive_exact)/derive_exact ) << std::endl;
288         return_flag = 1;
289       }
290     delete fall_reaction;
291     }
292   }
294   std::cout << " and maximum difference = " << max_diff << std::endl;
296   return return_flag;
297 }
main()299 int main()
300 {
301   return (tester<double>("double") ||
302           tester<long double>("long double") ||
303           tester<float>("float"));
304 }