1 /*
2    CheMPS2: a spin-adapted implementation of DMRG for ab initio quantum chemistry
3    Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Sebastian Wouters
5    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8    (at your option) any later version.
10    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    GNU General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 */
20 #include <climits>
21 #include <assert.h>
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <math.h>
24 #include <sys/stat.h>
25 #include <sys/time.h>
26 #include <algorithm>
28 using std::cout;
29 using std::endl;
31 #include "FCI.h"
32 #include "Irreps.h"
33 #include "Lapack.h"
34 #include "Davidson.h"
35 #include "ConjugateGradient.h"
FCI(Hamiltonian * Ham,const unsigned int theNel_up,const unsigned int theNel_down,const int TargetIrrep_in,const double maxMemWorkMB_in,const int FCIverbose_in)37 CheMPS2::FCI::FCI(Hamiltonian * Ham, const unsigned int theNel_up, const unsigned int theNel_down, const int TargetIrrep_in, const double maxMemWorkMB_in, const int FCIverbose_in){
39    // Copy the basic information
40    FCIverbose   = FCIverbose_in;
41    maxMemWorkMB = maxMemWorkMB_in;
42    L = Ham->getL();
43    assert( theNel_up    <= L );
44    assert( theNel_down  <= L );
45    assert( maxMemWorkMB >  0.0 );
46    Nel_up   = theNel_up;
47    Nel_down = theNel_down;
49    // Construct the irrep product table and the list with the orbitals irreps
50    num_irreps  = Irreps::getNumberOfIrreps( Ham->getNGroup() );
51    TargetIrrep = TargetIrrep_in;
52    orb2irrep   = new int[ L ];
53    for (unsigned int orb = 0; orb < L; orb++){ orb2irrep[ orb ] = Ham->getOrbitalIrrep( orb ); }
55    /* Copy the Hamiltonian over:
56          G_ij = T_ij - 0.5 \sum_k <ik|kj> and ERI_{ijkl} = <ij|kl>
57          <ij|kl> is the electron repulsion integral, int dr1 dr2 i(r1) j(r1) k(r2) l(r2) / |r1-r2| */
58    Econstant = Ham->getEconst();
59    Gmat = new double[ L * L ];
60    ERI  = new double[ L * L * L * L ];
61    for (unsigned int orb1 = 0; orb1 < L; orb1++){
62       for (unsigned int orb2 = 0; orb2 < L; orb2++){
63          double tempvar = 0.0;
64          for (unsigned int orb3 = 0; orb3 < L; orb3++){
65             tempvar += Ham->getVmat( orb1, orb3, orb3, orb2 );
66             for (unsigned int orb4 = 0; orb4 < L; orb4++){
67                // CheMPS2::Hamiltonian uses physics notation ; ERI chemists notation.
68                ERI[ orb1 + L * ( orb2 + L * ( orb3 + L * orb4 ) ) ] = Ham->getVmat( orb1 , orb3 , orb2 , orb4 );
69             }
70          }
71          Gmat[ orb1 + L * orb2 ] = Ham->getTmat( orb1 , orb2 ) - 0.5 * tempvar;
72       }
73    }
75    // Set all other internal variables
76    StartupCountersVsBitstrings();
77    StartupLookupTables();
78    StartupIrrepCenter();
80 }
~FCI()82 CheMPS2::FCI::~FCI(){
84    // FCI::FCI
85    delete [] orb2irrep;
86    delete [] Gmat;
87    delete [] ERI;
89    // FCI::StartupCountersVsBitstrings
90    for ( unsigned int irrep=0; irrep<num_irreps; irrep++ ){
91       delete [] str2cnt_up[irrep];
92       delete [] str2cnt_down[irrep];
93       delete [] cnt2str_up[irrep];
94       delete [] cnt2str_down[irrep];
95    }
96    delete [] str2cnt_up;
97    delete [] str2cnt_down;
98    delete [] cnt2str_up;
99    delete [] cnt2str_down;
100    delete [] numPerIrrep_up;
101    delete [] numPerIrrep_down;
103    // FCI::StartupLookupTables
104    for ( unsigned int irrep = 0; irrep < num_irreps; irrep++ ){
105       for ( unsigned int ij = 0; ij < L * L; ij++ ){
106          delete [] lookup_cnt_alpha[irrep][ij];
107          delete [] lookup_cnt_beta[irrep][ij];
108          delete [] lookup_sign_alpha[irrep][ij];
109          delete [] lookup_sign_beta[irrep][ij];
110       }
111       delete [] lookup_cnt_alpha[irrep];
112       delete [] lookup_cnt_beta[irrep];
113       delete [] lookup_sign_alpha[irrep];
114       delete [] lookup_sign_beta[irrep];
115    }
116    delete [] lookup_cnt_alpha;
117    delete [] lookup_cnt_beta;
118    delete [] lookup_sign_alpha;
119    delete [] lookup_sign_beta;
121    // FCI::StartupIrrepCenter
122    for ( unsigned int irrep=0; irrep<num_irreps; irrep++ ){
123       delete [] irrep_center_crea_orb[irrep];
124       delete [] irrep_center_anni_orb[irrep];
125       delete [] irrep_center_jumps[irrep];
126    }
127    delete [] irrep_center_crea_orb;
128    delete [] irrep_center_anni_orb;
129    delete [] irrep_center_jumps;
130    delete [] irrep_center_num;
131    delete [] HXVworksmall;
132    delete [] HXVworkbig1;
133    delete [] HXVworkbig2;
135 }
StartupCountersVsBitstrings()137 void CheMPS2::FCI::StartupCountersVsBitstrings(){
139    // Can you represent the alpha and beta Slater determinants as unsigned integers?
140    assert( L <= CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned int) );
142    // Variable which is only needed here: 2^L
143    unsigned int TwoPowL = 1;
144    for (unsigned int orb = 0; orb < L; orb++){ TwoPowL *= 2; }
146    // Create the required arrays to perform the conversions between counters and bitstrings
147    numPerIrrep_up   = new unsigned int[ num_irreps ];
148    numPerIrrep_down = new unsigned int[ num_irreps ];
149    str2cnt_up       = new int*[ num_irreps ];
150    str2cnt_down     = new int*[ num_irreps ];
151    cnt2str_up       = new unsigned int*[ num_irreps ];
152    cnt2str_down     = new unsigned int*[ num_irreps ];
154    for (unsigned int irrep = 0; irrep < num_irreps; irrep++){
155       numPerIrrep_up  [ irrep ] = 0;
156       numPerIrrep_down[ irrep ] = 0;
157       str2cnt_up  [ irrep ] = new int[ TwoPowL ];
158       str2cnt_down[ irrep ] = new int[ TwoPowL ];
159    }
161    int * bits = new int[ L ]; // Temporary helper array
163    // Loop over all allowed bit strings in the spinless fermion Fock space
164    for (unsigned int bitstring = 0; bitstring < TwoPowL; bitstring++){
166       // Find the number of particles and the irrep which correspond to each basis vector
167       str2bits( L , bitstring , bits );
168       unsigned int Nparticles = 0;
169       int irrep = 0;
170       for (unsigned int orb=0; orb<L; orb++){
171          if ( bits[orb] ){
172             Nparticles++;
173             irrep = Irreps::directProd( irrep, getOrb2Irrep( orb ) );
174          }
175       }
177       // If allowed: set the corresponding str2cnt to the correct counter and keep track of the number of allowed vectors
178       for ( unsigned int irr = 0; irr < num_irreps; irr++ ){
179          str2cnt_up  [ irr ][ bitstring ] = -1;
180          str2cnt_down[ irr ][ bitstring ] = -1;
181       }
182       if ( Nparticles == Nel_up ){
183          str2cnt_up[ irrep ][ bitstring ] = numPerIrrep_up[ irrep ];
184          numPerIrrep_up[ irrep ]++;
185       }
186       if ( Nparticles == Nel_down ){
187          str2cnt_down[ irrep ][ bitstring ] = numPerIrrep_down[ irrep ];
188          numPerIrrep_down[ irrep ]++;
189       }
191    }
193    // Fill the reverse info array: cnt2str
194    for ( unsigned int irrep = 0; irrep < num_irreps; irrep++ ){
196       if ( FCIverbose>1 ){
197          cout << "FCI::Startup : For irrep " << irrep << " there are " << numPerIrrep_up  [ irrep ] << " alpha Slater determinants and "
198                                                                        << numPerIrrep_down[ irrep ] <<  " beta Slater determinants." << endl;
199       }
201       cnt2str_up  [ irrep ] = new unsigned int[ numPerIrrep_up  [ irrep ] ];
202       cnt2str_down[ irrep ] = new unsigned int[ numPerIrrep_down[ irrep ] ];
203       for (unsigned int bitstring = 0; bitstring < TwoPowL; bitstring++){
204          if ( str2cnt_up  [ irrep ][ bitstring ] != -1 ){ cnt2str_up  [ irrep ][ str2cnt_up  [ irrep ][ bitstring ] ] = bitstring; }
205          if ( str2cnt_down[ irrep ][ bitstring ] != -1 ){ cnt2str_down[ irrep ][ str2cnt_down[ irrep ][ bitstring ] ] = bitstring; }
206       }
208    }
210    delete [] bits; // Delete temporary helper array
212 }
StartupLookupTables()214 void CheMPS2::FCI::StartupLookupTables(){
216    // Create a bunch of stuff
217    lookup_cnt_alpha  = new int**[ num_irreps ];
218    lookup_cnt_beta   = new int**[ num_irreps ];
219    lookup_sign_alpha = new int**[ num_irreps ];
220    lookup_sign_beta  = new int**[ num_irreps ];
222    int * bits = new int[ L ]; // Temporary helper array
224    // Quick lookup tables for " sign | new > = E^spinproj_{ij} | old >
225    for ( unsigned int irrep = 0; irrep < num_irreps; irrep++ ){
227       const unsigned int num_up   = numPerIrrep_up  [ irrep ];
228       const unsigned int num_down = numPerIrrep_down[ irrep ];
230       lookup_cnt_alpha [ irrep ] = new int*[ L * L ];
231       lookup_cnt_beta  [ irrep ] = new int*[ L * L ];
232       lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep ] = new int*[ L * L ];
233       lookup_sign_beta [ irrep ] = new int*[ L * L ];
235       for ( unsigned int ij = 0; ij < L * L; ij++ ){
237          lookup_cnt_alpha [ irrep ][ ij ] = new int[ num_up ];
238          lookup_cnt_beta  [ irrep ][ ij ] = new int[ num_down ];
239          lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep ][ ij ] = new int[ num_up ];
240          lookup_sign_beta [ irrep ][ ij ] = new int[ num_down ];
242          for ( unsigned int cnt_new_alpha = 0; cnt_new_alpha < num_up; cnt_new_alpha++ ){
243             // Check for the sign. If no check for sign, you multiply with sign 0 and everything should be OK...
244             lookup_cnt_alpha [ irrep ][ ij ][ cnt_new_alpha ] = 0;
245             lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep ][ ij ][ cnt_new_alpha ] = 0;
246          }
247          for ( unsigned int cnt_new_beta = 0; cnt_new_beta < num_down; cnt_new_beta++ ){
248             // Check for the sign. If no check for sign, you multiply with sign and everything should be OK...
249             lookup_cnt_beta [ irrep ][ ij ][ cnt_new_beta ] = 0;
250             lookup_sign_beta[ irrep ][ ij ][ cnt_new_beta ] = 0;
251          }
252       }
254       for ( unsigned int cnt_new_alpha = 0; cnt_new_alpha < num_up; cnt_new_alpha++ ){
256          str2bits( L , cnt2str_up[ irrep ][ cnt_new_alpha ] , bits );
258          int phase_crea = 1;
259          for ( unsigned int crea = 0; crea < L; crea++ ){
260             if ( bits[ crea ] ){
261                bits[ crea ] = 0;
263                int phase_anni = 1;
264                for ( unsigned int anni = 0; anni < L; anni++ ){
265                   if ( !(bits[ anni ]) ){
266                      bits[ anni ] = 1;
268                      const int irrep_old = Irreps::directProd( irrep , Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea ), getOrb2Irrep( anni ) ) );
269                      const int cnt_old = str2cnt_up[ irrep_old ][ bits2str( L , bits ) ];
270                      const int phase = phase_crea * phase_anni;
272                      lookup_cnt_alpha [ irrep ][ crea + L * anni ][ cnt_new_alpha ] = cnt_old;
273                      lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep ][ crea + L * anni ][ cnt_new_alpha ] = phase;
275                      bits[ anni ] = 0;
276                   } else {
277                      phase_anni *= -1;
278                   }
279                }
281                bits[ crea ] = 1;
282                phase_crea *= -1;
283             }
284          }
285       }
287       for ( unsigned int cnt_new_beta = 0; cnt_new_beta < num_down; cnt_new_beta++ ){
289          str2bits( L , cnt2str_down[ irrep ][ cnt_new_beta ] , bits );
291          int phase_crea = 1;
292          for ( unsigned int crea = 0; crea < L; crea++ ){
293             if ( bits[ crea ] ){
294                bits[ crea ] = 0;
296                int phase_anni = 1;
297                for ( unsigned int anni = 0; anni < L; anni++ ){
298                   if ( !(bits[ anni ]) ){
299                      bits[ anni ] = 1;
301                      const int irrep_old = Irreps::directProd( irrep , Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea ), getOrb2Irrep( anni ) ) );
302                      const int cnt_old = str2cnt_down[ irrep_old ][ bits2str( L , bits ) ];
303                      const int phase = phase_crea * phase_anni;
305                      lookup_cnt_beta  [ irrep ][ crea + L * anni ][ cnt_new_beta ] = cnt_old;
306                      lookup_sign_beta [ irrep ][ crea + L * anni ][ cnt_new_beta ] = phase;
308                      bits[ anni ] = 0;
309                   } else {
310                      phase_anni *= -1;
311                   }
312                }
314                bits[ crea ] = 1;
315                phase_crea *= -1;
316             }
317          }
318       }
320    }
322    delete [] bits; // Delete temporary helper array
324 }
StartupIrrepCenter()326 void CheMPS2::FCI::StartupIrrepCenter(){
328    // Find the orbital combinations which can form a center irrep
329    irrep_center_num      = new unsigned int [ num_irreps ];
330    irrep_center_crea_orb = new unsigned int*[ num_irreps ];
331    irrep_center_anni_orb = new unsigned int*[ num_irreps ];
333    for ( unsigned int irrep_center = 0; irrep_center < num_irreps; irrep_center++ ){
334       const int irrep_center_const_signed = irrep_center;
336       irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ] = 0;
337       for ( unsigned int crea = 0; crea < L; crea++ ){
338          for ( unsigned int anni = crea; anni < L; anni++ ){
339             if ( Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea ), getOrb2Irrep( anni ) ) == irrep_center_const_signed ){
340                irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ] += 1;
341             }
342          }
343       }
344       irrep_center_crea_orb[ irrep_center ] = new unsigned int[ irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ] ];
345       irrep_center_anni_orb[ irrep_center ] = new unsigned int[ irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ] ];
346       irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ] = 0;
347       for ( unsigned int creator = 0; creator < L; creator++ ){
348          for ( unsigned int annihilator = creator; annihilator < L; annihilator++){
349             if ( Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( creator ) , getOrb2Irrep( annihilator ) ) == irrep_center_const_signed ){
350                irrep_center_crea_orb[ irrep_center ][ irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ] ] = creator;
351                irrep_center_anni_orb[ irrep_center ][ irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ] ] = annihilator;
352                irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ] += 1;
353             }
354          }
355       }
357    }
359    irrep_center_jumps = new unsigned int*[ num_irreps ];
360    HXVsizeWorkspace = 0;
361    for ( unsigned int irrep_center = 0; irrep_center < num_irreps; irrep_center++ ){
362       unsigned long long check = 0;
363       irrep_center_jumps[ irrep_center ] = new unsigned int[ num_irreps + 1 ];
364       const int localTargetIrrep = Irreps::directProd( irrep_center, getTargetIrrep() );
365       irrep_center_jumps[ irrep_center ][ 0 ] = 0;
366       for ( unsigned int irrep_up = 0; irrep_up < num_irreps; irrep_up++ ){
367          const int irrep_down = Irreps::directProd( irrep_up, localTargetIrrep );
368          check += ((unsigned long long) numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_up ] ) * ((unsigned long long) numPerIrrep_down[ irrep_down ] );
369          unsigned int temp = numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_up ] * numPerIrrep_down[ irrep_down ];
370          irrep_center_jumps[ irrep_center ][ irrep_up + 1 ] = irrep_center_jumps[ irrep_center ][ irrep_up ] + temp;
371          HXVsizeWorkspace = std::max( HXVsizeWorkspace, ((unsigned long long) irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ] ) * ((unsigned long long) temp ) );
372       }
373       assert( check <= ((unsigned int) INT_MAX ) ); // Length of FCI vectors should be less then the SIGNED integer size (to be able to call lapack)
374    }
375    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){
376       cout << "FCI::Startup : Number of variables in the FCI vector = " << getVecLength( 0 ) << endl;
377       double num_megabytes = ( 2.0 * sizeof(double) * HXVsizeWorkspace ) / 1048576;
378       cout << "FCI::Startup : Without additional loops the FCI matrix-vector product requires a workspace of " << num_megabytes << " MB memory." << endl;
379       if ( maxMemWorkMB < num_megabytes ){
380          HXVsizeWorkspace = (unsigned int) ceil( ( maxMemWorkMB * 1048576 ) / ( 2 * sizeof(double) ) );
381          num_megabytes = ( 2.0 * sizeof(double) * HXVsizeWorkspace ) / 1048576;
382          cout << "               For practical purposes, the workspace is constrained to " << num_megabytes << " MB memory." << endl;
383       }
384    }
385    HXVworksmall = new double[ L * L * L * L ];
386    HXVworkbig1  = new double[ HXVsizeWorkspace ];
387    HXVworkbig2  = new double[ HXVsizeWorkspace ];
389 }
str2bits(const unsigned int Lval,const unsigned int bitstring,int * bits)391 void CheMPS2::FCI::str2bits(const unsigned int Lval, const unsigned int bitstring, int * bits){
393    for (unsigned int bit = 0; bit < Lval; bit++){ bits[ bit ] = ( bitstring & ( 1 << bit ) ) >> bit; }
395 }
bits2str(const unsigned int Lval,int * bits)397 unsigned int CheMPS2::FCI::bits2str(const unsigned int Lval, int * bits){
399    unsigned int factor = 1;
400    unsigned int result = 0;
401    for (unsigned int bit = 0; bit < Lval; bit++){
402       result += bits[ bit ] * factor;
403       factor *= 2;
404    }
405    return result;
407 }
getUpIrrepOfCounter(const int irrep_center,const unsigned int counter) const409 int CheMPS2::FCI::getUpIrrepOfCounter(const int irrep_center, const unsigned int counter) const{
411    int irrep_up = num_irreps;
412    while ( counter < irrep_center_jumps[ irrep_center ][ irrep_up-1 ] ){ irrep_up--; }
413    return irrep_up-1;
415 }
getBitsOfCounter(const int irrep_center,const unsigned int counter,int * bits_up,int * bits_down) const417 void CheMPS2::FCI::getBitsOfCounter(const int irrep_center, const unsigned int counter, int * bits_up, int * bits_down) const{
419    const int localTargetIrrep = Irreps::directProd( irrep_center, TargetIrrep );
421    const int irrep_up   = getUpIrrepOfCounter( irrep_center, counter );
422    const int irrep_down = Irreps::directProd( irrep_up, localTargetIrrep );
424    const unsigned int count_up   = ( counter - irrep_center_jumps[ irrep_center ][ irrep_up ] ) % numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_up ];
425    const unsigned int count_down = ( counter - irrep_center_jumps[ irrep_center ][ irrep_up ] ) / numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_up ];
427    const unsigned int string_up   = cnt2str_up  [ irrep_up   ][ count_up   ];
428    const unsigned int string_down = cnt2str_down[ irrep_down ][ count_down ];
430    str2bits( L , string_up   , bits_up   );
431    str2bits( L , string_down , bits_down );
433 }
getFCIcoeff(int * bits_up,int * bits_down,double * vector) const435 double CheMPS2::FCI::getFCIcoeff(int * bits_up, int * bits_down, double * vector) const{
437    const unsigned string_up   = bits2str(L, bits_up  );
438    const unsigned string_down = bits2str(L, bits_down);
440    int irrep_up   = 0;
441    int irrep_down = 0;
442    for ( unsigned int orb = 0; orb < L; orb++ ){
443       if ( bits_up  [ orb ] ){ irrep_up   = Irreps::directProd( irrep_up   , getOrb2Irrep( orb ) ); }
444       if ( bits_down[ orb ] ){ irrep_down = Irreps::directProd( irrep_down , getOrb2Irrep( orb ) ); }
445    }
447    const int counter_up   = str2cnt_up  [ irrep_up   ][ string_up   ];
448    const int counter_down = str2cnt_down[ irrep_down ][ string_down ];
450    if (( counter_up == -1 ) || ( counter_down == -1 )){ return 0.0; }
452    return vector[ irrep_center_jumps[ 0 ][ irrep_up ] + counter_up + numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_up ] * counter_down ];
454 }
456 /*void CheMPS2::FCI::CheckHamDEBUG() const{
458    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
460    // Building Ham by matvec
461    double * HamHXV = new double[ vecLength * vecLength ];
462    double * workspace = new double[ vecLength ];
463    for (unsigned int count = 0; count < vecLength; count++){
465       ClearVector( vecLength , workspace );
466       workspace[ count ] = 1.0;
467       matvec( workspace , HamHXV + count*vecLength );
469    }
471    // Building Diag by HamDiag
472    DiagHam( workspace );
473    double RMSdiagdifference = 0.0;
474    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < vecLength; row++){
475       double diff = workspace[ row ] - HamHXV[ row + vecLength * row ];
476       RMSdiagdifference += diff * diff;
477    }
478    RMSdiagdifference = sqrt( RMSdiagdifference );
479    cout << "The RMS difference of DiagHam() and diag(HamHXV) = " << RMSdiagdifference << endl;
481    // Building Ham by getMatrixElement
482    int * work     = new int[ 8 ];
483    int * ket_up   = new int[ L ];
484    int * ket_down = new int[ L ];
485    int * bra_up   = new int[ L ];
486    int * bra_down = new int[ L ];
487    double RMSconstructiondiff = 0.0;
488    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < vecLength; row++){
489       for (unsigned int col = 0; col < vecLength; col++){
490          getBitsOfCounter( 0 , row , bra_up , bra_down );
491          getBitsOfCounter( 0 , col , ket_up , ket_down );
492          double tempvar = HamHXV[ row + vecLength * col ] - GetMatrixElement( bra_up , bra_down , ket_up , ket_down , work );
493          RMSconstructiondiff += tempvar * tempvar;
494       }
495    }
496    cout << "The RMS difference of HamHXV - HamMXELEM = " << RMSconstructiondiff << endl;
497    delete [] work;
498    delete [] ket_up;
499    delete [] ket_down;
500    delete [] bra_up;
501    delete [] bra_down;
503    // Building Ham^2 by matvec
504    double * workspace2 = new double[ vecLength ];
505    for (unsigned int count = 0; count < vecLength; count++){
507       ClearVector( vecLength , workspace );
508       workspace[ count ] = 1.0;
509       matvec( workspace , workspace2 );
510       matvec( workspace2 , HamHXV + count*vecLength );
512    }
514    // Building diag( Ham^2 ) by DiagHamSquared
515    DiagHamSquared( workspace );
516    double RMSdiagdifference2 = 0.0;
517    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < vecLength; row++){
518       double diff = workspace[ row ] - HamHXV[ row + vecLength * row ];
519       RMSdiagdifference2 += diff * diff;
520    }
521    RMSdiagdifference2 = sqrt( RMSdiagdifference2 );
522    cout << "The RMS difference of DiagHamSquared() and diag(HamSquared by HXV) = " << RMSdiagdifference2 << endl;
524    delete [] workspace2;
525    delete [] workspace;
526    delete [] HamHXV;
528 }*/
excite_alpha_omp(const unsigned int dim_new_up,const unsigned int dim_old_up,const unsigned int dim_down,double * origin,double * result,int * signmap,int * countmap)530 void CheMPS2::FCI::excite_alpha_omp( const unsigned int dim_new_up, const unsigned int dim_old_up, const unsigned int dim_down, double * origin, double * result, int * signmap, int * countmap ){
532    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
533    for ( unsigned int cnt_new_up = 0; cnt_new_up < dim_new_up; cnt_new_up++ ){
534       const int sign_up = signmap[ cnt_new_up ];
535       if ( sign_up != 0 ){
536          const int cnt_old_up = countmap[ cnt_new_up ];
537          for ( unsigned int cnt_down = 0; cnt_down < dim_down; cnt_down++ ){
538             result[ cnt_new_up + dim_new_up * cnt_down ] += sign_up * origin[ cnt_old_up + dim_old_up * cnt_down ];
539          }
540       }
541    }
543 }
excite_beta_omp(const unsigned int dim_up,const unsigned int dim_new_down,double * origin,double * result,int * signmap,int * countmap)545 void CheMPS2::FCI::excite_beta_omp( const unsigned int dim_up, const unsigned int dim_new_down, double * origin, double * result, int * signmap, int * countmap ){
547    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
548    for ( unsigned int cnt_new_down = 0; cnt_new_down < dim_new_down; cnt_new_down++ ){
549       const int sign_down = signmap[ cnt_new_down ];
550       if ( sign_down != 0 ){
551          const int cnt_old_down = countmap[ cnt_new_down ];
552          for ( unsigned int cnt_up = 0; cnt_up < dim_up; cnt_up++ ){
553             result[ cnt_up + dim_up * cnt_new_down ] += sign_down * origin[ cnt_up + dim_up * cnt_old_down ];
554          }
555       }
556    }
558 }
excite_alpha_first(const unsigned int dim_new_up,const unsigned int dim_old_up,const unsigned int start_down,const unsigned int stop_down,double * origin,double * result,int * signmap,int * countmap)560 void CheMPS2::FCI::excite_alpha_first( const unsigned int dim_new_up, const unsigned int dim_old_up, const unsigned int start_down, const unsigned int stop_down, double * origin, double * result, int * signmap, int * countmap ){
562    for ( unsigned int cnt_new_up = 0; cnt_new_up < dim_new_up; cnt_new_up++ ){
563       const int sign_up = signmap[ cnt_new_up ];
564       if ( sign_up != 0 ){
565          const int cnt_old_up = countmap[ cnt_new_up ];
566          for ( unsigned int cnt_down = start_down; cnt_down < stop_down; cnt_down++ ){
567             result[ cnt_new_up + dim_new_up * ( cnt_down - start_down ) ] += sign_up * origin[ cnt_old_up + dim_old_up * cnt_down ];
568          }
569       }
570    }
572 }
excite_beta_first(const unsigned int dim_up,const unsigned int start_down,const unsigned int stop_down,double * origin,double * result,int * signmap,int * countmap)574 void CheMPS2::FCI::excite_beta_first( const unsigned int dim_up, const unsigned int start_down, const unsigned int stop_down, double * origin, double * result, int * signmap, int * countmap ){
576    for ( unsigned int cnt_new_down = start_down; cnt_new_down < stop_down; cnt_new_down++ ){
577       const int sign_down = signmap[ cnt_new_down ];
578       if ( sign_down != 0 ){
579          const int cnt_old_down = countmap[ cnt_new_down ];
580          for ( unsigned int cnt_up = 0; cnt_up < dim_up; cnt_up++ ){
581             result[ cnt_up + dim_up * ( cnt_new_down - start_down ) ] += sign_down * origin[ cnt_up + dim_up * cnt_old_down ];
582          }
583       }
584    }
586 }
excite_alpha_second_omp(const unsigned int dim_new_up,const unsigned int dim_old_up,const unsigned int start_down,const unsigned int stop_down,double * origin,double * result,int * signmap,int * countmap)588 void CheMPS2::FCI::excite_alpha_second_omp( const unsigned int dim_new_up, const unsigned int dim_old_up, const unsigned int start_down, const unsigned int stop_down, double * origin, double * result, int * signmap, int * countmap ){
590    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
591    for ( unsigned int cnt_old_up = 0; cnt_old_up < dim_old_up; cnt_old_up++ ){
592       const int sign_up = signmap[ cnt_old_up ];
593       if ( sign_up != 0 ){ // Required for thread safety
594          const int cnt_new_up = countmap[ cnt_old_up ];
595          for ( unsigned int cnt_down = start_down; cnt_down < stop_down; cnt_down++ ){
596             result[ cnt_new_up + dim_new_up * cnt_down ] += sign_up * origin[ cnt_old_up + dim_old_up * ( cnt_down - start_down ) ];
597          }
598       }
599    }
601 }
excite_beta_second_omp(const unsigned int dim_up,const unsigned int start_down,const unsigned int stop_down,double * origin,double * result,int * signmap,int * countmap)603 void CheMPS2::FCI::excite_beta_second_omp( const unsigned int dim_up, const unsigned int start_down, const unsigned int stop_down, double * origin, double * result, int * signmap, int * countmap ){
605    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
606    for ( unsigned int cnt_old_down = start_down; cnt_old_down < stop_down; cnt_old_down++ ){
607       const int sign_down = signmap[ cnt_old_down ];
608       if ( sign_down != 0 ){ // Required for thread safety
609          const int cnt_new_down = countmap[ cnt_old_down ];
610          for ( unsigned int cnt_up = 0; cnt_up < dim_up; cnt_up++ ){
611             result[ cnt_up + dim_up * cnt_new_down ] += sign_down * origin[ cnt_up + dim_up * ( cnt_old_down - start_down ) ];
612          }
613       }
614    }
616 }
matvec(double * input,double * output) const618 void CheMPS2::FCI::matvec( double * input, double * output ) const{
620    struct timeval start, end;
621    gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
623    ClearVector( getVecLength( 0 ), output );
625    // P.J. Knowles and N.C. Handy, A new determinant-based full configuration interaction method, Chemical Physics Letters 111 (4-5), 315-321 (1984)
627    // irrep_center is the center irrep of the ERI : (ij|kl) --> irrep_center = I_i x I_j = I_k x I_l
628    for ( unsigned int irrep_center = 0; irrep_center < num_irreps; irrep_center++ ){
630       const int irrep_target_center = Irreps::directProd( TargetIrrep, irrep_center );
631       const unsigned int num_pairs  = irrep_center_num[ irrep_center ];
632       const unsigned int * center_crea_orb = irrep_center_crea_orb[ irrep_center ];
633       const unsigned int * center_anni_orb = irrep_center_anni_orb[ irrep_center ];
634       const unsigned int * zero_jumps = irrep_center_jumps[ 0 ];
636       for ( unsigned int irrep_center_up = 0; irrep_center_up < num_irreps; irrep_center_up++ ){
637          const int irrep_center_down = Irreps::directProd( irrep_target_center, irrep_center_up );
638          const unsigned int dim_center_up   = numPerIrrep_up  [ irrep_center_up   ];
639          const unsigned int dim_center_down = numPerIrrep_down[ irrep_center_down ];
640          if ( dim_center_up * dim_center_down > 0 ){
641             const unsigned int blocksize_beta  = HXVsizeWorkspace / std::max( (unsigned int) 1, dim_center_up * num_pairs );
642             assert( blocksize_beta > 0 ); // At least one full column should fit in the workspaces...
643             unsigned int num_block_beta = dim_center_down / blocksize_beta;
644             while ( blocksize_beta * num_block_beta < dim_center_down ){ num_block_beta++; }
645             for ( unsigned int block = 0; block < num_block_beta; block++ ){
646                const unsigned int start_center_down = block * blocksize_beta;
647                const unsigned int  stop_center_down = std::min( ( block + 1 ) * blocksize_beta, dim_center_down );
648                const unsigned int size_center = dim_center_up * ( stop_center_down - start_center_down );
649                if ( size_center > 0 ){
651                   // First build workbig1[ veccounter + size_center * pair ] = E_{i<=j} + ( 1 - delta_i==j ) E_{j>i} (irrep_center) | input >  */
652                   #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
653                   for ( unsigned int pair = 0; pair < num_pairs; pair++ ){
654                      double * target_space   = HXVworkbig1 + size_center * pair;
655                      const unsigned int crea = center_crea_orb[ pair ];
656                      const unsigned int anni = center_anni_orb[ pair ];
657                      const int irrep_excited = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea ), getOrb2Irrep( anni ) );
658                      const int irrep_zero_up = Irreps::directProd( irrep_excited, irrep_center_up );
659                      const unsigned int dim_zero_up = numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_zero_up ];
660                      for ( unsigned int count = 0; count < size_center; count++ ){ target_space[ count ] = 0.0; }
662                      excite_alpha_first( dim_center_up, dim_zero_up, start_center_down, stop_center_down,
663                                          input + zero_jumps[ irrep_zero_up ],
664                                          target_space,
665                                          lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep_center_up ][ crea + L * anni ],
666                                          lookup_cnt_alpha [ irrep_center_up ][ crea + L * anni ] );
668                      excite_beta_first( dim_center_up, start_center_down, stop_center_down,
669                                         input + zero_jumps[ irrep_center_up ],
670                                         target_space,
671                                         lookup_sign_beta[ irrep_center_down ][ crea + L * anni ],
672                                         lookup_cnt_beta [ irrep_center_down ][ crea + L * anni ] );
674                      if ( anni > crea ){
676                         excite_alpha_first( dim_center_up, dim_zero_up, start_center_down, stop_center_down,
677                                             input + zero_jumps[ irrep_zero_up ],
678                                             target_space,
679                                             lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep_center_up ][ anni + L * crea ],
680                                             lookup_cnt_alpha [ irrep_center_up ][ anni + L * crea ] );
682                         excite_beta_first( dim_center_up, start_center_down, stop_center_down,
683                                            input + zero_jumps[ irrep_center_up ],
684                                            target_space,
685                                            lookup_sign_beta[ irrep_center_down ][ anni + L * crea ],
686                                            lookup_cnt_beta [ irrep_center_down ][ anni + L * crea ] );
688                      }
689                   }
691                   // If irrep_center == 0, do the one-body terms
692                   if ( irrep_center == 0 ){
693                      for ( unsigned int pair = 0; pair < num_pairs; pair++ ){
694                         HXVworksmall[ pair ] = getGmat( center_crea_orb[ pair ], center_anni_orb[ pair ] );
695                      }
696                      char notrans = 'N';
697                      double one = 1.0;
698                      int mdim = size_center;
699                      int kdim = num_pairs;
700                      int ndim = 1;
701                      double * target = output + zero_jumps[ irrep_center_up ] + dim_center_up * start_center_down;
702                      dgemm_( &notrans, &notrans, &mdim, &ndim, &kdim, &one, HXVworkbig1, &mdim, HXVworksmall, &kdim, &one, target, &mdim );
703                   }
705                   // Now build workbig2[ veccounter + size_center * new_pair ] = 0.5 * ( new_pair | old_pair ) * workbig1[ veccounter + size_center * old_pair ]
706                   {
707                      for ( unsigned int pair1 = 0; pair1 < num_pairs; pair1++ ){
708                         for ( unsigned int pair2 = 0; pair2 < num_pairs; pair2++ ){
709                            HXVworksmall[ pair1 + num_pairs * pair2 ]
710                               = 0.5 * getERI( center_crea_orb[ pair1 ], center_anni_orb[ pair1 ] ,
711                                               center_crea_orb[ pair2 ], center_anni_orb[ pair2 ] );
712                         }
713                      }
714                      char notrans = 'N';
715                      double one = 1.0;
716                      double set = 0.0;
717                      int mdim = size_center;
718                      int kdim = num_pairs;
719                      int ndim = num_pairs;
720                      dgemm_( &notrans, &notrans, &mdim, &ndim, &kdim, &one, HXVworkbig1, &mdim, HXVworksmall, &kdim, &set, HXVworkbig2, &mdim );
721                   }
723                   // Finally do output <-- E_{i<=j} + (1 - delta_{i==j}) E_{j>i} workbig2[ veccounter + size_center * pair ]
724                   for ( unsigned int pair = 0; pair < num_pairs; pair++ ){
725                      double * origin_space   = HXVworkbig2 + size_center * pair;
726                      const unsigned int crea = center_crea_orb[ pair ];
727                      const unsigned int anni = center_anni_orb[ pair ];
728                      const int irrep_excited = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea ), getOrb2Irrep( anni ) );
729                      const int irrep_zero_up = Irreps::directProd( irrep_excited, irrep_center_up );
730                      const unsigned int dim_zero_up = numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_zero_up ];
732                      excite_alpha_second_omp( dim_zero_up, dim_center_up, start_center_down, stop_center_down,
733                                               origin_space,
734                                               output + zero_jumps[ irrep_zero_up ],
735                                               lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep_center_up ][ anni + L * crea ],
736                                               lookup_cnt_alpha [ irrep_center_up ][ anni + L * crea ] );
738                      excite_beta_second_omp( dim_center_up, start_center_down, stop_center_down,
739                                              origin_space,
740                                              output + zero_jumps[ irrep_center_up ],
741                                              lookup_sign_beta[ irrep_center_down ][ anni + L * crea ],
742                                              lookup_cnt_beta [ irrep_center_down ][ anni + L * crea ] );
744                      if ( anni > crea ){
746                         excite_alpha_second_omp( dim_zero_up, dim_center_up, start_center_down, stop_center_down,
747                                                  origin_space,
748                                                  output + zero_jumps[ irrep_zero_up ],
749                                                  lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep_center_up ][ crea + L * anni ],
750                                                  lookup_cnt_alpha [ irrep_center_up ][ crea + L * anni ] );
752                         excite_beta_second_omp( dim_center_up, start_center_down, stop_center_down,
753                                                 origin_space,
754                                                 output + zero_jumps[ irrep_center_up ],
755                                                 lookup_sign_beta[ irrep_center_down ][ crea + L * anni ],
756                                                 lookup_cnt_beta [ irrep_center_down ][ crea + L * anni ] );
758                      }
759                   }
760                }
761             }
762          }
763       }
764    }
766    gettimeofday( &end, NULL );
767    const double elapsed = ( end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + 1e-6 * ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec );
768    if ( FCIverbose >= 1 ){ cout << "FCI::matvec : Wall time = " << elapsed << " seconds" << endl; }
770 }
apply_excitation(double * orig_vector,double * result_vector,const int crea,const int anni,const int orig_target_irrep) const772 void CheMPS2::FCI::apply_excitation( double * orig_vector, double * result_vector, const int crea, const int anni, const int orig_target_irrep ) const{
774    const int    excitation_irrep = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea ), getOrb2Irrep( anni ) );
775    const int result_target_irrep = Irreps::directProd( excitation_irrep, orig_target_irrep );
776    const int   orig_irrep_center = Irreps::directProd( TargetIrrep,   orig_target_irrep );
777    const int result_irrep_center = Irreps::directProd( TargetIrrep, result_target_irrep );
779    ClearVector( getVecLength( result_irrep_center ) , result_vector );
781    for ( unsigned int result_irrep_up = 0; result_irrep_up < num_irreps; result_irrep_up++ ){
783       const int result_irrep_down = Irreps::directProd( result_irrep_up, result_target_irrep );
784       const int orig_irrep_up     = Irreps::directProd( excitation_irrep, result_irrep_up );
786       excite_alpha_omp( numPerIrrep_up  [ result_irrep_up   ], // dim_new_up
787                         numPerIrrep_up  [   orig_irrep_up   ], // dim_old_up
788                         numPerIrrep_down[ result_irrep_down ], // dim_down
789                         orig_vector   + irrep_center_jumps[   orig_irrep_center ][   orig_irrep_up ], // origin
790                         result_vector + irrep_center_jumps[ result_irrep_center ][ result_irrep_up ], // result
791                         lookup_sign_alpha[ result_irrep_up ][ crea + L * anni ],   // signmap
792                         lookup_cnt_alpha [ result_irrep_up ][ crea + L * anni ] ); // countmap
794       excite_beta_omp( numPerIrrep_up  [ result_irrep_up   ], // dim_up
795                        numPerIrrep_down[ result_irrep_down ], // dim_new_down
796                        orig_vector   + irrep_center_jumps[   orig_irrep_center ][ result_irrep_up ], // origin
797                        result_vector + irrep_center_jumps[ result_irrep_center ][ result_irrep_up ], // result
798                        lookup_sign_beta[ result_irrep_down ][ crea + L * anni ],   // signmap
799                        lookup_cnt_beta [ result_irrep_down ][ crea + L * anni ] ); // countmap
801    }
803 }
Fill2RDM(double * vector,double * two_rdm) const805 double CheMPS2::FCI::Fill2RDM(double * vector, double * two_rdm) const{
807    assert( Nel_up + Nel_down >= 2 );
809    struct timeval start, end;
810    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
812    ClearVector( L*L*L*L, two_rdm );
813    const unsigned int orig_length = getVecLength( 0 );
814    unsigned int max_length = 0;
815    for ( unsigned int irrep = 0; irrep < num_irreps; irrep++ ){
816       if ( getVecLength( irrep ) > max_length ){ max_length = getVecLength( irrep ); }
817    }
818    double * workspace1 = new double[ max_length  ];
819    double * workspace2 = new double[ orig_length ];
821    // Gamma_{ijkl} = < E_ik E_jl > - delta_jk < E_il >
822    for ( unsigned int anni1 = 0; anni1 < L; anni1++ ){ // anni1 = l
823       for ( unsigned int crea1 = anni1; crea1 < L; crea1++ ){ // crea1 = j >= l
825          const int irrep_center1 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea1 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni1 ) );
826          const int target_irrep1 = Irreps::directProd( TargetIrrep, irrep_center1 );
827          apply_excitation( vector, workspace1, crea1, anni1, TargetIrrep );
829          if ( irrep_center1 == 0 ){
830             const double value = FCIddot( orig_length, workspace1, vector ); // < E_{crea1,anni1} >
831             for ( unsigned int jk = anni1; jk < L; jk++ ){
832                two_rdm[ crea1 + L * ( jk + L * ( jk + L * anni1 ) ) ] -= value;
833             }
834          }
836          for ( unsigned int crea2 = anni1; crea2 < L; crea2++ ){ // crea2 = i >= l
837             for ( unsigned int anni2 = anni1; anni2 < L; anni2++ ){ // anni2 = k >= l
839                const int irrep_center2 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea2 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni2 ) );
840                if ( irrep_center2 == irrep_center1 ){
842                   apply_excitation( workspace1, workspace2, crea2, anni2, target_irrep1 );
843                   const double value = FCIddot( orig_length, workspace2, vector ); // < E_{crea2,anni2} E_{crea1,anni1} >
844                   two_rdm[ crea2 + L * ( crea1 + L * ( anni2 + L * anni1 ) ) ] += value;
846                }
847             }
848          }
849       }
850    }
851    delete [] workspace1;
852    delete [] workspace2;
854    for ( unsigned int anni1 = 0; anni1 < L; anni1++ ){
855       for ( unsigned int crea1 = anni1; crea1 < L; crea1++ ){
856          const int irrep_center1 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea1 ) , getOrb2Irrep( anni1 ) );
857          for ( unsigned int crea2 = anni1; crea2 < L; crea2++ ){
858             for ( unsigned int anni2 = anni1; anni2 < L; anni2++ ){
859                const int irrep_center2 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea2 ) , getOrb2Irrep( anni2 ) );
860                if ( irrep_center2 == irrep_center1 ){
861                   const double value = two_rdm[ crea2 + L * ( crea1 + L * ( anni2 + L * anni1 ) ) ];
862                                        two_rdm[ crea1 + L * ( crea2 + L * ( anni1 + L * anni2 ) ) ] = value;
863                                        two_rdm[ anni2 + L * ( anni1 + L * ( crea2 + L * crea1 ) ) ] = value;
864                                        two_rdm[ anni1 + L * ( anni2 + L * ( crea1 + L * crea2 ) ) ] = value;
865                }
866             }
867          }
868       }
869    }
871    // Calculate the FCI energy
872    double FCIenergy = getEconst();
873    for ( unsigned int orb1 = 0; orb1 < L; orb1++ ){
874       for ( unsigned int orb2 = 0; orb2 < L; orb2++ ){
875          double tempvar = 0.0;
876          double tempvar2 = 0.0;
877          for ( unsigned int orb3 = 0; orb3 < L; orb3++ ){
878             tempvar  += getERI( orb1 , orb3 , orb3 , orb2 );
879             tempvar2 += two_rdm[ orb1 + L * ( orb3 + L * ( orb2 + L * orb3 ) ) ];
880             for ( unsigned int orb4 = 0; orb4 < L; orb4++ ){
881                FCIenergy += 0.5 * two_rdm[ orb1 + L * ( orb2 + L * ( orb3 + L * orb4 ) ) ] * getERI( orb1 , orb3 , orb2 , orb4 );
882             }
883          }
884          FCIenergy += ( getGmat( orb1 , orb2 ) + 0.5 * tempvar ) * tempvar2 / ( Nel_up + Nel_down - 1.0);
885       }
886    }
888    gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
889    const double elapsed = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + 1e-6 * (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
890    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){ cout << "FCI::Fill2RDM : Wall time = " << elapsed << " seconds" << endl; }
891    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){ cout << "FCI::Fill2RDM : Energy (Ham * 2-RDM) = " << FCIenergy << endl; }
892    return FCIenergy;
894 }
Fill4RDM(double * vector,double * four_rdm) const896 void CheMPS2::FCI::Fill4RDM(double * vector, double * four_rdm) const{
898    assert( Nel_up + Nel_down >= 4 );
900    struct timeval start, end;
901    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
903    /*
904       Gamma_{ijkl,pqrt} = < E_ip E_jq E_kr E_lt >
905                         - delta_lr < E_ip E_jq E_kt >
906                         - delta_lq < E_ip E_kr E_jt >
907                         - delta_lp < E_jq E_kr E_it >
908                         - delta_kq < E_ip E_jr E_lt >
909                         - delta_kp < E_ir E_jq E_lt >
910                         - delta_jp < E_iq E_kr E_lt >
911                         + delta_lr delta_kq < E_ip E_jt >
912                         + delta_lr delta_kp < E_jq E_it >
913                         + delta_lr delta_jp < E_iq E_kt >
914                         + delta_lq delta_jr < E_ip E_kt >
915                         + delta_lq delta_kp < E_ir E_jt >
916                         + delta_lq delta_jp < E_kr E_it >
917                         + delta_lp delta_kq < E_jr E_it >
918                         + delta_lp delta_iq < E_kr E_jt >
919                         + delta_lp delta_ir < E_jq E_kt >
920                         + delta_kq delta_jp < E_ir E_lt >
921                         + delta_kp delta_jr < E_iq E_lt >
922                         - delta_jp delta_kq delta_lr < E_it >
923                         - delta_kp delta_lq delta_jr < E_it >
924                         - delta_kp delta_iq delta_lr < E_jt >
925                         - delta_lp delta_kq delta_ir < E_jt >
926                         - delta_jp delta_lq delta_ir < E_kt >
927                         - delta_lp delta_iq delta_jr < E_kt >
928    */
930    ClearVector( L*L*L*L*L*L*L*L, four_rdm );
931    const unsigned int orig_length = getVecLength( 0 );
932    unsigned int max_length = getVecLength( 0 );
933    for ( unsigned int irrep = 1; irrep < num_irreps; irrep++ ){
934       if ( getVecLength( irrep ) > max_length ){ max_length = getVecLength( irrep ); }
935    }
936    double * workspace1 = new double[ max_length  ];
937    double * workspace2 = new double[ max_length  ];
938    double * workspace3 = new double[ max_length  ];
939    double * workspace4 = new double[ orig_length ];
941    for ( unsigned int anni1 = 0; anni1 < L; anni1++ ){ // anni1 = t
942       for ( unsigned int crea1 = anni1; crea1 < L; crea1++ ){ // crea1 = l >= t
944          const int irrep_center1 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea1 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni1 ) );
945          const int target_irrep1 = Irreps::directProd( TargetIrrep, irrep_center1 );
946          apply_excitation( vector, workspace1, crea1, anni1, TargetIrrep );
948          if ( irrep_center1 == 0 ){
950             // value = < E_{crea1,anni1} >
951             const double value = FCIddot( orig_length, workspace1, vector );
952             for ( unsigned int p = anni1; p < L; p++ ){
953                for ( unsigned int q = anni1; q < L; q++ ){
954                   for ( unsigned int r = anni1; r < L; r++ ){
955                      //        i           j           k           l       p       q       r       t
956                      four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( p     + L*( q     + L*( r + L*( p + L*( q + L*( r + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_jp delta_kq delta_lr < E_it >
957                      four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( r     + L*( p     + L*( q + L*( p + L*( q + L*( r + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_kp delta_lq delta_jr < E_it >
958                      four_rdm[ q     + L*( crea1 + L*( p     + L*( r + L*( p + L*( q + L*( r + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_kp delta_iq delta_lr < E_jt >
959                      four_rdm[ r     + L*( crea1 + L*( q     + L*( p + L*( p + L*( q + L*( r + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_lp delta_kq delta_ir < E_jt >
960                      four_rdm[ r     + L*( p     + L*( crea1 + L*( q + L*( p + L*( q + L*( r + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_jp delta_lq delta_ir < E_kt >
961                      four_rdm[ q     + L*( r     + L*( crea1 + L*( p + L*( p + L*( q + L*( r + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_lp delta_iq delta_jr < E_kt >
962                   }
963                }
964             }
966          }
968          for ( unsigned int crea2 = anni1; crea2 < L; crea2++ ){ // crea2 = k >= t
969             for ( unsigned int anni2 = anni1; anni2 < L; anni2++ ){ // anni2 = r >= t
971                const int irrep_center2 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea2 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni2 ) );
972                const int target_irrep2 = Irreps::directProd( target_irrep1, irrep_center2 );
973                apply_excitation( workspace1, workspace2, crea2, anni2, target_irrep1 );
975                if ( irrep_center1 == irrep_center2 ){
977                   // value = < E_{crea2,anni2} E_{crea1,anni1} >
978                   const double value = FCIddot( orig_length, workspace2, vector );
979                   for ( unsigned int orb = anni1; orb < L; orb++ ){
980                      for ( unsigned int xyz = anni1; xyz < L; xyz++ ){
981                         //        i           j           k           l           p           q           r           t
982                         four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_lr delta_kq < E_ip E_jt >
983                         four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L*( xyz   + L*( anni2 + L*( orb   + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_lr delta_kp < E_jq E_it >
984                         four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( xyz   + L*( crea1 + L*( orb   + L*( xyz   + L*( anni2 + L*( orb   + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_lr delta_jp < E_iq E_kt >
985                         four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( xyz   + L*( crea1 + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L*( orb   + L*( xyz   + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_lq delta_jr < E_ip E_kt >
986                         four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_lq delta_kp < E_ir E_jt >
987                         four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( xyz   + L*( crea2 + L*( orb   + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_lq delta_jp < E_kr E_it >
988                         four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L*( orb   + L*( xyz   + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_lp delta_kq < E_jr E_it >
989                         four_rdm[ xyz   + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( orb   + L*( orb   + L*( xyz   + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_lp delta_iq < E_kr E_jt >
990                         four_rdm[ xyz   + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( orb   + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L*( xyz   + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_lp delta_ir < E_jq E_kt >
991                         four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L*( crea1 + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_kq delta_jp < E_ir E_lt >
992                         four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( xyz   + L*( orb   + L*( crea1 + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L*( xyz   + L * anni1 ))))))] += value; // + delta_kp delta_jr < E_iq E_lt >
993                      }
994                   }
996                }
998                for ( unsigned int crea3 = anni1; crea3 < L; crea3++ ){ // crea3 = j >= t = anni1
999                   for ( unsigned int anni3 = (( anni1 == anni2 ) ? anni1 + 1 : anni1 ); anni3 < L; anni3++ ){ // anni3 = q >= t
1001                      const int irrep_center3 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea3 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni3 ) );
1002                      const int target_irrep3 = Irreps::directProd( target_irrep2, irrep_center3 );
1003                      const int irrep_center4 = Irreps::directProd( Irreps::directProd( irrep_center1 , irrep_center2 ), irrep_center3 );
1004                      apply_excitation( workspace2, workspace3, crea3, anni3, target_irrep2 );
1006                      if ( irrep_center4 == 0 ){
1008                         // value = < E_{crea3,anni3} E_{crea2,anni2} E_{crea1,anni1} >
1009                         const double value = FCIddot( orig_length, workspace3, vector );
1010                         for ( unsigned int orb = anni1; orb < L; orb++ ){
1011                            //        i           j           k           l           p           q           r           t
1012                            four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( orb   + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L*( orb   + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_lr < E_ip E_jq E_kt >
1013                            four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( orb   + L*( anni3 + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_lq < E_ip E_kr E_jt >
1014                            four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( orb   + L*( orb   + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_lp < E_jq E_kr E_it >
1015                            four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( orb   + L*( crea1 + L*( anni3 + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_kq < E_ip E_jr E_lt >
1016                            four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( orb   + L*( crea1 + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_kp < E_ir E_jq E_lt >
1017                            four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( orb   + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( orb   + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] -= value; // - delta_jp < E_iq E_kr E_lt >
1018                         }
1020                      }
1022                      if ( crea3 >= (( crea1 == crea2 ) ? crea2 + 1 : crea2 ) ){ // crea3 = j >= k = crea2 >= t = anni1
1024                         for ( unsigned int crea4 = (( crea2 == crea3 ) ? crea3 + 1 : crea3 ); crea4 < L; crea4++ ){ // crea4 = i >= j = crea3 >= k = crea2 >= t = anni1
1025                            for ( unsigned int anni4 = (( anni1 == anni2 ) ? anni1 + 1 : anni1 ); anni4 < L; anni4++ ){ // anni4 = p >= t
1027                               if ( (( anni2 == anni3 ) && ( anni3 == anni4 )) == false ){
1029                                  const int irrep_product4 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea4 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni4 ) );
1030                                  if ( irrep_product4 == irrep_center4 ){
1032                                     apply_excitation( workspace3, workspace4, crea4, anni4, target_irrep3 );
1033                                     // value = < E_{crea4,anni4} E_{crea3,anni3} E_{crea2,anni2} E_{crea1,anni1} >
1034                                     const double value = FCIddot( orig_length, workspace4, vector );
1035                                     four_rdm[ crea4 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 ))))))] += value;
1037                                  }
1038                               }
1039                            }
1040                         }
1041                      }
1042                   }
1043                }
1044             }
1045          }
1046       }
1047    }
1048    delete [] workspace1;
1049    delete [] workspace2;
1050    delete [] workspace3;
1051    delete [] workspace4;
1053    // Make 48-fold permutation symmetric
1054    for ( unsigned int anni1 = 0; anni1 < L; anni1++ ){ // anni1 = t
1055       for ( unsigned int crea1 = anni1; crea1 < L; crea1++ ){ // crea1 = l >= t = anni1
1056       const int irrep_center1 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea1 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni1 ) );
1057          for ( unsigned int crea2 = anni1; crea2 < L; crea2++ ){ // crea2 = k >= t = anni1
1058             for ( unsigned int anni2 = anni1; anni2 < L; anni2++ ){ // anni2 = r >= t = anni1
1059                const int irrep_center2 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea2 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni2 ) );
1060                const int irrep_12 = Irreps::directProd( irrep_center1, irrep_center2 );
1061                for ( unsigned int crea3 = crea2; crea3 < L; crea3++ ){ // crea3 = j >= k = crea2 >= t = anni1
1062                   for ( unsigned int anni3 = anni1; anni3 < L; anni3++ ){ // anni3 = q >= t = anni1
1063                      const int irrep_center3 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea3 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni3 ) );
1064                      const int irrep_123 = Irreps::directProd( irrep_12, irrep_center3 );
1065                      for ( unsigned int crea4 = crea3; crea4 < L; crea4++ ){ // crea4 = i >= j = crea3 >= k = crea2 >= t = anni1
1066                         for ( unsigned int anni4 = anni1; anni4 < L; anni4++ ){ // anni4 = p >= t = anni1
1067                            const int irrep_center4 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea4 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni4 ) );
1068                            if ( irrep_123 == irrep_center4 ){
1070                               /* crea4 >= crea3 >= crea2 >= anni1
1071                                  crea1, anni2, anni3, anni4 >= anni1 */
1073          const double value = four_rdm[ crea4 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 )))))) ];
1074                               four_rdm[ crea4 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea3 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni1 + L * anni3 )))))) ] = value;
1075                               four_rdm[ crea4 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni3 + L * anni2 )))))) ] = value;
1076                               four_rdm[ crea4 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea3 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni2 + L * anni3 )))))) ] = value;
1077                               four_rdm[ crea4 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea1 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L * anni1 )))))) ] = value;
1078                               four_rdm[ crea4 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni1 + L * anni2 )))))) ] = value;
1080                               four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni2 + L * anni1 )))))) ] = value;
1081                               four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea4 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni1 + L * anni4 )))))) ] = value;
1082                               four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea2 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni4 + L * anni2 )))))) ] = value;
1083                               four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea4 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni2 + L * anni4 )))))) ] = value;
1084                               four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea1 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni4 + L * anni1 )))))) ] = value;
1085                               four_rdm[ crea3 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni1 + L * anni2 )))))) ] = value;
1087                               four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni4 + L * anni1 )))))) ] = value;
1088                               four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea3 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni1 + L * anni3 )))))) ] = value;
1089                               four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea4 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni3 + L * anni4 )))))) ] = value;
1090                               four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea3 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni4 + L * anni3 )))))) ] = value;
1091                               four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni3 + L * anni1 )))))) ] = value;
1092                               four_rdm[ crea2 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea4 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni1 + L * anni4 )))))) ] = value;
1094                               four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea4 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L * anni4 )))))) ] = value;
1095                               four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea3 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni4 + L * anni3 )))))) ] = value;
1096                               four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni3 + L * anni2 )))))) ] = value;
1097                               four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea3 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni2 + L * anni3 )))))) ] = value;
1098                               four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea4 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L * anni4 )))))) ] = value;
1099                               four_rdm[ crea1 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea2 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni4 + L * anni2 )))))) ] = value;
1101                               four_rdm[ anni4 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni1 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L * crea1 )))))) ] = value;
1102                               four_rdm[ anni4 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L * crea3 )))))) ] = value;
1103                               four_rdm[ anni4 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea3 + L * crea2 )))))) ] = value;
1104                               four_rdm[ anni4 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L * crea3 )))))) ] = value;
1105                               four_rdm[ anni4 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni1 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea3 + L * crea1 )))))) ] = value;
1106                               four_rdm[ anni4 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea1 + L * crea2 )))))) ] = value;
1108                               four_rdm[ anni3 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni1 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea2 + L * crea1 )))))) ] = value;
1109                               four_rdm[ anni3 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni4 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L * crea4 )))))) ] = value;
1110                               four_rdm[ anni3 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni2 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea4 + L * crea2 )))))) ] = value;
1111                               four_rdm[ anni3 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni4 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L * crea4 )))))) ] = value;
1112                               four_rdm[ anni3 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni1 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea4 + L * crea1 )))))) ] = value;
1113                               four_rdm[ anni3 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea1 + L * crea2 )))))) ] = value;
1115                               four_rdm[ anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni1 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea4 + L * crea1 )))))) ] = value;
1116                               four_rdm[ anni2 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea1 + L * crea3 )))))) ] = value;
1117                               four_rdm[ anni2 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni4 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea3 + L * crea4 )))))) ] = value;
1118                               four_rdm[ anni2 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea4 + L * crea3 )))))) ] = value;
1119                               four_rdm[ anni2 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni1 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea3 + L * crea1 )))))) ] = value;
1120                               four_rdm[ anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni1 + L*( anni4 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea1 + L * crea4 )))))) ] = value;
1122                               four_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni4 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea2 + L * crea4 )))))) ] = value;
1123                               four_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea4 + L * crea3 )))))) ] = value;
1124                               four_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni2 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea3 + L * crea2 )))))) ] = value;
1125                               four_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea4 + L*( crea2 + L * crea3 )))))) ] = value;
1126                               four_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni4 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L*( crea3 + L * crea4 )))))) ] = value;
1127                               four_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni3 + L*( anni4 + L*( anni2 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea3 + L*( crea4 + L * crea2 )))))) ] = value;
1129                            }
1130                         }
1131                      }
1132                   }
1133                }
1134             }
1135          }
1136       }
1137    }
1139    for ( unsigned int ann = 0; ann < L; ann++ ){
1140       for ( unsigned int orb = 0; orb < L; orb++ ){
1141          for ( unsigned int combo = 0; combo < L*L*L*L; combo++ ){
1142             four_rdm[ combo + L*L*L*L*( ann + L * ( ann + L * ( ann + L * orb ))) ] = 0.0;
1143             four_rdm[ combo + L*L*L*L*( ann + L * ( ann + L * ( orb + L * ann ))) ] = 0.0;
1144             four_rdm[ combo + L*L*L*L*( ann + L * ( orb + L * ( ann + L * ann ))) ] = 0.0;
1145             four_rdm[ combo + L*L*L*L*( orb + L * ( ann + L * ( ann + L * ann ))) ] = 0.0;
1146             four_rdm[ L*L*L*L * combo + ann + L * ( ann + L * ( ann + L * orb ))  ] = 0.0;
1147             four_rdm[ L*L*L*L * combo + ann + L * ( ann + L * ( orb + L * ann ))  ] = 0.0;
1148             four_rdm[ L*L*L*L * combo + ann + L * ( orb + L * ( ann + L * ann ))  ] = 0.0;
1149             four_rdm[ L*L*L*L * combo + orb + L * ( ann + L * ( ann + L * ann ))  ] = 0.0;
1150          }
1151       }
1152    }
1154    gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
1155    const double elapsed = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + 1e-6 * (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
1156    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){ cout << "FCI::Fill4RDM : Wall time = " << elapsed << " seconds" << endl; }
1158 }
Fock4RDM(double * vector,double * three_rdm,double * fock,double * output) const1160 void CheMPS2::FCI::Fock4RDM( double * vector, double * three_rdm, double * fock, double * output ) const{
1162    assert( Nel_up + Nel_down >= 4 );
1163    const double elapsed = Driver3RDM( vector, output, three_rdm, fock, L + 1 );
1164    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){ cout << "FCI::Fock4RDM : Wall time = " << elapsed << " seconds" << endl; }
1166 }
Fill3RDM(double * vector,double * output) const1168 void CheMPS2::FCI::Fill3RDM( double * vector, double * output ) const{
1170    assert( Nel_up + Nel_down >= 3 );
1171    const double elapsed = Driver3RDM( vector, output, NULL, NULL, L + 1 );
1172    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){ cout << "FCI::Fill3RDM : Wall time = " << elapsed << " seconds" << endl; }
1174 }
Diag4RDM(double * vector,double * three_rdm,const unsigned int orbz,double * output) const1176 void CheMPS2::FCI::Diag4RDM( double * vector, double * three_rdm, const unsigned int orbz, double * output ) const{
1178    assert( Nel_up + Nel_down >= 4 );
1179    const double elapsed = Driver3RDM( vector, output, three_rdm, NULL, orbz );
1180    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){ cout << "FCI::Diag4RDM : Wall time = " << elapsed << " seconds" << endl; }
1182 }
Driver3RDM(double * vector,double * output,double * three_rdm,double * fock,const unsigned int orbz) const1184 double CheMPS2::FCI::Driver3RDM( double * vector, double * output, double * three_rdm, double * fock, const unsigned int orbz ) const{
1186    struct timeval start, end;
1187    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
1189    ClearVector( L*L*L*L*L*L, output );
1190    const unsigned int orig_length = getVecLength( 0 );
1191    unsigned int max_length = getVecLength( 0 );
1192    for ( unsigned int irrep = 1; irrep < num_irreps; irrep++ ){
1193       if ( getVecLength( irrep ) > max_length ){ max_length = getVecLength( irrep ); }
1194    }
1195    double * workspace1 = new double[ max_length  ];
1196    double * workspace2 = new double[ max_length  ];
1197    double * workspace3 = new double[ orig_length ];
1199    double * chi = NULL;
1200    const bool task_fock =  ( fock != NULL );
1201    const bool task_E_zz = (( fock == NULL ) && ( three_rdm != NULL ));
1202    const bool task_3rdm = (( fock == NULL ) && ( three_rdm == NULL ));
1204    if ( task_3rdm ){
1206       assert( orbz == L + 1 );
1207       chi = vector; // | Chi > = | 0 >
1209       /* Calculate the 3-RDM:
1210             Gamma_{ijk,pqr} = < 0 | E_ip E_jq E_kr | Chi >
1211                             - delta_kq < 0 | E_ip E_jr | Chi >
1212                             - delta_kp < 0 | E_ir E_jq | Chi >
1213                             - delta_jp < 0 | E_iq E_kr | Chi >
1214                             + delta_kq delta_jp < 0 | E_ir | Chi >
1215                             + delta_kp delta_jr < 0 | E_iq | Chi >
1216       */
1217    }
1219    if ( task_E_zz ){
1221       assert( orbz < L );
1222       chi = new double[ orig_length ];
1223       apply_excitation( vector, chi, orbz, orbz, TargetIrrep ); // | Chi > = E_zz | 0 >
1225       /* Calculate the 4-RDM elements with orbital z fixed:
1226             Gamma_{ijkz,pqrz} = < 0 | E_ip E_jq E_kr | Chi >
1227                               - delta_kq < 0 | E_ip E_jr | Chi >
1228                               - delta_kp < 0 | E_ir E_jq | Chi >
1229                               - delta_jp < 0 | E_iq E_kr | Chi >
1230                               + delta_kq delta_jp < 0 | E_ir | Chi >
1231                               + delta_kp delta_jr < 0 | E_iq | Chi >
1232                               - ( delta_pz + delta_qz + delta_rz ) Gamma_{ijk,pqr}
1233       */
1234    }
1236    if ( task_fock ){
1238       assert( orbz == L + 1 );
1239       chi = new double[ orig_length ];
1240       ClearVector( orig_length, chi );
1241       for ( unsigned int anni = 0; anni < L; anni++ ){
1242          for ( unsigned int crea = 0; crea < L; crea++ ){
1243             if ( getOrb2Irrep( crea ) == getOrb2Irrep( anni ) ){
1244                apply_excitation( vector, workspace1, crea, anni, TargetIrrep );
1245                FCIdaxpy( orig_length, fock[ crea + L * anni ], workspace1, chi ); // | Chi > = sum_{l,t} fock[l,t] E_lt | 0 >
1246             }
1247          }
1248       }
1250       /* Calculate the 4-RDM contracted with the Fock operator:
1251             sum_{l,t} fock[l,t] Gamma_{ijkl,pqrt} = < 0 | E_ip E_jq E_kr | Chi >
1252                                                   - delta_kq < 0 | E_ip E_jr | Chi >
1253                                                   - delta_kp < 0 | E_ir E_jq | Chi >
1254                                                   - delta_jp < 0 | E_iq E_kr | Chi >
1255                                                   + delta_kq delta_jp < 0 | E_ir | Chi >
1256                                                   + delta_kp delta_jr < 0 | E_iq | Chi >
1257                                                   - sum_{t} ( fock[r,t] Gamma_{ijk,pqt}
1258                                                             + fock[q,t] Gamma_{ijk,ptr}
1259                                                             + fock[p,t] Gamma_{ijk,tqr} )
1260       */
1261    }
1263    for ( unsigned int anni1 = 0; anni1 < L; anni1++ ){ // anni1 = i ( works in on the bra ) ( smaller than j, k )
1264       for ( unsigned int crea1 = 0; crea1 < L; crea1++ ){ // crea1 = p ( can be anything )
1266          const int irrep_center1 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea1 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni1 ) );
1267          const int target_irrep1 = Irreps::directProd( TargetIrrep, irrep_center1 );
1268          apply_excitation( vector, workspace1, crea1, anni1, TargetIrrep );
1270          if ( irrep_center1 == 0 ){
1272             // value = < Chi | E_{crea1,anni1} | 0 >
1273             const double value = FCIddot( orig_length, workspace1, chi );
1274             for ( unsigned int j = anni1; j < L; j++ ){
1275                for ( unsigned int k = anni1; k < L; k++ ){
1276                   //      i           j       k       p       q       r
1277                   output[ anni1 + L*( j + L*( k + L*( j + L*( k     + L * crea1 )))) ] += value; // + delta_kq delta_jp < 0 | E_ir | Chi >
1278                   output[ anni1 + L*( j + L*( k + L*( k + L*( crea1 + L * j     )))) ] += value; // + delta_kp delta_jr < 0 | E_iq | Chi >
1279                }
1280             }
1282          }
1284          for ( unsigned int crea2 = 0; crea2 < L; crea2++ ){ // crea2 = q
1285             for ( unsigned int anni2 = anni1; anni2 < L; anni2++ ){ // anni2 = j >= ( i = anni1 )
1287                const int irrep_center2 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea2 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni2 ) );
1288                const int target_irrep2 = Irreps::directProd( target_irrep1, irrep_center2 );
1289                const int irrep_center3 = Irreps::directProd( irrep_center1, irrep_center2 );
1290                apply_excitation( workspace1, workspace2, crea2, anni2, target_irrep1 );
1292                if ( irrep_center1 == irrep_center2 ){
1294                   // value = < Chi | E_{crea2,anni2} E_{crea1,anni1} | 0 >
1295                   const double value = FCIddot( orig_length, workspace2, chi );
1296                   for ( unsigned int orb = anni1; orb < L; orb++ ){
1297                      //      i           j           k           p           q           r
1298                      output[ anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( orb   + L*( crea1 + L*( orb   + L * crea2 )))) ] -= value; // - delta_kq < 0 | E_ip E_jr | Chi >
1299                      output[ anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( orb   + L*( orb   + L*( crea2 + L * crea1 )))) ] -= value; // - delta_kp < 0 | E_ir E_jq | Chi >
1300                      output[ anni1 + L*( orb   + L*( anni2 + L*( orb   + L*( crea1 + L * crea2 )))) ] -= value; // - delta_jp < 0 | E_iq E_kr | Chi >
1301                   }
1303                }
1305                if (( crea1 >= anni1 ) && ( crea2 >= anni1 )){
1307                   for ( unsigned int crea3 = (( crea1 == crea2 ) ? crea2 + 1 : crea2 ); crea3 < L; crea3++ ){ // crea3 = r >= ( q = crea2 ) >= ( i = anni1 )
1308                      for ( unsigned int anni3 = (( anni1 == anni2 ) ? anni1 + 1 : anni1 ); anni3 < L; anni3++ ){ // anni3 = k >= ( i = anni1 )
1310                         const int irrep_product3 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea3 ), getOrb2Irrep( anni3 ) );
1312                         if ( irrep_center3 == irrep_product3 ){ // I1 x I2 x I3 = Itrivial
1314                            apply_excitation( workspace2, workspace3, crea3, anni3, target_irrep2 );
1316                            // value = < Chi | E_{crea3,anni3} E_{crea2,anni2} E_{crea1,anni1} | 0 >
1317                            double value = FCIddot( orig_length, workspace3, chi );
1319                            if ( task_fock ){
1320                               for ( unsigned int t = 0; t < L; t++ ){
1321                                  // Irrep diagonality of fock is checked by three_rdm values being zero
1322                                  value -= ( fock[ crea3 + L * t ] * three_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L * t     )))) ]
1323                                           + fock[ crea2 + L * t ] * three_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea1 + L*( t     + L * crea3 )))) ]
1324                                           + fock[ crea1 + L * t ] * three_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( t     + L*( crea2 + L * crea3 )))) ] );
1325                               }
1326                            }
1328                            if ( task_E_zz ){
1329                               const int number = (( orbz == crea1 ) ? 1 : 0 ) + (( orbz == crea2 ) ? 1 : 0 ) + (( orbz == crea3 ) ? 1 : 0 );
1330                               if ( number > 0 ){
1331                                  value -= number * three_rdm[ anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L * crea3 )))) ];
1332                               }
1333                            }
1335                            output[ anni1 + L*( anni2 + L*( anni3 + L*( crea1 + L*( crea2 + L * crea3 )))) ] += value;
1337                         }
1338                      }
1339                   }
1340                }
1341             }
1342          }
1343       }
1344    }
1345    delete [] workspace1;
1346    delete [] workspace2;
1347    delete [] workspace3;
1348    if (( task_fock ) || ( task_E_zz )){ delete [] chi; }
1350    // Make 12-fold permutation symmetric
1351    for ( unsigned int anni1 = 0; anni1 < L; anni1++ ){
1352       for ( unsigned int crea1 = anni1; crea1 < L; crea1++ ){
1353          const int irrep_prod1 = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( crea1 ) , getOrb2Irrep( anni1 ) ); // Ic1 x Ia1
1354          for ( unsigned int crea2 = anni1; crea2 < L; crea2++ ){
1355             const int irrep_prod2 = Irreps::directProd( irrep_prod1 , getOrb2Irrep( crea2 ) ); // Ic1 x Ia1 x Ic2
1356             for ( unsigned int anni2 = anni1; anni2 < L; anni2++ ){
1357                const int irrep_prod3 = Irreps::directProd( irrep_prod2 , getOrb2Irrep( anni2 ) ); // Ic1 x Ia1 x Ic2 x Ia2
1358                for ( unsigned int crea3 = crea2; crea3 < L; crea3++ ){
1359                   const int irrep_prod4 = Irreps::directProd( irrep_prod3 , getOrb2Irrep( crea3 ) ); // Ic1 x Ia1 x Ic2 x Ia2 x Ic3
1360                   for ( unsigned int anni3 = anni1; anni3 < L; anni3++ ){
1361                      if ( irrep_prod4 == getOrb2Irrep( anni3 )){ // Ic1 x Ia1 x Ic2 x Ia2 x Ic3 == Ia3
1363                         /*      crea3 >= crea2 >= anni1
1364                            crea1, anni3, anni2 >= anni1  */
1366    const double value = output[ anni1 + L * ( anni2 + L * ( anni3 + L * ( crea1 + L * ( crea2 + L * crea3 ) ) ) ) ];
1367                         output[ anni1 + L * ( anni3 + L * ( anni2 + L * ( crea1 + L * ( crea3 + L * crea2 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1369                         output[ anni3 + L * ( anni2 + L * ( anni1 + L * ( crea3 + L * ( crea2 + L * crea1 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1370                         output[ anni2 + L * ( anni3 + L * ( anni1 + L * ( crea2 + L * ( crea3 + L * crea1 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1372                         output[ anni2 + L * ( anni1 + L * ( anni3 + L * ( crea2 + L * ( crea1 + L * crea3 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1373                         output[ anni3 + L * ( anni1 + L * ( anni2 + L * ( crea3 + L * ( crea1 + L * crea2 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1375                         output[ crea3 + L * ( crea2 + L * ( crea1 + L * ( anni3 + L * ( anni2 + L * anni1 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1376                         output[ crea2 + L * ( crea3 + L * ( crea1 + L * ( anni2 + L * ( anni3 + L * anni1 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1378                         output[ crea2 + L * ( crea1 + L * ( crea3 + L * ( anni2 + L * ( anni1 + L * anni3 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1379                         output[ crea3 + L * ( crea1 + L * ( crea2 + L * ( anni3 + L * ( anni1 + L * anni2 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1381                         output[ crea1 + L * ( crea3 + L * ( crea2 + L * ( anni1 + L * ( anni3 + L * anni2 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1382                         output[ crea1 + L * ( crea2 + L * ( crea3 + L * ( anni1 + L * ( anni2 + L * anni3 ) ) ) ) ] = value;
1384                      }
1385                   }
1386                }
1387             }
1388          }
1389       }
1390    }
1392    for ( unsigned int anni = 0; anni < L; anni++ ){
1393       for ( unsigned int combo = 0; combo < L*L*L; combo++ ){
1394          output[ combo + L * L * L * anni * ( 1 + L + L * L ) ] = 0.0;
1395          output[ anni * ( 1 + L + L * L ) + L * L * L * combo ] = 0.0;
1396       }
1397    }
1399    gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
1400    const double elapsed = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + 1e-6 * (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
1401    return elapsed;
1403 }
CalcSpinSquared(double * vector) const1405 double CheMPS2::FCI::CalcSpinSquared(double * vector) const{
1407    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
1408    double result = 0.0;
1410    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) reduction(+:result)
1411    for ( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < vecLength; counter++ ){
1412       for ( unsigned int orbi = 0; orbi < L; orbi++ ){
1414          const int irrep_up     = getUpIrrepOfCounter( 0 , counter );
1415          const int irrep_down   = Irreps::directProd( irrep_up , TargetIrrep );
1416          const int count_up     = ( counter - irrep_center_jumps[ 0 ][ irrep_up ] ) % numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_up ];
1417          const int count_down   = ( counter - irrep_center_jumps[ 0 ][ irrep_up ] ) / numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_up ];
1419          // Diagonal terms
1420          const int diff_ii = lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep_up   ][ orbi + L * orbi ][ count_up   ]
1421                            - lookup_sign_beta [ irrep_down ][ orbi + L * orbi ][ count_down ]; //Signed integers so subtracting is OK
1422          const double vector_at_counter_squared = vector[ counter ] * vector[ counter ];
1423          result += 0.75 * diff_ii * diff_ii * vector_at_counter_squared;
1425          for ( unsigned int orbj = orbi+1; orbj < L; orbj++ ){
1427             // Sz Sz
1428             const int diff_jj = lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep_up   ][ orbj + L * orbj ][ count_up   ]
1429                               - lookup_sign_beta [ irrep_down ][ orbj + L * orbj ][ count_down ]; //Signed integers so subtracting is OK
1430             result += 0.5 * diff_ii * diff_jj * vector_at_counter_squared;
1432             const int irrep_up_bis = Irreps::directProd( irrep_up , Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep( orbi ) , getOrb2Irrep( orbj ) ) );
1434             // - ( a_i,up^+ a_j,up )( a_j,down^+ a_i,down )
1435             const int sign_down_ji  = lookup_sign_beta [ irrep_down ][ orbj + L * orbi ][ count_down ];
1436             const int sign_up_ij    = lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep_up   ][ orbi + L * orbj ][ count_up ];
1437             const int sign_product1 = sign_up_ij * sign_down_ji;
1438             if ( sign_product1 != 0 ){
1439                const int cnt_down_ji = lookup_cnt_beta [ irrep_down ][ orbj + L * orbi ][ count_down ];
1440                const int cnt_up_ij   = lookup_cnt_alpha[ irrep_up   ][ orbi + L * orbj ][ count_up ];
1441                result -= sign_product1 * vector[ irrep_center_jumps[ 0 ][ irrep_up_bis ] + cnt_up_ij + numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_up_bis ] * cnt_down_ji ] * vector[ counter ];
1442             }
1444             // - ( a_j,up^+ a_i,up )( a_i,down^+ a_j,down )
1445             const int sign_down_ij  = lookup_sign_beta [ irrep_down ][ orbi + L * orbj ][ count_down ];
1446             const int sign_up_ji    = lookup_sign_alpha[ irrep_up   ][ orbj + L * orbi ][ count_up ];
1447             const int sign_product2 = sign_up_ji * sign_down_ij;
1448             if ( sign_product2 != 0 ){
1449                const int cnt_down_ij = lookup_cnt_beta [ irrep_down ][ orbi + L * orbj ][ count_down ];
1450                const int cnt_up_ji   = lookup_cnt_alpha[ irrep_up   ][ orbj + L * orbi ][ count_up ];
1451                result -= sign_product2 * vector[ irrep_center_jumps[ 0 ][ irrep_up_bis ] + cnt_up_ji + numPerIrrep_up[ irrep_up_bis ] * cnt_down_ij ] * vector[ counter ];
1452             }
1454          }
1455       }
1456    }
1458    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){
1459       const double intendedS = fabs( 0.5 * Nel_up - 0.5 * Nel_down ); // Be careful with subtracting unsigned integers...
1460       cout << "FCI::CalcSpinSquared : For intended spin " << intendedS
1461            << " the measured S(S+1) = " << result << " and intended S(S+1) = " << intendedS * (intendedS + 1.0) << endl;
1462    }
1463    return result;
1465 }
DiagHam(double * diag) const1467 void CheMPS2::FCI::DiagHam(double * diag) const{
1469    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
1471    #pragma omp parallel
1472    {
1474       int * bits_up   = new int[ L ];
1475       int * bits_down = new int[ L ];
1477       #pragma omp for schedule(static)
1478       for ( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < vecLength; counter++ ){
1480          double myResult = 0.0;
1481          getBitsOfCounter( 0 , counter , bits_up , bits_down ); // Fetch the corresponding bits
1483          for ( unsigned int orb1 = 0; orb1 < L; orb1++ ){
1484             const int n_tot_orb1 = bits_up[ orb1 ] + bits_down[ orb1 ];
1485             myResult += n_tot_orb1 * getGmat( orb1 , orb1 );
1486             for ( unsigned int orb2 = 0; orb2 < L; orb2++ ){
1487                myResult += 0.5 * n_tot_orb1 * ( bits_up[ orb2 ] + bits_down[ orb2 ] ) * getERI( orb1 , orb1 , orb2 , orb2 );
1488                myResult += 0.5 * ( n_tot_orb1 - bits_up[ orb1 ] * bits_up[ orb2 ] - bits_down[ orb1 ] * bits_down[ orb2 ] ) * getERI( orb1 , orb2 , orb2 , orb1 );
1489             }
1490          }
1492          diag[ counter ] = myResult;
1494       }
1496       delete [] bits_up;
1497       delete [] bits_down;
1499    }
1501 }
DiagHamSquared(double * output) const1504 void CheMPS2::FCI::DiagHamSquared(double * output) const{
1506    struct timeval start, end;
1507    gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
1509    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
1511    //
1512    //   Wick's theorem to evaluate the Hamiltonian squared:
1513    //
1514    //      H = g_ij E_ij + 0.5 * (ij|kl) E_ij E_kl
1515    //
1516    //      H^2 = g_ij g_kl E_ij E_kl
1517    //          + 0.5 * [ g_ab (ij|kl) + (ab|ij) g_kl ] E_ab E_ij E_kl
1518    //          + 0.25 * (ab|cd) * (ij|kl) E_ab E_cd E_ij E_kl
1519    //
1520    //      Short illustration of what is being done:
1521    //
1522    //          E_ij E_kl = (i,s1)^+ (j,s1) (k,s2)^+ (l,s2)
1523    //
1524    //                    = (i,s1)^+ (j,s1) (k,s2)^+ (l,s2)
1525    //                        |        |      |        |
1526    //                        ----------      ----------
1527    //                    + (i,s1)^+ (j,s1) (k,s2)^+ (l,s2)
1528    //                        |        |      |        |
1529    //                        |        --------        |
1530    //                        --------------------------
1531    //                    = num(i,s1) delta(i,j) num(k,s2) delta(k,l)
1532    //                    + num(i,s1) delta(i,l) delta(s1,s2) [1-num(k,s2)] delta(k,j)
1533    //
1534    //          g_ij g_kl E_ij E_kl = g_ii g_kk num(i,s1) num(k,s2) + g_ik g_ki num(i,s1) [1-num(k,s2)] delta(s1,s2)
1535    //
1537    #pragma omp parallel
1538    {
1540       int * bits_up   = new int[ L ];
1541       int * bits_down = new int[ L ];
1543       double * Jmat       = new double[ L * L ]; // (ij|kk)( n_k,up + n_k,down )
1544       double * K_reg_up   = new double[ L * L ]; // (ik|kj)( n_k,up )
1545       double * K_reg_down = new double[ L * L ]; // (ik|kj)( n_k,down )
1546       double * K_bar_up   = new double[ L * L ]; // (ik|kj)( 1 - n_k,up )
1547       double * K_bar_down = new double[ L * L ]; // (ik|kj)( 1 - n_k,down )
1549       int * specific_orbs_irrep = new int[ num_irreps * ( L + 1 ) ];
1550       for ( unsigned int irrep = 0; irrep < num_irreps; irrep++ ){
1551          int count = 0;
1552          for ( unsigned int orb = 0; orb < L; orb++){
1553             specific_orbs_irrep[ orb + ( L + 1 ) * irrep ] = 0;
1554             if ( getOrb2Irrep(orb) == irrep ){
1555                specific_orbs_irrep[ count + ( L + 1 ) * irrep ] = orb;
1556                count++;
1557             }
1558          }
1559          specific_orbs_irrep[ L + ( L + 1 ) * irrep ] = count;
1560       }
1562       #pragma omp for schedule(static)
1563       for (unsigned int counter = 0; counter < vecLength; counter++){
1565          getBitsOfCounter( 0 , counter , bits_up , bits_down ); // Fetch the corresponding bits
1567          // Construct the J and K matrices properly
1568          for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < L; i++ ){
1569             for ( unsigned int j = i; j < L; j++ ){
1571                double val_J        = 0.0;
1572                double val_KregUP   = 0.0;
1573                double val_KregDOWN = 0.0;
1574                double val_KbarUP   = 0.0;
1575                double val_KbarDOWN = 0.0;
1577                if ( getOrb2Irrep(i) == getOrb2Irrep(j) ){
1578                   for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < L; k++ ){
1579                      const double temp = getERI(i,k,k,j);
1580                      val_J        += getERI(i,j,k,k) * ( bits_up[k] + bits_down[k] );
1581                      val_KregUP   += temp * bits_up[k];
1582                      val_KregDOWN += temp * bits_down[k];
1583                      val_KbarUP   += temp * ( 1 - bits_up[k] );
1584                      val_KbarDOWN += temp * ( 1 - bits_down[k] );
1585                   }
1586                }
1588                Jmat[ i + L * j ] = val_J;
1589                Jmat[ j + L * i ] = val_J;
1590                K_reg_up[ i + L * j ] = val_KregUP;
1591                K_reg_up[ j + L * i ] = val_KregUP;
1592                K_reg_down[ i + L * j ] = val_KregDOWN;
1593                K_reg_down[ j + L * i ] = val_KregDOWN;
1594                K_bar_up[ i + L * j ] = val_KbarUP;
1595                K_bar_up[ j + L * i ] = val_KbarUP;
1596                K_bar_down[ i + L * j ] = val_KbarDOWN;
1597                K_bar_down[ j + L * i ] = val_KbarDOWN;
1599             }
1600          }
1602          double temp = 0.0;
1603          // G[i,i] (n_i,up + n_i,down) + 0.5 * ( J[i,i] (n_i,up + n_i,down) + K_bar_up[i,i] * n_i,up + K_bar_down[i,i] * n_i,down )
1604          for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < L; i++ ){
1605             const int num_i = bits_up[i] + bits_down[i];
1606             temp += getGmat(i, i) * num_i + 0.5 * ( Jmat[ i + L * i ] * num_i + K_bar_up[ i + L * i ]   * bits_up[i]
1607                                                                               + K_bar_down[ i + L * i ] * bits_down[i] );
1608          }
1609          double myResult = temp*temp;
1611          for ( unsigned int p = 0; p < L; p++ ){
1612             for ( unsigned int q = 0; q < L; q++ ){
1613                if ( getOrb2Irrep(p) == getOrb2Irrep(q) ){
1615                   const int special_pq         = bits_up[p] * ( 1 - bits_up[q] ) + bits_down[p] * ( 1 - bits_down[q] );
1616                   const double GplusJ_pq       = getGmat(p, q) + Jmat[ p + L * q ];
1617                   const double K_cross_pq_up   = ( K_bar_up[ p + L * q ] - K_reg_up[ p + L * q ]     ) * bits_up[p]   * ( 1 - bits_up[q]   );
1618                   const double K_cross_pq_down = ( K_bar_down[ p + L * q ] - K_reg_down[ p + L * q ] ) * bits_down[p] * ( 1 - bits_down[q] );
1620                   myResult += ( GplusJ_pq * ( special_pq * GplusJ_pq + K_cross_pq_up + K_cross_pq_down )
1621                               + 0.25 * ( K_cross_pq_up * K_cross_pq_up + K_cross_pq_down * K_cross_pq_down ) );
1623                }
1624             }
1625          }
1627          /*
1629             Part which can be optimized most still --> For H2O/6-31G takes 82.8 % of time with Intel compiler
1630             Optimization can in principle be done with lookup tables + dgemm_ as matvec product --> bit of work :-(
1632             For future reference: the quantity which is computed here:
1634                0.5 * (ak|ci) * (ak|ci) * [ n_a,up * (1-n_k,up) + n_a,down * (1-n_k,down) ] * [ n_c,up * (1-n_i,up) + n_c,down * (1-n_i,down) ]
1635              - 0.5 * (ak|ci) * (ai|ck) * [ n_a,up * n_c,up * (1-n_i,up) * (1-n_k,up) + n_a,down * n_c,down * (1-n_i,down) * (1-n_k,down) ]
1637          */
1638          for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < L; k++ ){
1639             if ( bits_up[k] + bits_down[k] < 2 ){
1640                for ( unsigned int a = 0; a < L; a++ ){
1642                   const int special_ak    = ( bits_up[a]   * ( 1 - bits_up[k]   )
1643                                             + bits_down[a] * ( 1 - bits_down[k] ) );
1644                   const int local_ak_up   = bits_up[a]   * ( 1 - bits_up[k]   );
1645                   const int local_ak_down = bits_down[a] * ( 1 - bits_down[k] );
1647                   if ( ( special_ak > 0 ) || ( local_ak_up > 0 ) || ( local_ak_down > 0 ) ){
1649                      const int irrep_ak = Irreps::directProd( getOrb2Irrep(a), getOrb2Irrep(k) );
1651                      for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < L; i++ ){
1652                         if ( bits_up[i] + bits_down[i] < 2 ){
1654                            const int offset     = Irreps::directProd( irrep_ak, getOrb2Irrep(i) ) * ( L + 1 );
1655                            const int bar_i_up   = 1 - bits_up[i];
1656                            const int bar_i_down = 1 - bits_down[i];
1657                            const int max_c_cnt  = specific_orbs_irrep[ L + offset ];
1659                            for ( int c_cnt = 0; c_cnt < max_c_cnt; c_cnt++ ){
1660                               const int c            = specific_orbs_irrep[ c_cnt + offset ];
1661                               const int fact_ic_up   = bits_up[c]   * bar_i_up;
1662                               const int fact_ic_down = bits_down[c] * bar_i_down;
1663                               const int prefactor1   = ( fact_ic_up + fact_ic_down ) * special_ak;
1664                               const int prefactor2   = local_ak_up * fact_ic_up + local_ak_down * fact_ic_down;
1665                               const double eri_akci  = getERI(a, k, c, i);
1666                               const double eri_aick  = getERI(a, i, c, k);
1667                               myResult += 0.5 * eri_akci * ( prefactor1 * eri_akci - prefactor2 * eri_aick );
1668                            }
1669                         }
1670                      }
1671                   }
1672                }
1673             }
1674          }
1676          output[ counter ] = myResult;
1678       }
1680       delete [] bits_up;
1681       delete [] bits_down;
1683       delete [] Jmat;
1684       delete [] K_reg_up;
1685       delete [] K_reg_down;
1686       delete [] K_bar_up;
1687       delete [] K_bar_down;
1689       delete [] specific_orbs_irrep;
1691    }
1693    gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
1694    const double elapsed = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + 1e-6 * (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
1695    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){ cout << "FCI::DiagHamSquared : Wall time = " << elapsed << " seconds" << endl; }
1697 }
LowestEnergyDeterminant() const1700 unsigned int CheMPS2::FCI::LowestEnergyDeterminant() const{
1702    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
1703    double * energies = new double[ vecLength ];
1705    // Fetch the Slater determinant energies
1706    DiagHam( energies );
1708    // Find the determinant with minimum energy
1709    unsigned int minEindex = 0;
1710    for ( unsigned int count = 1; count < vecLength; count++ ){
1711       if ( energies[ count ] < energies[ minEindex ] ){
1712          minEindex = count;
1713       }
1714    }
1716    delete [] energies;
1718    return minEindex;
1720 }
GetMatrixElement(int * bits_bra_up,int * bits_bra_down,int * bits_ket_up,int * bits_ket_down,int * work) const1722 double CheMPS2::FCI::GetMatrixElement(int * bits_bra_up, int * bits_bra_down, int * bits_ket_up, int * bits_ket_down, int * work) const{
1724    int count_annih_up   = 0;
1725    int count_creat_up   = 0;
1726    int count_annih_down = 0;
1727    int count_creat_down = 0;
1729    int * annih_up   = work;
1730    int * creat_up   = work+2;
1731    int * annih_down = work+4;
1732    int * creat_down = work+6;
1734    // Find the differences between bra and ket, and store them in the arrays annih/creat
1735    for (unsigned int orb = 0; orb < L; orb++){
1736       if ( bits_bra_up[ orb ] != bits_ket_up[ orb ] ){
1737          if ( bits_ket_up[ orb ] ){ // Electron is annihilated in the ket
1738             if ( count_annih_up == 2 ){ return 0.0; }
1739             annih_up[ count_annih_up ] = orb;
1740             count_annih_up++;
1741          } else { // Electron is created in the ket
1742             if ( count_creat_up == 2 ){ return 0.0; }
1743             creat_up[ count_creat_up ] = orb;
1744             count_creat_up++;
1745          }
1746       }
1747       if ( bits_bra_down[ orb ] != bits_ket_down[ orb ] ){
1748          if ( bits_ket_down[ orb ] ){ // Electron is annihilated in the ket
1749             if ( count_annih_down == 2 ){ return 0.0; }
1750             annih_down[ count_annih_down ] = orb;
1751             count_annih_down++;
1752          } else { // Electron is created in the ket
1753             if ( count_creat_down == 2 ){ return 0.0; }
1754             creat_down[ count_creat_down ] = orb;
1755             count_creat_down++;
1756          }
1757       }
1758    }
1760    // Sanity check: spin symmetry
1761    if ( count_annih_up   != count_creat_up   ){ return 0.0; }
1762    if ( count_annih_down != count_creat_down ){ return 0.0; }
1764    // Sanity check: At most 2 annihilators and 2 creators can connect the ket and bra
1765    if ( count_annih_up + count_annih_down > 2 ){ return 0.0; }
1766    if ( count_creat_up + count_creat_down > 2 ){ return 0.0; }
1768    if (( count_annih_up == 0 ) && ( count_annih_down == 0 )){ // |bra> == |ket>  -->  copy from DiagHam( )
1770       double result = 0.0;
1771       for ( unsigned int orb1 = 0; orb1 < L; orb1++ ){
1772          const int n_tot_orb1 = bits_ket_up[ orb1 ] + bits_ket_down[ orb1 ];
1773          result += n_tot_orb1 * getGmat( orb1 , orb1 );
1774          for ( unsigned int orb2 = 0; orb2 < L; orb2++ ){
1775             result += 0.5 * n_tot_orb1 * ( bits_ket_up[ orb2 ] + bits_ket_down[ orb2 ] ) * getERI( orb1 , orb1 , orb2 , orb2 )
1776             + 0.5 * ( n_tot_orb1 - bits_ket_up[ orb1 ] * bits_ket_up[ orb2 ] - bits_ket_down[ orb1 ] * bits_ket_down[ orb2 ] ) * getERI( orb1 , orb2 , orb2 , orb1 );
1777          }
1778       }
1779       return result;
1781    }
1783    if (( count_annih_up == 1 ) && ( count_annih_down == 0 )){ // |bra> = a^+_j,up a_l,up |ket>
1785       const int orbj = creat_up[ 0 ];
1786       const int orbl = annih_up[ 0 ];
1788       double result = getGmat( orbj , orbl );
1789       for (unsigned int orb1 = 0; orb1 < L; orb1++){
1790          result += getERI(orbj, orb1, orb1, orbl) * ( 0.5 - bits_ket_up[ orb1 ] ) + getERI(orb1, orb1, orbj, orbl) * ( bits_ket_up[ orb1 ] + bits_ket_down[ orb1 ] );
1791       }
1792       int phase = 1;
1793       if ( orbj < orbl ){ for (int orbital = orbj+1; orbital < orbl; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_up[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } }
1794       if ( orbl < orbj ){ for (int orbital = orbl+1; orbital < orbj; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_up[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } }
1795       return ( result * phase );
1797    }
1799    if (( count_annih_up == 0 ) && ( count_annih_down == 1 )){ // |bra> = a^+_j,down a_l,down |ket>
1801       const int orbj = creat_down[ 0 ];
1802       const int orbl = annih_down[ 0 ];
1804       double result = getGmat( orbj , orbl );
1805       for (unsigned int orb1 = 0; orb1 < L; orb1++){
1806          result += getERI(orbj, orb1, orb1, orbl) * ( 0.5 - bits_ket_down[ orb1 ] ) + getERI(orb1, orb1, orbj, orbl) * ( bits_ket_up[ orb1 ] + bits_ket_down[ orb1 ] );
1807       }
1808       int phase = 1;
1809       if ( orbj < orbl ){ for (int orbital = orbj+1; orbital < orbl; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_down[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } }
1810       if ( orbl < orbj ){ for (int orbital = orbl+1; orbital < orbj; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_down[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } }
1811       return ( result * phase );
1813    }
1815    if (( count_annih_up == 2 ) && ( count_annih_down == 0 )){
1817       // creat and annih are filled in increasing orbital index
1818       const int orbi = creat_up[ 0 ];
1819       const int orbj = creat_up[ 1 ];
1820       const int orbk = annih_up[ 0 ];
1821       const int orbl = annih_up[ 1 ];
1823       double result = getERI(orbi, orbk, orbj, orbl) - getERI(orbi, orbl, orbj, orbk);
1824       int phase = 1;
1825       for (int orbital = orbk+1; orbital < orbl; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_up[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } // Fermion phases orbk and orbl measured in the ket
1826       for (int orbital = orbi+1; orbital < orbj; orbital++){ if ( bits_bra_up[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } // Fermion phases orbi and orbj measured in the bra
1827       return ( result * phase );
1829    }
1831    if (( count_annih_up == 0 ) && ( count_annih_down == 2 )){
1833       // creat and annih are filled in increasing orbital index
1834       const int orbi = creat_down[ 0 ];
1835       const int orbj = creat_down[ 1 ];
1836       const int orbk = annih_down[ 0 ];
1837       const int orbl = annih_down[ 1 ];
1839       double result = getERI(orbi, orbk, orbj, orbl) - getERI(orbi, orbl, orbj, orbk);
1840       int phase = 1;
1841       for (int orbital = orbk+1; orbital < orbl; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_down[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } // Fermion phases orbk and orbl measured in the ket
1842       for (int orbital = orbi+1; orbital < orbj; orbital++){ if ( bits_bra_down[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } // Fermion phases orbi and orbj measured in the bra
1843       return ( result * phase );
1845    }
1847    if (( count_annih_up == 1 ) && ( count_annih_down == 1 )){
1849       const int orbi = creat_up  [ 0 ];
1850       const int orbj = creat_down[ 0 ];
1851       const int orbk = annih_up  [ 0 ];
1852       const int orbl = annih_down[ 0 ];
1854       double result = getERI(orbi, orbk, orbj, orbl);
1855       int phase = 1;
1856       if ( orbi < orbk ){ for (int orbital = orbi+1; orbital < orbk; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_up  [ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } }
1857       if ( orbk < orbi ){ for (int orbital = orbk+1; orbital < orbi; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_up  [ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } }
1858       if ( orbj < orbl ){ for (int orbital = orbj+1; orbital < orbl; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_down[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } }
1859       if ( orbl < orbj ){ for (int orbital = orbl+1; orbital < orbj; orbital++){ if ( bits_ket_down[ orbital ] ){ phase *= -1; } } }
1860       return ( result * phase );
1862    }
1864    return 0.0;
1866 }
FCIdcopy(const unsigned int vecLength,double * origin,double * target)1868 void CheMPS2::FCI::FCIdcopy(const unsigned int vecLength, double * origin, double * target){
1870    int length = vecLength; // Checked "assert( max_integer >= maxVecLength );" at FCI::StartupIrrepCenter()
1871    int inc = 1;
1872    dcopy_( &length , origin , &inc , target , &inc );
1874 }
FCIddot(const unsigned int vecLength,double * vec1,double * vec2)1876 double CheMPS2::FCI::FCIddot(const unsigned int vecLength, double * vec1, double * vec2){
1878    int length = vecLength; // Checked "assert( max_integer >= maxVecLength );" at FCI::StartupIrrepCenter()
1879    int inc = 1;
1880    return ddot_( &length , vec1 , &inc , vec2 , &inc );
1882 }
FCIfrobeniusnorm(const unsigned int vecLength,double * vec)1884 double CheMPS2::FCI::FCIfrobeniusnorm(const unsigned int vecLength, double * vec){
1886    return sqrt( FCIddot( vecLength , vec , vec ) );
1888 }
FCIdaxpy(const unsigned int vecLength,const double alpha,double * vec_x,double * vec_y)1890 void CheMPS2::FCI::FCIdaxpy(const unsigned int vecLength, const double alpha, double * vec_x, double * vec_y){
1892    double factor = alpha;
1893    int length = vecLength; // Checked "assert( max_integer >= maxVecLength );" at FCI::StartupIrrepCenter()
1894    int inc = 1;
1895    daxpy_( &length , &factor , vec_x , &inc , vec_y , &inc );
1897 }
FCIdscal(const unsigned int vecLength,const double alpha,double * vec)1899 void CheMPS2::FCI::FCIdscal(const unsigned int vecLength, const double alpha, double * vec){
1901    double factor = alpha;
1902    int length = vecLength; // Checked "assert( max_integer >= maxVecLength );" at FCI::StartupIrrepCenter()
1903    int inc = 1;
1904    dscal_( &length , &factor , vec , &inc );
1906 }
ClearVector(const unsigned int vecLength,double * vec)1908 void CheMPS2::FCI::ClearVector(const unsigned int vecLength, double * vec){
1910    for ( unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < vecLength; cnt++ ){ vec[cnt] = 0.0; }
1912 }
FillRandom(const unsigned int vecLength,double * vec)1914 void CheMPS2::FCI::FillRandom(const unsigned int vecLength, double * vec){
1916    for ( unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < vecLength; cnt++ ){ vec[cnt] = ( ( 2.0 * rand() ) / RAND_MAX ) - 1.0; }
1918 }
GSDavidson(double * inoutput,const int DVDSN_NUM_VEC) const1920 double CheMPS2::FCI::GSDavidson(double * inoutput, const int DVDSN_NUM_VEC) const{
1922    const int veclength = getVecLength( 0 ); // Checked "assert( max_integer >= maxVecLength );" at FCI::StartupIrrepCenter()
1923    Davidson deBoskabouter( veclength, DVDSN_NUM_VEC,
1924                                       CheMPS2::DAVIDSON_NUM_VEC_KEEP,
1925                                       CheMPS2::DAVIDSON_FCI_RTOL,
1926                                       CheMPS2::DAVIDSON_PRECOND_CUTOFF, false ); // No debug printing for FCI
1927    double ** whichpointers = new double*[2];
1929    char instruction = deBoskabouter.FetchInstruction( whichpointers );
1930    assert( instruction == 'A' );
1931    if ( inoutput != NULL ){ FCIdcopy( veclength, inoutput, whichpointers[0] ); }
1932    else { FillRandom( veclength, whichpointers[0] ); }
1933    DiagHam( whichpointers[1] );
1935    instruction = deBoskabouter.FetchInstruction( whichpointers );
1936    while ( instruction == 'B' ){
1937       matvec( whichpointers[0], whichpointers[1] );
1938       instruction = deBoskabouter.FetchInstruction( whichpointers );
1939    }
1941    assert( instruction == 'C' );
1942    if ( inoutput != NULL ){ FCIdcopy( veclength, whichpointers[0], inoutput ); }
1943    const double FCIenergy = whichpointers[1][0] + getEconst();
1944    if ( FCIverbose > 1 ){ cout << "FCI::GSDavidson : Required number of matrix-vector multiplications = " << deBoskabouter.GetNumMultiplications() << endl; }
1945    if ( FCIverbose > 0 ){ cout << "FCI::GSDavidson : Converged ground state energy = " << FCIenergy << endl; }
1946    delete [] whichpointers;
1947    return FCIenergy;
1949 }
1951 /*********************************************************************************
1952  *                                                                               *
1953  *   Below this block all functions are for the Green's function calculations.   *
1954  *                                                                               *
1955  *********************************************************************************/
ActWithNumberOperator(const unsigned int orbIndex,double * resultVector,double * sourceVector) const1957 void CheMPS2::FCI::ActWithNumberOperator(const unsigned int orbIndex, double * resultVector, double * sourceVector) const{
1959    assert( orbIndex<L );
1961    int * bits_up    = new int[ L ];
1962    int * bits_down  = new int[ L ];
1964    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
1965    for (unsigned int counter = 0; counter < vecLength; counter++){
1966       getBitsOfCounter( 0 , counter , bits_up , bits_down );
1967       resultVector[ counter ] = ( bits_up[ orbIndex ] + bits_down[ orbIndex ] ) * sourceVector[ counter ];
1968    }
1970    delete [] bits_up;
1971    delete [] bits_down;
1973 }
ActWithSecondQuantizedOperator(const char whichOperator,const bool isUp,const unsigned int orbIndex,double * thisVector,const FCI * otherFCI,double * otherVector) const1975 void CheMPS2::FCI::ActWithSecondQuantizedOperator(const char whichOperator, const bool isUp, const unsigned int orbIndex, double * thisVector, const FCI * otherFCI, double * otherVector) const{
1977    assert( ( whichOperator=='C' ) || ( whichOperator=='A' ) ); //Operator should be a (C) Creator, or (A) Annihilator
1978    assert( orbIndex<L  );
1979    assert( L==otherFCI->getL() );
1981    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
1983    if ( getTargetIrrep() != Irreps::directProd( otherFCI->getTargetIrrep() , getOrb2Irrep( orbIndex ) )){
1984       ClearVector( vecLength , thisVector );
1985       return;
1986    }
1988    int * bits_up    = new int[ L ];
1989    int * bits_down  = new int[ L ];
1991    if (( whichOperator=='C') && ( isUp )){
1992       for (unsigned int counter = 0; counter < vecLength; counter++){
1994          getBitsOfCounter( 0 , counter , bits_up , bits_down );
1996          if ( bits_up[ orbIndex ] == 1 ){ // Operator = creator_up
1997             bits_up[ orbIndex ] = 0;
1998             int phase = 1;
1999             for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < orbIndex; cnt++){ if ( bits_up[ cnt ] ){ phase *= -1; } }
2000             thisVector[ counter ] = phase * otherFCI->getFCIcoeff( bits_up , bits_down , otherVector );
2001          } else {
2002             thisVector[ counter ] = 0.0;
2003          }
2005       }
2006    }
2008    if (( whichOperator=='C') && ( !(isUp) )){
2009       const int startphase = (( Nel_up % 2 ) == 0) ? 1 : -1;
2010       for (unsigned int counter = 0; counter < vecLength; counter++){
2012          getBitsOfCounter( 0 , counter , bits_up , bits_down );
2014          if ( bits_down[ orbIndex ] == 1 ){ // Operator = creator_down
2015             bits_down[ orbIndex ] = 0;
2016             int phase = startphase;
2017             for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < orbIndex; cnt++){ if ( bits_down[ cnt ] ){ phase *= -1; } }
2018             thisVector[ counter ] = phase * otherFCI->getFCIcoeff( bits_up , bits_down , otherVector );
2019          } else {
2020             thisVector[ counter ] = 0.0;
2021          }
2023       }
2024    }
2026    if (( whichOperator=='A') && ( isUp )){
2027       for (unsigned int counter = 0; counter < vecLength; counter++){
2029          getBitsOfCounter( 0 , counter , bits_up , bits_down );
2031          if ( bits_up[ orbIndex ] == 0 ){ // Operator = annihilator_up
2032             bits_up[ orbIndex ] = 1;
2033             int phase = 1;
2034             for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < orbIndex; cnt++){ if ( bits_up[ cnt ] ){ phase *= -1; } }
2035             thisVector[ counter ] = phase * otherFCI->getFCIcoeff( bits_up , bits_down , otherVector );
2036          } else {
2037             thisVector[ counter ] = 0.0;
2038          }
2040       }
2041    }
2043    if (( whichOperator=='A') && ( !(isUp) )){
2044       const int startphase = (( Nel_up % 2 ) == 0) ? 1 : -1;
2045       for (unsigned int counter = 0; counter < vecLength; counter++){
2047          getBitsOfCounter( 0 , counter , bits_up , bits_down );
2049          if ( bits_down[ orbIndex ] == 0 ){ // Operator = annihilator_down
2050             bits_down[ orbIndex ] = 1;
2051             int phase = startphase;
2052             for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < orbIndex; cnt++){ if ( bits_down[ cnt ] ){ phase *= -1; } }
2053             thisVector[ counter ] = phase * otherFCI->getFCIcoeff( bits_up , bits_down , otherVector );
2054          } else {
2055             thisVector[ counter ] = 0.0;
2056          }
2058       }
2059    }
2061    delete [] bits_up;
2062    delete [] bits_down;
2064 }
CGSolveSystem(const double alpha,const double beta,const double eta,double * RHS,double * RealSol,double * ImagSol,const bool checkError) const2066 void CheMPS2::FCI::CGSolveSystem(const double alpha, const double beta, const double eta, double * RHS, double * RealSol, double * ImagSol, const bool checkError) const{
2068    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
2070    // Calculate the diagonal of the CG operator
2071    double * temp = new double[ vecLength ];
2072    double * diag = new double[ vecLength ];
2073    CGdiagonal( alpha, beta, eta, diag, temp );
2075    assert( RealSol != NULL );
2076    assert( ImagSol != NULL );
2077    assert( fabs( eta ) > 0.0 );
2079    /*
2080          ( alpha + beta H + I eta ) Solution = RHS
2082       is solved with the conjugate gradient (CG) method. Solution = RealSol + I * ImagSol.
2083       CG requires a symmetric positive definite operator. Therefore:
2085          [ ( alpha + beta H )^2 + eta^2 ] * Solution = ( alpha + beta H - I eta ) * RHS
2087       Clue: Solve for ImagSol first. RealSol is then simply
2089          RealSol = - ( alpha + beta H ) / eta * ImagSol
2090    */
2092    /**** Solve for ImagSol ****/
2093    double ** pointers = new double*[ 3 ];
2094    double RMSerror = 0.0;
2095    {
2096       ConjugateGradient CG( vecLength, CheMPS2::CONJ_GRADIENT_RTOL, CheMPS2::CONJ_GRADIENT_PRECOND_CUTOFF, false );
2097       char instruction = CG.step( pointers );
2098       assert( instruction == 'A' );
2099       for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < vecLength; cnt++){ pointers[ 0 ][ cnt ] = - eta * RHS[ cnt ] / diag[ cnt ]; } // Initial guess
2100       for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < vecLength; cnt++){ pointers[ 1 ][ cnt ] = diag[ cnt ]; }                      // Diagonal of the operator
2101       for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < vecLength; cnt++){ pointers[ 2 ][ cnt ] = - eta * RHS[ cnt ]; }               // RHS of the problem
2102       instruction = CG.step( pointers );
2103       assert( instruction == 'B' );
2104       while ( instruction == 'B' ){
2105          CGoperator( alpha, beta, eta, pointers[ 0 ], temp, pointers[ 1 ] );
2106          instruction = CG.step( pointers );
2107       }
2108       assert( instruction == 'C' );
2109       FCIdcopy( vecLength, pointers[ 0 ], ImagSol );
2110       RMSerror += pointers[ 1 ][ 0 ] * pointers[ 1 ][ 0 ];
2111    }
2113    /**** Solve for RealSol ****/
2114    {
2115       ConjugateGradient CG( vecLength, CheMPS2::CONJ_GRADIENT_RTOL, CheMPS2::CONJ_GRADIENT_PRECOND_CUTOFF, false );
2116       char instruction = CG.step( pointers );
2117       assert( instruction == 'A' );
2118       CGAlphaPlusBetaHAM( - alpha / eta, - beta / eta, ImagSol, pointers[ 0 ] );                      // Initial guess real part can be obtained from the imaginary part
2119       for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < vecLength; cnt++){ pointers[ 1 ][ cnt ] = diag[ cnt ]; } // Diagonal of the operator
2120       CGAlphaPlusBetaHAM( alpha, beta, RHS, pointers[ 2 ] );                                          // RHS of the problem
2121       instruction = CG.step( pointers );
2122       assert( instruction == 'B' );
2123       while ( instruction == 'B' ){
2124          CGoperator( alpha, beta, eta, pointers[ 0 ], temp, pointers[ 1 ] );
2125          instruction = CG.step( pointers );
2126       }
2127       assert( instruction == 'C' );
2128       FCIdcopy( vecLength, pointers[ 0 ], RealSol );
2129       RMSerror += pointers[ 1 ][ 0 ] * pointers[ 1 ][ 0 ];
2130    }
2131    RMSerror = sqrt( RMSerror );
2132    delete [] pointers;
2133    delete [] temp;
2134    delete [] diag;
2136    if (( checkError ) && ( FCIverbose > 0 )){
2137       cout << "FCI::CGSolveSystem : RMS error when checking the solution = " << RMSerror << endl;
2138    }
2140 }
CGAlphaPlusBetaHAM(const double alpha,const double beta,double * in,double * out) const2142 void CheMPS2::FCI::CGAlphaPlusBetaHAM(const double alpha, const double beta, double * in, double * out) const{
2144    matvec( in , out );
2145    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
2146    const double prefactor = alpha + beta * getEconst(); // matvec does only the parts with second quantized operators
2147    for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < vecLength; cnt++){
2148       out[ cnt ] = prefactor * in[ cnt ] + beta * out[ cnt ]; // out = ( alpha + beta * H ) * in
2149    }
2151 }
CGoperator(const double alpha,const double beta,const double eta,double * in,double * temp,double * out) const2153 void CheMPS2::FCI::CGoperator(const double alpha, const double beta, const double eta, double * in, double * temp, double * out) const{
2155    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
2156    CGAlphaPlusBetaHAM( alpha, beta, in,   temp ); // temp  = ( alpha + beta * H )   * in
2157    CGAlphaPlusBetaHAM( alpha, beta, temp, out  ); // out   = ( alpha + beta * H )^2 * in
2158    FCIdaxpy( vecLength, eta*eta, in, out );       // out   = [ ( alpha + beta * H )^2 + eta*eta ] * in
2160 }
CGdiagonal(const double alpha,const double beta,const double eta,double * diagonal,double * workspace) const2162 void CheMPS2::FCI::CGdiagonal(const double alpha, const double beta, const double eta, double * diagonal, double * workspace) const{
2164    // diagonal becomes diag[ ( alpha + beta * H )^2 + eta*eta ]
2166    DiagHam( diagonal );
2167    DiagHamSquared( workspace );
2169    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
2170    const double alpha_bis = alpha + beta * getEconst();
2171    const double factor1 = alpha_bis * alpha_bis + eta * eta;
2172    const double factor2 = 2 * alpha_bis * beta;
2173    const double factor3 = beta * beta;
2174    for (unsigned int row = 0; row < vecLength; row++){
2175       diagonal[ row ] = factor1 + factor2 * diagonal[ row ] + factor3 * workspace[ row ];
2176    }
2178    if ( FCIverbose>1 ){
2179       double minval = diagonal[0];
2180       double maxval = diagonal[0];
2181       for (unsigned int cnt = 1; cnt < vecLength; cnt++){
2182          if ( diagonal[ cnt ] > maxval ){ maxval = diagonal[ cnt ]; }
2183          if ( diagonal[ cnt ] < minval ){ minval = diagonal[ cnt ]; }
2184       }
2185       cout << "FCI::CGdiagonal : Minimum value of diag[ ( alpha + beta * Ham )^2 + eta^2 ] = " << minval << endl;
2186       cout << "FCI::CGdiagonal : Maximum value of diag[ ( alpha + beta * Ham )^2 + eta^2 ] = " << maxval << endl;
2187    }
2189 }
RetardedGF(const double omega,const double eta,const unsigned int orb_alpha,const unsigned int orb_beta,const bool isUp,const double GSenergy,double * GSvector,CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham,double * RePartGF,double * ImPartGF) const2191 void CheMPS2::FCI::RetardedGF(const double omega, const double eta, const unsigned int orb_alpha, const unsigned int orb_beta, const bool isUp, const double GSenergy, double * GSvector, CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham, double * RePartGF, double * ImPartGF) const{
2193    assert( RePartGF != NULL );
2194    assert( ImPartGF != NULL );
2196    // G( omega, alpha, beta, eta ) = < 0 | a_{alpha,spin}  [ omega - Ham + E_0 + I*eta ]^{-1} a^+_{beta,spin} | 0 > (addition amplitude)
2197    //                              + < 0 | a^+_{beta,spin} [ omega + Ham - E_0 + I*eta ]^{-1} a_{alpha,spin}  | 0 > (removal  amplitude)
2199    double Realpart, Imagpart;
2200    RetardedGF_addition(omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, isUp, GSenergy, GSvector, Ham, &Realpart, &Imagpart);
2201    RePartGF[0] = Realpart; // Set
2202    ImPartGF[0] = Imagpart; // Set
2204    RetardedGF_removal( omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, isUp, GSenergy, GSvector, Ham, &Realpart, &Imagpart);
2205    RePartGF[0] += Realpart; // Add
2206    ImPartGF[0] += Imagpart;
2208    if ( FCIverbose>0 ){
2209       cout << "FCI::RetardedGF : G( omega = " << omega << " ; eta = " << eta << " ; i = " << orb_alpha << " ; j = " << orb_beta << " ) = " << RePartGF[0] << " + I * " << ImPartGF[0] << endl;
2210       cout << "                  Local density of states (LDOS) = " << - ImPartGF[0] / M_PI << endl;
2211    }
2213 }
GFmatrix_addition(const double alpha,const double beta,const double eta,int * orbsLeft,const unsigned int numLeft,int * orbsRight,const unsigned int numRight,const bool isUp,double * GSvector,CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham,double * RePartsGF,double * ImPartsGF,double ** TwoRDMreal,double ** TwoRDMimag,double ** TwoRDMadd) const2215 void CheMPS2::FCI::GFmatrix_addition(const double alpha, const double beta, const double eta, int * orbsLeft, const unsigned int numLeft, int * orbsRight, const unsigned int numRight, const bool isUp, double * GSvector, CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham, double * RePartsGF, double * ImPartsGF, double ** TwoRDMreal, double ** TwoRDMimag, double ** TwoRDMadd) const{
2217    /*
2218                                                                          1
2219        GF[i + numLeft * j] = < 0 | a_{orbsLeft[i], spin} -------------------------------- a^+_{orbsRight[j], spin} | 0 >
2220                                                           [ alpha + beta * Ham + I*eta ]
2221    */
2223    // Check whether some stuff is OK
2224    assert( numLeft  > 0 );
2225    assert( numRight > 0 );
2226    for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < numLeft;  cnt++){ int orbl = orbsLeft[  cnt ]; assert((orbl < L) && (orbl >= 0)); }
2227    for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < numRight; cnt++){ int orbr = orbsRight[ cnt ]; assert((orbr < L) && (orbr >= 0)); }
2228    assert( RePartsGF != NULL );
2229    assert( ImPartsGF != NULL );
2230    for ( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < numLeft * numRight; counter++ ){
2231        RePartsGF[ counter ] = 0.0;
2232        ImPartsGF[ counter ] = 0.0;
2233    }
2234    const unsigned int Lpow4 = L*L*L*L;
2235    for ( unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < numRight; cnt++ ){
2236       if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ for ( unsigned int elem = 0; elem < Lpow4; elem++ ){ TwoRDMreal[ cnt ][ elem ] = 0.0; } }
2237       if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ for ( unsigned int elem = 0; elem < Lpow4; elem++ ){ TwoRDMimag[ cnt ][ elem ] = 0.0; } }
2238       if ( TwoRDMadd  != NULL ){ for ( unsigned int elem = 0; elem < Lpow4; elem++ ){  TwoRDMadd[ cnt ][ elem ] = 0.0; } }
2239    }
2241    const bool isOK = ( isUp ) ? ( getNel_up() < L ) : ( getNel_down() < L ); // The electron can be added
2242    for ( unsigned int cnt_right = 0; cnt_right < numRight; cnt_right++ ){
2244       const int orbitalRight = orbsRight[ cnt_right ];
2245       bool matchingIrrep = false;
2246       for ( unsigned int cnt_left = 0; cnt_left < numLeft; cnt_left++ ){
2247          if ( getOrb2Irrep( orbsLeft[ cnt_left] ) == getOrb2Irrep( orbitalRight ) ){ matchingIrrep = true; }
2248       }
2250       if ( isOK && matchingIrrep ){
2252          const unsigned int addNelUP   = getNel_up()   + ((isUp) ? 1 : 0);
2253          const unsigned int addNelDOWN = getNel_down() + ((isUp) ? 0 : 1);
2254          const int addIrrep = Irreps::directProd( getTargetIrrep(), getOrb2Irrep( orbitalRight ) );
2256          CheMPS2::FCI additionFCI( Ham, addNelUP, addNelDOWN, addIrrep, maxMemWorkMB, FCIverbose );
2257          const unsigned int addVecLength = additionFCI.getVecLength( 0 );
2258          double * addVector = new double[ addVecLength ];
2259          additionFCI.ActWithSecondQuantizedOperator( 'C', isUp, orbitalRight, addVector, this, GSvector ); // | addVector > = a^+_right,spin | GSvector >
2261          double * RealPartSolution = new double[ addVecLength ];
2262          double * ImagPartSolution = new double[ addVecLength ];
2263          additionFCI.CGSolveSystem( alpha, beta, eta, addVector, RealPartSolution, ImagPartSolution );
2265          if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ additionFCI.Fill2RDM( RealPartSolution, TwoRDMreal[ cnt_right ] ); }
2266          if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ additionFCI.Fill2RDM( ImagPartSolution, TwoRDMimag[ cnt_right ] ); }
2267          if ( TwoRDMadd  != NULL ){ additionFCI.Fill2RDM( addVector,         TwoRDMadd[ cnt_right ] ); }
2269          for ( unsigned int cnt_left = 0; cnt_left < numLeft; cnt_left++ ){
2270             const int orbitalLeft = orbsLeft[ cnt_left ];
2271             if ( getOrb2Irrep( orbitalLeft ) == getOrb2Irrep( orbitalRight ) ){
2272                additionFCI.ActWithSecondQuantizedOperator( 'C', isUp, orbitalLeft, addVector, this, GSvector ); // | addVector > = a^+_left,spin | GSvector >
2273                RePartsGF[ cnt_left + numLeft * cnt_right ] = FCIddot( addVecLength, addVector, RealPartSolution );
2274                ImPartsGF[ cnt_left + numLeft * cnt_right ] = FCIddot( addVecLength, addVector, ImagPartSolution );
2275             }
2276          }
2278          delete [] RealPartSolution;
2279          delete [] ImagPartSolution;
2280          delete [] addVector;
2282       }
2283    }
2285 }
RetardedGF_addition(const double omega,const double eta,const unsigned int orb_alpha,const unsigned int orb_beta,const bool isUp,const double GSenergy,double * GSvector,CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham,double * RePartGF,double * ImPartGF,double * TwoRDMreal,double * TwoRDMimag,double * TwoRDMadd) const2287 void CheMPS2::FCI::RetardedGF_addition(const double omega, const double eta, const unsigned int orb_alpha, const unsigned int orb_beta, const bool isUp, const double GSenergy, double * GSvector, CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham, double * RePartGF, double * ImPartGF, double * TwoRDMreal, double * TwoRDMimag, double * TwoRDMadd) const{
2289    // Addition amplitude < 0 | a_{alpha, spin} [ omega - Ham + E_0 + I*eta ]^{-1} a^+_{beta, spin} | 0 >
2291    double ** TwoRDMreal_wrap = NULL; if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ TwoRDMreal_wrap = new double*[1]; TwoRDMreal_wrap[0] = TwoRDMreal; }
2292    double ** TwoRDMimag_wrap = NULL; if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ TwoRDMimag_wrap = new double*[1]; TwoRDMimag_wrap[0] = TwoRDMimag; }
2293    double **  TwoRDMadd_wrap = NULL; if (  TwoRDMadd != NULL ){  TwoRDMadd_wrap = new double*[1];  TwoRDMadd_wrap[0] = TwoRDMadd;  }
2295    int orb_left  = orb_alpha;
2296    int orb_right = orb_beta;
2298    GFmatrix_addition( omega + GSenergy, -1.0, eta, &orb_left, 1, &orb_right, 1, isUp, GSvector, Ham, RePartGF, ImPartGF, TwoRDMreal_wrap, TwoRDMimag_wrap, TwoRDMadd_wrap );
2300    if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ delete [] TwoRDMreal_wrap; }
2301    if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ delete [] TwoRDMimag_wrap; }
2302    if (  TwoRDMadd != NULL ){ delete [] TwoRDMadd_wrap;  }
2304 }
GFmatrix_removal(const double alpha,const double beta,const double eta,int * orbsLeft,const unsigned int numLeft,int * orbsRight,const unsigned int numRight,const bool isUp,double * GSvector,CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham,double * RePartsGF,double * ImPartsGF,double ** TwoRDMreal,double ** TwoRDMimag,double ** TwoRDMrem) const2306 void CheMPS2::FCI::GFmatrix_removal(const double alpha, const double beta, const double eta, int * orbsLeft, const unsigned int numLeft, int * orbsRight, const unsigned int numRight, const bool isUp, double * GSvector, CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham, double * RePartsGF, double * ImPartsGF, double ** TwoRDMreal, double ** TwoRDMimag, double ** TwoRDMrem) const{
2308    /*
2309                                                                            1
2310        GF[i + numLeft * j] = < 0 | a^+_{orbsLeft[i], spin} -------------------------------- a_{orbsRight[j], spin} | 0 >
2311                                                             [ alpha + beta * Ham + I*eta ]
2312    */
2314    // Check whether some stuff is OK
2315    assert( numLeft  > 0 );
2316    assert( numRight > 0 );
2317    for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < numLeft;  cnt++){ int orbl = orbsLeft [ cnt ]; assert((orbl < L) && (orbl >= 0)); }
2318    for (unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < numRight; cnt++){ int orbr = orbsRight[ cnt ]; assert((orbr < L) && (orbr >= 0)); }
2319    assert( RePartsGF != NULL );
2320    assert( ImPartsGF != NULL );
2321    for ( unsigned int counter = 0; counter < numLeft * numRight; counter++ ){
2322        RePartsGF[ counter ] = 0.0;
2323        ImPartsGF[ counter ] = 0.0;
2324    }
2325    const unsigned int Lpow4 = L*L*L*L;
2326    for ( unsigned int cnt = 0; cnt < numRight; cnt++ ){
2327       if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ for ( unsigned int elem = 0; elem < Lpow4; elem++ ){ TwoRDMreal[ cnt ][ elem ] = 0.0; } }
2328       if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ for ( unsigned int elem = 0; elem < Lpow4; elem++ ){ TwoRDMimag[ cnt ][ elem ] = 0.0; } }
2329       if ( TwoRDMrem  != NULL ){ for ( unsigned int elem = 0; elem < Lpow4; elem++ ){  TwoRDMrem[ cnt ][ elem ] = 0.0; } }
2330    }
2332    const bool isOK = ( isUp ) ? ( getNel_up() > 0 ) : ( getNel_down() > 0 ); // The electron can be removed
2333    for ( unsigned int cnt_right = 0; cnt_right < numRight; cnt_right++ ){
2335       const int orbitalRight = orbsRight[ cnt_right ];
2336       bool matchingIrrep = false;
2337       for ( unsigned int cnt_left = 0; cnt_left < numLeft; cnt_left++ ){
2338          if ( getOrb2Irrep( orbsLeft[ cnt_left] ) == getOrb2Irrep( orbitalRight ) ){ matchingIrrep = true; }
2339       }
2341       if ( isOK && matchingIrrep ){
2343          const unsigned int removeNelUP   = getNel_up()   - ((isUp) ? 1 : 0);
2344          const unsigned int removeNelDOWN = getNel_down() - ((isUp) ? 0 : 1);
2345          const int removeIrrep = Irreps::directProd( getTargetIrrep(), getOrb2Irrep( orbitalRight ) );
2347          CheMPS2::FCI removalFCI( Ham, removeNelUP, removeNelDOWN, removeIrrep, maxMemWorkMB, FCIverbose );
2348          const unsigned int removeVecLength = removalFCI.getVecLength( 0 );
2349          double * removeVector = new double[ removeVecLength ];
2350          removalFCI.ActWithSecondQuantizedOperator( 'A', isUp, orbitalRight, removeVector, this, GSvector ); // | removeVector > = a_right,spin | GSvector >
2352          double * RealPartSolution = new double[ removeVecLength ];
2353          double * ImagPartSolution = new double[ removeVecLength ];
2354          removalFCI.CGSolveSystem( alpha, beta, eta, removeVector, RealPartSolution, ImagPartSolution );
2356          if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ removalFCI.Fill2RDM( RealPartSolution, TwoRDMreal[ cnt_right ] ); }
2357          if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ removalFCI.Fill2RDM( ImagPartSolution, TwoRDMimag[ cnt_right ] ); }
2358          if ( TwoRDMrem  != NULL ){ removalFCI.Fill2RDM( removeVector,      TwoRDMrem[ cnt_right ] ); }
2360          for ( unsigned int cnt_left = 0; cnt_left < numLeft; cnt_left++ ){
2361             const int orbitalLeft = orbsLeft[ cnt_left ];
2362             if ( getOrb2Irrep( orbitalLeft ) == getOrb2Irrep( orbitalRight ) ){
2363                removalFCI.ActWithSecondQuantizedOperator( 'A', isUp, orbitalLeft, removeVector, this, GSvector ); // | removeVector > = a_left,spin | GSvector >
2364                RePartsGF[ cnt_left + numLeft * cnt_right ] = FCIddot( removeVecLength, removeVector, RealPartSolution );
2365                ImPartsGF[ cnt_left + numLeft * cnt_right ] = FCIddot( removeVecLength, removeVector, ImagPartSolution );
2366             }
2367          }
2369          delete [] RealPartSolution;
2370          delete [] ImagPartSolution;
2371          delete [] removeVector;
2373       }
2374    }
2376 }
RetardedGF_removal(const double omega,const double eta,const unsigned int orb_alpha,const unsigned int orb_beta,const bool isUp,const double GSenergy,double * GSvector,CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham,double * RePartGF,double * ImPartGF,double * TwoRDMreal,double * TwoRDMimag,double * TwoRDMrem) const2378 void CheMPS2::FCI::RetardedGF_removal(const double omega, const double eta, const unsigned int orb_alpha, const unsigned int orb_beta, const bool isUp, const double GSenergy, double * GSvector, CheMPS2::Hamiltonian * Ham, double * RePartGF, double * ImPartGF, double * TwoRDMreal, double * TwoRDMimag, double * TwoRDMrem) const{
2380    // Removal amplitude < 0 | a^+_{beta, spin} [ omega + Ham - E_0 + I*eta ]^{-1} a_{alpha, spin} | 0 >
2382    double ** TwoRDMreal_wrap = NULL; if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ TwoRDMreal_wrap = new double*[1]; TwoRDMreal_wrap[0] = TwoRDMreal; }
2383    double ** TwoRDMimag_wrap = NULL; if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ TwoRDMimag_wrap = new double*[1]; TwoRDMimag_wrap[0] = TwoRDMimag; }
2384    double **  TwoRDMrem_wrap = NULL; if (  TwoRDMrem != NULL ){  TwoRDMrem_wrap = new double*[1];  TwoRDMrem_wrap[0] = TwoRDMrem;  }
2386    int orb_left  = orb_beta;
2387    int orb_right = orb_alpha;
2389    // orb_alpha = orb_right in this case !!
2390    GFmatrix_removal( omega - GSenergy, 1.0, eta, &orb_left, 1, &orb_right, 1, isUp, GSvector, Ham, RePartGF, ImPartGF, TwoRDMreal_wrap, TwoRDMimag_wrap, TwoRDMrem_wrap );
2392    if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ delete [] TwoRDMreal_wrap; }
2393    if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ delete [] TwoRDMimag_wrap; }
2394    if (  TwoRDMrem != NULL ){ delete [] TwoRDMrem_wrap;  }
2396 }
DensityResponseGF(const double omega,const double eta,const unsigned int orb_alpha,const unsigned int orb_beta,const double GSenergy,double * GSvector,double * RePartGF,double * ImPartGF) const2398 void CheMPS2::FCI::DensityResponseGF(const double omega, const double eta, const unsigned int orb_alpha, const unsigned int orb_beta, const double GSenergy, double * GSvector, double * RePartGF, double * ImPartGF) const{
2400    assert( RePartGF != NULL );
2401    assert( ImPartGF != NULL );
2403    // X( omega, alpha, beta, eta ) = < 0 | ( n_alpha - <0| n_alpha |0> ) [ omega - Ham + E_0 + I*eta ]^{-1} ( n_beta  - <0| n_beta  |0> ) | 0 > (forward  amplitude)
2404    //                              - < 0 | ( n_beta  - <0| n_beta  |0> ) [ omega + Ham - E_0 + I*eta ]^{-1} ( n_alpha - <0| n_alpha |0> ) | 0 > (backward amplitude)
2406    double Realpart, Imagpart;
2407    DensityResponseGF_forward( omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, GSenergy, GSvector, &Realpart, &Imagpart);
2408    RePartGF[0] = Realpart; // Set
2409    ImPartGF[0] = Imagpart; // Set
2411    DensityResponseGF_backward(omega, eta, orb_alpha, orb_beta, GSenergy, GSvector, &Realpart, &Imagpart);
2412    RePartGF[0] -= Realpart; // Subtract !!!
2413    ImPartGF[0] -= Imagpart; // Subtract !!!
2415    if ( FCIverbose>0 ){
2416       cout << "FCI::DensityResponseGF : X( omega = " << omega << " ; eta = " << eta << " ; i = " << orb_alpha << " ; j = " << orb_beta << " ) = " << RePartGF[0] << " + I * " << ImPartGF[0] << endl;
2417       cout << "                         Local density-density response (LDDR) = " << - ImPartGF[0] / M_PI << endl;
2418    }
2420 }
DensityResponseGF_forward(const double omega,const double eta,const unsigned int orb_alpha,const unsigned int orb_beta,const double GSenergy,double * GSvector,double * RePartGF,double * ImPartGF,double * TwoRDMreal,double * TwoRDMimag,double * TwoRDMdens) const2422 void CheMPS2::FCI::DensityResponseGF_forward(const double omega, const double eta, const unsigned int orb_alpha, const unsigned int orb_beta, const double GSenergy, double * GSvector, double * RePartGF, double * ImPartGF, double * TwoRDMreal, double * TwoRDMimag, double * TwoRDMdens) const{
2424    // Forward amplitude: < 0 | ( n_alpha - <0| n_alpha |0> ) [ omega - Ham + E_0 + I*eta ]^{-1} ( n_beta  - <0| n_beta  |0> ) | 0 >
2426    assert( ( orb_alpha<L ) && ( orb_beta<L ) ); // Orbital indices within bound
2427    assert( RePartGF != NULL );
2428    assert( ImPartGF != NULL );
2430    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
2431    double * densityAlphaVector = new double[ vecLength ];
2432    double * densityBetaVector  = ( orb_alpha == orb_beta ) ? densityAlphaVector : new double[ vecLength ];
2433    ActWithNumberOperator( orb_alpha , densityAlphaVector , GSvector );             // densityAlphaVector = n_alpha |0>
2434    const double n_alpha_0 = FCIddot( vecLength , densityAlphaVector , GSvector );  // <0| n_alpha |0>
2435    FCIdaxpy( vecLength , -n_alpha_0 , GSvector , densityAlphaVector );             // densityAlphaVector = ( n_alpha - <0| n_alpha |0> ) |0>
2436    if ( orb_alpha != orb_beta ){
2437       ActWithNumberOperator( orb_beta , densityBetaVector , GSvector );            // densityBetaVector = n_beta |0>
2438       const double n_beta_0 = FCIddot( vecLength , densityBetaVector , GSvector ); // <0| n_beta |0>
2439       FCIdaxpy( vecLength , -n_beta_0 , GSvector , densityBetaVector );            // densityBetaVector = ( n_beta - <0| n_beta |0> ) |0>
2440    }
2442    double * RealPartSolution = new double[ vecLength ];
2443    double * ImagPartSolution = new double[ vecLength ];
2444    CGSolveSystem( omega + GSenergy , -1.0 , eta , densityBetaVector , RealPartSolution , ImagPartSolution );
2445    if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ Fill2RDM( RealPartSolution , TwoRDMreal ); } // Sets the TwoRDMreal
2446    RePartGF[0] = FCIddot( vecLength , densityAlphaVector , RealPartSolution );
2447    delete [] RealPartSolution;
2448    if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ Fill2RDM( ImagPartSolution , TwoRDMimag ); } // Sets the TwoRDMimag
2449    ImPartGF[0] = FCIddot( vecLength , densityAlphaVector , ImagPartSolution );
2450    delete [] ImagPartSolution;
2452    if ( TwoRDMdens != NULL ){ Fill2RDM( densityBetaVector , TwoRDMdens ); } // Sets the TwoRDMdens
2453    if ( orb_alpha != orb_beta ){ delete [] densityBetaVector; }
2454    delete [] densityAlphaVector;
2456 }
DensityResponseGF_backward(const double omega,const double eta,const unsigned int orb_alpha,const unsigned int orb_beta,const double GSenergy,double * GSvector,double * RePartGF,double * ImPartGF,double * TwoRDMreal,double * TwoRDMimag,double * TwoRDMdens) const2458 void CheMPS2::FCI::DensityResponseGF_backward(const double omega, const double eta, const unsigned int orb_alpha, const unsigned int orb_beta, const double GSenergy, double * GSvector, double * RePartGF, double * ImPartGF, double * TwoRDMreal, double * TwoRDMimag, double * TwoRDMdens) const{
2460    // Backward amplitude: < 0 | ( n_beta  - <0| n_beta  |0> ) [ omega + Ham - E_0 + I*eta ]^{-1} ( n_alpha - <0| n_alpha |0> ) | 0 >
2462    assert( ( orb_alpha<L ) && ( orb_beta<L ) ); // Orbital indices within bound
2463    assert( RePartGF != NULL );
2464    assert( ImPartGF != NULL );
2466    const unsigned int vecLength = getVecLength( 0 );
2467    double * densityAlphaVector = new double[ vecLength ];
2468    double * densityBetaVector  = ( orb_alpha == orb_beta ) ? densityAlphaVector : new double[ vecLength ];
2469    ActWithNumberOperator( orb_alpha , densityAlphaVector , GSvector );             // densityAlphaVector = n_alpha |0>
2470    const double n_alpha_0 = FCIddot( vecLength , densityAlphaVector , GSvector );  // <0| n_alpha |0>
2471    FCIdaxpy( vecLength , -n_alpha_0 , GSvector , densityAlphaVector );             // densityAlphaVector = ( n_alpha - <0| n_alpha |0> ) |0>
2472    if ( orb_alpha != orb_beta ){
2473       ActWithNumberOperator( orb_beta , densityBetaVector , GSvector );            // densityBetaVector = n_beta |0>
2474       const double n_beta_0 = FCIddot( vecLength , densityBetaVector , GSvector ); // <0| n_beta |0>
2475       FCIdaxpy( vecLength , -n_beta_0 , GSvector , densityBetaVector );            // densityBetaVector = ( n_beta - <0| n_beta |0> ) |0>
2476    }
2478    double * RealPartSolution = new double[ vecLength ];
2479    double * ImagPartSolution = new double[ vecLength ];
2480    CGSolveSystem( omega - GSenergy , 1.0 , eta , densityAlphaVector , RealPartSolution , ImagPartSolution );
2481    if ( TwoRDMreal != NULL ){ Fill2RDM( RealPartSolution , TwoRDMreal ); } // Sets the TwoRDMreal
2482    RePartGF[0] = FCIddot( vecLength , densityBetaVector , RealPartSolution );
2483    delete [] RealPartSolution;
2484    if ( TwoRDMimag != NULL ){ Fill2RDM( ImagPartSolution , TwoRDMimag ); } // Sets the TwoRDMimag
2485    ImPartGF[0] = FCIddot( vecLength , densityBetaVector , ImagPartSolution );
2486    delete [] ImagPartSolution;
2488    if ( TwoRDMdens != NULL ){ Fill2RDM( densityAlphaVector , TwoRDMdens ); } // Sets the TwoRDMdens
2489    if ( orb_alpha != orb_beta ){ delete [] densityBetaVector; }
2490    delete [] densityAlphaVector;
2492 }