1 /*! \file lib/resol_targetfn.h
2     Header file for resolution function generator
3 */
4 //C Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Kevin Cowtan and University of York
5 //L
6 //L  This library is free software and is distributed under the terms
7 //L  and conditions of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 //L  Licence (LGPL) with the following additional clause:
9 //L
10 //L     `You may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" to
11 //L     produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute
12 //L     that work under terms of your choice, provided that you give
13 //L     prominent notice with each copy of the work that the specified
14 //L     version of the Library is used in it, and that you include or
15 //L     provide public access to the complete corresponding
16 //L     machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
17 //L     changes were used in the work. (i.e. If you make changes to the
18 //L     Library you must distribute those, but you do not need to
19 //L     distribute source or object code to those portions of the work
20 //L     not covered by this licence.)'
21 //L
22 //L  Note that this clause grants an additional right and does not impose
23 //L  any additional restriction, and so does not affect compatibility
24 //L  with the GNU General Public Licence (GPL). If you wish to negotiate
25 //L  other terms, please contact the maintainer.
26 //L
27 //L  You can redistribute it and/or modify the library under the terms of
28 //L  the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
29 //L  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
30 //L  later version.
31 //L
32 //L  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
33 //L  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
35 //L  Lesser General Public License for more details.
36 //L
37 //L  You should have received a copy of the CCP4 licence and/or GNU
38 //L  Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write
39 //L  to the CCP4 Secretary, Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington WA4 4AD, UK.
40 //L  The GNU Lesser General Public can also be obtained by writing to the
41 //L  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
42 //L  MA 02111-1307 USA
48 #include "resol_basisfn.h"
49 #include "hkl_datatypes.h"
52 namespace clipper {
55   //! simple mean |F|<sup>n</sup> target
56   /*! This class implements the target function for calculating mean
57     |F|<sup>n</sup> as a function of position in reciprocal space. It
58     includes the appropriate multiplicity correction, and so can be
59     applied to any type with an 'f' member with the same dimensions as
60     an |F| or |U| (or an uncorrected |E|).
62     \Note This function should not be used to scale F's to E's.
63     See TargetFn_scaleEsq. */
64   template<class T> class TargetFn_meanFnth : public TargetFn_base
65   {
66   public:
67     //! constructor: takes the datalist against which to calc target, and power
68     TargetFn_meanFnth( const HKL_data<T>& hkl_data_, const ftype& n );
69     //! return the value and derivatives of the target function
70     Rderiv rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const;
71     //! the type of the function: optionally used to improve convergence
type()72     FNtype type() const { return QUADRATIC; }
73   private:
74     ftype power;
75     const HKL_data<T>* hkl_data;
76   };
79   //! simple mean |E|<sup>n</sup> target
80   /*! This class implements the target function for calculating mean
81     |E|<sup>n</sup> as a function of position in reciprocal space. It
82     includes the appropriate multiplicity correction, and so can be
83     applied to any type with an 'E' member with the same dimensions as
84     an |E| (or corrected |F| or |U|).
86     \Note This function should not be used to scale F's to E's.
87     See TargetFn_scaleEsq. */
88   template<class T> class TargetFn_meanEnth : public TargetFn_base
89   {
90   public:
91     //! constructor: takes the datalist against which to calc target, and power
92     TargetFn_meanEnth( const HKL_data<T>& hkl_data_, const ftype& n );
93     //! return the value and derivatives of the target function
94     Rderiv rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const;
95     //! the type of the function: optionally used to improve convergence
type()96     FNtype type() const { return QUADRATIC; }
97   private:
98     ftype power;
99     const HKL_data<T>* hkl_data;
100   };
103   //! |F|<sup>2</sup> scaling target
104   /*! This class implements the target function for calculating the
105     scale factor to scale one set of F's to another. The resulting
106     scale is the square of the factor that scales the first set of
107     data to match the second. */
108   template<class T1, class T2> class TargetFn_scaleF1F2 : public TargetFn_base
109   {
110   public:
111     //! constructor: takes the datalist against which to calc target
112     TargetFn_scaleF1F2( const HKL_data<T1>& hkl_data1_, const HKL_data<T2>& hkl_data2_ );
113     //! return the value and derivatives of the target function
114     Rderiv rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const;
115     //! the type of the function: optionally used to improve convergence
type()116     FNtype type() const { return QUADRATIC; }
117   private:
118     const HKL_data<T1>* hkl_data1;
119     const HKL_data<T2>* hkl_data2;
120   };
123   //! log |F|<sup>2</sup> scaling target
124   /*! This class implements the target function for calculating the
125     scale factor to scale the weighted log of one set of F's to
126     another. The resulting scale is the square of the factor that
127     scales the first set of data to match the second. The log scaling
128     target is used in conjunction with the log-Gaussian basis
129     functions for a fast and robust approximation to iso/aniso
130     Gaussian scaling.
131   */
132   template<class T1, class T2> class TargetFn_scaleLogF1F2 : public TargetFn_base
133   {
134   public:
135     //! constructor: takes the datalist against which to calc target
136     TargetFn_scaleLogF1F2( const HKL_data<T1>& hkl_data1_, const HKL_data<T2>& hkl_data2_ );
137     //! return the value and derivatives of the target function
138     Rderiv rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const;
139     //! the type of the function: optionally used to improve convergence
type()140     FNtype type() const { return QUADRATIC; }
141   private:
142     const HKL_data<T1>* hkl_data1;
143     const HKL_data<T2>* hkl_data2;
144   };
147   /*! This class implements the target function for calculating the
148     scale factor to scale one set of I's to another. The resulting
149     scale is the square of the factor that scales the first set of
150     data to match the second. */
151   template<class T1, class T2> class TargetFn_scaleI1I2 : public TargetFn_base
152   {
153   public:
154     //! constructor: takes the datalist against which to calc target
155     TargetFn_scaleI1I2( const HKL_data<T1>& hkl_data1_, const HKL_data<T2>& hkl_data2_ );
156     //! return the value and derivatives of the target function
157     Rderiv rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const;
158     //! the type of the function: optionally used to improve convergence
type()159     FNtype type() const { return QUADRATIC; }
160   private:
161     const HKL_data<T1>* hkl_data1;
162     const HKL_data<T2>* hkl_data2;
163   };
166   //! log |I| scaling target
167   /*! This class implements the target function for calculating the
168     scale factor to scale the weighted log of one set of I's to
169     another. The resulting scale is the square of the factor that
170     scales the first set of data to match the second. The log scaling
171     target is used in conjunction with the log-Gaussian basis
172     functions for a fast and robust approximation to iso/aniso
173     Gaussian scaling.
174   */
175   template<class T1, class T2> class TargetFn_scaleLogI1I2 : public TargetFn_base
176   {
177   public:
178     //! constructor: takes the datalist against which to calc target
179     TargetFn_scaleLogI1I2( const HKL_data<T1>& hkl_data1_, const HKL_data<T2>& hkl_data2_ );
180     //! return the value and derivatives of the target function
181     Rderiv rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const;
182     //! the type of the function: optionally used to improve convergence
type()183     FNtype type() const { return QUADRATIC; }
184   private:
185     const HKL_data<T1>* hkl_data1;
186     const HKL_data<T2>* hkl_data2;
187   };
190   //! |E|<sup>2</sup> scaling target
191   /*! This class implements the target function for calculating the
192     scale factor to normalise to <|E|<sup>2</sup>> = 1. Note that this
193     is not the same as dividing by <|E|<sup>2</sup>>, except in a few
194     special cases, e.g. a simple resolution bins calculation. The
195     resulting targen function is the square of the value by which |E|
196     should be multiplied to acheive the correct normalisation. */
197   template<class T> class TargetFn_scaleEsq : public TargetFn_base
198   {
199   public:
200     //! constructor: takes the datalist against which to calc target
201     TargetFn_scaleEsq( const HKL_data<T>& hkl_data_ );
202     //! return the value and derivatives of the target function
203     Rderiv rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const;
204     //! the type of the function: optionally used to improve convergence
type()205     FNtype type() const { return QUADRATIC; }
206   private:
207     const HKL_data<T>* hkl_data;
208   };
211   //! \deprecated simple sigma_a target function
212   /*! This class implements the target function for calculating sigma_a.
213     Required is a datalist containing Eo, Ec.
215     It actually refines omegaa = sigmaa/(1-sigmaa^2). This has better
216     proerties for refinement. To get sigmaa use
217     \code sigmaa = ( sqrt( 4*omegaa^2 + 1 ) - 1 ) / ( 2*omegaa ) \endcode
218     This is available as a static function:
219     \code sigmaa = targetfn.sigmaa( omegaa ) \endcode
221     This version simplifies terms in |Eo|^2 and |Ec|^2 which should
222     average out to 1 if the normalisation scheme is consistent with
223     the sigmaa calc.
225     Convergence is good for calculations using the 'binner' basis
226     function, however the smooth basis function have convergence
227     problems. This is still under investigation.
228   */
229   template<class T> class TargetFn_sigmaa_omegaa : public TargetFn_base
230   {
231   public:
232     //! constructor: takes the datalist against which to calc target
233     TargetFn_sigmaa_omegaa( const HKL_data<T>& eo, const HKL_data<T>& ec );
234     //! return the value and derivatives of the target function
235     Rderiv rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& omegaa ) const;
236     //! convert omegaa to sigmaa
sigmaa(const ftype & omegaa)237     static ftype sigmaa( const ftype& omegaa )
238     {
239       ftype omeg = (omegaa>0.05) ? omegaa : (0.05*exp(omegaa/0.05-1.0));
240       return 0.5 * ( sqrt( 4.0*omeg*omeg + 1.0 ) - 1.0 ) / omeg;
241     }
242   private:
243     const HKL_data<T>* eo_data;
244     const HKL_data<T>* ec_data;
245   };
248   //! \deprecated simple sigma_a target function
249   /*! \par Warning: Convergence of this basis-function can be
250     unreliable under some circumstances. Use
251     clipper::TargetFn_sigmaa_omegaa instead, except for development
252     purposes.
254     This class implements the target function for calculating sigma_a.
255     Required is a datalist containing Eo, Ec.
257     This version simplifies terms in |Eo|^2 and |Ec|^2 which should
258     average out to 1 if the normalisation scheme is consistent with
259     the sigmaa calc.
260   */
261   template<class T> class TargetFn_sigmaa : public TargetFn_base
262   {
263   public:
264     //! constructor: takes the datalist against which to calc target
265     TargetFn_sigmaa( const HKL_data<T>& eo, const HKL_data<T>& ec );
266     //! return the value and derivatives of the target function
267     Rderiv rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& sigmaa0 ) const;
268     //! convert function to sigmaa
sigmaa(const ftype & sigm)269     static ftype sigmaa( const ftype& sigm ) { return sigm; }
270   private:
271     const HKL_data<T>* eo_data;
272     const HKL_data<T>* ec_data;
273   };
277   // implementations for template functions
279   // mean F^nth
TargetFn_meanFnth(const HKL_data<T> & hkl_data_,const ftype & n)281   template<class T> TargetFn_meanFnth<T>::TargetFn_meanFnth( const HKL_data<T>& hkl_data_, const ftype& n )
282   {
283     power = n;
284     hkl_data = &hkl_data_;
285   }
rderiv(const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index & ih,const ftype & fh)287   template<class T> TargetFn_base::Rderiv TargetFn_meanFnth<T>::rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const
288   {
289     Rderiv result;
290     const HKL_data<T>& data = *hkl_data;
291     if ( !data[ih].missing() ) {
292       ftype d = fh - pow( ftype(data[ih].f()) / sqrt(ih.hkl_class().epsilon()),
293 			  power );
294       result.r = d * d;
295       result.dr = 2.0 * d;
296       result.dr2 = 2.0;
297     } else {
298       result.r = result.dr = result.dr2 = 0.0;
299     }
300     return result;
301   }
303   // mean E^nth
TargetFn_meanEnth(const HKL_data<T> & hkl_data_,const ftype & n)305   template<class T> TargetFn_meanEnth<T>::TargetFn_meanEnth( const HKL_data<T>& hkl_data_, const ftype& n )
306   {
307     power = n;
308     hkl_data = &hkl_data_;
309   }
rderiv(const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index & ih,const ftype & fh)311   template<class T> TargetFn_base::Rderiv TargetFn_meanEnth<T>::rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const
312   {
313     Rderiv result;
314     const HKL_data<T>& data = *hkl_data;
315     if ( !data[ih].missing() ) {
316       ftype d = fh - pow( ftype(data[ih].E()), power );
317       result.r = d * d;
318       result.dr = 2.0 * d;
319       result.dr2 = 2.0;
320     } else {
321       result.r = result.dr = result.dr2 = 0.0;
322     }
323     return result;
324   }
326   // F1-F2 scaling
TargetFn_scaleF1F2(const HKL_data<T1> & hkl_data1_,const HKL_data<T2> & hkl_data2_)328   template<class T1, class T2> TargetFn_scaleF1F2<T1,T2>::TargetFn_scaleF1F2( const HKL_data<T1>& hkl_data1_, const HKL_data<T2>& hkl_data2_ )
329   {
330     hkl_data1 = &hkl_data1_;
331     hkl_data2 = &hkl_data2_;
332   }
rderiv(const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index & ih,const ftype & fh)334   template<class T1, class T2> TargetFn_base::Rderiv TargetFn_scaleF1F2<T1,T2>::rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const
335   {
336     Rderiv result;
337     const T1& ft1 = (*hkl_data1)[ih];
338     const T2& ft2 = (*hkl_data2)[ih];
339     if ( !ft1.missing() && !ft2.missing() ) {
340       const ftype eps = ih.hkl_class().epsilon();
341       const ftype f1 = pow( ft1.f(), 2 ) / eps;
342       const ftype f2 = pow( ft2.f(), 2 ) / eps;
343       const ftype d = fh*f1 - f2;
344       result.r = d * d / f1;
345       result.dr = 2.0 * d;
346       result.dr2 = 2.0 * f1;
347     } else {
348       result.r = result.dr = result.dr2 = 0.0;
349     }
350     return result;
351   }
353   // Log F1-F2 scaling
TargetFn_scaleLogF1F2(const HKL_data<T1> & hkl_data1_,const HKL_data<T2> & hkl_data2_)355   template<class T1, class T2> TargetFn_scaleLogF1F2<T1,T2>::TargetFn_scaleLogF1F2( const HKL_data<T1>& hkl_data1_, const HKL_data<T2>& hkl_data2_ )
356   {
357     hkl_data1 = &hkl_data1_;
358     hkl_data2 = &hkl_data2_;
359   }
rderiv(const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index & ih,const ftype & fh)361   template<class T1, class T2> TargetFn_base::Rderiv TargetFn_scaleLogF1F2<T1,T2>::rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const
362   {
363     Rderiv result;
364     result.r = result.dr = result.dr2 = 0.0;
365     const T1& ft1 = (*hkl_data1)[ih];
366     const T2& ft2 = (*hkl_data2)[ih];
367     if ( !ft1.missing() && !ft2.missing() )
368       if ( ft1.f() > 1.0e-6 && ft2.f() > 1.0e-6 ) {
369 	const ftype eps = ih.hkl_class().epsilon();
370 	const ftype f1 = pow( ft1.f(), 2 ) / eps;
371 	const ftype f2 = pow( ft2.f(), 2 ) / eps;
372 	const ftype w = 1.0;  // f1 * f2;
373 	const ftype d = fh + log(f1) - log(f2);
374 	result.r   =       w * d * d;
375 	result.dr  = 2.0 * w * d;
376 	result.dr2 = 2.0 * w;
377     }
378     return result;
379   }
381   // I1-I2 scaling
TargetFn_scaleI1I2(const HKL_data<T1> & hkl_data1_,const HKL_data<T2> & hkl_data2_)383   template<class T1, class T2> TargetFn_scaleI1I2<T1,T2>::TargetFn_scaleI1I2( const HKL_data<T1>& hkl_data1_, const HKL_data<T2>& hkl_data2_ )
384   {
385     hkl_data1 = &hkl_data1_;
386     hkl_data2 = &hkl_data2_;
387   }
rderiv(const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index & ih,const ftype & fh)389   template<class T1, class T2> TargetFn_base::Rderiv TargetFn_scaleI1I2<T1,T2>::rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const
390   {
391     Rderiv result;
392     const T1& ft1 = (*hkl_data1)[ih];
393     const T2& ft2 = (*hkl_data2)[ih];
394     if ( !ft1.missing() && !ft2.missing() ) {
395       const ftype eps = ih.hkl_class().epsilon();
396       const ftype f1 = ft1.I() / eps;
397       const ftype f2 = ft2.I() / eps;
398       const ftype d = fh*f1 - f2;
399       result.r = d * d / f1;
400       result.dr = 2.0 * d;
401       result.dr2 = 2.0 * f1;
402     } else {
403       result.r = result.dr = result.dr2 = 0.0;
404     }
405     return result;
406   }
408   // Log I1-I2 scaling
TargetFn_scaleLogI1I2(const HKL_data<T1> & hkl_data1_,const HKL_data<T2> & hkl_data2_)410   template<class T1, class T2> TargetFn_scaleLogI1I2<T1,T2>::TargetFn_scaleLogI1I2( const HKL_data<T1>& hkl_data1_, const HKL_data<T2>& hkl_data2_ )
411   {
412     hkl_data1 = &hkl_data1_;
413     hkl_data2 = &hkl_data2_;
414   }
rderiv(const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index & ih,const ftype & fh)416   template<class T1, class T2> TargetFn_base::Rderiv TargetFn_scaleLogI1I2<T1,T2>::rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const
417   {
418     Rderiv result;
419     result.r = result.dr = result.dr2 = 0.0;
420     const T1& ft1 = (*hkl_data1)[ih];
421     const T2& ft2 = (*hkl_data2)[ih];
422     if ( !ft1.missing() && !ft2.missing() )
423       if ( ft1.I() > 1.0e-6 && ft2.I() > 1.0e-6 ) {
424 	const ftype eps = ih.hkl_class().epsilon();
425 	const ftype f1 = ft1.I() / eps;
426 	const ftype f2 = ft2.I() / eps;
427 	const ftype w = 1.0;  // f1 * f2;
428 	const ftype d = fh + log(f1) - log(f2);
429 	result.r   =       w * d * d;
430 	result.dr  = 2.0 * w * d;
431 	result.dr2 = 2.0 * w;
432     }
433     return result;
434   }
436   // E^2 scaling
TargetFn_scaleEsq(const HKL_data<T> & hkl_data_)438   template<class T> TargetFn_scaleEsq<T>::TargetFn_scaleEsq( const HKL_data<T>& hkl_data_ )
439   {
440     hkl_data = &hkl_data_;
441   }
rderiv(const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index & ih,const ftype & fh)443   template<class T> TargetFn_base::Rderiv TargetFn_scaleEsq<T>::rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& fh ) const
444   {
445     Rderiv result;
446     const HKL_data<T>& data = *hkl_data;
447     const ftype two(2.0);
448     if ( !data[ih].missing() ) {
449       ftype fsq = pow( ftype(data[ih].E()), two );
450       ftype d = fsq * fh - 1.0;
451       result.r = d * d / fsq;
452       result.dr = two * d;
453       result.dr2 = two * fsq;
454     } else {
455       result.r = result.dr = result.dr2 = 0.0;
456     }
457     return result;
458   }
461   // sigmaa (omegaa)
TargetFn_sigmaa_omegaa(const HKL_data<T> & eo,const HKL_data<T> & ec)463   template<class T> TargetFn_sigmaa_omegaa<T>::TargetFn_sigmaa_omegaa( const HKL_data<T>& eo, const HKL_data<T>& ec )
464   {
465     eo_data = &eo;
466     ec_data = &ec;
467   }
rderiv(const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index & ih,const ftype & omegaa)469   template<class T> TargetFn_base::Rderiv TargetFn_sigmaa_omegaa<T>::rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& omegaa ) const
470   {
471     Rderiv result;
473     const HKL_data<T>& eodata = *eo_data;
474     const HKL_data<T>& ecdata = *ec_data;
475     if ( eodata[ih].missing() || ecdata[ih].missing()  ) {
476       result.r = result.dr = result.dr2 = 0.0;
477     } else {
478       ftype eo = eodata[ih].E();
479       ftype ec = ecdata[ih].E();
480       ftype omeg = (omegaa>0.05) ? omegaa : (0.05*exp(omegaa/0.05-1.0));
481       ftype sigmaa = 0.5*(sqrt(4*omeg*omeg+1)-1)/omeg;
482       ftype dx = 2.0 * eo * ec;
483       ftype x = dx * omeg;
484       ftype t0 = 1.0/(1-sigmaa*sigmaa) + 0.5*log((1-sigmaa*sigmaa));
485       ftype t1 = sigmaa;
486       ftype t2 = pow(1-sigmaa*sigmaa,2)/(1+sigmaa*sigmaa);
487       if ( ih.hkl_class().centric() ) {
488 	result.r = 1.0*t0 - log( cosh( x/2 ) );
489 	result.dr = 1.0*t1 - dx*0.5*tanh( x/2 );
490 	result.dr2 = 1.0*t2 - dx*dx*0.25*(1.0 - pow(tanh(x/2),2) );
491       } else {
492 	result.r = 2.0*t0 - Util::sim_integ( x );
493 	result.dr = 2.0*t1 - dx*Util::sim( x );
494 	result.dr2 = 2.0*t2 - dx*dx*Util::sim_deriv( x );
495       }
496       if ( omegaa < 0.05 ) {
497 	ftype dy = exp( omegaa/0.05 ) / exp( 1.0 );
498 	ftype dy2 = exp( omegaa/0.05 ) / ( 0.05*exp( 1.0 ) );
499 	result.dr2 = result.dr*dy2 + result.dr2*dy*dy;
500 	result.dr = result.dr*dy;
501       }
502     }
503     return result;
504   }
507   // sigmaa (norm)
TargetFn_sigmaa(const HKL_data<T> & eo,const HKL_data<T> & ec)509   template<class T> TargetFn_sigmaa<T>::TargetFn_sigmaa( const HKL_data<T>& eo, const HKL_data<T>& ec )
510   {
511     eo_data = &eo;
512     ec_data = &ec;
513   }
rderiv(const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index & ih,const ftype & sigmaa0)515   template<class T> TargetFn_base::Rderiv TargetFn_sigmaa<T>::rderiv( const HKL_info::HKL_reference_index& ih, const ftype& sigmaa0 ) const
516   {
517     Rderiv result;
519     const HKL_data<T>& eodata = *eo_data;
520     const HKL_data<T>& ecdata = *ec_data;
521     if ( eodata[ih].missing() || ecdata[ih].missing()  ) {
522       result.r = result.dr = result.dr2 = 0.0;
523     } else {
524       ftype eo = eodata[ih].E();
525       ftype ec = ecdata[ih].E();
526       ftype sigmaa = (sigmaa0>0.99)?(0.99):((sigmaa0<0.01)?0.01:sigmaa0);
527       ftype dx = 2.0 * eo * ec;
528       ftype x = dx * sigmaa/(1-sigmaa*sigmaa);
529       ftype t0 = 1.0/(1-sigmaa*sigmaa) + 0.5*log((1-sigmaa*sigmaa));
530       ftype t1 = sigmaa;
531       ftype t2 = pow(1-sigmaa*sigmaa,2)/(1+sigmaa*sigmaa);
532       if ( ih.hkl_class().centric() ) {
533 	result.r = 1.0*t0 - log( cosh( x/2 ) );
534 	result.dr = 1.0*t1 - dx*0.5*tanh( x/2 );
535 	result.dr2 = 1.0*t2 - dx*dx*0.25*(1.0 - pow(tanh(x/2),2) );
536       } else {
537 	result.r = 2.0*t0 - Util::sim_integ( x );
538 	result.dr = 2.0*t1 - dx*Util::sim( x );
539 	result.dr2 = 2.0*t2 - dx*dx*Util::sim_deriv( x );
540       }
541       ftype ds = (1+sigmaa*sigmaa)/pow(1-sigmaa*sigmaa,2);
542       ftype ds2 = 2*sigmaa*(3+sigmaa*sigmaa)/pow(1-sigmaa*sigmaa,3);
543       result.dr2 = result.dr*ds2 + result.dr2*ds*ds;
544       result.dr = result.dr*ds;
545     }
546     return result;
547   }
550 } // namespace clipper
552 #endif