1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Alessandro Tasora
13 // =============================================================================
16 #include "chrono/fea/ChBeamSectionEuler.h"
17 #include "chrono/core/ChMatrixMBD.h"
18 #include "chrono/core/ChMatrix33.h"
21 namespace chrono {
22 namespace fea {
ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ri,const ChVector<> & mW)25 	void ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ri,  ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-damping (gyroscopic damping) matrix values here
26     const ChVector<>& mW    ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
27 	) {
28 		double Delta = 1e-8; // magic number, todo: parametrize or #define
29 		Ri.setZero();
31 		if (compute_inertia_damping_matrix == false)
32 			return;
34 		// Fi=Fia+Fiv, where Fia depends on acceleration only, so restrict to Fiv quadratic terms for numerical differentiation.
35 		// Also we assume first three columns of Ri are null because Fiv does not depend on linear velocity.
36 		// Quadratic terms (gyro, centrifugal) at current state:
37 		ChVectorN<double,6> Fi0;
38 		ChVector<> mF, mT;
39 		this->ComputeQuadraticTerms(mF, mT, mW);
40 		Fi0.segment(0, 3) = mF.eigen();
41 		Fi0.segment(3, 3) = mT.eigen();
42 		// dw_x
43 		ChVectorN<double,6> Fi_dw;
44 		this->ComputeQuadraticTerms(mF, mT, mW + ChVector<>(Delta,0,0));
45 		Fi_dw.segment(0, 3) = mF.eigen();
46 		Fi_dw.segment(3, 3) = mT.eigen();
47 		Ri.block(0,3, 6,1) = (Fi_dw - Fi0) * (1.0 / Delta);
48 		// dw_y
49 		this->ComputeQuadraticTerms(mF, mT, mW + ChVector<>(0,Delta,0));
50 		Fi_dw.segment(0, 3) = mF.eigen();
51 		Fi_dw.segment(3, 3) = mT.eigen();
52 		Ri.block(0,4, 6,1) = (Fi_dw - Fi0) * (1.0 / Delta);
53 		// dw_z
54 		this->ComputeQuadraticTerms(mF, mT, mW + ChVector<>(0,0,Delta));
55 		Fi_dw.segment(0, 3) = mF.eigen();
56 		Fi_dw.segment(3, 3) = mT.eigen();
57 		Ri.block(0,5, 6,1) = (Fi_dw - Fi0) * (1.0 / Delta);
58 	}
ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ki,const ChVector<> & mWvel,const ChVector<> & mWacc,const ChVector<> & mXacc)61 	void ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ki, ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-stiffness matrix values here
62 		const ChVector<>& mWvel,      ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
63 		const ChVector<>& mWacc,      ///< current angular acceleration of section, in material frame
64 		const ChVector<>& mXacc       ///< current acceleration of section, in material frame (not absolute!)
65 	){
66 		double Delta = 1e-8; // magic number, todo: parametrize or #define
67 		Ki.setZero();
69 		if (compute_inertia_stiffness_matrix == false)
70 			return;
72 		// We assume first three columns of Ki are null because Fi does not depend on displacement.
73 		// We compute Ki by numerical differentiation.
76 		ChVector<> mF, mT;
77 		this->ComputeInertialForce(mF, mT, mWvel, mWacc, mXacc);
78 		ChVectorN<double,6> Fi0;
79 		Fi0.segment(0, 3) = mF.eigen();
80 		Fi0.segment(3, 3) = mT.eigen();
83 		ChVectorN<double,6> Fi_dr;
84 		ChVectorN<double, 6> drFi;
86 		// dr_x
87 		ChStarMatrix33<> rot_lx(ChVector<>(Delta, 0, 0));
88 		rot_lx.diagonal().setOnes();
89 		this->ComputeInertialForce(mF, mT,
90 			mWvel, // or rot_lx.transpose()*mWvel,  if abs. ang.vel is constant during rot.increments
91 			mWacc, // or rot_lx.transpose()*mWacc,  if abs. ang.vel is constant during rot.increments
92 			rot_lx.transpose()*mXacc);
93 		Fi_dr.segment(0, 3) = mF.eigen();
94 		Fi_dr.segment(3, 3) = mT.eigen();
95 		drFi.segment(0 , 3) = rot_lx * Fi0.segment(0, 3);
96 		drFi.segment(3 , 3) = Fi0.segment(3, 3);
97 		Ki.block(0, 3, 6, 1) = (Fi_dr - Fi0) * (1.0 / Delta) +(drFi - Fi0) * (1.0 / Delta);
99 		// dr_y
100 		ChStarMatrix33<> rot_ly(ChVector<>(0, Delta, 0));
101 		rot_ly.diagonal().setOnes();
102 		this->ComputeInertialForce(mF, mT,
103 			mWvel,
104 			mWacc,
105 			rot_ly.transpose()*mXacc);
106 		Fi_dr.segment(0, 3) = mF.eigen();
107 		Fi_dr.segment(3, 3) = mT.eigen();
108 		drFi.segment(0 , 3) = rot_ly * Fi0.segment(0, 3);
109 		drFi.segment(3 , 3) = Fi0.segment(3, 3);
110 		Ki.block(0, 4, 6, 1) = (Fi_dr - Fi0) * (1.0 / Delta) +(drFi - Fi0) * (1.0 / Delta);
112 		// dr_z
113 		ChStarMatrix33<> rot_lz(ChVector<>(0, 0, Delta));
114 		rot_lz.diagonal().setOnes();
115 		this->ComputeInertialForce(mF, mT,
116 			mWvel,
117 			mWacc,
118 			rot_lz.transpose()*mXacc);
119 		Fi_dr.segment(0, 3) = mF.eigen();
120 		Fi_dr.segment(3, 3) = mT.eigen();
121 		drFi.segment(0 , 3) = rot_lz * Fi0.segment(0, 3);
122 		drFi.segment(3 , 3) = Fi0.segment(3, 3);
123 		Ki.block(0, 5, 6, 1) = (Fi_dr - Fi0) * (1.0 / Delta) +(drFi - Fi0) * (1.0 / Delta);
124 	}
ComputeInertialForce(ChVector<> & mFi,ChVector<> & mTi,const ChVector<> & mWvel,const ChVector<> & mWacc,const ChVector<> & mXacc)126 	void ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertialForce(
127                                     ChVector<>& mFi,          ///< total inertial force returned here
128                                     ChVector<>& mTi,          ///< total inertial torque returned here
129                                     const ChVector<>& mWvel,  ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
130                                     const ChVector<>& mWacc,  ///< current angular acceleration of section, in material frame
131                                     const ChVector<>& mXacc   ///< current acceleration of section, in material frame (not absolute!)
132 	) {
133 		// Default implementation as Fi = [Mi]*{xacc,wacc}+{mF_quadratic,mT_quadratic}
134 		// but if possible implement it in children classes with ad-hoc faster formulas.
135 		ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6> Mi;
136 		this->ComputeInertiaMatrix(Mi);
137 		ChVectorN<double, 6> xpp;
138 		xpp.segment(0 , 3) = mXacc.eigen();
139 		xpp.segment(3 , 3) = mWacc.eigen();
140 		ChVectorN<double, 6> Fipp = Mi * xpp;    // [Mi]*{xacc,wacc}
141 		ChVector<> mF_quadratic;
142 		ChVector<> mT_quadratic;
143 		this->ComputeQuadraticTerms(mF_quadratic, mT_quadratic, mWvel);  // {mF_quadratic,mT_quadratic}
144 		mFi = ChVector<>(Fipp.segment(0, 3)) + mF_quadratic;
145 		mTi = ChVector<>(Fipp.segment(3, 3)) + mT_quadratic;
146 	}
ComputeInertiaMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & M)154 	void ChBeamSectionEulerSimple::ComputeInertiaMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& M) {
155 		M.setZero();
156 		M(0, 0) = this->Area * this->density;
157 		M(1, 1) = this->Area * this->density;
158 		M(2, 2) = this->Area * this->density;
160 		M(3, 3) = (this->Iyy + this->Izz) * this->density;
161 		// M(4, 4) M(5, 5) are zero in Euler theory, as Jzz = 0 Jyy = 0
162 		// .. but just make them a tiny nonzero value to avoid singularity, if small JzzJyy_factor
163 		M(4, 4) = JzzJyy_factor * M(0, 0);
164 		M(5, 5) = JzzJyy_factor * M(0, 0);
165 		// .. but Rayleigh beam theory may add it, etc
166 		//M(4, 4) = this->Jyy;
167 		//M(5, 5) = this->Jzz;
168 		//M(4, 5) = -this->Jyz;
169 		//M(5, 4) = -this->Jyz;
170 	}
ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ri,const ChVector<> & mW)172 	void ChBeamSectionEulerSimple::ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ri,  ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-damping (gyroscopic damping) matrix values here
173 		const ChVector<>& mW    ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
174 	) {
175 		Ri.setZero();
176 		if (compute_inertia_damping_matrix == false)
177 			return;
178 		if (this->compute_Ri_Ki_by_num_diff)
179 			return ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(Ri, mW);
181 		ChStarMatrix33<> wtilde(mW);   // [w~]
182 		// [I]  here a diagonal inertia, in Euler it should be Jzz = 0 Jyy = 0, but a tiny nonzero value avoids singularity:
183 		ChMatrix33<> mI(ChVector<>(
184 			(this->Iyy + this->Izz) * this->density,
185 			JzzJyy_factor * this->Area * this->density,
186 			JzzJyy_factor * this->Area * this->density));
187 		Ri.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = wtilde * mI - ChStarMatrix33<>(mI * mW);  // Ri = [0, 0; 0, [w~][I] - [([I]*w)~]  ]
188 	}
ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ki,const ChVector<> & mWvel,const ChVector<> & mWacc,const ChVector<> & mXacc)190 	void ChBeamSectionEulerSimple::ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ki, ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-stiffness matrix values here
191 		const ChVector<>& mWvel,      ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
192 		const ChVector<>& mWacc,      ///< current angular acceleration of section, in material frame
193 		const ChVector<>& mXacc       ///< current acceleration of section, in material frame
194 	) {
195 		Ki.setZero();
196 		if (compute_inertia_stiffness_matrix == false)
197         return;
198 		if (this->compute_Ri_Ki_by_num_diff)
199 			return ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(Ki, mWvel, mWacc, mXacc);
200 		// null [Ki^] (but only for the case where angular speeds and accelerations are assumed to corotate with local frames).
201 	}
ComputeQuadraticTerms(ChVector<> & mF,ChVector<> & mT,const ChVector<> & mW)204 	void ChBeamSectionEulerSimple::ComputeQuadraticTerms(ChVector<>& mF, ChVector<>& mT, const ChVector<>& mW) {
205 		mF = VNULL;
206 		mT = VNULL;
207 	}
ComputeInertiaMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & M)210 	void  ChBeamSectionEulerAdvancedGeneric::ComputeInertiaMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& M) {
211 		M.setZero();
212 		M(0, 0) = this->mu;
213 		M(1, 1) = this->mu;
214 		M(2, 2) = this->mu;
216 		M(3, 1) = - this->mu * this->Mz;
217 		M(3, 2) =   this->mu * this->My;
218 		M(4, 0) =   this->mu * this->Mz;
219 		M(5, 0) = - this->mu * this->My;
221 		M(1, 3) = - this->mu * this->Mz;
222 		M(2, 3) =   this->mu * this->My;
223 		M(0, 4) =   this->mu * this->Mz;
224 		M(0, 5) = - this->mu * this->My;
226 		M(3, 3) = this->Jxx;
227 		// M(4, 4) M(5, 5) are zero in Euler theory, as Jzz = 0 Jyy = 0  (for no My Mz offsets)
228 		// .. but just make them a tiny nonzero value to avoid singularity, if small JzzJyy_factor
229 		M(4, 4) = JzzJyy_factor * M(0, 0) + this->mu * this->Mz * this->Mz;
230 		M(5, 5) = JzzJyy_factor * M(0, 0) + this->mu * this->My * this->My;
231 		M(4, 5) = - this->mu * this->My * this->Mz;
232 		M(5, 4) = - this->mu * this->My * this->Mz;
233 		// .. but Rayleigh beam theory may add it as:
234 		//M(4, 4) = this->Jyy;
235 		//M(5, 5) = this->Jzz;
236 		//M(4, 5) = -this->Jyz;
237 		//M(5, 4) = -this->Jyz;
238 	}
ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ri,const ChVector<> & mW)240 	void ChBeamSectionEulerAdvancedGeneric::ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ri,  ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-damping (gyroscopic damping) matrix values here
241 		const ChVector<>& mW    ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
242 	) {
243 		Ri.setZero();
244 		if (compute_inertia_damping_matrix == false)
245 			return;
246 		if (this->compute_Ri_Ki_by_num_diff)
247 			return ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(Ri, mW);
249 		ChStarMatrix33<> wtilde(mW);   // [w~]
250 		ChVector<> mC(0, this->My, this->Mz);
251 		ChStarMatrix33<> ctilde(mC);   // [c~]
252 		ChMatrix33<> mI;
253 		mI << this->Jxx  ,														    0,			                          					 	  0,
254 						0,   JzzJyy_factor * this->mu + this->mu * this->Mz * this->Mz,                            - this->mu * this->My * this->Mz,
255 					    0,                            - this->mu * this->My * this->Mz,   JzzJyy_factor * this->mu + this->mu * this->My * this->My;
256 		//  Ri = [0,  m*[w~][c~]' + m*[([w~]*c)~]'  ; 0 , [w~][I] - [([I]*w)~]  ]
257 		Ri.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = this->mu * (wtilde * ctilde.transpose() + (ChStarMatrix33<>( wtilde * mC )).transpose() );
258 		Ri.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = wtilde * mI - ChStarMatrix33<>(mI * mW);
259 	}
ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ki,const ChVector<> & mWvel,const ChVector<> & mWacc,const ChVector<> & mXacc)261 	void ChBeamSectionEulerAdvancedGeneric::ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ki, ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-stiffness matrix values here
262 		const ChVector<>& mWvel,      ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
263 		const ChVector<>& mWacc,      ///< current angular acceleration of section, in material frame
264 		const ChVector<>& mXacc       ///< current acceleration of section, in material frame
265 	) {
266 		Ki.setZero();
267 		if (compute_inertia_stiffness_matrix == false)
268 			return;
269 		if (this->compute_Ri_Ki_by_num_diff)
270 			return ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(Ki, mWvel, mWacc, mXacc);
272 		ChStarMatrix33<> wtilde(mWvel);   // [w~]
273 		ChStarMatrix33<> atilde(mWacc);   // [a~]
274 		ChVector<> mC(0, this->My, this->Mz);
275 		ChStarMatrix33<> ctilde(mC);   // [c~]
276 		ChMatrix33<> mI;
277 		mI << this->Jxx  ,														    0,			                          					 	  0,
278 						0,   JzzJyy_factor * this->mu + this->mu * this->Mz * this->Mz,                            - this->mu * this->My * this->Mz,
279 					    0,                            - this->mu * this->My * this->Mz,   JzzJyy_factor * this->mu + this->mu * this->My * this->My;
280 		// Ki_al = [0, 0; -m*[([a~]c)~] -m*[([w~][w~]c)~] , m*[c~][xpp~] ]
281 		Ki.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = -this->mu * ChStarMatrix33<>(atilde * mC)
282 							   -this->mu * ChStarMatrix33<>(wtilde*(wtilde*mC));
283 		Ki.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = this->mu * ctilde * ChStarMatrix33<>(mXacc);
284 	}
ComputeQuadraticTerms(ChVector<> & mF,ChVector<> & mT,const ChVector<> & mW)286 	void ChBeamSectionEulerAdvancedGeneric::ComputeQuadraticTerms(ChVector<>& mF,   ///< centrifugal term (if any) returned here
287 		ChVector<>& mT,                ///< gyroscopic term  returned here
288 		const ChVector<>& mW           ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
289 	) {
290 		// F_centrifugal = density_per_unit_length w X w X c
291 		mF = this->mu * Vcross(mW,Vcross(mW,ChVector<>(0,My,Mz)));
293 		// unroll the product [J] * w  in the expression w X [J] * w  as 8 values of [J] are zero anyway
294 		mT = Vcross(mW, ChVector<>( this->GetInertiaJxxPerUnitLength()*mW.x(),
295 									0,
296 									0 )  );
297 	}
ChBeamSectionEulerEasyRectangular(double width_y,double width_z,double myE,double myG,double mydensity)300 	ChBeamSectionEulerEasyRectangular::ChBeamSectionEulerEasyRectangular(double width_y, double width_z, double myE,  double myG, double mydensity)
301 	{
302 		this->SetYoungModulus(myE);
303 		this->SetGshearModulus(myG);
304 		this->SetDensity(mydensity);
305 		this->SetAsRectangularSection(width_y, width_z);
306 	}
ChBeamSectionEulerEasyCircular(double diameter,double myE,double myG,double mydensity)308 	ChBeamSectionEulerEasyCircular::ChBeamSectionEulerEasyCircular(double diameter, double myE,  double myG, double mydensity)
309 	{
310 		this->SetYoungModulus(myE);
311 		this->SetGshearModulus(myG);
312 		this->SetDensity(mydensity);
313 		this->SetAsCircularSection(diameter);
314 	}
ComputeInertiaMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & M)319 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighSimple::ComputeInertiaMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& M)
320 	{
321 		// inherit
322 		ChBeamSectionEulerSimple::ComputeInertiaMatrix(M);
324 		// add Rayleigh terms
325 		M(4, 4) += this->Iyy * this->density;
326 		M(5, 5) += this->Izz * this->density;
327 	}
ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ri,const ChVector<> & mW)329 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighSimple::ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ri,  ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-damping (gyroscopic damping) matrix values here
330 		const ChVector<>& mW    ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
331 	) {
332 		Ri.setZero();
333 		if (compute_inertia_damping_matrix == false)
334 			return;
335 		if (this->compute_Ri_Ki_by_num_diff)
336 			return ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(Ri, mW);
338 		ChStarMatrix33<> wtilde(mW);   // [w~]
339 		// [I]  here a diagonal inertia, in Euler it should be Jzz = 0 Jyy = 0, but a tiny nonzero value avoids singularity:
340 		ChMatrix33<> mI(ChVector<>(
341 			(this->Iyy + this->Izz) * this->density,
342 			JzzJyy_factor * this->Area * this->density + this->Iyy * this->density,
343 			JzzJyy_factor * this->Area * this->density + this->Izz * this->density));
344 		Ri.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = wtilde * mI - ChStarMatrix33<>(mI * mW);  // Ri = [0, 0; 0, [w~][I] - [([I]*w)~]  ]
345 	}
ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ki,const ChVector<> & mWvel,const ChVector<> & mWacc,const ChVector<> & mXacc)347 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighSimple::ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ki, ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-stiffness matrix values here
348 		const ChVector<>& mWvel,      ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
349 		const ChVector<>& mWacc,      ///< current angular acceleration of section, in material frame
350 		const ChVector<>& mXacc       ///< current acceleration of section, in material frame
351 	) {
352 		Ki.setZero();
353 		if (compute_inertia_stiffness_matrix == false)
354 			return;
355 		if (this->compute_Ri_Ki_by_num_diff)
356 			return ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(Ki, mWvel, mWacc, mXacc);
357 		// null [Ki^] (but only for the case where angular speeds and accelerations are assumed to corotate with local frames.
358 	}
ComputeQuadraticTerms(ChVector<> & mF,ChVector<> & mT,const ChVector<> & mW)360 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighSimple::ComputeQuadraticTerms(ChVector<>& mF,   ///< centrifugal term (if any) returned here
361 		ChVector<>& mT,                ///< gyroscopic term  returned here
362 		const ChVector<>& mW           ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
363 	) {
364 		// F_centrifugal = density_per_unit_length w X w X c
365 		mF = VNULL;
367 		// unroll the product [J] * w  in the expression w X [J] * w  as 8 values of [J] are zero anyway
368 		mT = Vcross(mW, ChVector<>( this->GetInertiaJxxPerUnitLength()*mW.x(),
369 									(JzzJyy_factor * this->Area * this->density + this->Iyy * this->density) * mW.y(),
370 									(JzzJyy_factor * this->Area * this->density + this->Izz * this->density) * mW.z())  );
371 	}
ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyRectangular(double mwidth_y,double mwidth_z,double mE,double mG,double mdensity)373 	ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyRectangular::ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyRectangular(double mwidth_y, double mwidth_z, double mE, double mG, double mdensity)
374 	{
375 		this->SetYoungModulus(mE);
376 		this->SetGshearModulus(mG);
377 		this->SetDensity(mdensity);
378 		this->SetAsRectangularSection(mwidth_y,mwidth_z);
379 	}
ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyCircular(double diameter,double mE,double mG,double mdensity)381 	ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyCircular::ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyCircular(double diameter, double mE, double mG, double mdensity)
382 	{
383 		this->SetYoungModulus(mE);
384 		this->SetGshearModulus(mG);
385 		this->SetDensity(mdensity);
386 		this->SetAsCircularSection(diameter);
387 	}
SetInertiasPerUnitLength(const double mJyy,const double mJzz,const double mJyz)396 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighAdvancedGeneric::SetInertiasPerUnitLength(const double mJyy, const double mJzz, const double mJyz) {
397 			this->Jyy = mJyy;
398 			this->Jzz = mJzz;
399 			this->Jyz = mJyz;
400 			// automatically set parent Jxx value
401 			this->Jxx = (this->Jyy + this->Jzz);
402 	}
SetMainInertiasInMassReference(double Jmyy,double Jmzz,double phi)405 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighAdvancedGeneric::SetMainInertiasInMassReference(double Jmyy, double Jmzz, double phi) {
406 		double cc = pow(cos(-phi), 2);
407 		double ss = pow(sin(-phi), 2);
408 		double cs = cos(-phi) * sin(-phi);
409 		// generic 2x2 tensor rotation
410 		double Tyy_rot = cc * Jmyy + ss * Jmzz; // + 2 * Jmyz * cs; //TODO: it seems the commented term has an opposite sign
411 		double Tzz_rot = ss * Jmyy + cc * Jmzz; // - 2 * Jmyz * cs;  //TODO: it seems the commented term has an opposite sign
412 		double Tyz_rot = (Jmzz - Jmyy) * cs; // +Jmyz * (cc - ss);   //TODO: it seems the commented term has an opposite sign
413 		// add inertia transport
414 		this->Jyy = Tyy_rot +  this->mu * this->Mz * this->Mz;
415 		this->Jzz = Tzz_rot +  this->mu * this->My * this->My;
416 		this->Jyz = -(Tyz_rot -  this->mu * this->Mz * this->My); // note minus, per definition of Jyz
417 		// automatically set parent Jxx value
418 		this->Jxx = (this->Jyy + this->Jzz);
419 	}
GetMainInertiasInMassReference(double & Jmyy,double & Jmzz,double & phi)421 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighAdvancedGeneric::GetMainInertiasInMassReference(double& Jmyy, double& Jmzz, double& phi) {
422 		// remove inertia transport
423 		double Tyy_rot  =  this->Jyy - this->mu * this->Mz * this->Mz;
424 		double Tzz_rot  =  this->Jzz - this->mu * this->My * this->My;
425 		double Tyz_rot  = -this->Jyz + this->mu * this->Mz * this->My;
426 		// tensor de-rotation up to principal axes
427 		double argum = pow((Tyy_rot - Tzz_rot) * 0.5, 2) + pow(Tyz_rot, 2);
428 		if (argum <= 0) {
429 			phi = 0;
430 			Jmyy = 0.5 * (Tzz_rot + Tyy_rot);
431 			Jmzz = 0.5 * (Tzz_rot + Tyy_rot);
432 			return;
433 		}
434 		double discr = sqrt( pow((Tyy_rot - Tzz_rot)*0.5,2) + pow(Tyz_rot, 2) );
435 		phi = - 0.5* atan2(Tyz_rot / discr, (Tzz_rot - Tyy_rot) / (2. * discr));
436 		Jmyy = 0.5 * (Tzz_rot + Tyy_rot) - discr;
437 		Jmzz = 0.5 * (Tzz_rot + Tyy_rot) + discr;
438 	}
ComputeInertiaMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & M)441 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighAdvancedGeneric::ComputeInertiaMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& M)
442 	{
443 		// inherit
444 		ChBeamSectionEulerAdvancedGeneric::ComputeInertiaMatrix(M);
446 		// overwrite rotational part using Rayleigh terms, similarly to the Cosserat beam.
447 		//Also add the JzzJyy_factor*M(0,0) term as in Euler beams - a term that avoids zero on diagonal and that can be turned off.
448 		M(3, 3) = this->Jyy+this->Jzz;
449 		M(4, 4) = this->Jyy     + JzzJyy_factor * M(0, 0);
450 		M(5, 5) = this->Jzz     + JzzJyy_factor * M(0, 0);
451 		M(4, 5) = -this->Jyz;
452 		M(5, 4) = -this->Jyz;
453 	}
ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ri,const ChVector<> & mW)455 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighAdvancedGeneric::ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ri,  ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-damping (gyroscopic damping) matrix values here
456 		const ChVector<>& mW    ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
457 	) {
458 		Ri.setZero();
459 		if (compute_inertia_damping_matrix == false)
460 			return;
461 		if (this->compute_Ri_Ki_by_num_diff)
462 			return ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaDampingMatrix(Ri, mW);
464 		ChStarMatrix33<> wtilde(mW);   // [w~]
465 		ChVector<> mC(0, this->My, this->Mz);
466 		ChStarMatrix33<> ctilde(mC);   // [c~]
467 		ChMatrix33<> mI;
468 		mI << this->Jyy+this->Jzz ,										 0,			         			   	    0,
469 								 0,   this->Jyy + JzzJyy_factor * this->mu,                            -this->Jyz,
470 								 0,                             -this->Jyz,  this->Jzz + JzzJyy_factor * this->mu;
471 		//  Ri = [0,  m*[w~][c~]' + m*[([w~]*c)~]'  ; 0 , [w~][I] - [([I]*w)~]  ]
472 		Ri.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = this->mu * (wtilde * ctilde.transpose() + (ChStarMatrix33<>( wtilde * mC )).transpose() );
473 		Ri.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = wtilde * mI - ChStarMatrix33<>(mI * mW);
474 	}
ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double,6,6> & Ki,const ChVector<> & mWvel,const ChVector<> & mWacc,const ChVector<> & mXacc)476 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighAdvancedGeneric::ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(ChMatrixNM<double, 6, 6>& Ki, ///< 6x6 sectional inertial-stiffness matrix values here
477 		const ChVector<>& mWvel,      ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
478 		const ChVector<>& mWacc,      ///< current angular acceleration of section, in material frame
479 		const ChVector<>& mXacc       ///< current acceleration of section, in material frame
480 	) {
481 		Ki.setZero();
482 		if (compute_inertia_stiffness_matrix == false)
483 			return;
484 		if (this->compute_Ri_Ki_by_num_diff)
485 			return ChBeamSectionEuler::ComputeInertiaStiffnessMatrix(Ki, mWvel, mWacc, mXacc);
487 		ChStarMatrix33<> wtilde(mWvel);   // [w~]
488 		ChStarMatrix33<> atilde(mWacc);   // [a~]
489 		ChVector<> mC(0, this->My, this->Mz);
490 		ChStarMatrix33<> ctilde(mC);   // [c~]
491 		ChMatrix33<> mI;
492 		mI << this->Jyy+this->Jzz ,										 0,			         			   	    0,
493 								 0,   this->Jyy + JzzJyy_factor * this->mu,                            -this->Jyz,
494 								 0,                             -this->Jyz,  this->Jzz + JzzJyy_factor * this->mu;
495 		// Ki_al = [0, 0; -m*[([a~]c)~] -m*[([w~][w~]c)~] , m*[c~][xpp~] ]
496 		Ki.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = -this->mu * ChStarMatrix33<>(atilde * mC)
497 							   -this->mu * ChStarMatrix33<>(wtilde*(wtilde*mC));
498 		Ki.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = this->mu * ctilde * ChStarMatrix33<>(mXacc);
499 	}
ComputeQuadraticTerms(ChVector<> & mF,ChVector<> & mT,const ChVector<> & mW)501 	void ChBeamSectionRayleighAdvancedGeneric::ComputeQuadraticTerms(ChVector<>& mF,   ///< centrifugal term (if any) returned here
502 		ChVector<>& mT,                ///< gyroscopic term  returned here
503 		const ChVector<>& mW           ///< current angular velocity of section, in material frame
504 	) {
505 		 // F_centrifugal = density_per_unit_length w X w X c
506 		mF = this->mu * Vcross(mW,Vcross(mW,ChVector<>(0,this->My,this->Mz)));
508 		// unroll the product [J] * w  in the expression w X [J] * w  as 4 values of [J] are zero anyway
509 		mT = Vcross(mW, ChVector<>( this->GetInertiaJxxPerUnitLength()*mW.x(),
510 									(this->Jyy + JzzJyy_factor * this->mu)*mW.y() - this->Jyz*mW.z(),
511 									(this->Jzz + JzzJyy_factor * this->mu)*mW.z() - this->Jyz*mW.y() )  );
512 	}
516 }  // end namespace fea
517 }  // end namespace chrono