1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Radu Serban
13 //
14 // Translational spring-damper-actuator (TSDA) with force optionally specified
15 // through a user-supplied functor object (default, linear TSDA).
16 //
17 // Optionally, a ChLinkTSDA can have internal dynamics, described by a system of
18 // ODEs. The internal states are integrated simultaneous with the containing
19 // system and they can be accessed and used in the force calculation.
20 // Such objects can be used in active suspension models.
21 // =============================================================================
23 #ifndef CH_LINK_TSDA_H
24 #define CH_LINK_TSDA_H
26 #include "chrono/physics/ChLink.h"
27 #include "chrono/physics/ChBody.h"
28 #include "chrono/solver/ChVariablesGenericDiagonalMass.h"
29 #include "chrono/solver/ChKblockGeneric.h"
31 namespace chrono {
33 /// Class for translational spring-damper-actuator (TSDA) with the force optionally specified through a functor object
34 /// (default, linear TSDA). Optionally, a ChLinkTSDA can have internal dynamics, described by a system of ODEs. The
35 /// internal states are integrated simultaneous with the containing system and they can be accessed and used in the
36 /// force calculation. ChLinkTSDA provides optional support for computing Jacobians of the generalized forces.
37 class ChApi ChLinkTSDA : public ChLink {
38   public:
39     ChLinkTSDA();
40     ChLinkTSDA(const ChLinkTSDA& other);
41     ~ChLinkTSDA();
43     /// "Virtual" copy constructor (covariant return type).
44     virtual ChLinkTSDA* Clone() const override;
46     /// Set spring rest (free) length.
47     /// Optionally, the free length can be calculated from the initial configuration (see #Initialize).
SetRestLength(double len)48     void SetRestLength(double len) { m_rest_length = len; }
50     /// Set spring coefficient (default: 0).
51     /// Used only if no force functor is provided.
SetSpringCoefficient(double k)52     void SetSpringCoefficient(double k) { m_k = k; }
54     /// Set damping coefficient (default: 0).
55     /// Used only if no force functor is provided.
SetDampingCoefficient(double r)56     void SetDampingCoefficient(double r) { m_r = r; }
58     /// Set constant actuation force (default: 0).
59     /// Used only if no force functor is provided.
SetActuatorForce(double f)60     void SetActuatorForce(double f) { m_f = f; }
62     /// Declare the forces generated by this spring as stiff (default: false).
63     /// If stiff, Jacobian information will be generated.
IsStiff(bool val)64     void IsStiff(bool val) { m_stiff = val; }
66     /// Get current states.
GetStates()67     const ChVectorDynamic<>& GetStates() const { return m_states; }
69     /// Get the spring rest (free) length.
GetRestLength()70     double GetRestLength() const { return m_rest_length; }
72     /// Get current length.
GetLength()73     double GetLength() const { return m_length; }
75     /// Get current deformation.
GetDeformation()76     double GetDeformation() const { return m_length - m_rest_length; }
78     /// Get current length rate of change.
GetVelocity()79     double GetVelocity() const { return m_length_dt; }
81     /// Get current force (in the direction of the force element).
GetForce()82     double GetForce() const { return m_force; }
84     /// Get the endpoint location on 1st body (expressed in body coordinate system)
GetPoint1Rel()85     const ChVector<>& GetPoint1Rel() const { return m_loc1; }
87     /// Get the endpoint location on 1st body (expressed in absolute coordinate system)
GetPoint1Abs()88     const ChVector<>& GetPoint1Abs() const { return m_aloc1; }
90     /// Get the endpoint location on 2nd body (expressed in body coordinate system)
GetPoint2Rel()91     const ChVector<>& GetPoint2Rel() const { return m_loc2; }
93     /// Get the endpoint location on 1st body (expressed in absolute coordinate system)
GetPoint2Abs()94     const ChVector<>& GetPoint2Abs() const { return m_aloc2; }
96     /// Get the value of the spring coefficient.
97     /// Meaningful only if no force functor is provided.
GetSpringCoefficient()98     double GetSpringCoefficient() const { return m_k; }
100     /// Get the value of the damping coefficient.
101     /// Meaningful only if no force functor is provided.
GetDampingCoefficient()102     double GetDampingCoefficient() const { return m_r; }
104     /// Get the constant acutation force.
105     /// Meaningful only if no force functor is provided.
GetActuatorForce()106     double GetActuatorForce() const { return m_f; }
108     /// Class to be used as a callback interface for calculating the general spring-damper force.
109     class ChApi ForceFunctor {
110       public:
~ForceFunctor()111         virtual ~ForceFunctor() {}
113         /// Calculate and return the general spring-damper force at the specified configuration.
114         /// If the link has internal ODE states, the current states can be accessed with link->GetStates().
115         virtual double operator()(double time,         ///< current time
116                                   double rest_length,  ///< undeformed length
117                                   double length,       ///< current length
118                                   double vel,          ///< current velocity (positive when extending)
119                                   ChLinkTSDA* link     ///< back-pointer to associated link
120                                   ) = 0;
121     };
123     /// Specify the functor object for calculating the force.
RegisterForceFunctor(std::shared_ptr<ForceFunctor> functor)124     void RegisterForceFunctor(std::shared_ptr<ForceFunctor> functor) { m_force_fun = functor; }
126     /// Class to be used as a callback interface for specifying the ODE, y' = f(t,y); y(0) = y0.
127     class ChApi ODE {
128       public:
~ODE()129         virtual ~ODE() {}
131         /// Specify number of states (dimension of y).
132         virtual int GetNumStates() const = 0;
134         /// Set initial conditions.
135         /// Must load y0 = y(0).
136         virtual void SetInitialConditions(ChVectorDynamic<>& states,  ///< output initial conditions vector
137                                           ChLinkTSDA* link            ///< back-pointer to associated link
138                                           ) = 0;
140         /// Calculate and return the ODE right-hand side at the provided time and states.
141         /// Must load f(t,y).
142         virtual void CalculateRHS(double time,                      ///< current time
143                                   const ChVectorDynamic<>& states,  ///< current ODE states
144                                   ChVectorDynamic<>& rhs,           ///< output ODE right-hand side vector
145                                   ChLinkTSDA* link                  ///< back-pointer to associated link
146                                   ) = 0;
148         /// Calculate the Jacobian of the ODE right-hand side with rerspect to the ODE states.
149         /// Only used if the link force is declared as stiff.  If provided, load df/dy into the provided matrix 'jac'
150         /// (already set to zero before the call) and return 'true'. In that case, the user-provided Jacobian will
151         /// overwrite the default finite-difference approximation.
CalculateJac(double time,const ChVectorDynamic<> & states,const ChVectorDynamic<> & rhs,ChMatrixDynamic<> & jac,ChLinkTSDA * link)152         virtual bool CalculateJac(double time,                      ///< current time
153                                   const ChVectorDynamic<>& states,  ///< current ODE states
154                                   const ChVectorDynamic<>& rhs,     ///< current ODE right-hand side vector
155                                   ChMatrixDynamic<>& jac,           ///< output Jacobian matrix
156                                   ChLinkTSDA* link                  ///< back-pointer to associated link
157         ) {
158             return false;
159         }
160     };
162     /// Specify the functor object for calculating the ODE right-hand side.
163     void RegisterODE(ODE* functor);
165     /// Initialize the spring, specifying the two bodies to be connected, the location of the two anchor points of each
166     /// body (each expressed in body or absolute coordinates), and the imposed rest length of the spring.
167     void Initialize(
168         std::shared_ptr<ChBody> body1,  ///< first body to link
169         std::shared_ptr<ChBody> body2,  ///< second body to link
170         bool pos_are_relative,          ///< if true, point locations are relative to bodies
171         ChVector<> loc1,                ///< point on 1st body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
172         ChVector<> loc2,                ///< point on 2nd body (rel. or abs., see flag above)
173         bool auto_rest_length = true,   ///< if true, initializes the rest length as the distance between loc1 and loc2
174         double rest_length = 0          ///< rest length (no need to define if auto_rest_length=true.)
175     );
177     /// Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives.
178     virtual void ArchiveOUT(ChArchiveOut& marchive) override;
180     /// Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives.
181     virtual void ArchiveIN(ChArchiveIn& marchive) override;
183   private:
184     virtual void Update(double mytime, bool update_assets = true) override;
GetDOF()186     virtual int GetDOF() override { return m_nstates; }
188     // Interface to solver
Variables()189     ChVariables& Variables() { return *m_variables; }
190     virtual void InjectVariables(ChSystemDescriptor& descriptor) override;
191     virtual void InjectKRMmatrices(ChSystemDescriptor& descriptor) override;
193     virtual void IntStateGather(const unsigned int off_x,
194                                 ChState& x,
195                                 const unsigned int off_v,
196                                 ChStateDelta& v,
197                                 double& T) override;
198     virtual void IntStateScatter(const unsigned int off_x,
199                                  const ChState& x,
200                                  const unsigned int off_v,
201                                  const ChStateDelta& v,
202                                  const double T,
203                                  bool full_update) override;
204     virtual void IntStateGatherAcceleration(const unsigned int off_a, ChStateDelta& a) override;
205     virtual void IntStateScatterAcceleration(const unsigned int off_a, const ChStateDelta& a) override;
206     virtual void IntLoadResidual_F(const unsigned int off, ChVectorDynamic<>& R, const double c) override;
207     virtual void IntLoadResidual_Mv(const unsigned int off,
208                                     ChVectorDynamic<>& R,
209                                     const ChVectorDynamic<>& v,
210                                     const double c) override;
211     virtual void IntToDescriptor(const unsigned int off_v,
212                                  const ChStateDelta& v,
213                                  const ChVectorDynamic<>& R,
214                                  const unsigned int off_L,
215                                  const ChVectorDynamic<>& L,
216                                  const ChVectorDynamic<>& Qc) override;
217     virtual void IntFromDescriptor(const unsigned int off_v,
218                                    ChStateDelta& v,
219                                    const unsigned int off_L,
220                                    ChVectorDynamic<>& L) override;
222     virtual void KRMmatricesLoad(double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor) override;
224     // Interface to the solver (old style)
225     virtual void VariablesFbReset() override;
226     virtual void VariablesFbLoadForces(double factor = 1) override;
227     virtual void VariablesQbLoadSpeed() override;
228     virtual void VariablesQbSetSpeed(double step = 0) override;
229     virtual void VariablesFbIncrementMq() override;
230     virtual void VariablesQbIncrementPosition(double step) override;
231     virtual void ConstraintsFbLoadForces(double factor = 1) override;
233     /// Manager class for Jacobians matrices. \n
234     /// - Variables associated with this link (order important): body1, body2, ODE states. \n
235     /// - Generalized forces for link (order important): applied force on body1, applied force on body2, ODE RHS. \n
236     /// The K and R blocks in m_KRM have the form: [A B], \n
237     /// with A of size (12+nstates) x 12 and B of size (12+nstates) x nstates. \n
238     /// These blocks are computed using finite-differences. However, if the user-provided ODE class implements
239     /// CalculateJac, that will be used to override the bottom-right (nstates x nstates) block of R.
240     class SpringJacobians {
241       public:
242         ChKblockGeneric m_KRM;  ///< linear combination of K, R, M for the variables associated with this link
243         ChMatrixDynamic<> m_J;  ///< Jacobian of ODE right-hand side with respect to ODE states (contributes to R term)
244         ChMatrixDynamic<> m_K;  ///< K contribution from this link
245         ChMatrixDynamic<> m_R;  ///< R contribution from this link
246     };
248     /// Compute generalized forces Q given the packed states and state derivatives.
249     void ComputeQ(double time,                  ///< current time
250                   const ChState& state_x,       ///< state position to evaluate Q
251                   const ChStateDelta& state_w,  ///< state speed to evaluate Q
252                   ChVectorDynamic<>& Qforce     ///< output forcing vector
253     );
255     /// Create the Jacobian matrices, allocate space, associate variables.
256     void CreateJacobianMatrices();
258     /// Compute the Jacobian of the generalized forcing with respect to states of the two connected bodies and internal
259     /// states (as needed).  Most of this information is computed using forward finite-differences.
260     void ComputeJacobians(double time,                 ///< current time
261                           const ChState& state_x,      ///< state position to evaluate jacobians
262                           const ChStateDelta& state_w  ///< state speed to evaluate jacobians
263     );
265     ChVector<> m_loc1;     ///< location of end point on body1 (relative to body1)
266     ChVector<> m_loc2;     ///< location of end point on body2 (relative to body1)
267     ChVector<> m_aloc1;    ///< location of end point on body1 (absolute)
268     ChVector<> m_aloc2;    ///< location of end point on body2 (absolute)
269     double m_rest_length;  ///< undeformed length
270     double m_length;       ///< current length
271     double m_length_dt;    ///< current length rate of change
273     bool m_stiff;  ///< true if loads are stiff (triggers Jacobian calculation)
275     double m_k;  ///< spring coefficient (if no force functor provided)
276     double m_r;  ///< damping coefficient (if no force functor provided)
277     double m_f;  ///< constant actuation (if no force functor provided)
279     std::shared_ptr<ForceFunctor> m_force_fun;  ///< functor for force calculation
280     double m_force;                             ///< force in distance coordinates
282     ODE* m_ode_fun;                               ///< functor for ODE specification
283     int m_nstates;                                ///< number of internal ODE states
284     ChVectorDynamic<> m_states;                   ///< vector of internal ODE states
285     ChVariablesGenericDiagonalMass* m_variables;  ///< carrier for internal dynamics states
287     ChVectorDynamic<> m_Qforce;    ///< generalized forcing terms
288     SpringJacobians* m_jacobians;  ///< Jacobian information
290     static const double m_FD_delta;  ///< perturbation for finite-difference Jacobian approximation
292     friend class ChSystemMulticore;
293 };
297 }  // end namespace chrono
299 #endif