1 // Copyright (c) 2017, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced at
2 // the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. LLNL-CODE-734707. All Rights
3 // reserved. See files LICENSE and NOTICE for details.
4 //
5 // This file is part of CEED, a collection of benchmarks, miniapps, software
6 // libraries and APIs for efficient high-order finite element and spectral
7 // element discretizations for exascale applications. For more information and
8 // source code availability see http://github.com/ceed.
9 //
10 // The CEED research is supported by the Exascale Computing Project 17-SC-20-SC,
11 // a collaborative effort of two U.S. Department of Energy organizations (Office
12 // of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration) responsible for
13 // the planning and preparation of a capable exascale ecosystem, including
14 // software, applications, hardware, advanced system engineering and early
15 // testbed platforms, in support of the nation's exascale computing imperative.
17 #include "laghos_solver_s.hpp"
19 using namespace std;
21 namespace mfem
22 {
24 namespace hydrodynamics
25 {
VisualizeField(socketstream & sock,const char * vishost,int visport,GridFunction & gf,const char * title,int x,int y,int w,int h,bool vec)27 void VisualizeField(socketstream &sock, const char *vishost, int visport,
28                     GridFunction &gf, const char *title,
29                     int x, int y, int w, int h, bool vec)
30 {
31    Mesh &mesh = *gf.FESpace()->GetMesh();
32    bool newly_opened = false;
33    int connection_failed;
35    do
36    {
37       if (!sock.is_open() || !sock)
38       {
39          sock.open(vishost, visport);
40          sock.precision(8);
41          newly_opened = true;
42       }
43       sock << "solution\n";
45       mesh.Print(sock);
46       gf.Save(sock);
48       if (newly_opened)
49       {
50          sock << "window_title '" << title << "'\n"
51               << "window_geometry "
52               << x << " " << y << " " << w << " " << h << "\n"
53               << "keys maaAc";
54          if ( vec ) { sock << "vvv"; }
55          sock << endl;
56       }
58       connection_failed = !sock && !newly_opened;
59    }
60    while (connection_failed);
61 }
LagrangianHydroOperator(int size,FiniteElementSpace & h1_fes,FiniteElementSpace & l2_fes,Array<int> & essential_tdofs,GridFunction & rho0,int source_type_,double cfl_,Coefficient * material_,bool visc,bool pa)63 LagrangianHydroOperator::LagrangianHydroOperator(int size,
64                                                  FiniteElementSpace &h1_fes,
65                                                  FiniteElementSpace &l2_fes,
66                                                  Array<int> &essential_tdofs,
67                                                  GridFunction &rho0,
68                                                  int source_type_, double cfl_,
69                                                  Coefficient *material_,
70                                                  bool visc, bool pa)
71    : TimeDependentOperator(size),
72      H1FESpace(h1_fes), L2FESpace(l2_fes),
73      H1compFESpace(h1_fes.GetMesh(), h1_fes.FEColl(), 1),
74      ess_tdofs(essential_tdofs),
75      dim(h1_fes.GetMesh()->Dimension()),
76      nzones(h1_fes.GetMesh()->GetNE()),
77      l2dofs_cnt(l2_fes.GetFE(0)->GetDof()),
78      h1dofs_cnt(h1_fes.GetFE(0)->GetDof()),
79      source_type(source_type_), cfl(cfl_),
80      use_viscosity(visc), p_assembly(pa),
81      material_pcf(material_),
82      Mv(&h1_fes), Me_inv(l2dofs_cnt, l2dofs_cnt, nzones),
83      integ_rule(IntRules.Get(h1_fes.GetMesh()->GetElementBaseGeometry(0),
84                              3*h1_fes.GetOrder(0) + l2_fes.GetOrder(0) - 1)),
85      quad_data(dim, nzones, integ_rule.GetNPoints()),
86      quad_data_is_current(false),
87      Force(&l2_fes, &h1_fes), ForcePA(&quad_data, h1_fes, l2_fes),
88      VMassPA(&quad_data, H1compFESpace), locEMassPA(&quad_data, l2_fes),
89      locCG()
90 {
91    GridFunctionCoefficient rho_coeff(&rho0);
93    // Standard local assembly and inversion for energy mass matrices.
94    DenseMatrix Me(l2dofs_cnt);
95    DenseMatrixInverse inv(&Me);
96    MassIntegrator mi(rho_coeff, &integ_rule);
97    for (int i = 0; i < nzones; i++)
98    {
99       mi.AssembleElementMatrix(*l2_fes.GetFE(i),
100                                *l2_fes.GetElementTransformation(i), Me);
101       inv.Factor();
102       inv.GetInverseMatrix(Me_inv(i));
103    }
105    // Standard assembly for the velocity mass matrix.
106    VectorMassIntegrator *vmi = new VectorMassIntegrator(rho_coeff, &integ_rule);
107    Mv.AddDomainIntegrator(vmi);
108    Mv.Assemble();
110    // Values of rho0DetJ0 and Jac0inv at all quadrature points.
111    const int nqp = integ_rule.GetNPoints();
112    Vector rho_vals(nqp);
113    for (int i = 0; i < nzones; i++)
114    {
115       rho0.GetValues(i, integ_rule, rho_vals);
116       ElementTransformation *T = h1_fes.GetElementTransformation(i);
117       for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++)
118       {
119          const IntegrationPoint &ip = integ_rule.IntPoint(q);
120          T->SetIntPoint(&ip);
122          DenseMatrixInverse Jinv(T->Jacobian());
123          Jinv.GetInverseMatrix(quad_data.Jac0inv(i*nqp + q));
125          const double rho0DetJ0 = T->Weight() * rho_vals(q);
126          quad_data.rho0DetJ0w(i*nqp + q) = rho0DetJ0 *
127                                            integ_rule.IntPoint(q).weight;
128       }
129    }
131    // Initial local mesh size (assumes all mesh elements are of the same type).
132    double area = 0.0;
133    Mesh *m = H1FESpace.GetMesh();
134    for (int i = 0; i < nzones; i++) { area += m->GetElementVolume(i); }
135    switch (m->GetElementBaseGeometry(0))
136    {
137       case Geometry::SEGMENT:
138          quad_data.h0 = area / nzones; break;
139       case Geometry::SQUARE:
140          quad_data.h0 = sqrt(area / nzones); break;
141       case Geometry::TRIANGLE:
142          quad_data.h0 = sqrt(2.0 * area / nzones); break;
143       case Geometry::CUBE:
144          quad_data.h0 = pow(area / nzones, 1.0/3.0); break;
145       case Geometry::TETRAHEDRON:
146          quad_data.h0 = pow(6.0 * area / nzones, 1.0/3.0); break;
147       default: MFEM_ABORT("Unknown zone type!");
148    }
149    quad_data.h0 /= (double) H1FESpace.GetOrder(0);
151    ForceIntegrator *fi = new ForceIntegrator(quad_data);
152    fi->SetIntRule(&integ_rule);
153    Force.AddDomainIntegrator(fi);
154    // Make a dummy assembly to figure out the sparsity.
155    Force.Assemble(0);
156    Force.Finalize(0);
158    if (p_assembly)
159    {
160       tensors1D = new Tensors1D(H1FESpace.GetFE(0)->GetOrder(),
161                                 L2FESpace.GetFE(0)->GetOrder(),
162                                 int(floor(0.7 + pow(nqp, 1.0 / dim))));
163       evaluator = new FastEvaluator(H1FESpace);
164    }
166    locCG.SetOperator(locEMassPA);
167    locCG.iterative_mode = false;
168    locCG.SetRelTol(1e-8);
169    locCG.SetAbsTol(1e-8 * numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
170    locCG.SetMaxIter(200);
171    locCG.SetPrintLevel(0);
172 }
Mult(const Vector & S,Vector & dS_dt) const174 void LagrangianHydroOperator::Mult(const Vector &S, Vector &dS_dt) const
175 {
176    dS_dt = 0.0;
178    // Make sure that the mesh positions correspond to the ones in S. This is
179    // needed only because some mfem time integrators don't update the solution
180    // vector at every intermediate stage (hence they don't change the mesh).
181    Vector* sptr = (Vector*) &S;
182    GridFunction x;
183    x.MakeRef(&H1FESpace, *sptr, 0);
184    H1FESpace.GetMesh()->NewNodes(x, false);
186    UpdateQuadratureData(S);
188    // The monolithic BlockVector stores the unknown fields as follows:
189    // - Position
190    // - Velocity
191    // - Specific Internal Energy
193    const int Vsize_l2 = L2FESpace.GetVSize();
194    const int Vsize_h1 = H1FESpace.GetVSize();
196    GridFunction v, e;
197    v.MakeRef(&H1FESpace, *sptr, Vsize_h1);
198    e.MakeRef(&L2FESpace, *sptr, Vsize_h1*2);
200    GridFunction dx, dv, de;
201    dx.MakeRef(&H1FESpace, dS_dt, 0);
202    dv.MakeRef(&H1FESpace, dS_dt, Vsize_h1);
203    de.MakeRef(&L2FESpace, dS_dt, Vsize_h1*2);
205    // Set dx_dt = v (explicit).
206    dx = v;
208    if (!p_assembly)
209    {
210       Force = 0.0;
211       Force.Assemble();
212    }
214    // Solve for velocity.
215    Vector one(Vsize_l2), rhs(Vsize_h1); one = 1.0;
216    if (p_assembly)
217    {
218       ForcePA.Mult(one, rhs); rhs.Neg();
220       // Partial assembly solve for each velocity component.
221       const int size = H1compFESpace.GetVSize();
222       for (int c = 0; c < dim; c++)
223       {
224          Vector rhs_c(rhs.GetData() + c*size, size),
225                 dv_c(dv.GetData() + c*size, size);
227          Array<int> vdofs_marker, ess_vdofs;
228          Array<int> ess_bdr(H1FESpace.GetMesh()->bdr_attributes.Max());
229          // Attributes 1/2/3 correspond to fixed-x/y/z boundaries, i.e.,
230          // we must enforce v_x/y/z = 0 for the velocity components.
231          ess_bdr = 0; ess_bdr[c] = 1;
232          // Essential vdofs as if there's only one component.
233          H1compFESpace.GetEssentialVDofs(ess_bdr, vdofs_marker);
234          FiniteElementSpace::MarkerToList(vdofs_marker, ess_vdofs);
236          dv_c = 0.0;
237          VMassPA.EliminateRHS(ess_vdofs, rhs_c);
239          CGSolver cg;
240          cg.SetOperator(VMassPA);
241          cg.SetRelTol(1e-8);
242          cg.SetAbsTol(0.0);
243          cg.SetMaxIter(300);
244          cg.SetPrintLevel(0);
245          cg.Mult(rhs_c, dv_c);
246       }
247    }
248    else
249    {
250       Force.Mult(one, rhs); rhs.Neg();
251       SparseMatrix A;
252       Vector B, X;
253       dv = 0.0;
254       Mv.FormLinearSystem(ess_tdofs, dv, rhs, A, X, B);
255       CGSolver cg;
256       cg.SetOperator(A);
257       cg.SetRelTol(1e-8);
258       cg.SetAbsTol(0.0);
259       cg.SetMaxIter(200);
260       cg.SetPrintLevel(0);
261       cg.Mult(B, X);
262       Mv.RecoverFEMSolution(X, rhs, dv);
263    }
265    // Solve for energy, assemble the energy source if such exists.
266    LinearForm *e_source = NULL;
267    if (source_type == 1) // 2D Taylor-Green.
268    {
269       e_source = new LinearForm(&L2FESpace);
270       TaylorCoefficient coeff;
271       DomainLFIntegrator *d = new DomainLFIntegrator(coeff, &integ_rule);
272       e_source->AddDomainIntegrator(d);
273       e_source->Assemble();
274    }
275    Array<int> l2dofs;
276    Vector e_rhs(Vsize_l2), loc_rhs(l2dofs_cnt), loc_de(l2dofs_cnt);
277    if (p_assembly)
278    {
279       ForcePA.MultTranspose(v, e_rhs);
280       if (e_source) { e_rhs += *e_source; }
281       for (int z = 0; z < nzones; z++)
282       {
283          L2FESpace.GetElementDofs(z, l2dofs);
284          e_rhs.GetSubVector(l2dofs, loc_rhs);
285          locEMassPA.SetZoneId(z);
286          locCG.Mult(loc_rhs, loc_de);
287          de.SetSubVector(l2dofs, loc_de);
288       }
289    }
290    else
291    {
292       Force.MultTranspose(v, e_rhs);
293       if (e_source) { e_rhs += *e_source; }
294       for (int z = 0; z < nzones; z++)
295       {
296          L2FESpace.GetElementDofs(z, l2dofs);
297          e_rhs.GetSubVector(l2dofs, loc_rhs);
298          Me_inv(z).Mult(loc_rhs, loc_de);
299          de.SetSubVector(l2dofs, loc_de);
300       }
301    }
302    delete e_source;
304    quad_data_is_current = false;
305 }
GetTimeStepEstimate(const Vector & S) const307 double LagrangianHydroOperator::GetTimeStepEstimate(const Vector &S) const
308 {
309    Vector* sptr = (Vector*) &S;
310    GridFunction x;
311    x.MakeRef(&H1FESpace, *sptr, 0);
312    H1FESpace.GetMesh()->NewNodes(x, false);
313    UpdateQuadratureData(S);
315    return quad_data.dt_est;
316 }
ResetTimeStepEstimate() const318 void LagrangianHydroOperator::ResetTimeStepEstimate() const
319 {
320    quad_data.dt_est = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
321 }
ComputeDensity(GridFunction & rho)323 void LagrangianHydroOperator::ComputeDensity(GridFunction &rho)
324 {
325    rho.SetSpace(&L2FESpace);
327    DenseMatrix Mrho(l2dofs_cnt);
328    Vector rhs(l2dofs_cnt), rho_z(l2dofs_cnt);
329    Array<int> dofs(l2dofs_cnt);
330    DenseMatrixInverse inv(&Mrho);
331    MassIntegrator mi(&integ_rule);
332    DensityIntegrator di(quad_data);
333    di.SetIntRule(&integ_rule);
334    for (int i = 0; i < nzones; i++)
335    {
336       di.AssembleRHSElementVect(*L2FESpace.GetFE(i),
337                                 *L2FESpace.GetElementTransformation(i), rhs);
338       mi.AssembleElementMatrix(*L2FESpace.GetFE(i),
339                                *L2FESpace.GetElementTransformation(i), Mrho);
340       inv.Factor();
341       inv.Mult(rhs, rho_z);
342       L2FESpace.GetElementDofs(i, dofs);
343       rho.SetSubVector(dofs, rho_z);
344    }
345 }
~LagrangianHydroOperator()347 LagrangianHydroOperator::~LagrangianHydroOperator()
348 {
349    delete tensors1D;
350 }
UpdateQuadratureData(const Vector & S) const352 void LagrangianHydroOperator::UpdateQuadratureData(const Vector &S) const
353 {
354    if (quad_data_is_current) { return; }
356    const int nqp = integ_rule.GetNPoints();
358    GridFunction x, v, e;
359    Vector* sptr = (Vector*) &S;
360    x.MakeRef(&H1FESpace, *sptr, 0);
361    v.MakeRef(&H1FESpace, *sptr, H1FESpace.GetVSize());
362    e.MakeRef(&L2FESpace, *sptr, 2*H1FESpace.GetVSize());
363    Vector e_vals, e_loc(l2dofs_cnt), vector_vals(h1dofs_cnt * dim);
364    DenseMatrix Jpi(dim), sgrad_v(dim), Jinv(dim), stress(dim), stressJiT(dim),
365                vecvalMat(vector_vals.GetData(), h1dofs_cnt, dim);
366    DenseTensor grad_v_ref(dim, dim, nqp);
367    Array<int> L2dofs, H1dofs;
369    // Batched computations are needed, because hydrodynamic codes usually
370    // involve expensive computations of material properties. Although this
371    // miniapp uses simple EOS equations, we still want to represent the batched
372    // cycle structure.
373    int nzones_batch = 3;
374    const int nbatches =  nzones / nzones_batch + 1; // +1 for the remainder.
375    int nqp_batch = nqp * nzones_batch;
376    double *gamma_b = new double[nqp_batch],
377    *rho_b = new double[nqp_batch],
378    *e_b   = new double[nqp_batch],
379    *p_b   = new double[nqp_batch],
380    *cs_b  = new double[nqp_batch];
381    // Jacobians of reference->physical transformations for all quadrature points
382    // in the batch.
383    DenseTensor *Jpr_b = new DenseTensor[nqp_batch];
384    for (int b = 0; b < nbatches; b++)
385    {
386       int z_id = b * nzones_batch; // Global index over zones.
387       // The last batch might not be full.
388       if (z_id == nzones) { break; }
389       else if (z_id + nzones_batch > nzones)
390       {
391          nzones_batch = nzones - z_id;
392          nqp_batch    = nqp * nzones_batch;
393       }
395       double min_detJ = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
396       for (int z = 0; z < nzones_batch; z++)
397       {
398          ElementTransformation *T = H1FESpace.GetElementTransformation(z_id);
399          Jpr_b[z].SetSize(dim, dim, nqp);
401          if (p_assembly)
402          {
403             // Energy values at quadrature point.
404             L2FESpace.GetElementDofs(z_id, L2dofs);
405             e.GetSubVector(L2dofs, e_loc);
406             evaluator->GetL2Values(e_loc, e_vals);
408             // All reference->physical Jacobians at the quadrature points.
409             H1FESpace.GetElementVDofs(z_id, H1dofs);
410             x.GetSubVector(H1dofs, vector_vals);
411             evaluator->GetVectorGrad(vecvalMat, Jpr_b[z]);
412          }
413          else { e.GetValues(z_id, integ_rule, e_vals); }
414          for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++)
415          {
416             const IntegrationPoint &ip = integ_rule.IntPoint(q);
417             T->SetIntPoint(&ip);
418             if (!p_assembly) { Jpr_b[z](q) = T->Jacobian(); }
419             const double detJ = Jpr_b[z](q).Det();
420             min_detJ = min(min_detJ, detJ);
422             const int idx = z * nqp + q;
423             if (material_pcf == NULL) { gamma_b[idx] = 5./3.; } // Ideal gas.
424             else { gamma_b[idx] = material_pcf->Eval(*T, ip); }
425             rho_b[idx] = quad_data.rho0DetJ0w(z_id*nqp + q) / detJ / ip.weight;
426             e_b[idx]   = max(0.0, e_vals(q));
427          }
428          ++z_id;
429       }
431       // Batched computation of material properties.
432       ComputeMaterialProperties(nqp_batch, gamma_b, rho_b, e_b, p_b, cs_b);
434       z_id -= nzones_batch;
435       for (int z = 0; z < nzones_batch; z++)
436       {
437          ElementTransformation *T = H1FESpace.GetElementTransformation(z_id);
438          if (p_assembly)
439          {
440             // All reference->physical Jacobians at the quadrature points.
441             H1FESpace.GetElementVDofs(z_id, H1dofs);
442             v.GetSubVector(H1dofs, vector_vals);
443             evaluator->GetVectorGrad(vecvalMat, grad_v_ref);
444          }
445          for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++)
446          {
447             const IntegrationPoint &ip = integ_rule.IntPoint(q);
448             T->SetIntPoint(&ip);
449             // Note that the Jacobian was already computed above. We've chosen
450             // not to store the Jacobians for all batched quadrature points.
451             const DenseMatrix &Jpr = Jpr_b[z](q);
452             CalcInverse(Jpr, Jinv);
453             const double detJ = Jpr.Det(), rho = rho_b[z*nqp + q],
454                          p = p_b[z*nqp + q], sound_speed = cs_b[z*nqp + q];
456             stress = 0.0;
457             for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { stress(d, d) = -p; }
459             double visc_coeff = 0.0;
460             if (use_viscosity)
461             {
462                // Compression-based length scale at the point. The first
463                // eigenvector of the symmetric velocity gradient gives the
464                // direction of maximal compression. This is used to define the
465                // relative change of the initial length scale.
466                if (p_assembly)
467                {
468                   mfem::Mult(grad_v_ref(q), Jinv, sgrad_v);
469                }
470                else
471                {
472                   v.GetVectorGradient(*T, sgrad_v);
473                }
474                sgrad_v.Symmetrize();
475                double eig_val_data[3], eig_vec_data[9];
476                if (dim==1)
477                {
478                   eig_val_data[0] = sgrad_v(0, 0);
479                   eig_vec_data[0] = 1.;
480                }
481                else { sgrad_v.CalcEigenvalues(eig_val_data, eig_vec_data); }
482                Vector compr_dir(eig_vec_data, dim);
483                // Computes the initial->physical transformation Jacobian.
484                mfem::Mult(Jpr, quad_data.Jac0inv(z_id*nqp + q), Jpi);
485                Vector ph_dir(dim); Jpi.Mult(compr_dir, ph_dir);
486                // Change of the initial mesh size in the compression direction.
487                const double h = quad_data.h0 * ph_dir.Norml2() /
488                                 compr_dir.Norml2();
490                // Measure of maximal compression.
491                const double mu = eig_val_data[0];
492                visc_coeff = 2.0 * rho * h * h * fabs(mu);
493                if (mu < 0.0) { visc_coeff += 0.5 * rho * h * sound_speed; }
494                stress.Add(visc_coeff, sgrad_v);
495             }
497             // Time step estimate at the point. Here the more relevant length
498             // scale is related to the actual mesh deformation; we use the min
499             // singular value of the ref->physical Jacobian. In addition, the
500             // time step estimate should be aware of the presence of shocks.
501             const double h_min =
502                Jpr.CalcSingularvalue(dim-1) / (double) H1FESpace.GetOrder(0);
503             const double inv_dt = sound_speed / h_min +
504                                   2.5 * visc_coeff / rho / h_min / h_min;
505             if (min_detJ < 0.0)
506             {
507                // This will force repetition of the step with smaller dt.
508                quad_data.dt_est = 0.0;
509             }
510             else
511             {
512                quad_data.dt_est = min(quad_data.dt_est, cfl * (1.0 / inv_dt) );
513             }
515             // Quadrature data for partial assembly of the force operator.
516             MultABt(stress, Jinv, stressJiT);
517             stressJiT *= integ_rule.IntPoint(q).weight * detJ;
518             for (int vd = 0 ; vd < dim; vd++)
519             {
520                for (int gd = 0; gd < dim; gd++)
521                {
522                   quad_data.stressJinvT(vd)(z_id*nqp + q, gd) =
523                      stressJiT(vd, gd);
524                }
525             }
526          }
527          ++z_id;
528       }
529    }
530    delete [] gamma_b;
531    delete [] rho_b;
532    delete [] e_b;
533    delete [] p_b;
534    delete [] cs_b;
535    delete [] Jpr_b;
536    quad_data_is_current = true;
537 }
539 } // namespace hydrodynamics
541 } // namespace mfem