1#### Version 1.8.9 LTS update (2018-10-29):
2* Bug fix long double literal Wigner.cpp
4#### Version 1.8.8 LTS update (2018-09-26):
5* Print the number of MPS variables
7#### Version 1.8.7 LTS update (2018-03-25):
8* Bump up SO version from 2 to 3
10#### Version 1.8.6 LTS update (2018-03-16):
11* Set initial guess to an ROHF determinant (for @quanp)
13#### Version 1.8.5 LTS update (2018-01-18):
14* Fix build; bump up required CMake (thanks @quanp)
16#### Version 1.8.4 LTS update (2017-05-23):
17* MOLCAS state average CASPT2 interface (thanks @quanp)
18* Update build system for psi4 (thanks @loriab)
20#### Version 1.8.3 LTS update (2016-11-15):
21* Custom orbital reordering for MOLCAS interface
22* Fix building PyCheMPS2 (thanks @loriab)
24#### Version 1.8.2 LTS update (2016-10-26):
25* Fix PyCheMPS2 build
27#### Version 1.8.1 LTS update (2016-10-25):
28* MPS checkpoint for MOLCAS interface
29* Fiedler order checkpoint for MOLCAS interface
31#### Version 1.8 LTS (2016-08-24):
32* Fix slow convergence linear Davidson algorithm
33* Fix MPI bug binary
34* MOLCAS interface binary (2-RDM, 3-RDM, and F.4-RDM dump)
35* Fortran example to read in CASPT2 intermediates for MOLCAS
37#### Version 1.7.3 (2016-07-14):
38* DMRG workshop in sphinx documentation
40#### Version 1.7.2 (2016-07-07):
41* Rotate molden files with DMRG-SCF unitary from executable
43#### Version 1.7.1 (2016-06-29):
44* Global reordering of the active space orbitals (mixing
45  irreps) based on Fiedler vector of the exchange matrix
46* Davidson algorithm for linear systems (for CASPT2)
48#### Version 1.7 (2016-05-24):
49* Class ConjugateGradient
50* Class TensorOperator
51* Class ThreeDM: DMRG 3-RDM in O(L^4 D^3 + L^6 D^2)
52* Class Cumulant: Cumulant reconstruction of the DMRG 4-RDM
53* Class CASPT2: Internally contracted CASPT2
54* Class Molden: Rotate molpro/psi4 molden to CAS orbitals
55* Class Excitation: Build |1> = ( b + a * ( E_ij + E_ji )) |0>
56* Part of DMRG 4-RDM via DMRG::Symm4RDM
57* DMRG sweeps after RDM calculation allowed
58* FCI 3-RDM in FCI::Fill3RDM
59* FCI 4-RDM in FCI::Fill4RDM
60* FCI diagonal 4-RDM in FCI::Diag4RDM
61* FCI 4-RDM contraction with Fock operator in FCI::Fock4RDM
62* Blockwise ERI rotations with DMRGSCFrotations using disk
63* Update binary for DMRG-CASPT2
64* Break API: bump up SO version
65* Deprecate TwoDMstorage class
66* Deprecate TensorDiag class
67* Deprecate TensorSwap class
68* Deprecate TensorS0Abase class
69* Deprecate TensorS1Bbase class
70* Deprecate TensorF0Cbase class
71* Deprecate TensorF1Dbase class
72* Deprecate TensorA class
73* Deprecate TensorB class
74* Deprecate TensorC class
75* Deprecate TensorD class
77#### Version 1.6 (2015-08-26):
78* Disk i/o improvements with HDF5's hyperslab
79* Performance counters in DMRG class
80* Faster preconditioner FCI Green's function solver
81* Bug fix FCIDUMP read-in
82* chemps2 binary
83* manpage for binary
85#### Version 1.5 (2015-06-18):
86* DMRG-CI plugin pyscf
87* DMRG-SCF plugin psi4 (official release for psi4)
88* Fix bug small electron number FCI class
89* FCIDUMP file support
90* Sphinx documentation
91* DMRG class supports 4-fold permutation symmetry (i.o. 8-fold)
92* Hybrid MPI & OpenMP for DMRG + 2-RDM (not for DMRG-SCF yet)
94#### Version 1.4 (2014-11-23):
95* 2-RDM storage class
96* Optimization OpenMP over symmetry blocks Heff
97* DIIS acceleration DMRG-SCF
98* Two-orbital mutual information and correlation functions
99* Augmented Hessian NR Edmiston-Ruedenberg orbital localization
100* PyCheMPS2: python interface to libchemps2
101* FCI Green's function solver
102* State-averaged DMRG-SCF
104#### Version 1.0 (2014-04-08):
105* Initial release