1 // modified code from:
2 // https://schneide.wordpress.com/2016/07/15/generating-an-icosphere-in-c
4 #include "vector3d.h"
6 #include <utility>
7 #include <limits>
8 #include <cstdio>
9 #include <iostream>
10 #include <vector>
11 #include <array>
12 #include <map>
13 #include <unordered_map>
15 using Index = size_t;
16 using Vertex = Vector3d;
17 using Triangle = std::array<Index, 3>;
18 using TriangleList = std::vector<Triangle>;
19 using VertexList = std::vector<Vertex>;
21 using Lookup = std::map<std::pair<Index, Index>, Index>;
23 // icosahedron from ICON
24 namespace icosahedron
25 {
27 // Northern hemisphere are the first 6 elements of vertices[0:5]
28 // Southern hemisphere are the other 6 elements of vertices[6:11]
29 // 12 vertices
30 static VertexList vertices(12);
32 void
init(void)33 init(void)
34 {
35   constexpr auto pi_5 = M_PI * 0.2;
36   // first define the vertices of the icosahedron
37   const auto z_w = 2.0 * std::acos(1.0 / (2.0 * std::sin(pi_5)));
39   // set poles first - it is simple
40   vertices[0] = Vertex{ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
41   vertices[11] = Vertex{ 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 };
42   // now set the vertices on the two latitude rings
43   int i_mdist[10];
44   for (int j = 1; j < 11; ++j)
45     {
46       if (j % 2 == 0)
47         i_mdist[j / 2 + 4] = -1 + (j - 1) - 10 * ((j - 1) / 7);
48       else
49         i_mdist[(j + 1) / 2 - 1] = -1 + (j - 1) - 10 * ((j - 1) / 7);
50     }
52   for (int j = 1; j < 11; ++j)
53     {
54       // toggle the hemisphere
55       const auto i_msgn = (j >= 6) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
56       // compute the meridian angle for the base vertex.
57       const auto z_rlon = (1.0 + i_mdist[j - 1]) * pi_5;
58       // now initialize the coordinates
59       vertices[j] = Vertex{ std::sin(z_w) * std::cos(z_rlon), std::sin(z_w) * std::sin(z_rlon), std::cos(z_w) * i_msgn };
60     }
61 }
63 // 20 triangles
64 static const TriangleList triangles
65     = { { { 0, 1, 2 } },  { { 0, 2, 3 } },  { { 0, 3, 4 } },  { { 0, 4, 5 } },   { { 0, 5, 1 } },
66         { { 6, 2, 1 } },  { { 7, 3, 2 } },  { { 8, 4, 3 } },  { { 9, 5, 4 } },   { { 10, 1, 5 } },
67         { { 2, 6, 7 } },  { { 3, 7, 8 } },  { { 4, 8, 9 } },  { { 5, 9, 10 } },  { { 1, 10, 6 } },
68         { { 11, 7, 6 } }, { { 11, 8, 7 } }, { { 11, 9, 8 } }, { { 11, 10, 9 } }, { { 11, 6, 10 } } };
70 }  // namespace icosahedron
72 static Index
vertexForEdge(Lookup & lookup,VertexList & vertices,Index first,Index second)73 vertexForEdge(Lookup &lookup, VertexList &vertices, Index first, Index second)
74 {
75   Lookup::key_type key(first, second);
76   if (key.first > key.second) std::swap(key.first, key.second);
78   const auto inserted = lookup.insert({ key, vertices.size() });
79   if (inserted.second) vertices.push_back((vertices[first] + vertices[second]).normalised());
81   return inserted.first->second;
82 }
84 static TriangleList
subdivide(VertexList & vertices,const TriangleList & triangles)85 subdivide(VertexList &vertices, const TriangleList &triangles)
86 {
87   Lookup lookup;
88   Triangle mid;
90   const auto n = triangles.size();
91   TriangleList result(4 * n);
92   for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
93     {
94       const auto &each = triangles[i];
95       for (int edge = 0; edge < 3; edge++)
96         {
97           mid[edge] = vertexForEdge(lookup, vertices, each[edge], each[(edge + 1) % 3]);
98         }
100       result[i * 4 + 0] = { each[0], mid[0], mid[2] };
101       result[i * 4 + 1] = { each[1], mid[1], mid[0] };
102       result[i * 4 + 2] = { each[2], mid[2], mid[1] };
103       result[i * 4 + 3] = mid;
104     }
106   return result;
107 }
109 using IndexedMesh = std::pair<VertexList, TriangleList>;
111 static IndexedMesh
makeIcosphere(int subdivisions)112 makeIcosphere(int subdivisions)
113 {
114   icosahedron::init();
115   auto vertices = icosahedron::vertices;
116   auto triangles = icosahedron::triangles;
118   for (int i = 0; i < subdivisions; ++i) triangles = subdivide(vertices, triangles);
120   return { vertices, triangles };
121 }
123 static inline void
d_normalize(Vertex & v)124 d_normalize(Vertex &v)
125 {
126   const auto dnorm = std::sqrt(v * v);
127   v /= dnorm;
128 }
130 static Vertex
circumCenterMean(const Vertex & v0,const Vertex & v1,const Vertex & v2)131 circumCenterMean(const Vertex &v0, const Vertex &v1, const Vertex &v2)
132 {
133   /*
134     v0, v1, v2: the coordinates of the three triangle vertices (_dmo,nit vectors) in
135     counter clockwise order center: the coordinates of the circumcenter unless co-linear
136   */
137   // cu0, cu1, cu2: vector product of center:  e1 x e2
138   // e1, e2: edges of the underlying planar triangle: v1-v0 ands v2-v0, respectively
140   auto e1 = v1 - v0;
141   auto e2 = v2 - v0;
142   auto cu0 = e1 % e2;
143   if ((cu0 * v0) < 0.0) cu0 = -cu0;
144   d_normalize(cu0);
146   e1 = v2 - v1;
147   e2 = v0 - v1;
148   auto cu1 = e1 % e2;
149   if ((cu1 * v1) < 0.0) cu1 = -cu1;
150   d_normalize(cu1);
152   e1 = v0 - v2;
153   e2 = v1 - v2;
154   auto cu2 = e1 % e2;
155   if ((cu2 * v2) < 0.0) cu2 = -cu2;
156   d_normalize(cu2);
158   auto center = cu0 + cu1 + cu2;
159   d_normalize(center);
161   return center;
162 }
164 size_t
genIcosphereCoords(int subdivisions,bool lbounds,std::vector<double> & xvals,std::vector<double> & yvals,std::vector<double> & xbounds,std::vector<double> & ybounds)165 genIcosphereCoords(int subdivisions, bool lbounds, std::vector<double> &xvals, std::vector<double> &yvals,
166                    std::vector<double> &xbounds, std::vector<double> &ybounds)
167 {
168   const auto mesh = makeIcosphere(subdivisions);
169   const auto &vertices = mesh.first;
170   const auto &triangles = mesh.second;
172   const auto ncells = triangles.size();
173   xvals.resize(ncells);
174   yvals.resize(ncells);
175   if (lbounds)
176     {
177       xbounds.resize(3 * ncells);
178       ybounds.resize(3 * ncells);
179     }
181   size_t i = 0;
182   for (const Triangle &t : triangles)
183     {
184       const auto center = circumCenterMean(vertices[t[0]], vertices[t[1]], vertices[t[2]]);
185       xvals[i] = center.longitude();
186       yvals[i] = center.latitude();
187       if (lbounds)
188         for (size_t k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
189           {
190             xbounds[i * 3 + k] = vertices[t[k]].longitude();
191             ybounds[i * 3 + k] = vertices[t[k]].latitude();
192           }
194       i++;
195     }
197   return ncells;
198 }
200 #ifdef TEST_ICO
201 #include <chrono>
202 static inline double
rad2deg(double v)203 rad2deg(double v)
204 {
205   return v * 180. / M_PI;
206 }
208 void
subDivdeAndVertexForEdgeTest(int subdivisions)209 subDivdeAndVertexForEdgeTest(int subdivisions)
210 {
211   icosahedron::init();
212   auto vertices = icosahedron::vertices;
213   auto triangles = icosahedron::triangles;
215   auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
216   for (int i = 0; i < subdivisions; ++i) triangles = subdivide(vertices, triangles);
217   auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
218   auto elapsedM = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - start).count();
220   size_t expectedNumTriangles = std::pow(4, subdivisions) * 20;
221   size_t expectedNumVerticies = std::pow(4, subdivisions) * 10 + 2;
222   if (triangles.size() != (size_t) expectedNumTriangles)
223     {
224       std::cout << "ERROR: unexpected number of triangles for T: std::map, expected " << expectedNumTriangles << " got "
225                 << triangles.size() << std::endl;
226     }
227   if (vertices.size() != expectedNumVerticies)
228     {
229       std::cout << "ERROR: unexpected number of verticies for T: std::map, expected " << expectedNumVerticies << " got "
230                 << vertices.size() << std::endl;
231     }
232 }
234 int
main(void)235 main(void)
236 {
237   int numSubdivisions = 0;
238   subDivdeAndVertexForEdgeTest(numSubdivisions);
240   auto mesh = makeIcosphere(numSubdivisions);
241   auto &vertices = mesh.first;
242   auto &triangles = mesh.second;
244   if (1)
245     {
246       for (Vertex &v : vertices)
247         {
248           auto lon = v.longitude();
249           auto lat = v.latitude();
250           fprintf(stderr, "xyz:%g %g %g   lon:%g lat:%g\n", v[0], v[1], v[2], rad2deg(lon), rad2deg(lat));
251         }
252       for (Triangle &t : triangles)
253         {
254           fprintf(stderr, "index: %zu %zu %zu\n", t[0], t[1], t[2]);
255         }
256       for (Triangle &t : triangles)
257         {
258           auto center = circumCenterMean(vertices[t[0]], vertices[t[1]], vertices[t[2]]);
259           auto lon = center.longitude();
260           auto lat = center.latitude();
261           fprintf(stderr, "center: %g %g\n", rad2deg(lon), rad2deg(lat));
262         }
263       for (Triangle &t : triangles)
264         {
265           double lon, lat;
266           printf(">\n");
267           for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
268             {
269               lon = vertices[t[i]].longitude();
270               lat = vertices[t[i]].latitude();
271               printf("   %g  %g\n", rad2deg(lon), rad2deg(lat));
272             }
273           lon = vertices[t[0]].longitude();
274           lat = vertices[t[0]].latitude();
275           printf("   %g  %g\n", rad2deg(lon), rad2deg(lat));
276         }
277     }
278   fprintf(stderr, "vertices %zu\n", vertices.size());
279   fprintf(stderr, "triangles %zu\n", triangles.size());
280 }
281 #endif