1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === UMFPACK_qsymbolic ==================================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6 /* UMFPACK Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, CISE,                              */
7 /* Univ. of Florida.  All Rights Reserved.  See ../Doc/License for License.   */
8 /* web: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack                       */
9 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11 /*
12     User-callable.  Performs a symbolic factorization.
13     See umfpack_qsymbolic.h and umfpack_symbolic.h for details.
15     Dynamic memory usage:  about (3.4nz + 8n + n) integers and n double's as
16     workspace (via UMF_malloc, for a square matrix).  All of it is free'd via
17     UMF_free if an error occurs.  If successful, the Symbolic object contains
18     12 to 14 objects allocated by UMF_malloc, with a total size of no more
19     than about 13*n integers.
20 */
22 #include "umf_internal.h"
23 #include "umf_symbolic_usage.h"
24 #include "umf_colamd.h"
25 #include "umf_set_stats.h"
26 #include "umf_analyze.h"
27 #include "umf_transpose.h"
28 #include "umf_is_permutation.h"
29 #include "umf_malloc.h"
30 #include "umf_free.h"
31 #include "umf_2by2.h"
32 #include "umf_singletons.h"
34 typedef struct	/* SWType */
35 {
36     Int *Front_npivcol ;    /* size n_col + 1 */
37     Int *Front_nrows ;	    /* size n_col */
38     Int *Front_ncols ;	    /* size n_col */
39     Int *Front_parent ;	    /* size n_col */
40     Int *Front_cols ;	    /* size n_col */
41     Int *InFront ;	    /* size n_row */
42     Int *Ci ;		    /* size Clen */
43     Int *Cperm1 ;	    /* size n_col */
44     Int *Rperm1 ;	    /* size n_row */
45     Int *InvRperm1 ;	    /* size n_row */
46     Int *Si ;		    /* size nz */
47     Int *Sp ;		    /* size n_col + 1 */
48     double *Rs ;	    /* size n_row */
49     Int *Rperm_2by2 ;	    /* size n_row */
51 } SWType ;
53 PRIVATE void free_work
54 (
55     SWType *SW
56 ) ;
58 PRIVATE void error
59 (
60     SymbolicType **Symbolic,
61     SWType *SW
62 ) ;
64 /* worst-case usage for SW object */
65 #define SYM_WORK_USAGE(n_col,n_row,Clen) \
66     (DUNITS (Int, Clen) + \
67      DUNITS (Int, nz) + \
68      4 * DUNITS (Int, n_row) + \
69      4 * DUNITS (Int, n_col) + \
70      2 * DUNITS (Int, n_col + 1) + \
71      DUNITS (double, n_row))
73 /* required size of Ci for code that calls UMF_transpose and UMF_analyze below*/
74 #define UMF_ANALYZE_CLEN(nz,n_row,n_col,nn) \
75     ((n_col) + MAX ((nz),(n_col)) + 3*(nn)+1 + (n_col))
77 /* size of an element (in Units), including tuples */
78 #define ELEMENT_SIZE(r,c) \
79     (DGET_ELEMENT_SIZE (r, c) + 1 + (r + c) * UNITS (Tuple, 1))
81 #ifndef NDEBUG
82 PRIVATE Int init_count ;
83 #endif
85 /* ========================================================================== */
86 /* === do_amd =============================================================== */
87 /* ========================================================================== */
do_amd(Int n,const Int Ap[],const Int Ai[],Int Q[],Int Qinv[],Int Sdeg[],Int Clen,Int Ci[],double amd_Control[],double amd_Info[],SymbolicType * Symbolic,double Info[])89 PRIVATE void do_amd
90 (
91     Int n,
92     const Int Ap [ ],		/* size n+1 */
93     const Int Ai [ ],		/* size nz = Ap [n] */
94     Int Q [ ],			/* output permutation, j = Q [k] */
95     Int Qinv [ ],		/* output inverse permutation, Qinv [j] = k */
96     Int Sdeg [ ],		/* degree of A+A', from AMD_aat */
97     Int Clen,			/* size of Ci */
98     Int Ci [ ],			/* size Ci workspace */
99     double amd_Control [ ],	/* AMD control parameters */
100     double amd_Info [ ],	/* AMD info */
101     SymbolicType *Symbolic,	/* Symbolic object */
102     double Info [ ]		/* UMFPACK info */
103 )
104 {
106     if (n == 0)
107     {
108 	Symbolic->amd_dmax = 0 ;
109 	Symbolic->amd_lunz = 0 ;
114     }
115     else
116     {
117 	AMD_1 (n, Ap, Ai, Q, Qinv, Sdeg, Clen, Ci, amd_Control, amd_Info) ;
119 	/* return estimates computed from AMD on PA+PA' */
120 	Symbolic->amd_dmax = amd_Info [AMD_DMAX] ;
121 	Symbolic->amd_lunz = 2 * amd_Info [AMD_LNZ] + n ;
122 	Info [UMFPACK_SYMMETRIC_LUNZ] = Symbolic->amd_lunz ;
124 	    MULTSUB_FLOPS * amd_Info [AMD_NMULTSUBS_LU] ;
125 	Info [UMFPACK_SYMMETRIC_DMAX] = Symbolic->amd_dmax ;
128     }
129 }
131 /* ========================================================================== */
132 /* === prune_singletons ===================================================== */
133 /* ========================================================================== */
135 /* Create the submatrix after removing the n1 singletons.  The matrix has
136  * row and column indices in the range 0 to n_row-n1 and 0 to n_col-n1,
137  * respectively.  */
prune_singletons(Int n1,Int n_col,const Int Ap[],const Int Ai[],const double Ax[],const double Az[],Int Cperm1[],Int InvRperm1[],Int Si[],Int Sp[],Int Rperm1[],Int n_row)139 PRIVATE Int prune_singletons
140 (
141     Int n1,
142     Int n_col,
143     const Int Ap [ ],
144     const Int Ai [ ],
145     const double Ax [ ],
146 #ifdef COMPLEX
147     const double Az [ ],
148 #endif
149     Int Cperm1 [ ],
150     Int InvRperm1 [ ],
151     Int Si [ ],
152     Int Sp [ ]
153 #ifndef NDEBUG
154     , Int Rperm1 [ ]
155     , Int n_row
156 #endif
157 )
158 {
159     Int row, k, pp, p, oldcol, newcol, newrow, nzdiag, do_nzdiag ;
160 #ifdef COMPLEX
161     Int split = SPLIT (Az) ;
162 #endif
164     nzdiag = 0 ;
165     do_nzdiag = (Ax != (double *) NULL) ;
167 #ifndef NDEBUG
168     DEBUGm4 (("Prune : S = A (Cperm1 (n1+1:end), Rperm1 (n1+1:end))\n")) ;
169     for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
170     {
171 	ASSERT (Rperm1 [k] >= 0 && Rperm1 [k] < n_row) ;
172 	ASSERT (InvRperm1 [Rperm1 [k]] == k) ;
173     }
174 #endif
176     /* create the submatrix after removing singletons */
178     pp = 0 ;
179     for (k = n1 ; k < n_col ; k++)
180     {
181 	oldcol = Cperm1 [k] ;
182 	newcol = k - n1 ;
183 	DEBUG5 (("Prune singletons k "ID" oldcol "ID" newcol "ID": "ID"\n",
184 	    k, oldcol, newcol, pp)) ;
185 	Sp [newcol] = pp ;  /* load column pointers */
186 	for (p = Ap [oldcol] ; p < Ap [oldcol+1] ; p++)
187 	{
188 	    row = Ai [p] ;
189 	    DEBUG5 (("  "ID":  row "ID, pp, row)) ;
190 	    ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
191 	    newrow = InvRperm1 [row] - n1 ;
192 	    ASSERT (newrow < n_row - n1) ;
193 	    if (newrow >= 0)
194 	    {
195 		DEBUG5 (("  newrow "ID, newrow)) ;
196 		Si [pp++] = newrow ;
197 		if (do_nzdiag)
198 		{
199 		    /* count the number of truly nonzero entries on the
200 		     * diagonal of S, excluding entries that are present,
201 		     * but numerically zero */
202 		    if (newrow == newcol)
203 		    {
204 			/* this is the diagonal entry */
205 #ifdef COMPLEX
206 		        if (split)
207 			{
208 			    if (SCALAR_IS_NONZERO (Ax [p]) ||
209 				SCALAR_IS_NONZERO (Az [p]))
210 			    {
211 				nzdiag++ ;
212 			    }
213 			}
214 			else
215 			{
216 			    if (SCALAR_IS_NONZERO (Ax [2*p  ]) ||
217 				SCALAR_IS_NONZERO (Ax [2*p+1]))
218 			    {
219 				nzdiag++ ;
220 			    }
221 			}
222 #else
223 			if (SCALAR_IS_NONZERO (Ax [p]))
224 			{
225 			    nzdiag++ ;
226 			}
227 #endif
228 		    }
229 		}
230 	    }
231 	    DEBUG5 (("\n")) ;
232 	}
233     }
234     Sp [n_col - n1] = pp ;
236     return (nzdiag) ;
237 }
239 /* ========================================================================== */
240 /* === combine_ordering ===================================================== */
241 /* ========================================================================== */
combine_ordering(Int n1,Int nempty_col,Int n_col,Int Cperm_init[],Int Cperm1[],Int Qinv[])243 PRIVATE void combine_ordering
244 (
245     Int n1,
246     Int nempty_col,
247     Int n_col,
248     Int Cperm_init [ ],	    /* output permutation */
249     Int Cperm1 [ ],	    /* singleton and empty column ordering */
250     Int Qinv [ ]	    /* Qinv from AMD or COLAMD */
251 )
252 {
253     Int k, oldcol, newcol, knew ;
255     /* combine the singleton ordering with Qinv */
256 #ifndef NDEBUG
257     for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
258     {
259 	Cperm_init [k] = EMPTY ;
260     }
261 #endif
262     for (k = 0 ; k < n1 ; k++)
263     {
264 	DEBUG1 ((ID" Initial singleton: "ID"\n", k, Cperm1 [k])) ;
265 	Cperm_init [k] = Cperm1 [k] ;
266     }
267     for (k = n1 ; k < n_col - nempty_col ; k++)
268     {
269 	/* this is a non-singleton column */
270 	oldcol = Cperm1 [k] ;	/* user's name for this column */
271 	newcol = k - n1 ;	/* Qinv's name for this column */
272 	knew = Qinv [newcol] ;	/* Qinv's ordering for this column */
273 	knew += n1 ;		/* shift order, after singletons */
274 	DEBUG1 ((" k "ID" oldcol "ID" newcol "ID" knew "ID"\n",
275 	    k, oldcol, newcol, knew)) ;
276 	ASSERT (knew >= 0 && knew < n_col - nempty_col) ;
277 	ASSERT (Cperm_init [knew] == EMPTY) ;
278 	Cperm_init [knew] = oldcol ;
279     }
280     for (k = n_col - nempty_col ; k < n_col ; k++)
281     {
282 	Cperm_init [k] = Cperm1 [k] ;
283     }
284 #ifndef NDEBUG
285     {
286 	Int *W = (Int *) malloc ((n_col + 1) * sizeof (Int)) ;
287 	ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Cperm_init, W, n_col, n_col)) ;
288 	free (W) ;
289     }
290 #endif
292 }
294 /* ========================================================================== */
295 /* === UMFPACK_qsymbolic ==================================================== */
296 /* ========================================================================== */
UMFPACK_qsymbolic(Int n_row,Int n_col,const Int Ap[],const Int Ai[],const double Ax[],const double Az[],const Int Quser[],void ** SymbolicHandle,const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL],double User_Info[UMFPACK_INFO])298 GLOBAL Int UMFPACK_qsymbolic
299 (
300     Int n_row,
301     Int n_col,
302     const Int Ap [ ],
303     const Int Ai [ ],
304     const double Ax [ ],
305 #ifdef COMPLEX
306     const double Az [ ],
307 #endif
308     const Int Quser [ ],
309     void **SymbolicHandle,
310     const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL],
311     double User_Info [UMFPACK_INFO]
312 )
313 {
315     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
316     /* local variables */
317     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
319     double knobs [COLAMD_KNOBS], flops, f, r, c, force_fixQ,
320 	Info2 [UMFPACK_INFO], drow, dcol, dtail_usage, dlf, duf, dmax_usage,
321 	dhead_usage, dlnz, dunz, dmaxfrsize, dClen, dClen_analyze, sym,
322 	amd_Info [AMD_INFO], dClen_amd, dr, dc, cr, cc, cp,
323 	amd_Control [AMD_CONTROL], stats [2], tol ;
324     double *Info ;
325     Int i, nz, j, newj, status, f1, f2, maxnrows, maxncols, nfr, col,
326 	nchains, maxrows, maxcols, p, nb, nn, *Chain_start, *Chain_maxrows,
327 	*Chain_maxcols, *Front_npivcol, *Ci, Clen, colamd_stats [COLAMD_STATS],
328 	fpiv, n_inner, child, parent, *Link, row, *Front_parent,
329 	analyze_compactions, k, chain, is_sym, *Si, *Sp, n2, do_UMF_analyze,
330 	fpivcol, fallrows, fallcols, *InFront, *F1, snz, *Front_1strow, f1rows,
331 	kk, *Cperm_init, *Rperm_init, newrow, *InvRperm1, *Front_leftmostdesc,
332 	Clen_analyze, strategy, Clen_amd, fixQ, prefer_diagonal, nzdiag, nzaat,
333 	*Wq, *Sdeg, *Fr_npivcol, nempty, *Fr_nrows, *Fr_ncols, *Fr_parent,
334 	*Fr_cols, nempty_row, nempty_col, user_auto_strategy, fail, max_rdeg,
335 	head_usage, tail_usage, lnz, unz, esize, *Esize, rdeg, *Cdeg, *Rdeg,
336 	*Cperm1, *Rperm1, n1, oldcol, newcol, n1c, n1r, *Rperm_2by2, oldrow,
337 	dense_row_threshold, tlen, aggressive, scale, *Rp, *Ri ;
339     SymbolicType *Symbolic ;
340     SWType SWspace, *SW ;
342 #ifndef NDEBUG
343     UMF_dump_start ( ) ;
344     init_count = UMF_malloc_count ;
345     PRINTF ((
346 "**** Debugging enabled (UMFPACK will be exceedingly slow!) *****************\n"
347 	)) ;
348 #endif
350     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
351     /* get the amount of time used by the process so far */
352     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
354     umfpack_tic (stats) ;
356     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
357     /* get control settings and check input parameters */
358     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
367     AMD_defaults (amd_Control) ;
368     amd_Control [AMD_DENSE] =
370     aggressive =
372     amd_Control [AMD_AGGRESSIVE] = aggressive ;
374     nb = MAX (2, nb) ;
375     nb = MIN (nb, MAXNB) ;
376     ASSERT (nb >= 0) ;
377     if (nb % 2 == 1) nb++ ;	/* make sure nb is even */
378     DEBUG0 (("UMFPACK_qsymbolic: nb = "ID" aggressive = "ID"\n", nb,
379 	aggressive)) ;
381     tol = MAX (0.0, MIN (tol,  1.0)) ;
382     if (scale != UMFPACK_SCALE_NONE && scale != UMFPACK_SCALE_MAX)
383     {
385     }
387     if (User_Info != (double *) NULL)
388     {
389 	/* return Info in user's array */
390 	Info = User_Info ;
391     }
392     else
393     {
394 	/* no Info array passed - use local one instead */
395 	Info = Info2 ;
396     }
397     /* clear all of Info */
398     for (i = 0 ; i < UMFPACK_INFO ; i++)
399     {
400 	Info [i] = EMPTY ;
401     }
403     nn = MAX (n_row, n_col) ;
404     n_inner = MIN (n_row, n_col) ;
407     Info [UMFPACK_NROW] = n_row ;
408     Info [UMFPACK_NCOL] = n_col ;
409     Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_UNIT] = (double) (sizeof (Unit)) ;
410     Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_INT] = (double) (sizeof (int)) ;
411     Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_LONG] = (double) (sizeof (UF_long)) ;
412     Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_POINTER] = (double) (sizeof (void *)) ;
413     Info [UMFPACK_SIZE_OF_ENTRY] = (double) (sizeof (Entry)) ;
414     Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_DEFRAG] = 0 ;
416     if (!Ai || !Ap || !SymbolicHandle)
417     {
418 	Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing ;
419 	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing) ;
420     }
422     *SymbolicHandle = (void *) NULL ;
424     if (n_row <= 0 || n_col <= 0)	/* n_row, n_col must be > 0 */
425     {
426 	Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_n_nonpositive ;
427 	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_n_nonpositive) ;
428     }
430     nz = Ap [n_col] ;
431     DEBUG0 (("n_row "ID" n_col "ID" nz "ID"\n", n_row, n_col, nz)) ;
432     Info [UMFPACK_NZ] = nz ;
433     if (nz < 0)
434     {
435 	Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_matrix ;
436 	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_matrix) ;
437     }
439     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
440     /* get the requested strategy */
441     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
443     if (n_row != n_col)
444     {
445 	/* if the matrix is rectangular, the only available strategy is
446 	 *  unsymmetric */
448 	DEBUGm3 (("Rectangular: forcing unsymmetric strategy\n")) ;
449     }
451     if (strategy < UMFPACK_STRATEGY_AUTO
452      || strategy > UMFPACK_STRATEGY_SYMMETRIC)
453     {
454 	/* unrecognized strategy */
455 	strategy = UMFPACK_STRATEGY_AUTO ;
456     }
458     if (Quser != (Int *) NULL)
459     {
460 	/* when the user provides Q, only symmetric and unsymmetric strategies
461 	 * are available */
462 	if (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_2BY2)
463 	{
464 	    strategy = UMFPACK_STRATEGY_SYMMETRIC ;
465 	}
466 	if (strategy != UMFPACK_STRATEGY_SYMMETRIC)
467 	{
469 	}
470     }
472     user_auto_strategy = (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_AUTO) ;
474     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
475     /* determine amount of memory required for UMFPACK_symbolic */
476     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
478     /* The size of Clen required for UMF_colamd is always larger than */
479     /* UMF_analyze, but the max is included here in case that changes in */
480     /* future versions. */
482     /* This is about 2.2*nz + 9*n_col + 6*n_row, or nz/5 + 13*n_col + 6*n_row,
483      * whichever is bigger.  For square matrices, it works out to
484      * 2.2nz + 15n, or nz/5 + 19n, whichever is bigger (typically 2.2nz+15n). */
485     dClen = UMF_COLAMD_RECOMMENDED ((double) nz, (double) n_row,
486 	(double) n_col) ;
488     /* This is defined above, as max (nz,n_col) + 3*nn+1 + 2*n_col, where
489      * nn = max (n_row,n_col).  It is always smaller than the space required
490      * for colamd or amd. */
491     dClen_analyze = UMF_ANALYZE_CLEN ((double) nz, (double) n_row,
492 	(double) n_col, (double) nn) ;
493     dClen = MAX (dClen, dClen_analyze) ;
495     /* The space for AMD can be larger than what's required for colamd: */
496     dClen_amd = 2.4 * (double) nz + 8 * (double) n_inner ;
497     /* additional space for the 2-by-2 strategy */
498     dClen_amd += (double) MAX (nn, nz) ;
499     dClen = MAX (dClen, dClen_amd) ;
501     /* worst case total memory usage for UMFPACK_symbolic (revised below) */
503 	SYM_WORK_USAGE (n_col, n_row, dClen) +
504 	UMF_symbolic_usage (n_row, n_col, n_col, n_col, n_col, TRUE) ;
506     if (INT_OVERFLOW (dClen * sizeof (Int)))
507     {
508 	/* :: int overflow, Clen too large :: */
509 	/* Problem is too large for array indexing (Ci [i]) with an Int i. */
510 	/* Cannot even analyze the problem to determine upper bounds on */
511 	/* memory usage. Need to use the UF_long version, umfpack_*l_*. */
512 	DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: symbolic int overflow\n")) ;
513 	Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
514 	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
515     }
517     /* repeat the size calculations, in integers */
518     Clen = UMF_COLAMD_RECOMMENDED (nz, n_row, n_col) ;
519     Clen_analyze = UMF_ANALYZE_CLEN (nz, n_row, n_col, nn) ;
520     Clen = MAX (Clen, Clen_analyze) ;
521     Clen_amd = 2.4 * nz + 8 * n_inner ;
522     Clen_amd += MAX (nn, nz) ;			/* for Ri, in UMF_2by2 */
523     Clen = MAX (Clen, Clen_amd) ;
525     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
526     /* allocate the first part of the Symbolic object (header and Cperm_init) */
527     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
529     /* (1) Five calls to UMF_malloc are made, for a total space of
530      * 2 * (n_row + n_col) + 4 integers + sizeof (SymbolicType).
531      * sizeof (SymbolicType) is a small constant.  This space is part of the
532      * Symbolic object and is not freed unless an error occurs.  If A is square
533      * then this is about 4*n integers.
534      */
536     Symbolic = (SymbolicType *) UMF_malloc (1, sizeof (SymbolicType)) ;
538     if (!Symbolic)
539     {
540 	/* If we fail here, Symbolic is NULL and thus it won't be */
541 	/* dereferenced by UMFPACK_free_symbolic, as called by error ( ). */
542 	DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: symbolic object\n")) ;
543 	Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
544 	error (&Symbolic, (SWType *) NULL) ;
545 	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
546     }
548     /* We now know that Symbolic has been allocated */
549     Symbolic->valid = 0 ;
550     Symbolic->Chain_start = (Int *) NULL ;
551     Symbolic->Chain_maxrows = (Int *) NULL ;
552     Symbolic->Chain_maxcols = (Int *) NULL ;
553     Symbolic->Front_npivcol = (Int *) NULL ;
554     Symbolic->Front_parent = (Int *) NULL ;
555     Symbolic->Front_1strow = (Int *) NULL ;
556     Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc = (Int *) NULL ;
557     Symbolic->Esize = (Int *) NULL ;
558     Symbolic->esize = 0 ;
560     Symbolic->Cperm_init   = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
561     Symbolic->Rperm_init   = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
562     Symbolic->Cdeg	   = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
563     Symbolic->Rdeg	   = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
564     Symbolic->Diagonal_map = (Int *) NULL ;
566     Cperm_init = Symbolic->Cperm_init ;
567     Rperm_init = Symbolic->Rperm_init ;
568     Cdeg = Symbolic->Cdeg ;
569     Rdeg = Symbolic->Rdeg ;
571     if (!Cperm_init || !Rperm_init || !Cdeg || !Rdeg)
572     {
573 	DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: symbolic perm\n")) ;
574 	Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
575 	error (&Symbolic, (SWType *) NULL) ;
576 	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
577     }
579     Symbolic->n_row = n_row ;
580     Symbolic->n_col = n_col ;
581     Symbolic->nz = nz ;
582     Symbolic->nb = nb ;
584     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
585     /* check user's input permutation */
586     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
588     if (Quser != (Int *) NULL)
589     {
590 	/* use Cperm_init as workspace to check input permutation */
591 	if (!UMF_is_permutation (Quser, Cperm_init, n_col, n_col))
592 	{
593 	    Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_permutation ;
594 	    error (&Symbolic, (SWType *) NULL) ;
595 	    return (UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_permutation) ;
596 	}
597     }
599     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
600     /* allocate workspace */
601     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
603     /* (2) Eleven calls to UMF_malloc are made, for workspace of size
604      * Clen + nz + 7*n_col + 2*n_row + 2 integers.  Clen is the larger of
605      *     MAX (2*nz, 4*n_col) + 8*n_col + 6*n_row + n_col + nz/5 and
606      *     2.4*nz + 8 * MIN (n_row, n_col) + MAX (n_row, n_col, nz)
607      * If A is square and non-singular, then Clen is
608      *     MAX (MAX (2*nz, 4*n) + 7*n + nz/5,  3.4*nz) + 8*n
609      * If A has at least 4*n nonzeros then Clen is
610      *     MAX (2.2*nz + 7*n,  3.4*nz) + 8*n
611      * If A has at least (7/1.2)*n nonzeros, (about 5.8*n), then Clen is
612      *     3.4*nz + 8*n
613      * This space will be free'd when this routine finishes.
614      *
615      * Total space thus far is about 3.4nz + 12n integers.
616      * For the double precision, 32-bit integer version, the user's matrix
617      * requires an equivalent space of 3*nz + n integers.  So this space is just
618      * slightly larger than the user's input matrix (including the numerical
619      * values themselves).
620      */
622     SW = &SWspace ;	/* used for UMFPACK_symbolic only */
624     /* Note that SW->Front_* does not include the dummy placeholder front. */
625     /* This space is accounted for by the SYM_WORK_USAGE macro. */
627     /* this is free'd early */
628     SW->Si	      = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nz, sizeof (Int)) ;
629     SW->Sp	      = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
630     SW->InvRperm1     = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row, sizeof (Int)) ;
631     SW->Cperm1	      = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
633     /* this is free'd late */
634     SW->Ci	      = (Int *) UMF_malloc (Clen, sizeof (Int)) ;
635     SW->Front_npivcol = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col + 1, sizeof (Int)) ;
636     SW->Front_nrows   = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
637     SW->Front_ncols   = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
638     SW->Front_parent  = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
639     SW->Front_cols    = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col, sizeof (Int)) ;
640     SW->Rperm1	      = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row, sizeof (Int)) ;
641     SW->InFront	      = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_row, sizeof (Int)) ;
643     /* this is allocated later, and free'd after Cperm1 but before Ci */
644     SW->Rperm_2by2    = (Int *) NULL ;   /* will be nn Int's */
646     /* this is allocated last, and free'd first */
647     SW->Rs	      = (double *) NULL ;	/* will be n_row double's */
649     Ci	       = SW->Ci ;
650     Fr_npivcol = SW->Front_npivcol ;
651     Fr_nrows   = SW->Front_nrows ;
652     Fr_ncols   = SW->Front_ncols ;
653     Fr_parent  = SW->Front_parent ;
654     Fr_cols    = SW->Front_cols ;
655     Cperm1     = SW->Cperm1 ;
656     Rperm1     = SW->Rperm1 ;
657     Si	       = SW->Si ;
658     Sp	       = SW->Sp ;
659     InvRperm1  = SW->InvRperm1 ;
660     Rperm_2by2 = (Int *) NULL ;
661     InFront    = SW->InFront ;
663     if (!Ci || !Fr_npivcol || !Fr_nrows || !Fr_ncols || !Fr_parent || !Fr_cols
664 	|| !Cperm1 || !Rperm1 || !Si || !Sp || !InvRperm1 || !InFront)
665     {
666 	DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: symbolic work\n")) ;
667 	Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
668 	error (&Symbolic, SW) ;
669 	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
670     }
672     DEBUG0 (("Symbolic UMF_malloc_count - init_count = "ID"\n",
673 	UMF_malloc_count - init_count)) ;
674     ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 17) ;
676     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
677     /* find the row and column singletons */
678     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
680     /* [ use first nz + n_row + MAX (n_row, n_col) entries in Ci as workspace,
681      * and use Rperm_init as workspace */
682     ASSERT (Clen >= nz + n_row + MAX (n_row, n_col)) ;
684     status = UMF_singletons (n_row, n_col, Ap, Ai, Quser, strategy,
685 	Cdeg, Cperm1, Rdeg,
686 	Rperm1, InvRperm1, &n1, &n1c, &n1r, &nempty_col, &nempty_row, &is_sym,
687 	&max_rdeg, /* workspace: */ Rperm_init, Ci, Ci + nz, Ci + nz + n_row) ;
689     /* ] done using Rperm_init and Ci as workspace */
691     /* InvRperm1 is now the inverse of Rperm1 */
693     if (status != UMFPACK_OK)
694     {
695 	DEBUGm4 (("matrix invalid: UMF_singletons\n")) ;
696 	Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = status ;
697 	error (&Symbolic, SW) ;
698 	return (status) ;
699     }
700     Info [UMFPACK_NEMPTY_COL] = nempty_col ;
701     Info [UMFPACK_NEMPTY_ROW] = nempty_row ;
702     Info [UMFPACK_NDENSE_COL] = 0 ;	/* # dense rows/cols recomputed below */
703     Info [UMFPACK_NDENSE_ROW] = 0 ;
704     Info [UMFPACK_COL_SINGLETONS] = n1c ;
705     Info [UMFPACK_ROW_SINGLETONS] = n1r ;
706     Info [UMFPACK_S_SYMMETRIC] = is_sym ;
708     nempty = MIN (nempty_col, nempty_row) ;
709     Symbolic->nempty_row = nempty_row ;
710     Symbolic->nempty_col = nempty_col ;
712     /* UMF_singletons has verified that the user's input matrix is valid */
713     ASSERT (AMD_valid (n_row, n_col, Ap, Ai) == AMD_OK) ;
715     Symbolic->n1 = n1 ;
716     Symbolic->nempty = nempty ;
717     ASSERT (n1 <= n_inner) ;
718     n2 = nn - n1 - nempty ;
720     dense_row_threshold =
721 	UMFPACK_DENSE_DEGREE_THRESHOLD (drow, n_col - n1 - nempty_col) ;
722     Symbolic->dense_row_threshold = dense_row_threshold ;
724     if (!is_sym)
725     {
726 	/* either the pruned submatrix rectangular, or it is square and
727 	 * Rperm [n1 .. n-nempty-1] is not the same as Cperm [n1 .. n-nempty-1].
728 	 * Switch to the unsymmetric strategy, ignoring user-requested
729 	 * strategy. */
731 	DEBUGm4 (("Strategy: Unsymmetric singletons\n")) ;
732     }
734     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
735     /* determine symmetry, nzdiag, and degrees of S+S' */
736     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
738     /* S is the matrix obtained after removing singletons
739      *   = A (Cperm1 [n1..n_col-nempty_col-1], Rperm1 [n1..n_row-nempty_row-1])
740      */
742     Wq = Rperm_init ;	    /* use Rperm_init as workspace for Wq [ */
743     Sdeg = Cperm_init ;	    /* use Cperm_init as workspace for Sdeg [ */
744     sym = EMPTY ;
745     nzaat = EMPTY ;
746     nzdiag = EMPTY ;
747     for (i = 0 ; i < AMD_INFO ; i++)
748     {
749 	amd_Info [i] = EMPTY ;
750     }
752     if (strategy != UMFPACK_STRATEGY_UNSYMMETRIC)
753     {
754 	/* This also determines the degree of each node in S+S' (Sdeg), which
755 	 * is needed by the 2-by-2 strategy, the symmetry of S, and the number
756 	 * of nonzeros on the diagonal of S. */
757 	ASSERT (n_row == n_col) ;
758 	ASSERT (nempty_row == nempty_col) ;
760 	/* get the count of nonzeros on the diagonal of S, excluding explicitly
761 	 * zero entries.  nzdiag = amd_Info [AMD_NZDIAG] counts the zero entries
762 	 * in S. */
764 	nzdiag = prune_singletons (n1, nn, Ap, Ai, Ax,
765 #ifdef COMPLEX
766 	    Az,
767 #endif
768 	    Cperm1, InvRperm1, Si, Sp
769 #ifndef NDEBUG
770 	    , Rperm1, nn
771 #endif
772 	    ) ;
774 	/* use Ci as workspace to sort S into R, if needed [ */
775 	if (Quser != (Int *) NULL)
776 	{
777 	    /* need to sort the columns of S first */
778 	    Rp = Ci ;
779 	    Ri = Ci + (n_row) + 1 ;
780 	    (void) UMF_transpose (n2, n2, Sp, Si, (double *) NULL,
781 		(Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL, 0,
782 		Rp, Ri, (double *) NULL, Wq, FALSE
783 #ifdef COMPLEX
784 		, (double *) NULL, (double *) NULL, FALSE
785 #endif
786 		) ;
787 	}
788 	else
789 	{
790 	    /* S already has sorted columns */
791 	    Rp = Sp ;
792 	    Ri = Si ;
793 	}
794 	ASSERT (AMD_valid (n2, n2, Rp, Ri) == AMD_OK) ;
796 	nzaat = AMD_aat (n2, Rp, Ri, Sdeg, Wq, amd_Info) ;
797 	sym = amd_Info [AMD_SYMMETRY] ;
798 	Info [UMFPACK_N2] = n2 ;
799 	/* nzdiag = amd_Info [AMD_NZDIAG] counts the zero entries of S too */
801 	/* done using Ci as workspace to sort S into R ] */
803 #ifndef NDEBUG
804 	for (k = 0 ; k < n2 ; k++)
805 	{
806 	    ASSERT (Sdeg [k] >= 0 && Sdeg [k] < n2) ;
807 	}
808 	ASSERT (Sp [n2] - n2 <= nzaat && nzaat <= 2 * Sp [n2]) ;
809 	DEBUG0 (("Explicit zeros: "ID" %g\n", nzdiag, amd_Info [AMD_NZDIAG])) ;
810 #endif
812     }
814     /* get statistics from amd_aat, if computed */
815     Symbolic->sym = sym ;
816     Symbolic->nzaat = nzaat ;
817     Symbolic->nzdiag = nzdiag ;
818     Symbolic->amd_dmax = EMPTY ;
820     Info [UMFPACK_PATTERN_SYMMETRY] = sym ;
821     Info [UMFPACK_NZ_A_PLUS_AT] = nzaat ;
822     Info [UMFPACK_NZDIAG] = nzdiag ;
824     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
825     /* determine the initial strategy based on symmetry and nnz (diag (S)) */
826     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
828     if (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_AUTO)
829     {
830 	if (sym < 0.10)
831 	{
832 	    /* highly unsymmetric: use the unsymmetric strategy */
834 	    DEBUGm4 (("Strategy: select unsymmetric\n")) ;
835 	}
836 	else if (sym >= 0.7 && nzdiag == n2)
837 	{
838 	    /* mostly symmetric, zero-free diagonal: use symmetric strategy */
839 	    strategy = UMFPACK_STRATEGY_SYMMETRIC ;
840 	    DEBUGm4 (("Strategy: select symmetric\n")) ;
841 	}
842 	else
843 	{
844 	    /* Evaluate the symmetric 2-by-2 strategy, and select it, or
845 	     * the unsymmetric strategy if the 2-by-2 strategy doesn't look
846 	     * promising. */
847 	    strategy = UMFPACK_STRATEGY_2BY2 ;
848 	    DEBUGm4 (("Strategy: try 2-by-2\n")) ;
849 	}
850     }
852     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
853     /* try the 2-by-2 strategy */
854     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
856     /* (3) If the 2-by-2 strategy is attempted, additional workspace of size
857      * nn integers and nn double's is allocated, where nn = n_row = n_col.
858      * The real workspace is immediately free'd.  The integer workspace of
859      * size nn remains until the end of umfpack_qsymbolic. */
861     /* If the resulting matrix S (Rperm_2by2, :) is too unsymmetric, then the
862      * unsymmetric strategy will be used instead. */
864     if (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_2BY2)
865     {
866 	double sym2 ;
867 	Int *Blen, *W, nz_papat, nzd2, nweak, unmatched, Clen3 ;
869 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
870 	/* get workspace for UMF_2by2 */
871 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
873 	ASSERT (n_row == n_col && nn == n_row) ;
875 #ifndef NDEBUG
876 	for (k = 0 ; k < n2 ; k++)
877 	{
878 	    ASSERT (Sdeg [k] >= 0 && Sdeg [k] < n2) ;
879 	}
880 #endif
882 	/* allocate Rperm_2by2 */
883 	SW->Rperm_2by2 = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nn, sizeof (Int)) ;
884 	Rperm_2by2 = SW->Rperm_2by2 ;
885 	if (Rperm_2by2 == (Int *) NULL)
886 	{
887 	    DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: Rperm_2by2\n")) ;
888 	    Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
889 	    error (&Symbolic, SW) ;
890 	    return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
891 	}
893 	/* allocate Ri from the tail end of Ci [ */
894 	Clen3 = Clen - (MAX (nn, nz) + 1) ;
895 	Ri = Ci + Clen3 ;
896 	ASSERT (Clen3 >= nz) ;	/* space required for UMF_2by2 */
898 	/* use Fr_* as workspace for Rp, Blen, and W [ */
899 	Rp = Fr_npivcol ;
900 	Blen = Fr_ncols ;
901 	W = Fr_cols ;
903 	if (scale != UMFPACK_SCALE_NONE)
904 	{
905 	    SW->Rs = (double *) UMF_malloc (nn, sizeof (double)) ;
906 	    if (SW->Rs == (double *) NULL)
907 	    {
908 		DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: scale factors for 2-by-2\n")) ;
909 		Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
910 		error (&Symbolic, SW) ;
911 		return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
912 	    }
913 	}
915 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
916 	/* find the 2-by-2 row permutation */
917 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
919 	/* find a row permutation Rperm_2by2 such that S (Rperm_2by2, :)
920 	 * has a healthy diagonal */
922 	UMF_2by2 (nn, Ap, Ai, Ax,
923 #ifdef COMPLEX
924 		Az,
925 #endif
926 		tol, scale, Cperm1,
927 #ifndef NDEBUG
928 		Rperm1,
929 #endif
930 		InvRperm1, n1, nempty, Sdeg, Rperm_2by2, &nweak, &unmatched,
931 		Ri, Rp, SW->Rs, Blen, W, Ci, Wq) ;
932 	DEBUGm3 (("2by2: nweak "ID" unmatched "ID"\n", nweak, unmatched)) ;
933 	Info [UMFPACK_2BY2_NWEAK] = nweak ;
934 	Info [UMFPACK_2BY2_UNMATCHED] = unmatched ;
936 	SW->Rs = (double *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Rs) ;
938 	/* R = S (Rperm_2by2,:)' */
939 	(void) UMF_transpose (n2, n2, Sp, Si, (double *) NULL, Rperm_2by2,
940 	    (Int *) NULL, 0, Rp, Ri, (double *) NULL, W, FALSE
941 #ifdef COMPLEX
942 	    , (double *) NULL, (double *) NULL, FALSE
943 #endif
944 	    ) ;
945 	ASSERT (AMD_valid (n2, n2, Rp, Ri) == AMD_OK) ;
947 	/* contents of Si and Sp no longer needed, but the space is
948 	 * still needed */
950 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
951 	/* find symmetry of S (Rperm_2by2, :)', and prepare to order with AMD */
952 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
954 	for (i = 0 ; i < AMD_INFO ; i++)
955 	{
956 	    amd_Info [i] = EMPTY ;
957 	}
958 	nz_papat = AMD_aat (n2, Rp, Ri, Sdeg, Wq, amd_Info) ;
959 	sym2 = amd_Info [AMD_SYMMETRY] ;
960 	nzd2 = amd_Info [AMD_NZDIAG] ;
962 	Info [UMFPACK_2BY2_PATTERN_SYMMETRY] = sym2 ;
963 	Info [UMFPACK_2BY2_NZ_PA_PLUS_PAT] = nz_papat ;
964 	Info [UMFPACK_2BY2_NZDIAG] = nzd2 ;
966 	DEBUG0 (("2by2: sym2 %g nzd2 "ID" n2 "ID"\n", sym2, nzd2, n2)) ;
968 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
969 	/* evaluate the 2-by-2 results */
970 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
972 	if (user_auto_strategy)
973 	{
974 	    if ((sym2 > 1.1 * sym) && (nzd2 > 0.9 * n2))
975 	    {
976 		/* 2-by-2 made it much more symmetric */
977 		DEBUGm4 (("eval Strategy 2by2: much more symmetric:  2by2\n")) ;
978 		strategy = UMFPACK_STRATEGY_2BY2 ;
979 	    }
980 	    else if (sym2 < 0.7 * sym)
981 	    {
982 		/* 2-by-2 made it much more unsymmetric */
983 		DEBUGm4 (("eval Strategy 2by2: much more UNsymmetric:unsym\n"));
985 	    }
986 	    else if (sym2 < 0.25)
987 	    {
988 		DEBUGm4 (("eval Strategy 2by2: is UNsymmetric: unsym\n"));
990 	    }
991 	    else if (sym2 >= 0.51)
992 	    {
993 		DEBUGm4 (("eval Strategy 2by2: sym2 >= 0.51: 2by2\n")) ;
994 		strategy = UMFPACK_STRATEGY_2BY2 ;
995 	    }
996 	    else if (sym2 >= 0.999 * sym)
997 	    {
998 		/* 2-by-2 improved symmetry, or made it only slightly worse */
999 		DEBUGm4 (("eval Strategy 2by2: sym2 >= 0.999 sym: 2by2\n")) ;
1000 		strategy = UMFPACK_STRATEGY_2BY2 ;
1001 	    }
1002 	    else
1003 	    {
1004 		/* can't decide what to do, so pick the unsymmetric strategy */
1005 		DEBUGm4 (("eval Strategy 2by2: punt: unsym\n"));
1007 	    }
1008 	}
1010 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1011 	/* if the 2-by-2 strategy is selected: */
1012 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1014 	if (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_2BY2)
1015 	{
1016 	    if (Quser == (Int *) NULL)
1017 	    {
1018 		/* 2-by-2 strategy is successful */
1019 		/* compute amd (S) */
1020 		Int *Qinv = Fr_npivcol ;
1021 		ASSERT (Clen3 >= (nz_papat + nz_papat/5 + nn) + 7*nn) ;
1022 		do_amd (n2, Rp, Ri, Wq, Qinv, Sdeg, Clen3, Ci,
1023 		    amd_Control, amd_Info, Symbolic, Info) ;
1024 		/* combine the singleton ordering and the AMD ordering */
1025 		combine_ordering (n1, nempty, nn, Cperm_init, Cperm1, Qinv) ;
1026 	    }
1027 	    /* fix Rperm_2by2 to reflect A, not S */
1028 	    for (k = 0 ; k < n1 ; k++)
1029 	    {
1030 		oldcol = Cperm1 [k] ;
1031 		i = k ;
1032 		oldrow = Rperm1 [k] ;
1033 		W [oldcol] = oldrow ;
1034 	    }
1035 	    for (k = n1 ; k < nn - nempty ; k++)
1036 	    {
1037 		oldcol = Cperm1 [k] ;
1038 		i = Rperm_2by2 [k - n1] + n1 ;
1039 		oldrow = Rperm1 [i] ;
1040 		W [oldcol] = oldrow ;
1041 	    }
1042 	    for (k = nn - nempty ; k < nn ; k++)
1043 	    {
1044 		oldcol = Cperm1 [k] ;
1045 		i = k ;
1046 		oldrow = Rperm1 [k] ;
1047 		W [oldcol] = oldrow ;
1048 	    }
1049 	    for (k = 0 ; k < nn ; k++)
1050 	    {
1051 		Rperm_2by2 [k] = W [k] ;
1052 	    }
1054 	    /* Now, the "diagonal" entry in oldcol (where oldcol is the user's
1055 	     * name for a column, is the entry in row oldrow (where oldrow is
1056 	     * the user's name for a row, and oldrow = Rperm_2by2 [oldcol] */
1057 	}
1059 	/* Fr_* no longer needed for Rp, Blen, W ] */
1060     }
1062     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1063     /* finalize the strategy, including fixQ and prefer_diagonal */
1064     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1066     if (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_SYMMETRIC)
1067     {
1068 	/* use given Quser or AMD (A+A'), fix Q during factorization,
1069 	 * prefer diagonal */
1070 	DEBUG0 (("\nStrategy: symmetric\n")) ;
1071 	ASSERT (n_row == n_col) ;
1072 	Symbolic->ordering = UMFPACK_ORDERING_AMD ;
1073 	fixQ = TRUE ;
1074 	prefer_diagonal = TRUE ;
1075     }
1076     else if (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_2BY2)
1077     {
1078 	/* use Q = given Quser or Q = AMD (PA+PA'), fix Q during factorization,
1079 	 * prefer diagonal, and factorize PAQ, where P is found by UMF_2by2. */
1080 	DEBUG0 (("\nStrategy: symmetric 2-by-2\n")) ;
1081 	ASSERT (n_row == n_col) ;
1082 	Symbolic->ordering = UMFPACK_ORDERING_AMD ;
1083 	fixQ = TRUE ;
1084 	prefer_diagonal = TRUE ;
1085     }
1086     else
1087     {
1088 	/* use given Quser or COLAMD (A), refine Q during factorization,
1089 	 * no diagonal preference */
1091 	DEBUG0 (("\nStrategy: unsymmetric\n")) ;
1092 	Symbolic->ordering = UMFPACK_ORDERING_COLAMD ;
1093 	fixQ = FALSE ;
1094 	prefer_diagonal = FALSE ;
1095     }
1097     if (Quser != (Int *) NULL)
1098     {
1099 	Symbolic->ordering = UMFPACK_ORDERING_GIVEN ;
1100     }
1102     if (force_fixQ > 0)
1103     {
1104 	fixQ = TRUE ;
1105 	DEBUG0 (("Force fixQ true\n")) ;
1106     }
1107     else if (force_fixQ < 0)
1108     {
1109 	fixQ = FALSE ;
1110 	DEBUG0 (("Force fixQ false\n")) ;
1111     }
1113     DEBUG0 (("Strategy: ordering:   "ID"\n", Symbolic->ordering)) ;
1114     DEBUG0 (("Strategy: fixQ:       "ID"\n", fixQ)) ;
1115     DEBUG0 (("Strategy: prefer diag "ID"\n", prefer_diagonal)) ;
1117     /* get statistics from amd_aat, if computed */
1118     Symbolic->strategy = strategy ;
1119     Symbolic->fixQ = fixQ ;
1120     Symbolic->prefer_diagonal = prefer_diagonal ;
1122     Info [UMFPACK_STRATEGY_USED] = strategy ;
1123     Info [UMFPACK_ORDERING_USED] = Symbolic->ordering ;
1124     Info [UMFPACK_QFIXED] = fixQ ;
1125     Info [UMFPACK_DIAG_PREFERRED] = prefer_diagonal ;
1127     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1128     /* get the AMD ordering for the symmetric strategy */
1129     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1131     if (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_SYMMETRIC && Quser == (Int *) NULL)
1132     {
1133 	/* symmetric strategy for a matrix with mostly symmetric pattern */
1134 	Int *Qinv = Fr_npivcol ;
1135 	ASSERT (n_row == n_col && nn == n_row) ;
1136 	ASSERT (Clen >= (nzaat + nzaat/5 + nn) + 7*nn) ;
1137 	do_amd (n2, Sp, Si, Wq, Qinv, Sdeg, Clen, Ci,
1138 		amd_Control, amd_Info, Symbolic, Info) ;
1139 	/* combine the singleton ordering and the AMD ordering */
1140 	combine_ordering (n1, nempty, nn, Cperm_init, Cperm1, Qinv) ;
1141     }
1142     /* Sdeg no longer needed ] */
1143     /* done using Rperm_init as workspace for Wq ] */
1145     /* Contents of Si and Sp no longer needed, but the space is still needed */
1147     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1148     /* use the user's input column ordering (already in Cperm1) */
1149     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1151     if (Quser != (Int *) NULL)
1152     {
1153 	for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
1154 	{
1155 	    Cperm_init [k] = Cperm1 [k] ;
1156 	}
1157     }
1159     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1160     /* use COLAMD to order the matrix */
1161     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1163     if (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_UNSYMMETRIC && Quser == (Int *) NULL)
1164     {
1166 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1167 	/* copy the matrix into colamd workspace (colamd destroys its input) */
1168 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1170 	/* C = A (Cperm1 (n1+1:end), Rperm1 (n1+1:end)), where Ci is used as
1171 	 * the row indices and Cperm_init (on input) is used as the column
1172 	 * pointers. */
1174 	(void) prune_singletons (n1, n_col, Ap, Ai,
1175 	    (double *) NULL,
1176 #ifdef COMPLEX
1177 	    (double *) NULL,
1178 #endif
1179 	    Cperm1, InvRperm1, Ci, Cperm_init
1180 #ifndef NDEBUG
1181 	    , Rperm1, n_row
1182 #endif
1183 	    ) ;
1185 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1186 	/* set UMF_colamd defaults */
1187 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1189 	UMF_colamd_set_defaults (knobs) ;
1190 	knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW] = drow ;
1191 	knobs [COLAMD_DENSE_COL] = dcol ;
1192 	knobs [COLAMD_AGGRESSIVE] = aggressive ;
1194 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1195 	/* check input matrix and find the initial column pre-ordering */
1196 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1198 	/* NOTE: umf_colamd is not given any original empty rows or columns.
1199 	 * Those have already been removed via prune_singletons, above.  The
1200 	 * umf_colamd routine has been modified to assume that all rows and
1201 	 * columns have at least one entry in them.  It will break if it is
1202 	 * given empty rows or columns (an assertion is triggered when running
1203 	 * in debug mode. */
1205 	(void) UMF_colamd (
1206 		n_row - n1 - nempty_row,
1207 		n_col - n1 - nempty_col,
1208 		Clen, Ci, Cperm_init, knobs, colamd_stats,
1209 		Fr_npivcol, Fr_nrows, Fr_ncols, Fr_parent, Fr_cols, &nfr,
1210 		InFront) ;
1211 	ASSERT (colamd_stats [COLAMD_EMPTY_ROW] == 0) ;
1212 	ASSERT (colamd_stats [COLAMD_EMPTY_COL] == 0) ;
1214 	/* # of dense rows will be recomputed below */
1215 	Info [UMFPACK_NDENSE_ROW]  = colamd_stats [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW] ;
1216 	Info [UMFPACK_NDENSE_COL]  = colamd_stats [COLAMD_DENSE_COL] ;
1219 	/* re-analyze if any "dense" rows or cols ignored by UMF_colamd */
1220 	do_UMF_analyze =
1221 	    colamd_stats [COLAMD_DENSE_ROW] > 0 ||
1222 	    colamd_stats [COLAMD_DENSE_COL] > 0 ;
1224 	/* Combine the singleton and colamd ordering into Cperm_init */
1225 	/* Note that colamd returns its inverse permutation in Ci */
1226 	combine_ordering (n1, nempty_col, n_col, Cperm_init, Cperm1, Ci) ;
1228 	/* contents of Ci no longer needed */
1230 #ifndef NDEBUG
1231 	for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
1232 	{
1233 	    DEBUG1 (("Cperm_init ["ID"] = "ID"\n", col, Cperm_init[col]));
1234 	}
1235 	/* make sure colamd returned a valid permutation */
1236 	ASSERT (Cperm_init != (Int *) NULL) ;
1237 	ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Cperm_init, Ci, n_col, n_col)) ;
1238 #endif
1240     }
1241     else
1242     {
1244 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1245 	/* do not call colamd - use input Quser or AMD instead */
1246 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1248 	/* The ordering (Quser or Qamd) is already in Cperm_init */
1249 	do_UMF_analyze = TRUE ;
1251     }
1253     Cperm_init [n_col] = EMPTY ;	/* unused in Cperm_init */
1255     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1256     /* AMD ordering, if it exists, has been copied into Cperm_init */
1257     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1259 #ifndef NDEBUG
1260     DEBUG3 (("Cperm_init column permutation:\n")) ;
1261     ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Cperm_init, Ci, n_col, n_col)) ;
1262     for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
1263     {
1264 	DEBUG3 ((ID"\n", Cperm_init [k])) ;
1265     }
1266     /* ensure that empty columns have been placed last in A (:,Cperm_init) */
1267     for (newj = 0 ; newj < n_col ; newj++)
1268     {
1269 	/* empty columns will be last in A (:, Cperm_init (1:n_col)) */
1270 	j = Cperm_init [newj] ;
1271 	ASSERT (IMPLIES (newj >= n_col-nempty_col, Cdeg [j] == 0)) ;
1272 	ASSERT (IMPLIES (newj <  n_col-nempty_col, Cdeg [j] > 0)) ;
1273     }
1274 #endif
1276     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1277     /* symbolic factorization (unless colamd has already done it) */
1278     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1280     if (do_UMF_analyze)
1281     {
1283 	Int *W, *Bp, *Bi, *Cperm2, ok, *P, Clen2, bsize, Clen0 ;
1285 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1286 	/* construct column pre-ordered, pruned submatrix */
1287 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1289 	/* S = column form submatrix after removing singletons and applying
1290 	 * initial column ordering (includes singleton ordering) */
1291 	(void) prune_singletons (n1, n_col, Ap, Ai,
1292 	    (double *) NULL,
1293 #ifdef COMPLEX
1294 	    (double *) NULL,
1295 #endif
1296 	    Cperm_init, InvRperm1, Si, Sp
1297 #ifndef NDEBUG
1298 	    , Rperm1, n_row
1299 #endif
1300 	    ) ;
1302 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1303 	/* Ci [0 .. Clen-1] holds the following work arrays:
1305 		first Clen0 entries	empty space, where Clen0 =
1306 					Clen - (nn+1 + 2*nn + n_col)
1307 					and Clen0 >= nz + n_col
1308 		next nn+1 entries	Bp [0..nn]
1309 		next nn entries		Link [0..nn-1]
1310 		next nn entries		W [0..nn-1]
1311 		last n_col entries	Cperm2 [0..n_col-1]
1313 	    We have Clen >= n_col + MAX (nz,n_col) + 3*nn+1 + n_col,
1314 	    So  Clen0 >= 2*n_col as required for AMD_postorder
1315 	    and Clen0 >= n_col + nz as required
1316 	*/
1318 	Clen0 = Clen - (nn+1 + 2*nn + n_col) ;
1319 	Bp = Ci + Clen0 ;
1320 	Link = Bp + (nn+1) ;
1321 	W = Link + nn ;
1322 	Cperm2 = W + nn ;
1323 	ASSERT (Cperm2 + n_col == Ci + Clen) ;
1324 	ASSERT (Clen0 >= nz + n_col) ;
1325 	ASSERT (Clen0 >= 2*n_col) ;
1327 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1328 	/* P = order that rows will be used in UMF_analyze */
1329 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1331 	/* use W to mark rows, and use Link for row permutation P [ [ */
1332 	for (row = 0 ; row < n_row - n1 ; row++)
1333 	{
1334 	    W [row] = FALSE ;
1335 	}
1336 	P = Link ;
1338 	k = 0 ;
1340 	for (col = 0 ; col < n_col - n1 ; col++)
1341 	{
1342 	    /* empty columns are last in S */
1343 	    for (p = Sp [col] ; p < Sp [col+1] ; p++)
1344 	    {
1345 		row = Si [p] ;
1346 		if (!W [row])
1347 		{
1348 		    /* this row has just been seen for the first time */
1349 		    W [row] = TRUE ;
1350 		    P [k++] = row ;
1351 		}
1352 	    }
1353 	}
1355 	/* If the matrix has truly empty rows, then P will not be */
1356 	/* complete, and visa versa.  The matrix is structurally singular. */
1357 	nempty_row = n_row - n1 - k ;
1358 	if (k < n_row - n1)
1359 	{
1360 	    /* complete P by putting empty rows last in their natural order, */
1361 	    /* rather than declaring an error (the matrix is singular) */
1362 	    for (row = 0 ; row < n_row - n1 ; row++)
1363 	    {
1364 		if (!W [row])
1365 		{
1366 		    /* W [row] = TRUE ;  (not required) */
1367 		    P [k++] = row ;
1368 		}
1369 	    }
1370 	}
1372 	/* contents of W no longer needed ] */
1374 #ifndef NDEBUG
1375 	DEBUG3 (("Induced row permutation:\n")) ;
1376 	ASSERT (k == n_row - n1) ;
1377 	ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (P, W, n_row - n1, n_row - n1)) ;
1378 	for (k = 0 ; k < n_row - n1 ; k++)
1379 	{
1380 	    DEBUG3 ((ID"\n", P [k])) ;
1381 	}
1382 #endif
1384 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1385 	/* B = row-form of the pattern of S (excluding empty columns) */
1386 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1388 	/* Ci [0 .. Clen-1] holds the following work arrays:
1390 		first Clen2 entries	empty space, must be at least >= n_col
1391 		next max (nz,1)		Bi [0..max (nz,1)-1]
1392 		next nn+1 entries	Bp [0..nn]
1393 		next nn entries		Link [0..nn-1]
1394 		next nn entries		W [0..nn-1]
1395 		last n_col entries	Cperm2 [0..n_col-1]
1397 		This memory usage is accounted for by the UMF_ANALYZE_CLEN
1398 		macro.
1399 	*/
1401 	Clen2 = Clen0 ;
1402 	snz = Sp [n_col - n1] ;
1403 	bsize = MAX (snz, 1) ;
1404 	Clen2 -= bsize ;
1405 	Bi = Ci + Clen2 ;
1406 	ASSERT (Clen2 >= n_col) ;
1408 	(void) UMF_transpose (n_row - n1, n_col - n1 - nempty_col,
1409 	    Sp, Si, (double *) NULL,
1410 	    P, (Int *) NULL, 0, Bp, Bi, (double *) NULL, W, FALSE
1411 #ifdef COMPLEX
1412 	    , (double *) NULL, (double *) NULL, FALSE
1413 #endif
1414 	    ) ;
1416 	/* contents of Si and Sp no longer needed */
1418 	/* contents of P (same as Link) and W not needed */
1419 	/* still need Link and W as work arrays, though ] */
1421 	ASSERT (Bp [0] == 0) ;
1422 	ASSERT (Bp [n_row - n1] == snz) ;
1424 	/* increment Bp to point into Ci, not Bi */
1425 	for (i = 0 ; i <= n_row - n1 ; i++)
1426 	{
1427 	    Bp [i] += Clen2 ;
1428 	}
1429 	ASSERT (Bp [0] == Clen0 - bsize) ;
1430 	ASSERT (Bp [n_row - n1] <= Clen0) ;
1432 	/* Ci [0 .. Clen-1] holds the following work arrays:
1434 		first Clen0 entries	Ci [0 .. Clen0-1], where the col indices
1435 					of B are at the tail end of this part,
1436 					and Bp [0] = Clen2 >= n_col.  Note
1437 					that Clen0 = Clen2 + max (snz,1).
1438 		next nn+1 entries	Bp [0..nn]
1439 		next nn entries		Link [0..nn-1]
1440 		next nn entries		W [0..nn-1]
1441 		last n_col entries	Cperm2 [0..n_col-1]
1442 	*/
1444 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1445 	/* analyze */
1446 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1448 	/* only analyze the non-empty, non-singleton part of the matrix */
1449 	ok = UMF_analyze (
1450 		n_row - n1 - nempty_row,
1451 		n_col - n1 - nempty_col,
1452 		Ci, Bp, Cperm2, fixQ, W, Link,
1453 		Fr_ncols, Fr_nrows, Fr_npivcol,
1454 		Fr_parent, &nfr, &analyze_compactions) ;
1455 	if (!ok)
1456 	{
1457 	    /* :: internal error in umf_analyze :: */
1458 	    Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_internal_error ;
1459 	    error (&Symbolic, SW) ;
1460 	    return (UMFPACK_ERROR_internal_error) ;
1461 	}
1462 	Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_DEFRAG] += analyze_compactions ;
1464 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1465 	/* combine the input permutation and UMF_analyze's permutation */
1466 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1468 	if (!fixQ)
1469 	{
1470 	    /* Cperm2 is the column etree post-ordering */
1471 	    ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Cperm2, W,
1472 	    n_col-n1-nempty_col, n_col-n1-nempty_col)) ;
1474 	    /* Note that the empty columns remain at the end of Cperm_init */
1475 	    for (k = 0 ; k < n_col - n1 - nempty_col ; k++)
1476 	    {
1477 		W [k] = Cperm_init [n1 + Cperm2 [k]] ;
1478 	    }
1480 	    for (k = 0 ; k < n_col - n1 - nempty_col ; k++)
1481 	    {
1482 		Cperm_init [n1 + k] = W [k] ;
1483 	    }
1484 	}
1486 	ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Cperm_init, W, n_col, n_col)) ;
1488     }
1490     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1491     /* free some of the workspace */
1492     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1494     /* (4) The real workspace, Rs, of size n_row doubles has already been
1495      * free'd.  An additional workspace of size nz + n_col+1 + n_col integers
1496      * is now free'd as well. */
1498     SW->Si = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Si) ;
1499     SW->Sp = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Sp) ;
1500     SW->Cperm1 = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Cperm1) ;
1501     ASSERT (SW->Rs == (double *) NULL) ;
1503     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1504     /* determine the size of the Symbolic object */
1505     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1507     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1508     /* determine the size of the Symbolic object */
1509     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1511     nchains = 0 ;
1512     for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
1513     {
1514 	if (Fr_parent [i] != i+1)
1515 	{
1516 	    nchains++ ;
1517 	}
1518     }
1520     Symbolic->nchains = nchains ;
1521     Symbolic->nfr = nfr ;
1522     Symbolic->esize
1523 	= (max_rdeg > dense_row_threshold) ? (n_col - n1 - nempty_col) : 0 ;
1525     /* true size of Symbolic object */
1526     Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_SIZE] = UMF_symbolic_usage (n_row, n_col, nchains,
1527 	    nfr, Symbolic->esize, prefer_diagonal) ;
1529     /* actual peak memory usage for UMFPACK_symbolic (actual nfr, nchains) */
1531 	SYM_WORK_USAGE (n_col, n_row, Clen) + Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_SIZE] ;
1532     Symbolic->peak_sym_usage = Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_PEAK_MEMORY] ;
1534     DEBUG0 (("Number of fronts: "ID"\n", nfr)) ;
1536     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1537     /* allocate the second part of the Symbolic object (Front_*, Chain_*) */
1538     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1540     /* (5) UMF_malloc is called 7 or 8 times, for a total space of
1541      * (4*(nfr+1) + 3*(nchains+1) + esize) integers, where nfr is the total
1542      * number of frontal matrices and nchains is the total number of frontal
1543      * matrix chains, and where nchains <= nfr <= n_col.  esize is zero if there
1544      * are no dense rows, or n_col-n1-nempty_col otherwise (n1 is the number of
1545      * singletons and nempty_col is the number of empty columns).  This space is
1546      * part of the Symbolic object and is not free'd unless an error occurs.
1547      * This is between 7 and about 8n integers when A is square.
1548      */
1550     /* Note that Symbolic->Front_* does include the dummy placeholder front */
1551     Symbolic->Front_npivcol = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nfr+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1552     Symbolic->Front_parent = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nfr+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1553     Symbolic->Front_1strow = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nfr+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1554     Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nfr+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1555     Symbolic->Chain_start = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nchains+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1556     Symbolic->Chain_maxrows = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nchains+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1557     Symbolic->Chain_maxcols = (Int *) UMF_malloc (nchains+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1559     fail = (!Symbolic->Front_npivcol || !Symbolic->Front_parent ||
1560 	!Symbolic->Front_1strow || !Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc ||
1561 	!Symbolic->Chain_start || !Symbolic->Chain_maxrows ||
1562 	!Symbolic->Chain_maxcols) ;
1564     if (Symbolic->esize > 0)
1565     {
1566 	Symbolic->Esize = (Int *) UMF_malloc (Symbolic->esize, sizeof (Int)) ;
1567 	fail = fail || !Symbolic->Esize ;
1568     }
1570     if (fail)
1571     {
1572 	DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: rest of symbolic object\n")) ;
1573 	Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
1574 	error (&Symbolic, SW) ;
1575 	return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
1576     }
1577     DEBUG0 (("Symbolic UMF_malloc_count - init_count = "ID"\n",
1578 	UMF_malloc_count - init_count)) ;
1579     ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 21
1580 	+ (SW->Rperm_2by2 != (Int *) NULL)
1581 	+ (Symbolic->Esize != (Int *) NULL)) ;
1583     Front_npivcol = Symbolic->Front_npivcol ;
1584     Front_parent = Symbolic->Front_parent ;
1585     Front_1strow = Symbolic->Front_1strow ;
1586     Front_leftmostdesc = Symbolic->Front_leftmostdesc ;
1588     Chain_start = Symbolic->Chain_start ;
1589     Chain_maxrows = Symbolic->Chain_maxrows ;
1590     Chain_maxcols = Symbolic->Chain_maxcols ;
1592     Esize = Symbolic->Esize ;
1594     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1595     /* assign rows to fronts */
1596     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1598     /* find InFront, unless colamd has already computed it */
1599     if (do_UMF_analyze)
1600     {
1602 	DEBUGm4 ((">>>>>>>>>Computing Front_1strow from scratch\n")) ;
1603 	/* empty rows go to dummy front nfr */
1604 	for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
1605 	{
1606 	    InFront [row] = nfr ;
1607 	}
1608 	/* assign the singleton pivot rows to the "empty" front */
1609 	for (k = 0 ; k < n1 ; k++)
1610 	{
1611 	    row = Rperm1 [k] ;
1612 	    InFront [row] = EMPTY ;
1613 	}
1614 	DEBUG1 (("Front (EMPTY), singleton nrows "ID" ncols "ID"\n", k, k)) ;
1615 	newj = n1 ;
1616 	for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
1617 	{
1618 	    fpivcol = Fr_npivcol [i] ;
1619 	    f1rows = 0 ;
1620 	    /* for all pivot columns in front i */
1621 	    for (kk = 0 ; kk < fpivcol ; kk++, newj++)
1622 	    {
1623 		j = Cperm_init [newj] ;
1624 		ASSERT (IMPLIES (newj >= n_col-nempty_col,
1625 				Ap [j+1] - Ap [j] == 0));
1626 		for (p = Ap [j] ; p < Ap [j+1] ; p++)
1627 		{
1628 		    row = Ai [p] ;
1629 		    if (InFront [row] == nfr)
1630 		    {
1631 			/* this row belongs to front i */
1632 			DEBUG1 (("    Row "ID" in Front "ID"\n", row, i)) ;
1633 			InFront [row] = i ;
1634 			f1rows++ ;
1635 		    }
1636 		}
1637 	    }
1638 	    Front_1strow [i] = f1rows ;
1639 	    DEBUG1 (("    Front "ID" has 1strows: "ID" pivcols "ID"\n",
1640 		i, f1rows, fpivcol)) ;
1641 	}
1643     }
1644     else
1645     {
1647 	/* COLAMD has already computed InFront, but it is not yet
1648 	 * InFront [row] = front i, where row is an original row.  It is
1649 	 * InFront [k-n1] = i for k in the range n1 to n_row-nempty_row,
1650 	 * and where row = Rperm1 [k].  Need to permute InFront.  Also compute
1651 	 * # of original rows assembled into each front.
1652 	 * [ use Ci as workspace */
1653 	DEBUGm4 ((">>>>>>>>>Computing Front_1strow from colamd's InFront\n")) ;
1654 	for (i = 0 ; i <= nfr ; i++)
1655 	{
1656 	    Front_1strow [i] = 0 ;
1657 	}
1658 	/* assign the singleton pivot rows to "empty" front */
1659 	for (k = 0 ; k < n1 ; k++)
1660 	{
1661 	    row = Rperm1 [k] ;
1662 	    Ci [row] = EMPTY ;
1663 	}
1664 	/* assign the non-empty rows to the front that assembled them */
1665 	for ( ; k < n_row - nempty_row ; k++)
1666 	{
1667 	    row = Rperm1 [k] ;
1668 	    i = InFront [k - n1] ;
1669 	    ASSERT (i >= EMPTY && i < nfr) ;
1670 	    if (i != EMPTY)
1671 	    {
1672 		Front_1strow [i]++ ;
1673 	    }
1674 	    /* use Ci as permuted version of InFront */
1675 	    Ci [row] = i ;
1676 	}
1677 	/* empty rows go to the "dummy" front */
1678 	for ( ; k < n_row ; k++)
1679 	{
1680 	    row = Rperm1 [k] ;
1681 	    Ci [row] = nfr ;
1682 	}
1683 	/* permute InFront so that InFront [row] = i if the original row is
1684 	 * in front i */
1685 	for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
1686 	{
1687 	    InFront [row] = Ci [row] ;
1688 	}
1689 	/* ] no longer need Ci as workspace */
1690     }
1692 #ifndef NDEBUG
1693     for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
1694     {
1695 	if (InFront [row] == nfr)
1696 	{
1697 	    DEBUG1 (("    Row "ID" in Dummy Front "ID"\n", row, nfr)) ;
1698 	}
1699 	else if (InFront [row] == EMPTY)
1700 	{
1701 	    DEBUG1 (("    singleton Row "ID"\n", row)) ;
1702 	}
1703 	else
1704 	{
1705 	    DEBUG1 (("    Row "ID" in Front "ID"\n", row, nfr)) ;
1706 	}
1707     }
1708 #endif
1710     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1711     /* copy front information into Symbolic object */
1712     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1714     k = n1 ;
1715     for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
1716     {
1717 	fpivcol = Fr_npivcol [i] ;
1718 	DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" k "ID" npivcol "ID" nrows "ID" ncols "ID"\n",
1719 	    i, k, fpivcol, Fr_nrows [i], Fr_ncols [i])) ;
1720 	k += fpivcol ;
1721 	/* copy Front info into Symbolic object from SW */
1722 	Front_npivcol [i] = fpivcol ;
1723 	Front_parent [i] = Fr_parent [i] ;
1724     }
1726     /* assign empty columns to dummy placehold front nfr */
1727     DEBUG1 (("Dummy Cols in Front "ID" : "ID"\n", nfr, n_col-k)) ;
1728     Front_npivcol [nfr] = n_col - k ;
1729     Front_parent [nfr] = EMPTY ;
1731     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1732     /* find initial row permutation */
1733     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1735     /* order the singleton pivot rows */
1736     for (k = 0 ; k < n1 ; k++)
1737     {
1738 	Rperm_init [k] = Rperm1 [k] ;
1739     }
1741     /* determine the first row in each front (in the new row ordering) */
1742     for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
1743     {
1744 	f1rows = Front_1strow [i] ;
1745 	DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" : npivcol "ID" parent "ID,
1746 	    i, Front_npivcol [i], Front_parent [i])) ;
1747 	DEBUG1 (("    1st rows in Front "ID" : "ID"\n", i, f1rows)) ;
1748 	Front_1strow [i] = k ;
1749 	k += f1rows ;
1750     }
1752     /* assign empty rows to dummy placehold front nfr */
1753     DEBUG1 (("Rows in Front "ID" (dummy): "ID"\n", nfr, n_row-k)) ;
1754     Front_1strow [nfr] = k ;
1755     DEBUG1 (("nfr "ID" 1strow[nfr] "ID" nrow "ID"\n", nfr, k, n_row)) ;
1757     /* Use Ci as temporary workspace for F1 */
1758     F1 = Ci ;				/* [ of size nfr+1 */
1759     ASSERT (Clen >= 2*n_row + nfr+1) ;
1761     for (i = 0 ; i <= nfr ; i++)
1762     {
1763 	F1 [i] = Front_1strow [i] ;
1764     }
1766     for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
1767     {
1768 	i = InFront [row] ;
1769 	if (i != EMPTY)
1770 	{
1771 	    newrow = F1 [i]++ ;
1772 	    ASSERT (newrow >= n1) ;
1773 	    Rperm_init [newrow] = row ;
1774 	}
1775     }
1776     Rperm_init [n_row] = EMPTY ;	/* unused */
1778 #ifndef NDEBUG
1779     for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
1780     {
1781 	DEBUG2 (("Rperm_init ["ID"] = "ID"\n", k, Rperm_init [k])) ;
1782     }
1783 #endif
1785     /* ] done using F1 */
1787     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1788     /* find the diagonal map */
1789     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1791     /* Rperm_init [newrow] = row gives the row permutation that is implied
1792      * by the column permutation, where "row" is a row index of the original
1793      * matrix A.  It is not dependent on the Rperm_2by2 permutation, which
1794      * only redefines the "diagonal".   Both are used to construct the
1795      * Diagonal_map.  Diagonal_map only needs to be defined for
1796      * k = n1 to nn - nempty, but go ahead and define it for all of
1797      * k = 0 to nn */
1799     if (prefer_diagonal)
1800     {
1801 	Int *Diagonal_map ;
1802 	ASSERT (n_row == n_col && nn == n_row) ;
1803 	ASSERT (nempty_row == nempty_col && nempty == nempty_row) ;
1805 	/* allocate the Diagonal_map */
1806 	Symbolic->Diagonal_map = (Int *) UMF_malloc (n_col+1, sizeof (Int)) ;
1807 	Diagonal_map = Symbolic->Diagonal_map ;
1808 	if (Diagonal_map == (Int *) NULL)
1809 	{
1810 	    /* :: out of memory (diagonal map) :: */
1811 	    DEBUGm4 (("out of memory: Diagonal map\n")) ;
1812 	    Info [UMFPACK_STATUS] = UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
1813 	    error (&Symbolic, SW) ;
1814 	    return (UMFPACK_ERROR_out_of_memory) ;
1815 	}
1817 	/* use Ci as workspace to compute the inverse of Rperm_init [ */
1818 	for (newrow = 0 ; newrow < nn ; newrow++)
1819 	{
1820 	    oldrow = Rperm_init [newrow] ;
1821 	    ASSERT (oldrow >= 0 && oldrow < nn) ;
1822 	    Ci [oldrow] = newrow ;
1823 	}
1824 	if (strategy == UMFPACK_STRATEGY_2BY2)
1825 	{
1826 	    ASSERT (Rperm_2by2 != (Int *) NULL) ;
1827 	    for (newcol = 0 ; newcol < nn ; newcol++)
1828 	    {
1829 		oldcol = Cperm_init [newcol] ;
1830 		/* 2-by-2 pivoting done in S */
1831 		oldrow = Rperm_2by2 [oldcol] ;
1832 		newrow = Ci [oldrow] ;
1833 		Diagonal_map [newcol] = newrow ;
1834 	    }
1835 	}
1836 	else
1837 	{
1838 	    for (newcol = 0 ; newcol < nn ; newcol++)
1839 	    {
1840 		oldcol = Cperm_init [newcol] ;
1841 		/* no 2-by-2 pivoting in S */
1842 		oldrow = oldcol ;
1843 		newrow = Ci [oldrow] ;
1844 		Diagonal_map [newcol] = newrow ;
1845 	    }
1846 	}
1848 #ifndef NDEBUG
1849 	DEBUG1 (("\nDiagonal map:\n")) ;
1850 	for (newcol = 0 ; newcol < nn ; newcol++)
1851 	{
1852 	    oldcol = Cperm_init [newcol] ;
1853 	    DEBUG3 (("oldcol "ID" newcol "ID":\n", oldcol, newcol)) ;
1854 	    for (p = Ap [oldcol] ; p < Ap [oldcol+1] ; p++)
1855 	    {
1856 		Entry aij ;
1857 		CLEAR (aij) ;
1858 		oldrow = Ai [p] ;
1859 		newrow = Ci [oldrow] ;
1860 		if (Ax != (double *) NULL)
1861 		{
1862 		    ASSIGN (aij, Ax, Az, p, SPLIT (Az)) ;
1863 		}
1864 		if (oldrow == oldcol)
1865 		{
1866 		    DEBUG2 (("     old diagonal : oldcol "ID" oldrow "ID" ",
1867 			    oldcol, oldrow)) ;
1868 		    EDEBUG2 (aij) ;
1869 		    DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
1870 		}
1871 		if (newrow == Diagonal_map [newcol])
1872 		{
1873 		    DEBUG2 (("     MAP diagonal : newcol "ID" MAProw "ID" ",
1874 			    newcol, Diagonal_map [newrow])) ;
1875 		    EDEBUG2 (aij) ;
1876 		    DEBUG2 (("\n")) ;
1877 		}
1878 	    }
1879 	}
1880 #endif
1881 	/* done using Ci as workspace ] */
1883     }
1885     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1886     /* find the leftmost descendant of each front */
1887     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1889     for (i = 0 ; i <= nfr ; i++)
1890     {
1891 	Front_leftmostdesc [i] = EMPTY ;
1892     }
1894     for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
1895     {
1896 	/* start at i and walk up the tree */
1897 	DEBUG2 (("Walk up front tree from "ID"\n", i)) ;
1898 	j = i ;
1899 	while (j != EMPTY && Front_leftmostdesc [j] == EMPTY)
1900 	{
1901 	    DEBUG3 (("  Leftmost desc of "ID" is "ID"\n", j, i)) ;
1902 	    Front_leftmostdesc [j] = i ;
1903 	    j = Front_parent [j] ;
1904 	    DEBUG3 (("  go to j = "ID"\n", j)) ;
1905 	}
1906     }
1908     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1909     /* find the frontal matrix chains and max frontal matrix sizes */
1910     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1912     maxnrows = 1 ;		/* max # rows in any front */
1913     maxncols = 1 ;		/* max # cols in any front */
1914     dmaxfrsize = 1 ;		/* max frontal matrix size */
1916     /* start the first chain */
1917     nchains = 0 ;		/* number of chains */
1918     Chain_start [0] = 0 ;	/* front 0 starts a new chain */
1919     maxrows = 1 ;		/* max # rows for any front in current chain */
1920     maxcols = 1 ;		/* max # cols for any front in current chain */
1921     DEBUG1 (("Constructing chains:\n")) ;
1923     for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
1924     {
1925 	/* get frontal matrix info */
1926 	fpivcol  = Front_npivcol [i] ;	    /* # candidate pivot columns */
1927 	fallrows = Fr_nrows [i] ;	    /* all rows (not just Schur comp) */
1928 	fallcols = Fr_ncols [i] ;	    /* all cols (not just Schur comp) */
1929 	parent = Front_parent [i] ;	    /* parent in column etree */
1930 	fpiv = MIN (fpivcol, fallrows) ;    /* # pivot rows and cols */
1931 	maxrows = MAX (maxrows, fallrows) ;
1932 	maxcols = MAX (maxcols, fallcols) ;
1934 	DEBUG1 (("Front: "ID", pivcol "ID", "ID"-by-"ID" parent "ID
1935 	    ", npiv "ID" Chain: maxrows "ID" maxcols "ID"\n", i, fpivcol,
1936 	    fallrows, fallcols, parent, fpiv, maxrows, maxcols)) ;
1938 	if (parent != i+1)
1939 	{
1940 	    /* this is the end of a chain */
1941 	    double s ;
1942 	    DEBUG1 (("\nEnd of chain "ID"\n", nchains)) ;
1944 	    /* make sure maxrows is an odd number */
1945 	    ASSERT (maxrows >= 0) ;
1946 	    if (maxrows % 2 == 0) maxrows++ ;
1948 	    DEBUG1 (("Chain maxrows "ID" maxcols "ID"\n", maxrows, maxcols)) ;
1950 	    Chain_maxrows [nchains] = maxrows ;
1951 	    Chain_maxcols [nchains] = maxcols ;
1953 	    /* keep track of the maximum front size for all chains */
1955 	    /* for Info only: */
1956 	    s = (double) maxrows * (double) maxcols ;
1957 	    dmaxfrsize = MAX (dmaxfrsize, s) ;
1959 	    /* for the subsequent numerical factorization */
1960 	    maxnrows = MAX (maxnrows, maxrows) ;
1961 	    maxncols = MAX (maxncols, maxcols) ;
1963 	    DEBUG1 (("Chain dmaxfrsize %g\n\n", dmaxfrsize)) ;
1965 	    /* start the next chain */
1966 	    nchains++ ;
1967 	    Chain_start [nchains] = i+1 ;
1968 	    maxrows = 1 ;
1969 	    maxcols = 1 ;
1970 	}
1971     }
1973     /* for Info only: */
1974     dmaxfrsize = ceil (dmaxfrsize) ;
1975     DEBUGm1 (("dmaxfrsize %30.20g Int_MAX "ID"\n", dmaxfrsize, Int_MAX)) ;
1976     ASSERT (Symbolic->nchains == nchains) ;
1978     /* For allocating objects in umfpack_numeric (does not include all possible
1979      * pivots, particularly pivots from prior fronts in the chain.  Need to add
1980      * nb to these to get the # of columns in the L block, for example.  This
1981      * is the largest row dimension and largest column dimension of any frontal
1982      * matrix.  maxnrows is always odd. */
1983     Symbolic->maxnrows = maxnrows ;
1984     Symbolic->maxncols = maxncols ;
1985     DEBUGm3 (("maxnrows "ID" maxncols "ID"\n", maxnrows, maxncols)) ;
1987     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1988     /* find the initial element sizes */
1989     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1991     if (max_rdeg > dense_row_threshold)
1992     {
1993 	/* there are one or more dense rows in the input matrix */
1994 	/* count the number of dense rows in each column */
1995 	/* use Ci as workspace for inverse of Rperm_init [ */
1996 	ASSERT (Esize != (Int *) NULL) ;
1997 	for (newrow = 0 ; newrow < n_row ; newrow++)
1998 	{
1999 	    oldrow = Rperm_init [newrow] ;
2000 	    ASSERT (oldrow >= 0 && oldrow < nn) ;
2001 	    Ci [oldrow] = newrow ;
2002 	}
2003 	for (col = n1 ; col < n_col - nempty_col ; col++)
2004 	{
2005 	    oldcol = Cperm_init [col] ;
2006 	    esize = Cdeg [oldcol] ;
2007 	    ASSERT (esize > 0) ;
2008 	    for (p = Ap [oldcol] ; p < Ap [oldcol+1] ; p++)
2009 	    {
2010 		oldrow = Ai [p] ;
2011 		newrow = Ci [oldrow] ;
2012 		if (newrow >= n1 && Rdeg [oldrow] > dense_row_threshold)
2013 		{
2014 		    esize-- ;
2015 		}
2016 	    }
2017 	    ASSERT (esize >= 0) ;
2018 	    Esize [col - n1] = esize ;
2019 	}
2020 	/* done using Ci as workspace ] */
2021     }
2023     /* If there are no dense rows, then Esize [col-n1] is identical to
2024      * Cdeg [col], once Cdeg is permuted below */
2026     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2027     /* permute Cdeg and Rdeg according to initial column and row permutation */
2028     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2030     /* use Ci as workspace [ */
2031     for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
2032     {
2033 	Ci [k] = Cdeg [Cperm_init [k]] ;
2034     }
2035     for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; k++)
2036     {
2037 	Cdeg [k] = Ci [k] ;
2038     }
2039     for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
2040     {
2041 	Ci [k] = Rdeg [Rperm_init [k]] ;
2042     }
2043     for (k = 0 ; k < n_row ; k++)
2044     {
2045 	Rdeg [k] = Ci [k] ;
2046     }
2047     /* done using Ci as workspace ] */
2049     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2050     /* simulate UMF_kernel_init */
2051     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2053     /* count elements and tuples at tail, LU factors of singletons, and
2054      * head and tail markers */
2056     dlnz = n_inner ;	/* upper limit of nz in L (incl diag) */
2057     dunz = dlnz ;	/* upper limit of nz in U (incl diag) */
2059     /* head marker */
2060     head_usage  = 1 ;
2061     dhead_usage = 1 ;
2063     /* tail markers: */
2064     tail_usage  = 2 ;
2065     dtail_usage = 2 ;
2067     /* allocate the Rpi and Rpx workspace for UMF_kernel_init (incl. headers) */
2068     tail_usage  +=  UNITS (Int *, n_row+1) +  UNITS (Entry *, n_row+1) + 2 ;
2069     dtail_usage += DUNITS (Int *, n_row+1) + DUNITS (Entry *, n_row+1) + 2 ;
2070     DEBUG1 (("Symbolic usage after Rpi/Rpx allocation: head "ID" tail "ID"\n",
2071 	head_usage, tail_usage)) ;
2073     /* LU factors for singletons, at the head of memory */
2074     for (k = 0 ; k < n1 ; k++)
2075     {
2076 	lnz = Cdeg [k] - 1 ;
2077 	unz = Rdeg [k] - 1 ;
2078 	dlnz += lnz ;
2079 	dunz += unz ;
2080 	DEBUG1 (("singleton k "ID" pivrow "ID" pivcol "ID" lnz "ID" unz "ID"\n",
2081 	    k, Rperm_init [k], Cperm_init [k], lnz, unz)) ;
2082 	head_usage  +=  UNITS (Int, lnz) +  UNITS (Entry, lnz)
2083 		    +   UNITS (Int, unz) +  UNITS (Entry, unz) ;
2084 	dhead_usage += DUNITS (Int, lnz) + DUNITS (Entry, lnz)
2085 		    +  DUNITS (Int, unz) + DUNITS (Entry, unz) ;
2086     }
2087     DEBUG1 (("Symbolic init head usage: "ID" for LU singletons\n",head_usage)) ;
2089     /* column elements: */
2090     for (k = n1 ; k < n_col - nempty_col; k++)
2091     {
2092 	esize = Esize ? Esize [k-n1] : Cdeg [k] ;
2093 	DEBUG2 (("   esize: "ID"\n", esize)) ;
2094 	ASSERT (esize >= 0) ;
2095 	if (esize > 0)
2096 	{
2097 	    tail_usage  +=  GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (esize, 1) + 1 ;
2098 	    dtail_usage += DGET_ELEMENT_SIZE (esize, 1) + 1 ;
2099 	}
2100     }
2102     /* dense row elements */
2103     if (Esize)
2104     {
2105 	Int nrow_elements = 0 ;
2106 	for (k = n1 ; k < n_row - nempty_row ; k++)
2107 	{
2108 	    rdeg = Rdeg [k] ;
2109 	    if (rdeg > dense_row_threshold)
2110 	    {
2111 		tail_usage  += GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (1, rdeg) + 1 ;
2112 		dtail_usage += GET_ELEMENT_SIZE (1, rdeg) + 1 ;
2113 		nrow_elements++ ;
2114 	    }
2115 	}
2116 	Info [UMFPACK_NDENSE_ROW] = nrow_elements ;
2117     }
2119     DEBUG1 (("Symbolic usage: "ID" = head "ID" + tail "ID" after els\n",
2120 	head_usage + tail_usage, head_usage, tail_usage)) ;
2122     /* compute the tuple lengths */
2123     if (Esize)
2124     {
2125 	/* row tuples */
2126 	for (row = n1 ; row < n_row ; row++)
2127 	{
2128 	    rdeg = Rdeg [row] ;
2129 	    tlen = (rdeg > dense_row_threshold) ? 1 : rdeg ;
2130 	    tail_usage  += 1 +  UNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (tlen)) ;
2131 	    dtail_usage += 1 + DUNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (tlen)) ;
2132 	}
2133 	/* column tuples */
2134 	for (col = n1 ; col < n_col - nempty_col ; col++)
2135 	{
2136 	    /* tlen is 1 plus the number of dense rows in this column */
2137 	    esize = Esize [col - n1] ;
2138 	    tlen = (esize > 0) + (Cdeg [col] - esize) ;
2139 	    tail_usage  += 1 +  UNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (tlen)) ;
2140 	    dtail_usage += 1 + DUNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (tlen)) ;
2141 	}
2142 	for ( ; col < n_col ; col++)
2143 	{
2144 	    tail_usage  += 1 +  UNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (0)) ;
2145 	    dtail_usage += 1 + DUNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (0)) ;
2146 	}
2147     }
2148     else
2149     {
2150 	/* row tuples */
2151 	for (row = n1 ; row < n_row ; row++)
2152 	{
2153 	    tlen = Rdeg [row] ;
2154 	    tail_usage  += 1 +  UNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (tlen)) ;
2155 	    dtail_usage += 1 + DUNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (tlen)) ;
2156 	}
2157 	/* column tuples */
2158 	for (col = n1 ; col < n_col ; col++)
2159 	{
2160 	    tail_usage  += 1 +  UNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (1)) ;
2161 	    dtail_usage += 1 + DUNITS (Tuple, TUPLES (1)) ;
2162 	}
2163     }
2165     Symbolic->num_mem_init_usage = head_usage + tail_usage ;
2166     DEBUG1 (("Symbolic usage: "ID" = head "ID" + tail "ID" final\n",
2167 	Symbolic->num_mem_init_usage, head_usage, tail_usage)) ;
2169     ASSERT (UMF_is_permutation (Rperm_init, Ci, n_row, n_row)) ;
2171     /* initial head and tail usage in Numeric->Memory */
2172     dmax_usage = dhead_usage + dtail_usage ;
2173     dmax_usage = MAX (Symbolic->num_mem_init_usage, ceil (dmax_usage)) ;
2174     Info [UMFPACK_VARIABLE_INIT_ESTIMATE] = dmax_usage ;
2176     /* In case Symbolic->num_mem_init_usage overflows, keep as a double, too */
2177     Symbolic->dnum_mem_init_usage = dmax_usage ;
2179     /* free the Rpi and Rpx workspace */
2180     tail_usage  -=  UNITS (Int *, n_row+1) +  UNITS (Entry *, n_row+1) ;
2181     dtail_usage -= DUNITS (Int *, n_row+1) + DUNITS (Entry *, n_row+1) ;
2183     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2184     /* simulate UMF_kernel, assuming unsymmetric pivoting */
2185     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2187     /* Use Ci as temporary workspace for link lists [ */
2188     Link = Ci ;
2189     for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
2190     {
2191 	Link [i] = EMPTY ;
2192     }
2194     flops = 0 ;			/* flop count upper bound */
2196     for (chain = 0 ; chain < nchains ; chain++)
2197     {
2198 	double fsize ;
2199 	f1 = Chain_start [chain] ;
2200 	f2 = Chain_start [chain+1] - 1 ;
2202 	/* allocate frontal matrix working array (C, L, and U) */
2203 	dr = Chain_maxrows [chain] ;
2204 	dc = Chain_maxcols [chain] ;
2205 	fsize =
2206 	      nb*nb	    /* LU is nb-by-nb */
2207 	    + dr*nb	    /* L is dr-by-nb */
2208 	    + nb*dc	    /* U is nb-by-dc, stored by rows */
2209 	    + dr*dc ;	    /* C is dr by dc */
2210 	dtail_usage += DUNITS (Entry, fsize) ;
2211 	dmax_usage = MAX (dmax_usage, dhead_usage + dtail_usage) ;
2213 	for (i = f1 ; i <= f2 ; i++)
2214 	{
2216 	    /* get frontal matrix info */
2217 	    fpivcol  = Front_npivcol [i] ; /* # candidate pivot columns */
2218 	    fallrows = Fr_nrows [i] ;   /* all rows (not just Schur comp*/
2219 	    fallcols = Fr_ncols [i] ;   /* all cols (not just Schur comp*/
2220 	    parent = Front_parent [i] ; /* parent in column etree */
2221 	    fpiv = MIN (fpivcol, fallrows) ;	/* # pivot rows and cols */
2222 	    f = (double) fpiv ;
2223 	    r = fallrows - fpiv ;		/* # rows in Schur comp. */
2224 	    c = fallcols - fpiv ;		/* # cols in Schur comp. */
2226 	    /* assemble all children of front i in column etree */
2227 	    for (child = Link [i] ; child != EMPTY ; child = Link [child])
2228 	    {
2229 		ASSERT (child >= 0 && child < i) ;
2230 		ASSERT (Front_parent [child] == i) ;
2231 		/* free the child element and remove it from tuple lists */
2232 		cp = MIN (Front_npivcol [child], Fr_nrows [child]) ;
2233 		cr = Fr_nrows [child] - cp ;
2234 		cc = Fr_ncols [child] - cp ;
2235 		ASSERT (cp >= 0 && cr >= 0 && cc >= 0) ;
2236 		dtail_usage -= ELEMENT_SIZE (cr, cc) ;
2238 	    }
2240 	    /* The flop count computed here is "canonical". */
2242 	    /* factorize the frontal matrix */
2243 	    flops += DIV_FLOPS * (f*r + (f-1)*f/2)  /* scale pivot columns */
2244 		/* f outer products: */
2245 		+ MULTSUB_FLOPS * (f*r*c + (r+c)*(f-1)*f/2 + (f-1)*f*(2*f-1)/6);
2247 	    /* count nonzeros and memory usage in double precision */
2248 	    dlf = (f*f-f)/2 + f*r ;		/* nz in L below diagonal */
2249 	    duf = (f*f-f)/2 + f*c ;		/* nz in U above diagonal */
2250 	    dlnz += dlf ;
2251 	    dunz += duf ;
2253 	    /* store f columns of L and f rows of U */
2254 	    dhead_usage +=
2255 		DUNITS (Entry, dlf + duf)   /* numerical values (excl diag) */
2256 		+ DUNITS (Int, r + c + f) ; /* indices (compressed) */
2258 	    if (parent != EMPTY)
2259 	    {
2260 		/* create new element and place in tuple lists */
2261 		dtail_usage += ELEMENT_SIZE (r, c) ;
2263 		/* place in link list of parent */
2264 		Link [i] = Link [parent] ;
2265 		Link [parent] = i ;
2266 	    }
2268 	    /* keep track of peak Numeric->Memory usage */
2269 	    dmax_usage = MAX (dmax_usage, dhead_usage + dtail_usage) ;
2271 	}
2273 	/* free the current frontal matrix */
2274 	dtail_usage -= DUNITS (Entry, fsize) ;
2275     }
2277     dhead_usage = ceil (dhead_usage) ;
2278     dmax_usage = ceil (dmax_usage) ;
2279     Symbolic->num_mem_size_est = dhead_usage ;
2280     Symbolic->num_mem_usage_est = dmax_usage ;
2281     Symbolic->lunz_bound = dlnz + dunz - n_inner ;
2283     /* ] done using Ci as workspace for Link array */
2285     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2286     /* estimate total memory usage in UMFPACK_numeric */
2287     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2289     UMF_set_stats (
2290 	Info,
2291 	Symbolic,
2292 	dmax_usage,		/* estimated peak size of Numeric->Memory */
2293 	dhead_usage,		/* estimated final size of Numeric->Memory */
2294 	flops,			/* estimated "true flops" */
2295 	dlnz,			/* estimated nz in L */
2296 	dunz,			/* estimated nz in U */
2297 	dmaxfrsize,		/* estimated largest front size */
2298 	(double) n_col,		/* worst case Numeric->Upattern size */
2299 	(double) n_inner,	/* max possible pivots to be found */
2300 	(double) maxnrows,	/* estimated largest #rows in front */
2301 	(double) maxncols,	/* estimated largest #cols in front */
2302 	TRUE,			/* assume scaling is to be performed */
2303 	prefer_diagonal,
2304 	ESTIMATE) ;
2306     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2308 #ifndef NDEBUG
2309     for (i = 0 ; i < nchains ; i++)
2310     {
2311 	DEBUG2 (("Chain "ID" start "ID" end "ID" maxrows "ID" maxcols "ID"\n",
2312 		i, Chain_start [i], Chain_start [i+1] - 1,
2313 		Chain_maxrows [i], Chain_maxcols [i])) ;
2314 	UMF_dump_chain (Chain_start [i], Fr_parent, Fr_npivcol, Fr_nrows,
2315 	    Fr_ncols, nfr) ;
2316     }
2317     fpivcol = 0 ;
2318     for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
2319     {
2320 	fpivcol = MAX (fpivcol, Front_npivcol [i]) ;
2321     }
2322     DEBUG0 (("Max pivot cols in any front: "ID"\n", fpivcol)) ;
2323     DEBUG1 (("Largest front: maxnrows "ID" maxncols "ID" dmaxfrsize %g\n",
2324 	maxnrows, maxncols, dmaxfrsize)) ;
2325 #endif
2327     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2328     /* UMFPACK_symbolic was successful, return the object handle */
2329     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2331     Symbolic->valid = SYMBOLIC_VALID ;
2332     *SymbolicHandle = (void *) Symbolic ;
2334     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2335     /* free workspace */
2336     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2338     /* (6) The last of the workspace is free'd.  The final Symbolic object
2339      * consists of 12 to 14 allocated objects.  Its final total size is lies
2340      * roughly between 4*n and 13*n for a square matrix, which is all that is
2341      * left of the memory allocated by this routine.  If an error occurs, the
2342      * entire Symbolic object is free'd when this routine returns (the error
2343      * return routine, below).
2344      */
2346     free_work (SW) ;
2348     DEBUG0 (("(3)Symbolic UMF_malloc_count - init_count = "ID"\n",
2349 	UMF_malloc_count - init_count)) ;
2350     ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count + 12
2351 	+ (Symbolic->Esize != (Int *) NULL)
2352 	+ (Symbolic->Diagonal_map != (Int *) NULL)) ;
2354     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2355     /* get the time used by UMFPACK_*symbolic */
2356     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2358     umfpack_toc (stats) ;
2359     Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_WALLTIME] = stats [0] ;
2360     Info [UMFPACK_SYMBOLIC_TIME] = stats [1] ;
2362     return (UMFPACK_OK) ;
2363 }
2366 /* ========================================================================== */
2367 /* === free_work ============================================================ */
2368 /* ========================================================================== */
free_work(SWType * SW)2370 PRIVATE void free_work
2371 (
2372     SWType *SW
2373 )
2374 {
2375     if (SW)
2376     {
2377 	SW->Rperm_2by2 = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Rperm_2by2) ;
2378 	SW->InvRperm1 = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->InvRperm1) ;
2379 	SW->Rs = (double *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Rs) ;
2380 	SW->Si = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Si) ;
2381 	SW->Sp = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Sp) ;
2382 	SW->Ci = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Ci) ;
2383 	SW->Front_npivcol = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Front_npivcol);
2384 	SW->Front_nrows = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Front_nrows) ;
2385 	SW->Front_ncols = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Front_ncols) ;
2386 	SW->Front_parent = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Front_parent) ;
2387 	SW->Front_cols = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Front_cols) ;
2388 	SW->Cperm1 = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Cperm1) ;
2389 	SW->Rperm1 = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->Rperm1) ;
2390 	SW->InFront = (Int *) UMF_free ((void *) SW->InFront) ;
2391     }
2392 }
2395 /* ========================================================================== */
2396 /* === error ================================================================ */
2397 /* ========================================================================== */
2399 /* Error return from UMFPACK_symbolic.  Free all allocated memory. */
error(SymbolicType ** Symbolic,SWType * SW)2401 PRIVATE void error
2402 (
2403     SymbolicType **Symbolic,
2404     SWType *SW
2405 )
2406 {
2408     free_work (SW) ;
2409     UMFPACK_free_symbolic ((void **) Symbolic) ;
2410     ASSERT (UMF_malloc_count == init_count) ;
2411 }