3!!  Module:
5!!  epswrite_hdf5_m     Originally by JRD     Last Modified 12/2014 (FHJ)
7!!    Routines to write header info for epsmat files in HDF5 format.
11#include "f_defs.h"
13module epswrite_hdf5_m
14#ifdef HDF5
15  use hdf5
16  use global_m
17  use hdf5_io_m
18  use wfn_io_hdf5_m
19  implicit none
21  private
23  public :: &
24    eps_hdf5_setup, &
25    set_subspace_neigen_q, &
26    set_qpt_done, &
27    is_qpt_done
32subroutine eps_hdf5_setup(kp, gvec, syms, crys, pol, qgrid, nq, qpts, nmtx, &
33  nmtx_max, nband, name, restart)
34  type(kpoints), intent(in) :: kp
35  type(gspace), intent(in) :: gvec
36  type(symmetry), intent(in) :: syms
37  type(crystal), intent(in) :: crys
38  type(polarizability), intent(in) :: pol
39  integer, intent(in) :: qgrid(3)
40  integer, intent(in) :: nq
41  real(DP), intent(in) :: qpts(:,:) !< (3,nq)
42  integer, intent(in) :: nmtx(:) !< (nq)
43  integer, intent(in) :: nmtx_max
44  integer, intent(in) :: nband
45  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
46  logical, intent(inout), optional :: restart
48  integer(HID_T) :: file_id
49  integer(HID_T) :: dspace
50  integer(HID_T) :: dset_id
51  integer(HSIZE_T) :: dims(6)
53  integer :: error, ii, intdata(1)
54  integer :: neigen_of_q(nq)
55  logical :: qpt_done(nq)
56  real(DP), allocatable :: tmp(:,:)
57  real(DP) :: freqs_tmp(2,pol%nfreq)
58  real(DP) :: realdata(1)
59  logical :: restart_, file_exists, file_ok
60  character(len=3) :: sheader='WFN'
62  PUSH_SUB(eps_hdf5_setup)
64  restart_=.false.
65  if (present(restart)) restart_ = restart
67  ! FHJ: try to restart the calculation, if possible and desired.
68  ! We ignore the restart flags if the file doesn`t exist. However, the code
69  ! dies if the file exists and is incompatible or looks corrupted.
70  if (restart_) then
71    call try_restart()
72    if (file_ok) return
73  endif
75  ! FHJ: Set up file: write MF header and create groups
76  write(6,'(1x,2a)') "Initializing ", trim(name)
77  call setup_hdf5_mf_file(trim(name))
78  call write_hdf5_header_type(trim(name), sheader, SCALARSIZE, kp, gvec, syms, crys)
79  call write_hdf5_gvectors(trim(name), gvec%ng, gvec%components)
80  call h5fopen_f(trim(name), H5F_ACC_RDWR_F, file_id, error)
81  call hdf5_create_group(file_id, 'eps_header', error)
82  call hdf5_create_group(file_id, 'eps_header/params', error)
83  call hdf5_create_group(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints', error)
84  call hdf5_create_group(file_id, 'eps_header/freqs', error)
85  call hdf5_create_group(file_id, 'eps_header/gspace', error)
86  call hdf5_create_group(file_id, 'mats', error)
88  if( pol%subspace ) then
89    call hdf5_create_group(file_id, 'eps_header/subspace', error)
90  endif
92  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/versionnumber', VER_EPS_HDF5, error)
93  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/flavor', SCALARSIZE, error)
95  ! FHJ: General datasets
96  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/params/matrix_type', pol%matrix_type, error)
97  call hdf5_write_logical(file_id, 'eps_header/params/has_advanced', pol%has_advanced, error)
98  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/params/nmatrix', pol%nmatrix, error)
99  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/params/matrix_flavor', pol%matrix_flavor, error)
100  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/params/icutv', pol%icutv, error)
101  call hdf5_write_double(file_id, 'eps_header/params/ecuts', pol%ecuts, error)
102  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/params/nband', nband, error)
103  call hdf5_write_double(file_id, 'eps_header/params/efermi', pol%efermi/ryd, error)
104  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/params/intraband_flag', pol%intraband_flag, error)
105  call hdf5_write_double(file_id, 'eps_header/params/intraband_overlap_min', pol%intraband_overlap_min, error)
106  call hdf5_write_logical(file_id, 'eps_header/params/subsample', pol%subsample, error)
107  call hdf5_write_logical(file_id, 'eps_header/params/subspace', pol%subspace, error)
109  ! FHJ: Q-points-related datasets
110  qpt_done(:) = .false.
111  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/nq', nq, error)
112  call hdf5_write_double_array(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/qpts', (/3,nq/), qpts, error)
113  call hdf5_write_int_array(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/qgrid', (/3/), qgrid, error)
114  call hdf5_write_logical_array(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/qpt_done', (/nq/), qpt_done, error)
116  ! FHJ: Frequency-related datasets
117  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/freqs/freq_dep', pol%freq_dep, error)
118  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/freqs/nfreq', pol%nfreq, error)
119  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/freqs/nfreq_imag', pol%nfreq_imag, error)
120  do ii=1,pol%nfreq !FHJ: TODO - have an unique complex freq grid in the future!
121    freqs_tmp(1,ii) = pol%dFreqGrid(ii) + dble(pol%dFreqBrd(ii))
122    freqs_tmp(2,ii) = IMAG(pol%dFreqBrd(ii))
123  enddo
124  call hdf5_write_double_array(file_id, 'eps_header/freqs/freqs', (/2, pol%nfreq/), freqs_tmp, error)
126  ! FHJ: G-vectors-related datasets
127  call hdf5_write_int_array(file_id, 'eps_header/gspace/nmtx', (/nq/), nmtx, error)
128  call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/gspace/nmtx_max',  nmtx_max, error)
129  call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'eps_header/gspace/ekin', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, (/gvec%ng,nq/), error)
130  ! FHJ: Epsmat version 3+ includes the bare Coulomb interaction as well.
131  ! We use this to get the advanced epsilon from the retarded matrix.
132  call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'eps_header/gspace/vcoul', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, (/nmtx_max,nq/), error)
133  call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'eps_header/gspace/gind_eps2rho', H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, (/gvec%ng,nq/), error)
134  call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'eps_header/gspace/gind_rho2eps', H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, (/gvec%ng,nq/), error)
136  !DVF: subspace approximation-related datasets
137  if( pol%subspace ) then
138    call hdf5_write_logical(file_id, 'eps_header/subspace/keep_full_eps_static', pol%keep_full_eps_static, error)
139    call hdf5_write_logical(file_id, 'eps_header/subspace/matrix_in_subspace_basis', pol%matrix_in_subspace_basis, error)
140    call hdf5_write_double(file_id, 'eps_header/subspace/eps_eigenvalue_cutoff', pol%chi_eigenvalue_cutoff, error)
141    call hdf5_write_int(file_id, 'eps_header/subspace/neig_max',  pol%neig_sub_input, error)
142    ! use same strategy as qpt_done, since the number of eigenvector will never exceed neig_sub_input, we
143    ! initially set all of them to neig_sub_input and we update the actual value when calculated
144    neigen_of_q(:) = pol%neig_sub_input
145    call hdf5_write_int_array(file_id, 'eps_header/subspace/neig', (/nq/), neigen_of_q, error)
146  endif
148  ! FHJ: Matrix-elements-related datasets
149  call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'mats/matrix', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
150    (/pol%matrix_flavor,nmtx_max,nmtx_max,pol%nfreq,pol%nmatrix,nq/), error)
151  call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'mats/matrix-diagonal', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
152    (/pol%matrix_flavor,nmtx_max,nq/), error)
154  if( pol%subspace .and. pol%matrix_in_subspace_basis ) then
155    !
156    ! here pol%nmatrix should always be ONE, this may change if we want to write
157    ! the subspace chi, which can be spin polarized, which not sure if make any sense.
158    !
159    call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'mats/matrix_fulleps0', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
160       (/pol%matrix_flavor,nmtx_max,nmtx_max,1,pol%nmatrix,nq/), error)
161    !XXX
162    !XXX actual (max) size
163    call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'mats/matrix_eigenvec', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
164        (/pol%matrix_flavor,nmtx_max,pol%neig_sub_input,1,pol%nmatrix,nq/), error)
165    !XXX
166    !XXX full matrix
167    !XXX call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'mats/matrix_eigenvec', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
168    !XXX     (/pol%matrix_flavor,nmtx_max,nmtx_max,1,pol%nmatrix,nq/), error)
169    !XXX
170    call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, 'mats/matrix_subspace', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
171       (/pol%matrix_flavor,pol%neig_sub_input,pol%neig_sub_input,pol%nfreq,pol%nmatrix,nq/), error)
172  end if
174  call h5fclose_f(file_id, error)
176  POP_SUB(eps_hdf5_setup)
180  subroutine try_restart()
181    integer :: nspin_old, nq_old
182    real(DP) :: qpts_old(3,nq)
183    integer :: freq_dep_old, nfreq_old
184    integer :: ng_old, gvecs_old(3,gvec%ng), nmtx_old(nq), matrix_flavor_old, nmatrix_old
185    integer :: neig_max_old
186    logical :: subspace_exists, subspace_old, matrix_in_subspace_basis_old, keep_full_eps_static_old
187    logical :: subspace_error
189    subspace_error = .false.
190    write(6,'(1x,2a)') "Trying to restart file ", trim(name)
191    inquire(file=trim(name), exist=file_exists)
192    if (file_exists) then
193      call h5fopen_f(trim(name), H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, file_id, error)
194      if (error==0) then
195        ! FHJ: Consistency check.
196        call h5lexists_f(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/qpt_done', file_ok, error)
197        if (file_ok) then
198          call hdf5_read_int(file_id, 'mf_header/kpoints/nspin', nspin_old, error)
199          if (error==0) call hdf5_read_int(file_id, &
200            'eps_header/qpoints/nq', nq_old, error)
201          if (error==0) call hdf5_read_double_array(file_id, &
202            'eps_header/qpoints/qpts', (/3,nq/), qpts_old, error)
203          if (error==0) call hdf5_read_int(file_id, &
204            'eps_header/freqs/freq_dep', freq_dep_old, error)
205          if (error==0) call hdf5_read_int(file_id, &
206            'eps_header/freqs/nfreq', nfreq_old, error)
207          if (error==0) call hdf5_read_int(file_id, &
208            'mf_header/gspace/ng', ng_old, error)
209          if (error==0) call hdf5_read_int_array(file_id, &
210            'mf_header/gspace/components', (/3,gvec%ng/), gvecs_old, error)
211          if (error==0) call hdf5_read_int_array(file_id, &
212            'eps_header/gspace/nmtx', (/nq/), nmtx_old, error)
213          if (error==0) call hdf5_read_int(file_id, &
214            'eps_header/params/matrix_flavor', matrix_flavor_old, error)
215          if (error==0) call hdf5_read_int(file_id, &
216            'eps_header/params/nmatrix', nmatrix_old, error)
217          file_ok = (error==0) .and. (nspin_old==kp%nspin .and. nq_old==nq .and. &
218            all(dabs(qpts_old-qpts)<TOL_ZERO) .and. freq_dep_old==pol%freq_dep .and. &
219            nfreq_old==pol%nfreq .and. ng_old==gvec%ng .and. all(gvecs_old==gvec%components) .and. &
220            all(nmtx_old==nmtx) .and. matrix_flavor_old==pol%matrix_flavor .and. &
221            nmatrix_old==pol%nmatrix)
222          ! additional check in case of subspace
223          if ( file_ok ) then
224            ! check the existence of the parameter (this ensure that the routine will
225            ! work also for old .h5 files)
226            call h5lexists_f(file_id, 'eps_header/params/subspace', subspace_exists, error)
227            if (subspace_exists .and. error == 0) then
228              call hdf5_read_logical(file_id, 'eps_header/params/subspace', subspace_old, error)
229              ! eps_header/params/subspace exists, check new and old flags
230              file_ok = (error==0) .and. (pol%subspace .eqv. subspace_old)
231              if( file_ok ) then
232                if( subspace_old .and. error == 0) then
233                  ! if the flags are equivalent and we are doing a subspace calculation
234                  ! check the remaining parameters
235                  ! this complication is due to the fact that the subspace section is not
236                  ! created in non subspace calculation...
237                  call hdf5_read_int(file_id, 'eps_header/subspace/neig_max',  neig_max_old, error)
238                  if (error==0) call hdf5_read_logical(file_id, &
239                     'eps_header/subspace/matrix_in_subspace_basis', matrix_in_subspace_basis_old, error)
240                  if (error==0) call hdf5_read_logical(file_id, &
241                     'eps_header/subspace/keep_full_eps_static', keep_full_eps_static_old, error)
242                  file_ok = (error==0) &
243                            .and. (neig_max_old == pol%neig_sub_input) &
244                            .and. (matrix_in_subspace_basis_old .eqv. pol%matrix_in_subspace_basis) &
245                            .and. (keep_full_eps_static_old     .eqv. pol%keep_full_eps_static)
246                  if( .not. file_ok ) subspace_error = .true.
247                end if
248              else
249                if(pol%subspace) then
250                  write(6,'(1x,A)') "ERROR: Trying to restart a subspace calc from a non-subspace calc"
251                else
252                  write(6,'(1x,A)') "ERROR: Trying to restart a non-subspace calc from a subspace calc"
253                end if
254                subspace_error = .true.
255                file_ok = .false.
256              end if
257            else
258              if (pol%subspace) then
259                ! eps_header/params/subspace don`t exist but we are trying to restart a subspace calc.
260                write(6,'(1x,A)') "ERROR: Not a subspace initialized .h5 file"
261                subspace_error = .true.
262                file_ok = .false.
263              end if
264            end if
265          end if
266        endif
267        call h5fclose_f(file_id, error)
268        if (file_ok) then
269          ! FHJ: File *seems* alright, we don`t have to initialize it
270          write(6,'(1x,2a)') "Everything looks ok: restarting file ", trim(name)
271          return
272        endif
273        write(0,*)
274        write(0,'(3a)') "ERROR: file ", trim(name), " is incompatible with the current calculation."
275        if( subspace_error ) then
276          write(0,*) "ERROR is most likely due to incompatible .h5 files within subspace approximation"
277        end if
278        write(0,*) 'Values from file vs. calculation:'
279        write(0,*) 'nspin:', nspin_old, kp%nspin
280        write(0,*) 'nq:', nq_old, nq
281        write(0,*) 'qpts (same?):', all(dabs(qpts_old-qpts)<TOL_ZERO)
282        write(0,*) 'freq_dep:', freq_dep_old, pol%freq_dep
283        write(0,*) 'nfreq:', nfreq_old, pol%nfreq
285        write(0,*) 'ng:', ng_old, gvec%ng
286        write(0,*) 'gvecs (same?):', all(gvecs_old==gvec%components)
287        write(0,*) 'nmtx (same?):', all(nmtx_old==nmtx)
288        write(0,*) 'matrix_flavor:', matrix_flavor_old, pol%matrix_flavor
289        write(0,*) 'nmatrix:', nmatrix_old, pol%nmatrix
290        write(0,*)
291        write(0,*) 'NOTE: you should only trust the first pair of values that disagree.'
292        write(0,*)
293        call die("file "//trim(name)//" is incompatible with the current calculation.", only_root_writes=.true.)
294      else
295        write(0,'(3a,i0,a)') "ERROR: ", trim(name), " is not a valid HDF5 file (error code: ", error," )."
296        write(0,'(a)') 'Make sure the file is not corrupted'
297        call die("file "//trim(name)//" looks corrupted", only_root_writes=.true.)
298      endif
299    endif
300    file_ok = .false.
301    write(0,'(3a)') "WARNING: file ", trim(name), " doesn`t exist. We`ll start the calculation from scratch."
302    restart_ = .false.
303    if (present(restart)) restart = .false.
305  end subroutine try_restart
307end subroutine eps_hdf5_setup
310subroutine setup_subspace_mats_hdf5(fname, pol,iq)
311  character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
312  integer, intent(in) :: iq
313  type(polarizability), intent(in) :: pol
315  integer(HID_T) :: file_id
316  integer :: error
317  character(len=20) :: subspace_name
318! DVF: we create different subgroups in the mats group for the
319! subspace matrices and basis vectors at each q-point. This is
320! necessary because we don`t know the size of the subspace basis
321! at each q-point before we actually do the calculation like we do
322! for the reciprocal space basis. So, we need to allocate the matrices
323! right after we have run scalapack/ELPA, and then create the needed
324! subgroups and dsets. That is the purpose of this routine.
326! The above description assumes we specify the eigenvector tolerance and
327! not the number of eigenvectors. Specifying the tolerance is best practice
328! since the eigenvector tolerance is directly related to the convergence of
329! one`s calculation, and specifying the tolerance requires no prior knowledge
330! of the size of the g-space, and hence is more automatic for users.
332  PUSH_SUB(setup_subspace_mats_hdf5)
334  call h5fopen_f(trim(fname), H5F_ACC_RDWR_F, file_id, error)
335  ! DVF: subspace matrix-elements-related datasets
336  write(subspace_name,'(a14,i4)') "mats/subspace_",iq
337  call hdf5_create_group(file_id, trim(subspace_name), error)
338  call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, trim(subspace_name) // '/matrix_sub', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
339    (/pol%matrix_flavor,pol%neig_sub,pol%neig_sub,pol%nfreq,pol%nmatrix,1/), error)
340  call hdf5_create_dset(file_id, trim(subspace_name) // '/basis_sub', H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &
341    (/pol%matrix_flavor,pol%nmtx,pol%neig_sub,1,pol%nmatrix,1/), error)
342  call h5fclose_f(file_id, error)
344  POP_SUB(setup_subspace_mats_hdf5)
346end subroutine setup_subspace_mats_hdf5
348subroutine set_subspace_neigen_q(fname, iq, neigen)
349  character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
350  integer, intent(in) :: iq, neigen
352  integer(HID_T) :: file_id
353  integer :: nq, error
354  integer, allocatable :: neigen_of_q(:)
356  PUSH_SUB(set_subspace_neigen_q)
358  call open_file(99, trim(fname), status='old')
359  call close_file(99)
361  call h5fopen_f(trim(fname), H5F_ACC_RDWR_F, file_id, error)
362  call hdf5_read_int(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/nq', nq, error)
363  SAFE_ALLOCATE(neigen_of_q, (nq))
365  call hdf5_read_int_array(file_id, 'eps_header/subspace/neig', (/nq/), neigen_of_q, error)
366  neigen_of_q(iq) = neigen
367  call hdf5_write_int_array(file_id, 'eps_header/subspace/neig', (/nq/), neigen_of_q, error)
369  call h5fclose_f(file_id, error)
370  SAFE_DEALLOCATE(neigen_of_q)
372  POP_SUB(set_subspace_neigen_q)
374end subroutine set_subspace_neigen_q
376subroutine set_qpt_done(fname, iq)
377  character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
378  integer, intent(in) :: iq
380  integer(HID_T) :: file_id
381  integer :: nq, error
382  logical, allocatable :: qpt_done(:)
384  PUSH_SUB(set_qpt_done)
386  call open_file(99, trim(fname), status='old')
387  call close_file(99)
389  call h5fopen_f(trim(fname), H5F_ACC_RDWR_F, file_id, error)
390  call hdf5_read_int(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/nq', nq, error)
391  SAFE_ALLOCATE(qpt_done, (nq))
392  call hdf5_read_logical_array(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/qpt_done', (/nq/), qpt_done, error)
393  qpt_done(iq) = .true.
394  call hdf5_write_logical_array(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/qpt_done', (/nq/), qpt_done, error)
395  call h5fclose_f(file_id, error)
396  SAFE_DEALLOCATE(qpt_done)
398  POP_SUB(set_qpt_done)
400end subroutine set_qpt_done
403logical function is_qpt_done(fname, iq)
404  character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
405  integer, intent(in) :: iq
407  integer(HID_T) :: file_id
408  integer :: nq, error
409  logical, allocatable :: qpt_done(:)
411  PUSH_SUB(is_qpt_done)
413  call open_file(99, trim(fname), status='old')
414  call close_file(99)
416  call h5fopen_f(trim(fname), H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, file_id, error)
417  call hdf5_read_int(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/nq', nq, error)
418  SAFE_ALLOCATE(qpt_done, (nq))
419  call hdf5_read_logical_array(file_id, 'eps_header/qpoints/qpt_done', (/nq/), qpt_done, error)
420  is_qpt_done = qpt_done(iq)
421  call h5fclose_f(file_id, error)
422  SAFE_DEALLOCATE(qpt_done)
424  POP_SUB(is_qpt_done)
426end function is_qpt_done
429end module epswrite_hdf5_m