1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Justin Madsen, Markus Schmid
13 // =============================================================================
14 //
15 // Base class for a Pacejka type Magic formula 2002 tire model
16 //
17 // =============================================================================
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <cmath>
21 #include <cstdlib>
23 #include "chrono/core/ChTimer.h"
24 #include "chrono/core/ChGlobal.h"
25 #include "chrono/core/ChLog.h"
27 #include "chrono_vehicle/wheeled_vehicle/tire/ChPacejkaTire.h"
29 namespace chrono {
30 namespace vehicle {
32 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 // Static variables
34 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 // Threshold value for small forward tangential velocity.
37 // static const double v_x_threshold = 0.2;
39 // large Fz leads to large m_dF_z, leads to large Fx, Fy, etc.
40 static double Fz_thresh = 30000;
41 // max reaction threshold
42 static double Fx_thresh = 20000.0;
43 static double Fy_thresh = 20000.0;
44 static double Mx_thresh = Fz_thresh / 20.0;
45 static double My_thresh = Fx_thresh / 20.0;
46 static double Mz_thresh = Fz_thresh / 20.0;
48 static double kappaP_thresh = 0.01;
49 static double alphaP_thresh = 0.1;
50 static double gammaP_thresh = 0.05;
51 static double phiP_thresh = 99;
52 static double phiT_thresh = 99;
54 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 // Constructors
56 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ChPacejkaTire(const std::string & name,const std::string & pacTire_paramFile)57 ChPacejkaTire::ChPacejkaTire(const std::string& name, const std::string& pacTire_paramFile)
58     : ChTire(name),
59       m_paramFile(pacTire_paramFile),
60       m_params_defined(false),
61       m_use_transient_slip(true),
62       m_use_Fz_override(false),
63       m_driven(false),
64       m_mu0(0.8) {}
ChPacejkaTire(const std::string & name,const std::string & pacTire_paramFile,double Fz_override,bool use_transient_slip)66 ChPacejkaTire::ChPacejkaTire(const std::string& name,
67                              const std::string& pacTire_paramFile,
68                              double Fz_override,
69                              bool use_transient_slip)
70     : ChTire(name),
71       m_paramFile(pacTire_paramFile),
72       m_params_defined(false),
73       m_use_transient_slip(use_transient_slip),
74       m_use_Fz_override(Fz_override > 0),
75       m_Fz_override(Fz_override),
76       m_driven(false),
77       m_mu0(0.8) {}
79 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 // Destructor
81 //
82 // Delete private structures
83 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
~ChPacejkaTire()84 ChPacejkaTire::~ChPacejkaTire() {
85     delete m_slip;
86     delete m_params;
87     delete m_pureLong;
88     delete m_pureLat;
89     delete m_pureTorque;
90     delete m_combinedLong;
91     delete m_combinedLat;
92     delete m_combinedTorque;
93     delete m_zeta;
94     delete m_relaxation;
95     delete m_bessel;
96 }
98 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 // NOTE: no initial conditions passed in at this point, e.g. m_tireState is empty
Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChWheel> wheel)101 void ChPacejkaTire::Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChWheel> wheel) {
102     ChTire::Initialize(wheel);
104     // Create private structures
105     m_slip = new slips;
106     m_params = new Pac2002_data;
108     m_pureLong = new pureLongCoefs;
109     m_pureLat = new pureLatCoefs;
110     m_pureTorque = new pureTorqueCoefs;
112     m_combinedLong = new combinedLongCoefs;
113     m_combinedLat = new combinedLatCoefs;
114     m_combinedTorque = new combinedTorqueCoefs;
115     // m_combinedTorque->M_zr = 0;
116     // m_combinedTorque->M_z_x = 0;
117     // m_combinedTorque->M_z_y = 0;
118     m_zeta = new zetaCoefs;
119     m_relaxation = new relaxationL;
120     m_bessel = new bessel;
122     // negative number indicates no steps have been taken yet
123     m_time_since_last_step = 0;
124     m_initial_step = false;  // have not taken a step at time = 0 yet
125     m_num_ODE_calls = 0;
126     m_sum_ODE_time = 0.0;
127     m_num_Advance_calls = 0;
128     m_sum_Advance_time = 0.0;
130     // load all the empirical tire parameters from *.tir file
131     loadPacTireParamFile();
133     //// TODO:  Need to figure out a better way of indicating errors
134     ////        Right now, we cannot have this function throw an exception since
135     ////        it's called from the constructor!   Must fix this...
136     if (!m_params_defined) {
137         GetLog() << " couldn't load pacTire parameters from file, not updating initial quantities \n\n";
138         return;
139     }
141     // LEFT or RIGHT side of the vehicle?
142     if (m_wheel->GetSide() == LEFT) {
143         m_sameSide = (!m_params->model.tyreside.compare("LEFT")) ? 1 : -1;
144     } else {
145         // on right
146         m_sameSide = (!m_params->model.tyreside.compare("RIGHT")) ? 1 : -1;
147     }
149     // any variables that are calculated once
150     m_R0 = m_params->dimension.unloaded_radius;
152     //// TODO:  why do we have to initialize m_R_l and m_R_eff here?
153     ////        This is done in Synchronize(), when we have a proper wheel state.
155     m_R_l = m_R0 - 8000.0 / m_params->vertical.vertical_stiffness;
156     double qV1 = 1.5;
157     double rho = (m_R0 - m_R_l) * exp(-qV1 * m_R0 * pow(1.05 * m_params->model.longvl / m_params->model.longvl, 2));
158     m_R_eff = m_R0 - rho;
160     // Build the lookup table for penetration depth as function of intersection area
161     // (used only with the ChTire::ENVELOPE method for terrain-tire collision detection)
162     ConstructAreaDepthTable(m_R0, m_areaDep);
164     m_Fz = 0;
165     m_dF_z = 0;
167     // spin slip coefficients,  unused for now
168     {
169         zetaCoefs tmp = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
170         *m_zeta = tmp;
171     }
173     m_combinedTorque->alpha_r_eq = 0.0;
174     m_pureLat->D_y = m_params->vertical.fnomin;  // initial approximation
175     m_C_Fx = 161000;                             // calibrated, sigma_kappa = sigma_kappa_ref = 1.29
176     m_C_Fy = 144000;                             // calibrated, sigma_alpha = sigma_alpha_ref = 0.725
178     // Initialize all other variables
179     m_Num_WriteOutData = 0;
180     zero_slips();  // zeros slips, and some other vars
181 }
183 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AddVisualizationAssets(VisualizationType vis)185 void ChPacejkaTire::AddVisualizationAssets(VisualizationType vis) {
186     if (vis == VisualizationType::NONE)
187         return;
189     m_cyl_shape = chrono_types::make_shared<ChCylinderShape>();
190     m_cyl_shape->GetCylinderGeometry().rad = GetRadius();
191     m_cyl_shape->GetCylinderGeometry().p1 = ChVector<>(0, GetOffset() + GetVisualizationWidth() / 2, 0);
192     m_cyl_shape->GetCylinderGeometry().p2 = ChVector<>(0, GetOffset() - GetVisualizationWidth() / 2, 0);
193     m_wheel->GetSpindle()->AddAsset(m_cyl_shape);
195     m_texture = chrono_types::make_shared<ChTexture>();
196     m_texture->SetTextureFilename(GetChronoDataFile("textures/greenwhite.png"));
197     m_wheel->GetSpindle()->AddAsset(m_texture);
198 }
RemoveVisualizationAssets()200 void ChPacejkaTire::RemoveVisualizationAssets() {
201     // Make sure we only remove the assets added by ChPacejkaTire::AddVisualizationAssets.
202     // This is important for the ChTire object because a wheel may add its own assets
203     // to the same body (the spindle/wheel).
204     auto& assets = m_wheel->GetSpindle()->GetAssets();
205     {
206         auto it = std::find(assets.begin(), assets.end(), m_cyl_shape);
207         if (it != assets.end())
208             assets.erase(it);
209     }
210     {
211         auto it = std::find(assets.begin(), assets.end(), m_texture);
212         if (it != assets.end())
213             assets.erase(it);
214     }
215 }
217 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 // Return computed tire forces and moment (pure slip or combined slip and in
219 // local or global frame). The main GetTireForce() function returns the combined
220 // slip tire forces, expressed in the global frame.
221 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetTireForce() const222 TerrainForce ChPacejkaTire::GetTireForce() const {
223     return GetTireForce_combinedSlip(false);
224 }
ReportTireForce(ChTerrain * terrain) const226 TerrainForce ChPacejkaTire::ReportTireForce(ChTerrain* terrain) const {
227     return GetTireForce_combinedSlip(false);
228 }
GetTireForce_pureSlip(const bool local) const230 TerrainForce ChPacejkaTire::GetTireForce_pureSlip(const bool local) const {
231     if (local)
232         return m_FM_pure;
234     // reactions are on wheel CM
235     TerrainForce m_FM_global;
236     m_FM_global.point = m_tireState.pos;
237     // only transform the directions of the forces, moments, from local to global
238     m_FM_global.force = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_FM_pure.force);
239     m_FM_global.moment = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_FM_pure.moment);
241     return m_FM_global;
242 }
244 /// Return the reactions for the combined slip EQs, in local or global coordinates
GetTireForce_combinedSlip(const bool local) const245 TerrainForce ChPacejkaTire::GetTireForce_combinedSlip(const bool local) const {
246     if (local)
247         return m_FM_combined;
249     // reactions are on wheel CM
250     TerrainForce m_FM_global;
251     m_FM_global.point = m_W_frame.pos;
252     // only transform the directions of the forces, moments, from local to global
253     m_FM_global.force = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_FM_combined.force);
254     m_FM_global.moment = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionLocalToParent(m_FM_combined.moment);
256     return m_FM_global;
257 }
259 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
260 // Update the internal state of this tire using the specified wheel state. The
261 // quantities calculated here will be kept constant until the next call to the
262 // Synchronize() function.
263 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Synchronize(double time,const ChTerrain & terrain)264 void ChPacejkaTire::Synchronize(double time,
265                                 const ChTerrain& terrain) {
266     //// TODO: This must be removed from here.  A tire with unspecified or
267     ////       incorrect parameters should have been invalidate at initialization.
268     // Check that input tire model parameters are defined
269     if (!m_params_defined) {
270         GetLog() << " ERROR: cannot update tire w/o setting the model parameters first! \n\n\n";
271         return;
272     }
274     m_tireState = m_wheel->GetState();
275     CalculateKinematics(time, m_tireState, terrain);
277     // Update the tire coordinate system.
278     m_simTime = time;
279     update_W_frame(terrain);
281     // If not using the transient slip model, check that the tangential forward
282     // velocity is not too small.
283     ChVector<> V = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(m_tireState.lin_vel);
284     if (!m_use_transient_slip && std::abs(V.x()) < 0.1) {
285         GetLog() << " ERROR: tangential forward velocity below threshold.... \n\n";
286         return;
287     }
289     // keep the last calculated reaction force or moment, to use later
290     m_FM_pure_last = m_FM_pure;
291     m_FM_combined_last = m_FM_combined;
292 }
294 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
295 // Advance the state of this tire by the specified time step. If using the
296 // transient slip model, perform integration taking as many integration steps
297 // as needed.
298 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advance(double step)299 void ChPacejkaTire::Advance(double step) {
300     // Initialize the output tire forces to ensure that we do not report any tire
301     // forces if the tire does not contact the terrain.
302     m_FM_pure.point = ChVector<>();
303     m_FM_pure.force = ChVector<>();
304     m_FM_pure.moment = ChVector<>();
306     m_FM_combined.point = ChVector<>();
307     m_FM_combined.force = ChVector<>();
308     m_FM_combined.moment = ChVector<>();
310     // increment the counter
311     ChTimer<double> advance_time;
312     m_num_Advance_calls++;
314     // Do nothing if the wheel does not contact the terrain.  In this case, all
315     // reported tire forces will be zero. Still have to update slip quantities, since
316     // displacements won't go to zero immediately
317     /*
318     if (!m_in_contact)
319     {
320       zero_slips();
321       return;
322     }
323     */
325     // If using single point contact model, slips are calculated from compliance
326     // between tire and contact patch.
327     if (m_use_transient_slip) {
328         // 1 of 2 ways to deal with user input time step increment
330         // 1) ...
331         // a) step <= m_stepsize, so integrate using input step
332         // b) step > m_stepsize, use m_stepsize until step <= m_stepsize
333         double remaining_time = step;
334         // only count the time take to do actual calculations in Advance time
335         advance_time.start();
336         // keep track of the ODE calculation time
337         ChTimer<double> ODE_timer;
338         ODE_timer.start();
339         while (remaining_time > m_stepsize) {
340             advance_tire(m_stepsize);
341             remaining_time -= m_stepsize;
342         }
343         // take one final step to reach the specified time.
344         advance_tire(remaining_time);
346         // stop the timers
347         ODE_timer.stop();
348         m_num_ODE_calls++;
349         m_sum_ODE_time += ODE_timer();
351         /*
353         // ... or, 2)
354         // assume input step is smaller than it has to be. Then, take x steps
355         // until actually re-calculating reactions.
356         m_time_since_last_step =+ step;
357         // enough time has accumulated to do a macro step, OR, it's the first step
358         if( m_time_since_last_step >= m_stepsize || !m_initial_step)
359         {
360           // only count the time take to do actual calculations in Advance time
361           advance_time.start();
362           // keep track of the ODE calculation time
363           ChTimer<double> ODE_timer;
364           ODE_timer.start();
365           advance_slip_transient(m_time_since_last_step);
366           ODE_timer.stop();
367           // increment the timer, counter
368           m_num_ODE_calls++;
369           m_sum_ODE_time += ODE_timer();
371           m_time_since_last_step = 0;
372           m_initial_step = true;  // 2nd term in if() above will always be false
373         } else {
374           return;
375         }
376         */
378     } else {
379         // Calculate the vertical load and update tire deflection and rolling radius
380         update_verticalLoad(step);
382         // Calculate kinematic slip quantities
383         slip_kinematic();
384     }
386     // Calculate the force and moment reaction, pure slip case
387     pureSlipReactions();
389     // Update m_FM_combined.forces, m_FM_combined.moment.z
390     combinedSlipReactions();
392     // Update M_x, apply to both m_FM and m_FM_combined
393     // gamma should already be corrected for L/R side, so need to swap Fy if on opposite side
394     double Mx = m_sameSide * calc_Mx(m_sameSide * m_FM_combined.force.y(), m_slip->gammaP);
395     m_FM_pure.moment.x() = Mx;
396     m_FM_combined.moment.x() = Mx;
398     // Update M_y, apply to both m_FM and m_FM_combined
399     // be sure signs ARE THE SAME, else it becomes self-energizing on one side
400     double My = calc_My(m_FM_combined.force.x());
401     m_FM_pure.moment.y() = My;
402     m_FM_combined.moment.y() = My;
404     // all the reactions have been calculated, stop the advance timer
405     advance_time.stop();
406     m_sum_Advance_time += advance_time();
408     // DEBUGGING
409     // m_FM_combined.moment.y() = 0;
410     // m_FM_combined.moment.z() = 0;
412     // evaluate the reaction forces calculated
413     evaluate_reactions(false, false);
414 }
advance_tire(double step)416 void ChPacejkaTire::advance_tire(double step) {
417     // Calculate the vertical load and update tire deflection and tire rolling
418     // radius.
419     update_verticalLoad(step);
421     // Calculate kinematic slip quantities, based on specified wheel state. This
422     // assumes that the inputs to wheel spindle instantly affect tire contact.
423     // Note: kappaP, alphaP, gammaP may be overridden in Advance
424     slip_kinematic();
426     advance_slip_transient(step);
427 }
429 // Calculate the tire contact coordinate system.
430 // TYDEX W-axis system is at the contact point "C", Z-axis normal to the terrain
431 //  and X-axis along the wheel centerline.
432 // Local frame transforms output forces/moments to global frame, to be applied
433 //  to the wheel body CM.
434 // Pacejka (2006), Fig 2.3, all forces are calculated at the contact point "C"
update_W_frame(const ChTerrain & terrain)435 void ChPacejkaTire::update_W_frame(const ChTerrain& terrain) {
436     // Check contact with terrain, using a disc of radius R0.
437     ChCoordsys<> contact_frame;
439     m_mu = terrain.GetCoefficientFriction(m_tireState.pos);
441     double depth;
442     double dum_cam;
443     switch (m_collision_type) {
444         case CollisionType::SINGLE_POINT:
445             m_in_contact =
446                 DiscTerrainCollision(terrain, m_tireState.pos, m_tireState.rot.GetYaxis(), m_R0, contact_frame, depth);
447             break;
448         case CollisionType::FOUR_POINTS:
449             m_in_contact = DiscTerrainCollision4pt(terrain, m_tireState.pos, m_tireState.rot.GetYaxis(), m_R0,
450                                                    m_params->dimension.width, contact_frame, depth, dum_cam);
451             break;
452         case CollisionType::ENVELOPE:
453             m_in_contact = DiscTerrainCollisionEnvelope(terrain, m_tireState.pos, m_tireState.rot.GetYaxis(), m_R0,
454                                                         m_areaDep, contact_frame, depth);
455             break;
456         default:
457             m_in_contact = false;
458             depth = 0;
459             break;
460     }
462     // set the depth if there is contact with terrain
463     m_depth = (m_in_contact) ? depth : 0;
465     // Wheel normal (expressed in global frame)
466     ChVector<> wheel_normal = m_tireState.rot.GetYaxis();
468     // Terrain normal at wheel center location (expressed in global frame)
470     //// RADU: what frame is m_tireState in?!?   Will this work with a non-ISO world frame?
471     ////       why don't we use the wheel's normal direction?!?!
473     ChVector<> Z_dir = terrain.GetNormal(m_tireState.pos);
475     // Longitudinal (heading) and lateral directions, in the terrain plane.
476     ChVector<> X_dir = Vcross(wheel_normal, Z_dir);
477     X_dir.Normalize();
478     ChVector<> Y_dir = Vcross(Z_dir, X_dir);
480     // Create a rotation matrix from the three unit vectors
481     ChMatrix33<> rot;
482     rot.Set_A_axis(X_dir, Y_dir, Z_dir);
484     // W-Axis system position at the contact point
485     m_W_frame.pos = contact_frame.pos;
486     m_W_frame.rot = rot.Get_A_quaternion();
487 }
489 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
490 // Calculate the tire vertical load at the current configuration and update the
491 // tire deflection and tire rolling radius.
492 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
update_verticalLoad(double step)493 void ChPacejkaTire::update_verticalLoad(double step) {
494     double Fz;
496     if (m_use_Fz_override) {
497         // Vertical load specified as input.
498         Fz = m_Fz_override;
499         m_Fz = m_Fz_override;
501         // Estimate the tire deformation and set the statically loaded radius
502         // (assuming static loading).
503         m_R_l = m_R0 - Fz / m_params->vertical.vertical_stiffness;
505         // In this case, the tire is always assumed to be in contact with the
506         // terrain.
507         m_in_contact = true;
508     } else {
509         // Calculate the tire vertical load using a spring-damper model. Note that
510         // this also sets the statically loaded radius m_R_l, as well as the boolean
511         // flag m_in_contact.
512         Fz = calc_Fz();
513         // assert( Fz >= m_params->vertical_force_range.fzmin);
515         double capped_Fz = 0;
516         // use the vertical load in the reaction to the wheel, but not in the Magic Formula Eqs
517         if (Fz > Fz_thresh) {
518             // large Fz leads to large m_dF_z, leads to large Fx, Fy, etc.
519             capped_Fz = Fz_thresh;
520         } else {
521             capped_Fz = Fz;
522         }
524         // damp the change in Fz
525         m_Fz = capped_Fz;  //  - delta_Fz_damped;
526                            // if( Fz_damp * delta_Fz_damped > capped_Fz)
527                            // {
528                            //  m_Fz = m_params->vertical_force_range.fzmin;
529         //  GetLog() << " \n **** \n the damper on m_Fz should not cause it to go negative !!!! \n\n\n";
530         // }
531     }
533     assert(m_Fz > 0);
534     // ratio of actual load to nominal
535     m_dF_z = (m_Fz - m_params->vertical.fnomin) / m_params->vertical.fnomin;
537     // Calculate tire vertical deflection, rho.
538     double qV1 = 0.000071;  // from example
539     double K1 = pow(m_tireState.omega * m_R0 / m_params->model.longvl, 2);
540     double rho = m_R0 - m_R_l + qV1 * m_R0 * K1;
541     double rho_Fz0 = m_params->vertical.fnomin / (m_params->vertical.vertical_stiffness);
542     double rho_d = rho / rho_Fz0;
544     // Calculate tire rolling radius, R_eff.  Clamp this value to R0.
545     m_R_eff = m_R0 + qV1 * m_R0 * K1 -
546               rho_Fz0 * (m_params->vertical.dreff * std::atan(m_params->vertical.breff * rho_d) +
547                          m_params->vertical.freff * rho_d);
548     if (m_R_eff > m_R0)
549         m_R_eff = m_R0;
551     if (m_in_contact) {
552         // Load vertical component of tire force
553         m_FM_pure.force.z() = Fz;
554         m_FM_combined.force.z() = Fz;
555     }
556 }
558 // NOTE: must
calc_Fz()559 double ChPacejkaTire::calc_Fz() {
560     // Initialize the statically loaded radius to R0.  This is the returned value
561     // if no vertical force is generated.
562     m_R_l = m_R0;
564     if (!m_in_contact)
565         return m_params->vertical_force_range.fzmin;
567     // Calculate relative velocity (wheel - terrain) at contact point, in the
568     // global frame and then express it in the contact frame.
569     ChVector<> relvel_abs = m_tireState.lin_vel + Vcross(m_tireState.ang_vel, m_W_frame.pos - m_tireState.pos);
570     ChVector<> relvel_loc = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(relvel_abs);
572     // Calculate normal contact force, using a spring-damper model.
573     // Note: depth is always positive, so the damping should always subtract
574     double Fz = m_params->vertical.vertical_stiffness * m_depth - m_params->vertical.vertical_damping * relvel_loc.z();
576     // Adams reference, Fz = Fz(omega, Fx, Fy, gamma, m_depth, relvel_loc.z)
577     double q_v2 = 2.0;                                     // linear stiffness increase with spin
578     double q_Fcx = 0.2;                                    // Fx stiffness reduction
579     double q_Fcy = 0.35;                                   // Fy stiffness reduction
580     double q_FcG = 0.001;                                  // camber stiffness increase
581     double C_Fz = m_params->vertical.vertical_damping;     // damping
582     double q_Fz1 = m_params->vertical.vertical_stiffness;  // linear stiffness
583     double q_Fz2 = 500.0;                                  // 2nd order stiffness
584     // scale the stiffness by considering forces and spin rate
585     double force_term = 1.0 + q_v2 * std::abs(m_tireState.omega) * m_R0 / m_params->model.longvl -
586                         pow(q_Fcx * m_FM_combined_last.force.x() / m_params->vertical.fnomin, 2) -
587                         pow(q_Fcy * m_FM_combined_last.force.y() / m_params->vertical.fnomin, 2) +
588                         q_FcG * pow(m_slip->gammaP, 2);
589     double rho_term = q_Fz1 * m_depth + q_Fz2 * pow(m_depth, 2);
590     //  Fz = force_term*rho_term*Fz0 + C_Fz * v_z
591     double Fz_adams = force_term * rho_term - C_Fz * relvel_loc.z();
593     // for a 37x12.5 R16.5 Wrangler MT @ 30 psi
594     // double k1 = 550000.0;
595     // double k2 = 1e5;
596     // vertical_damping can be some small percentage of vertical_stiffness (e.g., 2%)
597     // double c = 0.001 * k1;
598     // double Fz = k1 * m_depth - c * relvel_loc.z(); // + k2 * pow(m_depth,2);
600     // if (Fz < m_params->vertical_force_range.fzmin)
601     if (Fz_adams < m_params->vertical_force_range.fzmin)
602         return m_params->vertical_force_range.fzmin;
604     m_R_l = m_R0 - m_depth;
606     return Fz;
607     // return Fz_adams;
608 }
610 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
611 // Calculate kinematic slip quantities from the current wheel state.
612 // Note: when not in contact, all slips are assumed zero, but velocities still set
613 // The wheel state structure contains the following member variables:
614 //   ChVector<>     pos;        global position
615 //   ChQuaternion<> rot;        orientation with respect to global frame
616 //   ChVector<>     lin_vel;    linear velocity, expressed in the global frame
617 //   ChVector<>     ang_vel;    angular velocity, expressed in the global frame
618 //   double         omega;      wheel angular speed about its rotation axis
619 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
slip_kinematic()620 void ChPacejkaTire::slip_kinematic() {
621     // Express the wheel velocity in the tire coordinate system and calculate the
622     // slip angle alpha. (Override V.x if too small)
623     ChVector<> V = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(m_tireState.lin_vel);
624     // regardless of contact
625     m_slip->V_cx = V.x();  // tire center x-vel, tire c-sys
626     m_slip->V_cy = V.y();  // tire center y-vel, tire c-sys
628     if (m_in_contact) {
629         m_slip->V_sx = V.x() - m_tireState.omega * m_R_eff;  // x-slip vel, tire c-sys
630         m_slip->V_sy = V.y();                                // approx.
632         // ensure V_x is not too small, else scale V_x to the threshold
633         if (std::abs(V.x()) < m_params->model.vxlow) {
634             V.x() = (V.x() < 0) ? -m_params->model.vxlow : m_params->model.vxlow;
635         }
637         double V_x_abs = std::abs(V.x());
638         // lateral slip angle, in the range: (-pi/2 ,pi/2)
639         double alpha = std::atan(V.y() / V_x_abs);
641         // Express the wheel normal in the tire coordinate system and calculate the
642         // wheel camber angle gamma.
643         ChVector<> n = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(m_tireState.rot.GetYaxis());
644         double gamma = std::atan2(n.z(), n.y());
646         double kappa = -m_slip->V_sx / V_x_abs;
648         // alpha_star = tan(alpha) = v_y / v_x
649         double alpha_star = m_slip->V_sy / V_x_abs;
651         // Set the struct data members, input slips to wheel
652         m_slip->kappa = kappa;
653         m_slip->alpha = alpha;
654         m_slip->alpha_star = alpha_star;
655         m_slip->gamma = gamma;
657         // Express the wheel angular velocity in the tire coordinate system and
658         // extract the turn slip velocity, psi_dot
659         ChVector<> w = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(m_tireState.ang_vel);
660         m_slip->psi_dot = w.z();
662         // For aligning torque, to handle large slips, and backwards operation
663         double V_mag = std::sqrt(V.x() * V.x() + V.y() * V.y());
664         m_slip->cosPrime_alpha = V.x() / V_mag;
666         // Finally, if non-transient, use wheel slips as input to Magic Formula.
667         // These get over-written if enable transient slips to be calculated
668         m_slip->kappaP = kappa;
669         m_slip->alphaP = alpha_star;
670         m_slip->gammaP = std::sin(gamma);
671     } else {
672         // not in contact, set input slips to 0
673         m_slip->V_sx = 0;
674         m_slip->V_sy = 0;
676         m_slip->kappa = 0;
677         m_slip->alpha = 0;
678         m_slip->alpha_star = 0;
679         m_slip->gamma = 0;
680         // further, set the slips used in the MF eqs. to zero
681         m_slip->kappaP = 0;
682         m_slip->alphaP = 0;
683         m_slip->gammaP = 0;
684         // slip velocities should likely be zero also
685         m_slip->cosPrime_alpha = 1;
687         // Express the wheel angular velocity in the tire coordinate system and
688         // extract the turn slip velocity, psi_dot
689         ChVector<> w = m_W_frame.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(m_tireState.ang_vel);
690         m_slip->psi_dot = w.z();
691     }
692 }
zero_slips()694 void ChPacejkaTire::zero_slips() {
695     // reset relevant slip variables here
696     slips zero_slip = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
697     *m_slip = zero_slip;
698 }
700 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
701 // Calculate transient slip properties, using first order ODEs to find slip
702 // displacements from velocities.
703 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
advance_slip_transient(double step_size)704 void ChPacejkaTire::advance_slip_transient(double step_size) {
705     // hard-coded, for now
706     double EPS_GAMMA = 0.6;
707     // update relaxation lengths
708     relaxationLengths();
710     // local c-sys velocities
711     double V_cx = m_slip->V_cx;
712     double V_cx_abs = std::abs(V_cx);
713     double V_cx_low = 2.5;  // cut-off for low velocity zone
714     double V_sx = m_slip->V_sx;
715     double V_sy = m_slip->V_sy * m_sameSide;    // due to asymmetry about centerline
716     double gamma = m_slip->gamma * m_sameSide;  // due to asymmetry
717     // see if low velocity considerations should be made
718     double alpha_sl = std::abs(3.0 * m_pureLat->D_y / m_relaxation->C_Falpha);
719     // Eq. 7.25 from Pacejka (2006), solve du_dt and dvalpha_dt
720     if ((std::abs(m_combinedTorque->alpha_r_eq) > alpha_sl) && (V_cx_abs < V_cx_low)) {
721         // Eq. 7.9, else du/dt = 0 and u remains unchanged
722         if ((V_sx + V_cx_abs * m_slip->u / m_relaxation->sigma_kappa) * m_slip->u >= 0) {
723             // solve the ODE using RK - 45 integration
724             m_slip->Idu_dt = ODE_RK_uv(V_sx, m_relaxation->sigma_kappa, V_cx, step_size, m_slip->u);
725             m_slip->u += m_slip->Idu_dt;
726         } else {
727             m_slip->Idu_dt = 0;
728         }
730         // Eq. 7.7, else dv/dt = 0 and v remains unchanged
731         if ((V_sy + std::abs(V_cx) * m_slip->v_alpha / m_relaxation->sigma_alpha) * m_slip->v_alpha >= 0) {
732             m_slip->Idv_alpha_dt = ODE_RK_uv(V_sy, m_relaxation->sigma_alpha, V_cx, step_size, m_slip->v_alpha);
733             m_slip->v_alpha += m_slip->Idv_alpha_dt;
734         } else {
735             m_slip->Idv_alpha_dt = 0;
736         }
737     } else {
738         // don't check for du/dt =0 or dv/dt = 0
740         // Eq 7.9
741         m_slip->Idu_dt = ODE_RK_uv(V_sx, m_relaxation->sigma_kappa, V_cx, step_size, m_slip->u);
742         m_slip->u += m_slip->Idu_dt;
744         // Eq. 7.7
745         m_slip->Idv_alpha_dt = ODE_RK_uv(V_sy, m_relaxation->sigma_alpha, V_cx, step_size, m_slip->v_alpha);
746         m_slip->v_alpha += m_slip->Idv_alpha_dt;
747     }
749     // Eq. 7.11, lateral force from wheel camber
750     m_slip->Idv_gamma_dt = ODE_RK_gamma(m_relaxation->C_Fgamma, m_relaxation->C_Falpha, m_relaxation->sigma_alpha, V_cx,
751                                         step_size, gamma, m_slip->v_gamma);
752     m_slip->v_gamma += m_slip->Idv_gamma_dt;
754     // Eq. 7.12, total spin, phi, including slip and camber
755     m_slip->Idv_phi_dt =
756         ODE_RK_phi(m_relaxation->C_Fphi, m_relaxation->C_Falpha, V_cx, m_slip->psi_dot, m_tireState.omega, gamma,
757                    m_relaxation->sigma_alpha, m_slip->v_phi, EPS_GAMMA, step_size);
758     m_slip->v_phi += m_slip->Idv_phi_dt;
760     // calculate slips from contact point deflections u and v
761     slip_from_uv(m_in_contact, 600.0, 100.0, 2.0);
762 }
764 // don't have to call this each advance_tire(), but once per macro-step (at least)
evaluate_slips()765 void ChPacejkaTire::evaluate_slips() {
766     if (std::abs(m_slip->kappaP) > kappaP_thresh) {
767         GetLog() << "\n ~~~~~~~~~  kappaP exceeded threshold:, tire " << m_name << ", = " << m_slip->kappaP << "\n";
768     }
769     if (std::abs(m_slip->alphaP) > alphaP_thresh) {
770         GetLog() << "\n ~~~~~~~~~  alphaP exceeded threshold:, tire " << m_name << ", = " << m_slip->alphaP << "\n";
771     }
772     if (std::abs(m_slip->gammaP) > gammaP_thresh) {
773         GetLog() << "\n ~~~~~~~~~  gammaP exceeded threshold:, tire " << m_name << ", = " << m_slip->gammaP << "\n";
774     }
775     if (std::abs(m_slip->phiP) > phiP_thresh) {
776         GetLog() << "\n ~~~~~~~~~  phiP exceeded threshold:, tire " << m_name << ", = " << m_slip->phiP << "\n";
777     }
778     if (std::abs(m_slip->phiT) > phiT_thresh) {
779         GetLog() << "\n ~~~~~~~~~  phiT exceeded threshold:, tire " << m_name << ", = " << m_slip->phiT << "\n";
780     }
781 }
783 // after calculating all the reactions, evaluate output for any fishy business
evaluate_reactions(bool write_violations,bool enforce_threshold)784 void ChPacejkaTire::evaluate_reactions(bool write_violations, bool enforce_threshold) {
785     // any thresholds exceeded? then print some details about slip state
787     if (std::abs(m_FM_combined.force.x()) > Fx_thresh) {
788         if (enforce_threshold)
789             m_FM_combined.force.x() = m_FM_combined.force.x() * (Fx_thresh / std::abs(m_FM_combined.force.x()));
790     }
791     if (std::abs(m_FM_combined.force.y()) > Fy_thresh) {
792         if (enforce_threshold)
793             m_FM_combined.force.y() = m_FM_combined.force.y() * (Fy_thresh / std::abs(m_FM_combined.force.y()));
794     }
796     //  m_Fz, the Fz input to the tire model, must be limited based on the Fz_threshold
797     // e.g., should never need t;his
798     if (std::abs(m_Fz) > Fz_thresh) {
799         ////GetLog() << "\n ***  !!!  ***  Fz exceeded threshold:, tire " << m_name << ", = " << m_Fz << "\n";
800     }
802     if (std::abs(m_FM_combined.moment.x()) > Mx_thresh) {
803         if (enforce_threshold)
804             m_FM_combined.moment.x() = m_FM_combined.moment.x() * (Mx_thresh / std::abs(m_FM_combined.moment.x()));
805     }
807     if (std::abs(m_FM_combined.moment.y()) > My_thresh) {
808         if (enforce_threshold)
809             m_FM_combined.moment.y() = m_FM_combined.moment.y() * (My_thresh / std::abs(m_FM_combined.moment.y()));
810     }
812     if (std::abs(m_FM_combined.moment.z()) > Mz_thresh) {
813         if (enforce_threshold)
814             m_FM_combined.moment.z() = m_FM_combined.moment.z() * (Mz_thresh / std::abs(m_FM_combined.moment.z()));
816         ////GetLog() << " ***  !!!  ***  Mz exceeded threshold, tire " << m_name << ", = " << m_FM_combined.moment.z()
817         ////         << "\n";
818     }
820     if (write_violations) {
821         GetLog() << " ***********  time = " << m_simTime << ", slip data:  \n(u,v_alpha,v_gamma) = " << m_slip->u
822                  << ", " << m_slip->v_alpha << ", " << m_slip->v_gamma << "\n velocity, center (x,y) = " << m_slip->V_cx
823                  << ", " << m_slip->V_cy << "\n velocity, slip (x,y) = " << m_slip->V_sx << ", " << m_slip->V_sy
824                  << "\n\n";
825     }
826 }
828 // these are both for the linear case, small alpha
ODE_RK_uv(double V_s,double sigma,double V_cx,double step_size,double x_curr)829 double ChPacejkaTire::ODE_RK_uv(double V_s, double sigma, double V_cx, double step_size, double x_curr) {
830     double V_cx_abs = std::abs(V_cx);
831     double k1 = -V_s - (V_cx_abs / sigma) * x_curr;
832     double k2 = -V_s - (V_cx_abs / sigma) * (x_curr + 0.5 * step_size * k1);
833     double k3 = -V_s - (V_cx_abs / sigma) * (x_curr + 0.5 * step_size * k2);
834     double k4 = -V_s - (V_cx_abs / sigma) * (x_curr + step_size * k3);
836     double delta_x = (step_size / 6.0) * (k1 + 2.0 * k2 + 2.0 * k3 + k4);
838     return delta_x;
839 }
get_dFy_dtan_alphaP(double x_curr)841 double ChPacejkaTire::get_dFy_dtan_alphaP(double x_curr) {
842     // I suppose I could do a diff(Fx_c, alphaP) w/ a symbolic toolkit.
843     // for now, just use forward differencing
844     double dx = 0.01;  // x_curr is tan(alpha'), range (-1,1) over x < (-pi/2,pi/2)
845     // changing tan(alpha') has no effect on kappa', gamma'
846     double Fy_x_dx = Fy_combined(m_slip->alphaP + dx, m_slip->gammaP, m_slip->kappaP, m_FM_combined.force.y());
847     // dFy_dx = (f(x+dx) - f(x)) / dx
848     double d_Fy = Fy_x_dx - m_FM_combined.force.y();
850     return d_Fy / dx;
851 }
853 // non-linear model, just use alphaP = alpha'
854 // small alpha, use Eq. 7.37
855 // here, we integrate d[tan(alphaP)]/dt for the step size
856 // returns delta_v_alpha = delta_tan_alphaP * sigma_a
ODE_RK_kappaAlpha(double V_s,double sigma,double V_cx,double step_size,double x_curr)857 double ChPacejkaTire::ODE_RK_kappaAlpha(double V_s, double sigma, double V_cx, double step_size, double x_curr) {
858     double V_cx_abs = std::abs(V_cx);
859     // double sigma_alpha = get_dFy_dtan_alphaP(x_curr) / C_Fy;
860     double k1 = (-V_s - V_cx_abs * x_curr) / sigma;
861     double k2 = (-V_s - V_cx_abs * (x_curr + 0.5 * step_size * k1)) / sigma;
862     double k3 = (-V_s - V_cx_abs * (x_curr + 0.5 * step_size * k2)) / sigma;
863     double k4 = (-V_s - V_cx_abs * (x_curr + step_size * k3)) / sigma;
865     double delta_x = (step_size / 6.0) * (k1 + 2.0 * k2 + 2.0 * k3 + k4);
867     return delta_x;
868 }
ODE_RK_gamma(double C_Fgamma,double C_Falpha,double sigma_alpha,double V_cx,double step_size,double gamma,double v_gamma)870 double ChPacejkaTire::ODE_RK_gamma(double C_Fgamma,
871                                    double C_Falpha,
872                                    double sigma_alpha,
873                                    double V_cx,
874                                    double step_size,
875                                    double gamma,
876                                    double v_gamma) {
877     double V_cx_abs = std::abs(V_cx);
878     double g0 = C_Fgamma / C_Falpha * V_cx_abs * gamma;
879     double g1 = V_cx_abs / sigma_alpha;
880     double k1 = g0 - g1 * v_gamma;
881     double k2 = g0 - g1 * (v_gamma + 0.5 * step_size * k1);
882     double k3 = g0 - g1 * (v_gamma + 0.5 * step_size * k2);
883     double k4 = g0 - g1 * (v_gamma + step_size * k3);
885     double delta_g = (step_size / 6.0) * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4);
887     return delta_g;
888 }
ODE_RK_phi(double C_Fphi,double C_Falpha,double V_cx,double psi_dot,double omega,double gamma,double sigma_alpha,double v_phi,double eps_gamma,double step_size)890 double ChPacejkaTire::ODE_RK_phi(double C_Fphi,
891                                  double C_Falpha,
892                                  double V_cx,
893                                  double psi_dot,
894                                  double omega,
895                                  double gamma,
896                                  double sigma_alpha,
897                                  double v_phi,
898                                  double eps_gamma,
899                                  double step_size) {
900     int sign_Vcx = 0;
901     if (V_cx < 0)
902         sign_Vcx = -1;
903     else
904         sign_Vcx = 1;
906     double p0 = (C_Fphi / C_Falpha) * sign_Vcx * (psi_dot - (1.0 - eps_gamma) * omega * std::sin(gamma));
907     double p1 = (1.0 / sigma_alpha) * std::abs(V_cx);
909     double k1 = -p0 - p1 * v_phi;
910     double k2 = -p0 - p1 * (v_phi + 0.5 * step_size * k1);
911     double k3 = -p0 - p1 * (v_phi + 0.5 * step_size * k2);
912     double k4 = -p0 - p1 * (v_phi + step_size * k3);
914     double delta_phi = (step_size / 6.0) * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4);
916     return delta_phi;
917 }
slip_from_uv(bool use_besselink,double bessel_Cx,double bessel_Cy,double V_low)919 void ChPacejkaTire::slip_from_uv(bool use_besselink, double bessel_Cx, double bessel_Cy, double V_low) {
920     // separate long and lateral damping components
921     double d_Vxlow = 0;
922     double d_Vylow = 0;
923     double V_cx_abs = std::abs(m_slip->V_cx);
924     // damp gradually to zero velocity at low velocity
925     if (V_cx_abs <= V_low && use_besselink) {
926         // d_vlow = bessel_c * (1.0 + std::cos(CH_C_PI * V_cx_abs / V_low));
927         // damp between C * (2, 1) for V_cx (0,V_low)
928         d_Vxlow = bessel_Cx * (1.0 + std::cos(CH_C_PI * V_cx_abs / 2.0 * V_low));
929         d_Vylow = bessel_Cy * (1.0 + std::cos(CH_C_PI * V_cx_abs / 2.0 * V_low));
930     } else {
931         // also damp if not a driven wheel (can linger around slip = 0)
932         // if(!m_driven && use_besselink)
933         {
934             d_Vxlow = bessel_Cx * (std::exp(-(V_cx_abs - V_low) / m_params->model.longvl));
935             d_Vylow = bessel_Cy * (std::exp(-(V_cx_abs - V_low) / m_params->model.longvl));
936         }
937     }
939     // Besselink is RH term in kappa_p, alpha_p
940     double u_sigma = m_slip->u / m_relaxation->sigma_kappa;
941     double u_Bessel = d_Vxlow * m_slip->V_sx / m_relaxation->C_Fkappa;
943     // either u_Bessel or u_tow should be zero (or both)
944     double kappa_p = u_sigma - u_Bessel;
945     // don't allow damping to switch sign of kappa, clamp to zero
946     if (u_sigma * kappa_p < 0)
947         kappa_p = 0;
949     // tan(alpha') ~= alpha' for small slip
950     double v_sigma = -m_slip->v_alpha / m_relaxation->sigma_alpha;
951     // double v_sigma = std::atan(m_slip->v_alpha / m_relaxation->sigma_alpha);
952     double v_Bessel = -d_Vylow * m_slip->V_sy * m_sameSide / m_relaxation->C_Falpha;
954     double alpha_p = v_sigma - v_Bessel;  //  - v_tow;
955     // don't allow damping to switch sign of alpha
956     if (v_sigma * alpha_p < 0)
957         alpha_p = 0;
959     // gammaP, phiP, phiT not effected by Besselink
960     double gamma_p = m_relaxation->C_Falpha * m_slip->v_gamma / (m_relaxation->C_Fgamma * m_relaxation->sigma_alpha);
961     double phi_p =
962         (m_relaxation->C_Falpha * m_slip->v_phi) / (m_relaxation->C_Fphi * m_relaxation->sigma_alpha);  // turn slip
963     double phi_t = -m_slip->psi_dot / m_slip->V_cx;                                                     // for turn slip
965     // set transient slips
966     m_slip->alphaP = alpha_p;
967     m_slip->kappaP = kappa_p;
968     m_slip->gammaP = gamma_p;
969     m_slip->phiP = phi_p;
970     m_slip->phiT = phi_t;
972     bessel tmp = {u_Bessel, u_sigma, v_Bessel, v_sigma};
973     *m_bessel = tmp;
974 }
976 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
977 // Calculate tire reactions.
978 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
979 // pure slip reactions, if the tire is in contact with the ground, in the TYDEX W-Axis system.
980 // calcFx               alphaP ~= 0
981 // calcFy and calcMz    kappaP ~= 0
982 // NOTE: alphaP, gammaP and kappaP defined with respect to tire side specified from *.tir input file.
983 // e.g., positive alpha = turn wheel toward vehicle centerline
984 // e.g., positive gamma = wheel vertical axis top pointing toward vehicle center
pureSlipReactions()985 void ChPacejkaTire::pureSlipReactions() {
986     if (!m_in_contact)
987         return;
989     double mu_scale = m_mu / m_mu0;
991     // calculate Fx, pure long. slip condition
992     m_FM_pure.force.x() = mu_scale * Fx_pureLong(m_slip->gammaP, m_slip->kappaP);
994     // calc. Fy, pure lateral slip.
995     m_FM_pure.force.y() = m_sameSide * mu_scale * Fy_pureLat(m_slip->alphaP, m_slip->gammaP);
997     // calc Mz, pure lateral slip. Negative y-input force, and also the output Mz.
998     m_FM_pure.moment.z() = m_sameSide * Mz_pureLat(m_slip->alphaP, m_slip->gammaP, m_sameSide * m_FM_pure.force.y());
999 }
1001 // combined slip reactions, if the tire is in contact with the ground
1002 // MUST call pureSlipReactions() first, as these functions rely on intermediate values
1003 // NOTE: alphaP and gammaP have already been modified for being on the L/R side
1004 // e.g., positive alpha = turn wheel toward vehicle centerline
1005 // e.g., positive gamma = wheel vertical axis top pointing toward vehicle center
combinedSlipReactions()1006 void ChPacejkaTire::combinedSlipReactions() {
1007     if (!m_in_contact)
1008         return;
1010     // calculate Fx for combined slip
1011     m_FM_combined.force.x() = Fx_combined(m_slip->alphaP, m_slip->gammaP, m_slip->kappaP, m_FM_pure.force.x());
1013     // calc Fy for combined slip.
1014     m_FM_combined.force.y() =
1015         m_sameSide * Fy_combined(m_slip->alphaP, m_slip->gammaP, m_slip->kappaP, m_sameSide * m_FM_pure.force.y());
1017     // calc Mz for combined slip
1018     m_FM_combined.moment.z() =
1019         m_sameSide * Mz_combined(m_pureTorque->alpha_r, m_pureTorque->alpha_t, m_slip->gammaP, m_slip->kappaP,
1020                                  m_FM_combined.force.x(), m_sameSide * m_FM_combined.force.y());
1021 }
relaxationLengths()1023 void ChPacejkaTire::relaxationLengths() {
1024     double p_Ky4 = 2;  // according to Pac2002 model
1025     double p_Ky6 = 2.5;  // 0.92;
1026     double p_Ky7 = 0.24;
1028     // NOTE: C_Falpha is positive according to Pacejka, negative in Pac2002.
1029     // Positive stiffness makes sense, so ensure all these are positive
1030     double C_Falpha =
1031         std::abs(m_params->lateral.pky1 * m_params->vertical.fnomin *
1032                  std::sin(p_Ky4 * std::atan(m_Fz / (m_params->lateral.pky2 * m_params->vertical.fnomin))) * m_zeta->z3 *
1033                  m_params->scaling.lyka);
1034     double sigma_alpha = C_Falpha / m_C_Fy;
1035     double C_Fkappa = m_Fz * (m_params->longitudinal.pkx1 + m_params->longitudinal.pkx2 * m_dF_z) *
1036                       exp(m_params->longitudinal.pkx3 * m_dF_z) * m_params->scaling.lky;
1037     double sigma_kappa = C_Fkappa / m_C_Fx;
1038     double C_Fgamma = m_Fz * (p_Ky6 + p_Ky7 * m_dF_z) * m_params->scaling.lgay;
1039     double C_Fphi = 2.0 * (C_Fgamma * m_R0);
1041     assert(C_Falpha > 0);
1042     assert(sigma_alpha > 0);
1043     assert(C_Fkappa > 0);
1044     assert(sigma_kappa > 0);
1045     assert(C_Fgamma > 0);
1046     assert(C_Fphi > 0);
1048     // NOTE: reference does not include the negative in the exponent for sigma_kappa_ref
1049     // double sigma_kappa_ref = m_Fz * (m_params->longitudinal.ptx1 + m_params->longitudinal.ptx2 *
1050     // m_dF_z)*(m_R0*m_params->scaling.lsgkp / m_params->vertical.fnomin) * exp( -m_params->longitudinal.ptx3 * m_dF_z);
1051     // double sigma_alpha_ref = m_params->lateral.pty1 * (1.0 - m_params->lateral.pky3 * std::abs( m_slip->gammaP ) ) *
1052     // m_R0 * m_params->scaling.lsgal * sin(p_Ky4 * atan(m_Fz / (m_params->lateral.pty2 * m_params->vertical.fnomin) )
1053     // );
1054     {
1055         relaxationL tmp = {C_Falpha, sigma_alpha, C_Fkappa, sigma_kappa, C_Fgamma, C_Fphi};
1056         *m_relaxation = tmp;
1057     }
1058 }
Fx_pureLong(double gamma,double kappa)1060 double ChPacejkaTire::Fx_pureLong(double gamma, double kappa) {
1061     // double eps_Vx = 0.6;
1062     double eps_x = 0;
1063     // Fx, pure long slip
1064     double S_Hx = (m_params->longitudinal.phx1 + m_params->longitudinal.phx2 * m_dF_z) * m_params->scaling.lhx;
1065     double kappa_x = kappa + S_Hx;  // * 0.1;
1067     double mu_x = (m_params->longitudinal.pdx1 + m_params->longitudinal.pdx2 * m_dF_z) *
1068                   (1.0 - m_params->longitudinal.pdx3 * pow(gamma, 2)) * m_params->scaling.lmux;  // >0
1069     double K_x = m_Fz * (m_params->longitudinal.pkx1 + m_params->longitudinal.pkx2 * m_dF_z) *
1070                  exp(m_params->longitudinal.pkx3 * m_dF_z) * m_params->scaling.lkx;
1071     double C_x = m_params->longitudinal.pcx1 * m_params->scaling.lcx;  // >0
1072     double D_x = mu_x * m_Fz * m_zeta->z1;                             // >0
1073     double B_x = K_x / (C_x * D_x + eps_x);
1075     double sign_kap = (kappa_x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
1077     double E_x = (m_params->longitudinal.pex1 + m_params->longitudinal.pex2 * m_dF_z +
1078                   m_params->longitudinal.pex3 * pow(m_dF_z, 2)) *
1079                  (1.0 - m_params->longitudinal.pex4 * sign_kap) * m_params->scaling.lex;
1080     double S_Vx = m_Fz * (m_params->longitudinal.pvx1 + m_params->longitudinal.pvx2 * m_dF_z) * m_params->scaling.lvx *
1081                   m_params->scaling.lmux * m_zeta->z1;
1082     double F_x =
1083         D_x * std::sin(C_x * std::atan(B_x * kappa_x - E_x * (B_x * kappa_x - std::atan(B_x * kappa_x)))) - S_Vx;
1085     // hold onto these coefs
1086     {
1087         pureLongCoefs tmp = {S_Hx, kappa_x, mu_x, K_x, B_x, C_x, D_x, E_x, F_x, S_Vx};
1088         *m_pureLong = tmp;
1089     }
1091     return F_x;
1092 }
Fy_pureLat(double alpha,double gamma)1094 double ChPacejkaTire::Fy_pureLat(double alpha, double gamma) {
1095     double C_y = m_params->lateral.pcy1 * m_params->scaling.lcy;  // > 0
1096     double mu_y = (m_params->lateral.pdy1 + m_params->lateral.pdy2 * m_dF_z) *
1097                   (1.0 - m_params->lateral.pdy3 * pow(gamma, 2)) * m_params->scaling.lmuy;  // > 0
1098     double D_y = mu_y * m_Fz * m_zeta->z2;
1100     // doesn't make sense to ever have K_y be negative (it can be interpreted as lateral stiffness)
1101     double K_y = m_params->lateral.pky1 * m_params->vertical.fnomin *
1102                  std::sin(2.0 * std::atan(m_Fz / (m_params->lateral.pky2 * m_params->vertical.fnomin))) *
1103                  (1.0 - m_params->lateral.pky3 * std::abs(gamma)) * m_zeta->z3 * m_params->scaling.lyka;
1104     double B_y = K_y / (C_y * D_y);
1106     // double S_Hy = (m_params->lateral.phy1 + m_params->lateral.phy2 * m_dF_z) * m_params->scaling.lhy + (K_yGamma_0 *
1107     // m_slip->gammaP - S_VyGamma) * m_zeta->z0 / (K_yAlpha + 0.1) + m_zeta->z4 - 1.0;
1108     // Adams S_Hy is a bit different
1109     double S_Hy = (m_params->lateral.phy1 + m_params->lateral.phy2 * m_dF_z) * m_params->scaling.lhy +
1110                   (m_params->lateral.phy3 * gamma * m_zeta->z0) + m_zeta->z4 - 1;
1112     double alpha_y = alpha + S_Hy;
1114     int sign_alpha = (alpha_y >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
1116     double E_y = (m_params->lateral.pey1 + m_params->lateral.pey2 * m_dF_z) *
1117                  (1.0 - (m_params->lateral.pey3 + m_params->lateral.pey4 * gamma) * sign_alpha) *
1118                  m_params->scaling.ley;  // + p_Ey5 * pow(gamma,2)
1119     double S_Vy = m_Fz * ((m_params->lateral.pvy1 + m_params->lateral.pvy2 * m_dF_z) * m_params->scaling.lvy +
1120                           (m_params->lateral.pvy3 + m_params->lateral.pvy4 * m_dF_z) * gamma) *
1121                   m_params->scaling.lmuy * m_zeta->z2;
1123     double F_y =
1124         D_y * std::sin(C_y * std::atan(B_y * alpha_y - E_y * (B_y * alpha_y - std::atan(B_y * alpha_y)))) + S_Vy;
1126     // hold onto coefs
1127     {
1128         pureLatCoefs tmp = {S_Hy, alpha_y, mu_y, K_y, S_Vy, B_y, C_y, D_y, E_y};
1129         *m_pureLat = tmp;
1130     }
1132     return F_y;
1133 }
Mz_pureLat(double alpha,double gamma,double Fy_pureSlip)1135 double ChPacejkaTire::Mz_pureLat(double alpha, double gamma, double Fy_pureSlip) {
1136     // some constants
1137     int sign_Vx = (m_slip->V_cx >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
1139     double S_Hf = m_pureLat->S_Hy + m_pureLat->S_Vy / m_pureLat->K_y;
1140     double alpha_r = alpha + S_Hf;
1141     double S_Ht = m_params->aligning.qhz1 + m_params->aligning.qhz2 * m_dF_z +
1142                   (m_params->aligning.qhz3 + m_params->aligning.qhz4 * m_dF_z) * gamma;
1143     double alpha_t = alpha + S_Ht;
1145     double B_r = (m_params->aligning.qbz9 * (m_params->scaling.lky / m_params->scaling.lmuy) +
1146                   m_params->aligning.qbz10 * m_pureLat->B_y * m_pureLat->C_y) *
1147                  m_zeta->z6;
1148     double C_r = m_zeta->z7;
1149     // no terms (Dz10, Dz11) for gamma^2 term seen in Pacejka
1150     // double D_r = m_Fz*m_R0 * ((m_params->aligning.qdz6 + m_params->aligning.qdz7 *
1151     // m_dF_z)*m_params->scaling.lres*m_zeta->z2 + (m_params->aligning.qdz8 + m_params->aligning.qdz9 *
1152     // m_dF_z)*gamma*m_params->scaling.lgaz*m_zeta->z0) * m_slip->cosPrime_alpha*m_params->scaling.lmuy*sign_Vx +
1153     // m_zeta->z8 - 1.0;
1154     // reference
1155     double D_r = m_Fz * m_R0 * ((m_params->aligning.qdz6 + m_params->aligning.qdz7 * m_dF_z) * m_params->scaling.lres +
1156                                 (m_params->aligning.qdz8 + m_params->aligning.qdz9 * m_dF_z) * gamma) *
1157                      m_params->scaling.lmuy * m_slip->cosPrime_alpha * sign_Vx +
1158                  m_zeta->z8 - 1.0;
1159     // qbz4 is not in Pacejka
1160     double B_t =
1161         (m_params->aligning.qbz1 + m_params->aligning.qbz2 * m_dF_z + m_params->aligning.qbz3 * pow(m_dF_z, 2)) *
1162         (1.0 + m_params->aligning.qbz4 * gamma + m_params->aligning.qbz5 * std::abs(gamma)) * m_params->scaling.lvyka /
1163         m_params->scaling.lmuy;
1164     double C_t = m_params->aligning.qcz1;
1165     double D_t0 = m_Fz * (m_R0 / m_params->vertical.fnomin) *
1166                   (m_params->aligning.qdz1 + m_params->aligning.qdz2 * m_dF_z) * sign_Vx;
1167     // no abs on qdz3 gamma in reference
1168     double D_t = D_t0 * (1.0 + m_params->aligning.qdz3 * std::abs(gamma) + m_params->aligning.qdz4 * pow(gamma, 2)) *
1169                  m_zeta->z5 * m_params->scaling.ltr;
1170     double E_t =
1171         (m_params->aligning.qez1 + m_params->aligning.qez2 * m_dF_z + m_params->aligning.qez3 * pow(m_dF_z, 2)) *
1172         (1.0 +
1173          (m_params->aligning.qez4 + m_params->aligning.qez5 * gamma) * (2.0 / chrono::CH_C_PI) *
1174              std::atan(B_t * C_t * alpha_t));
1175     double t = D_t * std::cos(C_t * std::atan(B_t * alpha_t - E_t * (B_t * alpha_t - std::atan(B_t * alpha_t)))) *
1176                m_slip->cosPrime_alpha;
1178     double MP_z = -t * Fy_pureSlip;
1179     double M_zr = D_r * std::cos(C_r * std::atan(B_r * alpha_r));  // this is in the D_r term: * m_slip->cosPrime_alpha;
1181     double M_z = MP_z + M_zr;
1183     // hold onto coefs
1184     {
1185         pureTorqueCoefs tmp = {
1186             S_Hf, alpha_r, S_Ht, alpha_t, m_slip->cosPrime_alpha, m_pureLat->K_y, B_r, C_r, D_r, B_t, C_t, D_t0, D_t,
1187             E_t,  t,       MP_z, M_zr};
1188         *m_pureTorque = tmp;
1189     }
1191     return M_z;
1192 }
Fx_combined(double alpha,double gamma,double kappa,double Fx_pureSlip)1194 double ChPacejkaTire::Fx_combined(double alpha, double gamma, double kappa, double Fx_pureSlip) {
1195     double rbx3 = 1.0;
1197     double S_HxAlpha = m_params->longitudinal.rhx1;
1198     double alpha_S = alpha + S_HxAlpha;
1199     double B_xAlpha = (m_params->longitudinal.rbx1 + rbx3 * pow(gamma, 2)) *
1200                       std::cos(std::atan(m_params->longitudinal.rbx2 * kappa)) * m_params->scaling.lxal;
1201     double C_xAlpha = m_params->longitudinal.rcx1;
1202     double E_xAlpha = m_params->longitudinal.rex1 + m_params->longitudinal.rex2 * m_dF_z;
1204     // double G_xAlpha0 = std::cos(C_xAlpha * std::atan(B_xAlpha * S_HxAlpha - E_xAlpha * (B_xAlpha * S_HxAlpha -
1205     // std::atan(B_xAlpha * S_HxAlpha)) ) );
1206     double G_xAlpha0 =
1207         std::cos(C_xAlpha *
1208                  std::atan(B_xAlpha * S_HxAlpha - E_xAlpha * (B_xAlpha * S_HxAlpha - std::atan(B_xAlpha * S_HxAlpha))));
1210     // double G_xAlpha = std::cos(C_xAlpha * std::atan(B_xAlpha * alpha_S - E_xAlpha * (B_xAlpha * alpha_S -
1211     // std::atan(B_xAlpha * alpha_S)) ) ) / G_xAlpha0;
1212     double G_xAlpha = std::cos(C_xAlpha * std::atan(B_xAlpha * alpha_S -
1213                                                     E_xAlpha * (B_xAlpha * alpha_S - std::atan(B_xAlpha * alpha_S)))) /
1214                       G_xAlpha0;
1216     double F_x = G_xAlpha * Fx_pureSlip;
1218     {
1219         combinedLongCoefs tmp = {S_HxAlpha, alpha_S, B_xAlpha, C_xAlpha, E_xAlpha, G_xAlpha0, G_xAlpha};
1220         *m_combinedLong = tmp;
1221     }
1223     return F_x;
1224 }
Fy_combined(double alpha,double gamma,double kappa,double Fy_pureSlip)1226 double ChPacejkaTire::Fy_combined(double alpha, double gamma, double kappa, double Fy_pureSlip) {
1227     double rby4 = 0;
1229     double S_HyKappa = m_params->lateral.rhy1 + m_params->lateral.rhy2 * m_dF_z;
1230     double kappa_S = kappa + S_HyKappa;
1231     double B_yKappa = (m_params->lateral.rby1 + rby4 * pow(gamma, 2)) *
1232                       std::cos(std::atan(m_params->lateral.rby2 * (alpha - m_params->lateral.rby3))) *
1233                       m_params->scaling.lyka;
1234     double C_yKappa = m_params->lateral.rcy1;
1235     double E_yKappa = m_params->lateral.rey1 + m_params->lateral.rey2 * m_dF_z;
1236     double D_VyKappa = m_pureLat->mu_y * m_Fz *
1237                        (m_params->lateral.rvy1 + m_params->lateral.rvy2 * m_dF_z + m_params->lateral.rvy3 * gamma) *
1238                        std::cos(std::atan(m_params->lateral.rvy4 * alpha)) * m_zeta->z2;
1239     double S_VyKappa = D_VyKappa * std::sin(m_params->lateral.rvy5 * std::atan(m_params->lateral.rvy6 * kappa)) *
1240                        m_params->scaling.lvyka;
1241     double G_yKappa0 =
1242         std::cos(C_yKappa *
1243                  std::atan(B_yKappa * S_HyKappa - E_yKappa * (B_yKappa * S_HyKappa - std::atan(B_yKappa * S_HyKappa))));
1244     double G_yKappa = std::cos(C_yKappa * std::atan(B_yKappa * kappa_S -
1245                                                     E_yKappa * (B_yKappa * kappa_S - std::atan(B_yKappa * kappa_S)))) /
1246                       G_yKappa0;
1248     double F_y = G_yKappa * Fy_pureSlip + S_VyKappa;
1250     {
1251         combinedLatCoefs tmp = {S_HyKappa, kappa_S,   B_yKappa,  C_yKappa, E_yKappa,
1252                                 D_VyKappa, S_VyKappa, G_yKappa0, G_yKappa};
1253         *m_combinedLat = tmp;
1254     }
1256     return F_y;
1257 }
Mz_combined(double alpha_r,double alpha_t,double gamma,double kappa,double Fx_combined,double Fy_combined)1259 double ChPacejkaTire::Mz_combined(double alpha_r,
1260                                   double alpha_t,
1261                                   double gamma,
1262                                   double kappa,
1263                                   double Fx_combined,
1264                                   double Fy_combined) {
1265     double FP_y = Fy_combined - m_combinedLat->S_VyKappa;
1266     double s = m_R0 * (m_params->aligning.ssz1 + m_params->aligning.ssz2 * (Fy_combined / m_params->vertical.fnomin) +
1267                        (m_params->aligning.ssz3 + m_params->aligning.ssz4 * m_dF_z) * gamma) *
1268                m_params->scaling.ls;
1269     int sign_alpha_t = (alpha_t >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
1270     int sign_alpha_r = (alpha_r >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
1272     double alpha_t_eq =
1273         sign_alpha_t * sqrt(pow(alpha_t, 2) + pow(m_pureLong->K_x / m_pureTorque->K_y, 2) * pow(kappa, 2));
1274     double alpha_r_eq =
1275         sign_alpha_r * sqrt(pow(alpha_r, 2) + pow(m_pureLong->K_x / m_pureTorque->K_y, 2) * pow(kappa, 2));
1277     double M_zr = m_pureTorque->D_r * std::cos(m_pureTorque->C_r * std::atan(m_pureTorque->B_r * alpha_r_eq)) *
1278                   m_slip->cosPrime_alpha;
1279     double t =
1280         m_pureTorque->D_t *
1281         std::cos(m_pureTorque->C_t * std::atan(m_pureTorque->B_t * alpha_t_eq -
1282                                                m_pureTorque->E_t * (m_pureTorque->B_t * alpha_t_eq -
1283                                                                     std::atan(m_pureTorque->B_t * alpha_t_eq)))) *
1284         m_slip->cosPrime_alpha;
1286     double M_z_y = -t * FP_y;
1287     double M_z_x = s * Fx_combined;
1288     double M_z = M_z_y + M_zr + M_z_x;
1290     {
1291         combinedTorqueCoefs tmp = {m_slip->cosPrime_alpha, FP_y, s, alpha_t_eq, alpha_r_eq, M_zr, t, M_z_x, M_z_y};
1292         *m_combinedTorque = tmp;
1293     }
1295     return M_z;
1296 }
calc_Mx(double gamma,double Fy_combined)1298 double ChPacejkaTire::calc_Mx(double gamma, double Fy_combined) {
1299     double M_x = 0;
1300     if (m_in_contact) {
1301         // according to Pacejka
1302         M_x = m_Fz * m_R0 * (m_params->overturning.qsx1 - m_params->overturning.qsx2 * gamma +
1303                              m_params->overturning.qsx3 * (Fy_combined / m_params->vertical.fnomin)) *
1304               m_params->scaling.lmx;
1305     }
1307     return M_x;
1308 }
calc_My(double Fx_combined)1310 double ChPacejkaTire::calc_My(double Fx_combined) {
1311     double M_y = 0;
1312     if (m_in_contact) {
1313         double V_r = m_tireState.omega * m_R_eff;
1314         M_y = -m_Fz * m_R0 * (m_params->rolling.qsy1 * std::atan(V_r / m_params->model.longvl) +
1315                               m_params->rolling.qsy2 * (Fx_combined / m_params->vertical.fnomin)) *
1316               m_params->scaling.lmy;
1317         // reference calc
1318         // M_y = m_R0*m_Fz * (m_params->rolling.qsy1 + m_params->rolling.qsy2*Fx_combined/m_params->vertical.fnomin +
1319         // m_params->rolling.qsy3*std::abs(m_slip->V_cx/m_params->model.longvl) +
1320         // m_params->rolling.qsy4*pow(m_slip->V_cx/m_params->model.longvl,4));
1321     }
1322     return M_y;
1323 }
1325 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1326 // Load a PacTire specification file.
1327 //
1328 // For an example, see the file data/vehicle/hmmwv/tire/HMMWV_pacejka.tir
1329 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
loadPacTireParamFile()1330 void ChPacejkaTire::loadPacTireParamFile() {
1331     // try to load the file
1332     std::ifstream inFile(this->getPacTireParamFile().c_str(), std::ios::in);
1334     // if not loaded, say something and exit
1335     if (!inFile.is_open()) {
1336         GetLog() << "\n\n !!!!!!! couldn't load the pac tire file: " << getPacTireParamFile().c_str() << "\n\n";
1337         GetLog() << " pacTire param file opened in a text editor somewhere ??? \n\n\n";
1338         return;
1339     }
1341     // success in opening file, load the data, broken down into sections
1342     // according to what is found in the PacTire input file
1343     readPacTireInput(inFile);
1345     // this bool will allow you to query the pac tire for output
1346     // Forces, moments based on wheel state info.
1347     m_params_defined = true;
1348 }
readPacTireInput(std::ifstream & inFile)1350 void ChPacejkaTire::readPacTireInput(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1351     // advance to the first part of the file with data we need to read
1352     std::string tline;
1354     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1355         // first main break
1356         if (tline[0] == '$')
1357             break;
1358     }
1360     // to keep things sane (and somewhat orderly), create a function to read
1361     // each subsection. there may be overlap between different PacTire versions,
1362     // where these section read functions can be reused
1364     // 0:  [UNITS], all token values are strings
1365     readSection_UNITS(inFile);
1367     // 1: [MODEL]
1368     readSection_MODEL(inFile);
1370     // 2: [DIMENSION]
1371     readSection_DIMENSION(inFile);
1373     // 3: [SHAPE]
1374     readSection_SHAPE(inFile);
1376     // 4: [VERTICAL]
1377     readSection_VERTICAL(inFile);
1380     // in that order
1381     readSection_RANGES(inFile);
1383     // 9: [scaling]
1384     readSection_scaling(inFile);
1386     // 10: [longitudinal]
1387     readSection_longitudinal(inFile);
1389     // 11: [overturning]
1390     readSection_overturning(inFile);
1392     // 12: [lateral]
1393     readSection_lateral(inFile);
1395     // 13: [rolling]
1396     readSection_rolling(inFile);
1398     // 14: [aligning]
1399     readSection_aligning(inFile);
1400 }
readSection_UNITS(std::ifstream & inFile)1402 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_UNITS(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1403     // skip the first line
1404     std::string tline;
1405     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1407     // string util stuff
1408     std::string tok;      // name of token
1409     std::string val_str;  // temp for string token values
1410     std::vector<std::string> split;
1412     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1413         // made it to the next section
1414         if (tline[0] == '$')
1415             break;
1416     }
1417 }
readSection_MODEL(std::ifstream & inFile)1419 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_MODEL(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1420     // skip the first line
1421     std::string tline;
1422     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1424     // string util stuff
1425     std::vector<std::string> split;
1426     std::string val_str;  // string token values
1428     // token value changes type in this section, do it manually
1429     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1431     // get the token / value
1432     split = splitStr(tline, '=');
1433     m_params->model.property_file_format = splitStr(split[1], '\'')[1];
1435     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1436     m_params->model.use_mode = fromTline<int>(tline);
1438     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1439     m_params->model.vxlow = fromTline<double>(tline);
1441     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1442     m_params->model.longvl = fromTline<double>(tline);
1444     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1445     split = splitStr(tline, '=');
1446     m_params->model.tyreside = splitStr(split[1], '\'')[1];
1447 }
readSection_DIMENSION(std::ifstream & inFile)1449 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_DIMENSION(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1450     // skip the first two lines
1451     std::string tline;
1452     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1453     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1454     // if all the data types are the same in a subsection, life is a little easier
1455     // push each token value to this vector, check the # of items added, then
1456     // create the struct by hand only
1457     std::vector<double> dat;
1459     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1460         // made it to the next section
1461         if (tline[0] == '$')
1462             break;
1463         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1464     }
1466     if (dat.size() != 5) {
1467         GetLog() << " error reading DIMENSION section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1468         return;
1469     }
1470     // right size, create the struct
1471     struct dimension dim = {dat[0], dat[1], dat[2], dat[3], dat[4]};
1472     m_params->dimension = dim;
1473 }
readSection_SHAPE(std::ifstream & inFile)1475 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_SHAPE(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1476     // skip the first two lines
1477     std::string tline;
1478     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1479     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1480     // if all the data types are the same in a subsection, life is a little easier
1481     // push each token value to this vector, check the # of items added, then
1482     // create the struct by hand only
1483     std::vector<double> rad;
1484     std::vector<double> wid;
1485     std::vector<std::string> split;
1486     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1487         // made it to the next section
1488         if (tline[0] == '$')
1489             break;
1490         split = splitStr(tline, ' ');
1491         rad.push_back(std::atof(split[1].c_str()));
1492         wid.push_back(std::atof(split[5].c_str()));
1493     }
1494     m_params->shape.radial = rad;
1495     m_params->shape.width = wid;
1496 }
readSection_VERTICAL(std::ifstream & inFile)1498 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_VERTICAL(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1499     // skip the first line
1500     std::string tline;
1501     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1503     // push each token value to this vector, check the # of items added
1504     std::vector<double> dat;
1506     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1507         // made it to the next section
1508         if (tline[0] == '$')
1509             break;
1510         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1511     }
1513     if (dat.size() != 6) {
1514         GetLog() << " error reading VERTICAL section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1515         return;
1516     }
1517     // right size, create the struct
1518     struct vertical vert = {dat[0], dat[1], dat[2], dat[3], dat[4], dat[5]};
1519     m_params->vertical = vert;
1520 }
readSection_RANGES(std::ifstream & inFile)1522 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_RANGES(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1523     // skip the first line
1524     std::string tline;
1525     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1526     // if all the data types are the same in a subsection, life is a little easier
1527     // push each token value to this vector, check the # of items added, then
1528     // create the struct by hand only
1529     std::vector<double> dat;
1531     // LONG_SLIP_RANGE
1532     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1533         // made it to the next section
1534         if (tline[0] == '$')
1535             break;
1536         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1537     }
1539     if (dat.size() != 2) {
1540         GetLog() << " error reading LONG_SLIP_RANGE section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1541         return;
1542     }
1543     // right size, create the struct
1544     struct long_slip_range long_slip = {dat[0], dat[1]};
1545     m_params->long_slip_range = long_slip;
1546     dat.clear();
1547     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1549     // SLIP_ANGLE_RANGE
1550     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1551         // made it to the next section
1552         if (tline[0] == '$')
1553             break;
1554         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1555     }
1557     if (dat.size() != 2) {
1558         GetLog() << " error reading LONG_SLIP_RANGE section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1559         return;
1560     }
1561     // right size, create the struct
1562     struct slip_angle_range slip_ang = {dat[0], dat[1]};
1563     m_params->slip_angle_range = slip_ang;
1564     dat.clear();
1565     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1568     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1569         // made it to the next section
1570         if (tline[0] == '$')
1571             break;
1572         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1573     }
1575     if (dat.size() != 2) {
1576         GetLog() << " error reading INCLINATION_ANGLE_RANGE section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1577         return;
1578     }
1579     struct inclination_angle_range incl_ang = {dat[0], dat[1]};
1580     m_params->inclination_angle_range = incl_ang;
1581     dat.clear();
1582     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1585     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1586         // made it to the next section
1587         if (tline[0] == '$')
1588             break;
1589         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1590     }
1592     if (dat.size() != 2) {
1593         GetLog() << " error reading VERTICAL_FORCE_RANGE section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1594         return;
1595     }
1596     struct vertical_force_range vert_range = {dat[0], dat[1]};
1597     m_params->vertical_force_range = vert_range;
1598 }
readSection_scaling(std::ifstream & inFile)1600 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_scaling(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1601     std::string tline;
1602     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1603     // if all the data types are the same in a subsection, life is a little easier
1604     // push each token value to this vector, check the # of items added, then
1605     // create the struct by hand only
1606     std::vector<double> dat;
1608     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1609         // made it to the next section
1610         if (tline[0] == '$')
1611             break;
1612         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1613     }
1615     if (dat.size() != 28) {
1616         GetLog() << " error reading scaling section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1617         return;
1618     }
1619     struct scaling_coefficients coefs = {dat[0],  dat[1],  dat[2],  dat[3],  dat[4],  dat[5],  dat[6],
1620                                          dat[7],  dat[8],  dat[9],  dat[10], dat[11], dat[12], dat[13],
1621                                          dat[14], dat[15], dat[16], dat[17], dat[18], dat[19], dat[20],
1622                                          dat[21], dat[22], dat[23], dat[24], dat[25], dat[26], dat[27]};
1623     m_params->scaling = coefs;
1624 }
readSection_longitudinal(std::ifstream & inFile)1626 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_longitudinal(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1627     std::string tline;
1628     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1629     std::vector<double> dat;
1631     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1632         // made it to the next section
1633         if (tline[0] == '$')
1634             break;
1635         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1636     }
1638     if (dat.size() != 24) {
1639         GetLog() << " error reading longitudinal section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1640         return;
1641     }
1642     struct longitudinal_coefficients coefs = {dat[0],  dat[1],  dat[2],  dat[3],  dat[4],  dat[5],  dat[6],  dat[7],
1643                                               dat[8],  dat[9],  dat[10], dat[11], dat[12], dat[13], dat[14], dat[15],
1644                                               dat[16], dat[17], dat[18], dat[19], dat[20], dat[21], dat[22], dat[23]};
1645     m_params->longitudinal = coefs;
1646 }
readSection_overturning(std::ifstream & inFile)1648 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_overturning(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1649     std::string tline;
1650     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1651     std::vector<double> dat;
1653     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1654         // made it to the next section
1655         if (tline[0] == '$')
1656             break;
1657         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1658     }
1660     if (dat.size() != 3) {
1661         GetLog() << " error reading  overturning section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1662         return;
1663     }
1664     struct overturning_coefficients coefs = {dat[0], dat[1], dat[2]};
1665     m_params->overturning = coefs;
1666 }
readSection_lateral(std::ifstream & inFile)1668 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_lateral(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1669     std::string tline;
1670     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1671     std::vector<double> dat;
1673     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1674         // made it to the next section
1675         if (tline[0] == '$')
1676             break;
1677         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1678     }
1680     if (dat.size() != 34) {
1681         GetLog() << " error reading lateral section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1682         return;
1683     }
1684     struct lateral_coefficients coefs = {
1685         dat[0],  dat[1],  dat[2],  dat[3],  dat[4],  dat[5],  dat[6],  dat[7],  dat[8],  dat[9],  dat[10], dat[11],
1686         dat[12], dat[13], dat[14], dat[15], dat[16], dat[17], dat[18], dat[19], dat[20], dat[21], dat[22], dat[23],
1687         dat[24], dat[25], dat[26], dat[27], dat[28], dat[29], dat[30], dat[31], dat[32], dat[33]};
1688     m_params->lateral = coefs;
1689 }
readSection_rolling(std::ifstream & inFile)1691 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_rolling(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1692     std::string tline;
1693     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1694     std::vector<double> dat;
1696     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1697         // made it to the next section
1698         if (tline[0] == '$')
1699             break;
1700         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1701     }
1703     if (dat.size() != 4) {
1704         GetLog() << " error reading rolling section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1705         return;
1706     }
1707     struct rolling_coefficients coefs = {dat[0], dat[1], dat[2], dat[3]};
1708     m_params->rolling = coefs;
1709 }
readSection_aligning(std::ifstream & inFile)1711 void ChPacejkaTire::readSection_aligning(std::ifstream& inFile) {
1712     std::string tline;
1713     std::getline(inFile, tline);
1714     std::vector<double> dat;
1716     while (std::getline(inFile, tline)) {
1717         // made it to the next section
1718         if (tline[0] == '$')
1719             break;
1720         dat.push_back(fromTline<double>(tline));
1721     }
1723     if (dat.size() != 31) {
1724         GetLog() << " error reading LONG_SLIP_RANGE section of pactire input file!!! \n\n";
1725         return;
1726     }
1727     struct aligning_coefficients coefs = {dat[0],  dat[1],  dat[2],  dat[3],  dat[4],  dat[5],  dat[6],  dat[7],
1728                                           dat[8],  dat[9],  dat[10], dat[11], dat[12], dat[13], dat[14], dat[15],
1729                                           dat[16], dat[17], dat[18], dat[19], dat[20], dat[21], dat[22], dat[23],
1730                                           dat[24], dat[25], dat[26], dat[27], dat[28], dat[29], dat[30]};
1731     m_params->aligning = coefs;
1732 }
1734 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1735 // Functions providing access to private structures
1736 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
get_kappa() const1737 double ChPacejkaTire::get_kappa() const {
1738     return m_slip->kappa;
1739 }
get_alpha() const1741 double ChPacejkaTire::get_alpha() const {
1742     return m_slip->alpha;
1743 }
get_gamma() const1745 double ChPacejkaTire::get_gamma() const {
1746     return m_slip->gamma;
1747 }
get_kappaPrime() const1749 double ChPacejkaTire::get_kappaPrime() const {
1750     return m_slip->kappaP;
1751 }
get_alphaPrime() const1753 double ChPacejkaTire::get_alphaPrime() const {
1754     return m_slip->alphaP;
1755 }
get_gammaPrime() const1757 double ChPacejkaTire::get_gammaPrime() const {
1758     return m_slip->gammaP;
1759 }
get_min_long_slip() const1761 double ChPacejkaTire::get_min_long_slip() const {
1762     return m_params->long_slip_range.kpumin;
1763 }
get_max_long_slip() const1765 double ChPacejkaTire::get_max_long_slip() const {
1766     return m_params->long_slip_range.kpumax;
1767 }
get_min_lat_slip() const1769 double ChPacejkaTire::get_min_lat_slip() const {
1770     return m_params->slip_angle_range.alpmin;
1771 }
get_max_lat_slip() const1773 double ChPacejkaTire::get_max_lat_slip() const {
1774     return m_params->slip_angle_range.alpmax;
1775 }
get_longvl() const1777 double ChPacejkaTire::get_longvl() const {
1778     return m_params->model.longvl;
1779 }
1781 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1782 // Write output file for post-processing with the Python pandas module.
1783 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
WriteOutData(double time,const std::string & outFilename)1784 void ChPacejkaTire::WriteOutData(double time, const std::string& outFilename) {
1785     // first time thru, write headers
1786     if (m_Num_WriteOutData == 0) {
1787         m_outFilename = outFilename;
1788         std::ofstream oFile(outFilename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out);
1789         if (!oFile.is_open()) {
1790             GetLog() << " couldn't open file for writing: " << outFilename << " \n\n";
1791             return;
1792         } else {
1793             // write the headers, Fx, Fy are pure forces, Fxc and Fyc are the combined forces
1794             oFile << "time,kappa,alpha,gamma,kappaP,alphaP,gammaP,Vx,Vy,omega,Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz,Fxc,Fyc,Mzc,Mzx,Mzy,M_"
1795                      "zrc,contact,m_Fz,m_dF_z,u,valpha,vgamma,vphi,du,dvalpha,dvgamma,dvphi,R0,R_l,Reff,MP_z,M_zr,t,s,"
1796                      "FX,FY,FZ,MX,MY,MZ,u_Bessel,u_sigma,v_Bessel,v_sigma"
1797                   << std::endl;
1798             m_Num_WriteOutData++;
1799             oFile.close();
1800         }
1801     } else {
1802         // already written the headers, just increment the function counter
1803         m_Num_WriteOutData++;
1804     }
1805     // ensure file was able to be opened, headers are written
1806     if (m_Num_WriteOutData > 0) {
1807         // open file, append
1808         std::ofstream appFile(outFilename.c_str(), std::ios_base::app);
1809         // global force/moments applied to wheel rigid body
1810         TerrainForce global_FM = GetTireForce_combinedSlip(false);
1811         // write the slip info, reaction forces for pure & combined slip cases
1812         appFile << time << "," << m_slip->kappa << "," << m_slip->alpha * 180. / 3.14159 << "," << m_slip->gamma << ","
1813                 << m_slip->kappaP << "," << m_slip->alphaP << "," << m_slip->gammaP << "," << m_slip->V_cx << ","
1814                 << m_slip->V_cy << "," << m_tireState.omega
1815                 << ","  // m_tireState.lin_vel.x() <<","<< m_tireState.lin_vel.y() <<","
1816                 << m_FM_pure.force.x() << "," << m_FM_pure.force.y() << "," << m_FM_pure.force.z() << ","
1817                 << m_FM_pure.moment.x() << "," << m_FM_pure.moment.y() << "," << m_FM_pure.moment.z() << ","
1818                 << m_FM_combined.force.x() << "," << m_FM_combined.force.y() << "," << m_FM_combined.moment.z() << ","
1819                 << m_combinedTorque->M_z_x << "," << m_combinedTorque->M_z_y << "," << m_combinedTorque->M_zr << ","
1820                 << (int)m_in_contact << "," << m_Fz << "," << m_dF_z << "," << m_slip->u << "," << m_slip->v_alpha
1821                 << "," << m_slip->v_gamma << "," << m_slip->v_phi << "," << m_slip->Idu_dt << ","
1822                 << m_slip->Idv_alpha_dt << "," << m_slip->Idv_gamma_dt << "," << m_slip->Idv_phi_dt << "," << m_R0
1823                 << "," << m_R_l << "," << m_R_eff << "," << m_pureTorque->MP_z << "," << m_pureTorque->M_zr << ","
1824                 << m_combinedTorque->t << "," << m_combinedTorque->s << "," << global_FM.force.x() << ","
1825                 << global_FM.force.y() << "," << global_FM.force.z() << "," << global_FM.moment.x() << ","
1826                 << global_FM.moment.y() << "," << global_FM.moment.z() << "," << m_bessel->u_Bessel << ","
1827                 << m_bessel->u_sigma << "," << m_bessel->v_Bessel << "," << m_bessel->v_sigma << std::endl;
1828         // close the file
1829         appFile.close();
1830     }
1831 }
1833 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1834 // Utility function for validation studies.
1835 //
1836 // Calculate a wheel state consistent with the specified kinematic slip
1837 // quantities (kappa, alpha, and gamma) and magnitude of tangential velocity.
1838 // Out of the infinitely many consistent wheel states, we
1839 // - set position at origin
1840 // - set linear velocity along global X direction with given magnitude
1841 // - set orientation based on given alpha and gamma
1842 // - set omega from given kappa and using current R_eff
1843 // - set angular velocity along the local wheel Y axis
1844 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
getState_from_KAG(double kappa,double alpha,double gamma,double Vx)1845 WheelState ChPacejkaTire::getState_from_KAG(double kappa, double alpha, double gamma, double Vx) {
1846     WheelState state;
1848     // Set wheel position at origin.
1849     state.pos = ChVector<>(0, 0, 0);
1851     // Set the wheel velocity aligned with the global X axis.
1852     state.lin_vel = ChVector<>(Vx, 0, 0);
1854     // Rotate wheel to satisfy specified camber angle and slip angle.  For this,
1855     // we first rotate the wheel about the global Z-axis by an angle (-alpha),
1856     // followed by a rotation about the new X-axis by an angle gamma.
1857     state.rot = Q_from_AngZ(-alpha) * Q_from_AngX(gamma);
1859     // Calculate forward tangential velocity.
1860     double Vcx = Vx * std::cos(alpha);
1862     // Set the wheel angular velocity about its axis, calculated from the given
1863     // value kappa and using the current value m_R_eff.
1864     // Note that here we assume that the specified velocity is such that Vcx is
1865     // larger than the threshold model.vxlow.
1866     state.omega = (kappa * std::abs(Vcx) + Vcx) / m_R_eff;
1868     // Set the wheel angular velocity (expressed in global frame).
1869     state.ang_vel = state.rot.RotateBack(ChVector<>(0, state.omega, 0));
1871     return state;
1872 }
1874 }  // end namespace vehicle
1875 }  // end namespace chrono