3! Routines:
5! (1) inread()  Originally By ?         Last Modified 7/8/2008 (JRD)
7!     Reads parameters from sigma.inp for the current job.
11#include "f_defs.h"
13subroutine inread(sig)
15  use global_m
16  use scissors_m
17  use inread_common_m
18  implicit none
20  type (siginfo), intent(out) :: sig
22  character*256 :: blockword,keyword,line,errmsg,tmpstr
23  integer :: ii,jj,kk,nkpt_read,nqpt_read,ndiag_read,noff_read
24  integer :: nbnmin,nbnmax,itestq,iostat
26  real(DP) :: kpt_read(3,MAX_KPTS),qpt_read(3,MAX_KPTS),div,max_freq_eval
27  integer :: off1_read(MAX_BANDS),off2_read(MAX_BANDS),off3_read(MAX_BANDS)
28  integer :: band_occ(MAX_BANDS),diag(MAX_BANDS),spinmin,spinmax
29  logical :: occ_set, q0vec_read, VXC_exists, found, old_grid_set
31  integer :: ik ! ZL: for loop generating k_phonq
32  real(DP), allocatable :: k_phonq_read(:)
34  PUSH_SUB(inread)
36#ifdef MPI
37  ! Non-root nodes should wait for root to read the whole file.
38  ! That way, we can be sure root gets a chance to write errors before
39  ! any die call is issued by another node. Root calls MPI_Barrier below.
40  if(peinf%inode /= 0) call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
44! Initialize sig%igamma
46  sig%igamma = 0
49! Initialize wcoul0
50  sig%wcoul0 = ZERO
54! Set default values
56  occ_set = .false.
57  q0vec_read = .false.
58  sig%invalid_gpp_mode = -1
59  nkpt_read=0
60  nqpt_read=0
61  noff_read=0
62  band_occ=0
63  nbnmin=0
64  nbnmax=0
65  spinmin=1
66  spinmax=1
67  diag=0
68#ifdef HDF5
69  sig%use_hdf5 = .true.
71  sig%use_hdf5 = .false.
73  sig%wfn_hdf5 = .false.
74  sig%loff=0
75  sig%toff=0
76  sig%freq_dep=1
77  sig%freq_dep_method=2
78  sig%nFreq=1
79  sig%exact_ch=-1
80  sig%freq_grid_shift=2
81  sig%freqevalmin=0d0
82  old_grid_set=.false.
83  sig%freqevalstep=0.2d0
84  max_freq_eval=2d0
85  sig%nfreqeval=1
86  sig%iuseremainder=0
87  sig%nkn=0
88  sig%nq=0
89  sig%nq0=0
90  sig%nq1=0
91  sig%subsample=.false.
92  sig%elph=.false.
93  sig%ep_bracket=0
94  sig%nphonq = 0
95  sig%ndiag=0
96  sig%noffdiag=0
97  sig%nspin=0
98  sig%nfreq_imag=0
99  sig%cd_int_method=0
100  call scissors_zero(sig%scis)
101  call scissors_zero(sig%scis_outer)
102  sig%spl_tck%n=0
103  sig%spl_tck_outer%n=0
104  sig%avgpot=0.0d0
105  sig%avgpot_outer=0.0d0
106  sig%tol = TOL_Degeneracy
107  sig%use_xdat=.false.
108  sig%use_vxcdat=.TRUE.
109  sig%use_vxc2dat=.TRUE.
110  sig%is_EXX=.FALSE.
111  sig%ecuts=0.d0
112  sig%ecutb=0.d0
113  sig%ntband=0  ! ZL: number of total bands used in sigma
114  sig%ncore_excl=0
115  sig%nvband=0
116  sig%fdf=2
117  sig%dw=1.0d0
118  sig%xfrac=1.0d0
119  sig%gamma=0.5d0
120  sig%sexcut=4.0d0
121  sig%icutv=TRUNC_NONE
122  sig%iscreen=SCREEN_SEMICOND
123  sig%iwritecoul=0
124  sig%truncval(:)=0.0d0
125  sig%ncrit=0
126  sig%efermi_input=0.0d0
127  sig%rfermi=.true.
128  sig%fullConvLog=0
129  sig%qgrid(1:3)=0
130  sig%avgcut=-1 !FHJ: <0 means "auto", see code below
131  sig%freplacebz=.false.
132  sig%fwritebz=.false.
133  sig%degeneracy_check_override=.false.
134  sig%offdiagsym=.true.
135  sig%qgridsym=.true.
136  sig%die_outside_sphere=.true.
137  sig%averagew=.true.
138  peinf%npools=0
139  sig%eqp_corrections=.false.
140  sig%eqp_outer_corrections=.false.
141  sig%coulomb_mod%short_range_frac_fock=1.0d0
142  sig%coulomb_mod%long_range_frac_fock=1.0d0
143  sig%coulomb_mod%screening_length=0.0d0
144  sig%coul_mod_flag=.false.
145  sig%sigma_correction=.false.
146  sig%symmetrize=.true.
147  sig%do_sigma_subspace=.false.
148  sig%sub_collective_redistr=.false.
151! Never-ending loop...
153  do while(0.eq.0)
155! Actually the loop ends when the end of the file is reached
157    read(55,'(a256)',iostat=iostat) line
158    if(iostat < 0) exit
160! Skip comment lines
162    if(len_trim(line).eq.0) cycle
163    if(line(1:1).eq.'#') cycle
165! Determine keyword
167    keyword=line(1:scan(line," ")-1)
168    line=adjustl(line(scan(line," ")+1:256))
170    if (trim(keyword).eq.'begin') then
171      blockword=line(1:scan(line," ")-1)
172      ii=0
173      do while(trim(line).ne.'end')
174        read(55,'(a256)',iostat=iostat) line
175        if(iostat /= 0) then
176          write(errmsg,'(3a)') 'The end of the file was reached while reading elements of the ', &
177            trim(blockword),' block.'
178          call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
179        endif
181        if(trim(line).ne.'end') then
182          ii=ii+1
183          if(trim(blockword).eq.'kpoints') then
184            call check_bounds_nkq(ii, 'k', 'begin kpoints')
185            read(line,*,err=112) (kpt_read(jj,ii),jj=1,3),div
186            kpt_read(1:3,ii)=kpt_read(1:3,ii)/div
187          elseif(trim(blockword).eq.'qpoints') then
188            call check_bounds_nkq(ii, 'q', 'begin qpoints')
189            read(line,*,err=112) (qpt_read(jj,ii),jj=1,3),div,itestq
190            qpt_read(1:3,ii)=qpt_read(1:3,ii)/div
191            ! for Hartree-Fock
192            if (itestq.eq.1) then
193              sig%nq0 = sig%nq0 + 1
194              if (.not.q0vec_read) then
195                sig%q0vec(1:3)=qpt_read(1:3,ii)
196                q0vec_read = .true.
197              endif
198            endif
199          elseif(trim(blockword).eq.'diag') then
200            call check_bounds_nbands(ii, 'begin diag')
201            read(line,*,err=112) diag(ii)
202          elseif(trim(blockword).eq.'offdiag') then
203            call check_bounds_nbands(ii, 'begin offdiag')
204            read(line,*,err=112) off1_read(ii),off2_read(ii),off3_read(ii)
205          else
206            write(errmsg,'(3a)') 'Unexpected blockword ', trim(blockword), ' was found in sigma.inp.'
207            call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
208          end if
209        end if
210      end do
211      if(trim(blockword).eq.'kpoints') then
212        nkpt_read=ii
213      elseif(trim(blockword).eq.'qpoints') then
214        nqpt_read=ii
215      elseif(trim(blockword).eq.'diag') then
216        ndiag_read=ii
217      elseif(trim(blockword).eq.'offdiag') then
218        noff_read=ii
219      endif
221! Spline scissors
222    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'spline_scissors') then
223      if (peinf%inode==0) then
224        write(6,*) 'Reading spline coefficients from `spline_scissors.dat`'
225        write(6,*)
226        ! read number of pts, knots, coefficients, degree
227        call open_file(20,file='spline_scissors.dat',form='formatted',status='old')
228        read(20,*) sig%spl_tck%n
229        SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%spl_tck%t, (sig%spl_tck%n))
230        SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%spl_tck%c, (sig%spl_tck%n))
231        read(20,*) (sig%spl_tck%t(ii), ii=1,sig%spl_tck%n)
232        read(20,*) (sig%spl_tck%c(ii), ii=1,sig%spl_tck%n)
233        read(20,*) sig%spl_tck%k
234        call close_file(20)
235      endif
237! Spline scissors, outer
238    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'spline_scissors_outer') then
239      if (peinf%inode==0) then
240        write(6,*) 'Reading outer spline coefficients from `spline_scissors_outer.dat`'
241        write(6,*)
242        ! read number of pts, knots, coefficients, degree
243        call open_file(20,file='spline_scissors_outer.dat',form='formatted',status='old')
244        read(20,*) sig%spl_tck_outer%n
245        SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%spl_tck_outer%t, (sig%spl_tck_outer%n))
246        SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%spl_tck_outer%c, (sig%spl_tck_outer%n))
247        read(20,*) (sig%spl_tck_outer%t(ii), ii=1,sig%spl_tck_outer%n)
248        read(20,*) (sig%spl_tck_outer%c(ii), ii=1,sig%spl_tck_outer%n)
249        read(20,*) sig%spl_tck_outer%k
250        call close_file(20)
251      endif
253    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'verbosity') then
254      read(line,*,err=110) peinf%verbosity
255! The average potential on the faces of the unit cell in the non-periodic directions for the bands in WFN_inner
256    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'avgpot') then
257      read(line,*,err=110) sig%avgpot
258! The average potential on the faces of the unit cell in the non-periodic directions for the bands in WFN_outer
259    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'avgpot_outer') then
260      read(line,*,err=110) sig%avgpot_outer
261! Frequency dependence of the inverse dielectric matrix
262    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'frequency_dependence') then
263      read(line,*,err=110) sig%freq_dep
264! Is calculation only of bare exchange for EXX calculation? If so, don`t need VXC or vxc.dat
265    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'for_EXX') then
266      sig%is_EXX = .TRUE.
267    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'frequency_dependence_method') then
268      read(line,*,err=110) sig%freq_dep_method
269    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'cd_integration_method') then
270      read(line,*,err=110) sig%cd_int_method
271! Frequency grid for numerical integration of full-frequency sigma (may be different from Epsilon)
272    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'init_frequency_eval') then
273      read(line,*,err=110) sig%freqevalmin
274      old_grid_set = .true.
275    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'delta_frequency_eval') then
276      read(line,*,err=110) sig%freqevalstep
277    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'number_frequency_eval') then
278      read(line,*,err=110) sig%nfreqeval
279      old_grid_set = .true.
280    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'max_frequency_eval') then
281      read(line,*,err=110) max_freq_eval
282    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'frequency_grid_shift') then
283      read(line,*,err=110) sig%freq_grid_shift
284! Use full frequency tail for better energies
285    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'use_epsilon_remainder') then
286      sig%iuseremainder = 1
287! Grid of Qs in Epsilon
288    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'qgrid') then
289      read(line,*,err=110) sig%qgrid(1), sig%qgrid(2), sig%qgrid(3)
290! Compute the exact static CH
291    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'exact_static_ch') then
292      read(line,*,err=110) sig%exact_ch
293! Full CH convergence logging of all calculated bands
294    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'full_ch_conv_log') then
295      read(line,*,err=110) sig%fullConvLog
296! Use use_xdat to skip the computation of bare exchange
297    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'use_xdat') then
298      sig%use_xdat = .true.
299! Use dont_use_vxcdat to compute exchange-correlation matrix elements from VXC
300    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'dont_use_vxcdat') then
301      sig%use_vxcdat = .false.
302    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'dont_use_vxc2dat') then
303      sig%use_vxc2dat = .false.
304    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'dont_use_hdf5') then
305      sig%use_hdf5 = .false.
306    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'number_kpoints') then
307      read(line,*,err=110) sig%nkn ! FHJ: deprecated
308    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'number_qpoints') then
309      read(line,*,err=110) sig%nq ! FHJ: deprecated
310    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'dont_symmetrize') then
311      sig%symmetrize = .false.
312    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'subsample') then
313      sig%subsample = .true.
314    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'number_sigma_pools') then
315      read(line,*,err=110) peinf%npools
316    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'bare_coulomb_cutoff') then
317      read(line,*,err=110) sig%ecutb
318    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'cell_average_cutoff') then
319      read(line,*,err=110) sig%avgcut
320    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'screened_coulomb_cutoff') then
321      read(line,*,err=110) sig%ecuts
322    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'number_bands') then
323      read(line,*,err=110) sig%ntband
324      call check_bounds_nbands(sig%ntband, 'number_bands')
325    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'number_core_excluded') then
326      read(line,*,err=110) sig%ncore_excl
327    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'band_index_min') then
328      read(line,*,err=110) nbnmin
329    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'band_index_max') then
330      read(line,*,err=110) nbnmax
331    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'spin_index_min') then
332      read(line,*,err=110) spinmin
333    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'spin_index_max') then
334      read(line,*,err=110) spinmax
335    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'finite_difference_form') then
336      read(line,*,err=110) sig%fdf
337    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'finite_difference_spacing') then
338      read(line,*,err=110) sig%dw
339    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'bare_exchange_fraction') then
340      read(line,*,err=110) sig%xfrac
341    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'short_range_frac_fock') then
342      read(line,*,err=110) sig%coulomb_mod%short_range_frac_fock
343    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'long_range_frac_fock') then
344      read(line,*,err=110) sig%coulomb_mod%long_range_frac_fock
345    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'screening_length') then
346      read(line,*,err=110) sig%coulomb_mod%screening_length
347    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'write_vcoul') then
348      sig%iwritecoul=1
349    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'tol_degeneracy') then
350      read(line,*,err=110) sig%tol
351    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'gpp_broadening') then
352      read(line,*,err=110) sig%gamma
353    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'gpp_sexcutoff') then
354      read(line,*,err=110) sig%sexcut
355    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'number_diag') then
356      read(line,*,err=110) sig%ndiag
357    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'number_offdiag') then
358      read(line,*,err=110) sig%noffdiag
359    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'sigma_matrix') then
360      read(line,*,err=110) sig%loff, sig%toff
361    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'band_occupation') then
362      read(line,*,err=110) (band_occ(ii),ii=1,sig%ntband)
363      occ_set = .true.
364    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'number_partial_occup') then
365      read(line,*,err=110) sig%ncrit
366      occ_set = .true.
367    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'fermi_level') then
368      read(line,*,err=110) sig%efermi_input
369    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'fermi_level_absolute') then
370      sig%rfermi=.false.
371    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'fermi_level_relative') then
372      sig%rfermi=.true.
373    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'fullbz_replace') then
374      sig%freplacebz=.true.
375    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'fullbz_write') then
376      sig%fwritebz=.true.
377    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'degeneracy_check_override') then
378      sig%degeneracy_check_override=.true.
379    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'no_symmetries_offdiagonals') then
380      sig%offdiagsym=.false.
381    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'no_symmetries_q_grid') then
382      sig%qgridsym=.false.
383    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'use_symmetries_q_grid') then
384      sig%qgridsym=.true.
385    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'die_outside_sphere') then
386      sig%die_outside_sphere=.true.
387    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'ignore_outside_sphere') then
388      sig%die_outside_sphere=.false.
389    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'eqp_corrections') then
390      sig%eqp_corrections=.true.
391    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'eqp_outer_corrections') then
392      sig%eqp_outer_corrections=.true.
393    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'skip_averagew') then
394      sig%averagew = .false.
395    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'do_sigma_subspace') then
396      sig%do_sigma_subspace = .true.
397    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'sub_collective_redistr') then
398      sig%sub_collective_redistr = .true.
399    elseif(trim(keyword).eq.'invalid_gpp_mode') then
400      read(line,*,err=110) sig%invalid_gpp_mode
401    elseif(try_inread_truncation(trim(keyword), trim(line), sig%icutv, sig%truncval(1))) then
402      ! subroutine already does the job
403    elseif(try_inread_screening(trim(keyword), trim(line), sig%iscreen)) then
404      ! subroutine already does the job
405    else
406      call scissors_inread(keyword, line, sig%scis, found)
407      if(.not. found) call scissors_inread(keyword, line, sig%scis_outer, found, "_outer")
408      if(.not. found) then
409        write(errmsg,'(3a)') 'Unexpected keyword ', trim(keyword), ' was found in sigma.inp.'
410        call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
411      endif
412    end if
413  enddo
415! for the moment subspace works only in combination with MPI and SCALAPACK
416#if !defined MPI || !defined USESCALAPACK
417  if(sig%do_sigma_subspace) then
418    if (peinf%inode==0) then
419      write(0,*)
420      write(0,*) 'WARNING: Static Subspace method only works with MPI and SCALAPACK.'
421      write(0,*) 'Subspace method turned off.'
422      write(0,*)
423    endif
424    sig%do_sigma_subspace = .false.
425  end if
428  ! entered in Ryd, stored in eV since kp%el and kp%elda are soon converted to eV.
429  sig%tol = sig%tol * RYD
431  call peinfo_set_verbosity()
432  if (peinf%inode==0 .and. sig%nkn>0) then
433    write(0,'(/,a)') 'WARNING: the `number_kpoints` flag is deprecated. The code now'
434    write(0,'(a,/)') 'automatically figures out the number of q-points from the input.'
435  endif
436  sig%nkn = nkpt_read
437  if (peinf%inode==0 .and. sig%nq>0) then
438    write(0,'(/,a)') 'WARNING: the `number_qpoints` flag is deprecated. The code now'
439    write(0,'(a,/)') 'automatically figures out the number of k-points from the input.'
440  endif
441  sig%nq = nqpt_read
442  if(sig%freq_dep==-1 .and. sig%nq<1) then
443    write(0,'(/,a)') 'ERROR: Hartree-Fock calculations require a list of q-points'
444    call die('The `begin qpoints` block could not be found.', only_root_writes=.true.)
445  endif
446  sig%nq1 = sig%nq - sig%nq0
448  if(any(sig%qgrid(1:3) == 0).and.sig%freq_dep.eq.-1) then
449    call die('qgrid must be specified for Hartree-Fock.', only_root_writes = .true.)
450  endif
452  if(.not. q0vec_read .and. sig%freq_dep .eq. -1) then
453    call die('No q0 specified in qpoints block.', only_root_writes = .true.)
454  endif
456  SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%kpt, (3,sig%nkn))
457  sig%kpt(1:3,1:sig%nkn)=kpt_read(1:3,1:sig%nkn)
459  if (sig%nq>0) then
460    if (sig%freq_dep/=-1) then
461      if (peinf%inode==0) &
462        write(0,'(/,a,/)') 'WARNING: ignoring the qpoints block for calculations other than HF.'
463    else
464      SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%qpt, (3,sig%nq))
465      sig%qpt(1:3,1:sig%nq)=qpt_read(1:3,1:sig%nq)
466    endif
467  endif
469  if(sig%ndiag.ne.0) then
470    SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%diag, (sig%ndiag))
471    sig%diag(1:sig%ndiag)=diag(1:sig%ndiag)
472  endif
474  if(sig%ndiag.eq.0.and.nbnmin*nbnmax.ne.0) then
475    sig%ndiag= nbnmax - nbnmin + 1
476    ndiag_read = sig%ndiag
477    SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%diag, (sig%ndiag))
478    do ii=1,sig%ndiag
479      sig%diag(ii)= ii + nbnmin - 1
480    enddo
481  endif
483  if(sig%ndiag.eq.0.and.nbnmin*nbnmax.eq.0) then
484    write(errmsg,'(a,3i6)') 'Incomprehensible list of energy bands: ', sig%ndiag, nbnmin, nbnmax
485    call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
486  endif
488  if(ndiag_read.lt.sig%ndiag) then
489    if(peinf%inode.eq.0) then
490      write(0,*) 'The number of diagonal elements found in the diag block (',ndiag_read,')'
491      write(0,*) '  is smaller than the one specified by the keyword number_diag (',sig%ndiag,').'
492    endif
493    call die("ndiag too small", only_root_writes = .true.)
494  endif
496  ! no finite-difference evaluation unless GPP
497  if(sig%freq_dep /= 1 .and. sig%freq_dep /= 3) sig%fdf=-2
499  if(ndiag_read.gt.sig%ndiag) then
500    if(peinf%inode.eq.0) then
501      write(0,887) ndiag_read, sig%ndiag, sig%ndiag
502    endif
503  endif
504887 format(1x,"WARNING: The number of diag elements in the diag block (",i4,") is larger",/,&
505      3x,"than the one specified by the keyword number_diag (",i4,").",/,&
506      3x,"The program will continue using only",i4,1x,"diagonal elements.",/)
508  if(nbnmin*nbnmax.eq.0) then
509    nbnmin=max_bands
510    nbnmax=-max_bands
511    do ii=1,sig%ndiag
512      if (sig%diag(ii).lt.nbnmin) nbnmin=sig%diag(ii)
513      if (sig%diag(ii).gt.nbnmax) nbnmax=sig%diag(ii)
514    enddo
515  endif
517  sig%bmin=nbnmin
518  sig%bmax=nbnmax
520  if(sig%loff.lt.-2.or.(sig%loff.gt.0.and.sig%loff.lt.nbnmin).or. &
521    sig%loff.gt.nbnmax.or.sig%toff.lt.-1.or.sig%toff.gt.1) then
522    call die("sigma_matrix parameters out of range", only_root_writes = .true.)
523  endif
525  if(sig%loff.ne.0) then
526    if(noff_read.ne.0.or.sig%noffdiag.gt.0) then
527      if(peinf%inode.eq.0) then
528        write(0,994)
529      endif
530    endif
531    kk=0
532    do ii=nbnmin,nbnmax
533      do jj=nbnmin,nbnmax
534        if (sig%toff.eq.-1.and.ii.lt.jj) cycle
535        if (sig%toff.eq.1.and.ii.gt.jj) cycle
536        kk=kk+1
537        off1_read(kk)=ii
538        off2_read(kk)=jj
539        if (sig%loff.eq.-1) then
540          off3_read(kk)=ii
541        else if (sig%loff.eq.-2) then
542          off3_read(kk)=jj
543        else
544          off3_read(kk)=sig%loff
545        endif
546      enddo
547    enddo
548    sig%noffdiag=kk
549    noff_read=sig%noffdiag
550  endif
551994 format(1x,"WARNING: both offdiag and sigma_matrix found in sigma.inp.",/,&
552      3x,"The latter overrides the former.",/)
554  if(noff_read.lt.sig%noffdiag) then
555    if(peinf%inode.eq.0) then
556      write(0,997) noff_read, sig%noffdiag
557    endif
558    call die("offdiag error", only_root_writes = .true.)
559  endif
560997 format(1x,"The number of offdiag elements in the offdiag block (",i4,") is",/,&
561      3x,"smaller than the one specified by the keyword number_offdiag (",i4,").")
563  if(noff_read.gt.sig%noffdiag) then
564    if(peinf%inode.eq.0) then
565      write(0,996) noff_read, sig%noffdiag, sig%noffdiag
566    endif
567  endif
568996 format(1x,"WARNING: The number of offdiag elements in the offdiag block (",i4,") is",/,&
569      3x,"larger than the one specified by the keyword number_offdiag (",i4,").",/,&
570      3x,"The program will continue using only",i4,1x,"offdiag elements.",/)
572  ! allocate even if noffdiag = 0 since sunf90 -xcheck will complain when passed unallocated to read_matrix_elements
573  SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%off1, (sig%noffdiag))
574  SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%off2, (sig%noffdiag))
575  SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%off3, (sig%noffdiag))
576  if(sig%noffdiag.gt.0) then
577    sig%off1(1:sig%noffdiag)=off1_read(1:sig%noffdiag)
578    sig%off2(1:sig%noffdiag)=off2_read(1:sig%noffdiag)
579    sig%off3(1:sig%noffdiag)=off3_read(1:sig%noffdiag)
580  endif
582  if (peinf%inode==0 .and. (sig%ecuts>TOL_ZERO .or. sig%ecutb>TOL_ZERO)) then
583    write(6,'(/1x,a/)') 'NOTE: `screened_coulomb_cutoff` and `bare_coulomb_cutoff` are now optional flags.'
584  endif
586  if(spinmin.eq.1.and.spinmax.eq.1) then
587    sig%nspin=1
588    sig%spin_index(1)=1
589    sig%spin_index(2)=2 ! only used for spinor case
590  elseif(spinmin.eq.2.and.spinmax.eq.2) then
591    sig%nspin=1
592    sig%spin_index(1)=2
593  elseif(spinmin.eq.1.and.spinmax.eq.2) then
594    sig%nspin=2
595    sig%spin_index(1)=1
596    sig%spin_index(2)=2
597  else
598    write(errmsg,'(a,i2,a,i2,a,i2)') 'Illegal range of spin indices from ', spinmin, ' to ', spinmax
599    call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
600  endif
603! Build the map sig%offmap
604!         sig%off1(ii) = sig%diag(sig%offmap(ii,1))
605!         sig%off2(ii) = sig%diag(sig%offmap(ii,2))
606!         sig%off3(ii) = sig%diag(sig%offmap(ii,3))
607! This is done only if sig%noffdiag .ne. 0
609  if(sig%noffdiag.gt.0) then
610    SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%offmap, (sig%noffdiag,3))
611    sig%offmap(1:sig%noffdiag, 1:3) = 0
612    do ii=1,sig%noffdiag
613      do jj=1,sig%ndiag
614        if(sig%diag(jj) .eq. sig%off1(ii)) sig%offmap(ii, 1) = jj
615        if(sig%diag(jj) .eq. sig%off2(ii)) sig%offmap(ii, 2) = jj
616        if(sig%diag(jj) .eq. sig%off3(ii)) sig%offmap(ii, 3) = jj
617      enddo
619      if(sig%offmap(ii, 1) == 0) then
620        write(errmsg,'(a,i6,a)') 'Off-diagonal matrix el. requested for band ', &
621          sig%off1(ii),' but no corresponding diagonal matrix el. is requested'
622        call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
623      endif
625      if(sig%offmap(ii, 2) == 0) then
626        write(errmsg,'(a,i6,a)') 'Off-diagonal matrix el. requested for band ', &
627          sig%off2(ii),' but no corresponding diagonal matrix el. is requested'
628        call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
629      endif
631      if(sig%offmap(ii, 3) == 0) then
632        write(errmsg,'(a,i6,a)') 'Off-diagonal matrix el. requested at energy of band ', &
633          sig%off3(ii),' but no corresponding diagonal matrix el. is requested'
634        call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
635      endif
636    enddo
637  endif ! sig%noffdiag.gt.0
639  if (occ_set) then
640    if (peinf%inode==0) then
641      write(0,'(/1x,a)') 'WARNING: keywords `number_partial_occup` and `band_occupations` are deprecated.'
642      write(0,'(1x,a/)') 'BerkeleyGW now figures out these parameters automatically.'
643    endif
645    sig%nvband = count(band_occ==1)
647    if ((sig%nvband+sig%ncrit)==0) &
648      call die("There are no occupied or partially occupied bands.", only_root_writes = .true.)
650    if (any(band_occ/=0 .and. band_occ/=1) .and. &
651      any(band_occ(2:sig%ntband)>band_occ(1:sig%ntband-1))) then
652      ! FHJ: non-equilibrium occ completely disabled. Go change your mean-field!
653      call die("Non-equilibrium occupations not supported.", only_root_writes = .true.)
654    endif
655  endif
657  if(sig%fullConvLog<0.or.sig%fullConvLog>1) then
658    call die('Invalid full_ch_conv_log', only_root_writes = .true.)
659  endif
661! gsm: What frequency dependence we are using?
663  if(peinf%inode.eq.0) then
664    if(sig%freq_dep.eq.-1) then
665      write(6,699)
666    elseif(sig%freq_dep.eq.0) then
667      write(6,700)
668    elseif(sig%freq_dep.eq.1) then
669      write(6,701)
670    elseif(sig%freq_dep.eq.2) then
671      write(6,702)
672    elseif(sig%freq_dep.eq.3) then
673      write(6,703)
674    else
675      call die('Need to specify frequency dependence')
676    endif
677  endif
678699 format(1x,'Using the Hartree-Fock approximation',/)
679700 format(1x,'Using the static COHSEX approximation',/)
680701 format(1x,'Using the Generalized Plasmon Pole model',/)
681702 format(1x,'Using the full frequency-dependent inverse dielectric matrix',/)
682703 format(1x,'Using the Generalized Plasmon Pole model (GN flavor)',/)
684  if(peinf%inode == 0) then
685    if(peinf%npes > 1) then
686      write(6,803)
687    else
688      write(6,805)
689    endif
690  endif
691803 format(1x,'We are communicating via MPI',/)
692805 format(1x,'We are not communicating',/)
694! gsm: Do we compute the exact static CH?
696  if(sig%exact_ch.eq.-1) then ! set default according to freq_dep
697    if(sig%freq_dep .eq. 0) then
698      sig%exact_ch = 1
699    else
700      sig%exact_ch = 0
701    endif
702  endif
703  if(sig%freq_dep.ne.-1) then ! HF has no CH sum so don`t write any comments about it
704    if(sig%exact_ch.eq.0) then
705      if(peinf%inode.eq.0) write(6,750)
706    elseif(sig%exact_ch.eq.1) then
707      if(sig%freq_dep.eq.0) then
708        if(peinf%inode.eq.0) write(6,751)
709      else
710        if(peinf%inode.eq.0) write(6,752)
711      endif
712    else
713      call die('Illegal value for exact_static_ch')
714    endif
715  endif
716750 format(1x,'Computing CH as a partial sum over empty bands',/)
717751 format(1x,'Computing the exact static CH',/)
718752 format(1x,'Computing CH as a partial sum over empty bands with the static remainder',/)
720  ! JRD: What screening is present?
721  if(peinf%inode.eq.0) then
722    if(sig%ncrit < 0) then
723      call die("number_partial_occup < 0")
724    endif
726    select case (sig%iscreen)
727      case (SCREEN_SEMICOND)
728        if(sig%ncrit > 0) then
729          write(0,'(a)') "WARNING: Semiconductor screening is inappropriate for number_partial_occup > 0."
730          write(0,'(a)') "If a band really crosses the Fermi level, graphene or metal screening must be used."
731          ! this only makes sense if ncrit was used to handle two spins, or
732          ! to tune the number of conduction and valence bands for optimal parallelization.
733        endif
734        write(6,'(1x,a/)') 'Running with semiconductor screening'
735      case (SCREEN_GRAPHENE)
736        if(sig%ncrit == 0) then
737          write(0,*) "WARNING: Graphene screening usually should have number_partial_occup > 0."
738        endif
739        write(6,'(1x,a/)') 'Running with graphene screening'
740      case (SCREEN_METAL)
741        if(sig%ncrit == 0) then
742          write(0,*) "WARNING: Metal screening usually should have number_partial_occup > 0."
743        endif
744        write(6,'(1x,a/)') 'Running with metal screening'
745      case default
746        call die('Unknown screening type', only_root_writes=.true.)
747    endselect
748  endif
750  call print_truncation_summary(sig%icutv, sig%truncval(1))
752  ! FHJ: set cell_average_cutoff, if not set by user
753  if (sig%avgcut<0) then
754    sig%avgcut = TOL_ZERO
755    if (sig%icutv==TRUNC_NONE .and. sig%iscreen==SCREEN_SEMICOND) then
756      sig%avgcut = 1d0/TOL_ZERO
757    endif
758  endif
759  if (peinf%inode==0) then
760    write(6,'(1x,a,es10.3e3,a/)') &
761      'Cutoff for Monte-Carlo average of Coulomb potential: ', sig%avgcut, ' Ry'
762  endif
764  if(peinf%inode.eq.0) then
765    if(sig%ncrit.gt.0) then
766      write(6,951)sig%ncrit
767951   format(1x,'We have partially occupied bands',/, &
768        1x,'number_partial_occup (ncrit) =',i3,/)
769    endif
770  endif
772  if(sig%qgridsym .and. .not. sig%symmetrize) then
773    write(errmsg,'(a,i6,a)') 'Must use no_symmetries_q_grid flag with dont_symmetrize flag'
774    call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
775  endif
778  if(sig%use_xdat) then
779    inquire(file='x.dat', exist=sig%use_xdat)
780    if(sig%use_xdat .and. peinf%inode == 0) then
781      write(6,899)
782899   format(1x,"Reading bare exchange matrix elements from x.dat file."/)
783    endif
784  endif
785  if(sig%use_vxcdat) then
786    inquire(file='vxc.dat', exist=sig%use_vxcdat)
787    if(sig%use_vxcdat .and. peinf%inode == 0) then
788      write(6,898)
789898   format(1x,"Reading exchange-correlation matrix elements from vxc.dat file",/)
790    endif
791  endif
792  if(.not.sig%use_vxcdat .and. .not.sig%sigma_correction .and. .not. sig%is_EXX) then
793    inquire(file='VXC', exist=VXC_exists)
794    if(.not. VXC_exists) call die("VXC file is missing.", only_root_writes = .true.)
795    if(peinf%inode == 0) then
796      write(6,897)
797897   format(1x,"Computing exchange-correlation matrix elements from VXC file",/)
798    endif
799  endif
800  ! This is for hybrid functional like calculation (one shot)
801  if (sig%freq_dep.eq.-1 .and. ((1.0d0 - sig%coulomb_mod%long_range_frac_fock > TOL_SMALL) .or. &
802    (1.0d0 - sig%coulomb_mod%short_range_frac_fock > TOL_SMALL)))  then
804    sig%coul_mod_flag = .true.
805    if(sig%use_vxc2dat) then
806      inquire(file='vxc2.dat', exist=sig%use_vxc2dat)
807      if(sig%use_vxc2dat .and. peinf%inode == 0) then
808        write(6,896)
809896     format(1x,"Reading exchange-correlation matrix elements from vxc2.dat file",/)
810      endif
811    endif
812    if(.not. sig%use_vxc2dat) then
813      inquire(file='VXC2', exist=VXC_exists)
814      if(.not. VXC_exists) call die("VXC2 file is missing.", only_root_writes = .true.)
815      if(peinf%inode == 0) then
816        write(6,895)
817895     format(1x,"Computing exchange-correlation matrix elements from VXC2 file",/)
818      endif
819    endif
820  endif
822  !FHJ: report on the frequency dependence method
823  if (peinf%inode==0) then
824    select case (sig%freq_dep)
825      case (-1)
826        tmpstr = 'Hartree-Fock or hybrid functional approximation'
827      case (0)
828        tmpstr = 'Static COHSEX approximation'
829      case (1)
830        tmpstr = 'Hybertsen-Louie Generalized Plasmon Pole model'
831      case (3)
832        tmpstr = 'Godby-Needs Generalized Plasmon Pole model'
833      case (2)
834        select case (sig%freq_dep_method)
835          case (0)
836            tmpstr = 'full frequency Real Axis Integration method'
837          case (2)
838            tmpstr = 'full frequency Contour Deformation method'
839          case default
840            write(0,'(a,i0)') 'ERROR: Got sig%freq_dep_method = ', sig%freq_dep_method
841            call die('Invalid option for `frequency_dependence_method` flag.')
842        endselect
843      case default
844        write(0,'(a,i0)') 'ERROR: Got sig%freq_dep = ', sig%freq_dep
845        call die('Invalid option for `frequency_dependence` flag.')
846    endselect
847    write(6,'(1x,a)') 'Treating W within the '//trim(tmpstr)
849    if (sig%freq_dep==2 .and. sig%freq_dep_method==2) then
850      if (sig%cd_int_method/=0 .and. sig%cd_int_method/=2 .and. sig%cd_int_method/=3) then
851        write(0,'(a,i0)') 'ERROR: Got sig%cd_int_method = ', sig%cd_int_method
852        call die('Invalid option for `cd_integration_method` flag.')
853      endif
854      write(6,'(1x,a,i0,a/)') 'We`ll use an integration scheme of order ', &
855        sig%cd_int_method,' in the Contour Deformation method'
856    else
857      write(6,*)
858    endif
859  endif
860  sig%need_advanced = SCALARSIZE==2 .and. sig%freq_dep==2 .and. sig%freq_dep_method/=2
862  !FHJ: report on the kind of grid we are using
863  if (sig%freq_dep==2 .or. (sig%freq_dep==1 .and. sig%fdf==-3)) then
864    if (peinf%inode==0) write(6,'(1x,a)', advance='no') 'Frequency sampling: '
865    if (sig%freq_grid_shift==2) then
866      sig%nfreqeval = 2*int((max_freq_eval+TOL_ZERO)/sig%freqevalstep) + 1
867      if (peinf%inode==0) write(6,'(a)', advance='no') 'using a QP-centered '
868    elseif (sig%freq_grid_shift==1) then
869      if (peinf%inode==0) write(6,'(a)', advance='no') 'using a Fermi-energy-shifted '
870    elseif (sig%freq_grid_shift==0) then
871      if (peinf%inode==0) write(6,'(a)', advance='no') 'using an absolute energy '
872    else
873      call die('Invalid value for frequency_grid_shift.')
874    endif
875    if (peinf%inode==0) write(6,'(a,i0,a/)') 'grid with ', sig%nfreqeval, ' points.'
876  endif
877  !FHJ: Make sure the user is not using incompatible flags.
878  !if ((old_grid_set .and. sig%freq_grid_shift==2).and.sig%freq_dep==2) then
879  if (old_grid_set .and. sig%freq_grid_shift==2) then
880    if (peinf%inode==0) then
881      write(0,'(/a)') 'ERROR: flags `init_frequency_eval` and/or `number_frequency_eval` were set, but'
882      write(0,'(a)') 'you didn`t change the `frequency_grid_shift`. Either:'
883      write(0,'(a)') ' - set `frequency_grid_shift` to 0 or 1; or'
884      write(0,'(a/)') ' - don`t set the `init_frequency_eval` and `number_frequency_eval` flags.'
885    endif
886    call die('Inconsistent flags with frequency_grid_shift')
887  endif
889#ifdef MPI
890  ! root lets the others go after it is done reading (see beginning of function)
891  if(peinf%inode == 0) call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
893  ! FHJ: Broadcast spline scissors (this must be called after the barrier)
894  ! FHJ: inner splines
895  call MPI_BCAST(sig%spl_tck%n, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
896  if ( sig%spl_tck%n > 0 ) then
897    if(peinf%inode/=0) then
898      SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%spl_tck%t, (sig%spl_tck%n))
899      SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%spl_tck%c, (sig%spl_tck%n))
900    endif
901    call MPI_BCAST(sig%spl_tck%t, sig%spl_tck%n, MPI_REAL_DP, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
902    call MPI_BCAST(sig%spl_tck%c, sig%spl_tck%n, MPI_REAL_DP, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
903    call MPI_BCAST(sig%spl_tck%k, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
904  endif
905  ! FHJ: outer splines
906  call MPI_BCAST(sig%spl_tck_outer%n, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
907  if ( sig%spl_tck_outer%n > 0 ) then
908    if(peinf%inode/=0) then
909      SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%spl_tck_outer%t, (sig%spl_tck_outer%n))
910      SAFE_ALLOCATE(sig%spl_tck_outer%c, (sig%spl_tck_outer%n))
911    endif
912    call MPI_BCAST(sig%spl_tck_outer%t, sig%spl_tck_outer%n, MPI_REAL_DP, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
913    call MPI_BCAST(sig%spl_tck_outer%c, sig%spl_tck_outer%n, MPI_REAL_DP, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
914    call MPI_BCAST(sig%spl_tck_outer%k, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
915  endif
918  POP_SUB(inread)
920  return
922110 write(errmsg,'(3a)') 'Unexpected characters were found while reading the value for the keyword ', &
923      trim(keyword), '. '
924  call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
926112 write(errmsg,'(3a)') 'Unexpected characters were found while reading elements of the ', &
927      trim(blockword),' block.'
928  call die(errmsg, only_root_writes = .true.)
930end subroutine inread
933! ZL: fold back kpoint into [0, 1) range
934!     kpoint MUST be in fractional coordinate
935subroutine fold_back_zero_one(ka, kb, kc)
936  use global_m
937  implicit none
939  real(DP), intent(inout) :: ka, kb, kc
940  real(DP) :: infsmall = 1.0d-5 ! ZL: k/q/phonq-points should have higher accuracy than this
941  integer :: i
943  PUSH_SUB(fold_back_zero_one)
944  ! ZL: TODO: get rid of this function by using macros UNIT_RANGE() and TOL_SMALL
946  ! ka
947  do while (ka .gt. 1.0-infsmall)
948    ka = ka - 1.0
949  enddo
950  do while (ka .lt. 0.0-infsmall)
951    ka = ka + 1.0
952  enddo
954  ! kb
955  do while (kb .gt. 1.0-infsmall)
956    kb = kb - 1.0
957  enddo
958  do while (kb .lt. 0.0-infsmall)
959    kb = kb + 1.0
960  enddo
962  ! kc
963  do while (kc .gt. 1.0-infsmall)
964    kc = kc - 1.0
965  enddo
966  do while (kc .lt. 0.0-infsmall)
967    kc = kc + 1.0
968  enddo
970  POP_SUB(fold_back_zero_one)
972  return
973end subroutine fold_back_zero_one