1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Dario Mangoni, Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
15 #include <mpi.h>
16 #include <bitset>
18 #include "chrono_mumps/ChMumpsEngine.h"
20 namespace chrono {
ChMumpsEngine()22 ChMumpsEngine::ChMumpsEngine() {
23     int myrank;
24     MPI_Init(nullptr, nullptr);
25     MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
27     /* Initialize a MUMPS instance. Use MPI_COMM_WORLD */
28     mumps_id.job = INIT;
29     mumps_id.par = 1;
30     mumps_id.sym = UNSYMMETRIC;
31     mumps_id.comm_fortran = -987654;
33     dmumps_c(&mumps_id);
35     /* Output messages */
36     mumps_id.ICNTL(1) = 6;  // Error
37     mumps_id.ICNTL(2) = 0;  // Diagnostic and warnings
38     mumps_id.ICNTL(3) = 0;  // Global information
39     mumps_id.ICNTL(4) = 1;  // Error, warning and diagnostic control
41     /* Matrix control */
42     mumps_id.ICNTL(5) = 0;   // COO Matrix format selection
43     mumps_id.ICNTL(18) = 0;  // Matrix centralized on the host
44 }
~ChMumpsEngine()46 ChMumpsEngine::~ChMumpsEngine() {
47     mumps_id.job = END;
48     dmumps_c(&mumps_id);  // Terminate instance
49     MPI_Finalize();
50 }
SetProblem(const ChSparseMatrix & Z,ChVectorRef rhs)52 void ChMumpsEngine::SetProblem(const ChSparseMatrix& Z, ChVectorRef rhs) {
53     SetMatrix(Z);
54     SetRhsVector(rhs);
55 }
SetMatrix(const ChSparseMatrix & Z)57 void ChMumpsEngine::SetMatrix(const ChSparseMatrix& Z) {
58     // Convert to COO representation (1-indexed)
59     int dim = (int)Z.rows();
60     int nnz = (int)Z.nonZeros();
62     m_irn.resize(nnz);
63     m_jcn.resize(nnz);
64     m_a.resize(nnz);
66     int i = 0;
67     for (int k = 0; k < Z.outerSize(); ++k) {
68         for (ChSparseMatrix::InnerIterator it(Z, k); it; ++it) {
69             m_irn[i] = (int)it.row() + 1;
70             m_jcn[i] = (int)it.col() + 1;
71             m_a[i] = it.value();
72             i++;
73         }
74     }
76     mumps_id.n = dim;
77     mumps_id.nz = nnz;
78     mumps_id.irn = m_irn.data();
79     mumps_id.jcn = m_jcn.data();
80     mumps_id.a = m_a.data();
81 }
SetMatrixSymmetry(mumps_SYM mat_type)83 void ChMumpsEngine::SetMatrixSymmetry(mumps_SYM mat_type) {
84     mumps_id.sym = mat_type;
85 }
SetRhsVector(ChVectorRef b)87 void ChMumpsEngine::SetRhsVector(ChVectorRef b) {
88     mumps_id.rhs = b.data();
89 }
SetRhsVector(double * b)91 void ChMumpsEngine::SetRhsVector(double* b) {
92     mumps_id.rhs = b;
93 }
EnableNullPivotDetection(bool val,double threshold)95 void ChMumpsEngine::EnableNullPivotDetection(bool val, double threshold) {
96     mumps_id.ICNTL(24) = val;      ///< activates null pivot detection
97     mumps_id.ICNTL(25) = 0;        ///< tries to compute one of the many solutions of AX = B
98     mumps_id.CNTL(5) = 1e20;       ///< fixation value
99     mumps_id.CNTL(3) = threshold;  ///< pivot threshold
100 }
MumpsCall(mumps_JOB job_call)103 int ChMumpsEngine::MumpsCall(mumps_JOB job_call) {
104     /* Call the MUMPS package. */
105     mumps_id.job = job_call;
106     dmumps_c(&mumps_id);
107     return mumps_id.INFOG(1);
108 }
PrintINFOG()110 void ChMumpsEngine::PrintINFOG() {
111     if (mumps_id.INFOG(1) > 0) {
112         printf("WARN: INFOG(1)=");
113         typedef std::bitset<sizeof(int)> IntBits;
114         if (IntBits(mumps_id.INFOG(1)).test(0))
115             printf("+1: Row or column index out of range. Faulty entries: %d\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
116         if (IntBits(mumps_id.INFOG(1)).test(1))
117             printf("+2: Solution max-norm = 0\n");
118         if (IntBits(mumps_id.INFOG(1)).test(3))
119             printf("+8: More than %d iterative refinements are required\n", mumps_id.ICNTL(10));
120         return;
121     }
123     if (mumps_id.INFOG(1) == 0) {
124         printf("INFOG(1)=0: Mumps is successful!\n");
125         return;
126     }
128     printf("ERR: INFOG(1)=");
129     switch (mumps_id.INFOG(1)) {
130         case (0):
131             printf("0: Mumps is successful!\n");
132             break;
133         case (-1):
134             printf("-1: Error on processor %d\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
135             break;
136         case (-2):
137             printf("-2: Number of nonzeros out of range NZ=%d\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
138             break;
139         case (-3):
140             printf("-3: Mumps called with wrong JOB. JOB=%d\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
141             break;
142         case (-4):
143             printf("-4: Error in user-provided permutation array PERM_IN at position: %d\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
144             break;
145         case (-5):
146             printf("-5: Problem of real workspace allocation of size %d during analysis\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
147             break;
148         case (-6):
149             printf("-6: Matrix is singular in structure. Matrix rank: %d\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
150             break;
151         case (-7):
152             printf("-7: Problem of integer workspace allocation of size %d during analysis\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
153             break;
154         case (-10):
155             printf("-10: Matrix is numerically singular.\n");
156             break;
157         case (-16):
158             printf("-16: N is out of range. N=%d\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
159             break;
160         case (-21):
161             printf("-21: PAR=1 not allowed because only one processor is available.\n");
162             break;
163         case (-22):
164             printf("-22: Array pointers have problems. INFOG(2)=%d\n", mumps_id.INFOG(2));
165             break;
166         default:
167             printf("%d: See the user guide. INFOG(2)=%d\n", mumps_id.INFOG(1), mumps_id.INFOG(2));
168     }
169 }
171 }  // namespace chrono