1 /*
2   This file is part of CDO. CDO is a collection of Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate model Data.
4   Author: Uwe Schulzweida
6 */
7 #ifndef GRIDDES_H
8 #define GRIDDES_H
10 #include <vector>
11 #include <string>
12 #include <cdi.h>
14 constexpr double undef_grid_value = 9.e20;
16 struct // GridDesciption
17 #ifdef WARN_UNUSED
18 [[gnu::warn_unused]]
19 #endif
20 GridDesciption
21 {
22   std::vector<int> mask;
23   std::vector<double> xvals;
24   std::vector<double> yvals;
25   std::vector<double> xbounds;
26   std::vector<double> ybounds;
27   std::vector<double> area;
28   std::vector<int> reducedPoints;
29   double xfirst = undef_grid_value, yfirst = undef_grid_value;
30   double xlast = undef_grid_value, ylast = undef_grid_value;
31   double xinc = undef_grid_value, yinc = undef_grid_value;
32   double xpole = 0.0, ypole = 0.0, angle = 0.0;  // rotated north pole
33   int scanningMode = 64;
34   /*
35     scanningMode  = 128 * iScansNegatively + 64 * jScansPositively + 32 * jPointsAreConsecutive;
36               64  = 128 * 0                + 64 *        1         + 32 * 0
37               00  = 128 * 0                + 64 *        0         + 32 * 0
38               96  = 128 * 0                + 64 *        1         + 32 * 1
39     Default  implicit scanning mode is 64: i and j scan positively, i points are consecutive (row-major)
40   */
41   double a = 0.0;
42   int isRotated = 0;  // true for rotated grids
43   int datatype = CDI_UNDEFID;
44   int type = CDI_UNDEFID;
45   int ntr = 0;
46   int nvertex = 0;
47   size_t size = 0;
48   size_t xsize = 0;
49   size_t ysize = 0;
50   int numLPE = 0;
51   int lcomplex = 1;
52   bool genBounds = false;
53   int nd = 0, ni = 0, ni2 = 0, ni3 = 0;
54   int number = 0, position = 0;
55   unsigned char uuid[CDI_UUID_SIZE] = { 0 };
56   char path[16384] = { 0 };
57   char xname[CDI_MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
58   char xlongname[CDI_MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
59   char xunits[CDI_MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
60   char xdimname[CDI_MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
61   char yname[CDI_MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
62   char ylongname[CDI_MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
63   char yunits[CDI_MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
64   char ydimname[CDI_MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
65   char vdimname[CDI_MAX_NAME] = { 0 };
66 };
68 int grid_define(GridDesciption &grid);
70 int gird_from_nc_file(const char *gridfile);
71 int grid_from_h5_file(const char *gridfile);
72 int grid_from_name(const char *gridname);
74 void write_n_cgrid(const char *gridfile, int gridID, int *imask);
76 int cdo_define_grid(const std::string &gridfile);
78 int grid_read(FILE *gfp, const char *dname);  // TODO: Find better place for this
80 int cdo_cdf_openread(const char *filename);
81 void cdo_cdf_close(int nc_file_id);
82 void cdo_set_grids(const char *gridarg);
84 void gaussian_latitudes_in_degrees(std::vector<double> &lats, std::vector<double> &lat_bounds, size_t nlat);
86 #endif /* GRIDDES_H */